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基于反射波特征小波分析的工程基础无损检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹茂森  任青文  刘福胜  张健 《岩土力学》2005,26(7):1073-1079
针对现有工程基础无损检测中反射波分析的不足,对Morlet和Marr小波及其小波变换进行了深入分析,指出它们在反射波分析上具有优势互补性。结合两个小波的优势,提出了Morlet小波域能量密度谱辨识动力学特征和Marr小波域模谱提取奇异特征的反射波分析方法,并构建了基于小波域香农熵的Morlet最优基小波确定技术。由反射波的动力学特征可以识别损伤模式,由反射波的奇异特征可以实施损伤定位,两者相结合构成了一条有机的基于反射波特征小波分析的工程基础精细无损检测技术路线。模型实验分析中概括归纳了工程基础的基本损伤模式,并验证了技术路线的可行、有效性。  相似文献   

钻孔雷达反射成像在岩溶发育场地探测中的应用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
贾龙  蒙彦  潘宗源  殷仁朝 《中国岩溶》2019,38(1):124-129
我国岩溶区分布广泛,且复杂的岩溶现象对建筑安全、地基稳定以及场地勘察有较大影响。钻孔雷达作为一种井中地球物理方法,可以利用地下介质的物性差异查明岩溶发育的情况,弥补常规勘察手段在探测岩溶发育场地中存在的不足。依据钻孔雷达单孔反射信号的同相轴特征、反射波首波走时和反射波的衰减等特征,可判断钻孔周边未揭露溶洞和裂隙的分布,确定钻探揭露溶洞的水平方向直径以及岩石完整性,从而达到查明各种岩溶形态的规模、空间密度及其分布规律的目的,为工民建各项工程建设的设计和施工提供准确详尽的地质资料,确保工程的稳定性。   相似文献   

研究了自行车、电动车车闸等摩擦材料中质量分数为5.0%~0.1%石棉的光学显微镜定性分析与X射线衍射定量分析方法。根据光学显微镜下矿物光性的判断结合X射线衍射进行定性分析,确定有无石棉。对判定为有石棉的样品通过X射线衍射基底吸收修正法,测出试样中的石棉含量,计算出石棉的质量分数。研究成果解决了微量(质量分数低至0.1%)石棉的定量分析难题,对支持我国自行车、电动车等产品的出口具有现实的意义。  相似文献   

The partitioning of trace elements (Sc, Ti, Sr and Sm) between diopsidic clinopyroxene and liquid was studied experimentally in the system diopside-albite-anorthite at 1250°C, 1300°C and 1345°C at 1 atm. Twelve different bulk compositions were selected to study the effects of temperature and chemical composition. A Cameca ion microprobe was used to determine trace element concentrations in both clinopyroxene and liquid. Experiments of different run duration 148? days) showed that equilibrium was approached in less than 4 days at 1275°C. Equilibrium was also evaluated by a reversal run. A series of runs of constant bulk composition but with variable trace element contents showed that Henry's Law was obeyed over concentration ranges of the trace elements similar to those encountered in natural systems. The partition coefficients show significant ranges: Sc, 0.345~2.61; Ti, 0.084~0.214; Sr, 0.075~0.136; Sm, 0.054~0.328; the values are comparable with those obtained experimentally by other investigators. The partition coefficients vary as a function of both temperature and chemical composition. The experimental results are discussed in terms of exchange equilibria using the Bottinga-Weill silicate melt model. It is demonstrated that analytical uncertainties of both major and trace elements play an important role in understanding trace element exchange equilibria; propagation of analytical errors in the thermodynamic treatment is equally important.  相似文献   

本文以广西南盘江-桂中坳陷为例介绍了喀斯特地貌区的深地震反射采集方法技术,来揭示地表喀斯特地貌发育的广西南盘江-桂中坳陷下深部结构.为了获得高信噪比的深地震反射资料,针对该区地表及深部复杂性情况,采取以下六个技术措施:高精度多方法联合测量技术,干扰波特性分析及压制,面向目标的观测系统设计,加强炮检点的选点工作,加大试验力度选取适合的激发和接收参数,多种针对性静校正处理方法.其中,干扰波特性分析及压制方法和技术实施是获取喀斯特地区深部结构的技术难点,也是前提和保证;多种针对性静校正处理方法是后期室内处理改善深部结构资料品质的关键.通过采取以上技术措施将大大提高了资料信噪比,改善了资料的品质,获得了广西南盘江-桂中坳陷下的较为清晰的深部结构特征.这为此类地区的地震探测提供了采集实例和探测方法依据.  相似文献   

地球物理探测方法在滑坡地质灾害探查中具有简单快捷的特点,可查明滑坡的地质信息,如滑坡体的厚度、规模及发育特征等重要信息,进而进行钻孔布置,获取滑坡体稳定性计算所必须的物理力学参数。在九华山滑坡体采用地震反射共偏移技术及高密度电阻率法对滑坡体进行联合探查,两种方法相互验证,减少多解性,效果明显,获取的相关地质参数为滑坡的评估及治理提供了依据。  相似文献   

地震波正演模拟技术广泛应用于浅层勘探,此方法可以将地质模型和地震模型有机结合起来,验证和指导地震资料的采集、处理和解释。基于石油反射地震技术发展起来的深反射地震剖面探测技术,经过几十年的发展及应用,已经非常成熟,但到目前为止,地震波正演技术在深反射地震剖面探测中的应用却很少。本文利用跨越四川盆地深反射地震剖面来开展正演研究,通过对比拟合正演模拟数据和实际地震数据的层位到时,不断修正速度、层位等参数,建立最终深度域地质模型,为构造剖面提供较为准确的地壳厚度、莫霍面深度等地层信息。通过深度域地质模型,揭示出扬子板块西北缘新元古代古俯冲的角度约30°,俯冲的深度达到60 km。  相似文献   

内蒙古准苏吉花斑岩型钼矿床是一个中型金属矿床,目前勘查区内还没有较深的钻孔资料。为探测深部隐伏金属矿和控矿构造及深部地质结构,在内蒙古准苏吉花钼矿区及其外围开展了高精度反射地震测量。该反射地震采用2台套大功率可控震源激发,5 m道间距,960道接收,80次覆盖的工作方法,获得了能清晰反映深部地质结构和构造的高精度反射地震剖面。在该剖面上,能够清楚地解释测区导矿和控矿构造及隐伏岩体分布及燕山期与华力西期岩体的交切关系,并据此讨论了地壳深部流体运移的路径和动力过程,为在该区寻找深部隐伏金属矿指明了新的找矿靶区。  相似文献   

采用新型手持式光度计检测天然水中痕量铀   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用自行研制的高灵敏度手持式光度计对环境水样中的痕量铀进行了分析测定,讨论了波长、pH值、显色剂等主要因素对分析结果的影响,建立了应用手持式光度计进行环境水样中痕量铀测定的新方法。实验结果表明,与普通分光光度计相比,本方法具有仪器简单小巧,功耗低,灵敏度高,精密度好等特点。方法的检出限为0.05μg/L,线性范围为0.05~100μg/L,应用于自来水、湖水、河水、矿泉水和尾矿坝水样中痕量铀的测定,相对标准偏差为RSD=1.04%~2.78%(n=3),加标回收率为95.7%~100.4%。  相似文献   

The aim of the present work is to define the geo-microbial signatures along with trace metals, and to investigate whether the geo-microbial anomalies have correlation with trace metal anomalies in Ahmedabad block of Cambay basin. The surface geochemical techniques are based on seepage of light hydrocarbon gases from the oil and gas pools to the shallow surface and can bring up near-surface oxidation reduction zones that favor the development of a diverse array of chemical and mineralogical changes. The paper reports the role of hydrocarbon microseepage in surface alterations of trace metal concentrations and hydrocarbon oxidizing bacteria and its interrelationship. For the purpose a total of 90 soil samples are collected in grid pattern of 2 x 2 km interval. The paper reports the chemical alterations associated with trace metals in soils that are related to hydrocarbon microseepages above some of the major oil and gas fields of this petroliferous region. The concentrations of V (0 to149 ppm), Cr (2 to 192 ppm), Cu (4 to 171 ppm), Se (98 to 440 ppm), Zn (56 to 1215 ppm) are obtained. It is observed that the concentrations of trace elements are tremendously increased when they are compared with their normal concentrations in soils. In this study the hydrocarbon oxidizing bacterial counts ranged between 1.0 x 103 and 1.59 x 106 cfu/g of soil sample respectively. The attempt has made for the first time, which revealed good correlation as both these anomalies are found as apical in relation. Integrated studies between trace elements and hydrocarbon oxidizing bacterial anomalies showed positive correlation with existing oil and gas wells in the study area.  相似文献   

Experimental and analytical procedures devised for measurement of rare earth element (REE) abundances using a secondary ion mass spectrometer (ion microprobe) are described. This approach is more versatile than the conventional techniques such as neutron activation analysis and isotope dilution mass spectrometry by virtue of its high spatial resolution that allows determination of REE abundances in small domains (10-20 micron) within individual mineral phases. The ion microprobe measurements are performed at a low mass-resolving power adopting the energy-filtering technique (Zinner and Crozaz 1986) for removal and suppression of unresolved complex molecular interferences in the REE masses of interest. Synthetic standards are used for determining various instrument specific parameters needed in the data deconvolution procedure adopted for obtaining REE abundances. Results obtained from analysis of standards show that our ion microprobe may be used for determining REE abundances down to ppm range with uncertainties of ∼ 10 to 15%. Abundances of rare earth and several other refractory trace elements in a set of early solar system objects isolated from two primitive carbonaceous chondrites were determined using the procedures devised by us. The results suggest that some of these objects could be high temperature nebular condensates, while others are products of melting and recrystallization of precursor nebular solids in a high temperature environment.  相似文献   

Newly released seismic reflection data from the northern Jura Mountains and southern Rhine Graben provide the first high‐quality subsurface images from this area. These throw light on the details of the fault patterns in the area, and show that the Ferrette and Le Glaserberg Jura structures are largely the result of thrust faulting. However, the faults differ in their nature from those usually assumed in Jura tectonics: they are not low‐angle thrusts converging on a decollement zone in Triassic evaporites. They appear instead to be high‐angle faults that cross the entire sedimentary section, indicating that thick‐skinned tectonics prevailed in this part of the Jura. Embryonic Jura folds can be seen on the images from the nearby Mulhouse Horst, folds that are not supported by thickened Triassic evaporites. The existence of recent earthquake activity, taken together with the prevalence of thick‐skinned tectonics, suggests that occasional large earthquakes cannot be ruled out in this area.  相似文献   

矿产品堆场土壤中重金属在环境中富集,随着元素的迁移、转化及地下水的循环,成为环境污染问题。本文将改进的顺序提取法(BCR)应用于矿产品堆场土壤中Cd、As、Pb的化学形态分析,结合这三种元素的性质,将堆场土壤中Cd、As、Pb分为可交换态、可还原态、可氧化态和残渣态,并利用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法测定其含量。采用形态分析标准参考物质GBW 07436验证了三步提取态的准确性,并对6个矿产品堆场土壤中Cd、As、Pb形态含量进行了分析,三步提取态加上残渣态质量分数之和与重金属总量进行了比较,回收率在85%~103%之间。通过对矿产品堆场土壤实际样品分析,Cd、As、Pb三种元素非残渣态含量顺序为Cd(79.40%~94.94%)>Pb(24.27%~37.73%)>As(22.89%~31.51%),表明Cd元素较为容易进入生物圈。该方法解决了港口堆场土壤中重金属化学形态提取问题,对污染土壤的治理具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Over the last 25 years the Australian Bureau of Mineral Resources (BMR) has attempted to record seismic reflection data in several parts of Australia to determine if good quality near-vertical reflections could be obtained from the deep crust and upper mantle. Data recorded prior to 1976, using analogue instruments and large shots, did obtain good to fair quality deep events, but the short lengths of the traverses recorded did not allow discrimination between primary reflections and the coherent noise. The high cost of the special effort prevented recording of long traverses, and hence the study of the true nature of the deep reflections. From 1976 onwards, with the advent of digital recording and processing equipment and techniques, it became possible to obtain good quality deep reflection data on long traverses with the parameters such as small charges, short spreads, etc. which are normally used for recording good sedimentary reflections. The recent data allow better identification of reflections and study of their character, and provide a higher resolution picture of the nature and structure of the deep crust and upper mantle, than had been possible before. BMR is, therefore, now recording good deep reflection data on all traverses during normal sedimentary basin surveys, and accumulating the information necessary for studying the evolution of lithosphere in Australia.  相似文献   

根据石墨炉原子吸收光谱法对土壤中痕量金进行测定,选取金系列标准浓度测量质量—吸光度工作曲线,连续测定多次空白溶液的吸光度值,计算检出限。通过对其检出限的不确定度的分析,确定了检出限不确定度的因素,计算出其扩展不确定度。能比较直观地了解选择的测试条件、建立的分析方法是否达到现行的相关标准及其灵敏度的要求。  相似文献   

The adsorption of sodium dodecyl sulphate (DSNa) on the surface of calcium fluoride and fluorite was investigated by means of internal reflection spectroscopy in the infra-red range of the spectrum. Samples of calcium fluoride in the form of thin layers evaporated onto the surface of germanium reflection elements, and samples of calcium fluoride and fluorite in the form of finely ground powders were used. As was stated, dodecyl sulphate anions are chemisorbed onto the surfaces of fluoride and of calcium fluoride. Halimondtube flotation experiments showed that a good floatability of calcium fluoride is obtained in the range of concentrations (up to about 1 × 10?3 mol.dm?3) where the surface is covered by the chemisorbed product. For concentrations higher than about 1.24 × 10?3 mol.dm?3 precipitation of calcium dodecyl sulphate has been observed, accompanied by an abrupt decrease in floatability. The adsorption is greatly affected by the presence of calcium ions and impurities in the solution.  相似文献   

An internal variable model for the creep of rocksalt   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The creep strain rate of rocksalt, like that of other ductile crystalline materials, can be described by a power law equation of the type ( ) n , where the active stress is the difference between the total deviatoric applied stress and an internal stress i . In this paper, the origin and the nature of this internal stress, which develops during inelastic deformation of the material, are discussed. It is shown that this internal stress can serve as an internal (or state) variable in the constitutive model of rocksalt, which reflects the microstructure evolution of the material under the competitive action of hardening and recovery mechanisms.An analysis of experimental data, both our own and those taken from the literature, demonstrates that such a law is able to correctly reproduce rocksalt creep test results in the steady-state domain. The proposed model is in accordance with the macroscopic and microscopic behavior of salt, and with direct measurements of the internal stresses made by others on this material.  相似文献   

Conventional wave-equation-based migration of deep seismic reflection data can produce severe artifacts, which appear as broad circular arcs or “smiles”, due to the existence of apparent truncations of reflections on the stack section arising from poor signal penetration, changes in orientation of the acquisition profile, and the existence of strong overlying lateral velocity variations. These artifacts limit the interpretation of deep seismic profiles, because they obscure weak reflections and reflection truncations that may, e.g., indicate the presence of subsurface faults. Here I present a new migration algorithm, in which each sample of the stack is migrated to a short linear segment whose position and dip are determined by its original position on the stack, an estimate of the local apparent dip at that point, and a user-specified migration velocity. No subjective interpretation of reflections on the stack section is required, and the algorithm produces no arc-like migration artifacts. The degree of lateral smearing can be easily controlled, allowing reflection truncations to be revealed. In practice, the algorithm is most effectively applied to data that have been coherency-filtered to remove low amplitude noise, which would otherwise be preserved.  相似文献   

在土壤中重金属含量较低的情况下,重金属的高光谱特征响应非常微弱,不易构建精确的高光谱直接反演模型.为了解决上述问题,依据土壤化学变量间的理化性质,将重金属富集特征转移到与之相关的化学主量元素上,使重金属微弱的信息得以间接定量反演.文中以海伦市黑土土壤为研究对象,通过主成分分析、 聚类分析确定了主量元素氧化铁(Fe2O3...  相似文献   

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