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We use a three-dimensional mixed-wet random network model representing Berea sandstone to extend our previous work on relative permeability hysteresis during water-alternating-gas (WAG) injection cycles [Suicmez, VS, Piri, M, Blunt, MJ, 2007, Pore-scale simulation of water alternate gas injection, Transport Porous Med 66(3), 259–86]. We compute the trapped hydrocarbon saturation for tertiary water-flooding, which is water injection into different initial gas saturations, Sgi, established by secondary gas injection after primary drainage. Tertiary water-flooding is continued until all the gas and oil is trapped. We study four different wettability conditions: water-wet, weakly water-wet, weakly oil-wet and oil-wet. We demonstrate that the amounts of oil and gas that are trapped show surprising trends with wettability that cannot be captured using previously developed empirical trapping models. We show that the amount of oil that is trapped by water in the presence of gas increases as the medium becomes more oil-wet, which is opposite from that seen for two-phase flow. It is only through a careful analysis of displacement statistics and fluid configurations that these results can be explained. This illustrates the need to have detailed models of the displacement processes that represent the three-phase displacement physics as carefully as possible. Further work is needed to explore the full range of behavior as a function of wettability and displacement path.  相似文献   

In this study we performed three categories of steady- and unsteady-state core-flooding experiments to investigate capillary trapping, relative permeability, and capillary pressure, in a scCO2 + SO2/brine/limestone system at elevated temperature and pressure conditions, i.e., 60 °C and 19.16 MPa. We used a Madison limestone core sample acquired from the Rock Springs Uplift in southwest Wyoming. We carried out two sets of steady-state drainage-imbibition relative permeability experiments with different initial brine saturations to study hysteresis. We found that the final scCO2 + SO2 drainage relative permeability was very low, i.e., 0.04. We also observed a rapid reduction in the scCO2-rich phase imbibition relative permeability curve, which resulted in a high residual trapping. The results showed that between 62.8% and more than 76% of the initial scCO2 + SO2 at the end of drainage was trapped by capillary trapping mechanism (trapping efficiency). We found that at higher initial brine saturations, the trapping efficiency was higher. The maximum initial and residual scCO2-rich phase saturations at the end of primary drainage and imbibition were 0.525 and 0.329, respectively. Each drainage-imbibition cycle was followed by a dissolution process to re-establish Sw = 1. The dissolution brine relative permeabilities for both cycles were also obtained. We characterized the scCO2 + SO2/brine capillary pressure hysteresis behavior through unsteady-state primary drainage, imbibition, and secondary drainage experiments. We observed negative imbibition capillary pressure curve indicative of possible wettability alteration throughout the experiments due to contact with scCO2 + SO2/brine fluid system. The trapping results were compared to those reported in literature for other carbonate core samples. We noticed slightly more residual trapping in our sample, which might be attributed to heterogeneity, different viscosity ratio, and pore-space topologies. The impact of dynamic effects, i.e., high brine flow rate imbibition tests, on trapping of the scCO2-rich phase was also explored. We performed two imbibition experiments with relatively high brine flow rates. The residual scCO2 saturation dropped to 0.291 and 0.262 at the end of the first and second imbibition tests, i.e., 11.5% and 20.4%, respectively, compared to 0.329 under capillary-dominated regime.  相似文献   

Capillary pressure (Pc)–saturation (S)–relative permeability (kr) relationships must be quantified to accurately predict non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) distribution in the subsurface. Several experimental techniques are presented here for two-fluid PcSkr relationships for various saturation paths to better define the effect of fractional wettability on these relationships. During the primary drainage path of the PcS curves, the air–water system showed no distinct trend as a function of the fraction of sand treated by organosilane (S) to render it non-water wetting. In a NAPL–water system, however, a consistent decrease of capillary pressure with increase of the fraction of non-water wetting sands was observed. The much lower contact angle for air–water (a–w) system may result in the observed insensitivity of the a–w PcS curves to fractional wettability, at least for the PD pathway. For the main imbibition path of NAPL–water system, capillary pressure decreased as the fraction of the S component increased, requiring forced imbibition (negative capillary pressures) for a certain range of saturations. Systems with an increasing percentage of the S component also exhibited a higher water kr and lower NAPL or air kr at a given saturation for the primary drainage and main imbibition paths in both air–water and NAPL–water systems. The increase of water kr with increase of the fraction of the S component can be explained by the ability of water to occupy larger and highly conductive pores in such a system. Experimental krS data for the primary drainage path of NAPL–water system presented here were used to test the Bradford et al. [Bradford SA, Abriola LM, Leij FJ. Wettability effects on two- and three-fluid relative permeabilities. J Contam Hydrol 1997;28:171–91] model and the modified Mualem model for estimating the krS curves from measured PcS data as a function of fractional wettability. Both models predicted significantly less variation in the krS curves than measured indicating that they did not adequately represent the system under investigation.  相似文献   

Vertically integrated models are frequently applied to study subsurface flow related to CO2 storage scenarios in saline aquifers. In this paper, we study the impact of capillary-pressure hysteresis and CO2 trapping on the integrated constitutive parameter functions. Our results show that for the initial drainage and a subsequent imbibition, trapping is the dominant contributor to hysteresis in integrated models. We also find that for advective processes like injection and plume migration in a sloped aquifer the correct treatment of the hysteretic nature of the capillary fringe is likely of secondary importance. However, for diffusive/dispersive processes such as a redistribution of the CO2 plume due to buoyancy and capillary forces, the hysteretic nature of the capillary fringe may significantly impact the final distribution of the fluids and the timescale of the redistribution.  相似文献   

Over decades and centuries, the mean depth of estuaries changes due to sea-level rise, land subsidence, infilling, and dredging projects. These processes produce changes in relative roughness (friction) and mixing, resulting in fundamental changes in the characteristics of the horizontal (velocity) and vertical tides (sea surface elevation) and the dynamics of sediment trapping. To investigate such changes, a 2DV model is developed. The model equations consist of the width-averaged shallow water equations and a sediment balance equation. Together with the condition of morphodynamic equilibrium, these equations are solved analytically by making a regular expansion of the various physical variables in a small parameter. Using these analytic solutions, we are able to gain insight into the fundamental physical processes resulting in sediment trapping in an estuary by studying various forcings separately. As a case study, we consider the Ems estuary. Between 1980 and 2005, successive deepening of the Ems estuary has significantly altered the tidal and sediment dynamics. The tidal range and the surface sediment concentration has increased and the position of the turbidity zone has shifted into the freshwater zone. The model is used to determine the causes of these historical changes. It is found that the increase of the tidal amplitude toward the end of the embayment is the combined effect of the deepening of the estuary and a 37% and 50% reduction in the vertical eddy viscosity and stress parameter, respectively. The physical mechanism resulting in the trapping of sediment, the number of trapping regions, and their sensitivity to grain size are explained by careful analysis of the various contributions of the residual sediment transport. It is found that sediment is trapped in the estuary by a delicate balance between the M 2 transport and the residual transport for fine sediment ( $\emph{w}_s=0.2$  mm s???1) and the residual, M 2 and M 4 transports for coarser sediment ( $\emph{w}_s=2$  mm s???1). The upstream movement of the estuarine turbidity maximum into the freshwater zone in 2005 is mainly the result of changes in tidal asymmetry. Moreover, the difference between the sediment distribution for different grain sizes in the same year can be attributed to changes in the temporal settling lag.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments and numerical simulations in homogeneous porous media were used to investigate the influence of porous medium wettability on the formation and growth of preferential dissolution pathways, dissolution fingers, during nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) dissolution. As the porous medium became increasingly NAPL-wet, dissolution fingers grew wider and slower. This result was observed in physical experiments with 0% and 100% NAPL-wet conditions and confirmed with numerical simulations at these and intermediate wettabilities. A previously derived expression for an upscaled mass transfer rate coefficient that accounts for the growth of dissolution fingers was used to quantify the effect of fingering on overall NAPL removal rates. For the test cases evaluated, NAPL dissolution fingering controlled the overall rate of NAPL dissolution after the dissolution front moved 4 cm in 0% NAPL-wet conditions and 18 cm in 100% NAPL-wet conditions. Thus, even in completely NAPL-wet media dissolution fingering may control the overall rate of NAPL dissolution after relatively short travel distances. The importance of NAPL dissolution fingering in heterogeneous systems with spatially varying NAPL saturations, though, remains an important question for future work.  相似文献   

Controls on sonic velocity in carbonates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Compressional and shear-wave velocities (V p andV s) of 210 minicores of carbonates from different areas and ages were measured under variable confining and pore-fluid pressures. The lithologies of the samples range from unconsolidated carbonate mud to completely lithified limestones. The velocity measurements enable us to relate velocity variations in carbonates to factors such as mineralogy, porosity, pore types and density and to quantify the velocity effects of compaction and other diagenetic alterations.Pure carbonate rocks show, unlike siliciclastic or shaly sediments, little direct correlation between acoustic properties (V p andV s) with age or burial depth of the sediments so that velocity inversions with increasing depth are common. Rather, sonic velocity in carbonates is controlled by the combined effect of depositional lithology and several post-depositional processes, such as cementation or dissolution, which results in fabrics specific to carbonates. These diagenetic fabrics can be directly correlated to the sonic velocity of the rocks.At 8 MPa effective pressureV p ranges from 1700 to 6500 m/s, andV s ranges from 800 to 3400 m/s. This range is mainly caused by variations in the amount and type of porosity and not by variations in mineralogy. In general, the measured velocities show a positive correlation with density and an inverse correlation with porosity, but departures from the general trends of correlation can be as high as 2500 m/s. These deviations can be explained by the occurrence of different pore types that form during specific diagenetic phases. Our data set further suggests that commonly used correlations like Gardner's Law (V p-density) or the time-average-equation (V p-porosity) should be significantly modified towards higher velocities before being applied to carbonates.The velocity measurements of unconsolidated carbonate mud at different stages of experimental compaction show that the velocity increase due to compaction is lower than the observed velocity increase at decreasing porosities in natural rocks. This discrepancy shows that diagenetic changes that accompany compaction influence velocity more than solely compaction at increasing overburden pressure.The susceptibility of carbonates to diagenetic changes, that occur far more quickly than compaction, causes a special velocity distribution in carbonates and complicates velocity estimations. By assigning characteristic velocity patterns to the observed diagenetic processes, we are able to link sonic velocity to the diagenetic stage of the rock.  相似文献   

Growing evidence suggests microbial respiration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) may be a principal driver of subsurface dissolution and cave formation in eogenetic carbonate rock. Analyses of samples of vadose zone gasses, and geochemical and hydrological data collected from shallow, uncased wells on San Salvador Island, Bahamas, suggest tidally varying water tables may help fuel microbial respiration and dissolution through oxygenation. Respiration of soil organic carbon transported to water tables generates dysaerobic to anaerobic groundwater, limiting aerobic microbial processes. Positive correlations of carbon dioxide (CO2), radon-222 (222Rn) and water table elevation indicate, however, that tidal pumping of water tables pulls atmospheric air that is rich in oxygen, and low in CO2 and 222Rn, into contact with the tidal capillary fringe during falling tides. Ratios of CO2 and O2 in vadose gas relative to the atmosphere indicate this atmospheric oxygen fuels respiration within newly-exposed, wetted bedrock. Deficits of expected CO2 relative to O2 concentrations indicate some respired CO2 is likely removed by carbonate mineral dissolution. Tidal pumping also appears capable of transferring oxygen to the freshwater lens, where it could also contribute to respiration and dissolution; dissolved oxygen concentrations at the water table are at least 5% saturated and decline to anaerobic conditions 1–2 m below. Our results demonstrate how tidal pumping of air to vadose zones can drive mineral dissolution reactions that are focused near water tables and may contribute to the formation of laterally continuous vuggy horizons and potentially caves. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Geological heterogeneities affect the dynamics of carbon dioxide (CO2) plumes in subsurface environments in important ways. Previously, we showed how the dynamics of CO2 plumes are influenced by the multiscaled sedimentary architecture in deep brine fluvial-type reservoirs. The results confirm that representing small-scale features and the corresponding heterogeneity in saturation functions, along with hysteresis in saturation functions, are all critical to understanding capillary trapping processes. Here, we show that when heterogeneity and hysteresis are represented, the two conventional approaches for defining saturation functions, Brooks-Corey and van Genuchten, represent fundamentally different physical systems. The Brooks-Corey approach represents heterogeneity in entry pressures, and leads to trapping by capillary pinning. The van Genuchten approach represents a network of pores transporting the nonwetting fluid, across rock types, with negligible capillary entry pressure, and leads to capillary retardation. These differences significantly affect the large-scale characteristics of CO2 plumes (i.e., their mass, shape, and position).  相似文献   

We present the results of a pore-scale experimental study of residual trapping in consolidated sandstone and carbonate rock samples under confining stress. We investigate how the changes in wetting phase flow rate impacts pore-scale distribution of fluids during imbibition in natural, water-wet porous media. We systematically study pore-scale trapping of the nonwetting phase as well as size and distribution of its disconnected globules. Seven sets of drainage-imbibition experiments were performed with brine and oil as the wetting and nonwetting phases, respectively. We utilized a two-phase miniature core-flooding apparatus integrated with an X-ray microtomography system to examine pore-scale fluid distributions in small Bentheimer sandstone (D = 4.9 mm and L = 13 mm) and Gambier limestone (D = 4.4 mm and L = 75 mm) core samples. The results show that with increase in capillary number, the residual oil saturation at the end of the imbibition reduces from 0.46 to 0.20 in Bemtheimer sandstone and from 0.46 to 0.28 in Gambier limestone. We use pore-scale displacement mechanisms, in-situ wettability characteristics, and pore size distribution information to explain the observed capillary desaturation trends. The reduction was believed to be caused by alteration of the order in which pore-scale displacements took place during imbibition. Furthermore, increase in capillary number produced significantly different pore-scale fluid distributions during imbibition. We explored the pore fluid occupancies and studied size and distribution of the trapped oil clusters during different imbibition experiments. The results clearly show that as the capillary number increases, imbibition produces smaller trapped oil globules. In other words, the volume of individual trapped oil globules decreased at higher brine flow rates. Finally, we observed that the pore space in the limestone sample was considerably altered through matrix dissolution at extremely high brine flow rates. This increased the sample porosity from 44% to 62% and permeability from 7.3 D to 80 D. Imbibition in the altered pore space produced lower residual oil saturation (from 0.28 to 0.22) and significantly different distribution of trapped oil globules.  相似文献   

The sediment load of the Yangtze River (China) is decreasing because of construction of dams, of which the Three Gorges Dam (TGD) is the best known example. The rate of the decline in sediment load is well known, but changes in the sediment grain size distribution have not been given much attention. The TGD mostly traps sand and silt while clay is flushed through the reservoir. A large amount of sand is available in the Yangtze River downstream of the reservoir, and therefore the pre-dam sand concentration is not substantially reduced. The availability of silt on the Yangtze River bed is limited, and it is expected that most silt will be removed from the riverbed within one to two decades. In order to evaluate the impact of the change in grain size distribution on the tidal flats of the Yangtze Estuary, a highly schematized tidal flat model is setup. This model broadly reveals that the observed deposition rates are exceptionally large because of the high sediment concentration, the abundance of silt, the seasonal dominance of waves (shaping a concave profile), and the offshore tidal asymmetry. The model further suggests that deposition rates will be limitedly influenced by reductions in clay or fine silt but strongly impacted by reductions in median to coarse silt. The response of the downstream morphology to reservoir sedimentation therefore strongly depends on the type of trapped sediment. As a consequence, silt-dominated rivers, such as the Yangtze River and the Yellow River may be more strongly impacted than sand-dominated systems.  相似文献   

Particles leaving the neutral sheet in the distant magnetotail at times display adiabatic trajectory sequences characterized by an inflection toward the equator and subsequent mirroring in its vicinity. We demonstrate that this low-latitude mirroring results primarily from a centrifugal deceleration due to the fast direction-changing E×B drift. This effect which we refer to as “centrifugal trapping” appears both in guiding centre and full particle treatments. It thus does not directly relate to nonadiabatic motion. However, pitch angle scattering due to nonadiabatic neutral sheet interaction does play a role in reducing the parallel speed of the particles. We show that centrifugal trapping is an important mechanism for the confinement of the slowest (typically below the equatorial E×B drift speed) plasma sheet populations to the midplane vicinity.  相似文献   

南方海相地震资料脊波非线性阈值去噪方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小波分析方法在数据处理中已得到成功广泛的应用,这主要得益于它的局部时频分析能力,但是小波分析对方向的表征能力有限。脊波变换具备优越的方向选择性能,能更好地处理含有线状变化特征的信号。本文针对低信噪比地震记录,尝试研究利用脊波变换方法对其进行处理,提高剖面资料信噪比,突出同相轴信息。在对南方某油田的实际地震资料的处理中,可以发现处理后的地震剖面同相轴品质及连续性有了明显改善,信噪比增强,分辨率相应提高,体现出了该方法相对常规小波分析方法的优越性。  相似文献   

Causes and effects of non-uniqueness in capillary pressure and saturation (PcS) relationship in porous media are of considerable concern to researchers of two-phase flow. In particular, a significant amounts of discussion have been generated regarding a parameter termed as dynamic coefficient (τ) which has been proposed for inclusion in the functional dependence of PcS relationship to quantify dynamic Pc and its relation with time derivative of saturation. While the dependence of the coefficient on fluid and porous media properties is less controversial, its relation to domain scale appears to be dependent on artefacts of experiments, mathematical models and the intra-domain averaging techniques. In an attempt to establish the reality of the scale dependency of the τS relationships, we carry out a series of well-defined laboratory experiments to determine τS relationships using three different sizes of cylindrical porous domains of silica sand. In this paper, we present our findings on the scale dependence of τ and its relation to high viscosity ratio (μr) silicone oil–water system, where μr is defined as the viscosity of non-wetting phase over that of the wetting phase. An order of magnitude increase in the value of τ was observed across various μr and domain scales. Also, an order of magnitude increase in τ is observed when τ at the top and the bottom sections in a domain are compared. Viscosity ratio and domain scales are found to have similar effects on the trend in τS relationship. We carry out a dimensional analysis of τ which shows how different variables, e.g., dimensionless τ and dimensionless domain volume (scale), may be correlated and provides a means to determine the influences of relevant variables on τ. A scaling relationship for τ was derived from the dimensionless analysis which was then validated against independent literature data. This showed that the τ–S relationships obtained from the literature and the scaling relationship match reasonably well.  相似文献   

Vegetated filter strips (VFSs) are a best management practice (BMP) commonly implemented adjacent to row-cropped fields to trap overland transport of sediment and other constituents present in agricultural runoff. Although they have been widely adopted, insufficient data exist to understand their short and long-term effectiveness. High inter-event variability in performance has been observed, yet the majority of studies report average removal efficiencies over observed or simulated events, ignoring the disproportional effects of loads into and out of VFSs over longer periods of time. We argue that due to positively correlated sediment concentration-discharge relationships, disproportional contribution of runoff events transporting sediment over the course of a year (i.e., temporal inequality), decreased performance with increasing flow rates, and effects of antecedent moisture condition, VFS removal efficiencies over annual time scales may be significantly lower than reported per-event averages. By applying a stochastic approach, we investigated the extent of disparity between reporting average efficiencies from each runoff event over the course of 1 year versus the total annual load reduction. Additionally, we examined the effects of soil texture, concentration-discharge relationship, and VFS slope in contributing to this disparity, with the goal of revealing potential errors that may be incurred by ignoring the effects of temporal inequality in quantifying VFS performance. Simulation results suggest that ignoring temporal inequality can lead to overestimation of annual performance by as little as < 2% and to as much as > 20%, with the greatest disparities observed for soils with high clay content.  相似文献   

The carbon isotopic composition of diagenetic dolomite and calcite in some sediments of the Gulf of Mexico varies between “normal-marine” (δ13C ca. 0‰) and −14.6‰ which suggests that biogenic CO2 contributed to the carbonate formation. The δ13O values of dolomite and coexisting calcite are very similar but variable down-core.Dolomite and calcite precipitated early from pore water where SO42− was not reduced. However, during (and after?) SO42− reduction dolomite and calcite still formed and there are at least two generations of carbonate minerals present.  相似文献   

Understanding the transport of chemical components in porous media is fundamentally important to many reservoir processes such as contaminant transport and reactive flows involved in CO2 sequestration. Carbonate rocks in particular present difficulties for pore-scale simulations because they contain large amounts of sub-micron porosity. In this work, we introduce a new hybrid simulation model to calculate hydrodynamic dispersion in pore-scale images of real porous media and use this to elucidate the origins and behaviour of stagnant zones arising in transport simulations using micro-CT images of carbonates. For this purpose a stochastic particle model for simulating the transport of a solute is coupled to a Lattice-Boltzmann algorithm to calculate the flow field. The particle method incorporates second order spatial and temporal resolution to resolve finer features of the domain. We demonstrate how dispersion coefficients can be accurately obtained in capillaries, where corresponding analytical solutions are available, even when these are resolved to just a few lattice units. Then we compute molecular displacement distributions for pore-spaces of varying complexity: a pack of beads; a Bentheimer sandstone; and a Portland carbonate. Our calculated propagator distributions are compared directly with recent experimental PFG-NMR propagator distributions (Scheven et al., 2005; Mitchell et al., 2008), the latter excluding spin relaxation mechanisms. We observe that the calculated transport propagators can be quantitatively compared with the experimental distribution, provided that spin relaxations in the experiment are excluded, and good agreement is found for both the sandstone and the carbonate. However, due to the absence of explicit micro-porosity from the carbonate pore space image used for flow field simulations we note that there are fundamental differences in the physical origins of the stagnant zones for micro-porous rocks between simulation and experiment. We show that for a given micro-CT image of a carbonate, small variations in the parameters chosen for the segmentation process lead to different amounts of stagnancy which diffuse away at different rates. Finally, we use a filtering method to show that this is due to the presence of spurious isolated pores which arise from the segmentation process and suggest an approach to overcome this limitation.  相似文献   

The slope effects on sediment trapping process in vegetative filter strips (VFS) are usually neglected in current modelling practices for VFS operation, which hamper the VFS design and performance evaluation, especially on steep slopes. To fill the knowledge gap, 12 laboratory experiments of sediment trapping in VFS were conducted with three different inflow discharge (80, 100, and 120 ml s−1) and four slope angles (5,10, 15, and 20°). The experimental results show that, on steep slopes (10, 15, and 20°), a part of trapped sediment particles in VFS can be eroded again and then dragged to the downstream as bed load, whilst they do not move on gentle slope (5°). To describe the complex processes, a simple and effective modelling framework was developed for sloped VFS by coupling the slope infiltration, runoff, and modified sediment transport model. The model was tested against the experimental results and good agreements between the modelled and observed results were found in both runoff and sediment transport processes for all cases. On steep slopes, the sediment trapping performance of VFS decreases significantly because the erosion of deposited sediment particles can account for more than 60% of the sediment load in the outflow. The slope effect on sediment trapping efficiency of VFS varies greatly with soil, VFS, and slope properties. The model was compared with previous sediment transport equation and found that both methods can satisfactorily predict the sediment trapping of VFS on gentle slopes, but previous sediment transport equation is likely to overestimate the sediment trapping efficiency in VFS on steep slopes. This model is expected to provide a more realistic and accurate method for predicting runoff and sediment reduction in VFS on sloping surfaces.  相似文献   




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