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Berlin relies on induced bank filtration from a broad‐scale, lake‐type surface water system. Because the surface water contains treated sewage, wastewater residues are present in surface water and groundwater. Multiple environmental tracers, including tritium and helium isotopes (3H, 3He, 4He), stable isotopes (δ18O and δ2H) and a number of persistent sewage indicators, such as chloride, boron and a selection of pharmaceutical residues (phenazone‐type analgesics and their metabolites, carbamazepine and anthropogenic gadolinium, Gdexcess), were used to estimate travel times from the surface water to individual production and observation wells at two sites. The study revealed a strong vertical age stratification throughout the upper aquifer, with travel times varying from a few months to several decades in greater depth. Whereas the shallow bank filtrate is characterized by the reflection of the time‐variant tracer input concentrations and young 3H/3He ages, the deeper, older bank filtrate displays no tracer seasonality, 3H/3He ages of a few years to decades and strongly deviating concentrations of several pharmaceutical residues, reflecting concentrations of the source surface water over time. The phenazone‐type pharmaceuticals persist in the aquatic environments for decades. Bank filtration in Berlin is only possible at the sandy lakeshores. In greater water depth, impermeable lacustrine sapropels inhibit infiltration. The young bank filtrate originates from the nearest shore, whereas the older bank filtrate infiltrates at more distant shores. This paper illustrates the importance of using multiple tracer methods, capable of resolving a broad range of residence times, to gain a comprehensive understanding of time‐scales and infiltration characteristics in a bank filtration system. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The concentration and isotopic composition of nitrate were analyzed to improve an understanding of nitrate sources and transformation processes in a typical karstic agricultural field in the Houzhai catchment, Guizhou Province, Southwest China. The results revealed that no distinct spatial pattern of content and isotopic composition of nitrate exists in this karst catchment. Nitrate in surface stream (SFS) had slightly lighter isotopic composition and lower concentration compared with nitrate in subterranean stream (STS) during the dry season. Concentrations of SFS nitrate increased to concentrations similar to those of STS during the wet season. The isotopic values indicated that nitrate were mainly impacted by manure sources during the dry season and influenced by a mix of chemical fertilizer and manure during the wet season. The denitrification rates were roughly estimated based on the isotopic compositions of nitrate after considering volatilization and ignoring assimilation. The calculated result showed that approximately one fifth of nitrate load was removed by denitrification in the catchment. Annual nitrate flux from the outlets accounted for 14.2% of applied total fertilizers used in the catchment, approximately 85% of total transported flux from the catchment in the wet season. Furthermore, chemical weathering processes were enhanced by using nitrogen fertilizer because liberated protons and enhanced HCO3? flux were produced through by nitrification. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Large-scale agricultural activities cause deterioration of groundwater resources throughout the world. This study focuses on the irrigated agricultural district of Jinghuiqu in Shaanxi, China. The objectives are to identify the main sources and processes that control nitrate transport, and to assess the impact of long-term irrigation practices on nitrate leaching. The hydrogeochemistry of major solute constituents and stable isotope ratios of NO3 ? in groundwater were used to identify historical sources of contamination and transformation processes occurring in the shallow groundwater of the Jinghuiqu irrigation district. The N-NO3 ? concentrations in groundwater ranged from 0.0 to more than 100 mg L?1 in April 1990, and from 0.47 to 42.0 mg L?1 in December 2009. Our measurements of N-NO3 ? show that the main reasons for this dramatic decline in N-NO3 ? concentrations from 1990 to 2009 are denitrification, which controls nitrogen types, together with the sharp decline of the groundwater table. The isotope ratios in collected samples showed that the source of nitrate was mainly manure, a result that corresponds with historical data showing that manure was the main nitrate source before the 1980s, and that fertilizers became dominant thereafter. A numerical model was then used to evaluate future impacts of current irrigation practices on groundwater sources. The HYDRUS-1D model was employed first to evaluate the water movement and the N-NO3 ? solute transport for a single irrigation pulse experiment carried out under field conditions, and then in evaluating the long-term impact of irrigation on N-NO3 ? leaching. Simulations showed that, after introducing irrigation, the downward drainage fluxes of N-NO3 ?, and the N-NO3 ? and N-tot concentrations increased at all depths within the 2-m soil profile. This indicates that N concentrations below 1-m depth and in the groundwater could become even more elevated with increased future irrigation.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Liu, X.-H., Sun, S.-J., Ji, P., and ?im?nek, J., 2013. Evaluation of historical nitrate sources in groundwater and impact of current irrigation practices on groundwater quality. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (1), 1–15.  相似文献   

Understanding the behaviour and variability of environmental tracers is important for their use in estimating groundwater discharge to rivers. This study utilizes a multi‐tracer approach to quantify groundwater discharge into a 27 km upland reach of the Gellibrand River in southwest Victoria, Australia. Ten sampling campaigns were conducted between March 2011 and June 2012, and the distribution of 222Rn activities, Cl and 3H concentrations imply the river receives substantial groundwater inflows. Mass balances based on 222Rn, Cl and 3H yield estimates of groundwater inflows that agree to within ± 12%, with cumulative inflows in individual campaigns ranging from 24 346 to 88 467 m3/day along the studied river section. Groundwater discharge accounts for between 10 and 50% of river flow dependent on the time of year, with a high proportion (>40 %) of groundwater sustaining summer flows. Groundwater inflow is largely governed by regional groundwater flowpaths; between 50 and 90% of total groundwater inflows occur along a narrow 5–10 km section where the river intersects the Eastern View Formation, a major regional aquifer. Groundwater 222Rn activities over the 16 month period were spatially heterogeneous across the catchment, ranging between 2000 Bq/m3 and 16 175 Bq/m3. Although groundwater 222Rn activities display temporal variation, spatial variation in groundwater 222Rn is a key control on 222Rn mass balances in river catchments where groundwater and river 222Rn activities are within an order of magnitude of each other. Calculated groundwater discharges vary from 8.4 to 15 m3/m/day when groundwater 222Rn activities are varied by ± 1 σ. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We evaluated sources and pathways of groundwater recharge for a heterogeneous alluvial aquifer beneath an agricultural field, based on multi‐level monitoring of hydrochemistry and environmental isotopes of a riverside groundwater system at Buyeo, Korea. Two distinct groundwater zones were identified with depth: (1) a shallow oxic groundwater zone, characterized by elevated concentrations of NO3? and (2) a deeper (>10–14 m from the ground surface) sub‐oxic groundwater zone with high concentrations of dissolved Fe, silica, and HCO3?, but little nitrate. The change of redox zones occurred at a depth where the aquifer sediments change from an upper sandy stratum to a silty stratum with mud caps. The δ18O and δ2H values of groundwater were also different between the two zones. Hydrochemical and δ18O? δ2H data of oxic groundwater are similar to those of soil water. This illustrates that recharge of oxic groundwater mainly occurs through direct infiltration of rain and irrigation water in the sandy soil area where vegetable cropping with abundant fertilizer use is predominant. Oxic groundwater is therefore severely contaminated by agrochemical pollutants such as nitrate. In contrast, deeper sub‐oxic groundwater contains only small amounts of dissolved oxygen (DO) and NO3?. The 3H contents and elevated silica concentrations in sub‐oxic groundwater indicate a somewhat longer mean residence time of groundwater within this part of the aquifer. Sub‐oxic groundwater was also characterized by higher δ18O and δ2H values and lower d‐excess values, indicating significant evaporation during recharge. We suggest that recharge of sub‐oxic groundwater occurs in the areas of paddy rice fields where standing irrigation and rain water are affected by strong evaporation, and that reducing conditions develop during subsequent sub‐surface infiltration. This study illustrates the existence of two groundwater bodies with different recharge processes within an alluvial aquifer. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrological processes of lakes in the Tibetan Plateau are an important indicator of climate change. Due to the high elevation, inaccessibility and limited availability of historical observations, water budget evaluation of typical lake basins has been inadequate. In this study, stable isotopes are used to trace the multiple water sources contributing to two adjacent lakes on the north slope of the Himalayas, Gongmo‐tso and Drem‐tso. The two lakes have nearly the same elevation, lake area and climatic condition. However, the isotopic composition of the two lakes presents significant differences. Qualitative observations attribute the differences to hydrological discrepancies: Gongmo‐tso is a through‐flow lake, whereas Drem‐tso is a terminal lake. Quantitative analyses, including water and isotope mass balance modelling, clarify the fluxes and isotopic compositions among the various hydrological elements. The isotopic composition of input water, calculated as the summation of rainfall and upstream runoff, is estimated using the local meteoric water line (LMWL) combined with the time series of lake water isotope values. The isotopic composition of evaporation is calculated with a linear resistance model using local meteorological data. The results show that Drem‐tso is a closed lake in a hydrological steady state with relatively more enriched lake water isotope values resulting mainly from evaporation. In contrast, through‐flow accounts for more than 88% of the water input into Gongmo‐tso. The large amount of upstream runoff with lower isotopic composition and enrichment due to evaporation are the major contributions to the observed lake water isotope values. Isotopic modelling of the two neighbouring lakes is effective for isotopic and hydrological research in this region with limited in situ observations. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to examine the hydrogeochemical factors leading to nitrate contamination of shallow groundwater in an agricultural area. Another purpose was to identify relationships between variations in organic matter levels (as estimated by the BOD and COD parameters) of groundwater that transports effluent from small‐scale livestock holdings. Major cations, anions, BOD and COD of organic matter and total coliforms were analysed. It was found that groundwaters beneath cultivated areas and areas carrying livestock had higher concentrations of calcium, nitrate and chloride than did freshwater. Above all, the nitrification process increased concentrations of nitrate. Nitrate levels were depressed in some places where the groundwater was low in dissolved oxygen. Groundwaters affected by livestock activities showed high concentrations of organic matter (BOD, COD) and high microbial concentrations (as indicated by total coliforms). The COD/BOD ratio increased in the downward direction. It was inferred that this was due to the faster loss of easily biodegradable organic matter compared with non‐biodegradable organic matter proceeding away from a discharge. Accordingly, it is possible to trace effluent in a small area back to a point source by monitoring the COD/BOD ratio of groundwater. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We used hydrochemistry and environmental isotope data (δ18O, δD, tritium, and 14C) to investigate the characteristics of river water, groundwater, and groundwater recharge in China's Heihe River basin. The river water and groundwater could be characterized as Ca2+? Mg2+? HCO3?? SO42? and Na+? Mg2+? SO42?? Cl? types, respectively. Hydrogeochemical modelling using PHREEQC software revealed that the main hydrogeochemical processes are dissolution (except for gypsum and anhydrite) along groundwater flow paths from the upper to middle Heihe reaches. Towards the lower reaches, dolomite and calcite tend to precipitate. The isotopic data for most of the river water and groundwater lie on the global meteoric water line (GMWL) or between the GMWL and the meteoric water line in northwestern China, indicating weak evaporation. No direct relationship existed between recharge and discharge of groundwater in the middle and lower reaches based on the isotope ratios, d‐excess, and 14C values. On the basis of tritium in precipitation and by adopting an exponential piston‐flow model, we evaluated the mean residence time of shallow groundwater with high tritium activities, which was around 50 years (a). Furthermore, based on the several popular models, it is calculated that the deep groundwaters in piedmont alluvial fan zone of the middle reaches and in southern part of the lower reaches are modern water, whereas the deep groundwaters in the edge of the middle reaches and around Juyan Lake in the lower reaches of Heihe river basin are old water. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nitrate contamination is a common problem in groundwater of the North China Plain (NCP) owing to overuse of fertilizers and discharge of wastewater. Accordingly, it is important to investigate nitrate contamination in recharge areas to understand the fate of nitrate in the plains area. In this study, the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of nitrate and factors contributing to its sources and transformation in shallow groundwater of the Beiyishui River watershed, NCP, were analysed by a combination of multiple regression and multi‐tracer methods. The nitrate concentration of 79% of the samples exceeded the natural environmental standard of 13.3 mg l?1, while that of 23% of the samples exceeded the World Health Organization (WHO) drinking water standard of 50 mg l?1. Groundwater age estimation of the hill regions based on chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) revealed a mix of young water from 1982 to 1990 and old, low CFC water. The analysis based on the variations in land use in past years revealed that part of the grassland was converted into woodland between 1980 and 1995; therefore, the land use at the recharge time was used to determine which surface conditions influence groundwater nitrate concentrations. Multiple regression analysis showed that point source pollution contributed to the high concentration of nitrate in the hill region. Fertilizer application associated with land use change from grassland to woodland was also related to the present nitrate concentration. In the plains area, the contribution of fresh water from fault fractures and denitrification led to 31 to 72% and 6 to 51% reductions in nitrate concentrations, respectively. Our results suggested that controlling point source contamination and fertilizer input to hilly regions of the study will prevent groundwater of the plains area from deterioration in future years by mixing fresh water into the aquifers and decreasing denitrification, and therefore nitrate concentrations. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

J. L. Wang  Y. S. Yang 《水文研究》2008,22(21):4274-4286
DRASTIC has drawbacks in groundwater risk assessment that are important in guiding activities to prevention agricultural diffuse groundwater pollution. This paper presents an improved and GIS‐based D‐DRASTIC approach for groundwater nitrate risk assessment from diffuse agricultural sources based on DRASTIC. D‐DRASTIC considers the risk concept, nitrate loading, pollutant transport with runoff, depth to water, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of the vadose zone media, and the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer. D‐DRASTIC was developed within an ArcGIS environment and applied to the Upper Bann Catchment, Northern Ireland as a case study. D‐DRASTIC shows that ‘very high’ and ‘high’ zones of groundwater nitrate risk occupy 5% and 11% of the case study area, respectively. When considering groundwater pollution sources and pathways, the results using D‐DRASTIC are helpful in guiding the activities of groundwater pollution prevention at the catchment scale in the context of better implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Artificial recharge of groundwater is an increasingly important method for augmenting groundwater supply and can have a positive or negative influence on the quality of water resources. We instrumented a managed aquifer recharge (MAR) pond in central coastal California to assess how patterns of infiltration and recharge affect the load of nitrate delivered to the underlying aquifer. The concentration of nitrate in infiltrating water consistently decreased during passage through the first metre of subsurface soils. Enrichment of 18O and 15 N in the residual nitrate in infiltrating water proceeded in a ratio of 1:2, indicating that denitrification plays a significant role in the quantitative reduction of nutrients exported during infiltration through shallow soils. The extent and rate of nitrate removal was spatially and temporally variable across the bottom of the recharge pond, with 30% to 60% of the nitrate load being removed over the first 6 weeks of managed aquifer recharge operation. During the period of highest N loading to the system, when the average infiltration rate was > 1 m/day, the recharge pond achieved a load reduction efficiency of 7 kg NO3?‐N/day/ha, which compares favourably to nitrate load reductions achieved by treatment wetlands. Groundwater mounding and water composition below the recharge pond suggest that recharge and subsequent lateral transport occur heterogeneously in the underlying aquifer. Nitrate concentrations in the aquifer following infiltration were lowered primarily by dilution, with little evidence for additional denitrification occurring in the aquifer in comparison to high rates documented during shallow infiltration. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Shallow and bedrock groundwater from granitic aquifers were investigated for the hydrogeochemistry of major and minor constituents in an agricultural area. Nitrate concentrations were observed up to 49 mg/l as NO3‐N, with 22% of samples exceeding the drinking water standard, which could pose a significant threat because most residents rely on groundwater as their drinking water source. Principal component analysis revealed three principal components (PCs): (1) nitrate contamination, contributed by major cations, Cl?, SO and NO , (2) reduction processes positively involving Fe, Mn and B, and negatively involving dissolved oxygen and NO and (3) natural mineralization, involving HCO and F?. Cluster analysis, performed on the PC scores, resulted in seven sample groups, which were successfully identified by total depth, elevation and land use. The nitrate‐contaminated groups had mixed land uses, with locally concentrated residential areas. Uncontaminated groundwater groups were found in the natural environment, including high‐altitude spring water and bedrock groundwater with a higher degree of natural mineralization. Shallow groundwater groups in paddy fields in lowlands were affected by reducing environments, of which one group was characterized by high Fe, Mn and B, and negligible nitrate. Groundwater with intermediate nitrate and lower Cl? and SO was found primarily in hilly terrains with orchards and vegetable gardens, indicating lower contaminant loadings than lowland areas. Higher concentrations of F? and nitrate were observed in the nitrate‐contaminated water, which seemed unlikely to be explained by groundwater mixing. The strong acidity generated from nitrification may infiltrate deeper into the aquifer, induce accelerated weathering of bedrock and result in the coexistence of F? and nitrate, which may be an evidence of intense nitrate loading, leading to soil acidification. Multivariate statistical analysis successfully delineated hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater attained by natural and anthropogenic processes in an agriculturally stressed area with complex topographic land use patterns. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Three main reservoirs were identified that contribute to the shallow subsurface flow regime of a valley drained by a fourth‐order stream in Brittany (western France). (i) An upland flow that supplied a wetland area, mainly during the high‐water period. It has high N‐NO3? and average Cl? concentrations. (ii) A deep confined aquifer characterized by low nitrate and low chloride concentrations that supplied the floodplain via flow upwelling. (iii) An unconfined aquifer under the riparian zone with high Cl? and low N‐NO3? concentrations where biological processes removed groundwater nitrate. This aquifer collected the upland flow and supplied a relict channel that controlled drainage from the whole riparian zone. Patterns of N‐NO3? and Cl? concentrations along riparian transects, together with calculated high nitrate removal, indicate that removal occurred mainly at the hillslope–riparian zone interface (i.e. first few metres of wetland), whereas dilution occurred in lower parts of the transects, especially during low‐water periods and at the beginning of recharge periods. Stream flow was modelled as a mixture of water from the three reservoirs. An estimation of these contributions revealed that the deep aquifer contribution to stream flow averaged 37% throughout the study period, while the contribution of the unconfined reservoir below the riparian zone and hillslope flow was more variable (from ca 6 to 85%) relative to rainfall events and the level of the riparian water table. At the entire riparian zone scale, NO3? removal (probably from denitrification) appeared most effective in winter, despite higher estimated upland NO3? fluxes entering the riparian zone during this period. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Environmental isotopes (2H or D, 18O, 3H), along with geology, hydrochemistry and in situ physicochemical parameters (EC, T, DO, pH) were employed to study surface water (reservoir, lake)–groundwater (spring) relationships at (1) Nagewadi, a minor irrigation project in the State of Maharashtra, Western India; (2) Kanhirapuzha reservoir in the State of Kerala, Southern India and (3) Ghatghar Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Project in the State of Maharashtra, Western India for the purpose of understanding the seepage/leakage and its associated problems. The studies concluded that the springs found downstream of the Nagewadi project originate from the reservoir and not from the abutments or shallow aquifers. The Kanhirapuzha reservoir receives a substantial base‐flow component compared to riverine inputs. The reason for the water‐logging problem at a nearby downstream village during the non‐summer periods is due to the change in the upstream groundwater flow direction under reservoir filling conditions and is not due to reservoir leakage. Most of the springs in the approach tunnel to the underground power house of the Ghatghar Project originate from the lower reservoir and not from the upper reservoir or the overburden rock matrix. The above case studies illustrate the diversity of environmental isotope applications in surface water (reservoir, lake)–groundwater (spring) relationships related to sustainability of hydro‐projects. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A nitrate sensor has been set up to measure every 10 min the nitrate signal in a stream draining a small agricultural catchment dominated by fertilized crops during a 2‐year study period (2006–2008) in the south‐west of France. An in situ sampling protocol using automatic sampler to monitor flood events have been used to assume a point‐to‐point calibration of the sensor values. The nitrate concentration exhibits nonsystematic concentration and dilution effects during flood events. We demonstrate that the calibrated nitrate sensor signal gathered from the outlet is considered to be a continuous signal using the Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem. The objectives of this study are to quantify the errors generated by a typical infrequent sampling protocol and to design appropriate sampling strategy according to the sampling objectives. Nitrate concentration signal and flow data are numerically sampled to simulate common sampling frequencies. The total fluxes calculated from the simulated samples are compared with the reference value computed on the continuous signal. Uncertainties are increasing as sampling intervals increase; the method that is not using continuous discharge to compute nitrate fluxes bring larger uncertainty. The dispersion and bias computed for each sampling interval are used to evaluate the uncertainty during each hydrological period. High underestimation is made during flood periods when high‐concentration period is overlooked. On the contrary, high sampling frequencies (from 3 h to 1 day) lead to a systematic overestimation (bias around 3%): highest concentrations are overweighted by the interpolation of the concentration in such case. The in situ sampling protocol generates less than 1% of load estimation error and sample highest concentration peaks. We consider useful such newly emerging field technologies to assess short‐term variations of water quality parameters, to minimize the number of samples to be analysed and to assess the quality state of the stream at any time. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of the application of industrial fertilizers and liquid swine manure in groundwater in two pilot agricultural areas, San Pedro and Pichidegua, which have been under long‐term historic use of fertilizers. A comprehensive hydrogeological investigation was carried out to define the geology and the groundwater flow system. Chemical and isotopic tools were used to evaluate the distribution and behavior of the nitrate in the groundwater. The isotopic tools included δ18O, δ2H, and 3H, which provide information about the origin and residence time of the groundwater; δ15N‐NO3? and δ18O‐NO3?, which provide information about nitrate sources and processes that can affect nitrate along the groundwater flow system. The application rate of liquid manure and other fertilizers all together with land uses was also evaluated. The hydrogeological investigation identified the presence of a confined aquifer underneath a thick low‐permeability aquitard, whose extension covers most of the two study areas. The nitrate concentration data, excepting a few points in zones located near recharge areas in the upper part of the basins and lower areas at the valley outlets (San Pedro), showed nitrate concentration below 10 mgN/L at the regional scale. The isotope data for nitrate showed no influence of the liquid swine manure in the groundwater at the regional scale, except for the high part of the basins and the outlet of the San Pedro valley, which are areas fertilized by manure. This data showed that the regional aquifer on both pilot study areas is protected by the thick low‐permeability aquitard, which is playing an important role on nitrate attenuation. Evidence of denitrification was also found on both shallow and deep groundwater in the Pichidegua site. This study showed that a comprehensive hydrogeological characterization complemented by chemical and isotope data is key for understanding nitrate distribution and concentration in aquifers from areas with intensive agriculture activities.  相似文献   

The Pantanal wetland is one of the least explored regions of South America. It is characterized by an outstanding flora and fauna adapted to a seasonal flood pulse controlled by a dry and a wet season within each year. The resulting inundation covers in average an area of approximately 150 000 km2 and is seen as the most important driver for ecological integrity. Evaporation from the large floodplain is supposed to influence the climate of the whole continent. The regional groundwater is connected to the surface water and plays an important role for the characteristic flooding regime by regulating the wetland's water table. The water balance assessment of the wetland and the internal water exchange between surface and groundwater is therefore of high relevance for the conservation of the Pantanal biodiversity. Despite of its importance, water balance studies including groundwater–surface water interactions based on field data are rarely undertaken. This is mainly due to the remoteness and difficulty in accessing this area, which results in lack of data. In our study, we developed a new tracer‐based model to simulate the spatio–temporal surface and subsurface fluxes for a range of water bodies. The model was able to simulate these fluxes considering a dynamic simulation of inflow and outflow using a newly collected 2‐year dataset of water levels, stable water isotopes and chloride collected from several water bodies in the northern Pantanal region. Quantitative differences between water bodies according to their location in the floodplain were determined by the flooding regime and connectivity as well as site‐specific characteristics, such as hydraulic conductivity and water depth. Our model simulated water balance fluxes with a Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency of 0.61, whereas it simulated stable water isotopic compositions better than chloride. We present the first study based on field data for the Pantanal, which is able to quantify water balances fluxes. Because their representation in global climate and land cover products is insufficient, our simulation results are valuable for validating large‐scale models. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

崔玉环  王杰  郝泷  董斌  高祥 《湖泊科学》2021,33(2):474-482
考虑流域地理特征的空间分异,以升金湖流域人口/农业集约区大渡口(DDK)与森林子流域唐田河(TTH)为研究区,利用贝叶斯同位素混合模型分别解析这2个子流域硝酸盐来源的贡献率,并分析其不确定性. 研究表明:(1)地下水中,DDK?TTH硝酸盐均主要来源于粪便/污水,贡献率可达65%以上,粪便/污水通过土壤下渗导致地下水硝...  相似文献   

Surface water oxygen and hydrogen isotopic values are commonly used as proxies of precipitation isotopic values to track modern hydrologic processes while proxies of water isotopic values preserved in lake and river sediments are used for paleoclimate and paleoaltimetry studies. Previous work has been able to explain variability in USA river‐water and meteoric‐precipitation oxygen isotope variability with geographic variables. These studies show that in the western United States, river‐water isotopic values are depleted relative to precipitation values. In comparison, the controls on lake‐water isotopic values are not well constrained. It has been documented that western United States lake‐water input values, unlike river water, reflect the monthly weighted mean isotopic value of precipitation. To understand the differing controls on lake‐ and river‐water isotopic values in the western United States, we examine the seasonal distribution of precipitation, evaporation and snowmelt across a range of seasonality regimes. We generate new predictive equations based on easily measured factors for western United States lake‐water, which are able to explain 69–63% of the variability in lake‐water hydrogen and oxygen isotopic values. In addition to the geographic factors that can explain river and precipitation values, lake‐water isotopic values need factors related to local hydrologic and climatic characteristics to explain variability. Study results suggest that the spring snowmelt runs off the landscape via rivers and streams, depleting river and stream‐water isotopic values. By contrast, lakes receive seasonal contributions of precipitation in proportion to the seasonal fraction of total annual precipitation within their watershed. Climate change may alter the ratio of snow to rain fall, affecting water resource partitioning between rivers and lakes and by implication of groundwater. Paleolimnological studies must account for the multiple drivers of water isotopic values; likewise, studies based on the isotopic composition of fossil material need to distinguish between species that are associated with rivers versus lakes. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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