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Till-covered sand and silt sediments with organic material from Boliden, northern Sweden, have been resampled and reinvestigated. Texture and petrographic analyses demonstrated one till bed overlying, and one underlying the sandy sediments. Low frequencies of diatoms were noted, representing freshwater, halophilous and brackish water taxa. The diatoms may be allochthonous or autochthonous, or redeposited from older deposits. Pollen analysis revealed a new picture of the composition of the vegetation, as compared with earlier investigations. The flora consisted of an arctic-subarctic treeless shrub and herb vegetation dominated by Salix, Betula nana , Gramineae and Cyperaceae. Artemisia and several arctic-alpine herbs were important elements. The identification of Salix wood as well as fruits and fruit scales of Betula nana and Betula cf. humilis is in agreement with the pollen-analytical results, as is the occurrence of Nordicboreal species of Coleoptera. Two radiocarbon datings resulted in an age of c. 45,000 B. P. and >40,000 B.P. The Boliden till-covered sediments were most probably deposited during an Early or Middle Weichselian interstadial, but the initial or final stage of an interglacial (Eemian) is also possible.  相似文献   

The Late Devonian‐Early Carboniferous Mansfield Basin is the northernmost structural sub‐basin of the Mt Howitt Province of east‐central Victoria. It is comprised predominantly of continental clastic sedimentary rocks, and is superimposed upon deformed Cambrian to Early Devonian marine sequences of the Palaeozoic Lachlan Fold Belt. This paper documents evidence for synsedimentary deformation during the early history of the Mansfield Basin, via sedimentological, structural and stratigraphic investigations. Repeating episodes of folding, erosion and sedimentation are demonstrated along the preserved western margins of Mansfield Basin, where fold structures within the lower sequences are truncated by intrabasinal syntectonic unconformities. A convergent successor basin setting (an intermontane setting adjacent to, or between major fault zones) is suggested for initial phases of basin deposition, with synsedimentary reverse faulting being responsible for source uplift and subsequent basin deformation. Palaeocurrents within conglomerate units indicate derivation from the west and are consistent with episodic thrusting along basin margin faults providing elevated source regions. Periods of tectonic quiescence are represented by finer grained meandering fluvial facies (indicative of lower regional topographic gradients) which display drainage patterns that appear not to have been influenced by bounding faults to the west. An up‐sequence increase in the textural and compositional maturity of basin sandstones and conglomerates is proposed to be a result of the incorporation of basin fill into ongoing basin deformation, with unstable metapelitic rocks being progressively winnowed from clast populations. Rather than resulting from Carboniferous (Kanimblan) reactivation of extensional structures, as is generally assumed, the deformation observed within the lower units of the Mansfield Basin is suggested here to be essentially syndepositional and at least Late Devonian in age.  相似文献   

Seventy-four meters of a 95-m-long drill core recovered from the Lappäjarvi crater, a meteoritic impact site in western Finland, consisted of Pleistocene sediments. These sediments refer to two events of glacial deposition (Saalian and Weichselian) interrupted by non-glacigenic freshwater sedimentation. The sediments contain abundant redeposited Holsteinian and Tertiary microfossils, and possibly represent a pre-Weichselian interstadial not described from elsewhere in Finland. The pollen flora indicates a mixed primary arctic to subarctic succession that followed deglaciation, i.e. the beginning of an interglacial or interstadial event. The secondary pollen component derives from an eroded interglacial deposit that can be interpreted as Holsteinian, or possibly Eemian, in age. The vegetation succession interpreted from the primary pollen flora reflects a transition from arctic conditions to subarctic birch forests. The diatom flora indicates a primary succession that can be observed clearly in the uppermost gyttja layer in which the rich alkaliphilous diatom flora refers to more or less eutrophic conditions. The diatom flora of sediments below the gyttja layer is composed of a primary component and a secondary, redeposited or relict component. The diatoms encountered are interglacial or Tertiary in origin. The results show that meteorite craters can provide long, representative stratigraphic sequences in glacially eroded Precambrian shield areas such as Finland.  相似文献   

Scientific inquiry into Pleistocene stratigraphy of the Lower Mississippi Valley (LMV) dates to early writings of European naturalists in the late 19th century. By the early 20th century, landscape evolution concepts, stratigraphic models, and regional syntheses had developed for most areas. The 1944 monograph of H.N. Fisk marks the advent of a predictive stratigraphic and landscape evolution model that links form and process to a predominantly glacioeustatic mechanism. The Fiskian model gained widespread acceptance, and decades passed before significant alternate models began to emerge. Revised stratigraphic and geomorphic concepts are presently developing from newly acquired environmental and engineering data. Present scenarios classify Pleistocene outcrop areas into erosional and constructional landscapes, and veneers of eolian, colluvial, fluvial, coastal, and marine origin can drape both types of surfaces.

The southern LMV and adjacent Gulf Coastal Plain (GCP) experienced significant landscape change during the Pleistocene. Late Tertiary (Pliocene?) to Early Pleistocene deposition of the Upland Complex was by streams with a high sand and gravel load relative to its mud load. The regional drainage network and fluvial system behavior was probably significantly different from the modern. Braided stream alluvial fan complexes received sediment from highland source areas adjacent to the LMV and the glaciated mid-continent. It is plausible that part of Upland Complex deposition predates initial glacial advances.

From Early to Middle Pleistocene, an erosional landscape formed during a dissection period that chiefly postdates soil formation on stable landscape positions of the Upland Complex. Slope evolution truncated a regionally extensive geosol in multiple phases, and parts of the erosion surface complex are graded to the oldest preserved constructional alluvial plains in present valleys. Toe and foot slope positions of the erosion surface complex and its correlative alluvial plains are presently delineated as the Intermediate Complex. Constructional landscapes formed at this time are sparsely preserved; Fisk's Montgomery Terrace in the Lower Red River Valley (LRRV) is the best preserved example. Influences on the development of erosion surfaces in the LMV are not well understood; however interactions of relative sea level fall, climate change, and epirogenic crustal movement are plausible factors.

From the latter part of Middle Pleistocene to the Holocene, there was widespread evolution of modern constructional landscapes. Constructional alluviation preserved lithofacies of mixed load, laterally accreting, meandering streams that developed over large areas of the southern LMV to form parts of the Prairie Complex. Lateral planation in valleys and stable rates of upland sediment generation were dominant processes during Prairie Complex deposition.

Pleistocene stratigraphic examples considered important by Fisk are still considered relevant to modern stratigraphic investigators. Presently, Pleistocene units of the southern LMV, the adjacent LRRV, and central GCP can be correlated only by relative stratigraphic relationships. Refined chronostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental models for these areas would help improve the understanding of the geomorphic influences on Quaternary landscape evolution in the region.  相似文献   

Lithostratigraphical analysis of remnants of high-level, poorly sorted gravel remnants in northeast Herefordshire has allowed the revision and expansion of the existing regional Middle Pleistocene stratigraphical sequence to incorporate two new formations. The oldest Pleistocene sediments in the region, the Humber Formation, represents part of a major, northerly derived, cold-stage fluvial system, which incorporated the ancestors of the rivers Lugg and Wye and tributaries of the Severn. The Risbury Formation consists of glacigenic sediments, which were deposited by a large ice-lobe emanating from a Welsh ice-cap. The Risbury Formation is correlated with glacigenic deposits in the Cradley Brook Valley on the west side of the Malvern Hills, which were formerly ascribed to a pre-Hoxnian, Severn Valley ice-sheet. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Late Pleistocene stratigraphy from the Severnaya Dvina‐Vychegda region of northwestern Russia is revised based on investigations of new localities, revisiting earlier localities, introduction of about 110 new OSL dates and burial depth corrections of earlier published OSL dates, in addition to six new radiocarbon dates. Most of the OSL samples studied here are from fluvial and subaquaeous sediments, which we found to be well bleached. Six chronostratigraphical units and their sedimentary environment are described, with the oldest unit consisting of pre‐Eemian glacial beds. For the first time, Early Weichselian sediments are documented from the region and a fluvial environment with some vegetation and permafrost conditions is suggested to have persisted from the end of the Eemian until at least about 92 ka ago. The period in which a Middle Weichselian White Sea Lake could have existed is constrained to 67?62 ka, but as the lake level never reached the thresholds of the drainage basin, the lake probably existed only for a short interval within this time‐span. Blocking and reversal of fluvial drainage started again around 21?20 ka ago when the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet advanced into the area, reaching its maximum 17?15 ka ago. At that time, an ice‐dammed lake reached its maximum water level, which was around 135 m above present sea level. Drainage of the lake started shortly after 15 ka ago, and the lake was emptied within 700 years. Severe periglacial conditions, with permafrost and aeolian activity, prevailed in the area until about 10.7 ka.  相似文献   

Eemian and Weichselian stratigraphy in South Sweden   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The stratigraphy of Pleistocene sequences within three main areas of the province of Skane, South Sweden, is discussed. The traditional stratigraphy is revised. New lithostratigraphic units are deficned and named according to international stratigraphic terminology. Lithostratigraphical correaltions are based on sedimentological development and palaeoenvironmental changes. Organic beds are correlated with the Eemain interglacial and some of the Early and Middle Weichselian interstadials. The chronostratigraphic key site, Stenberget, is described in greater detail. Stratrigraphy and palaeoenvironment are summarized in a scheme indicating that South Sweden was glaciated only during the period 21,000–13,000 B.P.  相似文献   

Loess stratigraphy in central China   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The loess deposits in central China record world-wide climate changes of the last 2.5 Ma. Numerous climatic oscillations are marked by alternating loess and soil units with continuous coverage of the Matuyama and Brunhes Epochs. Magnetic susceptibility of the deposits correlates closely with the oxygen isotope record of the deep-sea sediments and provides an independent measure of climate and time.The key marker bed of the chinese loess sequence is the paleosol S5, the time equivalent of the mid-Brunhes oxygen isotope stages 13, 14 and 15. It marks a prolonged interval of warm humid climate lasting from approximately 615 to 470 thousand years ago. Several episodes of river downcutting coincide with deposition of the exceptionally thick loess units L1 (oceanic oxygen isotope stages 2 to 4) L2 (stage 6), L5 (stage 12) L6, (stage 16) L9 (stage 22) L15 (stage 38 about 1.15 Ma) and WS4 (about 2.3 Ma). These erosional events are interpreted as a result of episodic uplift of the Loess Plateau.The deposition of the earliest loess layers between 2.5 and 2.3 Ma ago marks a first order shift from warm and humid environments toward harsh continental steppes comparable to those of the Middle and Late Pleistocene. Little, if any lithologic or paleontologic changes were noted within or above the Olduvai magnetozone, so that the proposed Plio/Pleistocene boundary at approximately 1.65 Ma has no lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic representation in the chinese loess series.Comparison with the Deep Sea Drilling Program core 552A in the North Atlantic and with the Santerno River section near Bologna shows that the occurrence of the earliest loess in China coincides with the timing of the first significant ice rafting in the North Atlantic and with the appearance of cold water foraminifers in the marine deposits of northern Italy. An extension of the stage system of the oxygen isotope signal extended back to the Gauss-Matuyama boundary is proposed.  相似文献   

Past environmental changes in the Baltic area are discussed on the basis of pollen and spores recovered from marine sediments in a series of cliff sections at Mommark, in southern Denmark. The sediment succession represents Jessen & Milthers' (1928) Eemian pollen zones c-h, or Andersen's (1961 1975) zones E1/2-E7, as well as the earliest Weichselian pollen zone i, or EW-1, the Herning Stadial. A correlation with annually laminated German sequences (e.g. Bispingen) indicates that the sequence spans approximately 11 000 years. Marine deposition began c. 300 years after the beginning of the Eemian Interglacial Stage and continued to shortly before the end of pollen zone E7, at c. 10 600 years after the beginning of the Eemian. Sedimentation rates varied through the time period represented by the sequence, with initial deposition relatively rapid at c. 0.35 cm yr-1 for the first c. 300 years. Rates then decreased to 0.029 cm yr-1 for the next 2700 years and remained low, though varying, throughout the rest of the sequence. Overall, the rates indicate that sediment supply was highly restricted throughout the interglacial, possibly reflecting the dense forest vegetation that colonized the hinterland.  相似文献   

Palaeosols developed on the highest Yukon River glaciofluvial terraces were investigated in order to reconstruct the Plio-Pleistocene evolution of the river valley beyond Late Pleistocene glacial limits. A record of at least two pre-Reid (> 311 kyr) glaciations is chronicled by the presence of two populations of glaciofluvial terraces within the study area. The populations of pre-Reid terraces were identified based on their degree of soil development and elevation. Pre-Reid terraces 200–250 m above river level have preserved morphological and mineralogical features of the Wounded Moose palaeosol, a palaeosol previously associated with pre-Reid surfaces in central Yukon. Clay mineralogy and colour indicate that the Wounded Moose palaeosol developed in part during warm and sub-humid as well as temperate and humid interglacials. A second set of pre-Reid terraces between 110 and 30 m above river level are characterized by the presence of the less-developed Diversion Creek palaeosol, a palaeosol previously associated with only Reid-aged (< 311 kyr) surfaces in central Yukon. In contrast to the Wounded Moose palaeosol, the Diversion Creek palaeosol developed during comparatively cool and humid interglacial conditions. The presence of Diversion Creek palaeosols on pre-Reid outwash terraces suggests that a transition from dominantly warmer to cooler interglacial conditions occurred prior to 311 kyr in Yukon Territory. In addition, the presence of a Diversion Creek palaeosol cannot be used to differentiate stable Reid and stable pre-Reid surfaces across central Yukon.  相似文献   

Mapping, analysis and interpretation of glacigenic sediments in the King Valley, Tasmania has led to a revision of the Pleistocene stratigraphy of Tasmania. The sediments provide evidence of a glaciation that occurred between the Middle Pleistocene Henty Glaciation and the Early Pleistocene Linda Glaciation. The Moore Glaciation is estimated, on the basis of weathering rinds, amino-acid dating and palaeomagnetism to have occurred between 400000 and 550000 yrs BP. At Baxter Rivulet, sediments of the Moore Glaciation rest unconformably on highly weathered till and weathered Ordovician limestone and are overlain by outwash gravel of the Henty Glaciation. The Moore Glaciation sediments can be divided into four formations on the basis of lithology, organic content and degree of chemical weathering. The Huxley Formation (oldest) was deposited by an ice advance of the Mt. Jukes Glacier and is overlain by the Baxter Formation. The Baxter Formation consists of a bed of organic silty sand which records a cool non-forested flora of an interstadial period. The overlying Pyramid and Moore formations are outwash gravels from the Mt. Jukes and King Valley glaciers respectively. Though deposited during the same general ice advance, these two gravels were deposited at different times and show that the glaciers of the West Coast Range had spatially differentiated responses to climatic change.  相似文献   

A Late Pleistocene sequence at Margreteberg, southwestern Sweden   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
At Margreteberg, southwestern Sweden, a comple Pleistocene sequence has been stratigraphically investigated. Strata of clay, silt, sand, peat and solifluction layers are overlain by till-like sediments which are covered by sandy-clayey strata. By means of biostratigraphical analyses (foraminifera, olluscs, wood remains, pollen and diatoms), a reconstruction of the palaeoenvirnmental development has been obtained. Radiocarbon measurements and amiono acis ratios have been carried out in order to date the sediments. The foraminifera in the lowermost clay strata indicate Arctic or boreal-Arctic marine environment during the Late Saalian or Late Elsterian perods The δ18 Ovalues and molluscs also suggest that the clay was deposited in glaciomarine conditions. Amino acid ratios (D/L=0.25) of Hiatella in the clay imply an age between the Holsteinian and Eemian Interglacials. Teh peat layers contain a pollen flora. Prtedominated by Picea and Pinus, and are pollen analytically dated to the end of the Eemian interglacial. The solofluction sediments most probably were fromed during the first stage (s) of the Early weichselian and may include the initaial phase of the Brorup Interstadial (the Rodebaek interstadial). During this stage(s) aretic-Subarctic conditions previaled reflected by a pollen flora with a predominance of herbs and shrubs. Acidophilous and aerohpilous diatoms indicate oligotrophic shallow wate conditions in an Arctic environment, when almost no leaching of mineral solis occurred. The solofluction sediments also contain reworked interglacial (Eemian) pollen and brackish-Marine diatoms. Radiocarbon dating of the peat, wood and solofluction sediments yieded infinnite ages>40,000B.P.  相似文献   

义敦地区处于活动岛弧带 ,1:5万区调将原图姆沟组自下而上分解为党恩组、列衣组、曲嘎寺组和勉戈组。以曲嘎寺组底部的I型不整合面及勉戈组底部的II型不整合面为基准 ,结合内部沉积组合特征 ,尝试划分出 3套三级层序地层 ,即下部层序 (未见底 )、中部I型碳酸盐层序和上部II型层序 (包括喇嘛垭组 ) ,在这些层序内各体系域发育齐全 ,特征明显。  相似文献   

义敦地区处于活动岛弧带,1:5万区调将原图姆沟组自下而上分解为党恩组、列衣组、曲嘎寺组和勉戈组。以曲嘎寺组底部的I型不整合面及勉戈组底部的Ⅱ型不整合面为基准,结合内部沉积组合特征,尝试划分出3套三级层序地层,即下部层序(未见底)、中部I型碳酸盐层序和上部I I型层序(包括喇嘛垭组),在这些层序内各体系域发育齐全,特征明显。  相似文献   

Quantitative studies of foraminiferal faunas and isotope ratios have been done in two gravity cores from the Vøring Plateau. Core 23199 from about 2000 m water depth included sediments younger than oxygen Stage 7. Core 23205 from about 1400 m ended in sediments from Stage 5. According to the transfer temperatures, the onset of abundances of Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi and the δ13C values of Neogloboquadrinapachyderma , the Vøring Plateau was covered by pack-ice during Stages 6,4,2 and, to some extent, also during Stage 3. Ice-free sea-surface conditions prevailed from late Substage 5e throughout Stage 5 and during stage 1. The transition from Stage 6 to Stage 5 (Termination II) took place in two steps: Ila is defined by the δ18O signal of N. pachyderma (reduced global ice volume) and lib by the increased occurrence of C. wuellerstorfi (melting of local pack-ice). A contemporaneous development of an interglacial deep-water circulation system is indicated.  相似文献   

Climatically driven Late Pleistocene and Holocene vegetation changes were reconstructed based on pollen records from the sediments of Lake Kotokel and Cheremushka Bog, located on the eastern shore of Lake Baikal. The described paleoenvironmental record has higher resolution than records collected from Lake Baikal and unites individual events identified in prior studies of bottom and onshore cores. Remarkable shifts in landscapes and expansions of index plants are as follows. Forest tundra and/or forest steppe landscape with birch, spruce, Artemisia, and Poaceae prevailed at ca. 50–25 14C kyr BP. Tundra and/or steppe vegetation dominated by Artemisia and Poaceae was typical for the Last Glacial Maximum. The expansion of shrub birch and willow occurred at ca. 15.5 14C kyr BP. Two peaks of spruce expansion at ca. 47.5–42.4 14C kyr BP (Karginian time) and at ca. 14.5–13 ka (Bølling-Allerød warm intervals) suggest that the condition were more humid than today. A slight increase in Artemisia at ca. 11–10.5 14C kyr BP (13–12 ka) was indicative of the Younger Dryas event. An expansion of birch forests with fir at ca. 12–6.4 ka suggests higher humidity. The currently dominant Scots and Siberian pine forests with birch expanded since 6.4 ka.  相似文献   

根据札达盆地河湖相剖面地层岩性、粒度、沉积构造、古生物等反映的沉积岩相,以及不整合面等沉积特征,可将札达盆地上新世—早更新世河湖相地层,初步划分为两个三级层序(Ⅰ、Ⅱ)。层序Ⅰ代表上新统地层层序,并进一步区分出退积准层序组和进积准层序组。对应上新世湖相沉积由低位体系域—湖泊扩张体系域—湖泊收缩体系域的演化,反映湖泊由源区水系冲积亚相—滨湖三角洲亚相—滨浅湖亚相—半深湖亚相—滨浅湖亚相的湖泊,由扩张到萎缩的一个完整的发展演化旋回。层序II代表下更新统地层层序,反映一个盆地受构造和气候(冰期—间冰期)双重控制的夭折型冰湖形成演化的由冰水冲积相到冰湖沉积相的不完整沉积旋回,为青藏高原新近系上新统与第四系的研究与划分提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

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