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Removal of arsenite from aqueous solution was carried out using electro-coagulation method. The experiments were conducted using copper–copper and zinc–zinc electrodes. The optimized experimental parameters were 2.0 mg/L initial concentration, 16.0-min processing time, 6.0 pH, 3.0-V applied voltage and 30 °C temperature for zinc–zinc electrodes while these values for copper–copper electrodes were 2.0 mg/L initial concentration, 20.0-min processing time, 7.0 pH, 5.0-V applied voltage and 30 °C temperature. The results demonstrated that zinc–zinc and copper–copper electrodes removed arsenite up to 99.89 and 99.56 %, respectively. The treated water was clear, colorless and odorless without any secondary contamination. There was no change in water quality after the removal of arsenite. The reported method is capable to remove arsenite from water at 6–7 pH range, which is a pH range of natural water. Therefore, this method may be the choice of arsenite removal from natural ground water.  相似文献   

Natural gas is composed largely of hydrocarbon gas, especially wet gas in the Bozhong sag. The carbon isotopic composition shows that the gas is of organic origin. The carbon isotopic values of ethane indicate that the natural gas is dominated by mixed gas with minor coal-generated gas and oil-type gas. A gas-source correlation study showed that the source rocks of natural gas are those of the Lower Dongying Formation, the Shahejie Formation and the pre-Tertiary. The natural gas is characterized by multi-source and continuous generation in the study area, indicating that gas exploration potential is good in the Bozhong sag.  相似文献   

To understand the fundamental chemical processes of fluid–rock interaction during the pulverization of quartz grains in fault zones, quartz grains were crushed within pure water. The crushing experiments were performed batch style using a shaking apparatus. The crushing process induced a decrease in pH and an increase in hydrogen gas with increased shaking duration. The amount of hydrogen ions generated was five times larger than that of the hydrogen gas, which was consistent with the amount of Si radicals estimated from electron spin resonance measurements by Hochstrasser and Antonini (1972). This indicates that hydrogen gas was generated by consuming most of the Si radicals. The generation of hydrogen ions was most likely related to the presence of silanols on the newly formed mineral surface, implying a change of proton activities in the fluid after pulverization of quartz.  相似文献   

This paper gives an account of the assessment and quantification of the water balance and the hydrogeological processes related to lake–groundwater interaction in the Pampa Plain by using hydrogeochemical, isotopic and flow numerical modeling techniques. La Salada is a permanent shallow lake, with an area of 5.8 km2, located on the SE of Buenos Aires Province. A total of 29 lake water samples and 15 groundwater samples were collected for both hydrochemical analysis and environmental stable isotope determination. Water table depths were measured in wells closed to the lake. Groundwater samples appear grouped on the Local Meteoric Water Line, suggesting a well-mixed system and that rainfall is the main recharge source to the aquifer. Water evaporation process within La Salada is also corroborated by its isotopic composition. The model that best adjusts to La Salada Lake hydrochemical processes includes evaporation from groundwater, calcite precipitation with CO2 release and cationic exchange. The annual water balance terms for the lake basin indicates for each hydrological component the following values: 1.16 E08 m3 rainfall, 8.15 E07 m3 evapotranspiration, 1.90 E06 m3 runoff, 1.55 E07 m3 groundwater recharge, 6.01 E06 m3 groundwater discharge to the lake, 9.54 E06 m3 groundwater discharge to the river, 5.00 E05 m3 urban extraction and 4.90 E06 m3 lake evaporation. Integrated analysis of hydrochemical and isotopic information helped to calibrate the groundwater flow model, to validate the conceptual model and to quantitatively assess the basin water balance.  相似文献   

Triton X-100 (TX100) and Brij 35 (B35) were used to investigate the elevated critical micelle concentration (CMC) induced by surfactant sorption and its influence on PAH removal in soil washing systems. The surface tension technique was applied to determine the CMC and the apparent CMC (CMCsoil) in soil–water systems. Surfactant sorption experiments were conducted by the batch equilibration technique. Surfactants sorbed on the soil at concentrations below the CMCsoil were quantified with data from the surface tension experiments for both an aqueous system and a soil–water system. Due to sorption, the CMCsoil values of the two surfactants are 2.75 and 6.31 times their corresponding CMC values in aqueous solutions, respectively. At concentrations below CMCsoil, the loss of B35 (92–99.7 %) was greater than that of TX100 (63–92 %). The PAH removal efficiencies are greatly dependent on the CMCsoil value. At surfactant concentrations below CMCsoil, the PAH removal is very low and remains almost invariable. Whereas, at concentrations above CMCsoil, the PAH removal increases greatly. B35 inhibited PAH desorption at concentrations below its CMCsoil. For TX100, some degree of PAH desorption enhancement was observed at concentrations below its CMCsoil. CMCsoil is a key parameter while selecting a surfactant for a specific soil washing system, only surfactant concentrations above their CMCsoil should be evaluated.  相似文献   

In order to understand and mitigate the deterioration of water quality in the aquifer system underlying Guadalajara metropolitan area, an investigation was performed developing geochemical evolution models for assessment of groundwater chemical processes. The models helped not only to conceptualize the groundwater geochemistry, but also to evaluate the relative influence of anthropogenic inputs and natural sources of salinity to the groundwater. Mixing processes, ion exchange, water–rock–water interactions and nitrate pollution and denitrification were identified and confirmed using mass-balance models constraint by information on hydrogeology, groundwater chemistry, lithology and stability of geochemical phases. The water–rock interactions in the volcanic setting produced a dominant NaHCO3 water type, followed by NaMgCaHCO3 and NaCaHCO3. For geochemical evolution modeling, flow sections were selected representing recharge and non-recharge processes and a variety of mixing conditions. Recharge processes are dominated by dissolution of soil CO2 gas, calcite, gypsum, albite and biotite, and Ca/Na exchange. Non-recharge processes show that the production of carbonic acid and Ca/Na exchange are decreasing, while other minerals such as halite and amorphous SiO2 are precipitated. The origin of nitrate pollution in groundwater are fertilizers in rural plots and wastewater and waste disposal in the urban area. This investigation may help water authorities to adequately address and manage groundwater contamination.  相似文献   

Organic emerging micropollutants are persistent during the biological process used in treatment plants and have the tendency to accumulate in the sludge. Since a common method of final sludge disposal is the land application, there are potential risks associated with the presence of contaminants within the sludge. In this work, the removal efficiency of endocrine-disrupting chemicals, namely bisphenol A, nonylphenol and triclosan from sludge was investigated using ozonation and electrooxidation using boron-doped diamond electrodes. Both procedures were studied to determine the optimal conditions (pH, current density and ozone flow) for removing these chemicals in an hour. With the obtained conditions, a coupled system ozonation–electrooxidation was used with the goal to have better pollutant elimination. Results indicate that these compounds could be effectively removed by the coupled system; the diminutions were Bisphenol A 86%, nonylphenol 68% and triclosan 67%. Also improvements in the quality of aqueous phase were obtained, and for instance, the chemical oxygen demand, color and turbidity, were abated in 62, 61 and 66%, respectively. Moreover, an additional advantage of the coupled system is the absence of any secondary pollution.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(3):323-338
Chemical and isotopic compositions are reported for water, and CO2 and noble gases in groundwater and soda springs from Bioko, Principé, São Tomé and Annobon, all islands located in the off-shore part of the Cameroon Volcanic Line in West Africa. The soda spring waters are of Ca–Mg–HCO3 type, with δD and δ18O values that range from −20 to −8‰ and −5.4 to −2.7‰ respectively, indicative of a meteoric origin. CO2 is the main gas species in the springs. δ13C–CO2 values vary from −2.8 to −5.0‰, overlapping the observed mantle C range (−3 to −8‰). CO2/3He ratios (3–9×109) suggest that most C (∼90%) in the samples is derived from the mantle. Neon has atmospheric isotopic compositions, while Ar is slightly enriched in radiogenic 40Ar. 3He/4He ratios (3.0 to 10.1×10−6 or 2.1 to 7.2Ra, where Ra is the atmospheric ratio of 1.4×10−6) are much higher than those for typical crustal fluids (∼10−8) but lower than those expected for fluids derived from ‘high-3He/4He’ hotspots like Loihi and Iceland. This precludes significant contributions of such fluids in the source regions of the gases, and by inference, in the magmatism of these oceanic islands. Alternatively, approximately 90% of the He in São Tomé gases is inferred to be derived from a source similar to the MORB source. The 3He/4He ratio for the Bioko gas (6.6×10−6) may be derived from a source with a higher time integrated (U+Th)/3He ratio than the MORB source.  相似文献   

Xu  Jialin  Xu  Chengshun  Huang  Linghui  Hyodo  Masayuki 《Acta Geotechnica》2023,18(2):811-827
Acta Geotechnica - Gas production by depressurization can significantly increase the effective stress in hydrate-bearing sediments. Therefore, strength and deformation characteristics of sediments...  相似文献   

Solid phases, such as surface coatings (SC), suspended particulate matter (SPM) and deposited sediments (DS), contribute to the pool of heavy metals in natural waters. Their existing and forming conditions lead to potential differences in enrichment capacity of pollutants, chemical compositions and crystals. In this study, the contents of heavy metals in SC, SPM and DS were determined by GF-AAS after digestion with a mixture of concentrated HNO3 and HClO4. The selective extraction method was employed to remove Fe, Mn oxides and organic matters and associated heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Zn). X-ray diffraction analyses were performed to characterize the crystals in the samples. The results showed that no significant difference in the contents of Fe-oxides in DS, SPM and SC was found, but the contents of Mn-oxides and organic matter follow the order of SC〉SPM〉DS. The significant crystal characters were observed in DS, SPM and SC, and the kinds of minerals and crystallization degree follow the order of DS〉SC〉SPM. In addition, quartz was the most important matter of crystals in the solid phases. Enrichment capacity follows the order of SPM〉SC〉DS for Pb, Cu and Zn. Organic matter was the major sorbent for Cu, and Mn oxides and organic matter played an important role in the enrichment of Zn. However, Pb was absorbed mainly by Fe oxides. Moreover, compared with Fe oxides and organic matter, Mn oxides had a great enrichment capacity for these metals. Although DS, SPM and SC were formed in the same water system, contents of chemical components, crystals and enrichment capacities to heavy metals were obviously different.  相似文献   

《China Geology》2022,5(3):475-509
Global warming and the response to it have become a topic of concern in today’s society and are also a research focus in the global scientific community. As the world’s third pole, the global warming amplifier, and the starting region of China’s climate change, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is extremely sensitive to climate change. The permafrost on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is rich in natural gas hydrates (NGHs) resources. Under the background of global warming, whether the NGHs will be disassociated and enter the atmosphere as the air temperature rises has become a major concern of both the public and the scientific community. Given this, this study reviewed the trend of global warming and accordingly summarized the characteristics of the temperature increase in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Based on this as well as the distribution characteristics of the NGHs in the permafrost on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, this study investigated the changes in the response of the NGHs to global warming, aiming to clarify the impacts of global warming on the NGHs in the permafrost of the plateau. A noticeable response to global warming has been observed in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Over the past decades, the increase in the mean annual air temperature of the plateau was increasingly high and more recently. Specifically, the mean annual air temperature of the plateau changed at a rate of approximately 0.308–0.420°C/10a and increased by approximately 1.54–2.10°C in the past decades. Moreover, the annual mean ground temperature of the shallow permafrost on the plateau increased by approximately 1.155–1.575°C and the permafrost area decreased by approximately 0.34×106 km2 from about 1.4×106 km2 to 1.06×106 km2 in the past decades. As indicated by simulated calculation results, the thickness of the NGH-bearing permafrost on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has decreased by 29–39 m in the past 50 years, with the equivalent of (1.69 – 2.27)×1010–(1.12–1.51)×1012 m3 of methane (CH4) being released due to NGHs dissociation. It is predicted that the thickness of the NGH-bearing permafrost will decrease by 23 m and 27 m, and dissociated and released NGHs will be the equivalent of (1.34–88.8)×1010 m3 and (1.57–104)×1010 m3 of CH4, respectively by 2030 and 2050. Considering the positive feedback mechanism of NGHs on global warming and the fact that CH4 has a higher greenhouse effect than carbon dioxide, the NGHs in the permafrost on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau will emit more CH4 into the atmosphere, which is an important trend of NGHs under the background of global warming. Therefore, the NGHs are destructive as a time bomb and may lead to a waste of efforts that mankind has made in carbon emission reduction and carbon neutrality. Accordingly, this study suggests that human beings should make more efforts to conduct the exploration and exploitation of the NGHs in the permafrost of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, accelerate research on the techniques and equipment for NGHs extraction, storage, and transportation, and exploit the permafrost-associated NGHs while thawing them. The purpose is to reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere and mitigate the atmospheric greenhouse effect, thus contributing to the global goal of peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutrality.©2022 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

We investigated a natural Brazilian Fe–Ti-containing andalusite and its thermal behavior by polarized infrared and optical spectroscopy. Polarized infrared spectra of the Brazilian andalusite and their evolution at thermal annealing in air clearly evidence that there are several types of OH-groups in the structure. Optical spectra and their evolution with temperature indicate that the incorporated iron (about 0.43 wt% calculated as FeO) is in the ferrous and ferric state. Incorporation of ferrous iron in the Al-sites of andalusite is discussed as a possible incorporation mechanism for hydrogen. The weakening and disappearance of the Fe2+/Ti4+ IVCT band in the andalusite spectra under annealing in air is caused by oxidization of Fe2+ to Fe3+ in Fe2+/Ti4+ IVCT pairs. The process of oxidation is accompanied by a rearrangement of the hydroxyl groups and dehydration of the sample, especially vivid at the final stage of the thermal annealing at 1,200 °C. During thermal annealing, structural hydroxyls of different types apparently transform into each other: the most distinct are the hydroxyls causing the doublet at 3,516 and 3,527 cm?1 (i.e., H bonded to O1) which seem to transform into the hydroxyls causing the line at 3,461 cm?1 (i.e., H bonded to O2). The infrared spectra scanned across differently colored zones of the crystal clearly show that some amount of hydroxyls is related to Fe2+/Ti4+ IVCT pairs which are the cause of the red-to-black coloration of the sample in E||c-polarized illumination: it is evident that in a part of the hydroxyl groups, OH-vector changes orientation aligning directly along crystallographic a-axis due to some kind of interaction with Fe2+/Ti4+ IVCT pairs.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of an experimental study on the effects of the initial water content and dry density on the soil–water retention curve and the shrinkage behavior of a compacted Lias-clay. The initial conditions after compaction (initial water content and initial dry density) have been chosen on the basis of three Proctor tests of different compaction efforts. According to the eight chosen initial conditions clay samples have been compacted statically. The relation between total suction and water content was determined for the drying path starting from the initial conditions without previous saturation of the specimens. A chilled-mirror dew-point hygrometer was used for the suction measurements. For the investigation of the shrinkage behavior cylindrical specimens were dried to desired water contents step-by-step without previous saturation. The volume of the specimens was measured by means of a caliper. Based on the test results the influence of different initial conditions on the soil suction and the shrinkage behavior is analyzed. The soil–water retention curves obtained in terms of the gravimetric water content are independent of the initial dry density. At water contents above approximately 11–12.5% a strong influence of the compaction water content is observed. At smaller water contents, the soil–water retention curve is independent of the compaction water content. The results of the shrinkage tests show that the influence of the compaction dry density on the shrinkage behavior is negligible. Similar to the drying behavior of saturated samples a primary and a residual drying process could be distinguished. The primary drying process is strongly influenced by the initial water content. In contrast, the rate of the volume change of the residual drying process is unaffected by the initial water content.  相似文献   


The influence of the emission of sulfur dioxide and solid substances from Pechenganickel and Severonickel copper–nickel combines (Murmansk oblast) on the chemical compositions of lake water and the development of acidification is analyzed. The temporal dynamics of ∼100 lakes, studied in 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2009, and the response of the chemical composition of the lake water to the impact of acid-forming substances depending on the load level (the distance of combines), geologically controlled sensitivity of catchment areas of the lakes studied to acid deposition, and the lake areas is discussed. The likely further changes in sulfate concentration and pH value in the lake water under the scenarios of increase/decrease of sulfur dioxide emissions from smelter are estimated.


Commingling coalbed methane (CBM) production will cause interlayer interference and severely impede the efficient drainage and pressure drop in coal seams. Effective recognition of interlayer interference is important during commingling CBM production. On the basis of water samples and trace element data from CBM wells in the Bide–Santang Basin, western Guizhou, China, the trace element dynamic characteristics and their significance for recognition of interlayer interference are discussed. As drainage proceeds, the trace element concentrations in the water tend to increase. Li, Ga, Rb, Sr, and Ba were selected as characteristic trace elements and were used to detect the water source apportionment of commingling production. The trace element concentrations in water derived from deep coal seams are relatively higher than those in water from shallow coal seams. The characteristic trace element concentrations in produced water exhibit good correlation with gas production and the interlayer span (the maximum vertical distance between produced coal seams in a well) of the CBM wells. Low trace element concentrations are indicative of interlayer interference. Wells with low gas production are characterized by a longer interlayer span, higher water production, and lower trace element concentrations. Wells with high gas production characteristically display a short interlayer span, lower water production, and higher trace element concentrations in produced water. Preliminary diagrams for recognition of interlayer interference are established based on characteristic trace elements in the produced water. The upper CBM system has poor commingling compatibility with the middle and lower CBM systems; thus, the middle and lower CBM systems should be a priority for future development.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to examine the runoff characteristics and to estimate water budget at the wind–water erosion crisscross region on the Loess Plateau of China. A small catchment known as Liudaogou that has representative meteorological and hydrological conditions of the wind–water erosion crisscross region was chosen as the study location. A numerical model for rainfall-runoff was developed and verified; rainfall-runoff calculation for 5 years (2005–2009) was performed. The observed data and numerical result of the surface runoff were used for evaluating runoff characteristics and estimating the annual water budget. Runoff rate was proportional to average intensity of rain. Even though rainfall duration was for few minutes, surface runoff was generated by intensity of more than 2.6 mm × 5 min?1, when rainfall duration exceeded 10 h; surface runoff was generated by an intensity of 0.6 mm × 5 min?1, while annual runoff rate was 10–15 %. The unit area of 1 km2 was adopted as the index area for estimating annual water budget. Runoff, evapotranspiration, variation of water storage, and habitant water consumption accounted for 20.4, 75.6, 0, and 4 % of the total annual precipitation, respectively. Results of this study provide the basis for further research on hydrology, water resources, and sustainable water development and utilization at the wind–water erosion crisscross region on the northern Loess Plateau where annual water resources are relatively deficient.  相似文献   

The stable hydrogen and oxygen of lake, river, rain and snow waters were investigated to understand the water cycle characteristics of the drainage basin of Manasarovar Lake in Tibet. Both δD and δ 18O of river water are larger than those of lake water and the effect of altitude on both δD and δ 18O is not very significant. This phenomenon was suggested to occur because Manasarovar basin is located in Qinghai–Tibet Plateau which has low latitude, high altitude, abundant glaciers, thin air and intensive solar radiation, resulting in higher evaporation in lake water.  相似文献   

We present a model of the global biogeochemical cycle of silicon (Si) that emphasizes its linkages to the carbon cycle and temperature. The Si cycle is a crucial part of global nutrient biogeochemistry regulating long-term atmospheric CO2 concentrations due to silicate mineral weathering reactions involving the uptake of atmospheric CO2 and production of riverine dissolved silica, cations and bicarbonate. In addition and importantly, the Si cycle is strongly coupled to the other nutrient cycles of N, P, and Fe; hence siliceous organisms represent a significant fraction of global primary productivity and biomass. Human perturbations involving land-use changes, burning of fossil fuel, and inorganic N and P fertilization have greatly altered the terrestrial Si cycle, changing the river discharge of Si and consequently impacting marine primary productivity primarily in coastal ocean waters.  相似文献   

The Maevatanana greenstone belt in north-central Madagascar contains widespread exposures of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite(TTG) gneisses,and is important for its concentrations of various metal deposits(e.g.,chromium,nickle,iron,gold).In this paper we report on the petrography,and major and trace element compositions of the TTG gneisses within the Berere Complex of the Maevatanana area,as well as LA-ICP-MS U-Pb ages and Lu-Hf isotopic compositions of zircons from the gneisses.The gneisses consist mainly of granitoid gneiss and biotite(±hornblende) plagiogneiss,and analysis of thin sections provides evidence of crushing,recrystallization,and metasomatism related to dynamic metamorphism.Samples have large variations in their major and trace element contents,with SiO_2 = 55.87-68.06 wt%,Al_2O_3 = 13.9-17.8 wt%,and Na_2O/K_2O =0.97-2.13.Geochemically,the granitoid gneisses and biotite plagiogneisses fall on a low-Al trondhjemite to granodiorite trend,while the biotite-hornblende plagiogneisses represent a high-Al tonalite TTG assemblage.Zircon U-Pb dating shows that the Berere Complex TTG gneisses formed at2.5-2.4 Ga.Most ε_(Hf(t)) values of zircons from the biotite(± hornblende) plagiogneisses are positive,while most ε_(Hf(t)) values from the granitoid gneisses are negative,suggesting a degree of crustal contamination.Two-stage Hf model ages suggest that the age of the protolith of the TTG gneisses was ca.3.4-2.6 Ga,representing a period of paleocontinent formation in the Mesoarchean.Geothermometries indicate the temperature of metamorphism of the TTG gneisses was 522-612℃.Based on these data,the protolith of the TTG gneisses is inferred to have formed during the development of a Mesoarchean paleocontinent that is now widely exposed as a TTG gneiss belt(mostly lower amphibolite facies) in the Maevatanana area,and which records a geological evolution related to the subduction of an ancient oceanic crust and the collision of microcontinents during the formation of the Rodinia supercontinent.The lithological similarity of Precambrian basement,the close ages of metamorphism within greenstone belts and the comparable distribution of metamorphic grade all show a pronounced Precambrian geology similarity between Madagascar and India,which can provide significative clues in understanding the possible Precambrian Supercontinent tectonics,and also important constraints on the correlation of the two continental fragments.  相似文献   

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