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An angular correlation of low significance (2 σ ) is observed between 0.3< z <0.5 QSOs and V 23 galaxies. Overall, the cross-correlation function between 82 intermediate-redshift (0.3< z <0.7) X-ray selected QSOs and V ≲24 galaxies is investigated, but no signal is detected for the z >0.5 QSOs. After converting to an excess of galaxies physically associated with the QSO, this lack of strong correlation is shown to be consistent with the clustering of normal galaxies at the same moderate redshifts. Combined with previous observations, these results imply that the environments of radio-quiet QSOs do not undergo significant evolution with respect to the galaxy population over a wide range of redshifts (0< z <1.5). This is in marked contrast to the rapid increase in the richness of the environments associated with radio-loud QSOs over the same redshift range.  相似文献   

We quantify the galaxy environments around a sample of 0.5≤ z ≤0.8 radio-quiet quasars using the amplitude of the spatial galaxy–quasar correlation function, B gq. The quasars exist in a wide variety of environments; some sources are located in clusters as rich as Abell class 1–2 clusters, whereas others exist in environments comparable to the field. We find that, on average, the quasars prefer poorer clusters of ≈Abell class 0, which suggests that quasars are biased tracers of mass compared with galaxies. The mean B gq for the sample is found to be indistinguishable from the mean amplitude for a sample of radio-loud quasars matched in redshift and optical luminosity. These observations are consistent with recent studies of the hosts of radio-quiet quasars at low to intermediate redshifts, and suggest that the mechanism for the production of powerful radio jets in radio-loud quasars is controlled by processes deep within the active galactic nucleus itself, and is unrelated to the nature of the hosts or their environments.  相似文献   

We measure the relative evolution of the number of bright and faint (as faint as  0.05 L *)  red galaxies in a sample of 28 clusters, out of which 16 are at  0.50 ≤ z ≤ 1.27  , all observed through a pair of filters bracketing the 4000-Å break rest frame. The abundance of red galaxies, relative to bright ones, is constant over all the studied redshift range,  0 < z < 1.3  , and rules out a differential evolution between bright and faint red galaxies as large as claimed in some past works. Faint red galaxies are largely assembled and in place at   z = 1.3  and their abundance does not depend on cluster mass, parametrized by velocity dispersion or X-ray luminosity. Our analysis, with respect to the previous one, samples a wider redshift range, minimizes systematics and put a more attention to statistical issues, keeping at the same time a large number of clusters.  相似文献   

The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue (MGC) is a 37.5 deg2, medium-deep, B -band imaging survey along the celestial equator, taken with the Wide Field Camera on the Isaac Newton Telescope. The survey region is contained within the regions of both the Two Degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS) and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Early Data Release (SDSS-EDR). The survey has a uniform isophotal detection limit of 26 mag arcsec−2 and it provides a robust, well-defined catalogue of stars and galaxies in the range  16 ≤ B MGC < 24 mag  .
Here we describe the survey strategy, the photometric and astrometric calibration, source detection and analysis, and present the galaxy number counts that connect the bright and faint galaxy populations within a single survey. We argue that these counts represent the state of the art and use them to constrain the normalizations (φ*) of a number of recent estimates of the local galaxy luminosity function. We find that the 2dFGRS, SDSS Commissioning Data (CD), ESO Slice Project, Century Survey, Durham/UKST, Mt Stromlo/APM, SSRS2 and NOG luminosity functions require a revision of their published φ* values by factors of  1.05 ± 0.05, 0.76 ± 0.10, 1.02 ± 0.22, 1.02 ± 0.16, 1.16 ± 0.28, 1.75 ± 0.37, 1.40 ± 0.26  and  1.01 ± 0.39  , respectively. After renormalizing the galaxy luminosity functions we find a mean local b J luminosity density of     . 1  相似文献   

Using a sample of 19 464 galaxies drawn from the DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey, we study the relationship between galaxy colour and environment at  0.4 < z < 1.35  . We find that the fraction of galaxies on the red sequence depends strongly on local environment out to   z > 1  , being larger in regions of greater galaxy density. At all epochs probed, we also find a small population of red, morphologically early-type galaxies residing in regions of low measured overdensity. The observed correlations between the red fraction and local overdensity are highly significant, with the trend at   z > 1  detected at a greater than 5σ level. Over the entire redshift regime studied, we find that the colour–density relation evolves continuously, with red galaxies more strongly favouring overdense regions at low z relative to their red-sequence counterparts at high redshift. At   z ≳ 1.3  , the red fraction only weakly correlates with overdensity, implying that any colour dependence to the clustering of  ∼ L *  galaxies at that epoch must be small. Our findings add weight to existing evidence that the build-up of galaxies on the red sequence has occurred preferentially in overdense environments (i.e. galaxy groups) at   z ≲ 1.5  . Furthermore, we identify the epoch  ( z ∼ 2)  at which typical  ∼ L *  galaxies began quenching and moved on to the red sequence in significant number. The strength of the observed evolutionary trends at  0 < z < 1.35  suggests that the correlations observed locally, such as the morphology–density and colour–density relations, are the result of environment-driven mechanisms (i.e. 'nurture') and do not appear to have been imprinted (by 'nature') upon the galaxy population during their epoch of formation.  相似文献   

We present JHKL ' photometry of a complete sample of steep-spectrum radio-loud quasars from the revised 3CR catalogue in the redshift range 0.65 z <1.20. After correcting for contributions from emission lines and the host galaxies, we investigate their spectral energy distributions (SEDs) around 1 μm. About 75 per cent of the quasars are tightly grouped in the plane of optical spectral index, α opt, versus near-infrared spectral index, α IR, with the median value of α opt close to the canonical value, and the median α IR slightly flatter. We conclude that the fraction of moderately obscured, red quasars decreases with increasing radio power, in accordance with the 'receding torus' model which can also explain the relatively flat median near-infrared spectra of the 3CR quasars. Two of the red quasars have inverted infrared spectral indices, and we suggest that their unusual SEDs might result from a combination of dust-scattered and transmitted quasar light.  相似文献   

We study triple systems of galaxies with mean projected harmonic separation ≃0.6  h −1 Mpc     We call the systems 'wide triplets', in contrast to compact triplets with mean projected harmonic separation ≃0.04  h −1 Mpc, studied by Karachentsev et al. Data are taken for 108 wide triplets from a list compiled by Trofimov & Chernin; at least one-third of them are considered to be probably isolated physical systems. With typical crossing times of about the Hubble time, the wide triplets seem to be in a state of ongoing collapse. This is confirmed by a set of computer models which simulate well the observational characteristics of the ensemble of wide triplets. The simulations also give a statistical estimate of the total mass of a typical wide triplet: it proves to be ≃1013 M. This figure indicates that the dark matter mass is 15–30 times the mass of baryonic matter in the systems. The dynamics of wide triplets, as well as their dark matter content, provide new direct cosmological constraints by establishing that hierarchical evolution is occurring on a mass scale of ∼1013 M and a spatial scale of ∼1 Mpc.  相似文献   

We simulate the assembly of a massive rich cluster and the formation of its constituent galaxies in a flat, low-density universe. Our most accurate model follows the collapse, the star formation history and the orbital motion of all galaxies more luminous than the Fornax dwarf spheroidal, while dark halo structure is tracked consistently throughout the cluster for all galaxies more luminous than the SMC. Within its virial radius this model contains about     dark matter particles and almost 5000 distinct dynamically resolved galaxies. Simulations of this same cluster at a variety of resolutions allow us to check explicitly for numerical convergence both of the dark matter structures produced by our new parallel N -body and substructure identification codes, and of the galaxy populations produced by the phenomenological models we use to follow cooling, star formation, feedback and stellar aging. This baryonic modelling is tuned so that our simulations reproduce the observed properties of isolated spirals outside clusters. Without further parameter adjustment our simulations then produce a luminosity function, a mass-to-light ratio, luminosity, number and velocity dispersion profiles, and a morphology–radius relation which are similar to those observed in real clusters. In particular, since our simulations follow galaxy merging explicitly, we can demonstrate that it accounts quantitatively for the observed cluster population of bulges and elliptical galaxies.  相似文献   

The environmental properties of a sample of 31 hard X-ray selected active galactic nuclei (AGN) are investigated, from scales of 500 kpc down to 30 kpc, and are compared to a control sample of inactive galaxies. All the AGN lie in the redshift range  0.4 < z < 0.6  . The accretion luminosity density of the Universe peaks close to this redshift range, and the AGN in the sample have X-ray luminosities close to the knee in the hard X-ray luminosity function, making them representative of the population that dominated this important phase of energy conversion.
Using both the spatial clustering amplitude and near-neighbour counts, it is found that the AGN have environments that are indistinguishable from normal, inactive galaxies over the same redshift range and with similar optical properties. Typically, the environments are of subcluster richness, in contrast to similar studies of high- z quasars, which are often found in clusters with comparable richness to the Abell   R ≥ 0  clusters.
It is suggested that minor mergers with low-mass companions are a likely candidate for the mechanism by which these modest luminosity AGN are fuelled.  相似文献   

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