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A new assessment system for macrophytes and phytobenthos in German rivers meeting the requirements of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) of the European Community is described. Biocoenotic types based on biological, chemical and hydromorphological data from over 200 river sites covering the main ecoregions, hydromorphological stream types and degradation forms have been defined. For developing a classification system the quality element macrophytes and phytobenthos was divided into three components: macrophytes, benthic diatoms and remaining phytobenthos. For macrophytes seven types including one subtype, for benthic diatoms 14 types including three subtypes and for the remaining phytobenthos five river types were identified. The benthic vegetation at reference condition was described for most of the river types. Degradation is characterised as deviation in benthic vegetation species composition and abundance from the reference biocoenosis. For classification in five ecological status classes, several metrics were developed and used in combination with existing indices. For some of the described river types additional investigations are necessary before a classification system can be developed.  相似文献   

Key issues in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive are classification of lakes using biological quality parameters and type-specific reference conditions. This work is one of three studies considering different metrics of phytoplankton in the classification of ecological status. Phytoplankton was studied in a total of 55 Finnish boreal lakes, including 32 reference lakes. We tested the suitability of taxonomic composition and abundance of phytoplankton groups for biological classification. We also preliminarily determined the type-specific taxa for the studied lakes. The type-specific taxa for reference conditions are coincidently the indicator species/taxa for high ecological status. Interestingly, some taxa type-specific for impacted oligo-humic lakes proved to be the type-specific taxa for humic reference lakes. The pressure of human impact was observed not only as increase of biomass but also as changes in the species composition. The phytoplankton composition indicated the ecological status of impacted lakes moderately well. There was some variation in the indications given by different algal groups, probably due to the preliminary class boundaries used. However, the preliminary combination of indicative parameters to estimate the ecological status of the studied impacted lakes was in general in accordance with earlier classification of water quality in Finnish lakes.  相似文献   

A 1-year cycle of observations was performed in four Sicilian transitional water systems (Oliveri-Tindari, Cape Peloro, Vendicari and Marsala) to characterise their ecological status. A panel of variables among which trophic and microbial (enzyme activities, abundance of hetetrophic bacteria and of bacterial pollution indicators) parameters, were selected. Particulate organic carbon (POC) and nitrogen (PON) and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) contents defined the trophic state, while microbial hydrolysis rates and abundance gave insights on microbial community efficiency in organic matter transformation and on allochthonous inputs. To classify the trophic state of examined waters, the synthetic trophic state index (TRIX) was calculated.Microbial hydrolysis rates correlated positively with POC and Chl-a, which increased along the eutrophication gradient. The significant relationships among TRIX, trophic and microbial parameters suggested the use of leucine aminopeptidase, alkaline phosphatase and POC as suitable parameters to implement the Water Framework Directive when assessing the ecological status of transitional water systems.  相似文献   

The European Union's Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires that all Member States within the European Union determine reference conditions for aquatic ecosystems to provide a baseline against which to measure the effects of past and present activities. Reference conditions are subsequently used to classify the ecological status of European waters. The decisions regarding environmental status will be important future elements in the management of European coastal waters. We have developed a number of classification scenarios for total nitrogen (TN) in the overlying waters of the southern part of Roskilde Fjord, Denmark, taking as our basis a palaeoecological reconstruction of fluctuations in TN between 1850 and 1995. We present a provisional classification scheme for the ecological status of Roskilde Fjord, sensu the WFD. Decision(s) regarding the deviation from reference conditions will give a wide range of apparent ecological status from good, through moderate and poor, to bad depending upon the definition of an acceptable deviation from reference conditions. The determination of an acceptable deviation will ultimately be a political decision, and will result in a wide range in the protection of coastal waters in Europe. There is still, however, an urgent need for a sound scientific documentation of the various scenarios for the implementation of the WFD.  相似文献   

The present study focused on the use of benthic invertebrate communities to assess the ecological quality of a Portuguese estuary characterized by strong seasonal changes and with eutrophication problems. Seasonal benthic samples were collected during a flood year and the methodology proposed by the WFD Portuguese group was used to classify benthic assemblages into five different quality classes. Factor analysis was applied to classify stations based on their physical-chemical status. Different classifications were obtained with different indices and among seasons and there was low agreement between indices and index-season interactions. Diversity indices were better correlated to eutrophication related variables than AMBI and ABC method. Predictable responses of benthic indices to anthropogenic stress symptoms were stronger during the dry period.  相似文献   

One of the most serious problems caused by eutrophication of shallow lakes is the disappearance of submerged macrophytes and the switch to a turbid, phytoplankton-dominated state. The reduction of external nutrient loads often does not result in a change back to the macrophyte-dominated state because stabilising mechanisms that cause resilience may delay a response. Additional internal lake restoration measures may therefore be needed to decrease the concentration of total phosphorus and increase water clarity. The re-establishment of submerged macrophytes required for a long-term stability of clear water conditions, however, may still fail, or mass developments of tall-growing species may cause nuisance for recreational use. Both cases are often not taken into account when restoration measures are planned in Germany, and existing schemes to reduce eutrophication consider the topic inadequately. Here we develop a step-by-step guideline to assess the chances of submerged macrophyte re-establishment in shallow lakes. We reviewed and rated the existing literature and case studies with special regard on (1) the impact of different internal lake restoration methods on the development of submerged macrophytes, (2) methods for the assessment of natural re-establishment, (3) requirements and methods for artificial support of submerged macrophyte development and (4) management options of macrophyte species diversity and abundance in Germany. This guideline is intended to help lake managers aiming to restore shallow lakes in Germany to critically asses and predict the potential development of submerged vegetation, taking into account the complex factors and interrelations that determine their occurrence, abundance and diversity.  相似文献   

Two biotic indices, ATZI Marine Biotic Index (AMBI) and Benthic Quality Index (BQI) have been recently introduced within the EC Water Framework Directive to assess the quality of marine habitats: both are based on sensitivity/tolerance classification and quantitative information on the composition of soft-bottom macrofauna. Their performance, especially with regard to sampling effort was assessed based on two data sets collected in Southern Baltic and one from the Gulf of Lions Mediterranean. AMBI was not affected by sampling effort but BQI was. Two modifications were proposed for BQI (i.e., BQI) (1) the removal of the scaling term (i.e., BQI(W)), and (2) the replacement of the scaling term by different scaling term (i.e., BQI(ES)). Both modified BQIs were largely independent of sampling effort. Variability was slightly lower for BQI(W) than for BQI(ES). BQI was highly correlated with BQI(W) and with BQI(ES) both in the Southern Baltic and in the Gulf of Lions. However, the proportions of stations, which were not attributed the same ecological quality status (EcoQ) when using BQI and its two modified forms were always high. Differences in ecological classification were mostly due to the scales used to infer EcoQ. Based on this study we recommend to use BQI(ES) in future studies because it apparently constitutes the best compromise in (1) being independent of sampling effort, (2) limiting the variability in computation in relation with sampling effort, (3) being correlated with BQI and corresponding EcoQ.  相似文献   

Since hydromorphology in about 80% of German streams and rivers is degraded to a high degree, increased efforts in hydromorphological renaturalization are necessary. A measurement of the success of the first realized projects shows that improvement in stream morphology has a remarkably positive influence on aquatic ecology. An example of a restored stretch of a lowland stream in Saxony-Anhalt is used to describe the possibilities of success measurement programs for improvement of poor renaturalization. Therefore, a combined morphological and hydrobiological approach was developed. An integrated ecological assessment is possible by using the multimetric index EQIM (Ecological Quality Index using benthic Macroinvertebrates) and the GFI (German Fauna Index). The latter represents a tolerance measure to evaluate the hydromorphological status of a site by using certain taxa that indicate either positive or negative physical attributes. To consider the special characteristics of the stream in its landscape unit, specific reference conditions (‘Leitbild’) were defined for macroinvertebrate communities by sampling comparable but undisturbed streams in the same landscape unit. Only the combination of biological indices, hydromorphological mapping and comparison to the reference status allows for an expressive evaluation of renaturalization measures and precise conclusions for their improvement.  相似文献   

Increasing recognition of the deleterious environmental effects of excessive fine sediment delivery to watercourses means that reliable sediment source assessment represents a fundamental component of catchment planning targeting the protection of freshwater resources and their ecological integrity. Sediment tracing or fingerprinting approaches have been increasingly used to provide catchment scale sediment source information, but there is a need to continue refining existing procedures especially with respect to uncertainty analysis during mass balance modelling. Consequently, an updated Monte Carlo numerical modelling framework was devised and tested, incorporating both conventional and robust statistics coupled with random and Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) together with local and genetic algorithm (GA) optimisation. A sediment sourcing study undertaken in the River Axe catchment, southwest England, suggested that the use of robust statistics and LHS with GA optimisation generated the best performance with respect to predicting measured bed sediment geochemistry in six out of eight model applications. On this basis, the catchment‐wide average median sediment source contributions were predicted to be 38 ± 1% (pasture topsoils), 3 ± 1% (cultivated topsoils), 37 ± 1% (damaged road verges) and 22 ± 1% (channel banks/subsurface sources). Using modelling frameworks which provide users with flexibility to compare local and global optimisation during uncertainty analysis is recommended for future sediment tracing studies. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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