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Infrared remote sensing of atmospheric composition and air quality: Towards operational applications
Atmospheric remote sensing from satellites is an essential component of the observational strategy deployed to monitor atmospheric pollution and changing composition. During this decade, remote sensors using the thermal infrared (TIR) spectral range have demonstrated their ability to sound the troposphere and provide global distribution for some of the key atmospheric species. This article illustrates three operational applications made possible with the IASI instrument onboard the European satellite MetOp, which opens new perspectives for routine observation of the evolution of atmospheric composition from space. 相似文献
阐述了科技竞争力是改制科研院所生存和发展的基础。提出提高思想认识、增强诚信意识、重视人力资源、取得资质证明、营造良好的科技发展环境以及正确把握研发投入产出是提高改制科研院所科技竞争力的重要环节。 相似文献
提出一种基于凝聚层次法和模糊C均值法的混合聚类法,用于对岩体结构面的优势组划分。该方法将结构面投放到在单位球面上,并使用欧式距离作为极点的相似性度量准则。先剔除结构面数据中的孤值产状,然后用凝聚层次法得到初步聚类结果,并将其作为FCM法的初始聚类中心,最后用FCM法划分优势组。通对人工生成产状样本的分组,验证了该法的正确性。将该方法应用于大藤峡坝址区实测的结构面数据的划分。在实测数据中寻找到两个孤值产状,成功将大藤峡D1y^1-3地层岩体结构面划分为两组,得到了符合实际的分组结果。 相似文献
沉积盆地动力学研究沉积盆地在地质历史时期的地质结构特征、成因机制及其对成矿、成藏的控制作用, 是地球动力学研究的重要组成部分.30多年来, 沉积盆地动力学经历了沉积盆地的板块构造分类与构造环境解释、盆地动力学的兴起, 盆地综合建模与盆地系统动力学3个发展阶段; 在沉积盆地的深部构造背景、盆-山关系、沉降机制、充填模式及其对能源、矿产的控制方面取得重要进展.目前, 在对不同层次、不同尺度、不同机制的盆地动力学综合分析, 全3-D和4-D盆地动力学模型的构建与检验, 及学术界与工业界的充分结合等方面面临重要挑战.需解决一系列关键科学问题: 沉积盆地的深部结构、过程与盆地形成; 沉积盆地的构造-气候古地理; 多旋回沉积盆地叠合动力学过程与原型盆地演化; 叠合盆地复合成矿(藏)系统流体运聚及其资源、能源效应等.基于大数据综合集成、多学科交叉渗透、观测技术与分析方法的不断进步与完善, 盆地动力学将在其结构构造、形成演化及其控矿(藏)的4-D综合模型方面取得突破, 并为人类社会、经济发展做出贡献. 相似文献
Long piston cores taken from the subsurface of two mountain lakes of the eastern Swiss Alps recovered sediments, which overlie the Flims rockslide deposits. These sediments provide new information on the chronology of the largest known Alpine rockslide and can be used to reconstruct the post landslide environmental evolution. The oldest 14C date of the lake sediments yields a minimum age of the rockslide at 9660–9430 cal. yr BP. In addition, the dating of a wood fragment contained in the rockslide deposits directly below the lake sediments shows a maximum age of 9480–9120 cal. yr BP. The overlap of the maximum and minimum ages, 9480–9430 cal. yr BP, approximates the age of the Flims rockslide. This early Holocene range coincides with a period of higher frequency of large mass movements observed in the Alps, which could be related to climatic changes. 相似文献
Conventional and non-conventional flotation for mineral processing and for water (and wastewaters) treatment and reuse (or recycling) is rapidly broadening their applications in the mining field. Conventional flotation assisted with microbubbles (30–100 μm) finds application in the recovery of fine mineral particles (< 13 μm) and flotation with these fine bubbles is being used as a solid/liquid separation to remove pollutants. The injection of small bubbles to conventional coarse bubbles flotation cells usually leads to general improvements of the separation parameters, especially for the ultrafines (< 5 μm) ore particles. Results obtained are believed to occur by enhancing the capture of particles by bubbles, one of the main drawbacks in fine ore flotation. It is believed that by decreasing the bubble size distribution (through the injection of small bubbles), increases the bubble surface flux and the fines capture. DAF or dissolved air flotation with microbubbles, treating water, wastewater and domestic sewage is known for a number of years and is now gradually entering in the mining environmental area. This technology offers, in most cases, advantages over settling, filtration, precipitation, or adsorption onto natural and synthetic adsorbents. The targets are the removal of oils (emulsified or not), ions (heavy metals and anions) and the reuse or recirculation of the process waters. Advantages include better treated water quality, rapid start up, high rate operation, and a thicker sludge. New applications are found in the mining vehicles washing water treatment and reuse, AMD (acid mining drainage) neutralization and high rate solids/water separation by flotation with microbubbles. This work reviews some recent applications of the use of microbubbles to assist the recovery of very small mineral particles and for the removal of pollutants from mining wastewaters. Emphasis is given to the design features of innovative devices showing the potential of conventional and unconventional DAF flotation. 相似文献
中国页岩气产业近几年已取得了明显进展。上扬子区下古生界海相地层产能效果显著,四川盆地侏罗系陆相、鄂尔多斯盆地三叠系陆相地层页岩气也实现了突破,此外,在西北地区侏罗系陆相、南方中扬子区上古生界海陆过渡相、东部断陷盆地古近系陆相地层都取得了重要进展。总结了优质页岩气资源区产层涉及的地球化学和沉积特点等关键指标,根据压力系数、TOC、成熟度(Ro)、孔隙度、含气性、含气饱和度、脆性矿物含量、黑色页岩层厚度8个指标参数建立了一种图像判别方法,以快速判断地下页岩气储层是否会产气,且产气层潜力能否达到工业气流(水平井工艺下)。认识到有机纳米孔隙内的有机质具有“接力成气”形成天然气的机理,有机孔隙随有机质成熟度(Ro)先升后减,识别出Ro值在2.60%~2.80%区间为孔隙有利发育带,同时也是最佳生气窗口,该层段地层是页岩气勘探的最佳窗口。物质相态转化可为页岩气排出提供有效动力,页岩气勘探中有机孔隙最佳成熟度窗口Ro值在1.35%~3.00%区间。认识到生油岩生成的石油总量有40%~60%的液态烃滞留在源岩中,为后期裂解成气提供了丰富的物质基础。认为页岩油气的“革命”既是勘探技术的突破,也是开采技术的革命,能提高储气层泄气面积的水平井段多级规模压裂是提高产能的关键,这些都延伸和推广了传统石油地质学理论的内涵和外延,拓展了油气勘探领域的发展潜力。分析了我国页岩气产区部分气井的初期产能和开采潜力特征,认为中国虽在海相地层获得了部分区块的商业性开发,但大部分区域仍待开发中准确评估,页岩气资源开发的关键技术还需提升。对中国部分页岩气产区经济效益情况进行了概要推断分析,认为中国页岩气只在个别地区获得了有价值的商业气流,总体上还处于开发起步阶段,要达到大规模商业开采尚需时日。 相似文献
构造地貌与低温热年代学若干问题探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
构造地貌主要是结合地球深部构造活动与地表过程来研究地质地貌塑造和演化过程,探究地球各圈层的相互作用关系。本文简述了构造地貌研究中的几个关键问题:如地幔对流的动力地形效应,定量研究古高程方法,气候、侵蚀和构造之间的相互反馈作用,侵蚀作用与岩石强度、地应力等定量研究问题等。同时,介绍构造地貌演化研究中主要测年方法之一的低温热年代学方法原理和进展,讨论了低温热年代学方法在构造地貌应用中的地形效应和热冷却对侵蚀速率的影响以及低温热年代学数据限定下的构造地貌演化数值模拟。 相似文献
危岩体是指由结构面切割形成的在一定诱发因素下失稳破坏的岩体,其作为常见的自然地质灾害之一,严重影响山区人类生命财产安全。对危岩体的勘查、稳定性评价、风险评价是地质灾害预防的研究难题。受人类工程活动影响,名山县新店镇白马沟内存在多处危岩体。通过对国内外研究文献的查阅分析并结合白马沟危岩体的分布特征、发育特征、崩塌落石运动特性进行分析与研究,初步总结出了白垩系上统灌口组(K2g)危岩体的形成、分布规律及成灾机理,并对该区4个危岩体利用Rockfall进行数值模拟计算,计算其运动速度及运动轨迹,计算岩石弹跳高度及距离等。为此类工程地质条件下的的危岩体稳定性评价及运动轨迹的分析提供参考,同时对于崩塌危岩体灾害预防与减灾技术研究有积极意义。 相似文献
新时期中国地质工作发展的六大战略要点 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
地质工作是国家经济发展的上游部门,既具有沉重的压力,也担负着光荣的责任。工业化过程中,能否保证物质流与能量流的充分运转,地质矿产资源的探查、开采与供应是一个处于关键位置的约束瓶颈。人类历史上的地理大发现、多次的全球性探险,乃至当代地缘政治的主要内容之一,就是发现、控制、占有和掠夺地质资源或经济发展所依赖的战略物资。 相似文献
岩体结构面控制着岩质边坡和地下洞室等岩体工程的稳定性,在岩体力学及水力学分析中起到关键作用。为对岩体结构面进行合理分组,精确地模拟岩体结构面网络的分布,提出一种融合改进遗传算法和支持向量机的聚类方法。首先,根据岩体结构面产状信息建立结构面分组的数学模型,采用改进的遗传算法计算结构面样本的全局最优聚类中心,再以聚类中心为训练样本,利用支持向量机方法将结构面样本进行完全划分。通过随机产生的结构面数据以及实际工程的运用表明,遗传-支持向量机聚类算法对岩体结构面的分组合理,获得的优势结构面结果可靠。 相似文献
基于恰当的假设,构造了锚固边坡的三维滑面正应力分布,建立了一种三维滑体锚固力计算方法。首先通过类比经典土压力理论和Spencer的条间力假定,提出了条柱间作用力假设模型,并由典型条柱的平衡条件构造了滑面正应力的分布函数(含3个待定参数),再根据整个滑体的4个主要平衡条件,建立了关于3个待定参数及1个锚固力系数的线性方程组,可直接求解出预定安全系数下的锚固力系数。这种新的三维滑体锚固力计算方法的优点是计算过程简单,易于实现;满足4个主要平衡条件,精度较高。该方法已用于乌江银盘重力坝左岸边坡三维滑体的加固设计,取得了令人满意的效果,具有进一步推广应用的价值。 相似文献
O. N. Ata K. Aygun H. Okur A. Kanca 《International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology》2016,13(10):2459-2466
In this study, the removal of ammonia from synthetically prepared ammonia solution at pH 11 was investigated by using microwave radiation heating. Initially, conventional and microwave radiation heating were compared with respect to ammonia removal efficiency and overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient at five different temperatures. Overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient was calculated from the material balance for ammonia at unsteady-state condition. The effects of temperature, initial ammonia concentration, air flow rate, stirring speed, and microwave radiation power on both ammonia removal efficiency and overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient in liquid phase were also examined. The results of the experiments revealed that microwave-assisted air stripping allowed to the higher ammonia removal efficiency and overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient value compared to the conventional heating air stripping. Additionally, temperature and air flow rate were determined as the most substantial parameters affecting both ammonia removal efficiency and overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient value. 相似文献
火山灰年代学:原理与应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
火山灰(2mm)等时标志层是火山灰年代学研究的基础。火山灰地层的直接或间接测年依赖于火山灰中存在合适的原生矿物(如:透长石、锆石、磷灰石)或外来物质(如:炭化木)。然而大多数火山灰沉积层,尤其是远源火山灰,其主要由岩浆源碎屑构成,开展测年显得十分困难。利用火山玻璃(岩浆)的地球化学,是一种被广泛应用的替代性方法。火山玻璃作为岩浆源物质普遍出现在各类近源、远源可见火山灰层和显微火山灰中,其主量、微量元素含量和特定的同位素组成能被电子、激光和离子探针技术准确测定。近源-远源玻璃化学成分的相互匹配,使得火山灰等时标志层得以在时间和空间上相互关联,构成有力的地层学工具,用以同步各类环境、考古和火山活动记录。近源火山沉积和远源火山灰层中的年龄信息得以实现交叉验证和整合。远源海洋、湖泊沉积中的相对年龄信息(氧同位素地层学,年纹层年代学)也为揭示火山活动、古环境变化和考古学事件的时间顺序提供了可能。火山灰年代学在地球科学中应用广泛,尤其是对于第四纪研究,其在同步各类记录从而评估火山活动、气候/环境变化和人类演化/迁移的因果关系中具有至关重要的作用。 相似文献
The aim of this paper is to contribute to an understanding of clusters, including both the material and discursive dynamism of cluster construction, and shed light on how clusters—once established—affect the actors, institutions and processes that constitute them. It does this by viewing clusters as an actant, i.e. something that acts or to which activity is granted by others. The empirical analysis examines two clusters in the public cluster programme Norwegian Centre of Expertise (NCE): the Møre maritime cluster and the Hordaland subsea cluster. It focuses on the type of development paths they are following and how the material and discursive processes are interweaved in these paths. The clusters are related to the concept of cluster construction, which is triggered by ideas, representations, policy and industry practice. The Møre maritime cluster is characterized by bottom-up clustering processes and illustrates how the material practices of firms can trigger clustering processes such as the establishment of a cluster and the identification of a prototype of best cluster practice. On the other hand, the Hordaland subsea cluster expresses a top-down process and how the ideal world of academics and policy-making can encourage processes of clustering among co-located firms. Based on these observations of material and discursive interweaved clustering processes and how they affect both those who are practicing and those who are promoting them, we find it reasonable to argue for a stronger awareness of such feedback loops in cluster studies. 相似文献
本文通过对一栋住宅所作的3W组合日照分析,论述了日照分析应当表达的内容,并对分析过程中接触的问题的解决方案进行了探索。 相似文献