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We present results and source counts at 90 μm extracted from the preliminary analysis of the European Large Area ISO Survey (ELAIS). The survey covered about 12 deg2 of the sky in four main areas and was carried out with the ISOPHOT instrument onboard the Infrared Space Observatory ( ISO ). The survey is at least an order of magnitude deeper than the IRAS 100-μm survey and is expected to provide constraints on the formation and evolution of galaxies. The majority of the detected sources are associated with galaxies on optical images. In some cases the optical associations are interacting pairs or small groups of galaxies, suggesting that the sample may include a significant fraction of luminous infrared galaxies. The source counts extracted from a reliable subset of the detected sources are in agreement with strongly evolving models of the starburst galaxy population.  相似文献   

We present the luminosity function of 90-μm-selected galaxies from the European Large Area ISO Survey (ELAIS), extending to z =0.3. Their luminosities are in the range 10965−2 L /L<1012, i.e. non-ultraluminous. From our sample of 37 reliably detected galaxies in the ELAIS S1 region from the Efstathiou et al. S 90100 mJy data base, we have found optical, 15-μm or 1.4-GHz identifications for 24 (65 per cent). We have obtained 2dF and UK Schmidt FLAIR spectroscopy of 89 per cent of identifications to rigid multivariate flux limits. We construct a luminosity function assuming that (i) our spectroscopic subset is an unbiased sparse sample, and (ii) there are no galaxies that would not be represented in our spectroscopic sample at any redshift. We argue that we can be confident of both assumptions. We find that the luminosity function is well described by the local 100-μm luminosity function of Rowan-Robinson, Helou & Walker. Assuming this local normalization, we derive luminosity evolution of (1+ z )2.45±0.85 (95 per cent confidence). We argue that star formation dominates the bolometric luminosities of these galaxies, and we derive comoving star formation rates in broad agreement with the Flores et al. and Rowan-Robinson et al. mid-infrared-based estimates.  相似文献   

We report the results of 3-μm spectroscopy towards the nucleus of a nearby Seyfert 2 galaxy, NGC 5506. A weak absorption feature of carbonaceous dust is detected at ∼3.4 μm. The optical depth ratio of the 3.4-μm carbonaceous dust absorption to the 9.7-μm silicate dust absorption is smaller by more than a factor of 2 than that in the interstellar medium in our Galaxy. The small ratio is consistent with the idea that the obscuration towards the nucleus of NGC 5506 is caused mainly by dust grains in its host galaxy (type S0/a) and that the contribution of carbonaceous dust grains to the visual extinction there is smaller than that in our Galaxy (type Sb/bc).  相似文献   

The results of 3–4-μm spectroscopy towards the nuclei of NGC 3094, 7172, and 7479 are reported. In ground-based 8–13-μm spectra, all the sources have strong absorption-like features at ∼10 μm, but they do not have detectable polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission features. The 3.4-μm carbonaceous dust absorption features are detected towards all nuclei. NGC 3094 shows a detectable 3.3-μm PAH emission feature, while NGC 7172 and 7479 do not. Nuclear emission whose spectrum shows dust absorption features but no PAH emission features, is thought to be dominated by highly obscured active galactic nuclei (AGNs) activity. For NGC 7172, 7479, and three other such nuclei in the literature, we investigate the optical depth ratios between the 3.4-μm carbonaceous dust and 9.7-μm silicate dust absorption     The     ratios towards three highly obscured AGNs with face-on host galaxies are systematically larger than the ratios in the Galactic diffuse interstellar medium or the ratios for two highly obscured AGNs with edge-on host galaxies. We suggest that the larger ratios can be explained if the obscuring dust is so close to the central AGNs that a temperature gradient occurs in it. If this idea is correct, our results may provide spectroscopic evidence for the presence of the putative 'dusty tori' in the close vicinity of AGNs.  相似文献   

We present the multiwavelength properties and catalogue of the 15 μm and 1.4 GHz radio sources detected in the European Large Area ISO Survey ( ELAIS ) areas N1 and N2. Using the optical data from the Wide Field Survey we use a likelihood ratio method to search for the counterparts of the 1056 and 691 sources detected at 15 μm and 1.4 GHz, respectively, down to flux limits of   S 15= 0.5 mJy  and   S 1.4 GHz= 0.135 mJy  . We find that ∼92 per cent of the 15 μm ELAIS sources have an optical counterpart down to   r '= 24  . All mid-infrared (IR) sources with fluxes   S 15≥ 3 mJy  have an optical counterpart. The magnitude distribution of the sources shows a well-defined peak at relatively bright magnitudes   r '∼ 18  . The mid-IR-to-optical and radio-to-optical flux diagrams are presented and discussed in terms of actual galaxy models. About 15 per cent of the sources are bright galactic stars; of the extragalactic objects ∼65 per cent are compatible with being normal or starburst galaxies and ∼25 per cent active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Objects with mid-IR-to-optical fluxes larger than 100 are found, comprising ∼20 per cent of the sample. We suggest that that these sources are highly obscured luminous and ultraluminous starburst galaxies and AGNs.  相似文献   

A follow-up survey using the Submillimetre High-Angular Resolution Camera (SHARC-II) at 350 μm has been carried out to map the regions around several 850-μm-selected sources from the Submillimetre HAlf Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES). These observations probe the infrared (IR) luminosities and hence star formation rates in the largest existing, most robust sample of submillimetre galaxies (SMGs). We measure 350-μm flux densities for 24 850-μm sources, seven of which are detected at ≥2.5σ within a 10 arcsec search radius of the 850-μm positions. When results from the literature are included the total number of 350-μm flux density constraints of SHADES SMGs is 31, with 15 detections. We fit a modified blackbody to the far-IR (FIR) photometry of each SMG, and confirm that typical SMGs are dust-rich  ( M dust≃ 9 × 108 M)  , luminous  ( L FIR≃ 2 × 1012 L)  star-forming galaxies with intrinsic dust temperatures of ≃35 K and star formation rates of  ≃400 M yr−1  . We have measured the temperature distribution of SMGs and find that the underlying distribution is slightly broader than implied by the error bars, and that most SMGs are at 28 K with a few hotter. We also place new constraints on the 350-μm source counts, N 350(>25 mJy) ∼ 200–500 deg−2.  相似文献   

We present a 5–8 μm analysis of the Spitzer spectra of 71 ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) with redshift   z < 0.15  , devoted to the study of the role of active galactic nuclei (AGN) and starbursts (SBs) as the power source of the extreme infrared emission. Around ∼5 μm, an AGN is much brighter (by a factor of ≈30) than an SB of equal bolometric luminosity. This allows us to detect the presence of even faint accretion-driven cores inside ULIRGs: signatures of AGN activity are found in ∼70 per cent of our sample (50/71 sources). Through a simple analytical model, we are also able to obtain a quantitative estimate of the AGN/SB contribution to the overall energy output of each source. Although the main fraction of ULIRG luminosity is confirmed to arise from star formation events, the AGN contribution is non-negligible (∼23 per cent) and is shown to increase with luminosity. The existence of a rather heterogeneous pattern in the composition and geometrical structure of the dust among ULIRGs is newly supported by the comparison between individual absorption features and continuum extinction.  相似文献   

We present 8.4-GHz VLA A-configuration observations of 87 sources from the mid-infrared-selected AGN sample of Rush et al. These 0.25-arcsec-resolution observations allow elongated radio structures tens of pc in size to be resolved, and enable radio components smaller than 3.5 arcsec to be isolated from diffuse galactic disc emission. When combined with previous data, matched radio observations covering 90 per cent of the sample have been collected, and these represent the largest subarcsecond–resolution radio imaging survey of a homogeneously selected sample of Seyfert galaxies to date.
We use our observations to identify five radio-loud AGN in the sample. The nature of the radio emission from Seyfert nuclei will be discussed in subsequent papers.  相似文献   

We present the optical identifications of a 95-μm ISOPHOT sample in the Lockman hole over an area of approximately half a deg2. The Rodighiero et al. catalogue includes 36 sources, making up a complete flux-limited sample for   S 95 μm≥ 100 mJy  . Reliable sources were detected, with decreasing but well-controlled completeness, down to   S 95 μm≃ 20 mJy  . We have combined mid-infrared (IR) and radio catalogues in this area to identify the potential optical counterparts of the far-IR sources. We found 14 radio and 13 15-μm associations, 10 of which have both associations. For the 11 sources with spectroscopic redshift, we have performed a spectrophotometric analysis of the observed spectral energy distributions (SEDs). Four of these 95-μm sources have been classified as faint IR (FIR) galaxies  ( L FIR < 1. e 11 L)  , six as luminous IR galaxies (LIRGs) and only one as an ultraluminous IR galaxy (ULIRG). We have discussed the redshift distribution of these objects, comparing our results with evolutionary model predictions 95 and 175 μm. Given their moderate distances (the bulk of the closest spectroscopically identified objects lying at   z < 0.2  ), their luminosities and star formation rates (SFR; median value  ∼ 10 M yr−1  ), the sources unveiled by ISOPHOT at 95 μm seem to correspond to the low redshift  ( z < 0.3)  FIRBACK 175-μm population, composed of dusty, star-forming galaxies with moderate SFRs. We computed and compared different SFR estimators, and found that the SF derived from the bolometric IR luminosity is well correlated with that computed from the radio and mid-IR fluxes.  相似文献   

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