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The Kamoa sub‐basin, in the south‐eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo, is a rift basin that hosts a world‐class stratiform copper deposit at the base of a very thick (1·8 km) succession of matrix‐supported conglomerates (diamictite) (Grand Conglomérat Formation) that has been interpreted by some as the product of deposition in the aftermath of a planet‐wide glaciation. Newly available subsurface data consisting of more than 300 km of drill core throws new light on the origin of diamictite and associated facies types, and their tectonic, basinal and palaeoclimatic setting. Initiation of rifting is recorded by a lowermost subaqueous succession of fault‐related mass flow conglomerates and breccias (the ‘Poudingue’) with interdigitating coeval and succeeding sandstone turbidites (Mwashya Subgroup). Overlying diamictites of the Grand Conglomérat were deposited as subaqueous debrites produced by mixing and homogenization of antecedent breccias and gravel from the Poudingue and Mwashya sediments with basinal muds. Failure of over‐steepened basin margins and debris flow was likely to be triggered by faulting and seismic activity, and was accompanied by syn‐depositional subaqueous basaltic magmatism recorded by peperites and pillow lavas within diamictites. The thickness of diamictites reflects recurring phases of faulting, volcanism and rapid subsidence allowing continued accommodation of rapidly deposited resedimented facies well below wave base. A distal or indirect, glacial influence in the form of rare dropstones and striated clasts is evident, but tectonically‐driven mass flow destroyed any primary record of glacial climate originally present in basin margin sediments. Such basin margin settings were common during Rodinia rifting and their stratigraphy and facies record a dominant tectonic, rather than climatic, control on sedimentation. Deposition occurred on tectonic timescales inconsistent with a Snowball Earth model for Neoproterozoic diamictites involving a direct glacial contribution to deposition.  相似文献   

The snowball Earth hypothesis describes episodes of Neoproterozoic global glaciations, when ice sheets reached sea‐level, the ocean froze to great depth and biota were decimated, accompanied by a complete shutdown of the hydrological cycle. Recent studies of sedimentary successions and Earth systems modelling, however, have brought the hypothesis under considerable debate. The Squantum ‘Tillite’ (Boston Basin, USA), is one of the best constrained snowball Earth successions with respect to age and palaeogeography, and it is suitable to test the hypothesis for the Gaskiers glaciation. The approach used here was to assess the palaeoenvironmental conditions at the type locality of the Squantum Member through an analysis of sedimentary facies and weathering regime (chemical index of alteration). The stratigraphic succession with a total thickness of ca 330 m documents both glacial and non‐glacial depositional environments with a cool‐temperate glacial to temperate non‐glacial climate weathering regime. The base of the succession is composed of thin diamictites and mudstones that carry evidence of sedimentation from floating glacial ice, interbedded with inner shelf sandstones and mudstones. Thicker diamictites interbedded with thin sandstones mark the onset of gravity flow activity, followed by graded sandstones documenting channellized mass gravity flow events. An upward decrease in terrigenous supply is evident, culminating in deep‐water mudstones with a non‐glacial chemical weathering signal. Renewed terrigenous supply and iceberg sedimentation is evident at the top of the succession, beyond which exposure is lost. The glacially influenced sedimentary facies at Squantum Head are more consistent with meltwater dominated alpine glaciation or small local ice caps. The chemical index of alteration values of 61 to 75 for the non‐volcanic rocks requires significant exposure of land surfaces to allow chemical weathering. Therefore, extreme snowball Earth conditions with a complete shutdown of the hydrological cycle do not seem to apply to the Gaskiers glaciation.  相似文献   

This work provides new insights to assess the factors controlling carbonate deposition in the siliciclastic fluvial systems of rift basins. Sedimentological and stable‐isotope data of microbialites and associated carbonate facies, along with regional geological information, are shown to reveal the influence of climate and tectonics on the occurrence and attributes of carbonate deposits in these settings. The Vega Formation – a 150 m thick Lower Kimmeridgian siliciclastic fluvial sequence in Asturias Province (northern Spain) – constitutes a candidate for this approach. This unit includes varied facies (stromatolites; rudstones, packstones and wackestones containing oncoids, intraclasts, charophytes and shell bioclasts; marlstones and polygenic calcareous conglomerates) that formed in a low‐gradient fluvial–lacustrine system consisting of shallow, low‐sinuosity oncoid‐bearing channels and pools within marshy areas, with sporadic coarse alluvial deposition. The sedimentological attributes indicate common erosion by channel overflow and rapid lateral changes of subenvironments caused by water‐discharge variations. The carbonate fluvial–lacustrine system developed near uplifted marine Jurassic rocks. The occurrence of the system was conditioned by normal faults (active during the deposition of the unit) that favoured: (i) springs of HCO3–Ca‐rich water from a Rhaetian–Sinemurian carbonate rock aquifer; and (ii) carbonate deposition in areas partially isolated from the adjacent siliciclastic fluvial system. The microbialite δ13C and δ18O values support deposition in a hydrologically open system, fed by ambient‐temperature meteoric water, with riparian vegetation. Three types of lamination in the stromatolites and oncoids reflect distinct morphological types of cyanobacterial communities. The textural pattern of lamination parallels δ13C and δ18O changes, suggesting short‐term cycles of precipitation and temperature. A moderately to strongly contrasted seasonal and/or pluriannual precipitation regime is inferred from the cyclic δ13C pattern of the lamination and from the discontinuous and asymmetrical growth of oncoids. Thus, the isotopic and sedimentological attributes of the carbonate deposits were linked to short‐term climate changes associated with semi‐arid conditions, consistent with the studied climatic zone.  相似文献   

Turbidite sandstones of the Miocene Marnoso‐arenacea Formation (northern Apennines, Italy) display centimetre to decimetre long, straight to gently curved, 0·5 to 2·0 cm regularly spaced lineations on depositional (stratification) planes. Sometimes these lineations are the planform expression of sheet structures seen as millimetre to centimetre long vertical ‘pillars’ in profile. Both occur in the middle and upper parts of medium‐grained and fine‐grained sandstone beds composed of crude to well‐defined stratified facies (including corrugated, hummocky‐like, convolute, dish‐structured and dune stratification) and are aligned sub‐parallel to palaeoflow direction as determined from sole marks often in the same beds. Outcrops lack a tectonic‐related fabric and therefore these structures may be confidently interpreted to be sedimentary in origin. Lineations resemble primary current lineations formed by the action of turbulence during bedload transport under upper stage plane bed conditions. However, they typically display a larger spacing and micro‐topography compared to classic primary current lineations and are not associated with planar‐parallel, finely laminated sandstones. This type of ‘enhanced lineation’ is interpreted to develop by the same process as primary current lineations, but under relatively high near‐bed sediment concentrations and suspended load fallout rates, as supported by laboratory experiments and host facies characteristics. Sheets are interpreted to be dewatering structures and their alignment to palaeoflow (only noted in several other outcrops previously) inferred to be a function of vertical water‐escape following the primary depositional grain fabric. For the Marnoso‐arenacea beds, sheet orientation may be linked genetically to the enhanced primary current lineation structures. Current‐aligned lineation and sheet structures can be used as palaeoflow indicators, although the directional significance of sheets needs to be independently confirmed. These indicators also aid the interpretation of dewatered sandstones, suggesting sedimentation under a traction‐dominated depositional flow – with a discrete interface between the aggrading deposit and the flow – as opposed to under higher concentration grain or hindered‐settling dominated regimes.  相似文献   

Late Ashgill and Llandovery sedimentation across the Towy ‘axis’ southeast of Rhayader is interpreted within the context of the rapid southeasterly thickening of the upper portion of the Ashgill best demonstrable in the Chwefru valley. This thickening sequence overlies deep-water middle-fan arenites and is interpreted as a northwest prograding shelf/slope association. The slope eventually became non-depositional and was onlapped by the basinal facies of the Llandovery during relative sea-level rise. The non-depositional slope and associated major slump-scars at the shelf-edge explain many of the non-sequences- in the region previously ascribed to erosion related to episodes of tectonism. The regional strain history is thus simplified.  相似文献   

Macroscopic plant remains from middle Devensian organic lenses, exposed in a gravel pit near Earith in the valley of the River Great Ouse in Cambridgeshire, were the object of an extensive study by Frances Bell in the late 1960s, which has been much referred to in the subsequent literature. The floras from each sampling site have been taken to be characteristic of Full‐glacial conditions in general. Coleopteran assemblages taken at the same time from exactly the same sampling sites show that at least two periods of markedly different climatic regimes were involved. The first of these (? the older) was characterised by a cold and continental climate with mean July temperatures at or below 10d°C and mean January/February temperatures about −23°C. The second climatic regime was characterised by warm summers with mean July temperatures about 16°C and mean January/February temperatures close to −5°C. In spite of this temperate climate, pollen analysis shows that no trees grew in Britain at that time. This treeless but temperate episode in the middle of the Devensian (Weichselian) is discussed in the context of coleopteran assemblages from other sites in southern England that probably date from the same period. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Detachment structures occur widely in the crust, and it is the commonest and most important deformation type developed in the region between orogenic belts and basins. The ‘comb-like’ and ‘tough-like’ fold belts in eastern Sichuan are caused by multi-layer detachment. The duplex structure is the most important deformation style in the region, exhibiting different characteristics from typical detachment structures. Different deformation styles, scales, and shortenings resulting from independent deformations of various detachment systems would lead to the phenomenon whereby most of the topographical heights in the region do not correspond to the structural heights in depth. Based on systematic structural analysis and combined with practical oil/gas prospecting, four types of structural traps are described from eastern Sichuan Province, which are: detachment and thrust trap; detachment folding trap; fault-flat blocking trap; and detachment layer trap. Meticulous studies on the deformation and distribution of detachment layers in the eastern Sichuan Province will contribute to oil/gas prospecting and selection of potential regions of marine-origin oil/gas prospecting in South China.  相似文献   

The chemical characteristics of sedimentary rocks provide important clues to their provenance and depositional environments. Chemical analyses of 192 samples of Katangan sedimentary rocks from Kolwezi, Kambove–Kabolela and Luiswishi in the central African Copperbelt (Katanga, Congo) are used to constrain (1) the source and depositional environment of RAT and Mines Subgroup sedimentary rocks and (2) the geochemical relations between the rocks from these units and the debate on the lithostratigraphic position of the RAT Subgroup within the Katangan sedimentary succession. The geochemical data indicate that RAT, D. Strat., RSF and RSC are extremely poor in alkalis and very rich in MgO. SD are richer in alkalis, especially K2O. Geochemical characteristics of RAT and Mines Subgroups sedimentary rocks indicate deposition under an evaporitic environment that evolved from oxidizing (Red RAT) to reducing (Grey RAT and Mines Subgroup) conditions. There is no chemical difference between RAT and fine-grained clastic rocks from the lower part of the Mines Subgroup. The geochemical data preclude the genetic model that RAT are syn-orogenic sedimentary rocks originating from Mines Group rocks by erosion and gravity-induced fragmentation in front of advancing nappes.  相似文献   

Tamura et al. (2018) refined our understanding of formative processes that have resulted in a series of coarse‐sand beach ridges at Cowley Beach in north‐eastern Australia. Nott (2018) claimed that there are several shortcomings in the findings Tamura et al. (2018) presented. However, his criticism mostly derived from his misunderstanding of the data and discussion presented in Tamura et al. (2018), which thus should be clarified here. This reply also reiterates how his method for estimating the magnitude of past tropical cyclones from beach ridges is inconsistent with our observations of beach morphology and beach‐ridge formative processes.  相似文献   

Speleothems, mostly composed of calcium carbonate, are widely present in modern karst‐originated caves, but have rarely been reported in palaeokarst systems. This study presents a novel type of dolomite speleothem and subsequent submarine dolomite cement, which are widely present in the upper Ediacaran Dengying Formation in the upper Yangtze area. These precipitated materials occur in the cavity system that cuts across several peritidal cycles. The interconnected cavity networks with irregular shapes, embayed walls, internal breccias on cavity floor and their preferential development in the shallower cycle tops (for example, tepee‐deformed beds) suggest that they were initially generated by subaerial dissolution. As the earliest infills, the hemispherical protrusions, icicle‐like pendants and ground‐up columns show similar morphological features and occurrence patterns to the cave popcorn, stalactites and stalagmites, respectively. Thus, these earliest infills are speleothems resulting from associated meteoric precipitation during subaerial exposure. The isopachous growth pattern of subsequent more extensive fibrous dolomite cements points to a submarine diagenetic environment in which they were precipitated. Microscopically, the micritic to micro‐crystalline dolomite, acicular dolomite in speleothems and the subsequent fibrous dolomite share similar crystal fabrics to metastable precursors (for example, Mg‐calcite). Meanwhile, the carbon‐oxygen isotope compositions of the speleothem and fibrous dolomite, although partly altered by burial diagenesis, share a large overlap with host rock and coeval marine carbonates all over the Yangtze Platform. For these reasons, these speleothems and fibrous cements are considered to have been initially precipitated as metastable carbonate precursors in meteoric and submarine environments, respectively, and stabilized during submarine mimetic dolomitization. The cyclic occurrence of cavity systems filled with speleothems and submarine cements reflects periodic subaerial exposure and marine flooding of broad tidal flat in the upper Yangtze area, driven by high‐frequency sea‐level fluctuations. Furthermore, the Neoproterozoic seawater chemistry that favoured early dolomitization of carbonate precursor mineralogies was an advantage for the preservation of fabrics from metastable precursor minerals.  相似文献   

Complex moraine-ridge sequences in front of seven outlet glaciers of the Jostedalsbreen ice-cap (Austerdalsbreen, Bergsetbreen, Fåbergstølsbreen, Lodalsbreen, Stegaholbreen, Tuftebreen, Bødalsbreen) are dated using families of lichenometric dating curves established previously at an eighth outlet (Nigardsbreen). Applicability of the Nigardsbreen curves at the regional level is tested using independent historical evidence: moraines deposited during the present century are dated to an accuracy of ± 9.4 yr (16.0%), and most of them are dated to an accuracy of ± 5.5 yr (9.4%). Results from the moraine sequences are combined to form a composite ‘Jostedalsbreen’ record. Median predicted dates for moraine ridges cluster around AD 1939 ± 2 yr, 1929 ± 3, 1908 ± 3, 1886 ± 5, 1875 ± 2, 1867 ± 4, 1855 ± 3, 1842 ± 5, 1822 ± 5, 1807 ± 4 and 1785 ± 5. At least four glaciers reached their ‘Little ice age’ maxima prior to AD 1780, two (Nigardsbreen and Bødalsbreen) at ca. 1750, one (Fåbergstølsbreen) at ca. 1705. Stegaholbreen attained its maximum ca. 1863. Since the ‘Little ice age’ maximum, and despite large differences in glacier size, frontal variations of the various outlets have exhibited a high degree of synchroneity, which suggests that the moraine sequences contain a sensitive record of high-frequency climatic variations over the last ca. 250 yr. During the early twentieth century, measured readvances of the order of 5–150 m over 1–10 yr led to moraine formation. Dendroclimatic evidence indicates that since the late eighteenth century, moraine ridges formed about 5 yr after summer temperature minima and correlate with runs of cool summers (temperature depression of 0.5–1.0°C below the AD 1700–1950 average). Almost simultaneous glacier advances appear to have been caused by reduced ablation. This near-immediate response to climatic variation, by glacier tongues that descend to relative low altitudes, is superimposed upon the longer-term dynamic response of the ice cap to climate.  相似文献   

Discussion points raised by Rose ( 2016 ) concentrate on late Albian stratigraphic relationships between formations of the East Texas Basin and the San Marcos Arch of the Comanche Platform in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Criticisms of Phelps et al. (2014) regarding stratigraphic nomenclature, palaeogeography and regional lithostratigraphic correlations generally focus on interpretive aspects of the study or do not account for the full scope of published information. Revisions to the top Aptian–Albian Supersequence boundary by Rose are incompatible with the relative location of a subaerial unconformity, as well as deepening lithofacies trends and retrogradational stratigraphic patterns below the interpreted boundary. Rose's placement of the top Aptian–Albian Supersequence boundary precisely at the Albian–Cenomanian stage boundary also implies ca 1·4 Ma of diachroneity in second order sea‐level patterns between the northern Gulf of Mexico and other documented global sedimentary basins.  相似文献   

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