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Stream invertebrate distribution patterns reflect local sedimentary and hydraulic conditions, which in turn are influenced by a range of factors operating at larger scales. We assessed whether spatial variation in invertebrate assemblages across a meso-scale catchment is best understood in terms of the characteristics of the study reaches themselves or the characteristics of respective upstream catchment areas. The study river experiences naturally high fine sediment loads as a result of the extraordinary supply of sediment from high erodible marls in its catchment. We hypothesized that between-reach variation in the volume of fine sediment stored within the channel results from a combination of reach and upstream catchment characteristics, and that these characteristics help explain variation in invertebrate assemblages. The storage of fine sediment in study reaches correlated with a number of upstream catchment characteristics, as well as reach-scale hydraulic conditions. Variability in invertebrate assemblages correlated most strongly (62% of variance explained) with the characteristics of the catchment upstream from each reach (area of contribution), with the characteristics of the reaches accounting for only 35% of the variability. The explanatory power of the reach-scale habitat variables was reduced when the effect of upstream catchment conditions was removed. This suggests inbuilt effects of larger scale conditions on reach habitat and invertebrate assemblages. Results lend support to theories of scale hierarchy within river systems and help emphasize the need to target management at upstream catchment areas.  相似文献   

In this work, the deposition of clay-sized fine particles (d50 = 0.006 mm) and its subsequent influence on the dune-induced hyporheic exchange are investigated. Fine sand (D50 = 0.28 mm), coarse sand (D50 = 1.7 mm), and gravel (D50 = 5.5 mm) grains were used to form homogenous model streambeds; one control - no clay input, and two treatments - increasing clay inputs for each grain type. The results indicate that the clogging profiles of clay-sized sediments may not be predicted accurately using the previously proposed metric based on the relative sizes of infiltrating and substrate sediments. Further, the depositional patterns vary with the initial concentration of clay particles in the surface water. The assessment of clogging profiles in coarse-grained model streambeds also reveals a preferential infiltration of the clay particles in the hyporheic downwelling regions. The results from the dye tracer test suggest that the accumulation of clay particles altered the exchange characteristics in the treatment flumes. For each grain size, the treatment flumes exhibit lower hyporheic flux and higher median residence times compared to their respective control flumes. The dye penetration depths were lower in treatment flumes with fine and coarse sand compared to their respective control flumes. Interestingly, higher penetration depths were observed in treatment flumes with gravel compared to their respective control flume potentially due to the generation of preferential flow paths in the partially clogged gravel beds. The clogging altered the hyporheic fluxes and residence times in the coarse-grained model beds to a greater degree in comparison to the fine sand beds. Overall, our findings indicate that the properties of both fine and substrate sediments influence the clogging patterns in streambeds, and the subsequent influence of fine sediment clogging on hyporheic exchange and associated processes may vary across stream ecosystems.  相似文献   

The benthic invertebrate assemblages and functional feeding groups in different mesohabitats of the Middle Paraná River–floodplain system were analyzed. Benthic invertebrates and bottom sediments were sampled in a secondary channel (center and bank mesohabitats), a temporal marginal fluvial wetland adjacent to the river, an isolated lake and a connected lake during low water level. Cluster analysis of average invertebrate densities based on the Bray Curtis dissimilarity index yielded a group composed by the mesohabitats with higher species richness, the floodplain lakes, banks mesohabitats and the wetland. The center mesohabitat of the main channel characterized by sandy sediments with low organic matter content and the lowest invertebrate densities and species richness was classified separately. Alpha diversity increased from the center mesohabitat (6 taxa) to the adjacent wetland (71 taxa), and were similar between the floodplain lakes (24 and 22 taxa) and the river bank mesohabitat (24 taxa). Gamma and beta diversities (Whittaker index) were 92 and 2.19, respectively. The highest turnover of taxa was between the river and the other mesohabitats and the lowest between floodplain lakes. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) showed a clear separation of wetland and banks from other mesohabitats (axis 1 and 2 explained 52.25% variance) explained by shredders and collector-filterers. The other mesohabitats were arranged in a gradient from the main channel mostly related to collector-gatherers to the connected lake and the isolated lake that were mostly characterized by predators and scrapers. The invertebrate assemblage complexity and functional feeding groups composition increased in the lateral dimension, from the center of the main channel to the temporal marginal fluvial wetland due to the influences of the spatial heterogeneity caused by different sources of organic matter inputs.  相似文献   

The structure of fluvial sediments in streams has environmental implications to contaminant fate, nutrient budgeting and the carbon flux associated with fine particulate organic matter (FPOM). However, the influence of sediment structure is lacking in environmental predictive models. To this end, the present study links field‐based results of sediment aggregate structure to seasonal biological functions in the surface fine‐grained laminae (SFGL) of a low‐gradient stream. Fluvial sediment collection, microscopy and image analysis are used to show that aggregates collected over a 20 month time period support the concept that aggregate structure can vary seasonally in low‐gradient streams where temporarily stored sediment is prominent. Results show that the structure of the transported aggregates is more irregular in the summer with the structure being elongated about the long axes. In the winter, the aggregate structure is compacted and more spherical. Statistical analysis and results suggest that heterotrophic and autotrophic biological activity within the SFGL exhibits seasonal control upon the morphology of transported sediments. Implications of this research are highlighted through calculations of the reactive surface area of the transported suspended sediment load. The surface area of transported sediment is estimated to be 40% greater in the summer as compared to the winter time period, which implies that (i) the affinity of sediments to sorb contaminants is higher in summer months and (ii) the downstream reactivity of FPOM in large rivers, lakes and estuaries is not just a function of microbial drivers but also the seasonally dependent structure of transported FPOM derived from low‐order streams. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fine sediment deposition in streambeds can reduce pore water fluxes and the overall rate of hyporheic exchange, producing deleterious effects on benthic and hyporheic ecological communities. To increase understanding of the factors that control the reduction of hyporheic exchange by fine sediment deposition, we conducted experiments in a laboratory flume to observe changes in the rates of solute exchange and kaolinite clay deposition as substantial amounts of kaolinite accumulated in the streambed. Two long‐term experiments were conducted, with durations of 14 days and 29 days. Use of a laboratory flume system allowed steady stream flow conditions to be maintained throughout both experiments, and alternating injections of known quantities of kaolinite and a sodium chloride tracer were used to assess the effect of clay accumulation on hyporheic exchange directly. In the first experiment, there was no bed sediment transport and kaolinite deposition formed a highly clogged near‐surface layer that greatly reduced hyporheic exchange. Application of a fundamental model for advective hyporheic exchange indicated that the effective permeability and porosity of the streambed decreased substantially during the course of the experiment. In the second experiment, the kaolinite was prepared with different surface properties to be more mobile, and the experiment was conducted with a small degree of bed sediment transport. As a result, no distinct clogged layer developed, and the rate of hyporheic exchange was found to remain approximately constant throughout the experiment (29 days). These results indicate that increasing fine sediment loads, e.g. those that occur from changes in land use, can have substantially different impacts on hyporheic exchange and associated ecological processes depending on the stream flow conditions, the rate and frequency of bed sediment transport, and the extent of interaction of the introduced fines with bed sediments. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

If increased sediment supply to a river channel exceeds its transport capacity, deposition necessarily occurs as the bed adjusts to accommodate the increased supply. Both the mean and spatial patterns in bed elevation and grain size may change and an ability to understand their relative importance is needed to predict bed response. We report on an experiment in a field‐scale flume in which sediment supply is increased to a gravel bed with alternate bars. Sediment was recirculated in the experiments, but augmented in two steps, after which the bed was allowed to reach a new steady state. The transport rate at the end of the experiment was three times larger than at the start. High‐resolution sediment flux and topographic measurements, grain size derived from photographs, and hydrodynamic modeling allow us to document the topographic and textural response of the bed to increased sediment supply. The spatial patterns of bed topography and texture were forced by the flume setup and the initial and final steady states included long stationary alternate bars with associated grain size sorting. The transient bed contained several scales of shorter wavelength migrating bedforms superimposed on, and temporarily replacing the stationary alternate bars. Bed topography and textural patterns adjusted to increased sediment supply over different timescales. Bed slope and mean stress increased directly with sediment supply rate to produce a new transport steady state in a time about 2.5 times the minimum needed to deposit the required sediment wedge, indicating a trap efficiency of about 40% for the aggrading wedge. Adjustments in local topography and sorting, primarily in the form of smaller, migrating bars, continued for a period approximately equal to that required to initially reach transport steady state. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hyporheic exchange increases the potential for solute retention in streams by slowing downstream transport and increasing solute contact with the substrate. Hyporheic exchange may be a major mechanism to remove nutrients in semi‐arid watersheds, where livestock have damaged stream riparian zones and contributed nutrients to stream channels. Debris dams, such as beaver dams and anthropogenic log dams, may increase hyporheic interactions by slowing stream water velocity, increasing flow complexity and diverting water to the subsurface. Here, we report the results of chloride tracer injection experiments done to evaluate hyporheic interaction along a 320 m reach of Red Canyon Creek, a second order stream in the semi‐arid Wind River Range of Wyoming. The study site is part of a rangeland watershed managed by The Nature Conservancy of Wyoming, and used as a hydrologic field site by the University of Missouri Branson Geologic Field Station. The creek reach we investigated has debris dams and tight meanders that hypothetically should enhance hyporheic interaction. Breakthrough curves of chloride measured during the field experiment were modelled with OTIS‐P, a one‐dimensional, surface‐water, solute‐transport model from which we extracted the storage exchange rate α and cross‐sectional area of the storage zone As for hyporheic exchange. Along gaining reaches of the stream reach, short‐term hyporheic interactions associated with debris dams were comparable to those associated with severe meanders. In contrast, along the non‐gaining reach, stream water was diverted to the subsurface by debris dams and captured by large‐scale near‐stream flow paths. Overall, hyporheic exchange rates along Red Canyon Creek during snowmelt recession equal or exceed exchange rates observed during baseflow at other streams. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The vertical hydraulic conductivity (Kv) of a stream or lake sediment is often determined in the field using standpipe tests. Calculation of Kv is based on the assumption that the hydraulic head in the pipe is equal to that of the stream or lake stage. In this work, a modified equation for Kv is developed for the standpipe test which is applicable when this assumption is not valid. The equation involves not only the hydraulic head at different times but also the difference in the hydraulic head (a) between the groundwater level and river stage. The effects of certain factors on Kv, such as the ratio of the hydraulic head at different times (h1/h2), the difference a, and the initial water table height (h0), are also discussed. The results show that when h1/h2 is constant, the relative error (Er) in Kv increases with the ratio a/h2. Furthermore, if a/h2 < 0.05, then for any value of h1/h2, Er is less than 5% using the modified equation. Also, if a/h2 is large, hydraulic head readings with larger h1/h2 ratios must be used to avoid large Er values. The results of a field test also indicate that the error in Kv decreases as the value of h0 increases. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The hyporheic zone is a layer of substrate on a river bed where benthic animals normally live,grow,feed,reproduce,and exist for any portion of their life cycle.The hyporheic zone was studied by samplin...  相似文献   

An acidification experiment was conducted on a small stream in the Loch Ard area of central Scotland. The stream was chosen because of its large, flow related, variation in pH (5.9-4.0). Two acid additions were made to approximately pH 3.5–3.7. The results indicated a strong correlation between labile aluminium and hydrogen, and a noticeable hysteresis in the response of calcium and hydrogen. It is hypothesised that divalent cation response is a result of ion-exchange mechanisms involving the streambed vegetation, with aluminium release resulting primarily from exchange reactions with streambed sediment stores. Data from a program of stream spot sampling have been analysed in an attempt to elucidate the contribution of different sources of aluminium under different flow conditions. Streambed sources of aluminium contribute significantly under low flow conditions; however, at high flow, additional sources of aluminium must contribute to match observed streamwater chemistry.  相似文献   

Oxygenated streambeds are considered a key requirement for the successful recruitment of stream fauna, including highly endangered freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera. Excessive amounts of fines impede exchange between open water and interstitial, leading to colmation and low oxygen levels in the juvenile habitat. Understanding the dynamic relationship between sediment delivery, transport, deposition and remobilization in relation to anthropogenic drivers is still poorly understood, yet is essential for conservation and restoration.This study analysed spatiotemporal sediment dynamics and interstitial habitat quality in five pearl mussel streams at the border region between Bavaria, Saxony and the Czech Republic during 2018 and 2019, comparing extremely dry periods with higher discharge events caused by snow melt and rainfall. Physicochemical habitat conditions within the streambed and sediment deposition were recorded in high spatial resolution along the stream courses, with a particular focus on the effects of tributaries and outflows of man-made fishponds.Habitat conditions were unsuitable for juvenile pearl mussels at the majority of sites, indicated by pronounced differences in physicochemical parameters between open water and the substrate, independent of discharge conditions. Sediment deposition varied markedly between discharge events, in terms of both the quality and quantity of deposits. Snow melt resulted in the highest sedimentation rates, but the smallest proportion of fine particles. During low flow conditions, fine sediment deposition was highly variable, ranging from 0.048 to 4.170 kg/week/m², mostly independent of flow velocity. High spatiotemporal variation was observed within and amongst stream systems, revealing different longitudinal patterns of fine sediment deposition, with catchment land use as the main driver. Temporal variability in sediment deposition was mainly associated with the discharge condition while abiotic parameters varied mainly with season.The high site-specificity of sedimentation rates and substrate conditions in response to different discharge events highlights the importance of an adapted conservation management which considers anthropogenic effects at the local scale.  相似文献   

Elaborate experiments were performed in a 30 m long, 0.5 m deep and 0.2 m wide laboratory flume to study the process of infiltration of fine sediment into the pores of coarse sediment forming the channel bed material. Different concentrations of suspended load of fine sediment of size 0.064 mm were passed over the channel bed made up of three different types of coarse sediments; two uniform and one nonuniform. The proportion of fine sediment infiltrated into the pores of bed material for each equilibrium concentration of suspended load of fine sediment in the flow was studied during several experimental runs. The proportion of fine sediment within the pores of bed material increased with an increase in the equilibrium concentration of suspended load of fine sediment in the flow. This process continued till the pores within the coarse sediment bed were filled up to the capacity with the fine sediment transported by the flow in suspension. The theoretical value was identified for limit for maximum proportion of fine sediment that can be present within the pores of bed material. On further increase in the concentration of suspended load of fine sediment in the flow, deposition of fine sediment occurs on the surface of the flume bed in the form of ripples of the fine sediment. This condition is defined as 'depositional condition'. Experimental observations on these and related aspects are presented herein.  相似文献   

Tagus intertidal microphytobenthos (MPB) assemblages were characterized over a wide range of sediment type and tidal height and the possible effects of these variables on MPB spatial distribution and photo-adaptation mechanisms were investigated. Two transects with six different sediment type and different tidal height sites were sampled once every two months from 2002 to 2004. Upper shore and sandy sites showed higher chlorophyll a (chl a) content, with sandy sediments showing a biomass peak in late winter–early spring, and muddy sites showing no obvious seasonal pattern. Stepwise multiple linear regressions showed that only SiO2, tidal height and sediment particle size <63 μm were significant variables (p<0.05), explaining 50% of MPB biomass spatial–temporal variability. However, when data were separated by transect, only tidal height remained significant at both transects. Sandier sediments exhibited higher zeaxanthin/chl a and lower fucoxanthin/chl a ratios characteristic of a mixed cyanobacteria/diatom assemblages, showing an alternate seasonality with cyanobacteria increasing in summer and diatoms dominating in spring. Diatom biofilms showed contrasting features depending on the sediment type. Epipsammic diatoms were small with an average length of around 10 μm, while epipelic diatoms showed a wider size range with size distribution peaks at 10–15 μm, 25–35 μm and >60 μm. Epipelic biofilms showed evidence of being low light-acclimated (high fucoxanthin/chl a) and of photo-regulating by vertical migration movements (presence of endogenous vertical rhythms and lower diatoxanthin/diadinoxanthin). Epipsammic biofilms showed higher diatoxanthin/diadinoxanthin ratios and no vertical migration rhythms. Thus, the two diatom biofilm types had distinct strategies to photo-regulate: epipelic diatoms using vertical migration to position themselves at the sediment depth of optimum light conditions, and epipsammic diatoms using the xanthophyll cycle to photo-regulate. Further studies comparing epipsammic and epipelic assemblages are necessary to better understand MPB photo-regulation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Using distributions of benthic Foraminifera and bottom-water variables (depth, salinity, temperature, oxygen, suspended matter, organic matter, phosphate, silicate, nitrite, and nitrate), we investigated movements of water masses on the South Brazilian Shelf (27–30°S) and assessed the seasonality of continental runoff on the distribution of shelf water masses. The data were obtained from water and sediment samples collected in the austral winter of 2003 and austral summer of 2004 in three transects. The terrestrial nutrient input was significantly reduced at stations away from the coast, but high values of nutrients were maintained in subsurface waters due the presence of South Atlantic Central Water (SACW) at greater depths. At shallow sampling stations the influence of freshwater runoff was related to (1) the dominance of calcareous benthic Foraminifera, such as lagoon-related Pseudononion atlanticum, Hanzawaia boueana, Bulimina marginata, Bolivina striatula, Elphidium poeyanum, together with several agglutinated species, including Arenoparrella mexicana, Gaudryina exilis, and Trochammina spp., common in coastal environments subject to wide salinity fluctuations. In contrast, smaller forms and higher species diversity characterized the assemblage at offshore stations. In winter, the presence of Buccella peruviana and Uvigerina peregrina at Santa Marta Cape suggest the possible transport of those species of Subantarctic Shelf Waters (SASW) origin. Foraminifera associated to Subtropical Shelf Water (STSW) were dominated by Globocassidulina subglobosa in both seasons. In summer, the occurrence of U. peregrina in the shallower stations suggested the influence of SACW nutrients brought up by upwelling of deeper waters.  相似文献   

Experiments were undertaken to study the nature of granular interaction in running water by examining the influence of fine grain inputs to a coarser sediment bed with a mobile surface. Video recordings of grain sorting by both kinetic sieving and spontaneous percolation are used to diagnose the critical processes controlling the overall bed response. Kinetic sieving takes place in the mobile bed surface, with the finer sediment moving to the bottom of the bedload transport layer at the interface with the underlying quasi‐static coarse bed. We show that the behavior at this interface dictates how a channel responds to a fine sediment input. If, by spontaneous percolation, the fine sediment is able to infiltrate into the underlying quasi‐static bed, the total transport increases and the channel degrades. However, if the fine sediment input rate exceeds the transport capacity or is geometrically unable to infiltrate into the underlying bed, it forms a quasi‐static layer underneath the transport layer that inhibits entrainment from the underlying bed, resulting in aggradation and an increase in bed slope. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An excess of fine sediment (grain size <2 mm) supply to rivers leads to reservoir siltation, water contamination and operational problems for hydroelectric power plants in many catchments of the world, such as in the French Alps. These problems are exacerbated in mountainous environments characterized by large sediment exports during very short periods. This study combined river flow records, sediment geochemistry and associated radionuclide concentrations as input properties to a Monte Carlo mixing model to quantify the contribution of different geologic sources to river sediment. Overall, between 2007 and 2009, erosion rates reached 249 ± 75 t km?2 yr?1 at the outlet of the Bléone catchment, but this mean value masked important spatial variations of erosion intensity within the catchment (85–5000 t km?2 yr?1). Quantifying the contribution of different potential sources to river sediment required the application of sediment fingerprinting using a Monte Carlo mixing model. This model allowed the specific contributions of different geological sub‐types (i.e. black marls, marly limestones, conglomerates and Quaternary deposits) to be determined. Even though they generate locally very high erosion rates, black marls supplied only a minor fraction (5–20%) of the fine sediment collected on the riverbed in the vicinity of the 907 km2 catchment outlet. The bulk of sediment was provided by Quaternary deposits (21–66%), conglomerates (3–44%) and limestones (9–27%). Even though bioengineering works conducted currently to stabilize gullies in black marl terrains are undoubtedly useful to limit sediment supply to the Bléone river, erosion generated by other substrate sources dominated between 2007 and 2009 in this catchment. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Little Kickapoo Creek (LKC), a low‐gradient stream, mobilizes its streambed–fundamentally altering its near‐surface hyporheic zone–more frequently than do higher‐gradient mountain and karst streams. LKC streambed mobility was assessed through streambed surveys, sediment sampling, and theoretical calculations comparing basal shear stress (τb) with critical shear stress (τc). Baseflow τb is capable of entraining a d50 particle; bankfull flow could entrain a 51·2 mm particle. No particle that large occurs in the top 30 cm of the substrate, suggesting that the top 30 cm of the substrate is mobilized and redistributed during bankfull events. Bankfull events occur on average every 7·6 months; flows capable of entraining d50 and d85 particles occur on average every 0·85 and 2·1 months, respectively. Streambed surveys verify streambed mobility at conditions below bankfull. While higher gradient streams have higher potential energy than LKC, they achieve streambed‐mobilization thresholds less frequently. Heterogeneous sediment redistribution creates an environment where substrate hydraulic conductivity (K) varies over four orders of magnitude. The frequency and magnitude of the substrate entrainment has implications on hyporheic zone function in fluid, solute and thermal transport models, interpretations of hyporheic zone stability, and understanding of LKC's aquatic ecosystem. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pacific salmon are biogeomorphic agents shown to induce positive feedbacks on their natal watersheds. However, the literature documenting their ecological effects on in‐stream natal environments is more divisive. The disturbance salmon create during redd construction has the potential to reduce stream productivity. The pulse of salmon organic matter (SOM) and marine derived nutrients (MDNs) released during carcass decay has been reported as either stimulating in‐stream productivity or having no local effect. To evaluate the ecological costs and benefits of salmon spawning events, MDN delivery and storage processes need to be identified and quantified. A simulation was conducted in three flow‐through flumes (2 m × 2 m × 30 m) over a 33‐day period (consisting of 15 baseline, four MDN exposure, and 14 post‐exposure days) to assess near‐field sediment and organic matter dynamics during active and post‐spawn simulations. The objective of the study was to measure changes in the amounts and particle sizes of suspended and gravel‐stored fine sediment, in order to elucidate the process and significance of SOM recruitment to the gravel bed via sedimentation. Gravel beds in all flumes were enriched with SOM following treatments but the response was highest in the active spawn simulation. The more effective delivery in the active spawn simulation was attributed to its higher inorganic sediment concentration, which is known to enhance floc formation. Although the active spawn simulation delivered more SOM to the gravel bed, the post‐spawn phase may be equally important to natural streams because its decay phase is longer than the active spawn and consequently can provide SOM to the streambed as long as carcasses remain in‐stream. The delivery, and potential retention, of SOM to spawning streambeds and the intergravel environment may be particularly important for interior streams, which experience low flow conditions during the spawning phase and accordingly have the potential for hyporheic nutrient recruitment and storage. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean ponds, summer drought enhances seasonality whose intensity varies along topographic and climatic gradients. The alternation of wet and dry periods in rain dependent ponds affects their biogeochemistry and differentiates them from ponds fed by more stable water sources, such as groundwater springs. Superimposed onto this, land use is also a very strong factor of variability. In this study we compared nutrients and organic matter concentrations, in water and in sediment, among different types of Mediterranean ponds based on the source of water, hydroperiod and land use. Forty-three ponds were sampled in Eastern Spain corresponding to five pond types: (1) permanent spring ponds in lowlands, (2) permanent spring ponds in mountains, (3) semi-permanent rain ponds, (4) temporary rain ponds with long hydroperiod and (5) temporary rain ponds with short hydroperiod.The results of this study indicate relevant differences among these pond types. The temporary rain ponds with short hydroperiod are characterized by high turbidity due to suspension of sediment particles rich in phosphorous adsorbed onto them (argillotrophic aquatic systems). They are used for watering domestic sheep that enhance sediment suspension by trampling. Total phosphorous (TP) concentrations in the water are high (like those of hypertrophic lakes), but planktonic chlorophyll a is very low and not correlated with TP, because of the low P-bioavailavility in the water. At the other extreme, we have permanent ponds in lowlands fed by groundwater springs. They are heavily loaded with nitrates due to the surrounding intensive agriculture. In these and other permanent/semipermanent ponds chlorophyll is highly correlated with TP. Sediment characteristics provide a good indication of the hydroperiod, since desiccation has important effects on biogeochemical transformations. A threshold of 5% organic matter (OM) in the sediment separates temporary ponds with a short hydroperiod from those with a long hydroperiod, and a threshold of 8% separates the later from the semi-permanent and permanent ponds. Besides OM reduction, important loss of N occurs during desiccation through mineralization, ammonia volatization and the sequential nitrification/denitrification pathway. On the other hand, the increase of organic P mineralization in dry sediments does not represent a loss of P from the system, since o-P remains adsorbed or bound onto the soil. This leads to a low TN/TP ratio in sediments in temporary ponds with short hydroperiod. These characteristics have to be taken into account when establishing pond typologies and ecological thresholds to assess water quality in these unique aquatic habitats.  相似文献   

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