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The Austroalpine nappe systems in SE-Switzerland and N-Italy preserve remnants of the Adriatic rifted margin. Based on new maps and cross-sections, we suggest that the complex structure of the Campo, Grosina/Languard, and Bernina nappes is inherited largely from Jurassic rifting. We propose a classification of the Austroalpine domain into Upper, Middle and Lower Austroalpine nappes that is new because it is based primarily on the rift-related Jurassic structure and paleogeography of these nappes. Based on the Alpine structures and pre-Alpine, rift-related geometry of the Lower (Bernina) and Middle (Campo, Grosina/Languard) Austroalpine nappes, we restore these nappes to their original positions along the former margin, as a means of understanding the formation and emplacement of the nappes during initial reactivation of the Alpine Tethyan margin. The Campo and Grosina/Languard nappes can be interpreted as remnants of a former necking zone that comprised pre-rift upper and middle crust. These nappes were juxtaposed with the Mesozoic cover of the Bernina nappe during Jurassic rifting. We find evidence for low-angle detachment faults and extensional allochthons in the Bernina nappe similar to those previously described in the Err nappe and explain their role during subsequent reactivation. Our observations reveal a strong control of rift-related structures during the subsequent Alpine reactivation on all scales of the former distal margin. Two zones of intense deformation, referred to as the Albula-Zebru and Lunghin-Mortirolo movement zones, have been reactivated during Alpine deformation and cannot be described as simple monophase faults or shear zones. We propose a tectonic model for the Austroalpine nappe systems that link inherited, rift-related structures with present-day Alpine structures. In conclusion, we believe that apart from the direct regional implications, the results of this paper are of general interest in understanding the control of rift structures during reactivation of distal-rifted margins.  相似文献   

The Helvetic nappes in Switzerland consist of sediments, which have been sheared off and thrust over the crystalline basement of the European passive continental margin during Alpine orogeny. Their basal shear zones usually root above the external crystalline massifs. However, the mechanisms that initiated the shear zones and the associated nappe formation are still debated. We perform two-dimensional numerical simulations of the shearing of linear viscous fluids above a linear viscous fluid with considerably higher viscosity (quasi-undeformable). The boundary between the fluid, mimicking the sediments, and the quasi-undeformable fluid, mimicking the basement, exhibits geometrical perturbations, mimicking half-grabens. These geometrical perturbations can trigger significant strain localization and the formation of shear zones within the linear viscous fluid although no rheological softening mechanism is active. This kinematic, ductile strain localization is caused by the half-grabens and the viscosity ratio between basement and sediments. The viscosity ratio has a strong control on the kinematics of strain localization, whereas the depth of the half-grabens has a weak control. For sediment viscosities in the order of 1021 Pas and typical half-graben geometries of 5 km depth and 25 km width the localization generates (a) low-angle shear zones at the basement-sediment interface, but also entirely within the sediments, (b) horizontal transport >10 km associated with the shear zones, (c) shear zones with thickness in the order of 100 m, (d) an ordered stacking of model nappes and (e) shear zones that root above the basement. The results suggest that tectonic inheritance in the form of half-grabens and associated kinematic strain localization could have been the triggering mechanism for Helvetic nappe formation, and not rheological softening mechanisms, which might, however, have subsequently further intensified shear localization significantly.  相似文献   

Abstract A detailed field and petrological study of rocks from nappes cut by the Valle dell'Orco (Italian Western Alps), in particular the Sesia–Lanzo composite unit, has revealed geological and metamorphic histories which started in pre-alpine times and lasted up to the alpine subduction-collisional processes. During these processes the nappes sustained an early high P–low T stage and a later low P greenschist facies stage, but followed partly distinctive P–T–time trajectories. This paper discusses the kinematic evolution and the thermal history of the alpine belt from the early subduction/underthrust to the later exhumation stage. The metamorphic crystallization is often governed by incomplete and/or local equilibrium, and the pervasive syn-metamorphic deformation and the composition of the syn-metamorphic fluid phase (if present) have exerted an effective local control on reaction kinetics.  相似文献   

Thermal models for Barrovian metamorphism driven by doubling the thickness of the radiogenic crust typically meet difficulty in accounting for the observed peak metamorphic temperature conditions. This difficulty suggests that there is an additional component in the thermal budget of many collisional orogens. Theoretical and geological considerations suggest that viscous heating is a cumulative process that may explain the heat deficit in collision orogens. The results of 2D numerical modelling of continental collision involving subduction of the lithospheric mantle demonstrate that geologically plausible stresses and strain rates may result in orogen‐scale viscous heat production of 0.1 to >1 μW m?3, which is comparable to or even exceeds bulk radiogenic heat production within the crust. Thermally induced buoyancy is responsible for crustal upwelling in large domes with metamorphic temperatures up to 200 °C higher than regional background temperatures. Heat is mostly generated within the uppermost mantle, because of large stresses in the highly viscous rocks deforming there. This thermal energy may be transferred to the overlying crust either in the form of enhanced heat flow, or through magmatism that brings heat into the crust advectively. The amplitude of orogenic heating varies with time, with both the amplitude and time‐span depending strongly on the coupling between heat production, viscosity and collision strain rate. It is argued that geologically relevant figures are applicable to metamorphic domes such as the Lepontine Dome in the Central Alps. We conclude that deformation‐generated viscous dissipation is an important heat source during collisional orogeny and that high metamorphic temperatures as in Barrovian type metamorphism are inherent to deforming crustal regions.  相似文献   

The Olkhon area in the western Baikal region belongs to the Baikal rift system. The terrain bears strong imprint of the Early Paleozoic structural framework produced by a multistage collision. The today's elevation pattern records the main features of inhomogeneous basement lithology. The topography of the area is generally governed by the tectonic style, and tectonic landforms remain weakly denuded and almost uneroded. Thus the Cenozoic geomorphic framework can be correlated to the Early Paleozoic basement structure.  相似文献   

The Helvetic nappe system exhibits three-dimensional (3-D) features such as the lateral variation in geometry between the Morcles and Doldenhorn fold nappes or the Rawil depression. We perform 3-D finite element simulations of linear and power-law viscous flow to investigate fold nappe formation during shortening of a half graben with laterally varying thickness. 3-D ellipsoids and corresponding 2-D intersection ellipses are used to quantify finite strain. Fold nappes which formed above a thicker graben have (i) larger amplitudes, (ii) a less sheared and thinned overturned limb, and (iii) a larger thickness than fold nappes formed above a thinner graben. These results agree with observations for the Morcles and Doldenhorn nappes. We also perform 3-D simulations for a tectonic scenario suggested for the evolution of the Rawil depression. The basement is shortened and extended laterally and includes a graben which is oblique to the shortening direction and acts as mechanical weak zone. The graben causes laterally varying basement uplift generating a depression whose amplitude depends on the graben orientation and the stress exponent of basement and sediments. The axial plunge of the depression is smaller (approximately 10°) than the observed plunge (approximately 30°) indicating that additional processes are required to explain the geometry of the Rawil depression.  相似文献   

M. V. Mints 《Geotectonics》2007,41(4):257-280
The evolution of the North American, East European, and Siberian cratons is considered. The Paleoproterozoic juvenile associations concentrate largely within mobile belts of two types: (1) volcanic-sedimentary and volcanic-plutonic belts composed of low-grade metamorphic rocks of greenschist to low-temperature amphibolite facies and (2) granulite-gneiss belts with a predominance of high-grade metamorphic rocks of high-temperature amphibolite to ultrahigh-temperature granulite facies. The first kind of mobile belt includes paleosutures made up of not only oceanic and island-arc rock associations formed in the process of evolution of relatively short-lived oceans of the Red Sea type but also peripheral accretionary orogens consisting of oceanic, island-arc, and backarc terranes accreted to continental margins. The formation of the second kind of mobile belt was related to the activity of plumes expressed in vigorous heating of the continental crust; intraplate magmatism; formation of rift depressions filled with sediments, juvenile lavas, and deposits of pyroclastic flows; and metamorphism of lower and middle crustal complexes under conditions of granulite and high-temperature amphibolite facies that, in addition, spreads over the fill of rift depressions. The evolution of mobile belts pertaining to both types ended with thrusting in a collisional setting. Five periods are recognized in Paleoproterozoic history: (1) origin and development of a superplume in the mantle that underlay the Neoarchean supercontinent; this process resulted in separation and displacement of the Fennoscandian fragment of the supercontinent (2.51–2.44 Ga); (2) a period of relatively quiet intraplate evolution complicated by locally developed plume-and plate-tectonic processes (2.44–2.0 (2.11) Ga); (3) the origin of a new superplume in the subcontinental mantle (2.0–1.95 Ga); (4) the complex combination of intense global plume-and plate-tectonic processes that led to the partial breakup of the supercontinent, its subsequent renascence and the accompanying formation of collisional orogens in the inner domains of the renewed Paleoproterozoic supercontinent, and the emergence of accretionary orogens along some of its margins (1.95–1.75 (1.71) Ga); and (5) postorogenic and anorogenic magmatism and metamorphism (<1.75 Ga).  相似文献   

滕霞  张建新 《岩石学报》2020,36(10):2963-2982
超高温(≥900℃)变质作用发生在自太古代以来的各个地质历史时期,目前极可能也正发生在青藏高原地壳深部。同时,它也是以冈瓦纳为代表的超大陆在最终拼合时的显著标识,这一关联指示了超高温变质作用与碰撞造山带的密切关系。本文总结了东冈瓦纳内与泛非造山作用有关的典型超高温变质岩的分布、岩石学特征、峰期变质条件、P-T轨迹及形成时代,并简要介绍我们在柴达木地块西段新识别出的泛非期超高温变质作用的基本特征。结合东冈瓦纳超高温变质作用特征和造山带热模拟研究的新进展,本文获得以东冈瓦纳超高温变质作用为代表的碰撞造山带超高温变质作用的几点认识:1)东冈瓦纳麻粒岩地块中的超高温变质岩和普通麻粒岩记录了相似的变质年龄、P-T轨迹以及呈过渡变化的峰期温度,两者可能是同一构造事件的产物,共同组成一个高温-超高温变质岩单元;2)超高温变质作用在东冈瓦纳内部持续了至少超过30Myr,但未见呈大规模的同期或近同期基性岩岩浆出露,指示此处需要的长期热源不是地幔来源岩浆;3)虽然数值模拟能成功呈现加厚地壳被放射元素衰变热加热至超高温条件的情况,且加热及持续时间与东冈瓦纳超高温变质约束的结果相当,但是模拟中需要的高生热值暗示,在自然界中,完全只靠放射性元素衰变生热或许不能让碰撞造山带内达到超高温条件;4)碰撞造山带经历了长期的构造演化,这一过程中,造山带内地壳不太可能同时达到超高温变质条件,这一特征可能反映在P-T-t轨迹的差异上,对这些轨迹的系统研究有助于对超高温变质作用的构造-热过程的理解。  相似文献   

大量的岩石学证据表明: 碰撞造山带中常发育900~1100℃的超高温变质作用。然而, 碰撞造山带中如何出现如此极端的超高温条件仍然存在争议。为了更好地理解超高温变质作用加热机制和碰撞造山带中主要热源的相对贡献, 我们建立了一系列高分辨率二维热-动力学模型, 借此探讨了俯冲大陆岩石圈密度亏损程度、大陆地壳放射性生热率和大陆汇聚速率等因素对碰撞造山过程中超高温变质主要热源的影响。当大陆岩石圈密度亏损(Δρ=ρ软流圈地幔-ρ岩石圈地幔)大于50kg/m3时, 有利于发生大陆平板俯冲, 软流圈地幔无法上涌为地壳物质提供热源; 此时, 具有较高放射性生热率(>3μW/m3)的地壳可以发生"浅俯冲-折返"型超高温变质作用。而当大陆岩石圈密度亏损小于10kg/m3时, 大陆上地壳在深俯冲阶段首先发生超高压榴辉岩相变质作用, 随后伴随着大陆岩石圈地幔后撤和软流圈上涌, 进而出现以异常高的地幔热流加热为主的"深俯冲-折返"型超高温变质作用。此外, 较低的大陆汇聚速率(< 1cm/yr)更有利于"深俯冲-折返"型超高温变质作用的产生。将数值模拟结果与特提斯构造域的变质岩石数据和地球物理观测进行对比, 我们认为在现今板块构造体制下, 由具有密度亏损程度较高的大陆岩石圈平俯冲有利于"浅俯冲-折返"型超高温变质作用的发生, 而由密度亏损程度较低的大陆岩石圈俯冲可能导致"深俯冲-折返"型超高温变质作用的产生。  相似文献   

Structural studies of the Barmer Basin in Rajasthan, northwest India, demonstrate the important effect that pre-existing faults can have on the geometries of evolving fault systems at both the outcrop and basin-scale. Outcrop exposures on opposing rift margins reveal two distinct, non-coaxial extensional events. On the eastern rift margin northwest–southeast extension was accommodated on southwest- and west-striking faults that form a complex, zig-zag fault network. On the western rift margin northeast–southwest extension was accommodated on northwest-striking faults that form classical extensional geometries.Combining these outcrop studies with subsurface interpretations demonstrates that northwest–southeast extension preceded northeast–southwest extension. Structures active during the early, previously unrecognised extensional event were variably incorporated into the evolving fault systems during the second. In the study area, an inherited rift-oblique fault transferred extension from the rift margin to a mid-rift fault, rather than linking rift margin fault systems directly. The resultant rift margin accommodation structure has important implications for early sediment routing and depocentre evolution, as well as wider reaching implications for the evolution of the rift basin and West Indian Rift System. The discovery of early rifting in the Barmer Basin supports that extension along the West Indian Rift System was long-lived, multi-event, and likely resulted from far-field plate reorganisations.  相似文献   

The Helvetic nappes in the Swiss Alps form a classic fold-and-thrust belt related to overall NNW-directed transport. In western Switzerland, the plunge of nappe fold axes and the regional distribution of units define a broad depression, the Rawil depression, between the culminations of Aiguilles Rouge massif to the SW and Aar massif to the NE. A compilation of data from the literature shows that, in addition to thrusts related to nappe stacking, the Rawil depression is cross-cut by four sets of brittle faults: (1) NE-SW striking normal faults, (2) NW-SE striking normal faults and joints, (3) ENE-WSW striking and (4) WNW-ESE striking normal plus dextral oblique-slip faults. Fault set 1 was probably initiated during sedimentation and reactivated during nappe stacking, whereas the other fault sets formed after emplacement of the Helvetic nappes. We studied in detail two well-exposed parallel fault zones from set 4, the Rezli fault zones (RFZ) in the Wildhorn Nappe. They are SW-dipping oblique-slip faults with a total displacement across the two fault zones of ~200 m vertically and ~680 m horizontally. The fault zones crosscut four different lithologies: limestone, intercalated marl and limestone, marl and sandstone. The internal architecture of the RFZ strongly depends on the lithology in which they developed. In the limestones, they consist of extension veins, stylolites, cataclasites and cemented gouge, in the intercalated marls and limestones of shear zones, brittle fractures and chaotic folds, in the marls of anastomosing shear zones, pressure solution seams and veins and in the sandstones of coarse breccia, brittle faults and extension veins. Sharp, discrete fault planes within the broader fault zones cross-cut all lithologies. Fossil fault zones in the Rezli area can act as a model for studying processes still occurring at deeper levels in this seismically active region.  相似文献   

Fault zone architecture plays an important role in flow regimes of hydrological systems. Fault zones can act as conduits, barriers, or conduits/barrier systems depending on their spatial architecture. The goal of this study is to determine the fault-zone permeability structure and its effect on the local hydrogeological system in the Dead Sea fault system. Permeability was measured on small-scale outcrop plug samples at four faults along the Dead Sea fault system, and large-scale slug tests in four boreholes, in different parts of the fault, at Yair fault in Israel. The research results show that values in the damage zone are two to five orders of magnitude higher than those of the fault core (~3.5?×?10?10, 1?×?10?15 m2 respectively), resulting in an anisotropic permeability structure for the overall fault zone and preferable flow parallel to the fault. A set of injection tests in the Yair fault damage zone revealed a water-pressure-dependent behavior. The permeability of this zone increases when employing a higher water pressure in the fault fracture-dominated damage zone, due to the reopening of fractures.  相似文献   

The stable isotope composition of veins, pressure shadows, mylonites and fault breccias in allochthonous Mesozoic carbonate cover units of the Helvetic zone show evidence for concurrent closed and open system of fluid advection at different scales in the tectonic development of the Swiss Alps. Marine carbonates are isotopically uniform, independent of metamorphic grade, where 13C=1.5±1.5 (1 ) and 18O=25.4±2.2 (1 ). Total variations of up to 2 in 13C and 1.5 in 18O occur over a cm scale. Calcite in pre- (Type I) and syntectonic (Type II) vein arrays and pressure shadows are mostly in close isotopic compliance with the matrix calcite, to within ±0.5, signifying isotopic buffering of pore fluids by host rocks during deformation, and closed system redistribution of carbonate over a cm to m scale. This is consistent with microstructural evidence for pressure solution — precipitation deformation.Type III post-tectonic veins occur throughout 5 km of structural section, extend several km to the basement, and accommodate up to 15% extension. Whereas the main population of Type III veins is isotopically undistinguishable from matrix carbonates, calcite in the largest of these veins is depleted in 18O by up to 23 but acquired comparable 13C values. This generation of veins involved geopressurized hydrothermal fluids at 200 to 350° C where 18O H2O=–8 to +20, representing variable mixtures of 18O enriched pore and metamorphic fluids, with 18O depleted meteoric water. Calc-mylonites ( 18O=25 to 11) at the base of the Helvetic units, and syntectonic veins from the frontal Pennine thrust are characterized by a trend of 18O depletion relative to carbonate protoliths, due to exchange with an isotopically variable reservoir ( 18O H2O=20 to 4). The upper limiting value corresponds to carbonate-buffered pore fluid, whereas the lower value is interpreted as 18O-depleted formation brines tectonically expelled at lithostatic pressure from the crystalline basement. Carbonate breccias in one of the large scale late normal faults exchanged with infiltrating 18O-depleted meteoric surface waters ( 18O=–8 to –10).During the main ductile Alpine deformation, individual lithological units and associated tectonic vein arrays behaved as closed systems, whereas mylonites along thrust faults acted as conduits for tectonically expelled lithostatically pressured reservoirs driven over tens of km. At the latest stages, marked by 5 to 15 km uplift and brittle deformation, low 18O meteoric surface waters penetrated to depths of several km under hydrostatic gradients.  相似文献   

The Helvetic nappes of western Switzerland are discussed as an example of an arcuate foreland fold- and thrust belt in which active fold-axis parallel stretching occurred. Fold-axis parallel extension is recorded by:

1. (1) Incremental strain data from pressure shadow fibres. The significance of pressure shadow fibres for the determination of the deformation history of a region is discussed. Pressure shadows are used to quantify the amount of, and to describe the distribution of fold-axis parallel extension occurring in the Helvetic nappes.

2. (2) The extension directions of conjugate systems of en échelon veins. It is shown that an analysis of the geometry of conjugate vein systems can reveal a regional deformation pattern. The relative age of the conjugate en échelon vein systems in the Helvetic deformation history can be assessed, the geometry of the conjugate sets relative to the local anisotropy plane is described, and the significance of the preferred orientation of their extension directions is discussed.

3. (3) Fold-axis parallel sections. A comparison of the regional distribution of the fold-axis parallel strain with the shape of the Helvetic nappes in fold-axis parallel sections shows that the fold-axis parallel strain cannot be related to the footwall topography of the nappes.

It is concluded that the fold-axis parallel extension in the Helvetic nappes was induced by a change of direction of overthrust shear. This change occurred late in the deformation history and was superposed on the already formed nappes. The changing direction of overthrust shear is the expression of an overall anticlockwise rotation going on in the overthrusting Alpine nappe pile, relative to the European plate, a rotation which lead to the arcuate shape of the Western Alps.  相似文献   

M. Manzoni 《Tectonophysics》1979,60(3-4):169-188
The magnetization of Lower Permian rocks from Sila has a mean direction D = 56.5°, I= +20.4° with 95 = 9.1° after correction for Upper Neogene tilting. A further correction for the attitude of the nappes after their Middle Miocene emplacement establishes paleolatitudes consistent with those from the Lower Permian Tethys. The remarkable internal consistency of the data has not supported the distinction of units with opposite vergences within the Sila crystalline nappes. The declination indicates that the Sila massif has rotated counter-clockwise by about 90° relative to the Apennines, Sardinia and the Southern Alps and therefore the well-known Apenninic rotation alone does not account for the total change of direction in tectonic transport. Accordingly, the structural trends of tectonic phases older than the emplacement time of the Calabrian nappes should no longer be referred to present-day geographic coordinates. The post-Late Cretaceous motion relative to the north Calabrian Apennines enhances the geotectonic role of the northern boundary of the Calabrian—Peloritan arc, since its sinistral-shear character permits both tectonic transport from the west and counter-clockwise motion during tectonic transport.  相似文献   

Southern Italy consists tectonically of ophiolite and basement nappes thrust over the Apenninic sedimentary nappes. Whilst all more recent authors agree that the sediments of the Apenninic nappes were deposited on Apulian basement (i.e. on African continental crust), and that the ophiolites were associated with the oceanic basement of the Mesozoic Tethys, the provenance of the basement nappes is still debated.New data based on microstructural criteria have shown that the main shear sense of the ophiolite nappes and of the overlying basement nappes in Northern Calabria is from west to east, in today's co-ordinate system. The basement nappes might not therefore be of Austroalpine (African) provenance, but could be of European origin.  相似文献   

The Zone of Samedan is part of a fossil, early Mesozoic rift system originally situated in the distal, Lower Austro-Alpine domain of the Adriatic passive continental margin. An early Mesozoic configuration of asymmetrical rift basins bounded by relative structural highs compartmentalized Late Cretaceous active margin tectonics; Jurassic half-grabens were folded into arcuate synclines, whereas relative structural highs engendered thin, imbricated thrust sheets. West-directed thrusting and folding initiated at the surface and continued to depths favoring mylonitization under lower greenschist-facies conditions. At this time Liguria-Piemontese ophiolites were accreted to Lower Austro-Alpine units directly underlying the Zone of Samedan. Late Cretaceous orogenic collapse of the Adriatic active margin involved the reactivation of west-directed thrusts as low-angle, top-to-the-east, normal faults. These faults accommodated extensional uplift of Liguria-Piemontese ophiolites and Lower Austro-Alpine units beneath and within the Zone of Samedan. During Paleogene collision, some Late Cretaceous faults in the Zone of Samedan were reactivated under lower anchizonal conditions as north-directed thrusts. The latter stages of this early Tertiary thickening were transitional to brittle, high-angle normal faulting associated with top-to-the-east extension and spreading above the warm, uplifting Lepontine dome.  相似文献   

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