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Jianshe Lei  Dapeng Zhao 《Tectonophysics》2005,397(3-4):281-295
We present the first seismic image of the upper mantle beneath the active intraplate Changbai volcano in Northeast Asia determined by teleseismic travel time tomography. The data are measured at a new seismic network consisting of 19 portable stations and 3 permanent stations. Our results show a columnar low-velocity anomaly extending to 400-km depth with a P-wave velocity reduction of up to 3%. High velocity anomalies are visible in the mantle transition zone, and deep-focus earthquakes occur at depths of 500–600 km under the region, suggesting that the subducting Pacific slab is stagnant in the transition zone, as imaged clearly by global tomography. These results suggest that the intraplate Changbai volcano is not a hotspot like Hawaii but a kind of back-arc volcano related to the deep subduction and stagnancy of the Pacific slab under Northeast Asia.  相似文献   

利用地震台阵观测资料研究大庆地区深部构造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用绥芬河-满洲里地学断面上布设的流动地震台阵,并结合固定地震台记录到的2009年6月-2011年5月间的远震资料,通过有限频方法开展体波走时层析成像研究,获取研究区上地幔三维P波速度结构;采用瑞利面波双台相速度和背景噪声相速度层析成像方法,反演研究区的三维S波速度结构。应用两种方法最终得到大庆地区三维速度分布特征。结果显示:松辽盆地地壳厚度较薄,盆地周边的大、小兴安岭隆起区厚度变厚,松辽盆地地壳内部多存在低速异常,壳幔及上地幔与周边相比呈现高速异常,分析上地幔物质上升会造成局部高速异常结构。速度结构异常多是南北向或北北东向,可能与区域性断裂对上、中地壳影响有关。  相似文献   

Crustal heterogeneity and seismotectonics of the region around Beijing, China   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Jinli Huang  Dapeng Zhao   《Tectonophysics》2004,385(1-4):159-180
A detailed three-dimensional (3-D) P-wave velocity model of the crust and uppermost mantle under the Chinese capital (Beijing) region is determined with a spatial resolution of 25 km in the horizontal direction and 4–17 km in depth. We used 48,750 precise P-wave arrival times from 2973 events of local crustal earthquakes, controlled seismic explosions and quarry blasts. These events were recorded by a new digital seismic network consisting of 101 seismic stations equipped with high-sensitivity seismometers. The data are analyzed by using a 3-D seismic tomography method. Our tomographic model provides new insights into the geological structure and tectonics of the region, such as the lithological variations and large fault zones across the major geological terranes like the North China Basin, the Taihangshan and the Yanshan mountainous areas. The velocity images of the upper crust reflect well the surface geological and topographic features. In the North China Basin, the depression and uplift areas are imaged as slow and fast velocities, respectively. The Taihangshan and Yanshan mountainous regions are generally imaged as broad high-velocity zones, while the Quaternary intermountain basins show up as small low-velocity anomalies. Velocity changes are visible across some of the large fault zones. Large crustal earthquakes, such as the 1976 Tangshan earthquake (M=7.8) and the 1679 Sanhe earthquake (M=8.0), generally occurred in high-velocity areas in the upper to middle crust. In the lower crust to the uppermost mantle under the source zones of the large earthquakes, however, low-velocity and high-conductivity anomalies exist, which are considered to be associated with fluids. The fluids in the lower crust may cause the weakening of the seismogenic layer in the upper and middle crust and thus contribute to the initiation of the large crustal earthquakes.  相似文献   

中国东北地区自晚古生代晚期以来,受古亚洲洋、蒙古—鄂霍茨克洋、太平洋构造域的叠加作用,壳幔结构极为复杂。本文收集中国东北地区国家地震台网接收的100 980个P波和91 030个S波到时数据,采用地震走时层析成像方法获得了该地区地壳P波和S波速度结构,进而获得了泊松比结构,用以探讨复杂的地壳结构。成像结果显示:中国东北地区地壳地震波速度结构呈明显的横向不均匀性,不同构造单元和构造单元内部都存在不同程度的不均匀性。松辽盆地整体上浅层地壳以低速异常为主,尤其是S波速度,但部分区域分辨率较低,中下地壳存在较大范围高速异常,推测与太平洋俯冲、后撤导致的岩石圈拆沉和热物质上涌等动力学过程有关;北部的大兴安岭重力梯级带和长白山一线主要表现为低速异常,表明具有大范围的岩浆作用,广泛岩浆作用为固体矿产资源的形成提供热源或物源;长白山、五大连池等近代活动的火山下方部分地壳区域均表现了较强低地震波速度和高泊松比异常结构特征,表明仍存在活动的可能。  相似文献   

The intraplate Baegdusan (Changbai) and Ulleung volcanoes located on the border of China, North Korea, and East/Japan Sea, respectively, have been explained by appeals to both hotspots and asthenospheric mantle upwelling (wet plume) caused by the stagnant Pacific plate. To understand the origin of the Baegdusan and Ulleung volcanism, we performed geochemical analyses on the tephra deposits in the East/Japan Sea basins originating from the Baegdusan and Ulleung volcanoes. The volcanic glass in the tephra from the Baegdusan and Ulleung volcanoes ranged from alkaline trachyte to peralkaline rhyolite and from phonolite to trachyte, respectively. The tephra from the two intraplate volcanoes showed highly enriched incompatible elements, such as Tb, Nb, Hf, and Ta, distinct from those of the ordinary arc volcanoes of the Japanese islands. The straddle distribution of the Th/Yb and Ta/Yb ratios of the tephra deposits from the Baegdusan volcano may originate from the alkali basaltic magma resulting from mixing between the wet plume from the stagnant Pacific plate in the transition zone and the overlying shallow asthenospheric mantle. In contrast, the deposits from the Ulleung volcano show a minor contribution of the stagnant slab to the basaltic magma, implying either partial melting of a more enriched mantle, smaller degrees of partial melting of a garnet-bearing mantle source, or a combination of both processes as the magma genesis. Our study indicated that the Baegdusan and Ulleung volcanoes have different magma sources and evolutionary histories.  相似文献   

天然气水合物是一种新型的潜在能源,广泛分布于大陆边缘海底沉积物和陆上永久冻土带中。2008年,在祁连山冻土区首次钻获天然气水合物实物样品。2010年,在木里地区开展了反射地震方法探测天然气水合物的试验研究,通过综合分析解释反射地震资料和地质资料,初步认为含天然气水合物介质形成的反射波在地震剖面上具有低速、弱振幅、高频的特征。在成藏机制上,天然气水合物的分布与深部断裂破碎带有关,天然气沿深部断裂构造向上运移,并受冻土层的封闭而富集,在合适的温压条件下形成天然气水合物矿藏。  相似文献   

苏鲁大别及其周围地区深部P波速度结构特征的初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵志新  徐纪人 《岩石学报》2005,21(2):525-532
本分析了苏鲁大别及其周围地区200km深的地震波速度结构。对上地幔50至200km不同深度的水平切面的速度结构特征进行了详细研究。结果表明,位于大别山地区下的西南侧存在着一个呈西北一东南延展的带状高速区;在苏鲁东海地区的下方,及东北方面也有高速度区域存在。这两个高速度区不相连。在大别山区东北端区与苏鲁超高压变质带的南端地区深部的两个高速区之间,即郯庐断裂的中部存在一个西北-东南延展的低速度区。大别山区下方深部呈现明显的速度梯度变化带。大别山区东端边界也是速度梯度变化带。郯庐断裂的北段,即与苏鲁超高压变质带为邻的部分下方,似乎是一个速度分界带或速度不连续带。郯庐断裂的北段下方的速度结构与其两侧地区的速度结构明显不同。该段的两侧速度结构常常存在着明显差异。  相似文献   

为揭示中亚造山带浅表结构,对地壳演化与深部过程提供浅部精准约束,利用横过中亚造山带东段(奈曼旗—东乌珠穆沁旗)长达400 km的深地震反射剖面共2 186炮的初至波走时数据,运用初至波层析成像方法获得了自地表向下约3 km厚度的浅表速度结构精细模型。通过模型计算了沉积厚度变化与基岩起伏特征,并在贺根山和西拉木伦缝合带附近获得了呈低速特征的弧前沉积盆地规模与沉积厚度变化特征;在此基础上,综合速度模型与深地震反射剖面的强振幅反射信息,建立了符合剖面南北两侧的古亚洲洋双向俯冲并与中部的残存微陆块发生拼合的构造模型。结果表明:研究区的沉积厚度在0.3~3.0 km范围内变化,区内存在多期岩浆活动及活动构造,林西地区隐伏连续分布的高速结构多为造山花岗岩所导致;古亚洲洋消亡过程在经数亿年演变后仍能在大陆边缘的浅表构造中有迹可循。  相似文献   

利用在2002~2004年新疆天山地区富蕴—库尔勒布设的流动地震台,经过连续两年的观测所采集的数据,挑选远震P波到时数据,进行了地震层析反演处理,获得此剖面地震层析图像推断地壳上地幔的速度结构。反演结果表明,富蕴—库尔勒剖面上塔里木板块向北的推进相对于西部有所减弱,在西部表现强烈的造山作用,向东逐步减缓,在天山的底部不过100km上下。地震活动集中在此范围内。岩石圈物质移动方向发生变化部分向东推移,自然也降低了天山的隆升作用,从而造成天山西段和东段的差异。在本剖面范围内天山的Moho面结构复杂有重叠、斜插特征,深度最大在天山地区达80km,准噶尔盆地和本剖面范围内塔里木盆地北部Moho面深度为40~50km。  相似文献   

矿床是地球演化过程中特定阶段、特定地质环境下形成的,深部结构、构造和动力过程是控制成矿作用的关键因素。成矿带或矿集区现今的地壳结构、构造保留着其演化动力学过程留下的痕迹,通过对不同深度地壳结构的探测,不仅可以提供成矿系统(成矿物质来源、迁移路径和存储空间)形成时期的构造背景和成矿地质环境信息,还可以直接追踪控矿构造的延深,甚至直接发现深部矿体。反射地震是深部探测的核心技术,应用于大陆地壳结构探测和油气勘探已经有近百年的历史,但应用于成矿学的研究和深部金属矿勘查只有二十几年。本文回顾了近年反射地震技术在区域成矿背景、矿集区深部3D结构和深部找矿勘查中取得的重要进展,讨论了该技术在应用中存在问题和下一步技术发展方向,为我国"地壳探测工程(SinaProbe)"在重点成矿带和矿集区开展立体探测提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

本研究利用114个固定台站记录的121个远震事件,以钦杭结合带为中心,采用天然地震层析成像构建了华南东南部上地幔P波速度结构模型。研究结果表明:(1)钦杭结合带、武夷成矿带以及南岭成矿带的深部结构存在着差异,说明3个成矿带经历了不同的构造演化过程;(2)江绍断裂的上地幔中存在着低速异常,推测该低速异常为从地幔过渡带或者下地幔上涌的热物质,与钦杭结合带和武夷成矿带的成矿作用有着密切的关系;(3)下扬子地区上地幔底部的高速异常可能为拆沉的岩石圈,而华夏板块上地幔顶部的高速异常则有待进一步研究。本研究的结果为认识华南东南部的深部结构提供了新的证据。  相似文献   

The Tsushima Basin is located in the southwestern Japan Sea, which is a back-arc basin in the northwestern Pacific. Although some geophysical surveys had been conducted to investigate the formation process of the Tsushima Basin, it remains unclear. In 2000, to clarify the formation process of the Tsushima Basin, the seismic velocity structure survey with ocean bottom seismometers and airguns was carried out at the southeastern Tsushima Basin and its margin, which are presumed to be the transition zone of the crustal structure of the southwestern Japan Island Arc. The crustal thickness under the southeastern Tsushima Basin is about 17 km including a 5 km thick sedimentary layer, and 20 km including a 1.5 km thick sedimentary layer under its margin. The whole crustal thickness and thickness of the upper part of the crust increase towards the southwestern Japan Island Arc. On the other hand, thickness of the lower part of the crust seems more uniform than that of the upper part. The crust in the southeastern Tsushima Basin has about 6 km/s layer with the large velocity gradient. Shallow structures of the continental bank show that the accumulation of the sediments started from lower Miocene in the southeastern Tsushima Basin. The crustal structure in southeastern Tsushima Basin is not the oceanic crust, which is formed ocean floor spreading or affected by mantle plume, but the rifted/extended island arc crust because magnitudes of the whole crustal and the upper part of the crustal thickening are larger than that of the lower part of the crustal thickening towards the southwestern Japan Island Arc. In the margin of the southeastern Tsushima Basin, high velocity material does not exist in the lowermost crust. For that reason, the margin is inferred to be a non-volcanic rifted margin. The asymmetric structure in the both margins of the southeastern and Korean Peninsula of the Tsushima Basin indicates that the formation process of the Tsushima Basin may be simple shear style rather than pure shear style.  相似文献   

日本列岛下太平洋俯冲板块的精细结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管许多学者对日本列岛下的太平洋俯冲板块做了大量的研究,但板块内部的结构(比如板块厚度,板块内地震波速度随深度的变化以及洋壳的俯冲情况等)仍然不太清楚。利用日本地区密集台网收集到的中深和深发地震到时数据来探讨上述问题。采用三维射线追踪正演模拟法,首先利用333个远震计算得到了日本地区太平洋板块的厚度为85km;然后利用3283个地震(震源深度大于40km)的130227条P波到时进一步研究板块内部的精细结构。结果显示,沿深度方向6个地层段(间隔100km)内的速度扰动值分别为5.5%,4.0%,3.5%,2.5%,2.0%和6.0%,在40~500km范围内速度扰动随深度的增加而减小,这与温度随深度的变化情况相一致。当深度大于500km时,速度扰动突然增大到6.0%,分析认为该异常可能由发生在东亚大陆边缘下方的深发地震无法精确定位导致的。最后利用40~500km深度范围内的近震测试得到日本东北和北海道地区下方洋壳俯冲的深度均为110km,平均厚度分别为7.5km和5km,相对于一维模型的速度扰动分别为1%和-3%。这说明洋壳在俯冲到110km以深时,由于受温度和压力的影响,逐渐脱水、变质,直至与板块融合。通过分析震源与洋壳的位置关系,本研究认为北海道地区比东北地区下方的俯冲洋壳可能含有更多的流体(比如水),导致两地区洋壳内的速度相差如此之大。此外,因为日本南部与洋壳对应的区域多为海洋,观测台站较少,所以本研究无法测试得到该区域内的洋壳俯冲情况。  相似文献   

用瑞利面波研究东亚及西太平洋地壳上地幔三维结构   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用分布于欧亚大陆及西太平洋地区106个宽频带数字地震台站约20000多个长周期波形记录,挑选出沿10600条大圆路径传播的瑞利面波,采用频散分析及波形拟合反演方法,对东亚及西太平洋边缘海地区地壳上地幔进行高分辨率三维层析成像。高分辨率速度成像表明,从上地壳到70km深,在东亚东部及西太平洋边缘海地区均为高速分布,西部以青藏高原为中心呈极低速分布。从100km至250km深,在东亚东部及西太平洋边缘海,自北向南显示出一条宽约2500km~4000km,长约8000km的巨型低速异常带。深度为300km~400km的平面图上,速度差异幅度不大,塔里木至扬子地块仍然显示为高速分布。东、西两部份岩石圈与软流圈的结构有着巨大的差异。西部主要是印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞引起的岩石圈汇聚增厚区;东部则主要是由于软流圈上涌(地幔热物质上升)引起的岩石圈拉张减薄区。古新世印度板块与欧亚板块的碰撞,岩石圈板片以低角度下插到青藏高原之下,引起高原隆起和地壳增厚,西部地区成为岩石圈汇聚区。中生代中晚期东亚大陆东缘岩石圈解体,软流圈物质上涌,岩石圈减薄张裂,形成巨型低速带,并演化为东亚裂谷系。现今的西太平洋边缘海、沟弧盆体系,是新生代中晚期太平洋板块、澳大利亚板块与欧亚板块相互作用形成的。  相似文献   

文中对地震体波走时层析成像技术近30年的发展进行回顾和评述,并对该方法所存在的问题进行了分析和探讨以及给出应对策略。在壳幔速度结构的横向不均匀性、强震发生的深部构造环境、活火山区的深部结构和起源,以及造山带、板块碰撞带区域深部结构等4个方面对应用地震层析成像技术所取得的主要成果做了分类总结和探讨。研究证明,利用地震层析成像技术所获得的高分辨率地球内部结构为探索岩石圈的演化和板块运动规律及地震、火山活动发生的深部构造环境等提供了十分重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

We conducted a seismic tomographic analysis to estimate the crustal structure beneath the Shikoku and Chugoku regions in Japan. The Philippine Sea slab (PHS slab) subducts continuously in a SE–NW direction beneath this region, and the crustal structure is complex. Furthermore, the Median Tectonic Line (MTL), one of the longest and most active arc-parallel fault systems in Japan (hereafter, the MTL active fault system), is located in this area, and the right-lateral strike–slip movement of this fault system is related to the oblique subduction of the PHS slab. The MTL active fault system has ruptured repeatedly during the last 10 000 years, and has high seismic potential. Our tomographic analysis clarified the heterogeneous crustal structure along the MTL active fault system. This fault system in Shikoku can be divided into two segments, an east segment and a west segment, on the basis of the velocity structure. This segmentation model is consistent with other such models that have been determined from geological and geomorphological data such as fault geometry, slip rate, and faulting history. This consistency suggests that the surface characteristics of the MTL active fault system are related to structural properties of the crust. In particular, a prominent low-velocity (low-V) zone is present in the lower crust beneath the east segment. Our tomographic images show that the lower crust structure beneath the east segment is obviously different from that of the other segment. Furthermore, this low-V zone may indicate the presence of fluid, possibly related to dehydration of the PHS slab. As the presence of fluid in the lower crust affects the activity of the fault, stress accumulation and the fault failure mechanism may differ between the two segments of the MTL active fault system.  相似文献   

徐纪人  赵志新 《中国地质》2005,32(2):310-319
三维P波速度解析研究结果表明,苏鲁-大别超高压变质带岩石圈地壳速度结构均具有上地壳明显高速且上凸、中地壳增厚、下地壳埋藏较深且莫霍面下凹等基本特征。与大别地区相比较,苏鲁超高压变质带存在着上地壳波速更高,且地表高速区面积与上地壳高速体体积大于大别;而莫霍面下凹程度不如大别地区,地壳山根已逐步趋向消失等独特的区域特征。显示了苏鲁地区曾发生过更激烈的俯冲与折返构造运动,与大别地区相比,有更多高速、高密度的超高压变质岩折返到上地壳与地表;然而在造山运动过程中比大别更早进入了造山运动后期等特征。对比研究结果表明,苏鲁-大别地段的造山、演化过程中,在构造运动基本相似的背景下,存在着区域性特征。苏鲁地区的造山运动以及超高压变质作用,有起始略晚、发生时期较短但相对激烈、结束早、比大别更早进入了造山运动的后期等特征。笔者分析了苏鲁区域性特征形成的主要构造原因是,郯庐断裂带的大规模左旋走滑运动以及通过中国华北区域的大范围NXV—SE向扩张应力场的影响。其中,中生代以来大华北地区的大区域扩张应力场的影响可能是该区俯冲到地幔内的超高压变质岩能够大量折返回地表或上地壳的重要构造原因。  相似文献   

欧亚大陆及边缘海岩石圈的结构特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从地球层块结构的研究思路出发,运用构造解析的理论和方法,对东亚及西太平洋地区人工地震测深和天然地震面波层析成像进行构造解析,发现岩石圈中下部存在形态各异、大小不等的高速块体,结合地质学、地球化学及其他地球物理学标志的综合研究将其称为幔块构造,高速块体或幔块构造是控制东亚西太平洋岩石圈构造格局和岩石圈表层构造变形最基本条件之一。在系统研究该区岩石圈高速块体或幔块构造三维几何结构基础上,建立起东亚西太平洋岩石圈八种三维几何结构型式:克拉通陆根状结构、高原陆根状结构、造山带楔状结构、碎块状结构、香肠状结构、哑铃状结构、藕节状结构和板状结构,以及岩石圈形成与构造演化四种构造类型:克拉通型岩石圈、增厚型岩石圈、减薄型岩石圈和大洋型岩石圈。文章在详细论述岩石圈各结构构造类基本特征的基础上,认为全球最大的青藏高原具有增厚型岩石圈特性,存在大陆根,并且大陆根正在增厚过程中;地震层析成像显示,研究区存在全球最大的东亚大陆巨型裂谷体系,具有减薄型岩石圈特性,新生代晚期东亚大陆巨型裂谷体系被西太平洋沟弧盆体系叠加与改造。根据岩石圈三维结构型式,探讨了岩石圈形成机制与演化模式,东亚大陆边缘岩石圈大规模伸展拆沉减薄作用以及软流圈和地幔物质上涌加热作用与青藏高原岩石圈大规模俯冲碰撞?入增厚作用是东亚大陆及边缘海晚中生代以来地幔动力学最基本的表现型式,从而形成全球最大的青藏高原和全球最大的东亚大陆巨型裂谷体系。  相似文献   


位于中国大陆东南缘的福建地区是东南沿海的一个活动构造带,有着复杂的形成和演化历史。为了认识该区浅部地壳结构和基底构造特征,利用福建地区4条NE向深地震测深测线的Pg波走时数据,使用有限差分层析成像方法,获得了4条剖面上部地壳的精细速度结构,揭示了该区上部地壳速度结构的横向变化、基底构造以及断裂浅部特征。4条剖面速度介于4 700 ~6 100 m/s,自西向东速度变化逐渐增强,构造单元边界两侧基底速度横向变化明显;4条剖面结晶基底界面埋深介于1.0~6.0 km,由北往南有所加深,基底面的起伏与构造凸起和凹陷对应;闽西北隆起带的上部结构速度整体偏高且界面埋深较浅,与变质基底有关;闽西南拗陷带的上部地壳结构高低速变化明显且界面形态呈深浅间隔变化,与该区的断陷盆地和拗陷与隆起交错的地质构造相对应;东南沿海中生代岩浆带的上部地壳速度高、变化大,表明华南大陆东部所受的构造活动强于西部。剖面经过的NW向断裂带都切割基底,与该区的地质构造和构造变形的主方向一致,反映了受古太平洋板块NW向的俯冲−碰撞挤压作用。研究成果为获得东南沿海重要的NW向构造深浅关系提供浅部地震学证据。


Following the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan and 2013 Ms 7.0 Lushan earthquakes, the Longmenshan thrust-fault belt and the Songpan–Ganzi terrane have been the focus of several investigations. Here we use the Hk stacking technique and neighborhood algorithm to investigate the seismic structure of this area. Based on the presence of felsic lower crust and the Mesozoic crustal architecture of the Songpan–Ganzi and Longmenshan area, we exclude the model on the eastward flow of the middle and lower crust assigned as the cause for the crustal thickening in previous studies. In contrast, the E–W trending cumulative compression induced by the continued northward motion of the Indian plate and India-Asian collision are identified as the dominant factors leading to the crustal thickening in the Longmenshan thrust-fault region as well as the Songpan–Ganzi terrane. Particularly, the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan and 2013 Ms 7.0 Lushan earthquakes likely indicate the cumulative offsets and the E–W continuing compression.  相似文献   

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