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Flare-associated large-scale (>1010 cm) X-ray brightenings, the so-called giant arches in the nomenclature of vestka and co-workers, were discovered in images obtained by the SMM Hard X-ray Imaging Spectrometer hours after the onset of two-ribbon flares. The apparent correlation between both phenomena suggested that they could be interpreted in the framework of the same model.In this paper we show that large-scale loop brightenings, of sizes similar to the giant arches, occur also in association with confined flares in complex active regions. In these cases, the relation between the large-scale structure and the underlying flare is clearly given by the magnetic field topology. We also show that energization of these structures can be partially due to the injection of suprathermal particles that are accelerated at the separator region.We discuss the implications of these results within the framework of the interacting loops picture of flares and of the giant arch phenomenology.Member of the Carrera del Investigador Científico, CONICET, Argentina.  相似文献   

One-hundred fifty-six large-scale enhancements of X-ray emission from solar active regions were studied on full-disk filterheliograms to determine characteristic morphology and expansion rates for heated coronal plasma. The X-ray photographs were compared with H observations of flares, sudden filament disappearances, sprays and loop prominence systems (LPS). Eighty-one percent of the X-ray events were correlated with H filament activity, but only forty-four percent were correlated with reported H flares. The X-ray enhancements took the form of loops or arcades of loops ranging in length from 60 000 km to 520 000 km and averaging 15 000 km in width. Lifetimes ranged from 3 hr to >24 hr. Event frequency was 1.4 per day. X-ray loop arcades evolved from sharp-edged clouds in cavities vacated by rising H filaments. Expansion velocities of the loops were 50 km s-1 immediately after excitation and 1–10 km s-1 several hours later. These long-lived loop arcades are identified with LPS, and it is suggested that the loops outlined magnetic fields which were reconnecting after filament eruptions. Another class of X-ray enhanced loops stretched outside active regions and accompanied sprays or lateral filament ejections. H brightenings occurred where these loops intersected the chromosphere. Inferred excitation velocities along the loops ranged between 300 and 1200 km s-1. It is suggested that these loops outlined closed magnetic fields guiding slow mode shocks from flares and filament eruptions.  相似文献   

Using the visual inspection and base difference method and data from the X-ray Telescope(XRT)onboard Hinode and TRACE with improved spatial and temporal resolution,we selected 48 X-ray transient brightenings(XTBs)and 237 EUV transient brightenings(ETBs)to study the connection between these two types of transient brightenings(TBs).These ETBs and XTBs have smaller areas(8.42 Mm2 and 36.3 Mm2,respectively,on average)and shorter durations(9.0 rain and 6.9 min,respectively,on average)than previous studies.These XTBs show three types of morphological structure: point-like,single-loop and multiple-loop.We find only 20% of the ETBs have corresponding XTBs while the other 80% have no X-ray signatures at all.This is presumably due to the small amount of released energy,which is not enough to heat the plasma to coronal temperatures which produce X-ray emission rather than being due to the limitation of spatial resolution and temperature sensitivity of the X-ray instrument.These small ETBs may significantly contribute to the coronal heating.  相似文献   

A study of surges and flares within an active region   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Active region 2684 was observed by the Solar Maximum Mission and ground-based observatories simultaneously for over 12 hours on September 23, 1980. During these observations, recurrent surges were detected above an area with complex parasitic magnetic polarity located at the periphery of the active region. The time evolution of the H surges, Civ brightenings and X-ray spikes leads to the conclusion that the energy source is in the corona, from magnetic reconnection. The energy is transported by energetic charged particles along the loops, thereby heating the chromosphere as the particles lose their energy. The divergent motion of the spots corresponding to small dipoles at the base of the surge indicates that there is important magnetic reorganisation. According to the magnetic field-line configuration (large loop or open structures), X-rays can (or cannot) be associated with surges.  相似文献   

Repeated raster images of solar active regions taken at the line centers of the Si iv and C iv resonance lines using the University of Colorado (CU) ultraviolet spectrometer aboard OSO-8 reveal dramatic transient brightenings of up to factors of 10. These brightenings last several minutes and frequently show a repetitive character. Inspection of simultaneous H flare patrol records show that these transition zone events are often associated with subflare-like brightenings in the chromosphere. These observations indicate that direct excitation or heating of material already at transition zone temperatures caused by non-thermal particle streams is inadequate to explain the degree of brightening of these lines. The measurements suggest that some process that enhances density of material at 105 K is occurring during these events.  相似文献   

Observations of regular and irregular polarimetric variability in late-type stars are reviewed, and the related physical and geometrical effects are discussed. There are indications that the irregular part of the variability could be caused by transient events, possibly associated with flares. Polarimetric observations during flares are reviewed, and preliminary results of new observations of a well-known flare star, YY Geminorum, are presented. The results show that the small flare in YY Gem did not cause any significant variations in linear polarization, while the binary eclipse evidently causes an enhancement in the polarization. The reasons for the difficulties in stellar flare polarimetry are discussed. Finally, future prospects for the observations of flaring stars and for the utilization of linear polarimetry as a complementary method to other techniques of surface imaging of stellar activity and flares are presented.  相似文献   

The locations of flares and chromospheric absorption features on May 21 and 23, 1967, are compared with a series of H magnetograms. Each of the four major flares included in the study developed as double emission ribbons lying at positions of steep field gradient on opposite sides of the boundary between regions of opposite magnetic polarity. At certain stages, the flare outlines followed closely the isogauss contours of the longitudinal field. A fluctuating field of 75 gauss was measured directly in the importance two flare of May 21. Modifications in the magnetic structure of the active region followed the flares of May 23.  相似文献   


We study the longitudinal magnetic field in a number of active limb prominences showing fields in excess of 30 G. The objects fall into three groups: surges, caps and active region prominences. There appears to be an upper limit of 150–200 G for the field strength in prominences.

A model of surges is presented in which a pre-surge axi-symmetric magnetic field is established by a line current in the corona. We observe particle acceleration in surges that indicates v×B≠0 in these objects during periods comparable to the Alfvén transit time.

The strong fields observed in caps seem to run between parts of active regions in accordance with Hale's law of sunspot group polarities.


We describe a method of solar bidimensional spectroscopy exploiting the performances of a Universal Birefringent Filter (UBF) like that of the Sacramento Peak Observatory, which enable an estimate of the profile of some chromospheric lines with moderate spectral resolution ( \((\lambda /\Delta \lambda = 2.5 x 10^4 )\) ). The numerical inversion technique of Backus and Gilbert has been used to retrieve the estimated line profiles; the capabilities of the proposed method is fully analyzed with some numerical tests and examples. Correction procedures for errors in the positions of the UBF passband, random fluctuations of the exposure times and non-uniform brightness distribution on the filtergrams are also presented. The whole method has been tested on the recovery of quiet atmosphere line profiles and the results derived for the Na D2 line show that the proposed method is completely suitable for many investigations in solar physics.  相似文献   

The observations of the solar radio emission on September 11, 2001, with the RATAN-600 radio telescope (southern sector) at four centimeter wavelengths (1.92, 2.24, 2.74, and 3.21 cm) revealed synchronous brightenings in solar radio sources. These were identified on the solar photosphere with active regions that were spaced up to ~106 km apart (AR 9608 and AR 9616). We discuss manifestations of the possible mechanisms of synchronous brightenings in solar sources in a narrow microwave spectral band. The significant linear correlation (ρc = 0.84–0.92) between the relative fluxes of AR 9610 and AR 9608 at 1.92 and 2.24 cm and the significant linear correlation (ρc = 0.65–0.84) between the relative fluxes of AR 9606 and AR 9608 at 3.21 cm in a two-hour interval of observations are indicative of the interconnection between these active regions not only during flares and bursts, but also in the periods of their absence. This confirms the existence of a large-scale temporal component in the dynamics of the radio flux variations for these active regions. We found a difference between the temporal variations of the radio emission from the halo and the solar radio sources under consideration. The times of increase in the total solar soft X-ray (0.5–4.0 Å, 1.0–8.0 Å; GOES 8, GOES 10) flux are shown to coincide with the times of increase in the fluxes from the solar radio sources at short centimeter wavelengths.  相似文献   

Somov  B. V.  Syrovatskii  S. I. 《Solar physics》1974,38(2):415-417
Solar Physics - Most of the energy of particles accelerated in a flare is used for the creation of a high-temperature flare region, the structure of which is determined by the heat conduction...  相似文献   

K. A. Marsh 《Solar physics》1978,59(1):105-113
The flare-like events which are frequently seen in H in apparently quiet regions of the solar disk can in all cases be identified with bipolar features (ephemeral regions, ER) on magnetograms. These events represent the H counterpart of X-ray bright point flares.Statistically, this phenomenon is associated with the proximity of the bipolar features to the super-granulation network, in the sense that an ER is likely to flare during its lifetime if the distance to the nearest network element is less than or equal to its own pole separation. This conclusion is supported by direct study of time sequences of magnetograms and H pictures, which manifest the interaction of ER with the supergranulation network. The flare-like brightenings in some examples occurred in the region of interaction between network flux and one pole of the ER.The consequence of this interaction is that small quantities of network flux are transported over distances of the order of the ER pole separations. This may have an important effect on the long-term diffusion of magnetic flux.  相似文献   

We study sudden brightenings of coronal loops that interconnect active regions. Such brightenings often occur within one or two days after the birth of a new interconnecting loop, as well as in some old interconnections. The brightenings of young loops are obviously associated with the emergence of new magnetic flux near their footpoints, whereas some enhancements of old loops may be triggered by slowly moving disturbances propagating from other centers of activity. A few loop brightenings are associated with flares, but the loop does not brighten in consequence of energy supply from the flare. Both the flare and the loop brightening are independent consequences of one common agent, presumably newly emerging flux.Temperatures in brightened loops are between 3 and 4 × 106 K and densities are < 2 × 109 cm–3, probably < 5 × 108 cm–3 in some old loops. The top part of a loop is the site of the most intense brightening in the initial phase of a loop enhancement. The most frequent lifetime of these brightenings is 6 to 7 hr.Hale Observatories are operated jointly by the Carnegie Institution of Washington and the California Institute of Technology.  相似文献   

We present two alternative interpretations of the sudden X-ray brightenings observed in loops that interconnect active regions. A fast tearing mode may be excited in those newly formed interconnecting loops within which sufficient magnetic free energy is stored to drive the mode. Alternatively anomalous Joule heating driven by an inductive electric field parallel to the magnetic field varying on a time scale of order of a minute may cause the brightenings. We argue that it is plausible that the fast tearing mode may be the cause of brightenings in the young newly formed interconnecting loops, whereas the anomalous Joule heating might occur in old loop connections when an external disturbance propagates through them.  相似文献   

The active longitudes of indices for sunspot activity and solar flares were detected and investigated by the method of isoline for the period July 1, 1957 to December 31, 1962. In the most active hemisphere of the sun the active longitudes of sunspot and flares appear to coincide. It is shown that the rate of concentration in the active longitudes is the highest for more important formations. Arguments for the reality of the active longitudes of sunspot areas are advanced. In conclusion the question of the influence of the uncertainty of the solar rotation period on the detection of active longitudes of flares is considered.  相似文献   

Batchelor  David 《Solar physics》1999,184(1):149-152
In a study of soft X-ray coronal images obtained with the Yohkoh spacecraft, two eruptive flares with remarkably similar X-ray structures were noted – most remarkably because the flares occurred at the same solar location (approximately 10 deg north latitude on the east limb) yet separated in time by three solar rotations. Between the times of the eruptions, the active region responsible for the first flare disappeared from Yohkoh images. An extremely similar X-ray active region replaced it by the third solar rotation. The recurring X-ray active region appearance and recurring flare activity after 86 days suggest that persistent subsurface flux emergence patterns might be responsible, and support previous arguments that active longitudes exist.  相似文献   

We discuss three different kinds of dynamic events related to interconnecting loops observed in soft X-rays aboard Skylab: (1) A newly born transequatorial loop that was either emerging from subphotospheric layers or gradually filled in with hot plasma. (2) Large-scale twists of interconnecting loops which never relax, and often only form, after the loop brightenings. (3) Three events where the loop that later interconnected two active regions had been visible long before one of the interconnecting regions was born. Several impacts this observation might have upon our understanding of the process of flux emergence are suggested.  相似文献   

New observations of solar flare and active region X-ray spectra obtained with the Columbia University instrument on OSO-8 are presented and discussed. The high sensitivity of the graphite crystal panel has allowed both line and continuum spectra to be observed with moderate spectral resolution. Observations with higher spectral resolution have been made with a panel of pentaerythritol crystals. Twenty-nine lines between 1.5 and 7.0 Å have been resolved and identified, including several dielectronic recombination satellite lines to Si xiv and Si xiii lines which have been observed for the first time. It has been found that thermal continuum models specified by single values of temperature and emission measure have fitted the data adequately, there being good agreement with the values of these parameters derived from line intensity ratios.  相似文献   

B. V. Somov 《Solar physics》1975,42(1):235-246
Part of the proper X-ray emission of a flare is absorbed in the chromosphere and heats the region which creates an optical (in particular Hα) flare emission. The heating of chromosphere by X-ray emission may be responsible for the diffuse halo around the flare kernels. The optical emission of flare kernels, whose main sources of heating are energetic particles and/or thermal fluxes, may be also increased. By simple model calculations the present paper discusses the possibility of such effects for the large flare of 1972 August 7.  相似文献   

Observations of impulsive solar flare X-rays 10 keV by the OGO-5 satellite and the measurements of energetic solar electrons made with the Explorer-35 and Explorer-41 (IMP-5) satellites during the period March 1968–September 1969 have been analyzed in order to determine the ion density in the X-ray source region as well as the location of the electron acceleration region in the solar atmosphere. If we assume that the efficiency of escape of the accelerated electrons into interplanetary space is 10–3, the observations are found to be consistent with the following interpretation: (i) the ion density in the X-ray source region varies from event to event and lies between 109 and 1011 ions cm–3 for those events in which the impulsive X-ray emission could be detected; (ii) for those events in which no impulsive emission was detected above threshold, the ion density in the X-ray source was < 109 ions cm–3; (iii) at least in some small solar flares the region where the electrons are accelerated during the flash phase is located in the lower corona.  相似文献   

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