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四川丹巴穹状变质地体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四川西部丹巴地区最为引人注目的地质构造是穹状变质地体的发育。华北、扬子和羌塘三个板块之间的南北向和东西向双向收缩,引起区内发育了大小不等的十几个穹状变质地体,自北而南有马奈、春牛场、丹巴、公差、格宗等变质穹隆。多数穹隆的核部出露的是前寒武纪的片麻岩和混合岩,例如春牛场侵入体。其中的片麻岩原岩、黑云母和角闪石质片麻岩均属本区最老的岩石。它不整合于志留纪地层之下,年代学研究证明其年代属新元古代(大约865~785Ma)。混合岩从形态上说,多为条带状,偶见角砾状的角闪石质混合岩。但是也有不少穹隆,核部是花岗岩类。岩石化学研究证明,它们大多属于S型花岗岩,仅个别为I型。穹状变质地体的外围变质带可分三类:(1)巴罗带型区域递增变质带,有的显示变质带的倒转;(2)巴肯型变质带;(3)低级区域变质带,多数是中压绿片岩相。巴罗带变质的泥质岩,多数变晶矿物如黑云母、十字石、石榴石均具早期低级变质矿物的定向包裹物,显示明显叠加变质的信息。变质泥质岩的∑REE=(195~274)×10-6,(La/Yb)n=0·811~1·917。稀土配分曲线和微量元素蛛网图具Nb、P、Ti负异常,显示大陆地壳的特征,是陆缘碎屑物质区域变质产物。巴肯带出露于丹巴以北,主要变质泥质岩是夕线石片麻岩类,常见铁铝榴石而少见堇青石,说明原岩富铁贫镁,局部出现锌铁尖晶石。由北侧的巴肯带到巴罗型变质的公差穹隆到南部的格宗穹隆变质带是从高温到低温连续变化的。因之,我们倾向于认为松潘—甘孜造山带的东南缘是一个规模较大的、呈NE向分布的低—中压区域变质带,总体是一条热轴,垂直走向,向东南温度逐步降低。据前人同位素年龄资料:M1巴罗型区域变质发生于约210~205Ma,马奈花岗岩U-Pb锆石年龄为(197±6)Ma。M2巴肯型变质与岩体侵入有关,年龄约为164Ma。M3喜马拉雅期重结晶的黑云母年龄约为30Ma。总之,丹巴变质穹隆的形成是青藏高原东北部地质构造演化中重要的一幕,其主要活动期起于印支晚期最后结束于喜马拉雅期的隆升和挤出。依据低压高温变质带的空间分布,推测本区印支末期存在一NE向的热轴,同时也是S型花岗岩体的出露区。至于木里一带穹隆与丹巴穹隆在变质程度上的差异,应当归因于印支晚期的陆壳增厚过程中,北倾南倒逆冲剪切造成区域热流的不均一性。也说明了青藏高原东北缘在喜山期隆升之前具有复杂的构造变质历史。  相似文献   

Archaean lode gold deposits in the Coolgardie Goldfield, Western Australia, occur in mafic and ultramafic rocks which have been metamorphosed to the amphibolite facies. Mineralisation was broadly synchronous with peak metamorphism, the main phase of granitoid emplacement, and regional deformation. Several different structural styles are represented by the deposits of the Coolgardie Goldfield. Mineralisation occurs along sheared felsic porphyry-ultramafic rock contacts, in gabbro-hosted quartz-vein sets, in fault-bounded quartzvein sets, and in laminated quartz reefs sited in brittleductile shear zones. The structures hosting mineralisation formed in response to a progressive deformation event, related to granitoid emplacement in an east-west compressional far-field stress régime, but with local heterogeneous stress orientations. This occurred after an earlier period of thrust-stacking, with probable north-south directed tectonic transport. Two contrasting styles of goldrelated wallrock alteration are associated with the auriferous lodes of the Coolgardie Goldfield. A high-temperature assemblage (formation temperature >500°C), characterised by the proximal alteration assemblage garnet+ hornblende + plagioclase + pyrrhotite, contrasts with a medium-temperature assemblage (formation temperature <500°C), consisting of calcic amphibole + biotite + plagioclase + calcite + arsenopyrite + pyrrhotite. The distribution of the two styles of gold-related alteration is controlled by distance from voluminous syntectonic granitoids located to the west of the Coolgardie Goldfield, with the high-temperature style of alteration more proximal to the granitoid-greenstone contact than the medium-temperature style. The occurrence of gold deposits that formed under amphibolite facies conditions throughout the Coolgardie Goldfield supports a crustal continuum model for Archaean lode-gold deposits, which proposes that gold is deposited in metamorphic environments that range from the sub-greenschist to granulite facies. In addition, the data from Coolgardie suggest that syntectonic, synmineralisation granitic plutons may play a significant role in controlling the style of gold associated wallrock-alteration at deep crustal levels.  相似文献   

The Topsails igneous terrane of Western Newfoundland contains a diverse suite of igneous rocks, but consists mainly of Silurian alkaline to peralkaline granites and rhyolites. The terrane exhibits evidence for the coexistence of mafic and salic magmas in the form of composite dykes and flows, sinuous, boudined mafic dykes cutting granites and net vein complexes. Field data and major and trace element chemical data suggest that these magmas mixed to produce limited volumes of more or less homogeneous hydrids.Magma mixing, a process which has received recent prominence in petrogenetic models for calc-alkaline volcanic suites, has elicited less attention than restite separation and fractional crystallization as a cause of chemical dispersion in granites. Evidence from the Topsails igneous terrane suggests the possible importance of magma mixing to granite petrogenesis and a major role for transcurrent faulting in the origin and evolution of peralkaline magmas.  相似文献   

Pebble counts of the lithology of glacial sediments in the King Valley show that the content of distantly derived erratics of many sections decreases upwards in near surface sediments. Two factors that contribute to this lithological stratification are dilution of the erratic content of surface sediments by locally derived rocks and lithological stratification of debris within the Pleistocene King Glacier. The common diluting mechanism appears to have been slope detritus derived from the valley sides and small hills that crop out on the valley floor. Lithological stratification of debris in the King Glacier resulted from the altitude of the equilibrium line of the King Glacier relative to the position and altitude of the rock source areas and the thermal regime at the ice-bed interface. The Jurassic dolerite and Permian sediments that crop out above the equilibrium line altitude were transported in subglacial and englacial positions. In contrast, below the equilibrium line sediments that accumulated and were transported in a supraglacial position contained no erratic lithologies. When deposited, the supraglacial sediments formed a siliceous, non-erratic cover over sediments that were transported in subglacial and englacial positions. The model of the mode of sediment transport in the King Valley may have application to areas of alpine glaciation where the distribution of some rock types is restricted to areas above the equilibrium lines of glaciers.  相似文献   

Summary Ardennite of complex composition: (Mn2+ 3.488Ca0.509Ba0.002)=4(Mg0.916916 Fe3+ 0.165 Mn3+ 0.099Cu0.033Ni0.009Zn0.006 Ti0.008Al4.764)=6(As5+ 0.823V5+ 0.022P0.005B0.069Al0.042Si5.039)=6O21.81(OH)6.17 occurs in crack-seal quartz veins in quartz-albite-piemontite-spessartine-phengitehematite-chlorite-rutile-tourmaline ± calcite schist of the Haast Schist Group near Arrow Junction, western Otago, New Zealand. The Mn2+/Mn3+-ratio is sensitive to calculations and to accuracy of analyses. Boron is detected in ardennite for the first time. Other properties include = 1.734(3), = 1.735(3), = 1.751(3), 2VZ = 30(2)°;a = 8.721(1),b = 5.816(1),c = 18.545(3) Å,V = 940.7(2) Å3. Associated mineral phases are spessartine, hematite, piemontite containing 0.7% SrO and 0.06% PbO, and phengite. Later-stage vein minerals comprise chlorite, albite, and manganoan calcite which were deposited under less highly oxidizing conditions. Digenite with minor intergrown covellite occurs in small amount with manganoan calcite and quartz in a cross-cutting late-stage veina chalcopyrite and native copper occur in other late-stage veins. Arsenic and other components of the ardennite and associated minerals are derived from highly oxidized ferromanganese oxide- and hydroxide-bearing siliceous pelagic sediments that formed the protolith for the piemontite schist. The veins formed at a relatively early stage after metamorphism peaked in the chlorite zone of the greenschist facies under conditions that have been estimated at about 4.5 kbar, 390 °C.
Vorkommen von Ardennit in Quarzgängen aus Piemontit-Schiefern, West-Otago, Neuseeland
Zusammenfassung Ardennit mit der Zusammensetzung (Mn2+ 3.488Ca0.509Ba0.002)=4(Mg0.916Fe3+ 0.165Mn3+ 0.099Cu0.033Ni0.009Zn0.006 Ti0.008Al4.764)=6(As5+ 0.823V5+ 0.022P0.005B0.069Al0.042Si5.039)=6O21.81(OH)6.17 tritt in Crack-seal-Quarzgängen in Quarz-Albit-Piemontit-Spessartin-Phengit-Hämatit-Chlorit-Rutil-Turmalin ± Calcit-Schiefern der Haast Schiefer-Gruppe nahe der Arrow Junction, West-Otago, Neuseeland, auf. Die Proportionen von Mn2+/Mn3+ hängen von der Kalkulation und der Genauigkeit der Analyse ab. Bor wird zum ersten Mal im Ardennit bestimmt. Andere Eigenschaften sind: = 1.734(3), = 1.735(3), = 1.751(3), 2Vz = 30(2)°; a = 8.721(1), b = 5.816(1), c = 18.545(3) Å, V = 940.7(2) Å3. Assoziierte Mineralphasen sind Spessartin, Hämatit, Piemontit, der 0.7% SrO und 0.06% PbO enthält und Phengit. Spät gebildete Gangmineralien, wie Chlorit, Albit und Mn-Calcit, sind unter geringer oxidierenden Bedingungen entstanden. Digenit mit etwas Covellin tritt in kleinen Mengen zusammen mit Mn-Calcit und Quartz in einem querschlägigen Gang auf, Chalcopyrit und gediegenes Kupfer kommen in anderen späten Gängen vor. Arsen und andere Komponenten des Ardennites and der assoziierten Minerale können von hochoxidierten, Fe-Mn-Oxid- und Hydroxyd-führenden, Sireichen, pelagischen Sedimenten hergeleitet werden, die das Ausgangsgestein für den Piemontit darstellen. Die Gänge wurden in einem relativ frühen Stadium, nach dem Metamorphosehöhepunkt, innerhalb der Chloritzone der Grünschiefer-Fazies, unter ungefähr 4.5 kbar und 390°C, gebildet.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

The Strathgordon area of low metamorphic grade (450±50°C, 4±1 Kb) and the eclogitebearing Lyell Highway-Collingwood River area, which is of higher grade (670±20°C, 11±1 Kb), have been studied by the Rb-Sr technique.

Three deformational events, D1 to D3 correlate in time with two important P,T events, here termed D2−2 and D3, D1−2 reflects the continuous prograde P,T environment up to the metamorphic maximum of the two areas (D2), while D2 is a superimposed deformational event occuring at lower P,T conditions. According to stratigraphical constraints D3 must have occured before or about 550 m.y. ago.

It is possible from rather complex Rb-Sr data to indicate ages for the D1–2 and D3 events. Two-point total rock+phengite (mica) ages together with total rock isochrons using closely spaced samples show that the main metamorphic event D1–22 occurrred at about 800 m.y. in both areas. Similar data suggest that the superimposed event D3 occurred between 550 and 630 m.y. ago, probably near the lower age limit. This deformation (crenulation cleavage) was responsible for the local resetting of total rock and mineral systems.

Consistent with later Palaeozoic events, the Cambrian-early Ordovician Jukesian Movement and the Devonian Tabberabberan Orogeny, which affected some Rb-Sr mineral systems (phengite, amphibole and chlorite), have ages of 500±20 m.y. and 385-350 m.y. respectively.

Due to dispersion of the eclogite total rock data points along secondary isochrons it is difficult to estimate an original age. The age of the original minerals must however have been set by the 800 m.y. D1–2 event, as the P,T history of the eclogite is the same as that of the surrounding schists.  相似文献   

The Western Tharsis disseminated Cu–Au orebody, which occurs within the Cambrian Mt Read Volcanics of Western Tasmania, is surrounded by a pyritic halo that extends 100–200 m stratigraphically above and below the ore zone. Although this halo extends laterally along the same stratigraphic position to the south, it probably closes off to the north based on limited surface and drill hole data. The ore zone is characterized by extreme enrichment (the enrichments and depletions referred to herein are relative to background; these have not been established using mass balance techniques) in As, Bi, Ce, Cu, Mo, Ni, S and Se; with the exception of Mo, these elements are also enriched, but at a much lower level, in the pyrite halo.Pronounced depletion in K, Cs and Mg occurs in 20–30 m wide stratiform zones that flank the orebody on both sides within the pyritic halo. These anomalies and depletions in Be, Ga, Rb, Y, MREE and HREE are associated with a pyrophyllite-bearing alteration zone that wraps around the main pyrite–chalcopyrite-bearing ore zone. This zone is also characterized by positive Eu anomalies which persist up to 150 m both into the hanging wall and footwall of the orebody. The depletion of these elements is consistent with the advanced argillic alteration assemblage developed about acid-sulfate Cu–Au deposits.The pyrite halo is surrounded by a peripheral carbonate halo which is highly enriched in C, CaO and MnO, and weakly enriched in Zn and Tl. Zinc and Tl are most enriched in the upper 100–150 m of the stratigraphically lower halo. In the stratigraphically upper halo, Zn and Tl values are anomalously high but erratic.Barium and Sr enrichment, although mainly restricted to the pyrite halo, extends into the stratigraphically lower carbonate halo by up to 100 m. A Na depletion anomaly extends from 150 m below the orebody and to at least the Owen contact (i.e. ≥400 m)in the hanging wall.The dispersion patterns observed at Western Tharsis are quite unlike those of Zn–Pb-rich volcanic-hosted massive sulfide (VHMS) deposits in western Tasmania. Rather, the dispersion patterns observed at Western Tharsis are more akin to those surrounding porphyry Cu deposits and related acid-sulfate Cu–Au deposits.  相似文献   

At Remarkable Cave, southern Tasmania, Triasssic sedimentary rocks are intruded by Jurassic dolerite to form a sheet-like body of unknown thickness to the east of and below Remarkable Cave. The sedimentary rocks near sea-level at Remarkable Cave show deformation and flow structures, and are composed of recrystallised predominantly quartz and feldspar with some darker alteration minerals and zeolite in the more massive parts of the recrystallised rock. The deformation was caused by the intrusion of dolerite. At the top of the sheet-like body to the east of Remarkable Cave there is rheomorphic veining into the dolerite following joint fractures. The dolerite is locally transgressive. In Remarkable Cave, dolerite must occur just below the floor of the cave to heat the sedimentary rocks to much higher temperatures than typical contact aureoles in the area, supporting a local feeder geometry, or compositional control.  相似文献   

A series of medium grade metamorphic rocks of the western sector of the Sierras Pampeanas Terrane in central western Argentina are represented by amphibolites, gneisses and schists derived from sedimentary as well as from igneous rocks. The metavolcanics consist of amphibolites, quartz-K-feldspar-muscovite schists, and hornblende-biotite and biotite-epidote-plagioclase schists. Based on petrographic and geochemical data they are interpreted as originating as basaltic tholeiites, rhyolites and mesosilicic volcanics. The distribution and geochemical behavior are similar to present day western Pacific lavas, mainly those developed on island arcs or heavily attenuated continental crust. Based on these characteristics, an accretionary tectonic model involving a series of island-arc collisions is proposed for the Proterozoic. The complex Proterozoic tectonic history of the western Sierras Pampeanas has been partially obliterated by the emplacement of the Early Paleozoic magmatic arc rocks.  相似文献   

Origin of granites in an Archean high-grade terrane,southern India   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Archean deep-level granites in southern India are similar geochemically to young granites from continentalmargin arc systems. They exhibit light REE enriched patterns with variable, but chiefly positive Eu anomalies. This is in striking contrast to the negative Eu anomalies typical in high-level Archean granites. In addition, the deep-level granites are relatively enriched in Ba and Sr and depleted in total REE and high field strength elements (HFSE). One pluton, the Sankari granite, has unusually low contents of REE and HFSE. Most of the deep-level granites appear to represent cumulates with variable amounts of trapped liquid and of minor phases, resulting from fractional crystallization of a granitic parent. Such parental granitic magmas can be produced by batch melting of Archean tonalite at middle to lower crustal depths. The Sankari granite requires a tonalitic source depleted in REE and HFSE. Archean tonalites and tonalitic charnockites exhibit original igneous geochemical signatures and their average composition does not show a significant Eu anomaly. Hence, they cannot represent the positive Eu-anomaly complement to the negative Eu-anomaly, high-level granites. Our results suggest that Archean deep-level granites may represent this complement. Such granite may form in waterrich zones in the middle or lower crust and be produced in response to dehydration of the lower crust by a rising CO2-rich fluid phase.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(1):235-256
Zircon from the North-East Greenland ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terrane formed over a 45 million year period from peak UHP conditions through the amphibolite facies. Our study utilizes sensitive high resolution ion microprobe-reverse geometry (SHRIMP-RG) mass spectrometry to assess the multiple ages and trace element patterns preserved in zircon from samples chosen to capture the exhumation history of these rocks. Peak UHP conditions from 365 to 350 Ma are derived from coesite-bearing samples, while a suite of progressively retrogressed quartzofeldspathic host gneisses and late-stage, leucocratic melts emplaced into the gneisses track exhumation. Melting occurred during all stages of exhumation, beginning with H2O-absent dehydration melting of phengite on the decompression path. A garnet-bearing leucosome in the neck of a kyanite-eclogite boudin that gives an age of 347 Ma is taken as the beginning of phengite melting. Leucosomes formed in HP granulite to amphibolite facies gneisses between 350 and 340 Ma, and fluid assisted melting continued until 320 Ma in the form of late, cross cutting pegmatites. Changes in the zircon trace element patterns are linked to decreasing temperature, and show that significant new zircon grew during melting on the exhumation path. Zircon cores recording protolith ages generally preserve magmatic temperatures (700 °C) and typical igneous REE patterns (Yb/Gd = 10). UHP/HP eclogite-facies zircon records higher T (900 °C) and flat HREE patterns (Yb/Gd = 1). Granulite to amphibolite facies zircon in quartzofeldspathic gneisses records both flat (Yb/Gd = 1) and steep (Yb/Gd = 100) HREE patterns at ca 700 °C suggesting the variable effects of garnet during decompression. Amphibolite facies pegmatites and leucosomes document a transition from moderate HREE (Yb/Gd = 10) at 700 °C to steep HREE (Yb/Gd = 100–1000) patterns at 600 °C. The pronounced steepening of the HREE patterns is attributed to garnet breakdown during amphibolite-facies metamorphism. The 30–50 million year spread of ages observed in individual samples records multiple periods of zircon growth and is interpreted as a characteristic signature of slowly exhumed UHP terranes. The data show that zircon ages combined with trace element and textural characterization of zircon from a broad suite of samples can successfully define the exhumation history of UHP terranes.  相似文献   

青藏高原拉萨地体南部的泥盆纪花岗岩   总被引:3,自引:9,他引:3  
董昕  张泽明  耿官升  刘峰  王伟  于飞 《岩石学报》2010,26(7):2226-2232
位于青藏高原南部的拉萨地体经历了强烈的中、新生代造山作用,以及最近确定的晚古生代至早中生代的造山作用,而本文第一次报道了拉萨地体南部所经历的中古生代岩浆热事件。所研究的花岗岩分布于拉萨地体南部的加查附近,主要由斜长石、石英、钾长石和少量黑云母组成,经历了不同程度的塑性变形,呈片麻状或眼球状构造。花岗岩中的锆石具有典型的岩浆结晶成因特征,获得了366.7±2.5Ma的谐和年龄。这一成果为拉萨地体的起源、构造归属以及早期构造演化提供了重要信息。  相似文献   

西秦岭北缘花岗质岩浆作用及构造演化   总被引:4,自引:9,他引:4  
徐学义  陈隽璐  高婷  李平  李婷 《岩石学报》2014,30(2):371-389
西秦岭北部江里沟、阿夷山、德乌鲁、温泉和中川5个花岗质岩体岩石学、地球化学和LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年代学研究结果表明,花岗岩体的岩性主体为花岗闪长岩-二长花岗岩,属高钾钙碱系列,少数为钙碱系列;形成时代为264~216Ma。江里沟、阿夷山和中川岩体属弱过铝质花岗岩(ACNK1.05),温泉岩体和德乌鲁岩体属准铝和弱过铝质花岗岩(ACNK=0.95~1.05);花岗岩具有埃达克岩(Sr400×10-6,Yb2×10-6)或喜马拉雅型花岗岩(Sr400×10-6,Yb2×10-6)的地球化学特征,或两者兼而有之。花岗岩浆起源于下地壳的部分熔融,源岩最有可能是古老的玄武质岩石。西秦岭北部存在埃达克岩和喜马拉雅型花岗岩,说明三叠纪时期存在陆陆碰撞或陆陆俯冲导致的地壳加厚,加厚的下地壳的部分熔融以及部分熔融发生深度的不同,形成本区具有埃达克或喜马拉雅型地球化学特点的花岗岩侵入体。埃达克岩和喜马拉雅型花岗岩对寻找金铜矿产具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

刘福来 《地质通报》2007,26(9):1101-1122
激光拉曼和锆石阴极发光图像研究结果表明,大别-苏鲁强退变质岩石(包括正片麻岩、副片麻岩、斜长角闪岩、含蓝晶石石英岩、大理岩、云母片岩等)的锆石中,均保存以柯石英为代表的超高压矿物包裹体,且记录了十分一致的超高压变质温压条件:T=732~866℃,p=2.8~4.0GPa,表明大别-苏鲁地体曾发生过巨量物质深俯冲-超高压变质的壮观的地质事件。  相似文献   

Rangli Rangliot is an integral part of lesser Himalaya. The area around Rangli Rangliot consists of garnetstaurolite-mica schist and it is characterized by mineral assemblage garnet-biotite-muscovite-staurolite-quartz± plagioclase. Different reaction textures are of particular interest as they reflect discontinuous or continuous reactions under changing physical conditions. The relative XMg in the minerals varies in the order: muscovite> biotite> staurolite> garnet, and the XMn decreases in the order: garnet>staurolite>biotite>muscovite. The P-T evolution of the garnet-staurolite-mica schist has been constrained through the use of internally consistent TWEEQU programme and Perple_X software in the KFMASH model system. The combination of these two approaches demonstrates that the garnet-staurolite-mica schist experienced peak pressure and temperature at 5.8 kbar and 590 °C. The proposed clockwise P-T path implies that rocks from the study area could have resulted from thickened continental crust undergoing decompression.  相似文献   

Summary Amphibolite-facies para- and orthogneisses near Dulan, in the southeast part of the North Qaidam terrane, enclose minor ultra-high pressure (UHP) eclogite and peridotite. Field relations and coesite inclusions in zircons from paragneiss suggest that felsic, mafic, and ultramafic rocks all experienced UHP metamorphism and a common amphibolite-facies retrogression. Ion microprobe U–Pb and REE analyses of zircons from two granitic orthogneisses indicate magmatic crystallization at 927 ± Ma and 921 ± 7 Ma. Zircon rims in one of these samples yield younger ages (397–618 Ma) compatible with partial zircon recrystallization during in-situ Ordovician-Silurian eclogite-facies metamorphism previously determined from eclogite and paragneiss in this area. The similarity between a 2496 ± 18 Ma xenocrystic core and 2.4–2.5 Ga zircon cores in the surrounding paragneiss suggests that the granites intruded the sediments or that the granite is a melt of the older basement which supplied detritus to the sediments. The magmatic ages of the granitic orthogneisses are similar to 920–930 Ma ages of (meta)granitoids described further northwest in the North Qaidam terrane and its correlative west of the Altyn Tagh fault, suggesting that these areas formed a coherent block prior to widespread Mid Proterozoic granitic magmatism.  相似文献   

The Late Ordovician schist of Skookum Gulch, northern California, is one of only a few pre-Mesozoic blueschist localities in North America. Among these, the Skookum Gulch occurrence is noteworthy because it contains lawsonite and has had a relatively simple metamorphic and structural history.Numerous assemblages and a wide variation in the modal proportion of minerals are present due to a spectrum of bulk compositions. This is reflected in the composition of Na-amphibole, which varies from ferro-glaucophane, glaucophane, and crossite (±magnetite) to magnesio-riebeckite (+hematite). Application of the available experiments and empirically calibrated equilibria to the assemblages glaucophane+lawsonite+chlorite+quartz+albite and glaucophane+actinolite+epidote+chlorite+quartz+albite yield estimates of temperature and pressure near T= 275° C and P=7.0 kbar. Estimates of uncertainty are difficult to assess, but are no more than ±100° C and ±3.0 kbar, and are probably considerably smaller. Calcite +quartz+sphene and calcite+quartz+actinolite indicate an extremely H2O-rich fluid (X(CO2)<0.003).The absence of a greenschist facies overprint indicates that the schist of Skookum Gulch was uplifted soon after metamorphism. However, it was not exposed until the recent geologic past, having resided at shallow crustal levels for approximately 400 Ma.  相似文献   

Summary The stratiform massive Zn-Pb sulphide Rosebery deposit of western Tasmania is hosted by metamorphosed deformed acid volcanics and sediments of the Cambrian Mt. Read Volcanics. Tourmalinite, a boron-rich siliceous sulphide facies iron formation, overlies and occurs as an exhalite facies equivalent of the massive sulphides. The orebody is partially replaced by post deformation tourmaline-bearing pyrrhotite-pyrite rocks associated with an alteration facies comprising magnetite-pyrite-tourmaline-phlogopite and the host metavolcanics are transgressed by quartz-tourmaline veins and tourmaline-filled joints. Tourmalinite and tourmaline in alteration zones are associated with other base metal deposits in the area. Tourmaline also occurs as fault-fill and in granitic rocks and associated Sn-W mineralization nearby. Tourmaline associated with the Cambrian massive sulphides is schorl > dravite in contrast to schorl in the Devonian granites.It is suggested that boron was an integral part of the ore fluids at Rosebery which precipitated tourmaline in exhalites immediately after and distal to the mineralization event. Tourmaline from the tourmalinite exhalites appears to have derived from submarine hydrothermal precipitation. Joint- and fracture-fill tourmaline could have derived from remobilization from tourmalinites during Devonian tectonism, however, it is more probable that these discordant tourmaline-bearing veins, tourmaline in the post-cleavage Rosebery Fault and tourmaline-bearing pyrrhotite-pyrite replacement of the Rosebery orebody derived from Devonian granite at a shallow depth which has been intersected in drilling. Tourmaline replacement associated with discordant structures is no different in composition from that from tourmalinites associated with the orebody and hence has undergone re-equilibration with the host rocks during multiple events of deformation and metamorphism associated with Devonian tectonism. In contrast, the composition of tourmaline from the Devonian granites is markedly different from that of the Rosebery area.
Zusammenfassung Die stratiforme, massive Zn-Pb-Sulfidlagerstätte Rosebery in West-Tasmanien sitzt in metamorphen und deformierten sauren Vulkaniten und Sedimenten der Kambrischen Mt. Read Vulkanit-Serie auf. Turmalingesteine treten im Hangenden dieser Serie auf. Sie stellen eine Bor-reiche Eisenformation in silizuiumreicher Sulfidfazies dar und sind als das exhalative Äquivalent der massiven Sulfide anzusehen. Der Erzkörper wird teilweise von postdeformativen Turmalin-fährenden Pyrrhotin-Pyrit-Gesteinen verdrängt, die mit einer Alterationsfazies, bestehend aus Magnetit-Pyrit-Turmalin-Phlogopit, assoziiert sind. Die erzfährenden Metavulkanite werden von Quarz-Turmalin-Gängen und Turmalinadern durchschlagen. Turmalingesteine wie auch Turmalin in Alterationszonen kommen auch mit anderen Buntmetall-Vererzungen des Arbeitsgebietes vor. Turmalin tritt weiters in Störungszonen, in Graniten und in an diese gebundenen Sn-W Mineralisationen auf.Der mit den kambrischen, massiven Vulkaniten assozierte Turmalin ist ein Schörl > Dravit, während in den devonischen Graniten Schörl dominiert. Es ist anzunehmen, daß Bor einen integralen Anteil der Erzlösungen in der Rosebery-Lagerstätte darstellt. Aus diesen ist Turmalin exhalativ, kurz nach der Sulfidmineralisation distal gebildet worden. Es zeigt sich, daß der Turmalin aus submarin hydrothermalen Absätzen herzuleiten ist. Gangturmaline könnten durch Remobilisation der Turmalingesteine während devonischer Deformation entstanden sein. Es scheint jedoch wahrscheinlicher, daß diese diskordanten Gänge, wie auch der Turmalin in der Rosebery-Störung und die Turmalin-führenden Pyrrhotin-Pyrit-Verdrängungen aus dem devonischen Granit stammen. Verdrängter Turmalin, assoziiert mit diskordanten Strukturen, zeigt in seiner Zusammensetzung keinerlei Unterschiede zum Turmalin in Turmalingesteinen aus dem Erzkörper. Im Zuge mehrphasiger, devonischer Deformation und Metamorphose ist es somit zu Reäquilibrierung des Turmalins mit dem Trägergestein gekommen. Die Zusammensetzung des Turmalins in den devonischen Graniten unterscheidet sich deutlich von der des Rosebery-Gebietes.

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