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Topographic surveys on an inland parabolic sand dune over a six‐year period provide insight into the effects of diminishing local sand supply on dune stabilization. During the interval (2003–2009) sparse vegetation cover (Psoralea lanceolata) increased despite drier than normal moisture conditions and steady wind power during the growing season. Whereas these climatic conditions are typically ascribed to sustaining or increasing dune activity, here they coincide with stabilization. Through the use of geographic information system (GIS) analysis of volumetric changes it is shown that the increase of P. lanceolata can be attributed to the reduction of local sand supply from two blowouts along the arms of the parabolic dune during the six‐year period. These results show that climate is not the only control on dune activity in vegetated inland dunefields. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Vegetation plays an important role in shaping the morphology of aeolian dune landscapes in coastal and semi‐arid environments, where ecogeomorphic interactions are complex and not well quantified. We present a Discrete ECogeomorphic Aeolian Landscape model (DECAL) capable of simulating realistic looking vegetated dune forms, permitting exploration of relationships between ecological and morphological processes at different temporal and spatial scales. The cellular automaton algorithm applies three simple rules that lead to self‐organization of complex dune environments, including nebkhas with distinctive deposition tails that form in association with mesquite‐type shrubs, and hairpin (long‐walled) parabolic dunes with trailing ridges that evolve from blowouts in association with vegetation succession. Changing the conditions of simulations produces differing landscapes that conform qualitatively to observations of real‐world dunes. The model mimics the response of the morphology to changes in sediment supply, vegetation distribution, density and growth characteristics, as well as initial disturbances. The introduction of vegetation into the model links spatial and temporal scales, previously dimensionless in bare‐sand cellular automata. Grid resolutions coarser than the representative size of the modelled vegetation elements yield similar morphologies, but when cell size is reduced to much smaller dimensions, the resultant landscape evolution is dramatically different. The model furthermore demonstrates that the relative response characteristics of the multiple vegetation types and their mutual feedback with geomorphological processes impart a significant influence on landscape equilibria, suggesting that vegetation induces a characteristic length scale in aeolian environments. This simple vegetated dune model illustrates the power and versatility of a cellular automaton approach for exploring the effects of interactions between ecology and geomorphology in complex earth surface systems. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The spatial–temporal variations of a dune system can be determined by using diverse ‘geomatic’ methodologies: geodesy, global positioning system (GPS) and photogrammetry. In the case of the Liencres dune system, a study will be carried out using the ‘close‐range’ photogrammetry technique and the topography technique (total station and GPS). In order to determine the dynamic of the dune system it is necessary to repeat the process of study after a specific interval of time. For this reason, three dimensional data should be available in two different time periods, between which the displacement of the object of analysis (the front portion of the dune) will be significant enough to evaluate its magnitude. This work analyses the viability of photogrammetry for the determination of the spatial–temporal changes of a coastal parabolic dune. Two factors have been analysed: first, the comparison of the photogrammetric results with the results obtained from topographic methods (total station and GPS), and second, the quantification of the displacement of the dune system. The analysis of the correspondence between the movement of different parts of the dune and the influence of the intensity and direction of the prevailing wind in the area is also desired. The dune advanced 12·15 ± 0·06 m (an average of 8·5 m/yr), and the partial implications for the dynamic of human modified processes on the natural park have been established. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Changes in vegetation cover within dune fields can play a major role in how dune fields evolve. To better understand the linkage between dune field evolution and interdune vegetation changes, we modified Werner's (Geology, 23, 1995: 1107–1110) dune field evolution model to account for the stabilizing effects of vegetation. Model results indicate that changes in the density of interdune vegetation strongly influence subsequent trends in the height and area of eolian dunes. We applied the model to interpreting the recent evolution of Jockey's Ridge, North Carolina, where repeat LiDAR surveys and historical aerial photographs and maps provide an unusually detailed record of recent dune field evolution. In the absence of interdune vegetation, the model predicts that dunes at Jockey's Ridge evolve towards taller, more closely‐spaced, barchanoid dunes, with smaller dunes generally migrating faster than larger dunes. Conversely, the establishment of interdune vegetation causes dunes to evolve towards shorter, more widely‐spaced, parabolic forms. These results provide a basis for understanding the increase in dune height at Jockey's Ridge during the early part of the twentieth century, when interdune vegetation was sparse, followed by the decrease in dune height and establishment of parabolic forms from 1953‐present when interdune vegetation density increased. These results provide a conceptual model that may be applicable at other sites with increasing interdune vegetation cover, and they illustrate the power of using numerical modeling to model decadal variations in eolian dune field evolution. We also describe model results designed to test the relative efficacy of alternative strategies for mitigating dune migration and deflation. Installing sand‐trapping fences and/or promoting vegetation growth on the stoss sides of dunes are found to be the most effective strategies for limiting dune advance, but these strategies must be weighed against the desire of many park visitors to maintain the natural state of the dunes. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The shape and migration speed of a proto‐dune are mathematically discussed. The migration speed of a low dune is shown to be inversely proportional to its wind‐directional length. Proto‐dunes, whose wind‐directional lengths are about 10 m, are expected to migrate at finite speeds. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The evolution of barchan-to-parabolic dunes can be driven by vegetation establishment, which may be linked to climate change and/or human activity. However, little is known of the impact of changes in wind strength on vegetation development and the resulting impacts on the evolution of dune morphology and sedimentological characteristics. To address this issue, we studied the morphology and grain-size characteristics of barchan, barchan-to-parabolic and parabolic dunes in the Mu Us Desert in north China, which was combined with an analysis of changes in normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and climatic variables during 1982–2018. The results reveal a trend of increasing growing-season NDVI which was related to a significant decrease in drift potential (DP). Therefore, we suggest that the initiation of dune transformation was caused by the reduced wind strength which favored the establishment and development of vegetation. To reveal the response of sedimentological reorganization during the processes of dune transformation, grain-size characteristics along the longitudinal profile of the three different types of dunes were examined. The decreasing wind strength led to the transport of fine sands on the upper part of the windward face of the dunes, resulting in a progressive coarsening of the grain-size distribution (GSD) and a reduction in dune height at the crest area. No distinct trend in sorting and mean grain-size was observed on the windward slope of the barchan-to-parabolic dune, indicating that the sand in transit had little influence on the GSD. Conversely, progressive sorting and coarsening of the sand occurred towards the crest of the parabolic dune. This indicates that vegetation development limited the transport of sand from upwind of the dune, and affected a shift in the dune source material to the underlying source deposits, or to reworked pre-existing aeolian deposits, and resulted in the trapping of sand in the crest area. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work we analyze a dark erg on Mars that could be considered a mega‐dune (draa) where secondary dunes of different morphology are superposed over a main crescent‐shaped bedform (primary dune). The presence of a complex, multi‐directional wind regime is indicated as one of the main causes for the accumulation of a tall draa, presenting an analogy to the Great Sand Dunes in Colorado. In both cases, main regional winds from the SW blow in opposition to winds from the NE which are enhanced by the topography. Such a complex wind regime leads to the development of star and reversing dunes and is accurately predicted by atmospheric models on a regional and local scale. Signs of activity in the form of grainflow scars are also noted over the slip faces of many dunes, suggesting that easterly winds are actively shaping the study draa in the present‐day climatic setting. The presence of this draa on Mars suggests a complex interaction between regional and local topographically controlled flows and a consistent availability of sand. The future study of an analogue terrestrial site such as the Great Sand Dunes could be fundamental for understanding the evolution of similar Martian dune fields. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Repeated surveying of two sites on a Namib linear dune between 1980 and 2001 provides a 21‐year record of dune surface change. The surveys con?rm the view that the dunes are not inactive relics but are responding to the present‐day wind regime. They also provide no evidence that the dunes are migrating laterally. Examination of wind data for the survey period provides some evidence that the form of the crest of the dunes is actively responding to the natural year‐by‐year climate variability, such that an increase in the frequency of easterly winds leads to the development of a double‐crested form while fewer easterly winds lead to a single‐crested form. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For development of embryo dunes on the highly dynamic land–sea boundary, summer growth and the absence of winter erosion are essential. Other than that, however, we know little about the specific conditions that favour embryo dune development. This study explores the boundary conditions for early dune development to enable better predictions of natural dune expansion. Using a 30 year time series of aerial photographs of 33 sites along the Dutch coast, we assessed the influence of beach morphology (beach width and tidal range), meteorological conditions (storm characteristics, wind speed, growing season precipitation, and temperature), and sand nourishment on early dune development. We examined the presence and area of embryo dunes in relation to beach width and tidal range, and compared changes in embryo dune area to meteorological conditions and whether sand nourishment had been applied. We found that the presence and area of embryo dunes increased with increasing beach width. Over time, embryo dune area was negatively correlated with storm intensity and frequency. Embryo dune area was positively correlated with precipitation in the growing season and sand nourishment. Embryo dune area increased in periods of low storm frequency and in wet summers, and decreased in periods of high storm frequency or intensity. We conclude that beach morphology is highly influential in determining the potential for new dune development, and wide beaches enable development of larger embryo dune fields. Sand nourishment stimulates dune development by increasing beach width. Finally, weather conditions and non‐interrupted sequences of years without high‐intensity storms determine whether progressive dune development will take place. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The anthropogenic radionuclide 137Cs has been extensively utilized as a tracer of geomorphic processes in the northern hemisphere since its deposition during atmospheric testing of nuclear devices in the 1950s and 1960s. The distribution of bomb‐fallout 137Cs was measured on a sequence of coastal dune sands and soils at Pinery Provincial Park, on the coast of Lake Huron in southern Ontario, Canada. The depth distribution within the stabilized, developed soils inland reflected the relationship between clay content and the adsorption and immobilization of the radionuclide. However, the influence of soil organic matter, silt‐sized particles and vegetation cycling on the profile distribution could not be discounted. Within the geomorphically dynamic dune sands near the coast, there was a significant activity of 137Cs even though the sands were lacking in clay‐sized particles. Within a buried soil on the inland side of a large active dune blowout, the distribution of 137Cs with depth was useful as a stratigraphic marker of the rates of accumulation of sands at that position. Therefore 137Cs may be a useful alternative to erosion pins, sequential air photos and sediment traps in the monitoring of dune destabilization in coastal environments. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sedimentary architecture and genesis of residual dune ridges in a temperate climate are presented and implications for their use as archive of changes in long-term precipitation and wind climate are discussed. Residual dunes are common features of wet aeolian systems, where they form sets of shallow ridges, oriented perpendicular to the prevailing wind direction. Residual dune ridges of the study area are vegetated and typically elevate 0.6 to 2.5 m above the surrounding interdune flats. They develop on the lower stoss side of active transgressive dunes, triggered by periods of elevated groundwater table and hence colonization of the foot of the dune by rapid growing pioneer vegetation. Stabilized by plants, the growing ridge detaches from the active transgressive dune and gets abandoned within years in the course of the downwind-migration of the transgressive dune. Grain-size data suggest a main sediment supply from the transgressive dune and only minor input from other sources. Ground-penetrating radar reveals that the residual dune ridges are composed of windward-dipping as well as leeward-dipping sedimentary beds. Leeward-dipping strata reflect sediment supply from the parental dune, whereas windward-dipping beds are seen to result from sediment redistribution along the ridge and sediment supply from the adjacent swales during the ridge growth period. Multi-annual to multi-decadal variability in precipitation leads to the development of sequences composed of tens of ridges, spanning time periods of several centuries. Spacing of individual ridges in these sequences is controlled not by long-term variability in precipitation alone, but probably also reflects variable wind intensity which affects the migration rate of the parental dune. The important role of vegetation in ridge construction makes these landforms a demonstrative example of landscape development by geo-biosphere interacting processes.  相似文献   

The results from three years of surveying and monitoring a dynamic foredune and dunefield restoration effort on Vancouver Island, Canada is presented. Complete removal of foredune vegetation occurred in three phases spaced a year apart in an effort to control invasive Ammophila spp. The collection of airborne LiDAR, orthophotographs, and bi‐monthly topographic surveys provided a means to quantify and examine sediment budgets and geomorphic responses. Three survey swaths, corresponding with each phase of vegetation removal, were established to provide detailed topographic coverage over the impacted beach, foredune, and dunefield landscape units. The swath corresponding with the first phase of removal recorded a positive sediment budget of 1·3 m3 m?2 after three years. A control swath, with data collected for a year prior and two years following removal, exhibited a distinct pulse of sediment delivery into the dunefield unit with a maximum gain of 0·03 m3 m?2 pre‐removal compared to 0·11 m3 m?2 post‐removal. Vegetation analysis zones, associated with each of the three swaths, demonstrate a range of vegetation responses due to variation in the vegetation removal and subsequent re‐invasion or removal methods employed. The first site to be cleared of vegetation, received ongoing invasive re‐growth control, and three years following removal vegetation cover dropped from 57% in 2009 to 13% in 2012 (?44%). An adjacent site was cleared of vegetation two years later (only one year of recovery) but experienced rapid Ammophila re‐invasion and percent cover changed from 61% in 2009 to 26% in 2012 (?35%). The data presented provides insights for improving the application of sediment budget monitoring in dynamic restorations and discusses the potential for detailed spatial–temporal survey data to improve our understanding of meso‐scale landscape morphodynamics following foredune disturbance. Overall, the vegetation removal treatments reduced the extent of invasive grass and increased dunefield mobility and dynamic activity. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Flume experiments were conducted on different bed stages across the ripple–dune transition. As flow velocity increases, an initially flat bed surface (made of fairly uniform sandy material) is gradually transformed into a two‐dimensional rippled bed. With further increase in velocity, two‐dimensional ripples are replaced by irregular, linguoid ripples. As the average velocity necessary for the ripple–dune transition to occur is imposed on the bed surface, these non‐equilibrium linguoid ripples are further transformed into larger, two‐dimensional dunes. For each of these stages across the transition, a concrete mould of the bed was created and the flow structure above each fixed bed surface investigated. An acoustic Doppler velocimeter was used to study the flow characteristics above each bed surface. Detailed profiles were used along a transect located in the middle of the channel. Results are presented in the form of spatially averaged profiles of various flow characteristics and of contour maps of flow fields (section view). They clearly illustrate some important distinctions in the flow structure above the different bedform types associated with different stages during the transition. Turbulence intensity and Reynolds stresses gradually increase throughout the transition. Two‐dimensional ripples present a fairly uniform spatial distribution of turbulent flow characteristics above the bed. Linguoid ripples induce three‐dimensional turbulence structure at greater heights above the bed surface and turbulence intensity tends to increase steadily with height above bed surface in the wake region. A very significant increase in turbulence intensity and momentum exchange occurs during the transition from linguoid ripples to dunes. The turbulent flow field properties above dunes are highly dependent on the position along and above the bed surface and these fields present a very high degree of spatial variability (when compared with the rippled beds). Further investigations under natural conditions emphasizing sediment transport mechanisms and rates during the transition should represent the next step of analysis, together with an emphasis on quadrant analysis. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Flume experiments were conducted in order to monitor changes in flow turbulence intensity and suspended sediment concentration at seven stages across the ripple–dune transition and at three different positions above the bed surface. Three‐dimensional velocity measurements were obtained using an acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV). Suspended sediment concentration (SSC) was monitored indirectly using ADV signal amplitude. Although limited to time‐averaged parameters, the analysis reveals that SSC varies significantly with stage across the transition and with sampling height. The statistical analysis also reveals an apparent uniformity of suspended sediment concentration with height above the bed in the lower half of the flow depth at the critical stage in the transition from ripples to dunes. This is also the stage at which turbulence intensity is maximized. Statistically significant correlations were also observed between suspended sediment concentrations and root‐mean‐square values of vertical velocity fluctuations. These correlations reflect the various levels of shear‐layer activity and the distinct turbulent flow regions across the transition. Conversely, time‐averaged values of Reynolds shear stress exhibit a very weak relationship with suspended sediment concentrations. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accurate snow accumulation and melt simulations are crucial for understanding and predicting hydrological dynamics in mountainous settings. As snow models require temporally varying meteorological inputs, time resolution of these inputs is likely to play an important role on the model accuracy. Because meteorological data at a fine temporal resolution (~1 hr) are generally not available in many snow‐dominated settings, it is important to evaluate the role of meteorological inputs temporal resolution on the performance of process‐based snow models. The objective of this work is to assess the loss in model accuracy with temporal resolution of meteorological inputs, for a range of climatic conditions and topographic elevations. To this end, a process‐based snow model was run using 1‐, 3‐, and 6‐hourly inputs for wet, average, and dry years over Boise River Basin (6,963 km2), which spans rain dominated (≤1,400 m), rain–snow transition (>1,400 and ≤1,900 m), snow dominated below tree line (>1,900 and ≤2,400 m), and above tree line (>2,400 m) elevations. The results show that sensitivity of the model accuracy to the inputs time step generally decreases with increasing elevation from rain dominated to snow dominated above tree line. Using longer than hourly inputs causes substantial underestimation of snow cover area (SCA) and snow water equivalent (SWE) in rain‐dominated and rain–snow transition elevations, due to the precipitation phase mischaracterization. In snow‐dominated elevations, the melt rate is underestimated due to errors in estimation of net snow cover energy input. In addition, the errors in SCA and SWE estimates generally decrease toward years with low snow mass, that is, dry years. The results indicate significant increases in errors in estimates of SCA and SWE as the temporal resolution of meteorological inputs becomes coarser than an hour. However, use of 3‐hourly inputs can provide accurate estimates at snow‐dominated elevations. The study underscores the need to record meteorological variables at an hourly time step for accurate process‐based snow modelling.  相似文献   

This paper presents an approach to incorporate time‐dependent dune evolution in the determination of bed roughness coefficients applied in hydraulic models. Dune roughness is calculated by using the process‐based dune evolution model of Paarlberg et al. ( 2009 ) and the empirical dune roughness predictor of Van Rijn ( 1984 ). The approach is illustrated by applying it to a river of simple geometry in the 1‐D hydraulic model SOBEK for two different flood wave shapes. Calculated dune heights clearly show a dependency on rate of change in discharge with time: dunes grow to larger heights for a flood wave with a smaller rate of change. Bed roughness coefficients computed using the new approach can be up to 10% higher than roughness coefficients based on calibration, with the largest differences at low flows. As a result of this larger bed roughness, computed water depths can be up to 15% larger at low flow. The new approach helps to reduce uncertainties in bed roughness coefficients of flow models, especially for river systems with strong variations in discharge with time. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating studies of linear (longitudinal) dunes have been used extensively to elucidate late Quaternary environments and climates in arid or formerly arid regions, yet understanding of the development of such dunes is incomplete. In particular, conflicting opinions have been presented regarding the propensity of linear dunes to migrate laterally, the degree to which they rework their own sediment during accumulation and whether they form primarily by extension, as opposed to lateral sand movement from adjacent interdunes. This study focuses on this last point, although the importance of the other controversies is discussed in context. A simple linear dune in the south‐western Kalahari, which has a prominent termination on a pan (playa) surface, provides an opportunity to directly test hypotheses of dune extension. Chronostratigraphy along a ~600 m transect along the crest of the dune, constrained by 42 OSL ages, reveals that the dune grew by extension on occasions in the late Pleistocene and early Holocene, but has also been subject to reworking along its length, which has continued until recent times. Dune development by extensional growth is suggested to operate under environmental conditions more conducive to net accumulation, whereas reworking is largely independent of conditions throughout the last ~18 ka, and may represent seasonal fluctuations in the position of the dune crest. The relative significance of these two modes of development is suggested to be a key control on the efficacy of linear dunes as archives of environmental and climatic change. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High sediment concentrations in runoff are a characteristic feature of the Chinese Loess Plateau, and are probably caused by factors such as the occurrence of erodible materials on steep slopes, the characteristics of the loess and the harsh climate that results in low plant cover. When sediment concentration increases, fluid density increases, viscosity increases and settling velocity decreases. These effects become increasingly important with increasing concentration and can result in flow behaviour that is quite different from that of clear water flow. Although the net effect of these changes on the flow is not always apparent, erosion models that deal with high sediment concentrations should consider such effects and could include corrections for some of these effects. A case study in a small catchment on the Loess Plateau indicated that sediment concentrations were considerable, and literature data suggested that for such sediment concentrations, corrections for settling velocity, fluid density and viscosity are needed. Furthermore, a number of corrections are necessary to be able to compare field measurements with results of soil erosion models: sediment volume should be subtracted from runoff volume and a density correction is needed to use data from a pressure transducer. For flumes that were used to measure discharge from smaller areas inside the catchment, the measured water level should be corrected by subtracting the sediment level in the flume from the water level, while the sediment volume should also be subtracted from the discharge. Finally, measured concentration should be corrected to give concentration expressed as grams per litre of clear water, since soil erosion models express sediment concentration in this way. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The recovery of Santa Rosa Island in northwest Florida is characterized following Hurricane Katrina (September 2005), which was preceded by Hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Dennis (2005). Beach and dune recovery were quantified to the east and west of Pensacola Beach through a comparison of LiDAR data collected immediately following Hurricane Katrina and in July 2006 after almost a year of recovery. East of Pensacola Beach (the Santa Rosa Unit), the shoreline retreated by an average of 64 m during the 2004–2005 hurricane season and recovered by an average of 19 m. To the west of Pensacola Beach (the Fort Pickens Unit), the shoreline retreated by an average of 30 m, and while no significant shoreface recovery was observed, the presence of vegetation on low‐profile dunes promoted backshore accretion. It is found that beachface recovery in the Santa Rosa Unit and backshore accretion in the Fort Pickens Unit occurred at the widest sections of the island where the pre‐storm profile volume had been relatively large and overwash penetration was at a minimum. The narrow sections of the island (between cuspate headlands) had a smaller profile volume before the storms, leading to greater overwash penetration and in some cases island breaching in both sections, which limited the volume of sediment available for shoreface recovery. The alongshore variation in recovery is not only related to the island width, but also the offshore bathymetry, height of the pre‐storm dunes and the overwash penetration. If sufficient time is allowed for the return of vegetation and the recovery of the dunes, the variations in storm impact observed during Hurricane Ivan will be reinforced during subsequent storms. In this respect, the level of impact during subsequent storms and the ability of the island to recover will depend on the frequency of storm events. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The artificial gravel augmentation of river channels is increasingly being used to mitigate the adverse effects of river regulation and sediment starvation. A systematic framework for designing and assessing such gravel augmentations is still lacking, notably on large rivers. Monitoring is required to quantify the movement of augmented gravel, measure bedform changes, assess potential habitat enhancement, and reduce the uncertainty in sediment management. Here we present the results of an experiment conducted in the Rhine River (French and German border). In 2010, 23 000 m3 of sediments (approximately the mean annual bedload transport capacity) were supplied in a by‐passed reach downstream of the Kembs dam to test the feasibility of enhancing sediment transport and bedform changes. A 620‐m‐long and 12‐m‐wide gravel deposit was created 8 km downstream from the dam. Monitoring included topo‐bathymetric surveys, radio‐frequency particle tracking using passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags, bed grain size measurement, and airborne imagery. Six surveys performed since 2009 have been described (before and after gravel augmentation, and after Q2 and Q15 floods). The key findings are that (i) the augmented gravel was partially dispersed by the first flood event of December 2010 (Q1); (ii) PIT tags were found up to 3200 m downstream of the gravel augmentation site after four years, but the effects of gravel augmentation could not be clearly distinguished from the effects of floods and internal remobilization on more than 3500 m downstream; (iii) linear and log‐linear relationships linking bedload transport, particle mobility, and grain size were established; and (iv) combined bathymetry and PIT tag surveys were useful for evaluating potential environmental risks and the first morpho‐ecological responses. This confirmed the complementary nature of such techniques in the monitoring of gravel augmentation in large rivers. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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