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A suite of dolerite dykes from the Ahlmannryggen region of westernDronning Maud Land (Antarctica) forms part of the much moreextensive Karoo igneous province of southern Africa. The dykecompositions include both low- and high-Ti magma types, includingpicrites and ferropicrites. New 40Ar/39Ar age determinationsfor the Ahlmannryggen intrusions indicate two ages of emplacementat 178 and 190 Ma. Four geochemical groups of dykes have beenidentified in the Ahlmannryggen region based on analyses of60 dykes. The groups are defined on the basis of whole-rockTiO2 and Zr contents, and reinforced by rare earth element (REE),87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd isotope data. Group 1 were intrudedat 190 Ma and have low TiO2 and Zr contents and a significantArchaean crustal component, but also evidence of hydrothermalalteration. Group 2 dykes were intruded at 178 Ma; they havelow to moderate TiO2 and Zr contents and are interpreted tobe the result of mixing of melts derived from an isotopicallydepleted source with small melt fractions of an enriched lithosphericmantle source. Group 3 dyke were intruded at 190 Ma and formthe most distinct magma group; these are largely picritic withsuperficially mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)-like chemistry (flatREE patterns, 87Sr/86Sri 0·7035, Ndi 9). However, theyhave very high TiO2 (4 wt %) and Zr (500 ppm) contents, whichis not consistent with melting of MORB-source mantle. The Group3 magmas are inferred to be derived by partial melting of astrongly depleted mantle source in the garnet stability field.This group includes several high Mg–Fe dykes (ferropicrites),which are interpreted as high-temperature melts. Some Group3 dykes also show evidence of contamination by continental crust.Group 4 dykes are low-K picrites intruded at 178 Ma; they havevery high TiO2–Zr contents and are the most enriched magmagroup of the Karoo–Antarctic province, with ocean-islandbasalt (OIB)-like chemistry. Dykes of Group 1 and Group 3 aresub-parallel (ENE–WSW) and both groups were emplaced at190 Ma in response to the same regional stress field, whichhad changed by 178 Ma, when Group 2 and Group 4 dykes were intrudedalong a dominantly NNE–SSW strike. KEY WORDS: flood basalt; depleted mantle; enriched mantle; Ahlmannryggen; Karoo dyke  相似文献   

The Ni-S System and Related Minerals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The system Ni-S has been studied systematically from 200? to1, 030? C by means of evacuated, sealed silica-glass tube experimentsand differential thermal analyses. Compounds in the system areNi3S2 (and a high temperature, non-quenchable Ni3?S2 phase),Ni7S6, Ni1–S4 Ni3S4, and NiS2. The geologic occurrenceof the minerals heazlewoodite (Ni2S2), millerite (ßSNi1-2S),polydymite (Ni3S4), and vaesite (NiS2) can now be describedin terms of the stability ranges of their synthetic equivalents. Hexagonal heazlewoodite, which is stoichiometric within thelimit of error of the experiments, inverts on heating to a tetragonalor pseudotetragonal phase at 556? C. This high-temperature phase(Ni3 has a wide field of stability, from 23.5 to 30.5 wt percent sulfur at 600? C, and melts incongruently at 806??3? C.The ßNi7S6 phase inverts to Ni78 at 397? C6 when inequilibrium with Ni3S2, and at 400? C when in equilibrium withNiS. Crystals of Ni7S6 break down to Ni3-S2+NiS at 573??3?C.The low-temperature form of Ni1-S1 corresponding to the mineralmillerite, is rhombohedral, and the high-temperature form hasthe hexagonal NiAs structure. Stoichiometric NiS inverts at379??3?C, whereas Ni1-S with the maximum nickel deficiency invertsat 282??5OC. The Ni1-alphS-NiS2 solvus was determined to 985??3?C,the eutectic temperature of these phases. Stoichiometric NiSis stable at 600?C but breaks down to Ni2-S2 and Ni1-S below797?C, whereas Ni1-S with 38.2 wt per cent sulfur melts congruentlyat 992??3?C. Vaesite does not vary measurably from stoichiometricNiS2 composition, and melts congruently at 1.007?5?C. Polydymitebreaks down to aNi-S? vaesite at 356??3?C. Differential thermalanalyses showed the existence of a two-liquid field in the sulfur-richportion of the system above 991?C and over a wide compositionalrange.  相似文献   

Marbles and metapelites from the Reynolds Range Group (centralAustralia) were regionally metamorphosed at low pressure duringM2 at 1.6 Ga, M2 ranged in grade from greenschist to granulitefacies along the length of the Reynolds Range, and overprinted1.78 Ga granites and their contact aureoles in the ReynoldsRange Group metasediments. At all M2 grades the marbles andmetapelites have highly variable oxygen isotope ratios [marbles:18O(carb) 14–20%; metapelites: 18O 6–14%). Similarly, 1.78 Ga granites have highly variable oxygen isotope ratios(18O 5–13%), with the lowest values occurring at thegranite margins. In all rock types, the lowest oxygen isotopevalues are consistent with the infiltration of channelled magmaticand/or meteoric fluids. The variable lowering of oxygen isotopevalues resulted from pre-M2 contact metamorphism and fluid—rockinteraction around the 1.78 Ga granites. In contrast, mineralassemblages in the marbles define a trend of increasing XCO2with increasing grade from <0.05 (greenschist facies) to0.7–1.0 (granulite facies). This, together with the lackof regionally systematic resetting of oxygen isotope ratios,implies that there was little fluid—rock interaction duringprograde regional metamorphism. KEY WORDS: low pressure; polymetamorphism; fluids; stable isotopes; petrology *Corresponding author Fax: 61–3–94791272. e-mail: geoisb{at}lure.latrobe.edu.au  相似文献   

Pan-African high-grade metamorphism in the Kerala KhondaliteBelt (South India) led to the in situ formation of garnet-bearingleucosomes (L1) in sodic quartz—alkali feldspar—biotitegneisses. Microtextures, mineralogy and the geochemical characteristicsof in situ leucosomes (L1) and gneiss domains (GnD) indicatethat the development of leucosomes was mainly controlled bythe growth of garnet at the expense of biotite. This is documentedby the selective transfer of FeO, MgO, , Sm and the heavy rareearth elements into the L1 domains. P-T constraints (T>800C,P>6kbar, aH2O0.3) suggest that the leucosomes were formedthrough complete melting of biotite in fluid-absent conditions,following the model reaction Biotite+Alkali feldspar+QuartzlGarnet+Ilmenite+Melt.The fraction of melt generated during this process was low (<10vol.%). The identical size of the leucosomes as well as theirhomogeneous and isotropic distribution at outcrop scale, whichlacks any evidence for melt segregation, suggest that the migmatiteremained a closed system. Subsequent to migmatization, the leptyniticgneisses were intruded by garnet-bearing leucogranitic melts(L2), forming veins parallel and subperpendicular to the foliation.The leucogranites are rich in potassium (K2O5.5 wt%), (Ba400p.p.m.) and Sr (300 p.p.m.), and exhibit low concentrationsof Zr (40 p.p.m.), Th (<1 p.p.m.) and (<10 p.p.m.). Thechondrite-normalized REE spectra show low abundances (LaN20,LuN3) and are moderately fractionated (LaN/LuN7). An Eu anomalyis absent or weakly negative. The higher 87Sr/86Sr ratio at550 Ma (0.7345) compared with the migmatite (0.7164) precludesa direct genetic relationship between leptynitic gneisses andleucogranites at Manali.Nevertheless, the chemical and mineralogicalcompositions of the leuocogranites strongly favour a derivationthrough fluid-absent biotite melting of isotopically distinctbut chemically comparable Manali-type gneisses. The undersaturationof Zr, Th and REE, a typical feature of leucogranitic meltsgenerated during granulite facies anatexis of psammo-peliticlithologies and attributed to disequilibrium melting with incompletedissolution of accessory phases (zircon, monazite), is weaklydeveloped in the leucogranites of Manali.It is concluded thatthis is mainly due to the sluggish migration of the melts instatic conditions, which facilitated equilibration with therestitic gneisses. *Fax: 0228-732763; e-mail: ingo.braun{at}uni-bonn.de  相似文献   

Sediment mixing and recycling through a subduction zone canbe detected in lead isotopes and trace elements from basaltsand sediments from the Kermadec-Hikurangi Margin volcanic arcsystem and their coupled back-arc basins. Sr, Nd and Pb isotopesfrom the basalts delineate relatively simple, almost overlapping,arrays between back-arc basin basalts of the Havre Trough-NgatoroBasin (87Sr/86Sr = 0.70255; Nd=+9.3; 206Pb/204Pb = 18.52; 208Pb/204Pb= 38.18), island arc basalts from the Kermadec Arc togetherwith basalts from Taupo Volcanic Zone (87Sr/86Sr 0.7042; Nd= +5; 206Pb/204Pb= 18.81; 208Pb/204Pb = 38.61), and sedimentsderived from New Zealand's Mesozoic (Torlesse) basement (87Sr/86Sr 0.715; Nd —4; 206Pb/204Pb 18.86; 208Pb/204Pb 38.8).Basalts from the arc front volcanoes have high Cs, Rb, Ba, Th,U and K, and generally high but variable Ba/La, Ba/Nb ratios,characteristic of subduction-related magmas, relative to typicaloceanic basalts. These signatures are diluted in the back-arcbasins, which are more like mid-ocean ridge basalts. Strongchemical correlations in plots of SiO2 vs CaO and loss on ignitionfor the sediments (finegrained muds) are consistent with mixingbetween detrital and biogenic (carbonate-rich) components. Otherdata, such as Zr vs CaO, are consistent with the detrital componentcomprising a mixture of arc- and continent-derived fractions.In chondrite-normalized diagrams, most of the sediments havelight rare earth element enriched patterns, and all have negativeEu anomalies. The multielement diagrams have negative spikesat Nb, P and Ti and distinctive enrichments in the large ionlithophile elements and Pb relative to mantle. Isotopic measurementsof Pb, Sr and Nd reveal restricted fields of Pb isotopes butwide variation in Nd and Sr relative to other sediments fromthe Pacific Basin. Rare K-rich basalts from Clark Volcano towardthe southern end of the oceanic Kermadec Island Arc show unusualand primitive characteristics ( 2% K2O at 50% SiO2, Ba 600p.p.m., 9–10% MgO and Ni > 100 p.p.m.) but have highlyradiogenic Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes, similar to those of basaltsfrom the continental Taupo Volcanic Zone. These oceanic islandarc basalts cannot have inherited their isotope signatures throughcrustal contamination or assimilation—fractional crystallizationtype processes, and this leads us to conclude that source processesvia bulk sediment mixing, fluid and/or melt transfer or somecombination of these are responsible. Although our results showclear chemical gradients from oceanic island arc to continentalmargin arc settings (Kermadec Arc to Taupo Volcanic Zone), overlapbetween the data from the oceanic and continental sectors suggeststhat the lithospheric (crustal contamination) effect may beminimal relative to that of sediment subduction. Indeed, itis possible to account for the chemical changes by a decreasenorthward in the sediment flux into the zone of magma genesis.This model receives support from recent sediment dispersal studiesin the Southern Ocean which indicate that a strong bottom current(Deep Western Boundary Current) flows northward along the easterncontinental margin of New Zealand and sweeps continental derivedsediment into the sediment-starved oceanic trench system. Thetrace element and isotopic signatures of the continental derivedcomponent of this sediment are readily distinguished, but alsodiluted in a south to north direction along the plate boundary. KEY WORDS: subduction zone basalts; sediments; Sr-, Nd-, Pb-isotopes; trace elements *Present address: School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Vic. 3052, Australia.  相似文献   

BAKER  A. J. 《Journal of Petrology》1990,31(1):243-260
Stable isotope compositions of Ivrea Zone marbles and associatedlithologies are in general heterogeneous. The oxygen isotopecomposition of quartz in pelites ranges from 18O +9 to + 17(SMOW) and does not vary systematically with metamorphic grade.Peridotites retain oxygen isotope signatures close to mantlevalues. Marble calcites vary in isotopic composition from 13C + 2(PDB),180 +24(SMOW)to 13C –6(PDB), 18O + 13 (SMOW).Depletions in 18O and 13C may be explained dominantly by interactionwith fluids derived from within the observed metasedimentarysequence during prograde metamorphism. 18O and 13C show gradients of greater than 5/m across marblemargins and within marbles. The preservation of such isotopicgradients is not consistent with the long-term presence of grain-boundary-scaleinterconnected fluid films in and around marbles. There is ageneral lowering of 18O within individual marble bodies althoughlarge carbon and oxygen isotopic gradients are present. Calcitein marbles may attain oxygen isotope equilibrium, but rarelycarbon isotope equilibrium, with surrounding metapelites. Infiltrationof marbles must involve a component of channelized fluid flow. The general lack of isotopic equilibration within the sequencerequires channelized fluid flow and limited fluid-rock ratios.Large pervasive mantle to crust fluid fluxes are not consistentwith the observations. *Present address: Natural Environment Research Council, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon SN2 1EU, England  相似文献   

Geochemical and 40 Ar—39 Ar studies of the Malaita OlderSeries and Sigana Basalts, which form the basement of Malaitaand the northern portion of Santa Isabel, confirm the existenceof Ontong Java Plateau (OJP) crust on these islands. Sr, Nd,and Pb isotopic ratios of Malaita Older Series and Sigana lavasfall within limited ranges [(87Sr/86Sr)T= 0.70369–0.70423,ENd(T)= + 3.7 to +6.0, and 206Pb/204Pb = 18.25–18.64]virtually indistinguishable from those found in the three OJPbasement drill sites as far as 1600 km away, indicating a uniformhotspot-like mantle source with a slight ‘Dupal’signature for the world's largest oceanic plateau. Three chemicaltypes of basalts are recognized, two of which are equivalentto two of the three types drilled on the plateau, and one withno counterpart, as yet, on the plateau; the chemical data indicateslightly different, but all high, degrees of melting and slightvariation in source composition. All but one of the 40Ar-39Arplateau ages determined for Malaita Older Series and SiganaBasalt lavas are identical to those found at the distant drillsites: 121.30.9 Ma and 92.01.6 Ma, suggesting that two short-lived,volumetrically important plateau-building episodes took place30 m.y. apart. Aside from OJP lavas, three isotopically distinctsuites of alkalic rocks are present. The Sigana Alkalic Suitein Santa Isabel has an 40 Ar-39 Ar age of 91.70.4 Ma, the sameas that of the younger OJP tholeiites, yet it displays a distinct’HIMU‘ -type isotopic signature [206Pb/204Pb 20.20,(87Sr/86Sr) T 0.7032, Nd(T) 4.4], possibly representing small-degreemelts of a minor, less refractory component in the OJP mantlesource region. The Younger Series in southern Malaita has an40Ar-39Ar age of 44 Ma and isotopic ratios [Nd(T)=-0.5 to +1.0,(87Sr/86Sr)T =0.70404–0.70433, 206Pb/204Pb = 18.57–18.92]partly overlapping those of the ‘PHEM’ end-memberpostulated for Samoa, and those of present-day Rarotonga lavas;one or both of these hotspots may have caused alkalic volcanismon the plateau when it passed over them at 44 Ma. The NorthMalaita Alkalic Suite in northernmost Malaita is probably ofsimilar age, but has isotopic ratios [(87Sr/86Sr) T 0.7037,Nd(T) +4.5, 206pb/204pb 18.8) resembling those of some OJP basementlavas; it may result from a small amount of melting of agedplateau lithosphere during the OJP's passage over these hotspots.Juxtaposed against OJP crust in Santa Isabel is an 62–46-Maophiolitic (sensu lato) assemblage. Isotopic and chemical datareveal Pacific-MORB-like, backarc-basin-like, and arc-like signaturesfor these rocks, and suggest that most formed in an arc—backarcsetting before the Late Tertiary collision of the OJP againstthe old North Solomon Trench. The situation in Santa Isabelappears to provide a modern-day analog for some Precambriangreenstone belts. KEY WORDS: oceanic plateaux; Ontong Java Plateau; Solomon Islands; Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes; age and petrogenesis *Corresponding author.  相似文献   

The Wrangellia terrane of North America contains a large volumeof Middle to Late Triassic oceanic flood basalts which wereemplaced on top of a preexisting island arc. Nd-, Sr-, and Pb-isotopiccompositions reflect derivation from a plume source with Nd(T)+6 to + 7, 87Sr/86Sri0•7034, and 206Pb/204Pbi19•0.Major and trace element compositions suggest the Wrangelliaflood basalts (WFB) formed through relatively small degreesof partial melting at greater depths than estimated for otheroceanic plateaux such as Ontong Java. It appears that the WFBdid not form in a rifting environment, and that preexistingarc lithosphere limited the ascent and decompression meltingof the source plume. Rocks from the preexisting arc are stronglydepleted in high field strength elements (HFSEs) relative tolarge ion lithophile elements (LILEs), but the WFB are not.Assimilation of arc lithospheric mantle or crust was thereforegenerally minor. However, some contamination by arc componentsis evident, particularly in basalts erupted in the early stagesof volcanism. Minor isotopic shifts, to lower Nd(T) and 206Pb/204Pbiand higher 87Sr/86Sri, are accompanied by shifts in trace elementratios towards more arclike signatures, e.g. low Nb/Th and Nb/La.Arc contamination is greatest in the most evolved basalts, indicatingthat assimilation was coupled with fractional crystallization.A comparison of the WFB with other continental and oceanic floodbasalts reveals that continental flood basalts generally formthrough smaller degrees of melting than oceanic flood basaltsand that the contribution of material from the crust and litho-sphericmantle is significantly greater. KEY WORDS: oceanic flood basalts; Wrangellia terrane; petrogenesis; Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes *Corroponding author  相似文献   

The Jozini and Mbuluzi rhyolites and Oribi Beds of the southernLebombo Monocline, southeastern Africa, have geochemical characteristicsthat indicate they were derived by partial melting of a mixtureof high-Ti/Zr and low-Ti/Zr Sabie River Basalt Formation types.Compositional variations within the different rhyolite typescan largely be explained by subsequent fractional crystallization.The Sr- and Nd-isotope composition of the rhyolites is uniqueamongst Gondwana silicic large igneous provinces, having Ndvalues close to Bulk Earth (–0·94 to 0·35)and low, but more variable, initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0·7034–0·7080).Quartz phenocryst 18O values indicate that the rhyolite magmashad 18O values between 5·3 and 6·7, consistentwith derivation from a basaltic protolith with 18O values between4·8 and 6·2. The low-18O rhyolites (< 6·0)come from the same stratigraphic horizon and are overlain andunderlain by rhyolites with more ‘normal’ 18O magmavalues. These low-18O rhyolites cannot have been produced byfractional crystallization or partial melting of mantle-derivedbasaltic material. The rhyolites have low water contents, makingit unlikely that the low 18O values are the result of post-emplacementalteration. Modification of the source by fluid–rock interactionat elevated temperatures is the most plausible mechanism forlowering the 18O magma value. It is proposed that the low-18Orhyolites were derived by melting of earlier altered rhyolitein calderas situated to the east, which were not preserved afterGondwana break-up. KEY WORDS: rhyolite; Lebombo; stable and radiogenic isotopes; low-18O magmas; partial melting  相似文献   

A new method has been suggested for evaluating the overall basicityof minerals and rocks by using ionization reactions involvingone proton: (sum of cations) + H2O = mineral + H+, (sum of cations) + H2O = (sum of normative minerals of a rock)+ H+. The basicity indicators are expressed as standard free energychanges of these reactions (). At standard water pressure (logPH2O = 0) and chemical activity of the metal ions ( log Mn+= 0), the relationship between and alkalinity of solutions(pH) becomes: = –2.303 RTlog H+ = 2.303 RT pH. The overall basicities of rock-forming oxides, minerals andmajor rocks were calculated from the thermodynamic data on ionsin water solutions and solid compounds.  相似文献   

Klauea historical summit lavas have a wide range in matrix 18OVSMOWvalues (4·9–5·6) with lower values in rockserupted following a major summit collapse or eruptive hiatus.In contrast, 18O values for olivines in most of these lavasare nearly constant (5·1 ± 0·1). The disequilibriumbetween matrix and olivine 18O values in many samples indicatesthat the lower matrix values were acquired by the magma afterolivine growth, probably just before or during eruption. BothMauna Loa and Klauea basement rocks are the likely sources ofthe contamination, based on O, Pb and Sr isotope data. However,the extent of crustal contamination of Klauea historical magmasis probably minor (< 12%, depending on the assumed contaminant)and it is superimposed on a longer-term, cyclic geochemicalvariation that reflects source heterogeneity. Klauea's heterogeneoussource, which is well represented by the historical summit lavas,probably has magma 18O values within the normal mid-ocean ridgebasalt mantle range (5·4–5·8) based on thenew olivine 18O values. KEY WORDS: Hawaii; Klauea; basalt; oxygen isotopes; crustal contamination  相似文献   

Numerous dykes of ultramafic lamprophyre (aillikite, mela-aillikite,damtjernite) and subordinate dolomite-bearing carbonatite withU–Pb perovskite emplacement ages of 590–555 Ma occurin the vicinity of Aillik Bay, coastal Labrador. The ultramaficlamprophyres principally consist of olivine and phlogopite phenocrystsin a carbonate- or clinopyroxene-dominated groundmass. Ti-richprimary garnet (kimzeyite and Ti-andradite) typically occursat the aillikite type locality and is considered diagnosticfor ultramafic lamprophyre–carbonatite suites. Titanianaluminous phlogopite and clinopyroxene, as well as comparativelyAl-enriched but Cr–Mg-poor spinel (Cr-number < 0.85),are compositionally distinct from analogous minerals in kimberlites,orangeites and olivine lamproites, indicating different magmageneses. The Aillik Bay ultramafic lamprophyres and carbonatiteshave variable but overlapping 87Sr/86Sri ratios (0·70369–0·70662)and show a narrow range in initial Nd (+0·1 to +1·9)implying that they are related to a common type of parentalmagma with variable isotopic characteristics. Aillikite is closestto this primary magma composition in terms of MgO (15–20wt %) and Ni (200–574 ppm) content; the abundant groundmasscarbonate has 13CPDB between –5·7 and –5,similar to primary mantle-derived carbonates, and 18OSMOW from9·4 to 11·6. Extensive melting of a garnet peridotitesource region containing carbonate- and phlogopite-rich veinsat 4–7 GPa triggered by enhanced lithospheric extensioncan account for the volatile-bearing, potassic, incompatibleelement enriched and MgO-rich nature of the proto-aillikitemagma. It is argued that low-degree potassic silicate to carbonatiticmelts from upwelling asthenosphere infiltrated the cold baseof the stretched lithosphere and solidified as veins, therebycrystallizing calcite and phlogopite that were not in equilibriumwith peridotite. Continued Late Neoproterozoic lithosphericthinning, with progressive upwelling of the asthenosphere beneatha developing rift branch in this part of the North Atlanticcraton, caused further veining and successive remelting of veinsplus volatile-fluxed melting of the host fertile garnet peridotite,giving rise to long-lasting hybrid ultramafic lamprophyre magmaproduction in conjunction with the break-up of the Rodinia supercontinent.Proto-aillikite magma reached the surface only after coatingthe uppermost mantle conduits with glimmeritic material, whichcaused minor alkali loss. At intrusion level, carbonate separationfrom this aillikite magma resulted in fractionated dolomite-bearingcarbonatites (13CPDB –3·7 to –2·7)and carbonate-poor mela-aillikite residues. Damtjernites maybe explained by liquid exsolution from alkali-rich proto-aillikitemagma batches that moved through previously reaction-lined conduitsat uppermost mantle depths. KEY WORDS: liquid immiscibility; mantle-derived magmas; metasomatism, Sr–Nd isotopes; U–Pb geochronology  相似文献   

An oxygen and hydrogen isotopic study of minerals and wholerocks from the granites of the Mourne Mountains Tertiary complex,and related rocks, shows that whereas a significant circulationof meteoric water was associated with the complex, it had onlyminor and localized effects on the granites themselves. TheSilurian slate and greywacke country rocks, which would havehad 18O(SMOW) values of +10 to +20 before the Tertiary igneousevents, have been depicted 18O to values of –40 to –05Tertiary acid minor intrusions outside the main granite massesare also 18O depleted. l8O whole-rock data on the granites showa range of +6.0 to +9.5, and include values significantly higherthan most of those obtained for the granites of the Tertiarycentral complexes of Skye, Mull, and Ardnamurchan. Many of thelowest whole-rock 18O values are found in samples where theminerals are not in isotopic equilibrium. The mineral oxygenisotopic data can be explained in terms of localized interactionwith meteoric water, resulting in preferential 18O depletionin feldspar(s) and biotite, with quartz being much less affected.The granites all show low values of D(SMOW) for biotite andamphibole separates (–137 to –104). The lowest valuesoccur close to the margins of the plutons, near internal contactsor near greisen localities, and these probably reflect limitedinteraction with meteoric water. The higher D values are fromsamples which show evidence of chloritization. This processappears to have occurred both during interaction with meteoricwater, and also during autometasomatism by an exsolved magmaticfluid in other parts of the plutons, including central locationswhere there is little or no evidence for the penetration ofmeteoric water. Granite samples which exhibit near-equilibriumoxygen isotope fractionations for constituent minerals are characterizedby magmatic O-isotopic compositions. The G2 granite, the largestpluton of the eastern centre, has a magmatic 18O(SMOW) valueof {small tilde}+95; intrusions G3 (eastern centre) and G4(western centre) both have 18O(SMOW) values of {small tilde}+90.The other two main intrusive phases have distinctly lower 18O(SMOW)values: {small tilde}+75 for Gl (the least fractionated graniteof the Mourne Mountains central complex), and from +75 to +85for G5. The oxygen isotopic data rule out simple partial meltingof the country rocks as the origin of the granites and alsopreclude an origin by closed-system fractional crystallizationof basaltic magma typical of that represented by Tertiary basicigneous rocks of the region. * Present address: NERC Isotope Geosciences Laboratory, Keyworth, Nottingham BG12 5GG, UK Present address: School of Engineering Technology, Georgian College, Barrie, Ontario, L4M 3X9, Canada  相似文献   

Mount Galunggung is a historically active volcano in southwesternJava that has erupted four times in the last two centuries.During the most recent event, which occurred during a 9–monthinterval in 1982– 83, some 305 106 m3 of medium–K,calc–alkaline magma was erupted. This eruption was unusualbecause of its duration, the diversity of eruption dynamicsand products, and the range of lava compositions produced. Thecomposition of juvenile material changed gradually during thecourse of the eruption from initial plagioclase (An60–75)and two–pyrozene bearing andesites with 58% SiO2 to finalplagioclase (An85–90), diopside, and olivine (Fo85–90)bearing primitive magnesium basalts with 47% SiO2 Mineralogicaland compositional relationships indicate a magmatic evolutioninvolving differentitation of high–Mg parental melt. Theeruptive volumes of 35 106 m3 andesite, 120 106 m3 maficandesite, and 150 106 m3 basalt are consistent with the ideathat the 1982– 83 eruption progressively tapped and draineda magma chamber that had become chemically stratified throughextensive crystal fractionation. Separates of plagioclase and pyroxene have 18O( SMO W) rangesof + 5. 6 to + 6.0 and + 5.3 to + 5.6, respectively, with 18Oplag–pxvalues of + 0.4 to + 0.6o, indicating internal O–isotopeequiliburium at temperature of 1100–850 C. The magenesianbasalts have magmatic 18O/ 16O ratios similar to those of mid–oceanridge basalt, and the O–isotope ratios of compositionallyevolved derivative melts show no evidence for contaminationof the galunggung magmas by 18O–rich crust during differentiation.Andesites and transitional mafic and sites have a more variableO–isotope character, with laves and phenocrysts havingboth higher and lower 18O values than observed in the parentalmagnesium basalts. These features are interpreted to reflectintramagma chamber processes affecting the upper portions ofthe differentiating Galunggung magma body before the 1982–83eruption.  相似文献   

The <80 ka basalts–basanites of the Potrillo VolcanicField (PVF) form scattered scoria cones, lava flows and maarsadjacent to the New Mexico–Mexico border. MgO ranges upto 12·5%; lavas with MgO < 10·7% have fractionatedboth olivine and clinopyroxene. Cumulate fragments are commonin the lavas, as are subhedral megacrysts of aluminous clinopyroxene(with pleonaste inclusions) and kaersutitic amphibole. REE modellingindicates that these megacrysts could be in equilibrium withthe PVF melts at 1·6–1·7 GPa pressure. Thelavas fall into two geochemical groups: the Main Series (85%of lavas) have major- and trace-element abundances and ratiosclosely resembling those of worldwide ocean-island alkali basaltsand basanites (OIB); the Low-K Series (15%) differ principallyby having relatively low K2O and Rb contents. Otherwise, theyare chemically indistinguishable from the Main Series lavas.Sr- and Nd-isotopic ratios in the two series are identical andvary by scarcely more than analytical error, averaging 87Sr/86Sr= 0·70308 (SD = 0·00004) and 143Nd/144Nd = 0·512952(SD=0·000025). Such compositions would be expected ifboth series originated from the same mantle source, with Low-Kmelts generated when amphibole remained in the residuum. ThreePVF lavas have very low Os contents (<14 ppt) and appearto have become contaminated by crustal Os. One Main Series picritehas 209 ppt Os and has a Os value of +13·6, typical forOIB. This contrasts with published 187Os/188Os ratios for KilbourneHole peridotite mantle xenoliths, which give mostly negativeOs values and show that Proterozoic lithospheric mantle formsa thick Mechanical Boundary Layer (MBL) that extends to 70 kmdepth beneath the PVF area. The calculated mean primary magma,in equilibrium with Fo89, has Na2O and FeO contents that givea lherzolite decompression melting trajectory from 2·8GPa (95 km depth) to 2·2 GPa (70 km depth). Inverse modellingof REE abundances in Main Series Mg-rich lavas is successfulfor a model invoking decompression melting of convecting sub-lithosphericlherzolite mantle (Nd = 6·4; Tp 1400°C) between90 and 70 km. Nevertheless, such a one-stage model cannot accountfor the genesis of the Low-K Series because amphibole wouldnot be stable within convecting mantle at Tf 1400°C. Thesemagmas can only be accommodated by a three-stage model thatenvisages a Thermal Boundary Layer (TBL) freezing conductivelyonto the 70 km base of the Proterozoic MBL during the 20 Myrtectonomagmatic quiescence before PVF eruptions. As it grew,this was veined by hydrous small-fraction melts from below.The geologically recent arrival of hotter-than-ambient (Tp 1400°C) convecting mantle beneath the Potrillo area re-meltedthe TBL and caused the magmatism. KEY WORDS: western USA; picrites; Sr–Nd–Os isotopes; petrogenetic modelling; thermal boundary layer  相似文献   

A Stable Isotope Study of Anorogenic Magmatism in East Central Asia   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A stable isotope study of 168 plutonic igneous rock and fivewater samples from Transbaikalia, East Asia, has been made,including 318 whole-rock and mineral 18O/16O analyses and 14D/H analyses. This represents the first detailed isotopic studyof the enormous Phanerozoic K-rich (mostly anorogenic) granitoidbelts of this region, which are thousands of kilometers in lengthand span an age range of >250Ma. Of the five main intrusivesuites, emplacement of the youngest (Permo-Triassic) was accompaniedby intense meteoric-hydrothermal activity, locally causing extreme18O depletio (18O feldspar<–12). This reflects thevery low 18O of the water involved in these systems, which probablyhad 18O < – 20 and D < – 150, consistent withthe high paleolatitude of Transbaikalia in the early Mesozoic(80N). Despite local post-emplacement, hydrothermal 18O-depletioneffects near Permo-Triassic and younger plutons, the variationof magmatic isotopic composition in the five intrusive suites,in space and time, can be clearly discerned using the 18O/16Ovariation in phases such as quartz and sphene that are resistantto sub-solidus exchange. A procedure for analyzing 18O/16O insphene using a laser fluorination technique is described: analysisof samples as small as 0.4 mg (including single crystals ofsphene from granitoids) is possible and provides an effectiveway to estimate the magmatic 18O value of plutonic igneous rocks.Most sphene and quartz 18O values vary by 1.0–2.0% withineach of the five main intrusive suites in Transbaikalia (rangingin age from mid-Paleozoic to Mesozoic), and are uniform bothwithin individual plutons and among plutons of the same suiteseparated by tens or hundreds of kilometers. However, each suitehas a unique range in 18O/16O, indicating that, on a regionalscale, the magmatic 18O values of these granitoids decreasedprogressively in 1% decrements from +10 in the earliest groupto +6 in the youngest. This progression was accompanied by increasesin the concentration of elements such as K and Zr, and decreasesin the concentration of elements such as Sr and Ba. These systematicsrequire large scale deep crustal melting and mixing processesto generate the compositional uniformity of individual plutonsand groups over such wide areas, and also a progressive hybridizationof the crust with alkalic, mantle-derived magmas to generatesyenites and granites with progressively lower 18O values. Thisprocess may be a hallmark of anorogenic granitoid petrogenesisand the intracontinental cratonization process in general, andalso represents an important (though largely cryptic) crustalgrowth mechanism. KEY WORDS: anorogenic granitoids; crustal growth; hybridization; hydrothermal systems; stable isotopes 1Present address: Galson Sciences Limited, 5 Grosvenor House, Melton Road, Oakham LE15 6AX, UK.  相似文献   

Overlap of Karoo and Ferrar Magma Types in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A suite of mafic dykes from the Underberg region of southernKwaZulu-Natal (South Africa) were intruded at 178 Ma, coincidentin age with the major Okavango Dyke Swarm of Botswana, and alsocoincident with minor Karoo-related intrusions of the northernand central Lebombo. The dykes are all low-Ti–Zr tholeiites,they trend NW–SE and are presumed to continue into theKaroo central area of the Lesotho Highlands. In many respects,the Underberg dykes are similar to the majority of the low-Ti–Zrvolcanic and subvolcanic intrusions of the Karoo; however, their87Sr/86Sr and Nd isotope ratios are either ‘Ferrar-like’(87Sr/86Sr 0·710; Nd < –3) or transitional betweenKaroo low-Ti–Zr and Ferrar low-Ti magmas. A potentialFerrar source for at least some of the Underberg dykes is supportedby anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility analyses of the dykesuite, which demonstrate absolute flow direction from the SEto the NW, consistent with Gondwana reconstructions. The roleof crustal contamination and combined fractional crystallizationis also demonstrated to have played a key role in the petrogenesisof the Underberg dykes, involving a local upper crust contaminant.However, the composition of the ‘Ferrar-like’ dykescannot be easily explained by AFC processes, but they do demonstratethat melting of a lithospheric mantle source enriched to a smalldegree by subduction-derived fluid was also important. KEY WORDS: dyke; basalt; crustal contamination; large igneous province  相似文献   

Progress () of the infiltration-driven reaction, 4olivine +5CO2 + H2O = talc + 5magnesite, that occurred during Barrovianregional metamorphism, varies at the cm-scale by a factor of3·5 within an 3 m3 volume of rock. Mineral and stableisotope compositions record that XCO2, 18Ofluid, and 13Cfluidwere uniform within error of measurement in the same rock volume.The conventional interpretation of small-scale variations in in terms of channelized fluid flow cannot explain the uniformityin fluid composition. Small-scale variations in resulted insteadbecause (a) reactant olivine was a solid solution, (b) initiallythere were small-scale variations in the amount and compositionof olivine, and (c) fluid composition was completely homogenizedover the same scale by diffusion–dispersion during infiltrationand subsequent reaction. Assuming isochemical reaction, spatialvariations in image variations in the (Mg + Fe)/Si of the parentrock rather than the geometry of metamorphic fluid flow. Ifinfiltration-driven reactions involve minerals fixed in composition,on the other hand, spatial variations in do directly imagefluid flow paths. The geometry of fluid flow can never be determinedfrom geochemical tracers over a distance smaller than the oneover which fluid composition is completely homogenized by diffusion–dispersion. KEY WORDS: Alpine Barrovian metamorphism; diffusion; metamorphic fluid composition; metamorphic fluid flow; reaction progress  相似文献   

A combination of major and trace element, whole-rock Sr, Ndand Hf isotope, and zircon U–Pb isotopic data are reportedfor a suite of dolerite dikes from the Liaodong Peninsula inthe northeastern North China Craton. The study aimed to investigatethe source, petrogenesis and tectonic setting of the dikes.Sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe U–Pb zircon analysesyield a Late Triassic emplacement age of 213 Ma for these dikes,post-dating the collision between the North China and Yangtzecratons and consequent ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism. Threegeochemical groups of dikes have been identified in the LiaodongPeninsula based on their geochemical and Sr–Nd–Hfisotope characteristics. Group 1 dikes are tholeiitic, withhigh TiO2 and total Fe2O3 and low MgO contents, absent to weaknegative Nb and Ta anomalies, variable (87Sr/86Sr)i (0·7060–0·7153),Nd(t) (– 0·8 to –6·5) and Hf(t) (–2·7to –7·8) values, and negative Hf(t) (–1·1to –7·8). They are inferred to be derived frompartial melting of a relatively fertile asthenospheric mantlein the spinel stability field, with some upper crustal assimilationand fractional crystallization. Group 2 dikes have geochemicalfeatures of high-Mg andesites with (87Sr/86Sr)i values of 0·7063–0·7072,and negative Nd(t) (–3·0 to –9·5)and Hf(t) (–3·2 to –10·1) values,and may have originated as melts of foundered lower crust, withsubsequent interaction with mantle peridotite. Group 3 dikesare shoshonitic in composition with relatively low (87Sr/86Sr)ivalues (0·7061–0·7063), and negative Nd(t)(–13·2 to –13·4) and Hf(t) (–11·0to –11·5) values, and were derived by partial meltingof an ancient, re-enriched, refractory lithospheric mantle inthe garnet stability field. The geochemical and geochronologicaldata presented here indicate that Late Triassic magmatism occurredin an extensional setting, most probably related to post-orogeniclithospheric delamination. KEY WORDS: mafic dike; asthenospheric mantle; lithospheric mantle; delamination; North China Craton  相似文献   

Hafnium isotope and incompatible trace element data are presentedfor a suite of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) from 13 to 47°Eon the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR), one of the slowest spreadingand most isotopically heterogeneous mid-ocean ridges. Variationsin Nd–Hf isotope compositions and Lu/Hf ratios clearlydistinguish an Atlantic–Pacific-type MORB source, presentwest of 26°E, characterized by relatively low Hf valuesfor a given Nd relative to the regression line through all Nd–Hfisotope data for oceanic basalts (termed the ‘Nd–Hfmantle array line’; the deviation from this line is termedHf) and low Lu/Hf ratios, from an Indian Ocean-type MORB signature,present east of 32°E, characterized by relatively high Hfvalues and Lu/Hf ratios. Additionally, two localized, isotopicallyanomalous areas, at 13–15°E and 39–41°E,are characterized by distinctly low negative and high positiveHf values, respectively. The low Hf MORB from 13 to 15°Eappear to reflect contamination by HIMU-type mantle from thenearby Bouvet mantle plume, whereas the trace element and isotopiccompositions of MORB from 39 to 41°E are most consistentwith contamination by metasomatized Archean continental lithosphericmantle. Relatively small source-melt fractionation of Lu/Hfrelative to Sm/Nd, compared with MORB from faster-spreadingridges, argues against a significant role for garnet pyroxenitein the generation of most central SWIR MORB. Correlations betweenHf and Sr and Pb isotopic and trace element ratios clearly delineatea high-Hf ‘Indian Ocean mantle component’ that canexplain the isotope composition of most Indian Ocean MORB asmixtures between this component and a heterogeneous Atlantic–Pacific-typeMORB source. The Hf, Nd and Sr isotope compositions of IndianOcean MORB appear to be most consistent with the hypothesisthat this component represents fragments of subduction-modifiedlithospheric mantle beneath Proterozoic orogenic belts thatfoundered into the nascent Indian Ocean upper mantle duringthe Mesozoic breakup of Gondwana. KEY WORDS: mid-ocean ridge basalt; isotopes; incompatible elements; Indian Ocean  相似文献   

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