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数字海岸与海岸带综合管理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在简要阐述海岸带综合管理和数字海岸的概念及其相互关系的基础上,比较深入地分析了数字海岸带与海岸带综合管理的三个基本途径,并指出了数字海岸在海岸带综合管理中的重要地位和作用。  相似文献   

ITQs offer environmental and economic benefits, including better conservation of a fish stock and greater profitability for fishers. With some limitations, they achieve fairly good alignment between the profit incentive and stewardship objectives. Nevertheless, critics have objected to ITQ schemes because of such factors as the “armchair fishing” phenomenon, unfairness to the public (the owner of the fish), economic and social damage to remote communities, and increased concentration within the fishery. Economists generally dismiss these as distributional issues rather than matters of efficiency or economics, but economic principles are clearly not the only factors that may require attention or action from a government or regulator. This paper proposes an intervention that addresses these concerns within the context of an ITQ scheme. The intervention does not reduce the permanence or values of ITQs, and therefore retains the benefits that ITQs are designed to deliver. Nevertheless, the intervention addresses the criticisms identified above. Modifications of the intervention may enable additional goals and benefits to be achieved as well.  相似文献   

There is currently a rare opportunity to inform emerging efforts to implement coastal and marine spatial planning (CMSP) in the United States, Europe and elsewhere around the world. In particular, the newly formed US National Ocean Council is developing a strategic action plan for CMSP over the next 18-24 months. In order to identify priority needs for significantly advancing CMSP, a group of experts in the science, policy and practice of CMSP developed recommendations for (1) process development, (2) communication and engagement efforts, (3) tradeoff and valuation analyses, and (4) decision support. Some of these priorities are supported by existing activities in the United States and elsewhere. Others have yet to be addressed and merit immediate attention.  相似文献   

A better understanding of biological systems can only be gained if we understand what processes are important and how they operate to determine the distribution of organisms. Coastal orientation and depth can influence environmental conditions, including the degree of water motion and availability of light, which in turn may influence the horizontal and vertical patterns of organism distribution. Here, we used a mixed‐model design to examine the effects of coastal orientation and depth on the structure of benthic assemblages by comparing the abundance and distribution of macroalgae and invertebrates in shallow and deep waters on the opposing coasts of São Miguel. Generally, coastal orientation had little influence on the distribution of most taxa. In contrast, significant differences were generally associated with depth, although patterns were spatially variable at the scale of locations. This study suggests that depth, and processes operating at the scale of location, but not at the scale of the coast, have an important influence on these assemblages, and that failure to recognise such a scale of variability may hamper our ability to better understand the processes that structure these communities.  相似文献   

New Zealand's brief history of human habitation has led to widespread and often irreversible change in the biophysical environment. Most of the wetlands were drained and de-forestation led to major gully and channel erosions and high amounts of sediment yield in the estuarine and marine environments. The scale of land-based effects on marine species is indeterminable. The legislation for managing the land–sea interface is widely acknowledged as having fallen short of its full potential. After the 2008 general election the new government commenced review of this legislation while consideration was given to ‘unlocking New Zealand's energy potential’ as a key component to an export-led economic recovery. The government is promoting oil, gas and mineral exploration on land and at sea. The government is also enacting boundaries that extend continental shelf jurisdiction. These developments may lead to further progress on an integrated system that covers all aspects of marine management that began in 2000. In any case, New Zealanders face important decisions regarding the tradeoffs between further resource utilisation and environmental protection. This article contributes to the discussion on integrated management to maintain a balance between utilisation and protection and does not reflect the view of the Ministry of Fisheries.  相似文献   

Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) development is described here in the broader context of European coastal management initiatives. The European approach to coastal governance revolves around the principles of ICZM, as enshrined in EC Recommendation 2002/413/EC. This study investigates the extent to which the FP6 funded project SPICOSA (Science Policy Integration for Coastal Systems Assessment) was able to implement these principles. The SPICOSA project aimed to test whether it was possible to develop and implement a systems approach framework via delivery of a structured engagement process between scientists and policymakers. A survey of representatives from 14 European study sites involved in the project revealed that the approach had been effective at implementing some ICZM principles, particularly the “holistic approach”. However, not all principles were fully implemented at all sites and the most challenging to implement was that of “a long term approach”. The paper concludes with a critical consideration of the role of a systems approach framework in progressing the current state of intellectual assent towards practical implementation of ICZM principles. The findings provide evidence of contributions and limitations of systems approaches to sustainability science and good governance.  相似文献   

Management of the coastal zone often focuses on “islands” of high value ecosystems, in terms of economic value or conservation. However, integrated management requires landscape-level analysis of all ecosystem values. The biodiversity portfolio analysis (BPA) method is derived from the logic used in share (equity) portfolio management in terms of balancing within a portfolio the returns with the risks. Optimising the returns from a share portfolio, or a suite of ecosystems in a landscape, is dependent on the relationship between the units in terms of risk and return. Three case studies are then presented to test the applicability of the BPA method at the international (North West Europe), regional (Durham Heritage Coast, UK) and local (part of South Uist, Outer Hebrides, UK) spatial scale. The Biodiversity Portfolio Analysis for NW Europe showed that risk and return were highly correlated in the studied Member States. The ranking of risk and return, with the highest first, was Ireland > UK > France=Netherlands > Belgium. For these Member States the risks to ecosystem service provision were positively correlated with GNI (r=0.97, P<0.01); suggesting that the higher the economic importance of coastal and marine resources in a Member State the more at risk the resources are. The regional and local case studies were more focussed on providing information on which to base Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) decision making; both case studies used stakeholder participation to determine risks and returns. The conclusions from these two case studies show how the BPA method can be useful in terms of setting ICZM priorities and in addressing local coastal issues. The BPA involves making a number of assumptions, however, it does provide coastal managers with a potential tool to strategically plan due to increased awareness of the interaction between the ecosystems in the portfolio.There is a need for such techniques, which involve stakeholder participation and which create objective outcomes, to support the implementation of ICZM.  相似文献   

This article reviews the development of two courses focussed on meeting Integrated Coastal Management capacity building needs: an undergraduate degree course, and a web-based distance learning course. Influential factors in the development of each course are identified and compared. Important considerations are found to be methods of quality assurance, course content, the temporal and spatial context of teaching and learning, level of learner empowerment, and the role of the teacher. It is concluded that in order to understand the role of such courses in capacity building, coastal educators need to share experiences and encourage reflection on the effectiveness of capacity building efforts.  相似文献   

文章在国家大力开展海域海岸带整治修复的背景下,利用Visual Studio 2013开发平台和SQL Server 2014数据库软件,采用ASP.NET MVC架构设计海域海岸带整治修复项目信息管理系统,实现整治修复项目信息的快速录入,并可进行查询、展示和互动等操作。相比传统信息管理系统,本系统大大提高了可维护性、可扩展性、灵活性和封装性,可促进我国海域海岸带整治修复项目信息管理实现现代化。  相似文献   

A White Paper on a new integrated management plan for the Norwegian Sea was launched by the Norwegian government in May 2009. Following international guidelines for ecosystem-based management, the plan provides an overall framework for managing all human activities (mainly oil and gas industry, fishing, and shipping) in the area to ensure the continued production and function of the ecosystem. The plan is based on an assessment of the present and projected future impact of human activities and of the interactions between them, taking into account deficits in current knowledge of ecosystem state and dynamics. Areas of particular value in terms of biodiversity or biological production were identified. In each of these valuable areas, any access for substantial human activity is to be carefully managed. To monitor the overall development of the Norwegian Sea, a set of indicators with associated environmental quality objectives have been selected. The approach used builds upon experience gained from the first integrated Norwegian management plan for a marine area, the Barents Sea–Lofoten region, developed in 2002–2006. Work towards a Norwegian management plan for the North Sea, including Skagerrak, was initiated in 2009.  相似文献   

周鲁闽  卢昌义 《台湾海峡》2006,25(2):302-308
海岸带综合管理被广泛认为是实现海岸带社会经济与生态环境可持续发展的重要途径之一.本文运用海岸带综合管理(ICM)的相关理论,结合厦门海岸带管理面临的实际问题, 在对厦门第一轮ICM执行情况进行充分回顾、评估的基础上,对厦门第二轮ICM面临的主要问题、涉及的优先领域及主要目标进行了分析研究;并在此基础上形成了厦门第二轮海岸带综合管理的战略行动计划.  相似文献   

文章运用Malmquist-DEA指数方法考察中国沿海省、市、自治区2006—2015年海洋科技创新全要素生产率(TFP)变化情况,并将其分解为TEC、TC、PC及SE等4个指标用以分析海洋科技创新TFP增长的内在原因,并对沿海各地区海洋科技创新TFP增长的差异进行收敛检验。研究发现:(1)海洋科技创新TFP呈现总体增长趋势,但总体规模处于规模报酬递减阶段。(2)在观察期内,沿海地区TEC、PC和SE这3个指数指标走势基本相同,较为稳定,都在1.000这条水平线附近做微小波动,对海洋科技创新TFP的增长影响较小。海洋科技创新TC是海洋科技创新TFP增长的决定性因素。(3)海洋科技创新TFP增长存在α收敛和绝对β收敛,沿海地区海洋科技创新TFP之间存在"追赶效应"。  相似文献   

The concept of base-multiplier analysis is that export activities constitute the economic base of a region, whereas the other economic activities that sell their goods and services to the local residents grow or shrink depending on the performance of the base activities. These concepts, with origins extending at least as far back as the early 1900s, have reached maturity and are widely applied. The attractiveness of an economic base model (EBM) draws in its simplicity in expressing the power of demand in regional income determination. Extensive literature has grown up around the economic base theory, however, systematic publications concerning empirical application are scarce and focus mostly on the socio-economic dimension of the analyzed system. Such territorially oriented economic models are useful in a variety of decision making procedures; preparation of annual budgets, short-run market demand forecasting, longer-term growth strategies. The purpose of this article is to present a practical application of EBM to the geographical area of the Guadiana Estuary, on the south coast of Portugal. The interest of the EBM application in this case study includes its integration in a broader project that applies a Systems Approach Framework (SAF) towards Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM). There are three pillars of sustainability considered here: social, ecological and economic, hence, the article not only describes EBM application but also how it has been use to demonstrate a chain of events resulting from the interaction between the ecological and the socio-economic sub systems of the area. The results obtained will probably raise the usual criticism to which the economic base model has been exposed previously; however it provides unequivocal evidence that a truly interdisciplinary approach to a given territorial target can be successfully shared with end users and the research community.  相似文献   

In this study the use of ocean color data as a diagnostic tool in integrated coastal zone management was investigated as part of the Science Policy Integration for Coastal Systems Assessment (SPICOSA) project. Parallel to this, an operational coastal monitoring system has been set up in close collaboration with end-users. The core work of the bio-optical part in the project was to develop Secchi depth and attenuation of light as indicators for coastal zone management, by linking remote sensing with the socio-economic and ecological model developed in SPICOSA. The article emphasizes the benefits of stakeholder involvement and end-user feedback for efficient and improved system development. Furthermore, conceptual models were developed on how to integrate remote sensing data into coastal zone management and into a physical-biological model of the Baltic Sea. One of the work packages in the SPICOSA project was academic training. In this work package, on-line teaching material in the field of remote sensing and bio-optics was developed and disseminated on the SETnet web page. The article presented here may act as supportive material for training in bio-optics and remote sensing.  相似文献   

王日明  黄鹄 《海洋科学》2020,44(12):84-92
热带小河口洲滩景观格局对外部环境作用的影响极为敏感,是潮滩水沙、地貌及植被耦合作用的结果.本文将遥感技术和景观生态学方法相结合,探讨了北部湾南流江口洲滩的景观特征及时空变化过程.主要结果表明:2005-2019年南流江河口洲滩景观要素自陆向海呈现红树林(桐花树、秋茄)、茳芏及光滩格局,在此期间内的洲滩景观多样性指数低、...  相似文献   

Evidence-based decision making is an essential process for sustainable, effective, and efficient marine spatial planning (MSP). In that sense, decision support tools (DSTs) could be considered to be the primary assistant of planners. Although there are many DSTs listed in tool databases, most of them are conceptual and not used in real MSP implementation. The main objective of this review is to: (i) characterize and analyse the present use of the DSTs in existing MSP implementation processes around the world, (ii) identify weaknesses and gaps of existing tools, and (iii) propose new functionalities both to improve their feasibility and to promote their application. In total, 34 DSTs have been identified in 28 different MSP initiatives with different levels of complexity, applicability and usage purposes. Main characteristics of the tools were transferred into a DST matrix. It was observed that limited functionality, tool stability, consideration of economic and social decision problems, ease of use, and tool costs could be considered as the main gaps of existing DSTs. Future developments are needed and should be in the direction of the specific need of marine planners and stakeholders. Results revealed that DST developments should consider both spatial and temporal dynamics of the ocean, and new tools should provide multi-functionality and integrity; meanwhile they should be easy to use and freely available. Hence, this research summarised current use, gaps, and expected development trends of DSTs and it concludes that there is still a big potential of DST developments to assist operational MSP processes.  相似文献   

文章分析当前海域管理面临的形势,并剖析当前存在的管理问题,提出管理的总体目标和改革意见措施,同时对当前海域使用管理法修订、新一轮国土空间规划制定、围填海管控、海岸线保护与利用管理、养殖用海管理等主要工作提出管理建议。建议包括:构建基于生态系统的海域综合管理机制,深入落实生态文明建设总要求;开展海域资源本底调查,为深化综合管理奠定基础;整合涉海规划,发挥陆海统筹作用;发挥指标调控作用,实施市场化配置;调控产业用海,充分发挥海域资源最大效益;加大整治修复力度,恢复区域生态功能;打破部门间壁垒,形成监管闭环。  相似文献   

潮滩是潮汐作用下形成的细颗粒沉积物堆积体,在世界范围内分布广泛,在碳汇和海岸防护中发挥着十分重要的作用。随着河流输沙的减少,河口潮滩冲淤格局发生了变化,直接影响了潮滩功能发挥,亟需开展河口潮滩短周期的冲淤变化过程研究,为评估潮滩功能提供科学依据。根据在福建闽江口琅岐岛潮滩开展的不同季节沉积动力要素(水深、流速、波浪、悬沙浓度)和现场冲淤观测及表层沉积物的粒度分析结果,琅岐岛潮滩表层沉积物在夏季主要以粉砂和黏土组成的细颗粒沉积物为主,冬季则主要以砂和粉砂组成的粗颗粒沉积物为主;潮间带上部的互花米草盐沼总体以持续淤积为主,潮间带中部和下部表现出周期性的冲淤特征,总体以夏季淤积、冬季侵蚀为总特征,并且潮间带中部的冲淤变化幅度较潮间带下部大;冬季潮流流速、波浪作用及悬沙浓度均大于夏季,冬季潮周期内近底部悬沙以净向海输运为主,而夏季则以净向岸输运为主。综上所述,闽江口潮滩冲淤变化主要受动力过程控制,冬季波浪作用导致表层沉积物发生再悬浮,并被较强的潮流净向海输运,导致滩面发生侵蚀;夏季,波浪作用较弱,水体中的悬沙易发生沉降,较弱的潮流将泥沙净向岸输运,导致潮间带发生淤积。  相似文献   

Biological diversity, or biodiversity, is high on the international agenda for nature conservation. Marine and coastal ecosystems account for an important share of the biological diversity on Earth. As a consequence many international conventions, European legislation and national laws refer to marine biodiversity. The protection of marine biodiversity is a complex legal issue as it requires consideration of geographic (between land and sea), political (between conservation and exploitation), and economic (between fisheries, tourism, intellectual property and many other sectors) factors. Like Matryoshka dolls, marine biodiversity is a heterogeneous notion difficult to address as one discrete area in the development of policy agendas or juridical frameworks. In the past decade, the EU has been very active in Promoting Integrated Coastal Zone Management and in developing a framework for an Integrated Maritime Policy. This article reviews the status of marine biodiversity in the policy and legal initiatives of the European Union, a challenging issue to both the objectives of conservation and to the concept of integration.  相似文献   

近年来, 船载水上水下一体化测量技术在海洋测绘领域发展迅速.该技术主要通过对多波束水深测量系统、激光扫描系统、定位定姿系统等设备的集成, 实现水上水下一体化无缝测量.以舟山册子岛区域为例, 利用船载水上水下一体化测量技术, 成功实现了水上水下一体化无缝测量, 并完成了水深及地形成果整合, 阐明该技术在应用中的优缺点, 并探讨了船载水上水下一体化测量技术在海岸带地质调查的应用前景及发展方向。  相似文献   

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