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贡嘎山亚高山演替林林冠截留特征与模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过对贡嘎山亚高山峨眉冷杉与冬瓜杨演替林连续两年林下降水与树干径流的实验观测,分析研究了演替林林下降水、树干径流、林冠截留的变化特征,并验证了Gash(1995)模型模拟该区林冠截留的适用性.结果显示,2008年和2009年贡嘎山亚高山演替林林下降水分别占降水量的76.4%和77.0%,树干径流量较小,可以忽略不计,林...  相似文献   

贵州茂兰喀斯特森林植被演替序列的数量分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
综合运用双向指示种分析法( TWINSPAN)及除趋势对应分析法( DCA)进行分类及排序,确定了贵州茂兰国家级自然保护区森林群落的演替序列。结果表明: 根据DCA排序可将研究区植被群落的演替过程分为四个阶段,即草地→ 灌丛→乔林→顶极群落;根据TW IN SPAN分类结果可将植被分为11个群丛,其中,第Ⅰ 、Ⅱ 、Ⅲ 、Ⅳ 群丛为草本阶段,第Ⅴ 、Ⅵ 群丛为灌丛阶段,Ⅶ 、Ⅷ 、Ⅸ 群丛为乔林阶段,第Ⅹ 、Ⅺ群丛为顶极阶段。茂兰喀斯特植被演替顶极群落为亚热带常绿落叶阔叶林群落,是一种典型的地形— 土壤演替顶极,是植被与当地环境长期适应的结果。   相似文献   

The Neogene succession in the studied area is represented by seven formations (Serikagni, Euphrates, Dhiban, Jeribe, Fatha, Injana, and Muqdadiya formations). The area of study is located in the Unstable Shelf within the Low Folded Zone and the north part of the Stable Shelf (Mesopotamian Zone). This study included the geohistory analysis of the Neogene succession and interpretation the changes of the accumulation and subsidence rates and compared them with the space available to explanation the basin development. At The Early Miocene (Aquitanian age), the Sirekagni and Euphrates formations was deposited during a major transgression with high rates of subsidence and accumulation in the Himreen, Makhul, and north of Tigris subzones, while the Chemchemal–Arbil and Butmah–Mosul subzones were positive areas. This period ended with a sea withdrawal to the southeast to generate the Dhiban lagoonal basin which was characterized by low accumulation and subsidence rates. During the Early Burdigalian, the Jeribe Formation was deposited during another sea level rise that covered the area except the Chemchemal–Arbil and Butmah–Mosul subzones representing the uplifted positive area. The sea level rise continued to the early Langhian age where the transition beds for the Fatha Formation was deposited to mark the maximum flooding surface covering all the study area. The Fatha Formation was deposited at the Late Langhian to the Early Serravallian during sea level stillstand with high accumulation and subsidence rates in the Himreen subzone and the Chemchemal–Arbil subzone. This period ended without a clear tectonic activity. The period from Late Miocene to Pliocene was characterized by high tectonic activity and sea level fall where fluvial–lacustrine environment prevailed to deposit the Injana and Muqdadiya formations. The Injana Formation was deposited during the Late Serravallian–Tortonian in the Himreen and Chemchemal–Butmah subzones; in addition to the northern part of Tigris subzone. The areas of high rates of accumulation and subsidence were located near Jambour while the southwestern part was affected by an uplift generating the Himreen structure. The Chemchemal–Butmah subzones was characterized by a high uplift in the southeast part where Kirkuk and Chemchemal structures were forming, while The northeastern part (from Bi Hassan to the borehole Kirkuk-117) was with low accumulation and subsidence rates. The linear region between these parts (Khabaz oil field) showed an abnormal values for accumulation and subsidence rates (very high); this region corresponds to the location and direction of Anah–Fatha–Qalat Dizah Fault which suggest that the fault was active during that time. The tectonic activity continued to uplift all the north of the study area as well as the West and the East during the Late Tortonian to the Piacenzian where the Muqdadiya Formation was deposited in the area between Jambour to Khabaz oilfields. Then the succession was deformed and uplifted to approximately 800 m above the sea level as in the present day.  相似文献   

The distributions of seven woodland types, plus unforested areas, are mapped for the British Isles at 5000 BP. The map was compiled using data of modern soil distribution, present-day ecological preferences of the tree taxa present, and the pollen record.  相似文献   

A petrogenetic model is developed to explain the evolution and geochemical character of granitic rocks in early Archean (pre 3.6 Gyr) continental crust taking into account the following important geological constraints, viz.:
  1. High geothermal gradients (probably in excess of 90 ° C/km) and resulting widespread granulite facies metamorphism even at relatively shallow depths
  2. The fractionation of certain major and trace elements under granulite facies conditions
  3. The composition and geochemical behaviour of fluids which emanate from or pass through terrains undergoing granulite facies metamorphism viz. carbonic fluids containing significant amounts of SO2 and halogens.
In this model tonalitic and trondhjemitic intrusives are regarded as being derived dominantly by partial melting of mafic granulite. The ubiquitous potassic granites, which typical post-date sodic plutonic activity are interpreted to be anatectic melts generated under granulite or amphibolite facies conditions from the previously formed ‘plagiogranites’. The presence of a postulated granulite facies source area for Archean tonalitic rocks, and the geochemical character of fluids which accompany metamorphism under such conditions explains the HREE geochemistry of these suites and casts doubt on the validity of applying currently used trace element fractional melting or crystallization models to these terrains. Similarly it suggests that petrogenetic interpretations based on Sr and Pb isotopic systems must be reevaluated because of the extreme mobility of both parent and daughter elements under granulite facies conditions.  相似文献   

River valleys have always been attractive places for human occupation. The history of Mesolithic and Neolithic floodplain occupation is linked with archives of fluvial evolution, in particular the intricate relationships between palaeo-hydrological regimes, ecological development and sedimentary environments. This paper describes floodplain evolution in the Russian forest lowland around Moscow since the last deglaciation. Although there is an obvious climatic driving force for the initial fluvial incision at the end of the last glacial, there are many arguments pointing to complex intrinsic evolution involving successive pedogenesis, floodplain accumulation, flooding and fluvial incision from the beginning of the Holocene towards recent times. Increasing wetness during the early and middle Holocene forced people to move from the lowest parts of the valley towards its edges until ultimately, during the most severe flooding episode (at around 2600 years BP), they had to abandon the valley altogether.  相似文献   

文章采用标准溶蚀试片法对比两种亚热带岩溶森林不同坡位的碳酸盐岩溶蚀速率,并分析其与土壤CO2含量(pCO2)和土壤含水量的对应关系。结果表明:青冈林的平均溶蚀速率(5.22±0.99 mg·cm−2·a−1)显著高于化香树林(3.58±2.59 mg·cm−2·a−1);青冈林的土下溶蚀速率在垂直剖面上先增加后递减,峰值位于土下20 cm,而化香树林的随土壤深度增加而增加;青冈林不同坡位的溶蚀速率差异不显著,而化香树林中坡显著高于上坡和下坡;不同森林类型坡位间的溶蚀速率未表现一致规律。森林类型间溶速率差异与土壤含水量有较好的对应而与土壤pCO2相反,森林内坡位间及土壤垂直剖面的溶蚀速率差异与土壤pCO2有更好对应性。亚热带不同岩溶森林类型间溶蚀速率差异显著,可用土壤含水量较好解释;不同坡位间差异没有一致规律,但可用土壤pCO2较好解释。  相似文献   

For decades, repeated and widespread use of arsenical pesticides has significantly contributed to arsenic contamination in soils. Residues from the overuse of these arsenicals may result in phytotoxicity to crops, which will depend on soil types, plant species and the toxicity of arsenical pesticides. A greenhouse column study was conducted to evaluate the effect of two pesticides, i.e. one organic (dimethylarsinic acid) and one inorganic (sodium arsenate), on the vegetative response of rice as a function of soil properties. Four soils with varying arsenic retention capabilities at two different pesticide amendment rates (675 and 1500 mg/kg) representing the worst case scenarios in superfund sites were used. Results showed that arsenic availability to rice was mainly influenced by soil physicochemical properties. The soil with the lowest arsenic retention capacity had the highest arsenic concentration in the leachate as well as in the plant tissue. In contrast, for soils with higher arsenic retention capacity, higher concentrations of arsenic were found in the surface soil which resulted in the inhibition of plant growth. There was no significant difference between labile arsenic / plant-available arsenic irrespective of the form of arsenical pesticide used. Plant growth parameters such as biomass, shoot height, root length decreased with increased arsenic concentrations in all soils. A significant negative correlation (P<0.05) was observed between the phytoavailable arsenic and plant growth response. Interestingly, the form of arsenical pesticide used did not impact arsenic uptake or shoot growth but significantly impacted root growth.  相似文献   

Forest damage can be caused by three types of stress which exercise their influence by predisposing, causative and contributory factors. Predisposing factors, above all permanent immision stress, cause the general diminishing of the trees' vitality. Causative fators such as long and extreme periods of dryness cause a fast and evident deterioration of the forest stand, contributory factors as eg pest attacks cause their mortification. When using remote sensing data to monitor the development of forest damage it is necessary therefore not only to pay attention to spectral signatures characterizing the degree of green space and thus the information of the canopy but also to spectral signs showing the water supply of the stands. This has not been done so far though nowadays the necessary multispectral satellite data are on regular offer. For this reason it may be suggested that the existing possibilities to predict the development of forest damage on the basis of remote sensing data have not yet been fully used.In order to examine these possibilities, in the environs of Berlin, ie in the east and south of the Land of Brandenburg both the vegetation index which has been known from literature for a long time and an index for the difference in remission identifying the water bands in the short-wave infrared have been calculated on the basis of Landsat-TM data. A multi-temporal comparison shows that despite the bad conditions of the forest in 1991 on the test site located north-east of Berlin due to a relatively good water supply in that year the pine forest damage had not progressed in 1992. This allows to draw the conclusion that at least in the pine forests of the East German interior lowland the development of forest damage is essentially determined by dryness stress. In this way on the basis of 1992 Landsat-TM data there was not only an inventory made of the actual condition of the forest on the east and south-east of the Land of Brandenburg but also trends of damage progress shown. The damage classification of pine stands be completed by a prognosis as to the development of damage.  相似文献   

按照发育深度将江苏地热资源分为地表出露的温泉、深度小于200 m的浅层地温能、深度为200~3 000 m的中浅成地热水和 3 500~5 000 m的深成干热岩四大类。江苏地热资源类型较多,成因复杂,各类型地热资源皆具有各自的分布规律与发育特点。其中,浅层地温能、中浅成地热水资源和深成干热岩型地热资源的开发利用前景广阔。  相似文献   

The vegetation community succession influences soil nutrient cycling, and this process is mediated by soil microorganisms in the forest ecosystem. A degraded succession series of karst forests were chosen in which vegetation community changed from deciduous broadleaved trees (FO) toward shrubs (SH), and shrubs–grasses (SHG) in the southwest China. Soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), labile organic carbon (LOC), water extractable organic matter (WEOM), microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen (MBC and MBN), bacterial and fungal diversity, as well as soil enzyme activities were tested. The results showed that SOC, LOC, MBC, MBN, and enzyme activities declined with vegetation succession, with the relatively stronger decrease of microbial biomass and functions, whereas WEOM was higher in SHG than in other systems. In addition, soil bacterial and fungal composition in FO was different from both SH and SHG. Despite positive relationship with SOC, LOC, and TN (p < 0.01), MBC, MBN appeared to be more significantly correlated to LOC than to SOC. It suggested that vegetation conversion resulted in significant changes in carbon fractions and bioavailability, furthermore, caused the change in soil microbial community and function in the forest ecosystem.  相似文献   

大布苏泥林地质地貌景观的形成是新构造运动、地层岩性、地下水、风力及地形等多种地质因素综合作用的结果,它即是一种奇特的地质地貌景观,又是一种属于水土流失的地质灾害现象。最后,提出了具体的保护与开发建议。  相似文献   

杨继红  王冬艳 《吉林地质》2010,29(2):161-164
本文在阐述吉林省矿产资源利用现状及特点的基础上,全面分析总结了吉林省矿产资源开发利用的问题,并根据吉林省矿产资源开发利用的问题,从强化规划、加大勘查、完善机制、夯实基础等四个方面提出吉林省矿产资源开发利用可持续发展的措施。  相似文献   

Novel ecosystem development is occurring within the western boreal forest of Canada due to land reclamation following oil sand surface mining. Sphagnum peat is the primary organic amendment used to reconstruct soil in these novel ecosystems. We hypothesised that ecosystem recovery would be indicated by an increasing similarity in the biomolecular characteristics of novel soil organic matter (SOM) derived from peat to those of natural boreal ecosystems. We evaluated the use of the homologous series of long chain (⩾ C21) n-alkanes with odd/even predominance to monitor the re-establishment of boreal forest on these anthropogenic soils. The lipids were extracted from dominant vegetation inputs and SOM from a series of natural and novel ecosystem reference plots. Twice the concentration of n-alkanes was extracted from natural than from novel ecosystem SOM (p < 0.01). We observed unique n-alkane signatures for the source vegetation, e.g. peat material was dominated by C31, and aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) leaves by C25. The n-alkane distribution differed between the two systems (p < 0.001) and reflected the dominant vegetation input, i.e. peat or tree species. Our results indicate that further research is required to clarify the influence of vegetation or disturbance on the signature of n-alkanes in SOM; however, the use of n-alkanes as biomarkers of novel ecosystem development is a promising application.  相似文献   

作为公益性财政拨款事业单位,省级地震系统实现开发富局,应该要从稳定项目收入,拓展自营收入,培育和发展生产点,推进制度创新着手。本文试图从预算和管理的角度对其作一点简单分析。  相似文献   

V. E. Khain  L. E. Levin   《Tectonophysics》1980,70(3-4):237-246
Inner and marginal deep seas are of considerable interest not only for their genesis but also as “micromodels” of oceans. In the latter case it must be noted that some of them essentially differ from oceans in several parameters. They have a shorter period of development, thicker sedimentary cover, less distinct linear magnetic anomalies or an absence of them, high heat-flow values and seismic activity over their whole area. Consequently, the analogy with the oceans has certain limitations as the deep structure of such seas is not homogeneous and they probably vary in genesis.

Only a few marginal seas are cut off from the principal areas of the oceans by island arcs formed, most probably, along transform faults. The origin of this type is more or less reliably demonstrated for the Bering Sea. Other types of marginal seas are more numerous. Some of them (such as the Gulf of Aden and the Gulf of California) are embryonic apophyses connected with the oceans. Others are atrophied (the Tasman and the Labrador seas) small oceans. The group of marginal and inner seas which lie in the inside zone of mature or young island arcs is even more numerous. Only a few basins of this group resulted from linear spreading imprinted in the system of magnetic anomalies (the Shikoku-Parese-Vela basin), the rest are supposed to have been formed in the process of diffusal or polyaxial spreading of recent time as in Afar.

The majority of inner and marginal seas are younger than recent oceans. They are formed by rifting, oriented crosswise to continental margins of the Atlantic type or along the strike of margins of Andean type. More ancient basins of marginal and inner seas have been involved in Phanerozoic orogens or more rarely became parts of platforms (Ciscaspian syneclise).  相似文献   

Based on the compilation of numerous data obtained with various methods, the paper discusses primary productivity (PP) in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean. The distribution of PP values follows the law of zonality: PP values increase southward from 0.25--0.50 gC m–2 day–1, in the waters of the Subtropical frontal zone, to > 1.00 gC m–2 day–1 at the Antarctic coast. Deviations from zonality law were observed in the waters of frontal zones, on the Patagonia Shelf, and in neritic areas. The spatial heterogenities in PP distribution is determined by structural particularities of the horizontal circulation of waters and the respective distribution of different water masses and their modifications. Factors determining PP in the region, as well as correlation of PP and productivity on higher trophic levels, are discussed.  相似文献   

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