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Over a 4‐month summer period, we monitored how forest (Pinus sylvestris ) and heather moorland (Calluna spp. and Erica spp.) vegetation canopies altered the volume and isotopic composition of net precipitation (NP) in a southern boreal landscape in northern Scotland. During that summer period, interception losses were relatively high and higher under forests compared to moorland (46% of gross rainfall [GR] compared with 35%, respectively). Throughfall (TF) volumes exhibited marked spatial variability in forests, depending upon local canopy density, but were more evenly distributed under heather moorland. In the forest stands, stemflow was a relatively small canopy flow path accounting for only 0.9–1.6% of NP and only substantial in larger events. Overall, the isotopic composition of NP was not markedly affected by canopy interactions; temporal variation of stable water isotopes in TF closely corresponded to that of GR with differences of TF‐GR being ?0.52‰ for δ2H and ?0.14‰ for δ18O for forests and 0.29‰ for δ2H and ?0.04‰ for δ18O for heather moorland. These differences were close to, or within, analytical precision of isotope determination, though the greater differences under forest were statistically significant. Evidence for evaporative fractionation was generally restricted to low rainfall volumes in low intensity events, though at times, subtle effects of liquid–vapour moisture exchange and/or selective transmission though canopies were evident. Fractionation and other effects were more evident in stemflow but only marked in smaller events. The study confirmed earlier work that increased forest cover in the Scottish Highlands will likely cause an increase in interception and green water fluxes at the expenses of blue water fluxes to streams. However, the low‐energy, humid environment means that isotopic changes during such interactions will only have a minor overall effect on the isotopic composition of NP.  相似文献   

Concentrations of total arsenic and individual arsenic compounds were determined in livers of cetaceans (Dall's porpoise and short-finned pilot whale), pinnipeds (harp and ringed seals), sirenian (dugong), and sea turtles (green and loggerhead turtles) to characterize arsenic accumulation profiles in higher trophic marine animals. Hepatic arsenic concentrations in sea turtles were highest among the species examined. Chemical speciation of arsenic revealed that arsenobetaine was the major arsenic compound in almost all the species. In contrast, arsenobetaine was a minor constituent in dugong. Dimethylarsinic acid, methylarsonic acid, arsenocholine, tetramethylarsonium ion, arsenite, and an unidentified arsenic compound were also detected as minor constituents. However, the composition of arsenic compounds was different among these species. These results might reflect the differences in the metabolism of arsenic and/or the compositions of arsenic compounds in their preys. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the large variation in the composition of arsenic species in liver of marine mammals and sea turtles.  相似文献   

Riverine total suspended sediment (TSS) at the lower reach section of the Zengjiang River, a low‐turbidity river in the southern China, was sampled on a 4‐week basis from March 2002 to February 2003. The gross TSS was divided into sedimentary and suspended fractions (SED and SUS) by the sedimentation method. Organic carbon and nitrogen, 14C and 13C were analysed using an elemental analyser and accelerator mass spectrometer respectively. The results show that particulate organic carbon (POC) yield is 0·8 × 106 g km?2 year?1 in the Zengjiang River drainage basin, which is about one‐tenth of that in the Zhujiang (Pearl) River drainage basin. The C/N ratio demonstrates that aquatic biomass is the major contributor to POC in the Zengjiang River. The average share of aquatic biomass in the SUS‐fraction POC and SED‐fraction POC is about 88·89% and 62·76% respectively, with a substantial seasonal variation. δ13C values of SUS‐fraction POC (?26·56 to ? 22·89‰) is slightly lighter than that of SED‐fraction POC (?25·05 to ? 22·20‰), indicating that the contribution of aquatic biomass to δ13C values is more pronounced in the SUS‐fraction POC than in the SED‐fraction POC. The ‘bomb’–14C signature is not detected in the POC of Zengjiang River, and the contribution from geological organic carbon is very little. Δ14C values of the SED‐fraction POC vary from ? 44 to ? 223‰, and the Δ14C values of the SUS‐fraction POC vary from ? 33 to ? 165‰. For most paired samples, the SED‐fraction POC is generally more depleted in 14C than that of its counterpart SUS‐fraction POC. Compared with other small mountainous rivers, the 14C enrichment of POC in the Zengjiang River indicates slight drainage basin erosion. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

张欢  肖协文  王玉玉  于秀波 《湖泊科学》2015,27(6):1004-1010
由于水文特征的变化和栖息生境的异质性,河流食物网结构存在着一定的空间变化.认识人类活动对河流食物网结构空间变化的影响能够为河流生态系统的科学管理提供有效指导.利用稳定同位素分析技术,测定枯水季节饶河不同地区初级生产者和鱼类的碳、氮稳定同位素比值(δ13C和δ15N),比较饶河下游鄱阳和中游海口河段4种常见鱼类的δ13C、δ15N值和营养级,并分析导致不同河段食物网结构差异的原因.结果表明,鄱阳与海口两个地区鱼类的δ13C值无显著差异,但δ15N值差异显著.鱼类的δ13C值变化范围在鄱阳河段大于海口河段,鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)和贝氏(Hemiculter bleekeri)在鄱阳河段的δ15N值要显著高于海口河段,而黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)和鲫(Carassius auratus)的δ15N值在鄱阳河段却表现更低.另一方面,除黄颡鱼外,鳜、贝氏和鲫在鄱阳河段的营养级均显著高于其在海口河段的营养级.研究认为,由于颗粒有机物和附着藻类的δ13C值在鄱阳与海口河段没有显著差异,因而导致鱼类的δ13C值也没有明显变化.不同生境下初级食物源δ15N值的差异及人为扰动的程度可能是影响饶河不同河段鱼类的δ15N值存在明显差异的主要原因.  相似文献   

The forest canopy can play a significant role in modifying the amount and isotopic composition of water during its passage throughout the near-surface critical zone. Here, partitioning of gross rainfall into interception, throughfall, and stemflow and its implications for the amount and isotopic composition of soil water was studied for red oak, eastern white pine, and eastern hemlock trees in a northern hardwood-conifer forest in south central Ontario, Canada. Stemflow production was greatest for red oak as a result of its upward-projecting branches and least for eastern white pine due to its horizontal branches and rougher bark. These stemflow contributions to the near-bole soil surface failed to produce consistently wetter soils relative to distal locations from the bole for all tree species. There was also no consistent evidence of isotopic enrichment of throughfall and stemflow relative to gross rainfall or of stemflow relative to throughfall for red oak or eastern hemlock. However, there was isotopic enrichment of both throughfall and stemflow for eastern white pine with increasing maximum atmospheric vapour pressure deficit, which may reflect the potential for evaporative fractionation as a result of retention and detention of water moving through the canopy by the rougher bark of this species. Dry soil conditions limited sampling of mobile soil water during the study, and there was no consistent evidence that either throughfall or stemflow fluxes controlled temporal changes in the isotopic signature of soil water beneath the tree. Thus, the potential for throughfall and stemflow fluxes in northern hardwood-conifer forests to modify the isotopic composition of water taken up by the tree via transpiration remains an open question.  相似文献   

Total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and their δ(13)C and δ(15)N values were determined for 42 surface sediments from coastal Bohai Bay in order to determine the concentration and identify the source of organic matter. The sampling sites covered both the marine region of coastal Bohai Bay and the major rivers it connects with. More abundant TOC and TN in sediments from rivers than from the marine region reflect the situation that most of the terrestrial organic matter is deposited before it meets the sea. The spatial variation in δ(13)C and δ(15)N signatures implies that the input of organic matter from anthropogenic activities has a more significant influence on its distribution than that from natural processes. Taking the area as a whole, surface sediments in the marine region of coastal Bohai Bay are dominated by marine derived organic carbon, which on average accounts for 62±11% of TOC.  相似文献   

We report a survey of natural mass-dependent cadmium isotope fractionation measured by thermal ionization mass spectrometry using a double-spike technique (DS-TIMS). Over sixty samples of natural terrestrial Cd from diverse environments, including MORB, OIB, continental loess, hydrogenic and hydrothermal ferromanganese deposits, and sphalerites (both oceanic and from major continental ore deposits) were analysed. Our results are expressed in terms of ε112/110Cd, which are deviations in 112Cd/110Cd from our in-house JMC Cd standard in parts per 104. The total ε112/110Cd variation is relatively small, with a range of only 5 ε-units, and is one-to-two orders of magnitude smaller than that previously found in meteorites.The MORB, OIB and loess ε112/110Cd values are similar and provide a good estimate for the bulk silicate Earth (BSE) value which is ? 0.95 ± 0.12 relative to our Cd standard (ε112/110Cd = + 0.16 relative to Münster JMC Cd). Taken together, these data suggest little Cd isotope fractionation takes place during crust–mantle segregation. Cd isotopic compositions of continental sphalerite (ZnS) deposits worldwide and high-temperature oceanic hydrothermal sulphides show remarkably similar ε112/110Cd values, consistent with our estimate for the BSE. In contrast, mid-temperature oceanic sulphides from a single extinct hydrothermal chimney display over 4 ε-units variation — along with the most negative values. These variations are most probably caused by precipitation/redissolution of sulphide phases en route within the hydrothermal system.The ε112/110Cd variability found in worldwide marine Fe–Mn deposits reflects the seawater Cd isotope signal upon precipitation from ambient seawater. A decrease in ε112/110Cd is observed in passing from shallow-water Fe–Mn deposits to those from deeper waters (> 2000 m depth). This shift is explained by biological fractionation related to the uptake of dissolved seawater Cd by phytoplankton in the upper water column. The relatively uniform ε112/110Cd values close to zero at great depths are consistent with regeneration and remineralization of Cd at depth. Our data suggest that Cd isotopes – much like the Cd/Ca ratio in foraminifera – could potentially serve as a proxy for past changes in biological productivity. The temporal Cd isotope record in a Fe–Mn crust archive at 2000 m depth from the NE Atlantic suggests no gross long-term changes in Cd cycling took place over the past 8 Ma.  相似文献   

含可更换剪切型耗能梁段钢框筒是一种新型消能减震结构,利用部分裙梁跨中耗能梁段集中塑性变形,方便震后快速替换和结构功能恢复。利用时程分析进行该结构截面的初选计算成本高,常用侧向力分布方式与时程分析的分析结果差异以及对该结构设计安全性的影响需要评估。利用SAP2000软件对1个30层含耗能梁段钢框筒进行了双向地震下的时程分析和五种侧向力分布方式的Pushover分析,并比较了"三水准"下的楼层位移、层间位移角、层剪力、层倾覆弯矩、性能点,以及大震下的柱轴力、塑性铰分布,并评价了各侧向力分布方式的影响和给出了该结构的一些设计建议。研究表明:各侧向力分布在含耗能梁段钢框筒的性能评估中有一定的参考价值,单一侧向力分布均不足以预估它的性能,宜考虑两种或多种侧向力分布来评估其性能;大震下各侧向力分布的最大层间位移角明显高于时程均值,各侧向力分布下结构的延性系数约为2;在含耗能梁段钢框筒的初步设计中,可根据均匀分布、SRSS分布、高度等效分布初选构件截面,最后宜采用时程分析对截面进行校核。  相似文献   

太湖不同富营养水平湖区轮虫季节变化的比较   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
2003年10月-2004年9月对太湖不同富营养水平湖区(太湖大太湖湖区、梅梁湾和五里湖)轮虫的季节变化进行了研究.五里湖营养水平最高,太湖大太湖湖区最低;轮虫的种类数、数量和生物量都是五里湖最高,太湖大太湖湖区最低.回归分析表明,轮虫数量与总氮和叶绿素a浓度呈显著正相关;轮虫生物量与叶绿素a浓度呈极显著正相关.结果表明,太湖三个湖区轮虫群落结构显著不同,同时表明太湖水体富营养化对轮虫的群落结构有明显的影响.  相似文献   

Major inorganic ions and stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in stream water, groundwater, groundwater seeps and springs were measured in the Corral Canyon meadow complex and watershed in the Toquima Mountains of central Nevada, USA. The purpose of the study was to determine whether stream water or groundwater was the source of water that supports vegetation in the meadow complex. Water samples from the watershed and meadow complex were mixed cation–HCO3 type. Stream water sampled at different locations in the meadow complex showed variations in temperature, pH and specific conductance. The cation–anion proportions for stream water were similar to groundwater, groundwater seeps and runoff from the meadow complex. Stable oxygen isotope ratios for stream water (?17·1 to ?17·6‰ versus VSMOW) and groundwater and groundwater seeps in the meadow site (?17·0 to ?17·7‰ versus VSMOW) were similar, and consistent with a local meteoric origin. Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and the δ 13CDIC for stream water (?12·1 to ?15·0‰ versus VPDB) were different from that of groundwater from the meadow complex (?15·3 to ?19·9‰ versus VPDB), suggesting different carbon evolution pathways. However, a simple model based on cation–δ 13CDIC suggests that stream water was being recharged by shallow groundwater, groundwater seeps and runoff from the meadow complex. This leads to the conclusion that the source of water that supports vegetation in the meadow complex was primarily groundwater. The results of this study suggest that multiple chemical and stable carbon isotope tracers are useful in determining the source of water that supports vegetation in meadow complexes in small alpine watersheds. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The spatial and seasonal distribution of the viable heterotrophic population and three heterotrophic physiological groups, i.e. ammonifyers, nitrate reducers and sulphate reducers, were studied in two reservoirs in the province of Vizcaya (Spain). Using indicative parameters, both reservoirs were classified as warm monomictics, one hypereutrophic and the other mesotrophic. A direct relation between the size of the bacterial populations and the trophic levels of the reservoirs was observed. Likewise, the distributions of the bacterial populations in the water column are basically different. In the hypereutrophic lake there is a direct relationship between the bacterial distribution and the physical-chemical environment of the reservoir that cannot be observed in the mesotrophic lake.  相似文献   

王芳  青松  刘楠  郝艳玲  包玉海 《湖泊科学》2022,34(4):1150-1163
湖泊富营养化已经成为水资源领域的研究焦点,是水环境领域面临的长期严峻挑战.为探明干旱半干旱区域湖泊营养状态,以典型岱海水体为例,利用2019—2020年6次野外实测数据为基础,针对Sentinel_2A和Landsat_8 OLI遥感数据,基于营养状态指数TSISDD与色度角之间的相关关系,建立了岱海水体营养状态评估模型,并利用1986—2020年遥感影像数据,得到了长时间序列的水体营养状态.结果表明:(1)本文建立的营养状态评估模型,根据精度检验结果显示模型精度较好,决定系数(R2)为0.74,均方根误差(RMSE)为3.66,平均绝对百分比误差(MAPE)为4.84%.(2)将算法应用到时间序列MSI、TM、ETM+和OLI数据,得到了岱海水体1986—2020年的营养状态动态特征.结果表明,岱海水体面积逐年减少,且多数时间处在轻度富营养化状态.水体富营养化现象大体上从边缘逐渐向湖中心趋于缓和,离岸边越近富营养化现象越严重,通常趋向湖中心以中营养为主,整体上贫营养化现象极少.(3)岱海营养状态时空变化与气温、风速和降水量等气候因子的相关性并不显著,对其解释率为13%.气候因子对营养状态的月变化影响显著,对其解释率为93%.  相似文献   

Thermal springs associated with normal faults in Utah have been analyzed for major cations and anions, and oxygen and hydrogen isotopes. Springs with measured temperatures averaging greater than 40°C are characterized by Na + K- and SO4 + Cl-rich waters containing 103 to 104 mg/l of dissolved solids. Lower temperature springs, averaging less than 40°C, are more enriched in Ca + Mg relative to Na + K. Chemical variations monitored through time in selected thermal springs are probably produced by mixing with non-thermal waters. During the summer months at times of maximum flow, selected hot springs exhibit their highest temperatures and maximum enrichments in most chemical constituents.Cation ratios and silica concentrations remain relatively constant through time for selected Utah thermal springs assuring the applicability of the geothermometer calculations regardless of the time of year. Geothermometer calculations utilizing either the quartz (no steam loss), chalcedony or Mg-corrected Na/K/Ca methods indicate that most thermal springs in Utah associated with normal faults have subsurface temperatures in the range of 25 to less than 120°C. This temperature range suggests fluid circulation is restricted to depths less than about three kilometers assuming an average thermal gradient of about 40°C/km.Thermodynamic calculations suggest that most thermal springs are oversaturated with respect to calcite, quartz, pyrophyllite, (Fe, Mg)-montmorillonite, microcline and hematite, and undersaturated with respect to anhydrite, gypsum, fluorite and anorthite. Chalcedony and cristobalite appear to be the only phases consistently at or near saturation in most waters. Theoretical evaluation of mixing on mineral saturation trends indicates that anhydrite and calcite become increasingly more undersaturated as cold, dilute groundwater mixes with a hot (150°C), NaCl-rich fluid. The evolution of these thermal waters issuing from faults appears to be one involving the dissolution of silicates such as feldspars and micas by CO2-enriched groundwaters that become more reactive with increasing temperature and/or time. Solution compositions plotted on mineral equilibrium diagrams trend from product phases such as kaolinite or montmorillonite toward reactant phases dominated by alkali feldspars.Isotopic compositions indicate that these springs are of local surface origin, either meteoric (low TDS, < 5000 mg/l) or connate ground water (high TDS, > 5000 mg/l). Deviations from the meteoric water line are the result of rock-water isotopic exchange, mixing or evaporation. Fluid source regions and residence times of selected thermal spring systems (Red Hill, Thermo) have been evaluated through the use of a σ D-contour map of central and western Utah. Ages for waters in these areas range from about 13 years to over 500 years. These estimates are comparable to those made for low-temperature hydrothermal systems in Iceland.  相似文献   

Our study summarizes data from six small water reservoirs in West Slovakia and analyzes the occurrence of zooplankton groups in relation to physico-chemical and catchment variables. The reservoirs are in two different catchments – of the Morava and Váh rivers. A total of 103 species were identified; 64 crustaceans (in both the pelagic and littoral zones) and 39 planktonic Rotifera in the pelagic zones. Significant differences were observed in species richness, abundance and biomass of planktonic crustaceans: 48 species were characteristic of the Váh catchment, while 53 were found in the Morava catchment. The density of zooplankton in the three reservoirs of the Váh River catchment ranged from 102 ind L?1 to 21,488 ind L?1 and the zooplankton biomass ranged from 0.12 mg L?1 to 103.29 mg L?1. The density of zooplankton in three Morava River catchment reservoirs ranged from 2 ind L?1 to 3928 ind L?1 and the zooplankton biomass ranged from 0.1 mg L?1 to 27.3 mg L?1. The differences were found to be related to catchment (altitude and catchment affiliation), chemical (BOD5, DO) and biological (Chromophyta, Chlorophyta) factors. Eutrophication of reservoirs in the Váh catchment was mainly due to agriculture and fish management, resulting in high nutrient concentrations. Species richness showed an unimodal response to BOD5 and N-NH4 with near optimum low values, 4.6 and 0.19 respectively. The relationship to oxygen content reflects preferences for less eutrophic waters and species richness tended to decrease with increasing DO and to decrease with increasing nutrient content.  相似文献   

根据新疆地震局地震现场应急通讯实际工作情况,利用RouterOS技术,解决卫星链路VPN上网,该方法在不改变网络拓扑,基本不增加硬件的情况下,为地震现场设备以及地震现场人员提供了一种新的上网途径,详细叙述了设计方案和实现方法.  相似文献   

Zonal mean data and amplitudes and phases of planetary zonal waves were derived from daily hemispheric maps for tropospheric and stratospheric levels, for the four winters 1975–76 to 1978–79. Important year-to-year fluctuation in zonal means and wave activity are described, most notable of which are the changes from 1975–76 to 1976–77. Comparison of the relative strengths of the stratospheric and tropospheric jet streams shows a strong negative correlation (–0.8) between monthly mean zonal stratospheric winds (at 10 mb, 65°N) and zonal tropospheric winds (at 200 mb, 32.5°N, in the jet core) and a positive correlation (+0.7) between the stratospheric 10 mb winds and the tropospheric 200 mb winds at 65°N. Parameters correlated were the departures from the climatological mean zonal winds. The structure of correlation between wave amplitudes in the same wave number (1, 2) at different altitudes and between wave numbers 1 and 2 is investigated. We find a high correlation (+0.93) between wave 1 in the stratosphere (10 mb height) and wave 2 (height) in the troposphere at 65°N; but only a weak correlation (+0.2) between wave 1 amplitudes in the stratosphere and troposphere. These results suggest the possible importance of wave-wave interactions in processes linking the stratosphere and troposphere. The wave correlations presented here are based on comparisons of monthly means of daily amplitudes; the correlation structure in individual wave developments may differ, in view of the likelihood of altitudinal lags in wave amplification.  相似文献   

Currently,lakes and artificial reservoirs are increasingly threatened by eutrophication,which is the result of the combined action of many natural and anthropogenic factors.In the past,the effect of nutrient load on the trophic state of water bodies has attracted much attention,while few studies have addressed the effect of hydrological characteristics.Therefore,to reveal the coupling effects of hydrological characteristics and nutrient load in sediments on the trophic state of water bodies,this study collected relevant data from 36 lakes and reservoirs across China.Pearson correlation analysis showed that trophic level index was positively and significantly correlated with nutrient load in sediments and hydraulic retention time,while it was negatively correlated with mean depth and hydraulic load.The principal component analysis showed that the nutrient load was the first major component that influenced the trophic state of water bodies,followed by the mean depth and hydraulic retention time.Eutrophication was prone to occur in water bodies with mean depth less than 7 m and hydraulic retention time greater than 14 d,and the trophic level index regression equation with hydrological characteristics and nutrient load in sediments was derived by multiple regression analysis.This study revealed that the trophic state of water bodies influenced by both nutrient load and hydrological characteristics.It provides a new idea to reduce the occurrence of eutrophication in reservoirs by using the artificial hydrological regulation capacity of reservoirs.  相似文献   

武汉东湖不同营养型子湖的水生生物与水域功能   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
于1991-1993年研究了武汉东湖4个营养型不同的子湖中水生生物与水域功能,表明各子湖之间各类水生生物的生态特征存在明显差异,茶港湾的HBC和FC的数量,藻类的细胞密度和初级生产量,浮游动物和底栖动物的个体密度等均居4个子湖之首,其水质已达到了超富营养水平,将该湖区的作为污水天然净化区进行管理,可望对东湖的主体湖区起到缓冲和保护作用,郭郑湖的水质状况仅次于茶港湾湖区,处于富营养阶段,该湖区多项生  相似文献   

于2014年10-12月,采集厦门溪东水库浮游动物、浮游植物、浮游细菌与悬浮物样品,分析浮游动物群落与食物质量和食物浓度的关系,探讨桡足类营养级变化对浮游动物的影响.结果 表明,空间上后生浮游动物群落结构在水库不同水层间的差异不显著;时间上桡足类在水华期和非水华期的差异不显著,枝角类和轮虫在水华期和非水华期的差异显著....  相似文献   

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