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Permian granulites associated with noritic intrusions and websterites are a common feature of the post-Variscan European crust. Such granulites are common in the Southern Alps (e.g. Ivrea Zone), but occur only in the Gruf Complex in the Central Alps. To understand the geotectonic significance of these granulites, in particular in the context of Alpine migmatisation, zircons from 15 high-grade samples have been U–Pb dated by SHRIMP II analysis. Oscillatory zoned zircons from charnockite sheets, interpreted as melts generated through granulite facies fluid-absent biotite melting at 920–940°C, yield ages of 282–260 Ma. Some of these zircons contain inclusions of opx, unequivocally attributable to the granulite facies, thus confirming a Permian age for the charnockites and associated granulites. Two samples from an enclave-rich orthogneiss sheet yield Cambrian and Ordovician zircon cores. Two deformed leucogranites and six ortho- and augengneisses, which compose two-thirds of the Gruf Complex, give zircon ages of 290–260 Ma. Most zircons have milky rims with ages of 34–29 Ma. These rims date the Alpine amphibolite facies migmatisation, an interpretation confirmed by directly dating a leucosome pocket from upper amphibolite facies metapelites. The Gruf charnockites associated with metre-scale schlieren and boudins of opx–sapphirine–garnet–granulites, websterites and gabbronorites can thus be identified as part of the post-Variscan European lower crust. A geotectonic reconstruction reveals that this piece of lower crust stranded in the (European) North upon rifting of the Neotethys, such contrasting the widespread granulite units in the Southern Alps. Emplacement of the Gruf lower crust into its present-day position occurred during migmatisation and formation of the Bergell Pluton in the aftermath of the breakoff of the European slab.  相似文献   

The Permian Solonker–Xar Moron River Suture in South Mongolia and Inner Mongolia of China represents a major tectonic boundary in Asia. The position of its eastward continuation in northeastern China has been debated for many years. In order to resolve this debate, we measured detrital zircons of the Cisuralian (Early Permian) plant fossil-bearing Hesheng Formation in the Yanbian area, Jilin Province. The detrital zircons have ages of ca. 2541–2535 Ma, 1897–1832 Ma, 458–452 Ma, and 390–280 Ma. We therefore conclude that the depositional age of the Hesheng Formation is younger than ca. 280 Ma; this is consistent with paleontologic data that indicates an Artinskian–Early Kungurian age. The presence of Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic zircons suggests that the Hesheng Formation may have a North-China affinity; the absence of Neoproterozoic and Pan-African zircons preclude detrital sources from the Jiamusi–Mongolia Block during the Cisuralian. This, combined with the Permian floristic and stratigraphic data, provides a clue that the Solonker–Xar Moron River Suture likely extends to the Wangqing–Hunchun region, in eastern Jilin Province.  相似文献   

A series of new Sensitive High-Resolution Ion MicroProbe (SHRIMP) U – Pb ages is presented for Palaeozoic (mainly Devonian and Carboniferous) granites from Tasmania. In virtually all instances the new ages are significantly older than previously determined Rb – Sr and K – Ar ages, even though the level of emplacement had been thought to be too shallow to allow loss of radiogenic daughter products. In two extreme cases, granite bodies at South West Cape and Elliott Bay that had previously yielded Carboniferous Rb – Sr and Early Devonian K – Ar ages, respectively, are now both shown to be Late Cambrian. In northeast Tasmania, granitic activity in the Blue Tier Batholith lasted for about 22 million years, with I-type magmas being followed by S-types only toward the end of that time. The exclusively I-type granites of the Scottsdale Batholith formed about 10 million years after the initiation of igneous activity in the Blue Tier Batholith, and were emplaced over a comparatively short time interval (4 – 5 million years). The new data confirm a previously held view, based on Rb – Sr analysis, that the economically important Lottah Granite crystallised roughly 9 million years later than the nearby Poimena Granite and, therefore, could not have been derived by magmatic fractionation of the latter. A regional deformation equated with the Tabberabberan Orogeny has been dated at about 390 Ma in northeastern Tasmania, based on the presence or absence of a northwest-trending foliation in the different granite bodies. The oldest granites occur in the northeast of Tasmania, with an irregular progression of ages to the west coast. A trend of this type could have arisen in an arc-free or arc-related environment. If the latter applies, either flat subduction or processes associated with the amalgamation of eastern and western basement terranes might be the controlling mechanism. Eastern Tasmania experienced a trend from mafic I-type to progressively more felsic, largely S-type igneous activity, but the trend for western Tasmania is not as obvious. The trend for eastern Tasmania is an exception to the general rule for the Lachlan Orogen, possibly signifying that the mid-crust was relatively cool when the first I-type granites were generated. Crustal thickening during the Tabberabberan Orogeny may have been a prerequisite for the generation of later, more felsic, S- and I-types.  相似文献   

U–Pb SHRIMP ages obtained in zircons from the Sotosalbos and Toledo anatectic complexes in Central Spain give new constraints to the evolution of the inner part of the Hercynian Iberian belt. Pre-Hercynian ages in zircons from the Sotosalbos complex (∼464 Ma) are well preserved and reveal that an age diversity of the Lower Paleozoic magmatism in the area exists, as previous data on westernmost orthogneisses yield significant older ages. Zircon ages in the pelite-derived granites from the Toledo complex also show an important Neoproterozoic age component which points to a metasedimentary protolith deposited maximally 560 Ma ago. Younger zircon populations in both complexes at ∼330 Ma in the Sotosalbos region and ∼317 Ma in the Toledo complex indicate an important diachronism between the anatectic processes in both areas but also that these processes are mainly unrelated to the generation of the later Hercynian granite batholith of Central Spain, which could be of deeper crustal derivation. In addition, as migmatization occurred late in the metamorphic cycle, after peak conditions were attained, the age of anatexis is younger than the age of the main Hercynian metamorphic event, which still is not well constrained. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Apatite is a common U- and Th-bearing accessory mineral in igneous and metamorphic rocks, and a minor but widespread detrital component in clastic sedimentary rocks. U–Pb and Th–Pb dating of apatite has potential application in sedimentary provenance studies, as it likely represents first cycle detritus compared to the polycyclic behavior of zircon. However, low U, Th and radiogenic Pb concentrations, elevated common Pb and the lack of a U–Th–Pb apatite standard remain significant challenges in dating apatite by LA-ICPMS, and consequently in developing the chronometer as a provenance tool.This study has determined U–Pb and Th–Pb ages for seven well known apatite occurrences (Durango, Emerald Lake, Kovdor, Mineville, Mud Tank, Otter Lake and Slyudyanka) by LA-ICPMS. Analytical procedures involved rastering a 10 μm spot over a 40 × 40 μm square to a depth of 10 μm using a Geolas 193 nm ArF excimer laser coupled to a Thermo ElementXR single-collector ICPMS. These raster conditions minimized laser-induced inter-element fractionation, which was corrected for using the back-calculated intercept of the time-resolved signal. A Tl–U–Bi–Np tracer solution was aspirated with the sample into the plasma to correct for instrument mass bias. External standards (Ple?ovice and 91500 zircon, NIST SRM 610 and 612 silicate glasses and STDP5 phosphate glass) along with Kovdor apatite were analyzed to monitor U–Pb, Th–Pb, U–Th and Pb–Pb ratiosCommon Pb correction employed the 207Pb method, and also a 208Pb correction method for samples with low Th/U. The 207Pb and 208Pb corrections employed either the initial Pb isotopic composition or the Stacey and Kramers model and propagated conservative uncertainties in the initial Pb isotopic composition. Common Pb correction using the Stacey and Kramers (1975) model employed an initial Pb isotopic composition calculated from either the estimated U–Pb age of the sample or an iterative approach. The age difference between these two methods is typically less than 2%, suggesting that the iterative approach works well for samples where there are no constraints on the initial Pb composition, such as a detrital sample. No 204Pb correction was undertaken because of low 204Pb counts on single collector instruments and 204Pb interference by 204Hg in the argon gas supply.Age calculations employed between 11 and 33 analyses per sample and used a weighted average of the common Pb-corrected ages, a Tera–Wasserburg Concordia intercept age and a Tera–Wasserburg Concordia intercept age anchored through common Pb. The samples in general yield ages consistent (at the 2σ level) with independent estimates of the U–Pb apatite age, which demonstrates the suitability of the analytical protocol employed. Weighted mean age uncertainties are as low as 1–2% for U- and/or Th-rich Palaeozoic–Neoproterozoic samples; the uncertainty on the youngest sample, the Cenozoic (31.44 Ma) Durango apatite, ranges from 3.7–7.6% according to the common Pb correction method employed. The accurate and relatively precise common Pb-corrected ages demonstrate the U–Pb and Th–Pb apatite chronometers are suitable as sedimentary provenance tools. The Kovdor carbonatite apatite is recommended as a potential U–Pb and Th–Pb apatite standard as it yields precise and reproducible 207Pb-corrected, 232Th–208Pb, and common Pb-anchored Tera–Wasserburg Concordia intercept ages.  相似文献   

This paper reports the first results of U–Pb SHRIMP dating of zircon inclusions in sapphire from the Nezametninskii placers in the north of Primorye. The obtained age of paragenesis of these minerals (12.2 ± 0.2 Ma) is almost consistent with the age of erupted alkali basalts in the region, thus evidencing their genetic relation. According to the geochemistry data on trace elements, the dated zircon was crystallized from an alkali basaltic magma or its later trachyte/phonolite derivatives.  相似文献   

The sediments deposited on the northern margin of Greater India during the Paleocene allow the timing of collision with the Spontang Ophiolite, the oceanic Kohistan–Dras Arc and Eurasia to be constrained. U–Pb dating of detrital zircon grains from the Danian (61–65 Ma) Stumpata Formation shows a provenance that is typical of the Tethyan Himalaya, but with a significant population of grains from 129 ± 7 Ma also accounting for ∼15% of the total, similar to the synchronous Jidula Formation of south central Tibet. Derivation of these grains from north of the Indus Suture can be ruled out, precluding India’s collision with either Eurasia or the Kohistan–Dras before 61 Ma. Despite the immediate superposition of the Spontang Ophiolite, there are no grains in the Stumpata Formation consistent with erosion from this unit. Either Spontang obduction is younger than previously proposed, or the ophiolite remained submerged and/or uneroded until into the Eocene. The Mesozoic grains correlate well with the timing of ∼130 Ma volcanism in central Tibet, suggesting that this phase of activity is linked to extension across the whole margin of northern India linked to the separation of India from Australia and Antarctica at that time. Mesozoic zircons in younger sedimentary rocks in Tibet suggest a rapid change in provenance, with strong erosion from within or north of the suture zone starting in the Early Eocene following collision. We find no evidence for strongly diachronous collision from central Tibet to the western Himalaya.  相似文献   

The southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) is characterized by multiple and linear accretionary orogenic collages, including Paleozoic arcs, ophiolites, and accretionay wedges. A complex history of subduction–accretion processes makes it difficult to distinguish the origin of these various terranes and reconstruct the tectonic evolution of the southern CAOB. In order to provide constraints on the accretionary history, we analyzed major and trace element compositions of Paleozoic graywackes from the Huangcaopo Group (HG) and Kubusu Group (KG) in East Junggar. The HG graywackes have relatively low Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) values (50 to 66), suggesting a source that underwent relatively weak chemical weathering. The identical average Index of Compositional Variability (ICV) values (~ 1.1) for both the KG and HG samples point to an immature source for the Paleozoic graywackes in East Junggar, which is consistent with an andesitic–felsic igneous source characterized by low La/Th ratios and relatively high Hf contents. These graywackes are geochemically similar to continental island arc sediments and therefore were probably deposited at an active continental margin. U–Pb dating of detrital zircons from the lower subgroup of the HG yielded a young age peak at ~ 440 Ma, indicating a post-Early Silurian depositional age. However, the youngest populations of detrital zircons from the KG graywackes and the upper subgroup of the HG yielded 206Pb/238U ages of ~ 346 Ma and ~ 355 Ma, respectively, which suggest a post-Early Carboniferous depositional age. Because of similarities of rock assemblages, these two units should be incorporated into the Early Carboniferous Nanmingshui Formation. The detrital zircon age spectrum of the Early Paleozoic HG graywackes resembles that of the Habahe sediments in the Chinese Altai, which suggests that the ocean between East Junggar and the Chinese Altai was closed before the deposition of the sediments and that the Armantai ophiolite was emplaced prior to the Early Devonian. The differences in age spectra for detrital zircons from the post-Early Carboniferous graywackes in East Junggar and the Harlik arc indicate that the emplacement of the Kalamaili ophiolite postdates the Early Carboniferous. Therefore, a long-lasting northward subduction–accretion process is suggested for the formation of East Junggar and the reconstruction of the Early Paleozoic evolution of the southern CAOB.  相似文献   

The distribution of rare and rare earth elements in zircon at the Yastrebets, Azov (Zr–REE–Y), and Perzhan (Be) rare metal deposits of the Ukrainian Shield was studied. Additional evidence for magmatic genesis of these deposits is obtained: unaltered zircon is characterized by a magmatic REE distribution spectrum with a somewhat higher δ18O value than that of the mantle (6.6‰ on average). The final formation stage of the deposit was marked by predominance of fluids enriched in Y, REE, Nb, and heavy oxygen, resulting in anomalous geochemical characteristics of zircon rims and alteration zones (up to 81500 Y ppm, over 10300 ppm Nb, and 13.9‰ δ18O). The age of zircon formed in ore-bearing Yastrebets and Azov nonnepheline syenite deposits was estimated at ~1770 Ma (U–Pb, SHRIMP-II).  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(14):1754-1768
The Wudaogou Group in eastern Yanbian, Northeast China, plays a key role in constraining the timing and eastward termination of the Solonker–Xra Moron River–Changchun Suture, where the Palaeo-Asian Ocean closed. The Wudaogou Group consists of schist, gneiss, amphibolite, metasedimentary, and metavolcanic rocks, all of which underwent greenschist- to epidote–amphibolite-facies regional metamorphism, with some hornfels resulting from contact metamorphism. To determine the age of deposition, the timing and grade of metamorphism, and the tectonic setting of the Wudaogou Group, we investigated the petrography and geochronology of the metamorphic rocks in this group. Zircons from the metasedimentary rocks of this group can be divided into metamorphic zircons and detrital zircons of magmatic origin. U–Pb ages of metamorphic zircons dated by LA-ICP-MS vary from 249 ± 4 to 266 ± 4 Ma, approximating the age of regional metamorphism in the eastern Yanbian area. Detrital zircons yield U–Pb ages ranging from 253 ± 5 to 818 ± 5 Ma, and indicate that the provenance of the Wudaogou Group experienced four tectonic–thermal events between 818 and 253 Ma: Neoproterozoic (ca. 818–580 Ma), Cambro–Ordovician (ca. 500–489 Ma), Devonian–Carboniferous (ca. 422–300 Ma), and middle–late Permian (ca. 269–253 Ma). The youngest detrital zircon, with a U–Pb age of 253 ± 5 Ma, defines the maximum depositional age of the Wudaogou Group. The presence of the Cambro-Ordovician and Neoproterozoic detrital zircons implies that the source of the Wudaogou Group had an affinity with Northeast China, which leads us to conclude that the Solonker–Xra Moron River–Changchun Suture extends from Wangqing to Hunchun in eastern Yanbian, and that the Palaeo-Asian Ocean may have closed at the end of the Permian or Early Triassic period.  相似文献   

Sedimentological characteristics and zircon provenance dating of the Babulu Formation in the Fohorem area, Timor-Leste, provide new insights into depositional process, detailed sedimentary environment and the distribution of source rocks in the provenance. Detrital zircon sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) U–Pb ages range from Neoarchean to Triassic, with the main age pulses being Paleozoic to Triassic. In addition, the maximum deposition ages based on the youngest major age peak (ca 256–238 Ma) of zircon grains indicate that the basal sedimentation of the Babulu Formation occurred after the early Upper Triassic. The formation consists predominantly of mudstone with minor sandstone, limestone and conglomerate that were deposited in a deep marine environment. These deposits are composed of six lithofacies that can be grouped into three facies associations (FAs) based on the constituent lithofacies and bedding features: basin plain deposits (FA I), distal fringe lobe deposits (FA II) and medial to distal lobe deposits (FA III). The predominance of mudstone (FA I) together with intervening thin-bedded sandstones (FA II) suggest that the paleodepositional environment was a low energy setting with slightly basin-ward input of the distal part of the depositional lobes. Discrete and abrupt occurrences of thick-bedded sandstone (FA III) within the FA I mudstone suggests that sandstone originated from a collapse of upslope sediments rather than a progressive progradation of deltaic turbidites. This combined petrological and geochronological study demonstrates that the Babulu Formation in the Fohorem area of the Timor-Leste was initiated as a submarine lobe system in a relatively deep marine environment during the Upper Triassic and represents the extension of the Gondwana Sequence at the Australian margin.  相似文献   

The Bengal Basin originated during the collision of India with Eurasia and Burma. The provenance analysis of the Chittagong Tripura Fold Belt (CTFB), which is the folded eastern flank of the Bengal Basin as well as the Neogene belt of the Indo-Burman Ranges (IBR) is key to better understand the possible sources of sediment input from the complex interplay of the Indian, Eurasian and Burma plates. We report new whole rock geochemical and detrital zircon U–Pb data from the upper Neogene sandstones of Tipam-Dupi Tila formations (Pliocene to Plio-Plestocene succession) from the CTFB. Detrital zircon U–Pb age spectra show three predominant peaks at <200 Ma, 480–650, ∼800–1000 Ma. The geochemical discriminations and elemental ratios of Eu/Eu* (∼0.70), La/Sc (∼16.13), La/Co (∼15.76), Th/Sc (∼2.95), La/Th (∼5.67), Th/Co (∼2.87), Cr/Th (∼4.63) as well as Chondrite-normalized REE patterns with flat HREE, LREE enrichment, and negative Eu anomalies for the Tipam and Dupi Tila formations are suggestive of a dominantly felsic source area experiencing moderate to intensive chemical weathering (Chemical index of alteration, CIA - 57 to 81) and have a recycled provenance orogen related to active continental or passive margin settings. Integrated geochemical and zircon U–Pb studies reveal that the main sediment input might have been from the Himalayan orogen with significant arc-derived detritus, possibly from the Gangdese arc as well as from the Burma magmatic arc.  相似文献   

In the northern extension of the Famatina and the southern Puna (NW Argentina) prominent rhyolitic volcanic rocks traditionally referred to as Ordovician are exposed, resting on metamorphic basement and covered by thick Late Paleozoic siliciclastic successions. We report new U–Pb SHRIMP ages from these rhyolites that show them to be of Mississippian (348–342 Ma) age, thus identifying a previously unknown volcanic event in this portion of western Gondwana. Whole-rock geochemistry and Sr–Nd isotopic analyses suggest a crustal source for these rocks but with a juvenile input (εNd(t) between ? 2.91 and ? 0.3, and TDM values between 1.09 and 1.1 Ga). This is different from the Early Paleozoic magmatism of western Argentina where crustal recycling took place without any involvement of mantle material. The Carboniferous magmatism is compatible with an extensional environment developed along the Terra Australis accretionary orogen as a result of tectonic switching processes. These rhyolites may be related to the coeval Mississippian A-type granites exposed to the east, in the Sierras Pampeanas, confirming the regional character of this magmatism.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(16):1959-1977
The Wudaogou plutonic complex is located in the eastern Yanbian area of Jilin Province and consists of hornblende gabbros, gabbroic diorites, and quartz diorites that contain abundant dioritic microgranular xenoliths. Zircon U–Pb dating of gabbroic and quartz diorites yielded weighted mean 206Pb/238Pb ages of 263.5 ± 5.1 Ma (N = 12, mean squared weighted deviation (MSWD) = 0.78, probability = 0.66) and 262.0 ± 5.6 Ma (N = 10, MSWD = 0.50, probability = 0.87), respectively. These units are characterized by high Na2O/K2O (0.33–0.77) ratios and Al2O3 (15.05–18.91 wt%) concentrations and are large ion lithophile element (LILE) (light rare earth element (LREE), Rb, Ba, K, etc.) enriched and high field strength element (HFSE) (Nb, Ta, P, Ti) depleted. They also have initial 87Sr/86Sr values of 0.70192–0.70420 and ?Nd(t) values of +1.9 to +4.7 with two-stage model ages (TDM2) of 653–878 Ma. These characteristics indicate that these rocks formed from calc–alkaline magmas derived from partial melting of a mixture of juvenile crust formed attending the Neoproterozoic subduction of the Palaeo-Asian oceanic crust and lower crustal material. The dioritic xenoliths have whole-rock compositions that are similar to their host rocks, but with negative ?Nd(t) values (?1.6 to ?4.3) and older TDM2 ages (1166–1382 Ma), further indicating that this magmatic event involved older crustal material. Combining these data with existing knowledge of the crustal evolution of this area, we conclude that this complex formed in a post-collisional extensional setting during closure of the Palaeo-Asian Ocean.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(16):1964-1983
Extensive magmatism occurred in southeast China during Late Jurassic time, forming large-scale granitic and volcanic rocks associated with non-ferrous, rare earth and rare, radioactive metal deposits. The Shuikoushan Pb–Zn–Au orefield is a typical example located in Hunan Province. This study reports LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb ages, whole-rock chemistry, and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions, and in situ Hf isotopic geochemistry of zircons from the Laomengshan rhyodacite in the Shuikoushan Pb–Zn–Au orefield. Zircon U–Pb dating yields a weighted average age of 156.7 ± 1.6 Ma for the intrusion of the rhyodacite. The rhyodacite samples are mainly shoshonitic series, having metaluminous to weakly peraluminous A/CNK values ranging from 0.96 to 1.09, with moderately high magnesium content (Mg# = 42.4–47.5). Samples display high (87Sr/86Sr)i values (0.71165–0.71176), low εNd(T) values (?10.7 to ?10.3), old Nd model ages (TDM = 1.73–1.86 Ga), and relatively homogeneous Pb isotopic compositions [(206Pb/204Pb)i = 18.365–18.412, (207Pb/204Pb)i = 15.663–15.680, and (208Pb/204Pb)i = 38.625–38.666]. The zircons exhibit enriched εHf(T) values (?16.22 to ?9.86) and old two-stage Hf model ages (TDM2 = 1.82–2.22 Ga). All the above data indicate that the Laomengshan rhyodacite originated from melting Palaeoproterozoic basement, perhaps contaminated by subordinate mantle melts. Intense extension and thinning of the continental lithosphere during Late Jurassic time resulted in melting of upwelling asthenosphere, and mafic mantle melts interacted with and melted Palaeoproterozoic lower crust, thus forming the Laomengshan rhyodacite.  相似文献   

Cratonic stabilization was a critical crustal process during the Hadean to Archean for the formation of cratons.The understanding of how and where this process took place is significant to evaluate the architecture of continents.The Singhbhum Craton of eastern India has well preserved Precambrian volcanosedimentary sequences.The Simlipal volcano-sedimentary complex of Singhbhum Craton consists of circular bands of mafic volcanic rocks interlayered with quartzites/shales/phyllites.In the present study,we report petrographic and geochemical characteristics of quartzites from Simlipal Complex coupled with U–Pb ages of detrital zircons and zircon geochemistry to understand the provenance and depositional conditions and its connection with the crustal stabilization in the Singhbhum Craton.The quartzites are texturally mature with sub-angular to sub-rounded quartz grains followed by feldspars embedded in a silty matrix.Based on modal compositions and major element ratios,these quartzites are categorized as quartz arenite and sub-lithic arenites.Trace element abundances normalized to Archean Upper Continental Crust(AUCC)display positive anomalies at U,Zr,Hf and negative anomalies at Nb.REE patterns are characterized by negative Eu anomalies(Eu/Eu*=0.47–0.97)and flat HREE suggesting felsic provenance.These quartzites show depletion of LILE,enrichment of HFSE and transition metals relative to AUCC.High weathering indices such as CIA,PIA,and ICV are suggestive of moderate to intense chemical weathering.Low trace element ratios such as Th/Cr,Th/Sc,La/Sc,La/Co and Th/Co indicate a predominantly felsic source for these rocks.The overall geochemical signatures indicate passive margin deposition for these quartzites.Detrital zircons from the Simlipal quartzites yield U–Pb ages 3156±31 Ma suggesting Mesoarchean crustal heritage.The trace element geochemistry of detrital zircons suggests that the zircons are magmatic in origin and possibly derived from the 3.1 Ga anorogenic granite/granitoid provenance of Singhbhum Craton.These observations collectively indicate the Mayurbhanj Granite and Singhbhum Granite(SBG-III)provenance for these quartzites,thereby tracking the stabilization of the eastern Indian Shield/Singhbhum Craton back to Mesoarchean.  相似文献   

The Dayana W-Mo deposit in eastern Ujumchin of Inner Mongolia is a quartz-vein type deposit in the mid-western part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). Biotite monzogranite, quartz porphyry and hornfels host W-Mo in quartz veins. Based on spatial relationships, molybdenite was deposited first followed by wolframite. This contribution presents precise laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (LA-ICP-MS) U–Pb zircon dating and geochemical analysis of the biotite monzogranite. The U–Pb dating shows that the monzogranite is 134 ± 1 Ma. Major and trace element geochemistry shows that the monzogranite is characterized by high SiO2 and K2O contents, a “Right-inclined” shape of the chondrite normalized REE patterns, enrichment of large ion lithophile elements (LILEs), and depletion of high field strength elements (HFSEs) such as Nb, P, Ba. The monzogranite is high-K calc-alkaline, has a strong negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 0.04–0.45), low P2O5 content, high A/CNK of > 1.2, enriched in large-ion lithophile elements (LILEs; such as Rb, Th, U, Nd, and Hf), and notably depleted in Ba, Sr, P, Ti, and Nb. These characteristics define the Dayana monzogranite as a highly fractionated peraluminous granite. Re–Os isotopic analysis of seven molybdenite samples from the deposit yield an isochron age of 133 ± 3 Ma (MSWD = 2.2), which indicates that the monzogranite and ore have the same age within error, are probably genetically related, and related to a major Early Cretaceous mineralizing event in China known as the Yanshanian.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,26(4):1484-1500
The southern Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, which is part of the Rhenohercynian zone of the Central European Variscides, exhibits several allochthonous units: the Gießen-, and the Hörre nappe, and parts of the Frankenbach imbrication zone. These units were thrust over autochthonous and par-autochthonous volcano-sedimentary complexes of the Lahn and Dill–Eder synclines. This paper reports a representative data set of U–Pb LA–SF–ICP–MS ages of 1067 detrital zircon grains from Devonian and Lower Carboniferous siliciclastic sediments of the autochthonous and the allochthonous areas, respectively. The cluster of U–Pb ages from the allochthonous units points to a provenance in the Saxothuringian zone. Zircon populations from the Saxothuringian zone are representative of a Gondwanan hinterland and are characterized by age clusters of ~ 530–700 Ma, ~ 1.8–2.2 Ga, ~ 2.5–2.7 Ga, and ~ 3.0–3.4 Ga. Further samples were taken from the autochthonous and par-autochthonous units of the Lahn–Dill and Kellerwald areas. A Lower Devonian sandstone sample from the Siegen anticline provides a reference for siliciclastic sediments derived from the Old Red Continent. These samples show a provenance representative of Laurussia with debris primarily derived from Baltica and Avalonia. U–Pb zircon age clusters occur at ~ 400–450 Ma, 540–650 Ma, 1.0–1.2 Ga, ~ 1.4–1.5 Ga, ~ 1.7–2.2 Ga, and 2.3–2.9 Ga. Provenance analysis and geochemical data of the Rhenohercynian zone provide new information on the evolution of magmatic arcs in the Mid-Paleozoic. The data set constrains top-SE and top-NW directed subduction of the oceanic crust of the Rheic Ocean. Subduction-related volcanism lasted from the Early Devonian to the Early Carboniferous and thus confirms the existence of the Rheic Ocean until the Early Carboniferous. The tectonic model outlined for the Rhenohercynian zone suggests a wide Rheic Ocean.  相似文献   

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