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OSO-IV observations of the equatorial limb brightening of XUV resonance lines of Nv, O vi, Ne viii, Mg x and Si xii are interpreted with a modified version of a coronal model developed by Dupree and Goldberg (1967). Good agreement is obtained between the observed limb brightening and that predicted by the model. The sensitivity of the predicted limb-brightening curves to changes in parameters describing the model is discussed. Coronal abundances for N, O, Ne, Mg, and Si are obtained.  相似文献   

Limb brightening of XUV lines of the ions Ciii Niii, Niv, Oiii, Oiv, Ov and Siiv is compared with that predicted by a modified version of a coronal model developed by Dupree and Goldberg. Systematic differences between the predicted and observed limb brightening are found. These differences can be eliminated by introducing into the model the effects of spicules that extend up into the chromospheric-coronal transition region. The spicules are assumed to be opaque to radiation between 500 and 900 Å because of absorption in the hydrogen Lyman continuum.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the main features of the far UV spectrum of the binary star AX Mon, observed with the IUE satellite at phase 0.568.Ions indicating a large range of ionization stages, going fromCi,Oi,Ni toSiv,Civ,Nv are present.The spectrum is dominated by shell absorption lines of Feii, Feiii, Siiii,Cii, Alii, Mgii and Niii.Two satellite components are clearly indicated in all these lines except for Niii which presents only one. Their mean velocities are +10±5 km s–1, –75±10 km s–1, and –260±15 km s–1.Red emission wings are observed in the Mgii resonant doublet at 2800 Å, which shows a P Cygni profile. Each of the absorption lines of the Mgii doublet is formed by a narrow component, which is blended with the Mgii interstellar line and a broad component, which shows a complex structure.Broad and asymmetrical profiles are observed for the Siiv,Civ, andNv resonance lines with blue edge velocities about –700±30 km s–1.  相似文献   

The available data speak in favour of space and time inhomogeneity of gaseous corona of our Galaxy. The observedCIV and SiIV ions are formed mainly by fast photons and localized inHII-clouds of the galactic halo. On the other hand, theNV ions are thermally ionized and localized in the gas corresponding to a transformation of hot intercloud coronal gas in theHII-clouds. TheHII-clouds exhibit downward the gas flow. The galactic fountain can eject the interstellar matter up to height of 1 kpc. Such ejections may be also displayed inCIV, SiIV, and partiallyNV, and partiallyNV absorptions. But large gaseous corona extending up to 3–5 kpc proves to be mass-unbalanced. It is possible that the existence of corona is evidence for violent star formation in the galactic disc in the recent past.  相似文献   

The heights of formation of a number of extreme ultraviolet lines in active regions have been measured from OSO-IV spectroheliograms. Using the Lyman continuum at 2000 km above the white light limb as a reference, we find heights for Hei, Heii, Ciii, Niii, Oiv, Ovi, Neviii, Mgx, Sixii, Fexv and Fexvi that are in approximate agreement with models based on analysis of EUV emission intensities. The height of Cii is anomalously high. The accuracy of measurement is typically about 2000 km. The data suggest that the transition zone is less steep than calculated from EUV emission intensities; however, higher resolution observations are necessary to resolve the discrepancy.  相似文献   

We have studied the spatial distribution of XUV emission in the 14 August, 1973 loop prominence observed with the NRL spectroheliograph on Skylab. The loop prominence consists of two large loops and is observed in lines from ions with temperatures ranging from 5 × 104 K to 3 × 106 K. The loops seen in low temperature (106K) lines such as from He ii, Ne vii, Mg vii, Mg viii, and Si viii are systematically displaced from loops seen in higher temperature lines such as from Si xii, Fe xv, and Fe xvi. The cross section of the loop, particularly in cooler lines is nearly constant along the loop. For hotter loops in Si xii, Fe xv, and Fe xvi, however, emission at the top of the loop is more intense and extended than that near the footpoints, which makes the loops appear wider at the top.There is no evidence that the 14 August loop prominence consists of a cooler core surrounded by a hot sheath as in some active region and sunspot loops reported by Foukal (1975, 1976). Rather, the observed spatial displacement between cooler and hotter loops suggest that the 14 August loop prominence is composed of many magnetic flux tubes, each with its own temperature.Ball Corporation. Now with NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center.  相似文献   

Stars inject energy into the interstellar medium (ISM) by radiation, stellar winds, and supernova explosions. This energy injection causes the ISM to be inhomogeneous, which in turn alters the manner in which the energy is transferred through the ISM. A significant fraction of the energy is injected by massive stars, which formHii regions in the ISM. The structure and evolution ofHii regions in a cloudy medium deffers significantly from that in a homogeneous one. The strong stellar winds produced by massive stars form bubbles in the ISM, and the structure of these bubbles is often dominated by the structure of theHii region in which they are embedded. Finally, when the star explodes as a supernova, the evolution and appearance of the resulting remnant is determined by the structure of the bubble andHii region formed by the star during its lifetime.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   

I briefly describe a simple routine for emission-line profile fitting by Gaussian curves or Gauss–Hermite series. The profit (line-profile fitting) routine represent a new alternative for use in fits data cubes, as the ones from Integral Field Spectroscopy or Fabry–Pérot Interferometry, and may be useful to better study the emission-line flux distributions and gas kinematics in distinct astrophysical objects, such as the central regions of galaxies and star forming regions. The profit routine is written in IDL language and is available at .  相似文献   

The fine structure of the Evershed effect was studied using spectrograms obtained on 3 July 1969 at the Pulkovo Observatory. The results of the study of Fei and Cai lines show that the outward motion in the penumbra is concentrated only in dark filaments. It is supposed that interfilamentary spaces are parts of the photosphere not covered by dark filaments. The velocity variation along a few dark filaments shows that maximum velocity is at a distance 0.8 Rs from the center of the sunspot. The mean velocity in the interfilamentary elements is of the same order as that in the photosphere directly adjoining the penumbra. The results of measurement in Ti ii, Fe ii and CH lines show that in the colder upper part of the penumbra (CH) the velocity is greater than the velocity measured in the deeper layers (Feii and Tiii). The mean velocity at the outer boundaries of the dark filaments (Tii) is 1.5–2.0 km/s.  相似文献   

Five 230 Å/mm infrared spectra of Nova Delphini 1967 have been obtained from May to September 1970 on Kodak hypersensitized IN plates. Visual brightness has dropped by one magnitude between fall 1969 and fall 1970. The continuous spectrum remains strong and a mean value of 2.35 is found for the gradient in the region 6000–8000 Å, indicating a slight increase in temperature since 1969. Permitted lines ofHi,Oi, Hei, Feii are weakening, while intensities of forbidden transitions due [Nii], [Fevii], [Oi], [Oii], [Aiii], [Av], [Fevii], [Fex], [Fexi], [Fexi], [Nixv] are much more stable At the dispersion of our spectra, there is little evidence of activity in the nova shell during 1970. Temperature seems to be slightly increasing in the lower layers as well as in the external, low density regions.

Les observations ont été effectuées à l'Observatoire de Haute-Provence (C.N.R.S.)  相似文献   

Nova Vul 1968 No. 2 (Kohoutek) has been studied on Asiago material obtained before and after the announcement of discovery. The nova, fainter than 20 magnitude at minimum, brightened on July 16. The maximum (9.25 B) was reached on July 19. From the light curve the star can be classified as a normal fast nova. Objective prism spectra taken near maximum display the presence of absorption systems with radial velocities from –550 to –2200 km/sec. On slit spectrograms obtained at the end of October, the nova was found in the nebular stage with wide emission bands of H, Hei, Heii,Nii,Niii and forbidden lines ofOiii,Nii,Oi. The degree of excitation is slowly increasing.The nova is strongly reddened by interstellar absorption.  相似文献   

The intensity ratios of Niii, Oiii, Oiv, and Ov lines observed by the HCO experiment on Skylab are compared with the results of recent multilevel calculations. It is found that solar transition-region spectra require Lyman continuum absorption. The equivalent optical thickness of the absorbers causing the weakening is found to be 1.6–1.7 for a quiet area, 1.4–1.9 for a coronal hole, and 2.4–2.5 for active regions. These values are consistent with previous estimates from different methods.  相似文献   

We studied the EUV line spectra of three flare observed with the NRL slit spectrograph on Skylab. The electron densities in the flare transition-zone plasmas are determined from density-sensitive lines of Si iii and O iv. The electron densities in all three flares studied were greatest during the flare maximum with values of the order of 1012 cm–3. The density decreases by a factor of 2 to 3 in the decay phase of the flares. The intensities of EUV lines from the flare chromospheric and transition-zone plasmas all are greatly enhanced. In contrast to lines for Oi, Ci, Feii and other chromospheric ions, the lines of Oiv and Nv and other transition-zone lines are not only enhanced but also very much broadened.Fitting of the N v 1242 Å line with a two-gaussian model shows that for two of the flares studied, there is a red-shifted component in addition to an unshifted component. The shifted component in the N v line profiles is interpreted as due to a dynamic and moving plasma with a bulk motion velocity of 12 km s–1 for one flare and more than 70 km s–1 for the other. The broadened line profiles indicate that there are large turbulent mass motions with random velocities ranging from 30 to 80 km s–1.Ball Corporation. Now with NASA/Marshall Space Flight Center.  相似文献   

A rocket borne spectrometer was flown to measure absolute intensities of extreme ultraviolet spectral lines from the three ions O vi, Ne viii, and Mg x present in the Sun. From these measurements, intensity ratios of lines from O vi, ratios of lines from Ne viii, and ratios of lines from Mg x were formed. These experimental ratios were compared with ratios calculated by using specific theoretical values of the ionization equilibrium in which dielectronic recombination was included in the processes establishing ionization balance. The effects of the electron density and temperature gradient on the temperature distribution of the flux of the spectral lines in the solar atmosphere have been taken into account in the calculations of the ratios. The agreement between the experimental and calculated ratios is good for the ions Ne viii and Mg x and satisfactory for the ion O vi for which the calculated ratio is subject to large uncertainties. A reliable measurement of the electron temperature in the lower corona was obtained from the experimental ratios for Mg x. This experimental temperature is in good agreement with the emission temperature of the spectral lines of Mg x predicted from the theoretical values of the ionization equilibrium. The design and photometric calibration of a new rocket spectrometer developed to measure the intensity ratios over the broad spectral region 50 to 1250 Å are also described.  相似文献   

The question of the origin of the symbiotic stellar lines at 6830 Å and 7088 Å, recently proposed to arise from Raman scattering of ultraviolet Ovi lines by hydrogen, is examined quantitatively by comparing line intensities expected from this process with the intensity of an Feii line photoexcited by one of the same Ovi lines. It appears that Raman scattering does not yield sufficient intensity to account for the symbiotic lines. An alternative mechanism for producing the lines exists, however, in off-line-center photoexcitation of optically thick hydrogen by the Ovi lines. This gives intensities which are higher than Raman intensities, and which are more consistent with the Feii fluorescent line intensity. Observed further redward shifts are also explained by the mechanism. It is therefore suggested that the proposed hypothesis of Ovi–Hi interaction may be valid, but that the process involved is probably not second-order Raman scattering but first-order fluorescent scattering.  相似文献   

The nova-like variable RR Telescopii observed at Cerro Tololo Observatory in 1968 displayed an unusually rich emission line spectrum ranging in excitation from Mgi to [Feviii]. A list of lines with their suggested identifications and approximate intensities covers the range from 3100 to 6700. Only a semi-quantitative discussion is possible since photographic measurements of line intensities could not be calibrated photoelectrically.The spectrum can be interpreted as coming from a highly, inhomogeneous stratified shell illuminated by an extremely hot source. Radiation of Mgi [Oi], [Nii], and [Sii] arises from dense pockets shielded from ionizing radiation. The [Oiii] and [Neiv] radiation appears to originate in strata with densities of the order of 5×106 ions/cm3 and a temperature of the order of 18000 K. The abundance of iron appears to be comparable with that of neon. The helium/hydrogen ratio may be about 0.24.  相似文献   

IUE ultraviolet spectral recording for a low excitating planetary nebula NGC 6369 is obtained. The very strong doublet 2800 Mgii in emission as well as not less strong absorption line 2852 Mgi are discovered in the spectrum of this nebula. It is shown that the resonance line 2852 Mgi may originate only in a neutral envelope, around the nebula, consisting of neutral hydrogen, neutral magnesium, and dust particles (Hi+Mgi). The importance of this absorption line as a powerful indicator of the discovery of neutral envelopes around the planetary nebulae is outlined.The possibility of the existence of one more envelope—transition zone—immediately contacting with the bright that is ionized part of nebula (Hii+Mgii) is also shown. The transition zone consists of neutral hydrogen, ionized magnesium, and dust particles (Hi+Mgii), main parameters of this zone are also obtained (Table IV).The temperature of the central star of this nebula is obtained for the first time:T *=48000 K. Continuous background in the interval 2600–3000 Å is identified with Balmer continuum with electron temperatureT e =12500 K.  相似文献   

A detailed list and analysis of line identifications of five UV spectra of the RS CVn-type binary system TY Pyxidis are presented. These spectra are recorded at different phases with the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE). Two of them are in the wavelength range1235–1950 Å while the other three in the range2700–3110 Å.The far-UV spectrum of TY Pyx is mainly an emission spectrum dominated by the emission lines of the ions:Ci, Oi, Cii, Siii, Heii, Alii, and Feiii. We also pointed out the existence of a Feiii [34] line in absorption.The UV spectrum between 2700–3110 Å is dominated by weak absorption lines. Two satellite components are indicated for many lines, which correspond to the two stars of the system, in the two out of the three spectra (LWP 13386 and LWP 13347).Violet emission wings are observed for Fei [1], Tii [1],Oiv [1], and Siiii [1]. The UV spectrum of TY Pyx is also characterized by the multi-structure of Mgii [1] resonance lines.Based on data from the International Ultraviolet Explorer, de-archived from the Villafranca Data Archive of the European Space Agency.  相似文献   

The observation of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emission lines of Fe ix through Fe xvi made by Orbiting Solar Observatory-1 are discussed and applied to a study of the solar corona above active regions. Ultraviolet and radio emission are determined and compared for several levels of activity classified according to the type of sunspot group associated with the active region. Both radio emission and line radiation from Fe xvi, the highest stage of ionization of Fe observed, are observed to increase rapidly with the onset of activity and are most intense over an E-spot group early in the lifetime of the active region. As activity diminishes, radiation from Fe xv and Fe xvi becomes relatively more prominent. The observations imply that the coronal temperature reaches a maximum during the period of highest activity, as indicated by sunspot-group complexity and the occurrence of chromospheric flares. A maximum coronal electron temperature of 4.0 × 106 °K is estimated when taking into account the mechanism of dielectronic recombination. Concurrently, the average coronal electron density increases by a factor of 10–12. Both electron temperature and density decrease as activity subsides. The coronal temperature above the remaining Ca ii plage is estimated to be 2.5–3.0 × 106 °K after flare activity has ceased and sunspots have disappeared.  相似文献   

Nine high- and low-resolution IEU spectra at different orbital phases during different cycles, of the hydrogen-poor single-lined spectroscopic binary KS per (HD 30353) have been studied. The near-UV spectrum is characterized by the presence of several lines of once ionized metals which show the same orbital RV shifts observed in the visual range. The MgII resonance lines present a sharp interstellar + circumstellar core and an emission peak at about 83 and 92 km s–1. The far UV spectrum is characterized by the presence of strong absorptions of the resonance lines ofNV,CIV, SiIV, SiIII.Direct determination of the IS extinction from the 2200 Å feature givesE(B-V)=0.33. A comparison of corrected logarithmic continuous energy distribution with the theoretical models by Kurucz, indicates that the companion is a hot star,T e=15000 K; logg=4. A comparison with the recent UV work ofv Sgr, shows that, KS Per is very similar tov Sgr.Based on observations by the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) collected at the Villafrance Satellite Tracking Station and obtained from the IUE data bank.  相似文献   

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