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The melting relations of two proposed crustal source compositionsfor rhyolitic magmas of the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ), New Zealand,have been studied in a piston-cylinder apparatus at 10 kb totalpressure and a range of water activities generated by H2O-CO2vapour. Starting materials were glasses of intermediate composition(65 wt.% Si02 representing a metaluminous ‘I-type’dacite and a peraluminous ‘S-type’ greywacke. Crystallizationexperiments were carried out over the temperature range 675to 975?C, with aH2O values of approximately 1?0, 0?75, 0?5,and 0?25. Talc-pyrex furnace assemblies imposed oxygen fugacitiesclose to quartz-fayalite-magnetite buffer conditions. Assemblages in both compositions remain saturated with quartzand plagioclase through 675–700?C at high aH2O, 725–750?Cat aH2O0?5, and 800–875?C at aH2O0?25, corresponding to<60–70% melting. Concentrations of refractory mineralcomponents (Fe, Mg, Mn, P, Ti) in liquids increase throughoutthis melting interval with increasing temperature and decreasingaH2O. Biotite and hornblende are the only mafic phases presentnear the solidus in the dacite, compared with biotite, garnet,gedritic orthoamphibole, and tschermakitic clinoamphibole inthe greywacke. Near-solidus melting reactions are of the type:biotite + quartz + plagioclase = amphibole ? garnet, potentiallyreleasing H2O for dehydration melting in the greywacke, butproducing larger amounts of hornblende and releasing littleH2O in the dacite. At aH2O0?25 and temperatures 825–850?C,amphibole dehydration produces anhydrous mineral phases typicalof granulite fades assemblages (clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene,plagioclase?quartz in the dacite; garnet, orthopyroxene, plagioclase?quartzin the greywacke) coexisting with melt proportions as low as40%. Hornblendce-saturated liquids in the dacite are weaklyperaluminous (0?3–1?6 wt.% normative C—within therange of peraluminous TVZ rhyolites), whereas, at aH2O0?25 andtemperatures 925?C, metaluminous partial melt compositions (upto 1?8 wt.% normative Di) coexist with plagioclase, orthopyroxene,and clinopyroxene. At all water activities, partial melts ofthe greywacke are uniformly more peraluminous (1?5–2?6wt.% normative C), reflecting their saturation in the componentsof more aluminous mafic minerals, particularly garnet and Al-richorthopyroxene. A metaluminous source for the predominantly Di-normativeTVZ rhyolites is therefore indicated. With decreasing aH2O the stability fields of plagioclase andquartz expand, whereas that of biotite contracts. These changesare reflected in the proportions of normative salic componentsin partial melts of both the dacite and greywacke. At high aH2O,partial melts are rich in An and Ab and poor in Or (trondhjemitic-tonalitic);with decreasing aH2O they become notably poorer in An and richerin Or (granodioritic-granitic). These systematic variationsin salic components observed in experimental metaluminous tostrongly peraluminous melts demonstrate that a wide varietyof granitoid magmas may be produced from similar source rocksdepending upon P-T-aH2O conditions attending partial melting.Some peraluminous granitoids, notably trondhjemitic leucosomesin migmatites, and sodic granodiorites and granites emplacedat deep crustal levels, have bulk compositions similar to nearsolidus melt compositions in both the dacite and greywacke,indicating possible derivation by anatexis without the involvementof a significant restite component.  相似文献   

Biotite + plagioclase + quartz (BPQ) is a common assemblagein gneisses, metasediments and metamorphosed granitic to granodioriticintrusions. Melting experiments on an assemblage consistingof 24 vol. % quartz, 25 vol. % biotite (XMg = 0·38–0·40),42 vol. % plagioclase (An26–29), 9 vol. % alkali feldsparand minor apatite, titanite and epidote were conducted at 10,15 and 20 kbar between 800 and 900°C under fluid-absentconditions and with small amounts (2 and 4 wt %) of water addedto the system. At 10 kbar when 4 wt % of water was added tothe system the biotite melting reaction occurred below 800°Cand produced garnet + amphibole + melt. At 15 kbar the meltingreaction produced garnet + amphibole + melt with 2 wt % addedwater. At 20 kbar the amphibole occurred only at high temperature(900°C) and with 4 wt % added water. In this last case themelting reaction produced amphibole + clinopyroxene ±garnet + melt. Under fluid-absent conditions the melting reactionproduced garnet + plagioclase II + melt and left behind a plagioclaseI ± quartz residuum, with an increase in the modal amountof garnet with increasing pressure. The results show that itis not possible to generate hornblende in such compositionswithout the addition of at least 2–4 wt % H2O. This reflectsthe fact that conditions of low aH2O may prevent hornblendefrom being produced with peraluminous granitic liquids fromthe melting of biotite gneiss. Thus growth of hornblende inanatectic BPQ gneisses is an indication of addition of externalH2O-rich fluids during the partial melting event. KEY WORDS: biotite; dehydration; gneisses; hornblende; melt  相似文献   

A garnet websterite nodule from the Honolulu volcanic series,Oahu, Hawaii, has been melted in the presence of nearly pureH2O. The solidus is intermediate between that of peridotiteand gabbro. The curve displays a temperature minimum around20 kb reflecting the breakdown of plagioclase. The Iiquidusis between 1130 ?C and 1150 ?C between 10 and 20 kb vapor pressure.Amphibole (pargasitic hornblende) has an extensive stabilityfield, reaching a maximum temperature about 20 ?C below thegarnet websterite liquidus at 15 kb and a maximum pressure of27.5 kb at 950 ?C. The amphibole-out curve intersects the soliduswith a positive slope. Liquids formed by partial melting of garnet websterite are quartz-normativewithin the stability field of amphibole, but become olivine-normative(tholeiitic) with increasing temperature. Amphibole and clinopyroxeneare enriched in Tschermak's molecule at higher temperatures,pargasite content of amphibole increases with increasing pressure. A garnet websterite-rich upper mantle containing modal olivineyields quartz-normative (13–16 per cent), aluminous (21–4wt. per cent A12O3) melts at 17 P 10 kb and in the presenceof nearly pure H2O. However, the presence of amphibole controlsthe liquid composition, a situation not found for liquids formedfrom wet peridotite. In contrast to many basalt liquids, liquidof garnet websterite composition cannot fractionate to andesiteby precipitation of amphibole, as amphibole is not a liquidusphase.  相似文献   

The effects of small amounts of H2O (<4 wt % in the melt)on the multiply saturated partial melting of spinel lherzolitein the system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 ±Na2O ± CO2 have been determined at 1·1 GPa inthe piston-cylinder apparatus. Electron microprobe analysisand Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy were used to analysethe experimental products. The effects of H2O are to decreasethe melting temperature by 45°C per wt % H2O in the melt,to increase the Al2O3 of the melts, decrease MgO and CaO, andleave SiO2 approximately constant, with melts changing fromolivine- to quartz-normative. The effects of CO2 are insignificantat zero H2O, but become noticeable as H2O increases, tendingto counteract the H2O. The interaction between H2O and CO2 causesthe solubility of CO2 at vapour saturation to increase withincreasing H2O, for small amounts of H2O. Neglect of the influenceof CO2 in some previous studies on the hydrous partial meltingof natural peridotite may explain apparent inconsistencies betweenthe results. The effect of small amounts of H2O on multiplysaturated melt compositions at 1·1 GPa is similar tothat of K2O, i.e. increasing H2O or K2O leads to quartz-normativecompositions, but increasing Na2O produces an almost oppositetrend, towards nepheline-normative compositions. KEY WORDS: H2O; CO2; FTIR; hydrous partial melting; mantle melting; spinel lherzolite; system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 ± H2O ± CO2 ± Na2O  相似文献   

Peridotites in the Ulten Zone (Upper Austroalpine, Eastern Alps),occur as small bodies within lower-crustal rocks (gneisses andmigmatites) subducted at eclogite-facies conditions during theVariscan orogeny. They record a complex metamorphic and deformationevolution as indicated by the transition from coarse-grainedspinel-bearing peridotites to fine-grained garnet + amphibole-bearingperidotites, and are interpreted as portions of mantle wedgethat were incorporated in a downgoing slab of cold continentalcrust. The transition from spinel- to garnet-bearing assemblagewas accompanied by significant input of metasomatic agents,as shown by the crystallization of abundant amphibole. Herewe present trace-element mineral chemistry data for selectedUlten peridotites, with the aim of unravelling the nature ofthe metasomatic processes. Amphiboles display significant lightrare earth element (LREE) enrichment [CeN/YbN = 3·90–11·50;LREE up to (20–50) x C1], high Sr (150–250 ppm),K (1910–7280 ppm) and Ba (280–800 ppm) contents,and low concentrations of high field strength elements (HFSE)(Zr = 14–25 ppm, Y = 6·7–16 ppm, Ti = 1150–2500ppm, Nb = 2–7 ppm). On the basis of (1) the evidence formodal orthopyroxene decrease as a result of the garnet-formingreaction rather than abundant orthopyroxene crystallization,(2) the high modal amounts of amphibole (up to 23%) in the mostmetasomatized peridotites and (3) the strong large ion lithophileelement (LILE)/HFSE fractionation in amphiboles, we infer thatthe metasomatic agent was an H2O–CO2 fluid with a lowCO2/H2O ratio. Petrological investigations and geochronologicaldata indicate that the host metapelites experienced in situpartial melting and migmatization concomitantly with the garnet+ amphibole-facies recrystallization in the enclosed peridotites.We infer that the metasomatizing hydrous fluids could representthe residual fluids left after the crystallization of leucosomes,starting from water-undersaturated melts produced during migmatizationof the host gneisses. KEY WORDS: garnet peridotite; crustal metasomatism; amphibole; hydrous fluids  相似文献   

Experiments at 15 kb in the tonalite-peridotite-H2O system provideinformation on some of the phase equilibrium factors that mayinfluence reaction and assimilation processes between quartznormativemagmas and ultramafic rocks in the deep crust and upper mantle.Experiments were done with 5 or 10 wt.% H2O added to powderednatural samples of tonalite, and mixtures of tonalite with 5or 10 wt.% peridotite added (TP5 and TP10, respectively). Theliquidus phase relations of these starting compositions wereinvestigated between 850 and 1100?C at 15 kb, using gold capsulesso that iron loss to the sample containers was not a problemand meaningful glass and mineral analyses could be obtained.Experiments on the tonalite alone show either liquidus garnet,for samples with 5% H2O added, or liquidus hornblende, for sampleswith 10% H2O. In contrast, orthopyroxene is the sole liquidusphase, irrespective of water content, in experiments using startingmixtures of 5 or 10 wt.% peridotite added to tonalite. Glassanalyses of partially crystallized tonalite define a crystallizationpath diverging significantly from the calc-alkaline trend towardshigher Ca/(Mg + Fe) in the CaO–(MgO + FeO)–?SiO2triangle. In contrast, glasses from partially crystallized mixturesof tonalite with 5 or 10 wt.% peridotite added define a liquidtrend close to natural calc-alkaline compositions in terms ofCa/(Mg + Fe). Of more general significance, the proximity ofa field ofliquidus orthopyroxene on the high (Mg + Fe) sideof compositions along the calc-alkaline trend serves to limitthe Mgenrichment of such melts by interaction with ultramaficrocks. Unless heat is added to the system, reaction of tonaliticcomposition melts with ultramafic rocks will produce only slightlyMg-enriched melts: increasing degree of reaction simply resultsin further precipitation of orthopyroxene + garnet ? clinopyroxeneonce melt compositions reach the orthopyroxene field boundary.  相似文献   

Olivine-clinopyroxenite xenoliths exhumed in alkali basalts(sensu lato) in the Nógrád–GömörVolcanic Field (NGVF), northern Hungary, contain abundant silicatemelt inclusions. Geothermobarometric calculations indicate thatthese xenoliths crystallized as cumulates in the upper mantlenear the Moho. These cumulate xenoliths are considered to representa period of Moho underplating by mafic alkaline magmas priorto the onset of Late Tertiary alkaline volcanism in the Carpathian–Pannonianregion. The major and trace element compositions of silicatemelt inclusions in olivine display an evolutionary trend characterizedby a strong decrease in CaO/Al2O3. The parental melt of thecumulates was a basanite formed by low-degree ( 2%) partialmelting of a garnet peridotite source. The compositional trendof the silicate melt inclusions, textural features, and modellingwith pMELTS show that the parental melt evolved by major clinopyroxeneand minor olivine crystallization followed by the appearanceof amphibole simultaneously with significant resorption of theearlier clinopyroxene and olivine. The resulting residual meltwas highly enriched in Al2O3, alkalis and most incompatibletrace elements. This type of melt is likely to infiltrate andreact with surrounding mantle peridotite as a metasomatic agent.It might also form high-pressure pegmatite-like bodies in themantle that might be the source of the amphibole and sanidinemegacrysts also found in the alkali basalts of the NGVF. Preferentialremelting of the later-formed (i.e. lower temperature) mineralassemblage (amphibole, sanidine, residual glass) might havesignificantly contaminated the host alkaline mafic lavas, increasingtheir Al2O3 and total alkali contents and, therefore, reducingtheir MgO, FeO and CaO content. KEY WORDS: silicate melt inclusions; geochemistry; petrogenesis; Nógrád–Gömör Volcanic Field; Pannonian Basin  相似文献   

Olivine + clinopyroxene ± amphibole cumulates have beenwidely documented in island arc settings and may constitutea significant portion of the lowermost arc crust. Because ofthe low melting temperature of amphibole (1100°C), suchcumulates could melt during intrusion of primary mantle magmas.We have experimentally (piston-cylinder, 0·5–1·0GPa, 1200–1350°C, Pt–graphite capsules) investigatedthe melting behaviour of a model amphibole–olivine–clinopyroxenerock, to assess the possible role of such cumulates in islandarc magma genesis. Initial melts are controlled by pargasiticamphibole breakdown, are strongly nepheline-normative and areAl2O3-rich. With increasing melt fraction (T > 1190°Cat 1·0 GPa), the melts become ultra-calcic while remainingstrongly nepheline-normative, and are saturated with olivineand clinopyroxene. The experimental melts have strong compositionalsimilarities to natural nepheline-normative ultra-calcic meltinclusions and lavas exclusively found in arc settings. Theexperimentally derived phase relations show that such naturalmelt compositions originate by melting according to the reactionamphibole + clinopyroxene = melt + olivine in the arc crust.Pargasitic amphibole is the key phase in this process, as itlowers melting temperatures and imposes the nepheline-normativesignature. Ultra-calcic nepheline-normative melt inclusionsare tracers of magma–rock interaction (assimilative recycling)in the arc crust. KEY WORDS: experimental melting; subduction zone; ultra-calcic melts; wehrlite  相似文献   

Four natural peridotite nodules ranging from chemically depletedto Fe-rich, alkaline and calcic (SiO2 = 43.7–45.7 wt.per cent, A12O3 = 1.6O–8.21 wt. per cent, CaO = 0.70–8.12wt. per cent, alk = 0.10–0.90 wt. per cent and Mg/(Mg+Fe2+)= 0.94–0.85) have been investigated in the hypersolidusregion from 800? to 1250?C with variable activities of H2O,CO2, and H2. The vapor-saturated peridotite solidi are 50–200?Cbelow those previously published. The temperature of the beginningof melting of peridotite decreases markedly with decreasingMg/(Mg+SFe) of the starting material at constant CaO/Al2O3.Conversely, lowering CaO/Al2O3 reduces the temperature at constantMg/(Mg+Fe) of the starting material. Temperature differencesbetween the solidi up to 200?C are observed. All solidi displaya temperature minimum reflecting the appearance of garnet. Thisminimum shifts to lower pressure with decreasing Mg/(Mg + Fe)of the starting material. The temperature of the beginning ofmelting decreases isobarically as approximately a linear functionof the mol fraction of H2O in the vapor (XH2Ov). The data alsoshow that some CO2 may dissolve in silicate melts formed bypartial melting of peridotite. Amphibole (pargasitic hornblende) is a hypersolidus mineralin all compositions, although its P/T stability field dependson bulk rock chemistry. The upper pressure stability of amphiboleis marked by the appearance of garnet. The vapor-saturated (H2O) liquidus curve for one peridotiteis between 1250? and 1300?C between 10 and 30 kb. Olivine, spinel,and orthopyroxene are either liquidus phases or co-exist immediatelybelow the temperature of the peridotite liquidus. The data suggest considerable mineralogical heterogeneity inthe oceanic upper mantle because the oceanic geotherm passesthrough the P/T band covering the appearance of garnet in variousperidotites. The variable depth to the low-velocity zone is explained byvariable aHjo conditions in the upper mantle and possibly alsoby variations in the composition of the peridotite itself. Itis suggested that komatiite in Precambrian terrane could formby direct melting of hydrous peridotite. Such melting requiresabout 1250?C compared with 1600?C which is required for drymelting. The genesis of kimberlite can be related to partial meltingof peridotite under conditions of XH2Ov = 0.5–0.25 (XCO2v= 0.5–0.75). Such activities of H2O result in meltingat depths ranging between 125 and 175 km in the mantle. Thisrange is within the minimum depth generally accepted for theformation of kimberlite.  相似文献   

Petrogenesis of Tertiary Mafic Alkaline Magmas in the Hocheifel, Germany   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Primitive nephelinites and basanites from the Tertiary Hocheifelarea of Germany (part of the Central European Volcanic Province;CEVP) have high Mg-number (>0·64), high Cr and Nicontents and strong light rare earth element enrichment butsystematic depletion in Rb, K and Ba relative to trace elementsof similar compatibility in anhydrous mantle. Alkali basaltsand more differentiated magmatic rocks have lower Mg-numberand lower abundances of Ni and Cr, and have undergone fractionationof mainly olivine, clinopyroxene, Fe–Ti oxide, amphiboleand plagioclase. Some nephelinites and basanites approach theSr–Nd–Pb isotope compositions inferred for the EAR(European Asthenospheric Reservoir) component. The Nd–Sr–Pbisotope composition of the differentiated rocks indicates thatassimilation of lower crustal material has modified the compositionof the primary mantle-derived magmas. Rare earth element meltingmodels can explain the petrogenesis of the most primitive maficmagmatic rocks in terms of mixing of melt fractions from anamphibole-bearing garnet peridotite source with melt fractionsfrom an amphibole-bearing spinel peridotite source, both sourcescontaining residual amphibole. It is inferred that amphibolewas precipitated in the asthenospheric mantle beneath the Hocheifel,close to the garnet peridotite–spinel peridotite boundary,by metasomatic fluids or melts from a rising mantle diapir orplume. Melt generation with amphibole present suggests relativelylow mantle potential temperatures (<1200°C); thus themantle plume is not thermally anomalous. A comparison of recentlypublished Ar/Ar ages for Hocheifel basanites with the geochemicaland isotopic composition of samples from this study collectedat the same sample sites indicates that eruption of earlierlavas with an EM signature was followed by the eruption of laterlavas derived from a source with EAR or HIMU characteristics,suggesting a contribution from the advancing plume. Thus, theHocheifel area represents an analogue for magmatism during continentalrift initiation, during which interaction of a mantle plumewith the overlying lithosphere may have led to the generationof partial melts from both the lower lithosphere and the asthenosphere. KEY WORDS: alkali basalts; continental volcanism; crustal contamination; partial melting; Eifel, Germany  相似文献   

Crystallization experiments were conducted on dry glasses fromthe Unzen 1992 dacite at 100–300 MPa, 775–875°C,various water activities, and fO2 buffered by the Ni–NiObuffer. The compositions of the experimental products and naturalphases are used to constrain the temperature and water contentsof the low-temperature and high-temperature magmas prior tothe magma mixing event leading to the 1991–1995 eruption.A temperature of 1050 ± 75°C is determined for thehigh-temperature magma based on two-pyroxene thermometry. Theinvestigation of glass inclusions suggests that the water contentof the rhyolitic low-temperature magma could be as high as 8wt % H2O. The phase relations at 300 MPa and in the temperaturerange 870–900°C, which are conditions assumed to berepresentative of the main magma chamber after mixing, showthat the main phenocrysts (orthopyroxene, plagioclase, hornblende)coexist only at reduced water activity; the water content ofthe post-mixing dacitic melt is estimated to be 6 ± 1wt % H2O. Quartz and biotite, also present as phenocrysts inthe dacite, are observed only at low temperature (below 800–775°C).It is concluded that the erupted dacitic magma resulted fromthe mixing of c. 35 wt % of an almost aphyric pyroxene-bearingandesitic magma (1050 ± 75°C; 4 ± 1 wt % H2Oin the melt) with 65 wt % of a phenocryst-rich low-temperaturemagma (760–780°C) in which the melt phase was rhyolitic,containing up to 8 ± 1 wt % H2O. The proportions of rhyoliticmelt and phenocrysts in the low-temperature magma are estimatedto be 65% and 35%, respectively. It is emphasized that the strongvariations of phenocryst compositions, especially plagioclase,can be explained only if there were variations of temperatureand/or water activity (in time and/or space) in the low-temperaturemagma. KEY WORDS: Unzen volcano; magma mixing; experimental study  相似文献   

Experimental Melting of Carbonated Peridotite at 6-10 GPa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Partial melting of magnesite-bearing peridotites was studiedat 6–10 GPa and 1300–1700°C. Experiments wereperformed in a multianvil apparatus using natural mineral mixesas starting material placed into olivine containers and sealedin Pt capsules. Partial melts originated within the peridotitelayer, migrated outside the olivine container and formed poolsof quenched melts along the wall of the Pt capsule. This allowedthe analysis of even small melt fractions. Iron loss was nota problem, because the platinum near the olivine container becamesaturated in Fe as a result of the reaction Fe2SiO4Ol = FeFe–Ptalloy + FeSiO3Opx + O2. This reaction led to a gradual increasein oxygen fugacity within the capsules as expressed, for example,in high Fe3+ in garnet. Carbonatitic to kimberlite-like meltswere obtained that coexist with olivine + orthopyroxene + garnet± clinopyroxene ± magnesite depending on P–Tconditions. Kinetic experiments and a comparison of the chemistryof phases occasionally grown within the melt pools with thosein the residual peridotite allowed us to conclude that the meltshad approached equilibrium with peridotite. Melts in equilibriumwith a magnesite-bearing garnet lherzolite are rich in CaO (20–25wt %) at all pressures and show rather low MgO and SiO2 contents(20 and 10 wt %, respectively). Melts in equilibrium with amagnesite-bearing garnet harzburgite are richer in SiO2 andMgO. The contents of these oxides increase with temperature,whereas the CaO content becomes lower. Melts from magnesite-freeexperiments are richer in SiO2, but remain silicocarbonatitic.Partitioning of trace elements between melt and garnet was studiedin several experiments at 6 and 10 GPa. The melts are very richin incompatible elements, including large ion lithophile elements(LILE), Nb, Ta and light rare earth elements. Relative to theresidual peridotite, the melts show no significant depletionin high field strength elements over LILE. We conclude fromthe major and trace element characteristics of our experimentalmelts that primitive kimberlites cannot be a direct productof single-stage melting of an asthenospheric mantle. They rathermust be derived from a previously depleted and re-enriched mantleperidotite. KEY WORDS: multianvil; carbonatite melt; peridotite; kimberlite; element partitioning  相似文献   

Phase Relations of Peralkaline Silicic Magmas and Petrogenetic Implications   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:16  
The phase relationships of three peralkaline rhyolites fromthe Kenya Rift have been established at 150 and 50 MPa, at oxygenfugacities of NNO - 1·6 and NNO + 3·6 (log fO2relative to the Ni–NiO solid buffer), between 800 and660°C and for melt H2O contents ranging between saturationand nominally anhydrous. The stability fields of fayalite, sodicamphiboles, chevkinite and fluorite in natural hydrous silicicmagmas are established. Additional phases include quartz, alkalifeldspar, ferrohedenbergite, biotite, aegirine, titanite, montdoriteand oxides. Ferrohedenbergite crystallization is restrictedto the least peralkaline rock, together with fayalite; it isreplaced at low melt water contents by ferrorichterite. Riebeckite–arfvedsoniteappears only in the more peralkaline rocks, at temperaturesbelow 750°C (dry) and below 670°C at H2O saturation.Under oxidizing conditions, it breaks down to aegirine. In themore peralkaline rocks, biotite is restricted to temperaturesbelow 700°C and conditions close to H2O saturation. At 50MPa, the tectosilicate liquidus temperatures are raised by 50–60°C,and that of amphibole by 30°C. Riebeckite–arfvedsonitestability extends down nearly to atmospheric pressure, as aresult of its F-rich character. The solidi of all three rocksare depressed by 40–100°C compared with the solidusof the metaluminous granite system, as a result of the abundanceof F and Cl. Low fO2 lowers solidus temperatures by at least30°C. Comparison with studies of metaluminous and peraluminousfelsic magmas shows that plagioclase crystallization is suppressedas soon as the melt becomes peralkaline, whatever its CaO orvolatile contents. In contrast, at 100 MPa and H2O saturation,the liquidus temperatures of quartz and alkali feldspar arenot significantly affected by changes in rock peralkalinity,showing that the incorporation of water in peralkaline meltsdiminishes the depression of liquidus temperatures in dry peralkalinesilicic melts compared with dry metaluminous or peraluminousvarieties. At 150 MPa, pre-eruptive melt H2O contents rangefrom 4 wt % in the least peralkaline rock to nearly 6 wt % inthe two more peralkaline compositions, in broad agreement withprevious melt inclusion data. The experimental results implymagmatic fO2 at or below the fayalite–quartz–magnetitesolid buffer, temperatures between 740 and 660°C, and meltevolution under near H2O saturation conditions. KEY WORDS: peralkaline; rhyolite; phase equilibria  相似文献   

Experimental results up to 10 kb pressure are presented on thestability of amphibole in the quartz-excess CaO+MgO+Al2O3 (CMASH)system under H2O)-excess and H2O deficient conditions. Amphiboleis stable above the solidus under H2O-excess conditions whereasunder H2O-deficient conditions dehydration melting of amphibole-bearingassemblages defines the solidus. The successive appearance ofamphibole, talc, and zoisite with increasing pressure considerablymodifies the plagioclase-pyroxene-garnet-kyanite reactions documentedexperimentally in the CaO+MgO+Al2O3+SiO2 system for gabbro-granulite-eclogitetransitions. Although both clino pyroxene and cordierite (withanorthite+orthopyroxene+quartz) may melt eutectically at oneatmosphere to form diopside-normative and corundum-normativemelts respectively, at higher pressures under H2O-excess conditionsthe peritectic melting of mafic rock compositions produces corundum-normativeliquids together with either clinopyroxene or amphibole. Dehydrationmelting produces melts which are not corundum-normative. Thesedata are used to discuss the origins and evolution of contrastingbasalt-andesite-dacite-rhyolite volcanic suites and graniticplutons, many of whose silicic variants are corundum-normativein character, such as the Toba luff ignimbrites, Indonesia (Beddoc-Stephenset al., 1983) and I-type granite minimum melts (White &Chappell, 1977). In contrast, it is proposed that for the Cascadesbasalt-andesite-dacite-rhyolite suite the ortho pyroxene-plagioclase-quartzthermal divide was maintained up to rhyolite compositions, therebyprohibiting the derivation of corundum-normative rocks fromdiopside-normative parent magmas. The deduced reaction relations between pyroxenes, amphibole,plagioclase, quartz, and liquid are used to explain the absenceor extreme scarcity of hydrous phases in some hydrous magmas.These phase relations can also explain the development of laterplagioclase overgrowths on resorbed plagioclase cores in graniticintrusives, and the general absence of resorption and overgrowthsin chemically equivalent extrusive rocks. A theoretical analysis of the partial melting of forsterite-bearingassemblages in the CaO+MgO+Al2O3+SiO2+H2O system shows thatunder H2O-excess conditions partial melting may generate corundum-normative(but low SiO2) melts from a peridotite source at shallow depths.  相似文献   

To investigate eclogite melting under mantle conditions, wehave performed a series of piston-cylinder experiments usinga homogeneous synthetic starting material (GA2) that is representativeof altered mid-ocean ridge basalt. Experiments were conductedat pressures of 3·0, 4·0 and 5·0 GPa andover a temperature range of 1200–1600°C. The subsolidusmineralogy of GA2 consists of garnet and clinopyroxene withminor quartz–coesite, rutile and feldspar. Solidus temperaturesare located at 1230°C at 3·0 GPa and 1300°C at5·0 GPa, giving a steep solidus slope of 30–40°C/GPa.Melting intervals are in excess of 200°C and increase withpressure up to 5·0 GPa. At 3·0 GPa feldspar, rutileand quartz are residual phases up to 40°C above the solidus,whereas at higher pressures feldspar and rutile are rapidlymelted out above the solidus. Garnet and clinopyroxene are theonly residual phases once melt fractions exceed 20% and garnetis the sole liquidus phase over the investigated pressure range.With increasing melt fraction garnet and clinopyroxene becomeprogressively more Mg-rich, whereas coexisting melts vary fromK-rich dacites at low degrees of melting to basaltic andesitesat high melt fractions. Increasing pressure tends to increasethe jadeite and Ca-eskolaite components in clinopyroxene andenhance the modal proportion of garnet at low melt fractions,which effects a marked reduction in the Al2O3 and Na2O contentof the melt with pressure. In contrast, the TiO2 and K2O contentsof the low-degree melts increase with increasing pressure; thusNa2O and K2O behave in a contrasted manner as a function ofpressure. Altered oceanic basalt is an important component ofcrust returned to the mantle via plate subduction, so GA2 maybe representative of one of many different mafic lithologiespresent in the upper mantle. During upwelling of heterogeneousmantle domains, these mafic rock-types may undergo extensivemelting at great depths, because of their low solidus temperaturescompared with mantle peridotite. Melt batches may be highlyvariable in composition depending on the composition and degreeof melting of the source, the depth of melting, and the degreeof magma mixing. Some of the eclogite-derived melts may alsoreact with and refertilize surrounding peridotite, which itselfmay partially melt with further upwelling. Such complex magma-genesisconditions may partly explain the wide spectrum of primitivemagma compositions found within oceanic basalt suites. KEY WORDS: eclogite; experimental petrology; mafic magmatism; mantle melting; oceanic basalts  相似文献   

High-temperature–pressure experiments were carried outto determine the chlorine–hydroxyl exchange partitioncoefficient between hornblende and melt in the 1992 Unzen dacite.Cl in hornblende and melt was analyzed by electron microprobe,whereas OH in hornblende and melt was calculated assuming anionstoichiometry of hornblende and utilizing the dissociation reactionconstant for H2O + O = 2(OH) in water-saturated melt, respectively.The partition coefficient strongly depends on the Mg/(Mg + Fe)ratio of hornblende, and is expressed as ln K1 = (Cl/OH)hb/(Cl/OH)melt= 2·37 – 4·6[Mg/(Mg + Fe)]hb at 2–3kbar and 800–850°C. The twofold variation in Cl contentin the oscillatory zoned cores of hornblende phenocrysts inthe 1991–1995 dacite cannot be explained by the dependenceof the Cl/OH partition coefficient on the Mg/(Mg + Fe)hb ratio,and requires c. 80% variation of the Cl/OH ratio of the coexistingmelt. Available experimental data at 200 MPa on Cl/OH fractionationbetween fluid and melt suggest that c. 1·2–1·8wt % degassing of water from the magma can explain the required80% variation in the Cl/OH ratio of the melt. The negative correlationbetween Al content and Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratio in the oscillatoryzoned cores of the hornblende phenocrysts is consistent withrepeated influx and convective degassing of the fluid phasein the magma chamber. KEY WORDS: chlorine; element partitioning; hornblende; oscillatory zoning; Unzen volcano  相似文献   

The influence of water on melting of mantle peridotite   总被引:47,自引:8,他引:39  
This experimental study examines the effects of variable concentrations of dissolved H2O on the compositions of silicate melts and their coexisting mineral assemblage of olivine + orthopyroxene ± clinopyroxene ± spinel ± garnet. Experiments were performed at pressures of 1.2 to 2.0 GPa and temperatures of 1100 to 1345 °C, with up to ∼12 wt% H2O dissolved in the liquid. The effects of increasing the concentration of dissolved H2O on the major element compositions of melts in equilibrium with a spinel lherzolite mineral assemblage are to decrease the concentrations of SiO2, FeO, MgO, and CaO. The concentration of Al2O3 is unaffected. The lower SiO2 contents of the hydrous melts result from an increase in the activity coefficient for SiO2 with increasing dissolved H2O. The lower concentrations of FeO and MgO result from the lower temperatures at which H2O-bearing melts coexist with mantle minerals as compared to anhydrous melts. These compositional changes produce an elevated SiO2/(MgO + FeO) ratio in hydrous peridotite partial melts, making them relatively SiO2 rich when compared to anhydrous melts on a volatile-free basis. Hydrous peridotite melting reactions are affected primarily by the lowered mantle solidus. Temperature-induced compositional variations in coexisting pyroxenes lower the proportion of clinopyroxene entering the melt relative to orthopyroxene. Isobaric batch melting calculations indicate that fluid-undersaturated peridotite melting is characterized by significantly lower melt productivity than anhydrous peridotite melting, and that the peridotite melting process in subduction zones is strongly influenced by the composition of the H2O-rich component introduced into the mantle wedge from the subducted slab. Received: 7 April 1997 / Accepted: 9 January 1998  相似文献   

The near-liquidus crystallization of a high-K basalt (PST-9golden pumice, 49·4 wt % SiO2, 1·85 wt % K2O,7·96 wt % MgO) from the present-day activity of Stromboli(Aeolian Islands, Italy) has been experimentally investigatedbetween 1050 and 1175°C, at pressures from 50 to 400 MPa,for melt H2O concentrations between 1·2 and 5·5wt % and NNO ranging from –0·07 to +2·32.A drop-quench device was systematically used. AuPd alloys wereused as containers in most cases, resulting in an average Feloss of 13% for the 34 charges studied. Major crystallizingphases include clinopyroxene, olivine and plagioclase. Fe–Tioxide was encountered in a few charges. Clinopyroxene is theliquidus phase at 400 MPa down to at least 200 MPa, followedby olivine and plagioclase. The compositions of all major phasesand glass vary systematically with the proportion of crystals.Ca in clinopyroxene sensitively depends on the H2O concentrationof the coexisting melt, and clinopyroxene Mg-number shows aweak negative correlation with NNO. The experimental data allowthe liquidus surface of PST-9 to be defined. When used in combinationwith melt inclusion data, a consistent set of pre-eruptive pressures(100–270 MPa), temperatures (1140–1160°C) andmelt H2O concentrations is obtained. Near-liquidus phase equilibriaand clinopyroxene Ca contents require melt H2O concentrations<2·7–3·6 and 3 ± 1 wt %, respectively,overlapping with the maximum frequency of glass inclusion data(2·5–2·7 wt % H2O). For olivine to crystallizeclose to the liquidus, pressures close to 200 MPa are needed.Redox conditions around NNO = +0·5 are inferred fromclinopyroxene compositions. The determined pre-eruptive parametersrefer to the storage region of golden pumice melts, which islocated at a depth of around 7·5 km, within the metamorphicarc crust. Golden pumice melts ascending from their storagezone along an adiabat will not experience crystallization ontheir way to the surface. KEY WORDS: basalt; pumice; experiment; phase equilibria; Stromboli  相似文献   

The Lherz orogenic lherzolite massif (Eastern French Pyrenees) displays one of the best exposures of subcontinental lithospheric mantle containing veins of amphibole pyroxenites and hornblendites. A reappraisal of the petrogenesis of these rocks has been attempted from a comprehensive study of their mutual structural relationships, their petrography and their mineral compositions. Amphibole pyroxenites comprise clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and spinel as early cumulus phases, with garnet and late-magmatic K2O-poor pargasite replacing clinopyroxene, and subsolidus exsolution products (olivine, spinel II, garnet II, plagioclase). The original magmatic mineralogy and rock compositions were partly obscured by late-intrusive hornblendites and over a few centimetres by vein–wallrock exchange reactions which continued down to subsolidus temperatures for Mg–Fe. Thermobarometric data and liquidus parageneses indicate that amphibole pyroxenites started to crystallize at P ≥ 13 kbar and recrystallized at P < 12 kbar. The high AlVI/AlIV ratio (>1) of clinopyroxenes, the early precipitation of orthopyroxene and the late-magmatic amphibole are arguments for parental melts richer in silica but poorer in water than alkali basalts. Their modelled major element compositions are similar to transitional alkali basalt with about 1–3 wt% H2O. In contrast to amphibole pyroxenites, hornblendites only show kaersutite as liquidus phase, and phlogopite as intercumulus phase. They are interpreted as crystalline segregates from primary basanitic magmas (mg=0.6; 4–6 wt% H2O). These latter cannot be related to the parental liquids of amphibole pyroxenites by a fractional crystallization process. Rather, basanitic liquids mostly reused pre-existing pyroxenite vein conduits at a higher structural level (P ≤ 10 kbar). A continuous process of redox melting and/or alkali melt/peridotite interaction in a veined lithospheric mantle is proposed to account for the origin of the Lherz hydrous veins. The transitional basalt composition is interpreted in terms of extensive dissolution of olivine and orthopyroxene from wallrock peridotite by alkaline melts produced at the mechanical boundary layer/thermal boundary layer transition (about 45–50 km deep). Continuous fluid ingress allowed remelting of the deeper veined mantle to produce the basanitic, strongly volatiles enriched, melts that precipitated hornblendites. A similar model could be valid for the few orthopyroxene-rich hydrous pyroxenites described in basalt-hosted mantle xenoliths. Received: 15 September 1999 / Accepted: 31 January 2000  相似文献   

We explore the partial melting behavior of a carbonated silica-deficienteclogite (SLEC1; 5 wt % CO2) from experiments at 3 GPa and comparethe compositions of partial melts with those of alkalic andhighly alkalic oceanic island basalts (OIBs). The solidus islocated at 1050–1075 °C and the liquidus at 1415 °C.The sub-solidus assemblage consists of clinopyroxene, garnet,ilmenite, and calcio-dolomitic solid solution and the near solidusmelt is carbonatitic (<2 wt % SiO2, <1 wt % Al2O3, and<0·1 wt % TiO2). Beginning at 1225 °C, a stronglysilica-undersaturated silicate melt (34–43 wt % SiO2)with high TiO2 (up to 19 wt %) coexists with carbonate-richmelt (<5 wt % SiO2). The first appearance of carbonated silicatemelt is 100 °C cooler than the expected solidus of CO2-freeeclogite. In contrast to the continuous transition from carbonateto silicate melts observed experimentally in peridotite + CO2systems, carbonate and silicate melt coexist over a wide temperatureinterval for partial melting of SLEC1 carbonated eclogite at3 GPa. Silicate melts generated from SLEC1, especially at highmelt fraction (>20 wt %), may be plausible sources or contributingcomponents to melilitites and melilititic nephelinites fromoceanic provinces, as they have strong compositional similaritiesincluding their SiO2, FeO*, MgO, CaO, TiO2 and Na2O contents,and CaO/Al2O3 ratios. Carbonated silicate partial melts fromeclogite may also contribute to less extreme alkalic OIB, asthese lavas have a number of compositional attributes, suchas high TiO2 and FeO* and low Al2O3, that have not been observedfrom partial melting of peridotite ± CO2. In upwellingmantle, formation of carbonatite and silicate melts from eclogiteand peridotite source lithologies occurs over a wide range ofdepths, producing significant opportunities for metasomatictransfer and implantation of melts. KEY WORDS: carbonated eclogite; experimental phase equilibria; partial melting; liquid immiscibility; ocean island basalts  相似文献   

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