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In this study, dried anaerobic digested sludge (DADS) was utilized to remove 4-chlorophenol (4-CP) from aqueous solutions. Batch biosorption experiments were carried out to investigate the effects of physicochemical parameters such as pH, contact time, biosorbent dosage, and initial concentration. Artificial neural network (ANN) was then used to predict the removal efficiency of the process. The comparison between predicted and experimental results provided a high degree of determination coefficient (R2 = 0.98), indicating that the model could predict the biosorption efficiency with reasonable accuracy. Biosorption data were successfully described by the Freundlich isotherm and pseudofirst-order model. The Weber–Morris kinetic model indicated that intraparticle diffusion was not the only rate-controlling step, and other mechanisms may be involved in the biosorption process. The optimum pH was detected to be 3 for DADS. By increasing contact time and biosorbent dosage, the removal efficiency of 4-CP increased. Also, a decreasing trend was observed when initial concentrations were increased. The findings suggested that the results predicted by ANN are very close to the experimental values, and DADS as an available adsorbent can efficiently remove 4-CP from aqueous solutions.  相似文献   

A geophysical investigation of a landfill area was conducted as inextricable phase of a preliminary geotechnical, geological and hydrogeological study of the area under investigation. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), one of the most promising prospecting techniques mainly concerning its effective contribution to resolve several environmental problems, was applied for the geophysical modeling. ERT is a robust imaging method the theory and implementation of which are well documented in geophysical research literature. The survey site is located in Akrotirion Peninsula, about 7 km east of Chania city in Crete I. The geological setting comprises Trypalion limestones, marly limestones and a clayed weathered layer. Cavities are also identified at various scales which are recent tectono-karstic voids. Due to the above-mentioned geological singularity and in the light of the requirement for an environmentally safe construction of the landfill, an ERT survey was carried out. Specifically, seven geoelectrical tomographies were conducted reaching the prospecting depth of 36 m. The resulted images conduced, to overcome geotechnical problems since the spatial distribution of karstic voids was determined, to plan the future sites for waste disposal as the geological conditions were studied in detail and to reliably estimate the thickness of the already deposited wastes. The resulted images were confirmed using available borehole logs and ambient noise measurements.  相似文献   

Tubifex tubifex has been shown to survive in organic polluted environments, however, not much has been done on its inorganic pollution tolerance. Samples of T. tubifex and their respective sewage sludge were taken from Soche wastewater treatment plant in Blantyre City, Malawi during July 2007 to November 2008. The total number of sludge samples taken was fifty one which was made into seventeen composite samples. A total of seventeen T. Tubifex samples were also collected. The samples were analyzed for copper, lead, manganese, zinc and cadmium using standard methods from American Public Health Association and Association of Official Analytical Chemists. The concentrations of metals in sewage sludge and T. tubifex were on dry weight basis and the metals determined were acid extractable. In general, heavy metals concentration was lower in T. tubifex than in sewage sludge. The range of heavy metals concentrations were (in sludge and (T. tubifex)): zinc 275.3–361.5 mg/kg (45.0–82.2 mg/kg), manganese 293.7–230.1 mg/kg (1.21–3.69 mg/kg), copper 86.5–120.1 mg/kg (1.6–4.7 mg/kg), lead 11.2–22.4 mg/kg (Below detection limit–0.95 ) and cadmium 1.12–2.31 mg/kg (1.08–2.18 mg/kg). The results showed significant differences between the concentrations of manganese, copper, lead and zinc in sewage sludge and T. tubifex (p < 0.05). However there was no significant difference between the concentrations of cadmium in sewage sludge and T. tubifex (p > 0.05). T. tubifex did not show the ability to accumulate heavy metals (attributed to its high defecation and metabolic rate) except for cadmium hence cannot be used as a bioindicator for heavy metal pollution in sludge.  相似文献   

大兴安岭南段维拉斯托锡钨锂多金属矿是近年来新发现的大型矿床,具有"上脉下体"的垂向矿化分带特征,矿集区范围内表现出以花岗岩体为中心的高温锡钨钼矿化、中温铜锌矿化、外围低温铅锌银矿化的水平分带。目前,对锡钨锂多金属矿化与外围脉状铅锌银铜矿化的内在成因关系和形成机制及深部地质背景还缺乏足够的认识。Ar-Ar年代学研究结果表明,维拉斯托锡钨锂矿区石英脉型矿石中白云母的Ar-Ar坪年龄为(131.7±1.4)Ma,显示其与外围维拉斯托铜锌矿床和拜仁达坝银铅锌矿床的成矿时代基本一致,属同一构造-岩浆活动产物。石英斑岩中铁锂云母的Ar-Ar坪年龄为(121.9±1.3)Ma,可能代表了最晚期的岩浆活动时限,暗示维拉斯托矿区存在多期次岩浆-热液活动。本次研究还获得了维拉斯托矿床东南侧磨盘山岩体边部黑云母二长花岗岩锆石U-Pb年龄为(141.6±1.5)Ma(MSWD=0.75),该年龄不仅与含矿岩体石英斑岩体的年龄一致,也与北大山高分异杂岩体的形成年龄相近,揭示了维拉斯托外围高分异花岗杂岩体深边部及其与地层接触带部位还有寻找锡多金属矿的巨大潜力。综合本次工作和大量前人工作的基础上,笔者认为大兴安岭南段稀有金属矿床都形成于大陆边缘弧后伸展和软流圈上涌的构造背景,维拉斯托锡钨锂矿化与外围脉状铅锌银铜矿化属同一岩浆-热液成矿系统,不同金属元素在不同的矿化空间内的选择性沉淀是造成元素分带性的直接原因,其成矿特征上可类比南美玻利维亚锡银成矿带。值得提出的是,维拉斯托矿区岩石组合与松潘-甘孜造山带与锂矿化有关的片麻岩穹窿群类似,锡林郭勒杂岩可能为成矿提供了部分物质来源,对于岩浆-变形-变质-深熔作用过程及对稀有金属成矿的制约还需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

新疆北部广泛发育具有岩浆混合特征的岩体,岩体类型主要有钙碱性花岗岩、碱长花岗岩和碱性花岗岩,其中以第一类最为发育;岩体中的暗色包体类型以闪长质为主,成分可从闪长岩、石英闪长岩、石英二长闪长岩,过渡到花岗闪长岩,部分地区可发育辉长质、安山玄武质、安山玢岩质包体;有些地区还发育有岩浆混合岩.该区岩浆混合作用主要形成于四个大地构造演化阶段,即D3-C1交界的洋-陆俯冲期、C1末-C2初的碰撞期、C2-P的后碰撞期和T1的板内期.岩浆混合作用的判别标志有岩体宏观标志(近等轴状)、野外宏观标志(暗色微粒包体发育,有时可见岩浆混合岩)、显微标志(淬冷和矿物不平衡结构)、岩石地球化学标志(线性过渡特征)、年龄(一致)标志等.该区的岩浆混合作用是多级次的,其深部岩浆源区的混合表现为壳幔相互混合作用;混合作用表现出多阶段性,以基性岩浆注入到酸性岩浆为主要方式,由物理混合到化学混合渐变过渡.该区岩浆混合作用与斑岩铜钼金矿床密切相关,其成矿关系模式可概括为:基性岩浆与花岗质岩浆混合产生混合岩浆,经过进一步分异演化形成了含矿岩浆;与岩浆混合作用有关的斑岩铜钼矿的找矿标志为:岩浆混合作用强烈的大岩体内或附近晚期补充侵入的小型斑岩体具有找矿潜力.  相似文献   

本文通过观察在尿素和Stoke培养基中生长的球衣菌细胞壁内及其周围氢氧化铁凝胶的矿化过程,研究球衣菌分泌的多糖和蛋白质对氢氧化铁凝胶矿化结晶行为的调控作用。采用TEM、UV和FTIR对两种矿化体系微生物矿化产物进行了观察和分析,同时对比以纯葡聚糖为有机基质作用下氢氧化铁凝胶的矿化过程,结果表明微生物多糖和葡聚糖均能控制水溶液中铁离子及氢氧化铁凝胶的成核机制、结晶相和晶体的生长速度,主要矿化产物为纳米级四方纤铁矿(β-FeOOH)。  相似文献   

The selection of the disposal site is probably the most important step in the development of solid waste management. In site selection, geology plays a determining role. This study evaluates the characteristics of the environment on the basis of the geological, hydrogeological and geo-engineering properties of the solid waste site of the Sivas city, Turkey. The area is underlain by the Oligocene-Miocene rocks which have limited aquifer properties. Thin Quaternary alluvium and soil cover overlie the Oligo-Miocene rocks, which are represented as well graded sand and inorganic silt of low plasticity. The Quaternary alluvium and soil cover are classified as inorganic clays having a low plasticity and the permeability varies from 1.2×10−6 to 3.11×10−6 m/s. These values are much higher than 1×10−8 m/s, which is accepted for waste disposal standards. Seepage waters have a potential to pollute the ground water and the Kızılırmak River, which is 500 m to the southwest of the waste disposal area and because the disposal site is close to the river, the potential for flash flooding poses a high pollution risk. The waste disposal area must be covered by clay layers or an impervious artificial membrane. In addition, seepage must be controlled and removed from the site.  相似文献   

Uranium is a common contaminant of concern in the aquifers of nuclear waste management facilities around the world. The Electrochemical Plant (ECP) (Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia) and the Angarsk Electrolysis Chemical Complex (AEСC) (Irkutsk Region, Russia) have produced enriched uranium and related nuclear wastes (sludge materials) since the 1960s. The results of the detailed sampling of groundwater and waste solutions near the storage sites of radioactive waste are presented elsewhere (Gaskova et al., 2011, Boguslavskiy et al., 2012). A number of experimental studies were conducted in the laboratory (a) to investigate the uranium-containing sludge leaching by regional groundwater and (b) to understand the ability of host sediments to retain major and minor components from drainage solutions as a function of the water/rock ratio (indicating the timescale over which the behavior is observed). The geochemical modeling code “HCh” was applied to simulate these processes and to predict the long-term environmental impact of residual uranium. The experimental and thermodynamic results indicate that U leaching from the sludge materials is less dependent on the specific solubility of the sludge sediments and more dependent on the solid uranium species in this sludge. The model simulation of uranium sorption in dynamic experiments was successful only in the case of the permanent filtration of less mineralized groundwater in fine-grained clay rocks. To more accurately describe the potential future release of U from the residual waste sites, a series of batch reactor experiments needs to be conducted.  相似文献   

The author discusses some of the construction methods used in building the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, the disposal of surplus excavated materials, and the reclamation of disposal areas along the waterway Emphasis is placed on the steps taken to assure protection of natural resources and to promote overall environmental quality.  相似文献   

张生  陈根文 《地质科学》2015,(3):898-910
低密度的水热蒸气和超临界似气流体广泛存在于中地壳至地球表面的各种地质环境中, 是成矿金属搬运和富集的重要介质。火山喷气凝结水、火山结壳和升华物、矿床的流体包裹体气相中均存在具有地质意义的W含量或含钨矿物, 表明W同样可在含水气相中溶解和迁移。本文在350 ℃~400 ℃和压力为60~200 bar的实验条件下, 测定了WO3-H2O体系中W在水蒸气和似气流体中的溶解度, 考察了水蒸气压力对W溶解度的影响。结果显示, W在水蒸气中的逸度(或含量)远高于依据无水体系中固体WO3挥发性数据计算的蒸气压力, 证明气态溶质W与溶剂水蒸气之间存在促进W溶解的水合作用。经热力学方法分析, 认为可能形成了WO3·nH2O(g)形式的水合气体物种, 其水合数n在350 ℃、370 ℃和400 ℃时分别为1.4、1.6和2.9。因此WO3·3H2O(g)或H2WO4·2H2O(g)及H6WO6(g)在温压较高的岩浆-热液或气成-热液成矿环境中(如斑岩系统)对W的气态迁移和浓集可能具有重要作用, 而在温压较低的水热蒸气条件下, W的迁移形式可能以水合数较小的WO3·H2O(g)(或H2WO4)和WO3·2H2O(g)(或H2WO4·H2O)物种为主, 其含量或比例随水蒸气的压力而改变。某些斑岩型和脉型钨(钼)矿床常存在富气体包裹体, 伴随酸性岩浆结晶出溶的以低盐度含水蒸气占优势的岩浆流体对斑岩系统中W、Mo在高温阶段的气态迁移和矿质在花岗岩体顶部和上覆岩层的聚集具有重要意义, 之后蒸气冷凝可产生高盐度的含矿卤水或与渗流地下水混合形成低-中等盐度的成矿流体, 流体的减压沸腾(相分离)和对围岩的交代蚀变导致W、Mo等金属在不同阶段和构造-岩性部位沉淀富集。  相似文献   

Element geochemistry of gold arsenic and mineralogical features of their sulfides in the Carlin-type gold depostis of the Qinling region are discussed in this paper.The initial contents of ore-forming elements such as glod and arsenic are high the ore-bearing rock series in the Qinling region.Furthermore,both the metals are concentrated mainly in the diagenetic pyrite.Study on the mineralogy of arsenic-bearing sulfide minerals in the ores demonstrated that there is a poistive correlation between gold and arsenic in the sulfide minerals.Available evidence suggests that gold in the As-bearing sulfide minerals in likely to be presented as a charge species(Au ),and it is most possible for it to replace the exxcess arsenic at the site of iron and war probably deposited together with arsenic as solid in the sulfide minerals. Pyrite is composed of(Aux^3 ,Fe1-2^2 )([AsS]x^3-[S2]1-x^2-),and arenopyrite of (Aux^3 ,Fe1-x^3 )([AsS]x^3-[AsS2]1-x^3-).The occurrence of glod in the As-sulfied minerals from the Carlin-type gold depostis in the Qinling region has been confirmed by electron probe and transmission electron microscopic studies.The results show that gold was probably depostied together with arsenicas coupled solid solutions in sulfide minerals in the early stage of mineralization.Metallogenic chemical reactions concerning gold deposition in the Carlin-type As-rich gold deposits would involve oxidation of glod and concurrent reduction of arsenic.Later,the deposited gold as solid was remobilized and redistributed as exsolutions,as a result of increasing hydrothermal alteration and crystallization,and decreasing resistance to refractoriness of the host minerals.Gold occurs as sub-microscopic grains(ranging from 0.04tp 0.16μm in diameter)of native gold along micro factures in and crystalline grains of the sulfiedes.  相似文献   

Metallogenic provinces in Europe range in age from the Archaean to the Neogene. Deposit types include porphyry copper and epithermal Cu–Au, volcanic-hosted massive sulphide (VMS), orogenic gold, Fe-oxide–Cu–Au, anorthosite Fe–Ti-oxide and sediment-hosted base-metal deposits. Most of them formed during short-lived magmatic events in a wide range of tectonic settings; many can be related to specific tectonic processes such as subduction, hinge retreat, accretion of island arcs, continental collision, lithosphere delamination or slab tear. In contrast, most sediment-hosted deposits in Europe evolved in extensional, continental settings over significant periods of time. In Europe, as elsewhere, ore formation is an integral part of the geodynamic evolution of the Earth's crust and mantle. Many tectonic settings create conditions conducive to the generation of water-rich magma, but the generation of ore deposits appears to be restricted to locations and short periods of change in temperature and stress, imposed by transitory plate motions. Crustal influence is evident in the strong structural controls on the location and morphology of many ore deposits in Europe. Crustal-scale fault–fracture systems, many involving strike-slip elements, have provided the fabric for major plumbing systems. Rapid uplift, as in metamorphic core complexes, and hydraulic fracturing can generate or focus magmatic–hydrothermal fluid flow that may be active for time spans significantly less than a million years. Once a hydrologically stable flow is established, ore formation is strongly dependent on the steep temperature and pressure gradients experienced by the fluid, particularly within the upper crust. In Europe, significant fracture porosity deep in the crystalline basement (1%) is not only important for magmatic–hydrothermal systems, but allows brines to circulate down through sedimentary basins and then episodically upward, expelled seismically to produce sediment-hosted base-metal deposits and Kupferschiefer copper deposits. Emerging research, stimulated by GEODE, can improve the predicting power of numerical simulations of ore-forming processes and help discover the presence of orebodies beneath barren overburden.  相似文献   

滇西马厂箐斑岩型铜钼(金)矿床成岩成矿时代研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
滇西马厂箐铜钼(金)矿床是金沙江-哀牢山构造带与喜马拉雅期富碱斑岩有关的典型斑岩型矿床之一。富碱斑岩侵入体为多期、多阶段岩浆活动形成的复式岩体,已有的研究资料表明岩浆活动时限在64~29 Ma。文中提供的锆石LA ICP MS U Pb和辉钼矿Re Os同位素年代学研究资料显示,马厂箐含矿岩体锆石U Pb年龄(封闭温度约800 ℃时)为(3793±082) Ma,代表了富碱斑岩的成岩年龄;辉钼矿的Re Os年龄(封闭温度约500 ℃)为(3472±05) Ma,代表成矿时代。该研究结果与前人确定的晚期富碱斑岩岩浆活动的时间(32 Ma)相近,也与前人获得的蚀变黑云母K Ar定年(封闭温度300 ℃)结果(351±08) Ma相近,因此可以认为成矿作用与岩体快速冷却过程中发生成矿流体大量分离和出溶有关。成岩作用与成矿作用的时间跨度大约为2 Ma。因此,金沙江-哀牢山多金属成矿带的斑岩型铜钼矿床是与富碱斑岩成岩作用近同期成矿作用的产物,成矿作用时限集中在40~35 Ma左右。  相似文献   

杨忠虎  李楠  张良  张志超 《地学前缘》2019,26(5):174-188
阳山金矿带因其独特的构造位置、超大型金资源量以及成矿后区域发生大规模隆升剥蚀事件,成为矿床学领域研究热年代学的理想选区。本文针对金矿带成矿后热历史演化开展锆石和磷灰石裂变径迹研究,获得如下成果:(1)锆石裂变径迹年龄值分布范围为(287.0±21)~(101±3) Ma(1σ),且不同岩性的年龄值各有特征,砂板岩锆石裂变径迹年龄值跨度最大(287~107 Ma),千枚岩锆石裂变径迹值分布范围为177~101 Ma,斜长花岗斑岩中锆石裂变径迹年龄值为193~185 Ma;(2)磷灰石裂变径迹年龄值分布范围为(69±7)~(46±14) Ma(1σ),径迹长度及其分布特征显示金矿带在晚白垩世—古新世的地层冷却表现为单调且缓慢地通过磷灰石裂变径迹的封闭温度。根据金矿带热历史演化分析,结合研究区古地温梯度、成矿深度数据,得出泥山矿段先于葛条湾矿段剥蚀,阳山金矿带自白垩纪以来地层总剥蚀厚度约为12.24 km,矿体剥蚀厚度上限约为880 m,推测阳山金矿带北部地层剥蚀少的矿段有较大的找矿潜力。  相似文献   

鄂东南程潮铁矿多世代叠加成矿作用:磁铁矿证据   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
湖北程潮铁矿是长江中下游成矿带最大的矽卡岩型铁矿床,主要产于早白垩世中酸性侵入岩与三叠系地层的接触带上。为了进一步探讨其富铁矿的形成机制,本文对该矿床中不同产状的磁铁矿和不同岩性侵入岩中的副矿物磁铁矿进行了详细的野外地质观察和显微结构分析,发现在多数磁铁矿矿石和矿化矽卡岩中均存在多世代磁铁矿矿化叠加现象。根据显微观察和BSE图像特征,程潮铁矿中热液期磁铁矿可以划分为四个世代,即Mt1、Mt2、Mt3、Mt4,其中Mt1颗粒表面不均匀,溶解-再沉淀现象明显;Mt2沿Mt1边缘生长,颗粒表面均匀,环带发育;Mt3沿Mt2边缘生长,颗粒表面均匀,环带不发育;Mt4多呈板条状或他形粒状,环带不发育。电子探针分析结果表明:同一世代不同产状或同一产状不同世代磁铁矿之间具有明显的成分差异,其中以Si、Al、Ca、Mg等含量较高的元素差异最为明显,而Ti、Cr、V、Zn、Ni等含量较低的元素差异则相对较小。这些差异性可能与磁铁矿结晶时成矿流体氧逸度、温度、元素浓度和水岩反应比例密切相关。不同世代热液磁铁矿与矿区岩体副矿物磁铁矿对比发现,二者在矿物结构和微量元素组成上存在明显差异,特别以微量元素Ti含量差异最大。程潮铁矿与不同成因类型矿床中的磁铁矿成分对比分析结果,进一步暗示出程潮铁矿中的磁铁矿为接触交代成因,并非矿浆成因。半定量模拟计算结果表明,Mt1、Mt2、Mt3在整个成矿过程中贡献了至少96%的铁质,对成矿起到了决定性作用。多世代磁铁矿矿化叠加过程不仅为揭示程潮大型铁矿的富集过程提供了重要依据,同时也为进一步理解矽卡岩型富铁矿的成矿机制提供了重要启示。  相似文献   

The Au-Ag (-Pb-Zn) Apacheta deposit is located in the Shila district, 600 km southeast of Lima in the Cordillera Occidental of Arequipa Province, southern Peru. The vein mineralization is found in Early to Middle Miocene calc-alkaline lava flows and volcanic breccias. Both gangue and sulfide mineralization express a typical low-sulfidation system; assay data show element zoning with base metals enriched at depth and higher concentrations of precious metals in the upper part of the veins. Three main deposition stages are observed: (1) early pyrite and base-metal sulfides with minor electrum 1 and acanthite; (2) brecciation of this mineral assemblage and cross-cutting veinlets with subhedral quartz crystals, Mn-bearing calcite and rhombic adularia crystals; and finally (3) veinlets and geodal filling of an assemblage of tennantite/tetrahedrite + colorless sphalerite 2 + galena + chalcopyrite + electrum 2. Fluid inclusions in the mineralized veins display two distinct types: aqueous-carbonic liquid-rich Lw-c inclusions, and aqueous-carbonic vapor-rich Vw-c inclusions. Microthermometric data indicate that the ore minerals were deposited between 300 and 225 °C from relatively dilute hydrothermal fluids (0.6-3.4 wt% NaCl). The physical and chemical characteristics of the hydrothermal fluids show a vertical evolution, with in particular a drop in temperature and a loss of H2S. The presence of adularia and platy calcite and of co-existing liquid-rich and vapor-rich inclusions in the ore-stage indicates a boiling event. Strong H2S enrichment in the Vw-c inclusions observed at -200 m, the abundance of platy calcite, and the occurrence of hydrothermal breccia at this level may indicate a zone of intense boiling. The vertical element zoning observed in the Apacheta deposit thus seems to be directly related to the vertical evolution of hydrothermal-fluid characteristics. Precious-metal deposition mainly occurred above the 200-m level below the present-day surface, in response to a liquid/vapor phase separation due to an upward boiling front.  相似文献   

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