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Effect of metamorphic reactions on thermal evolution in collisional orogens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of metamorphic reactions on the thermal structure of a collisional overthrust setting are examined via forward numerical modelling. The 2D model is used to explore feedbacks between the thermal structure and exhumation history of a collisional terrane and the metamorphic reaction progress. The results for average values of crustal and mantle heat production in a model with metapelitic crust composition predict a 25–40 °C decrease in metamorphic peak temperatures due to dehydration reactions; the maximum difference between the P–T–t paths of reacting and non‐reacting rocks is 35–45 °C. The timing of the thermal peak is delayed by 2–4 Myr, whereas pressure at peak temperature conditions is decreased by more than 0.2 GPa. The changes in temperature and pressure caused by reaction may lead to considerable differences in prograde reaction pathways; the consumption of heat during dehydration may produce greenschist facies mineral assemblages in rocks that would have otherwise attained amphibolite facies conditions in the absence of reaction enthalpy. The above effects, although significant, are produced by relatively limited metamorphic reaction which liberates only half of the water available for dehydration over the lifetime of the prograde metamorphism. The limited reaction is due to the lack of heat in a model with the average thermal structure and relatively fast erosion, a common outcome in the numerical modelling of Barrovian metamorphism. This problem is typically resolved by invoking additional heat sources, such as high radiogenic heat production, elevated mantle heating or magmatism. Several models are tested that incorporate additional radiogenic heat sources; the elevated heating rates lead to stronger reaction and correspondingly larger thermal effects of metamorphism. The drop in peak temperatures may exceed 45 °C, the maximum temperature differences between the reacting and non‐reacting P–T–t paths may reach 60 °C, and pressure at peak temperature conditions is decreased by more than 0.2 GPa. Field observations suggest that devolatilization of metacarbonate rocks can also exert controls on metamorphic temperatures. Enthalpies were calculated for the reaction progress recorded by metacarbonate rocks in Vermont, and were used in models that include a layer of mixed metapelite–metacarbonate composition. A model with the average thermal structure and erosion rate of 1 mm year?1 can provide only half of the heat required to drive decarbonation reactions in a 10 km thick mid‐crustal layer containing 50 wt% of metacarbonate rock. Models with elevated heating rates, on the other hand, facilitated intensive devolatilization of the metacarbonate‐bearing layer. The reactions resulted in considerable changes in the model P–T–t paths and ~60 °C drop in metamorphic peak temperatures. Our results suggest that metamorphic reactions can play an important role in the thermal evolution of collisional settings and are likely to noticeably affect metamorphic P–T–t paths, peak metamorphic conditions and crustal geotherms. Decarbonation reactions in metacarbonate rocks may lead to even larger effects than those observed for metapelitic rocks. Endothermic effects of prograde reactions may be especially important in collisional settings containing additional heat sources and thus may pose further challenges for the ‘missing heat’ problem of Barrovian metamorphism.  相似文献   

From a general understanding of the flow mechanisms in alpine-type peridotites, it is possible to describe without ambiguity the general flow regime and its directions in a massif. This result provides the means for an investigation of the origin of the folding in pyroxenitic layers independent of any preconceived theory on folding.The folds are usually isoclinal and of the flexural-flow type as demonstrated by petrofabric studies in hinges. Their axes are always parallel or subparallel to a mineral lineation which in turn is parallel or close to the orientation of the fabric elements defining the flow line. Their axial plane, which usually coincides with the foliation, is parallel to or close to the flow plane. This conclusion, also supported by paragenetic observations, shows that the folds were formed or transposed during the plastic flow responsible for the development of structures (foliation and lineation), textures and preferred mineral orientations. In the case of the Lanzo Massif and a few other Iherzolite massifs, the flow occurred during the intrusion from the mantle. The mapping in Lanzo yields evidence of a large-scale U-shaped fold with a remarkable pattern of mesoscopic folds attached to it: the tight isoclinal folds are restricted to the limbs of the largescale structure, and the open folds locally refolding former isoclinal ones to the hinge area where the angle between the folded pyroxenitic layering and the axial-plane foliation is large. Stereograms of the field structures in this hinge area clearly illustrate the geometric relations mentioned above.This folding, characterized by its axis and axial plane respectively close to the flow line and flow plane, can be explained either by rotation towards the flow line of non-cylindrical-fold axes or by direct formation in a non-plane flow when the flow line is initially contained in the layering or close to it. In this respect, the folding may bring information on the minor flow component, complementary to that given on the major flow component by considering the textures and fabrics. Finally this folding is shown to be ubiquitous in plastically deformed peridotites. It is proposed that these conclusions be extended to other domains submitted to intense non-plane flow.  相似文献   

程丰  彭景臻  王林  郭召杰 《地质学报》2023,97(9):2927-2938
盆山耦合研究在大地构造和地球动力学研究中占有重要地位。地貌负载引起的大陆岩石圈挠曲与沉积盆地沉降是盆山耦合的一种重要体现方式。本论文聚焦于挤压背景下大陆岩石圈挠曲盆地与造山带的耦合过程,系统梳理了单个或者多个地貌负载的几何形态、挠曲盆地几何形态以及岩石圈有效弹性厚度(Te)三者之间的数学关系。在此基础上,论文介绍了岩石圈挠曲模拟方法在恢复岩石圈刚性程度、造山带演化过程以及盆地沉积沉降方面的具体应用。结合古环境分析与岩石圈挠曲模拟实验,本文提出了一种定量恢复造山带古海拔的新方法。有别于基于温度、压力以及动植物分布与海拔之间关系所建立的传统古高度计,该方法强调在海侵时期地貌负载与沉积盆地间的高度差即为造山带的古海拔。该方法的提出为重建中亚以及其他曾受海侵影响并与岩石圈挠曲相关造山带的古海拔提供了新的思路。论文最后介绍了岩石圈挠曲模拟在定量分析造山带与盆地演化的研究过程中存在的问题与不足,并提出了在探究沉积盆地基底属性、重建岩石圈挠曲相关造山带古海拔以及有关挠曲模拟软件开发方面的新展望。  相似文献   

M. V. Mints 《Geotectonics》2007,41(4):257-280
The evolution of the North American, East European, and Siberian cratons is considered. The Paleoproterozoic juvenile associations concentrate largely within mobile belts of two types: (1) volcanic-sedimentary and volcanic-plutonic belts composed of low-grade metamorphic rocks of greenschist to low-temperature amphibolite facies and (2) granulite-gneiss belts with a predominance of high-grade metamorphic rocks of high-temperature amphibolite to ultrahigh-temperature granulite facies. The first kind of mobile belt includes paleosutures made up of not only oceanic and island-arc rock associations formed in the process of evolution of relatively short-lived oceans of the Red Sea type but also peripheral accretionary orogens consisting of oceanic, island-arc, and backarc terranes accreted to continental margins. The formation of the second kind of mobile belt was related to the activity of plumes expressed in vigorous heating of the continental crust; intraplate magmatism; formation of rift depressions filled with sediments, juvenile lavas, and deposits of pyroclastic flows; and metamorphism of lower and middle crustal complexes under conditions of granulite and high-temperature amphibolite facies that, in addition, spreads over the fill of rift depressions. The evolution of mobile belts pertaining to both types ended with thrusting in a collisional setting. Five periods are recognized in Paleoproterozoic history: (1) origin and development of a superplume in the mantle that underlay the Neoarchean supercontinent; this process resulted in separation and displacement of the Fennoscandian fragment of the supercontinent (2.51–2.44 Ga); (2) a period of relatively quiet intraplate evolution complicated by locally developed plume-and plate-tectonic processes (2.44–2.0 (2.11) Ga); (3) the origin of a new superplume in the subcontinental mantle (2.0–1.95 Ga); (4) the complex combination of intense global plume-and plate-tectonic processes that led to the partial breakup of the supercontinent, its subsequent renascence and the accompanying formation of collisional orogens in the inner domains of the renewed Paleoproterozoic supercontinent, and the emergence of accretionary orogens along some of its margins (1.95–1.75 (1.71) Ga); and (5) postorogenic and anorogenic magmatism and metamorphism (<1.75 Ga).  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》1987,37(1):19-28
The Mauritanide, Bassaride and Rokelide orogens occur along the western edge of the West African Craton. These record a polyphase tectonothermal evolution, including Pan African I (c. 650 Ma) and Pan African II (c. 550 Ma) events together with local Hercynian (late Paleozoic) overprinting. Pan African I activity is most penetratively recorded in the Bassarides, and resulted from late Proterozoic collision of a western continental structural block. Pan African II orogenesis increases in intensity from the southern Mauritanides through the Bassarides and dominates the Rokelides. This tectonothermal activity appears to reflect collision of the West African and Guyanean Cratons during assembly of Gondwana. Hercynian activity is concentrated along the margin of a western continental block which underwent relative eastward translation during collision of Gondwana and Laurentia. This resulted in extensive thrusting of intracontinental foreland sequences (external nappes) and more ductile imbrications of pre-deformed and metamorphosed late Proterozoic rift sequences and western calc-alkaline igneous successions (internal nappes).  相似文献   

We examined aluminous mafic rock (with or without corundum or sapphirine) alternating with peridotite from the Ronda peridotite massif, southern Spain. On the basis of petrographic characteristics, these mafic rocks show a decompression history from high pressure (P > 1.5 GPa), but on the basis of their geochemical characteristics, they are crystal accumulates of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, and olivine formed within the lower crust (P < 1 GPa). A complex evolution history, including higher-pressure recrystallization after initial formation as cumulate gabbros at lower-pressure conditions, is proposed. The aluminous mafic rocks and their peridotite hosts are inferred to be recycled crustal materials now observed as centimeter-scale layered components in alpine-type peridotite. The rocks retained their original cumulate compositions; that is, their compositions were not affected by melting and metasomatic modifications during subduction, intense deformation within the upper mantle, and upwelling to the surface.  相似文献   

Petrological and thermochronological data provide our best record of the thermal structure of deeply eroded orogens, and, in principle, might be used to relate the metamorphic structure of an orogen to its deformational history. In this paper, we present a two-dimensional thermal model of collisional orogens that includes the processes of accretion and erosion to examine the P – T  evolution of rocks advected through the orogen. Calculated metamorphic patterns are similar to those observed in the field; metamorphic temperatures, depths and ages generally increase with distance from the toe of the orogen; P – T  paths are anti-clockwise, with rocks heating during burial and early stages of unroofing, followed by cooling during late-stage unroofing. The results indicate that peak metamorphic temperatures within the core of a collisional orogen and the distance from the toe of an orogen to the metamorphic core can be related to the relative rates of accretion, erosion and plate convergence. Model orogens displaying high metamorphic temperatures (>600  °C) are associated with low ratios of accretion rate to plate convergence velocity and with high heat flow through the foreland. Model orogens with metamorphic cores far from the toe of the orogen are associated with high ratios of accretion rate to erosion rate. Calculated metamorphic gradients mimic steady-state geotherms, and inverted thermal gradients can be preserved in the metamorphic record, suggesting reconsideration of the concept that the metamorphic record does not closely reflect geothermal gradients within an orogen.  相似文献   

We discuss the potential geodynamic connections between Paleozoic arc development along the flanks of the interior (e.g. the Iapetus and Rheic) oceans and the exterior Paleopacific Ocean. Paleozoic arcs in the Iapetus and Rheic oceanic realms are preserved in the Appalachian–Caledonide and Variscan orogens, and in the Paleopacific Ocean realm they are preserved in the Terra Australis Orogen. Potential geodynamic connections are suggested by paleocontinental reconstructions showing Cambrian–Early Ordovician contraction of the exterior ocean as the interior oceans expanded, and subsequent Paleozoic expansion of the exterior oceans while the interior oceans contracted. Subduction initiated in the eastern segment of Iapetus at ca. 515 Ma and Early to Middle Ordovician orogenesis along the flanks of this ocean is highlighted by arc–continent collisions and ophiolite obductions. Over a similar time interval, subduction and orogenesis took place in the exterior ocean and included formation of the Macquarie arc in the Tasmanides of Eastern Australia and the Famatina arc and correlatives in the periphery of the proto-Andean margin of Gondwana. Major changes in the style of subduction (from retreating to advancing) in interior oceans occurred during the Silurian, following accretion of the peri-Gondwanan terranes and Baltica, and closure of the northeastern segment of Iapetus. During the same time interval, subduction in the Paleopacific Ocean was predominantly in a retreating mode, although intermittent episodes of contraction closed major marginal basins. In addition, however, there were major disturbances in the Earth tectonic systems during the Ordovician, including an unprecedented rise in marine life diversity, as well as significant fluctuations in sea level, atmospheric CO2, and 87Sr/86Sr and 13C in marine strata carbonates. Stable and radiogenic isotopic data provide evidence for the addition of abundant mantle-derived magma, fluids and large mineral deposits that have a significant mantle-derived component. When considered together, the coeval, profound changes in the style of tectonic activity and the disturbances recorded in Earth Systems are consistent with the emergence of a superplume during the Ordovician. We speculate that the emergence of a superplume triggered by slab avalanche events within the Iapetus and Paleopacific oceans was associated with the establishment of a new geoid high within the Paleopacific regime, the closure of the interior Rheic Ocean and the amalgamation of Laurussia and Gondwana, which was a key event in the Late Carboniferous amalgamation of Pangea.  相似文献   

Soft-sediment deformation structures are common on passive continental margins, in trenches at subduction zones, and in strike-slip environments. Rocks from all these tectonic environments are incorporated into orogens, where soft-sediment deformation structures should be common. However, recognizing soft-sediment structures is difficult where superimposed tectonic structures are present. In seeking characteristic features of soft-sediment deformation, it is important to separate questions that relate to physical state (lithified or unlithified) from those that address the overall kinematic style (rooted or gravity driven). One recognizable physical state is liquefaction, which produces sand that has much lower strength than interbedded mud. Hence structures which indicate that mud was stronger than adjacent sand at the time of deformation can be used as indicators of soft-sediment deformation. These include angular fragments of mud surrounded by sand, dykes of sand cutting mud, and most usefully, folded sandstone layers displaying class 3 geometry interbedded with mud layers that show class 1 geometry. All these geometries have the potential to survive overprinting by later superimposed tectonic deformation; when preserved in deformed sedimentary rocks at low metamorphic grade they are indicators of liquefaction of unlithified sediment during deformation.  相似文献   

全球造山系类型主要分为增生型和碰撞型两大类。现今,全球两大巨型造山系的研究表明:环太平洋增生造山系正在经历洋- 陆俯冲过程,新特提斯- 喜马拉雅碰撞造山系经历过洋- 陆俯冲之后又步入陆- 陆碰撞阶段。其中,安第斯造山带是东太平洋Lazaca 大洋板块多阶段向东俯冲在南美大陆之下后形成的以“大洋板块深(陡)- 浅(平)俯冲交替、洋岛- 地体增生拼贴、碰撞和俯冲型高原隆升”为特征的现代“安第斯岛弧带”和“安第斯- 科迪勒拉俯冲型增生造山系”。位于亚洲大陆内部的冈底斯造山系经历了新特提斯洋盆向北俯冲、消减和洋盆闭合以及印度- 亚洲碰撞的两重阶段,具体包括早中生代开始的新特提斯“多洋岛”形成和向拉萨地体的多阶段俯冲汇聚,致使洋岛 地体增生碰撞形成冈底斯岩浆弧,继而铸造了晚白垩世的“安第斯型”俯冲增生造山系;在俯冲和碰撞转换阶段发生了岩浆大爆发并形成冈底斯初始高原;而后才进入印度- 亚洲陆陆碰撞阶段,形成大规模的E- W向逆冲断裂、走滑断裂和S- N向裂谷系。因此,安第斯是冈底斯的前半生,冈底斯的今天是安第斯的未来。研究冈底斯的构造演化,特别是早期的构造岩浆活动,必须与安第斯俯冲增生的历史进行对比。  相似文献   

The ore and accessory chrome-spinels from metamorphosed dunites of the Cr-bearing Klyuchevskoi alpine-type ultramafic massif are studied. As a result of use of thermomagnetic analysis in the range of 4–900 K, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and magnetic-force microscopy, secondary magnetic Fe3+-enriched microphases chaotically distributed in the primary nonmagnetic mineral were revealed for the first time in accessory chrome-spinels. It was established that the metamorphosed accessory chrome-spinels produce the magnetic properties of the host rocks and the primary nonmagnetic chrome-spinels forming ore bodies remains almost unaltered. This originates the contrast of magnetic properties between the ore body and host rocks and provides the geomagnetic anomaly in the ore-hosting zone.  相似文献   

A carbon isotope stratigraphy from the lowest Cambrian strata in the Adelaide fold belt of South Australia is interpreted in terms of the geological context of the sequence: major transgression, developing circulation patterns and upwelling resulting from an adjacent opening ocean, and biomass increases stemming from the Cambrian radiation event. There is also evidence from the textures of ooids and cements in late Precambrian-Cambrian strata for subtle variations in seawater chemistry across the boundary and these may well have been instrumental in the development of calcareous skeletons in the early metazoans.  相似文献   

Mantle diapirism contributes considerably to the formation of newly formed basins and surrounding centrifugally vergence fold-thrust belts in the Mediterranean and Caribbean regions. Mantle diapirism results from density inversion in the geosphere of astenosphere+lithosphere geosystem. Such inversion has become a driving force in the background of increasing heat flow caused by the heat-resistant convergence of Africa and Eurasia (in the case of the Mediterranean region) and North and South Americas (Caribbean region) in the Cenozoic. Mantle diapirism is caused by unstable gravity in the periods of tectonomagmatic activations. The analytical solution of the problem yields the critical parameters coupling the mantle flow dynamics and surface relief evolution. The difference between the structures and evolutions for Mediterranean and Caribbean regions is the following. In the Mediterranean region, the mantle diapirism produces newly formed basins of intercontinental seas at the final stage of Africa–Eurasia convergence (in the Cenozoic). In the Caribbean region, intensive mantle diapirism first disjoined the North and South Americas in the Mesozoic, and then played the same role as in the Mediterranean for the convergence of these continents in the Cenozoic.  相似文献   

We present an updated series of kinematic reconstructions of the major plates around the Tethys from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pamirs between the Early Jurassic and the Present. This set is used elsewhere as a basis for paleogeographic maps of the entire region. The problems related to the positions of the continents in the Lower Triassic are also discussed. No direct analyses of magnetic anomalies and fracture zones in the Atlantic have been made. Rather, all available poles and rotations have been tested in order to eliminate or minimize possible kinematic errors. The reconstructions are shown for nine key geological periods which correspond to well recognized magnetic anomalies, except for the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary and the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary which correspond to interpolated positions. Paleolatitudes have been drawn using the study of Westphal et al. (1986). An attempt has been made to take into account the displacements caused by formation of the continental margins and basins by stretching. The resulting relative vector of motions along the northern boundary of the Tethys shows a significant change 80 m.y. ago. Left-lateral motion with compression dominates before whereas right-lateral motion with compression dominates after. To the east, rates of motion vary by a factor of three with time and four maxima can be clearly related to tectonic events in the Late Jurassic, Late Cretaceous, Eocene and post Middle Miocene. To the west, north of Apulia, on the contrary, the motion rate has not changed significantly since the Early Cretaceous and is close to 1 cm/yr as an average. These rather complex adjustments in rates and directions of relative motion are produced in great part through a complex migration of the Africa-Eurasia pole of rotation and seem to be mostly governed by the tectonics of the Tethys plate boundary.  相似文献   

李瑞  刘建忠  庞润连  朱丹  鞠东阳  杜蔚 《岩石学报》2022,38(4):1043-1062
由于缺少直接来自月球深部的岩石样品,实验和计算模拟是认识早期月球演化过程的有效方法和手段。20世纪70年代以来,陆续开展了大量的实验岩石学和实验地球化学工作对月球岩浆洋(lunar magma ocean,LMO)演化模型进行验证和修正。但是,学界对LMO模型中的两个关键性参数,即初始物质组成和熔融深度,仍然存在不同的认识。根据月震和重力探测数据推测的平均月壳厚度的差异、月球样品含水量的研究以及新的遥感数据解译发现月表广泛分布富镁铝尖晶石(Cr#<5)等等,直接影响我们对月球初始物质组成和LMO深度以及月球深部高压矿物相的评估。本文通过整理高温高压实验岩石学和实验地球化学在研究LMO演化方面的一系列研究成果,主要聚焦以下几个科学问题:(1)月球初始物质组成中的难熔元素和挥发分含量,以及LMO深度对月壳厚度、结晶矿物的种类及含量有着决定性的影响;(2)高压矿物相石榴子石在月球深部稳定存在的可能性及其对残余岩浆中微量元素的分配行为的制约;(3)特殊类型的月球样品(包括火山玻璃、镁质岩套等)的成因机制对月球深部物质组成具有指示意义;(4)月核的不同物质组成对LMO模型的初始成分含量,特别是微量元素的限定作用。我们以最新的观测数据和月球样品的分析结果为依据,对已有的LMO演化模型进行重新评估,提出月球深部含有石榴子石的LMO演化模型的可能性,并对该方向亟需开展的工作进行探讨。  相似文献   

山区河流两岸泥石流形成的机理和力学条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泥石流是山区沟谷的主要地质灾害类型之一,对其开展研究是很有价值的,但目前对其进行的针对性研究很少。本文重点研究山区沟谷泥石流形成的机理和力学条件。根据地形地貌、气候环境条件与土质学原理,研究了山区河流泥石流的形成机理及影响因素。河流两岸山坡岩土结构、人为活动与持续降雨或暴雨是山区河流泥石流形成的主要影响因素,不同土质结构与组成的土层的滑移破坏机理也不相同。山区河流泥石流的物源可概化为粘性土块体与松散砂砾两种典型固相物质。基于剪切破坏理论,建立了粘性土块的失稳滑动平衡条件;基于动量理论与重力分解原理,提出了松散砂砾启动的力学计算公式和失稳条件。  相似文献   

Reviewing the ophiolites of the Alpine chain from the Western Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean, we subdivide them into ten groups of outcrops. The geological environment through time, the internal composition and history are given for each. Emphasis is put on the variegated and successive geodynamic processes which can be reconstructed for the different ophiolitic belts since their birth as an ocean-like crust to their incorporation through accretion to a continent.One can distinguish: low versus high tholeiitic partial melting; fairly or poorly established ridges; simple ridge-type crust versus complex ridge + ensimatic arc (and even more complex) type; long-lived versus short-lived oceanic crust stages; abrupt, large-scale, pure obduction versus progressive collision-related obduction or simple progressive juxtaposition to continent.The major events through time in the Tethyan ophiolitic belts can be listed as follows: spreading ridge activity during the Jurassic (Liguria, Dinaro-Hellenides, Lesser Caucasus) and the Cretaceous (Peri-Arabic, Nain Sabzewar) with a jump of ridge in between; repeated change from ridge to ensimatic arc (Dinaro-Hellenic, Lesser Caucasus, Peri-Arabic, ? West Indian) during the latest Jurassic and Cretaceous; Upper Cretaceous (+Tertiary) collision-related obductions (Pontic-Lesser Caucasus, Liguria) squeezing out the elevated portions of these basins; lack of oceanic magmatism during the Cenozoic but progressive accretion along accretionary wedges of the elevated portions of the remaining Mesozoic crust (Van, Naïn, Sabzewar, Zahedan, MeKran).  相似文献   

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