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城市公共服务设施优化配置是实现城市公共服务均等化的必要途径。近年来,时空大数据、智能决策与仿真等技术蓬勃发展,引发了城市公共服务设施配置模型研究的革命。基于以上时代背景,本文对城市公共服务设施优化配置模型的近期研究进展进行了总结和展望:①优化决策模型朝着精细化方向快速发展,优化决策目标将更加多元化;②多源地理大数据和时空数据挖掘方法的城市公共服务需求建模动态化;③多目标群智能优化算法使城市公共服务设施优化决策朝着智能化的方向发展。随着大数据、云计算、并行计算和人工智能等新技术在GIS领域的广泛应用与集成,城市公共服务设施优化配置模型将越来越朝着精细化和智能化的方向发展。  相似文献   

闻帅  黄正东 《测绘通报》2019,(9):99-103
城市可持续发展需要提升公共交通的供给能力。公汽满载率是公交规划、调度和服务评价等方面的重要参数。在公交信息化水平不断提升的背景下,由公交IC卡数据和公共汽车GPS数据等构成的公交大数据为获得相对精确的客流提供了可能。虽然已有相对稳定的OD推算方法,但对于公汽满载率的研究尚不够充分。本文提出基于历史公交大数据的大规模公交出行链搜素算法,在此基础上构建公共汽车满载率数据库,并以深圳市为例揭示了高满载率线路段的时空分布特征。本文研究对于揭示公汽服务整体水平和探测关键公交廊道具有较大价值。  相似文献   


In the past decade, an explosion of data has taken place in Chinese cities due to widespread use of mobile Internet devices, Web 2.0 applications, and the development of the “Wired City.” With advances in data storage and high-performance computing, big/open urban data have opened up important avenues for urban studies, planning practice, and commercial consultancy. Urban researchers and planners are eager to make use of these abundant, sophisticated, and dynamic data to deepen their understanding on urban form and functions. However, in practice, access to such urban data is limited in China due to institutional constraints on data distribution and data holders’ hesitation to share data. And this hampers urban analytics. To draw reliable conclusions about the workings of complex urban systems, efficient and effective interoperation of multisource urban datasets is needed. Also, dealing with the heterogeneity between datasets is an equally critical challenge, especially for urban planners and government officers. They would derive value from data analytics, but have little data processing experience. To address these issues, we initiated SinoGrids (Plan Xu Xiake), a crowdsourcing platform that standardizes (or “downscales”) microscale urban data in China to facilitate its sharing and interoperation. To assess the performance evaluation of SinoGrids, we propose field-testing with actual urban data and their potential users. Digital desert, a son project of SinoGrids is also included.  相似文献   

Show me the code: spatial analysis and open source   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
This paper considers the intersection of academic spatial analysis with the open source revolution. Its basic premise is that the potential for cross-fertilization between the two is rich, yet some misperceptions about these two communities pose challenges to realizing these opportunities. The paper provides a primer on the open source movement for academicians with an eye towards correcting these misperceptions. It identifies a number of ways in which increased adoption of open source practices in spatial analysis can enhance the development of the next generation of tools and the wider practice of scientific research and education.
Sergio J. ReyEmail:

公园绿地是城市公共基础设施的重要组成部分,公园合理的空间布局有助于城市居民便捷和公平地享用其服务功能。根据深圳市建筑普查数据和细粒度的人口数据提取住房信息,结合公园绿地数据和土地利用情况,针对不同类型公园的服务能力分别采用合适的可达性计算方法,从住房、社区和街道三个尺度评价深圳公园绿地可达性,结果表明:社区公园可达性一般,仅57.62%的社区的居民步行500 m以内能到达最近的社区公园;城市公园可达性总体较好,95.87%的社区市民步行前往最近城市公园所需时间在20 min以内。然而,大鹏半岛无城市公园,且多为自然生态保护区,市民到达城市公园所需时间长。社区公园可达性好的区域呈带状分布于深圳南部各区,城市公园高可达性区域呈多核围绕在各区行政中心。  相似文献   

基于数据挖掘的宁波市公共自行车使用特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用ArcGIS10.2和SPSS22.0软件对宁波市中心城区公共自行车的IC卡数据、区域属性数据、POI网络开放数据进行了综合分析,发现:①宁波市公共自行车使用时空分异明显,呈现圈层结构。内圈层和中圈层自行车使用量大、潮汐不明显、泊位周转率高;外圈层和外围区具有使用量小、潮汐性强、泊位周转率低的特征。②公共自行车使用与人口密度、医疗保健网点、教育机构、餐饮服务、公园数、早高峰时段、晚高峰时段具有明显正相关关系;与地铁站点数、公司企业数量、绿地广场存在明显负相关关系。  相似文献   

基于移动GIS的公共设施巡查系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文使用ArcGIS Server Mobile SDK开发了用于移动端的公共设施巡查系统.文章在系统分析设计的基础上重点阐述系统的功能的实现,利用ArcGIS Mobile提供的组件和类库,通过C.NET编程开发并实现了系统的各个功能.在实例的分析中使用沈阳市部分公共设施数据进行了验证,结果系统稳定,功能基本完善,数...  相似文献   

随着大数据建设的快速推进,推动政府治理现代化成为大数据应用的热点。本文结合浙江省地理空间大数据应用示范工程建设,重点分析了政务应用中对时空大数据的需求,并结合现有地理信息公共服务中的瓶颈问题,提出了地理空间大数据建设的总体框架、主要内容及关键技术,并通过政务示范应用进一步验证了项目建设成效。  相似文献   

针对房地产便利性描述信息缺少量化和难以比较的问题,该文提出了一种利用大数据测度房地产便利性的综合指数模型。房地产便利性的描述信息往往是定性描述的、单一或单方面的,缺乏综合或整体的定量化评价,从而给不同房地产之间在便利性方面的横向比较造成了困难。该文在引入步行指数概念基础上,通过对便利设施的分类、分级以及便利设施与房地产之间步行距离的定量计算,获得综合衡量房地产便利性的一种实数型指数。基于百度在线地图的实验结果表明:所提模型可以自动测度任一房地产的便利性指数。  相似文献   

针对摄影测量实践教学软件交互能力差、代码封闭等不足,提出了基于开源软件思想及利用交互式数据语言设计开发摄影测量学实践教学软件方法。软件代码公开、操作动作分解、交互能力强,涵盖了摄影测量学主要理论知识、方法和过程,具有结构清晰,教学重点突出,拓展性强的特点。教学实践证明:该软件可以适应不同水平的本科生,具有较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

基于开源平台构建WebGIS应用系统   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
李光师 《测绘科学》2011,36(6):259-261
本文介绍了开源GIS平台Geoserver及开源客户端OpenLayers,在此基础之上架构了一个三层B/S结构的WebGlS的应用系统,分析了各层的基本功能;对WebGIS系统的GIS服务器配置、空间数据库创建、客户端实现过程中涉及的部分关键技术及解决方法进行了详细的阐述.实验结果表明,基于开源GIS平台可以开发低成...  相似文献   

Open data strategies are being adopted in disaster-related data particularly because of the need to provide information on global targets and indicators for implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030. In all phases of disaster risk management including forecasting, emergency response and post-disaster reconstruction, the need for interconnected multidisciplinary open data for collaborative reporting as well as study and analysis are apparent, in order to determine disaster impact data in timely and reportable manner. The extraordinary progress in computing and information technology in the past decade, such as broad local and wide-area network connectivity (e.g. Internet), high-performance computing, service and cloud computing, big data methods and mobile devices, provides the technical foundation for connecting open data to support disaster risk research. A new generation of disaster data infrastructure based on interconnected open data is evolving rapidly. There are two levels in the conceptual model of Linked Open Data for Global Disaster Risk Research (LODGD) Working Group of the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA), which is the Committee on Data of the International Council for Science (ICSU): data characterization and data connection. In data characterization, the knowledge about disaster taxonomy and data dependency on disaster events requires specific scientific study as it aims to understand and present the correlation between specific disaster events and scientific data through the integration of literature analysis and semantic knowledge discovery. Data connection concepts deal with technical methods to connect distributed data resources identified by data characterization of disaster type. In the science community, interconnected open data for disaster risk impact assessment are beginning to influence how disaster data are shared, and this will need to extend data coverage and provide better ways of utilizing data across domains where innovation and integration are now necessarily needed.  相似文献   

公共服务设施作为社区生活圈的核心内容,直接决定了社区生活圈的生活品质。对社区公共服务设施建设情况进行量化评价,并对设施建设的未来规划提供科学决策支持逐渐成为规划者和决策者的一大难题。本文通过ArcGIS工具对POI数据进行处理、统计和可视化,在总结他人社区生活圈量化评价方法的基础上,结合温州本地特色,搭建了一套社区生活圈公共服务设施评价模型。利用该模型可对各类社区进行综合评分和分级,并根据模型评分结果挖掘公共服务设施未来优化方向。此外,还实现了社区生活圈评分的动态计算与展示,为社区服务设施建设选址、路网建设与公共服务设施建设优先级评定等提供决策支持。既可帮助规划者和决策者快速建立对整个区域生活圈建设现状的量化认知,又可助力公共服务设施的优化配置,为社区生活圈公共服务品质评价与提升探寻全新的思路与方法。  相似文献   

Applied Research Laboratories, The University of Texas at Austin (ARL:UT) has established a cross platform open source software project called the GPSTk or the GPS Toolkit. The GPSTk consists of a library and collection of applications that support GPS research, analysis, and development. The code is released under the terms of the Lesser GNU Public License. The GPSTk supports a broad range of functionality. This includes reading and writing observations in standard formats, such as RINEX, BINEX, and SP3, ephemeris evaluation, position determination, receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM), atmospheric delay modeling, cycle slip detection and correction, and P-code generation. The GPSTk provides the core set of functionality that is used for GPS research and development at ARL:UT. ARL:UT has been involved with satellite navigation since Transit (the precursor to GPS) in the 1960s and is currently conducting research in a wide variety of GPS-related fields, including precise surveys, monitor station networks, and ionospheric studies. The GPSTk is a community-wide resource for all users of GPS and GNSS technology. Participation is welcomed in all areas including: bug reports, new algorithms, suggestions for improvement, and contributions of additional functionality or applications. ARL:UT continually improves the library, shepherds community participation, and is committed to the project’s development and maintenance. The GPS Toolbox is a column dedicated to highlighting algorithms and source code utilized by GPS Engineers and scientists. If you have an interesting program or software package you would like to share with our readers, please pass it along; e-mail it to us at gps-toolbox@ngs.noaa.gov. To comment on any of the source code discussed here, or to download source code, visit our website at . This column is edited by Stephen Hilla, National Geodetic Survey, NOAA, Silver Spring, Maryland, and Mike Craymer, Geodetic Survey Division, Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.  相似文献   

The East Kolkata Wetlands is a unique resource recovery system. The Ramsar Convention recognized it as a ‘Wetland of International Importance’ in August 2002. However, the long-term resource exploitation and land use changes in the dynamic ecosystem have resulted in non-linear environmental responses. This is an attempt using open source remote sensing datasets to capture the spatio-temporal transformation of the wetland resulting from various anthropogenic activities. Landsat MSS and TM imageries of 1973, 1980, 1989, 2001 and 2010 were classified using Maximum Likelihood Classifier to monitor the wetland change; however, to study wetland dynamics, the post-classification wetland change detection maps have been generated for two temporal phases, i.e. 1973–1989 and 1989–2010. This study finds that the area under wetlands has reduced comprehensively in the past 40 years due to the conversion of wetlands into various other uses such as urban expansion of the Kolkata metropolitan city.  相似文献   

从系统建立的必要性出发,阐述ComGIS在城市公共交通查询系统中的应用,探讨如何运用ESRI公司的GIS组件-MO与高级程序语言VC#相结合,以SQL Server 2000作为后台数据库,进行城市公共交通查询系统的开发。实现系统的基本通用功能,以及站点查询、公共交通线路查询、公共交通换乘方案和最短路径查询等空间分析功能,为广大市民及外地游客的出行提供便利。  相似文献   

商用GIS软件在GIS教学中的应用削弱了学生对原理和算法的认知和探索,有必要采用开源GIS体系进行代替.本文针对GIS软件开发系列课程的教学目标和知识点,对开源GIS软件体系进行了分类,并从许可协议、开发模式等方面提出了一套涉及GIS软件底层开发、桌面端开发、WebGIS开发和移动GIS开发的开源解决方案.通过教学实践...  相似文献   

城市公共卫生安全应急管理系统技术集成研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
从国内城市公共卫生安全应急管理系统的研究和应用现状出发,指出城市公共卫生安全应急管理系统建设的核心要务是集成现有的卫生信息系统、消除卫生信息孤岛、实现数据共享与交换;并提出了城市公共卫生安全应急管理系统数据采集类型和业务支持部门。在此基础上,构建了一个基于数据仓库、以GIS为应急响应支持平台、能统一管理信息、可与其他电子政务系统互连互通的城市公共卫生安全应急管理系统框架结构,并详细阐述了各业务模块的基本功能和系统实现的关键技术方法。  相似文献   

薛梅  邱月 《测绘科学》2016,41(9):164-169
针对城市设计存在的异构数据难以充分共享的问题,该文采用本体的方法和技术,按照空间布局、建筑形态、景观组织的数据组织方式构建城市设计本体模型,提出基于本体的城市设计数据集成应用方法:基于OWL实现城市设计数据语义信息共享,通过本体中间件技术实现异构设计数据和本体数据的映射,从而将多源本体数据片段集成为统一的城市设计语义视图。基于该方法开发的原型系统表明,该方法能够实现城市设计异构数据的一致理解和充分共享,促进设计成果在三维虚拟地理环境下的集成应用。  相似文献   

千兆网支持下的城市公众GIS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛锋  罗昀 《测绘科学》2003,28(2):50-52
当前GIS技术的发展已经进入到一个新的阶段,呈现出网络化、专业化、智能化、大众化等特点。公众GIS是近年来新兴的GIS应用领域,它主要的目的是面向公众提供信息服务。介绍了城市公众GIS的基本概念、特点和系统功能,在分析了当前公众GIS存在的问题之后,继而提出一种适合宽带网络(千兆以太网)支持下的公众GIS系统结构,并进一步分析了它的功能和用途。  相似文献   

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