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非饱和土化学-塑性耦合本构行为的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周雷  张洪武 《岩土力学》2009,30(7):2133-2140
基于Hueckel提出的饱和黏土化学-塑性本构模型和Gallipoli提出的非饱和土弹塑性本构模型,提出了一个新的非饱和多孔介质的化学-塑性本构模型,并建立了该模型的隐式积分算法,算法中考虑了化学软化和非饱和吸力的影响。在已有的非饱和多孔介质有限元分析程序平台上进行了程序研发,对孔隙水中化学污染物浓度变化对非饱和土力学行为的影响进行数值模拟,使所研制的程序能够进行岩土工程问题的化学-力学耦合非线性分析。  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the extension of a cap model in order to describe the material behavior of partially saturated soils, in particular, of partially saturated sands and silts. The soil model is formulated in terms of two stress state variables, using net stress and matric suction and, alternatively, the average soil skeleton stress and suction, the latter playing the role of a stress‐like plastic internal variable. The yield surface, consisting of a shear failure surface and a hardening cap surface, the plastic potentials for the non‐associated flow rule and the hardening law for the cap are extended by taking into account the effects of matric suction on the material behavior. Furthermore, the third invariant of the deviatoric stress tensor is taken into account in the formulation of the yield surfaces. The developed model is validated by the numerical simulation of an extensive series of suction controlled tests for a silty sand, which were conducted at different constant values of suction. Although both versions of the soil model yield identical results for stress paths at constant values of matric suction, differences are encountered for stress paths involving wetting. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Thermal effects in partially saturated soils: a constitutive model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present paper is centred on the assessment of an elastic–plastic model for partially saturated soils, earlier proposed by the authors, for its predictive capability with respect to temperature changes, on the light of available experimental results. The model is cast within a constitutive framework that uses Bishop's stress and suction as main variables governing the volumetric response of the material. Some enhancement to the original temperature‐independent formulation is proposed. In particular, functions describing the yield surface and the compressibility modulus are modified to account for the shrinking of the elastic domain and for the increase of irreversible volumetric strain with heating. Some examples illustrate the main features of the present proposal. Comparison with some experimental results is also included. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Material behaviour that exhibits characteristics of creep induced by a spontaneous mineral dissolution enhanced by material damage is studied. It is believed that the characteristic rates of the chemical processes involved determine the time‐rate dependence of the resulting strain. A basic model of a combined chemo‐plastic softening and chemically enhanced deviatoric strain hardening for saturated geomaterials is presented. Chemical softening is postulated to occur as a consequence of the net mass removal resulting from dissolution and precipitation of specific minerals occurring at the damage‐generated inter‐phase interfaces. Closed and open systems are discussed. In the former case, deformation at constant stress results entirely from a local compensation mechanism between the chemical softening and strain hardening. The classical three stages of creep are interpreted in terms of mechanisms of dissolution and precipitation, as well as the variation in the reaction surface areas involved in the mass exchange. In an open system, the above local mechanism is enhanced by the removal of mass via diffusion of species affecting the mass balance. Such a system is addressed via a boundary value problem as shown in an example. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

刘艳秋  胡存  刘海笑 《岩土力学》2013,34(12):3617-3624
修正了传统隐式回映算法,建立了适用于饱和黏土循环动力分析的边界面塑性模型的完全隐式积分格式。该模型基于无弹性域概念和临界状态理论,采用各向同性、运动硬化准则、旋转的边界面,并引入表征土体结构损伤和重塑程度的损伤变量以反映循环载荷作用下饱和黏土的各向异性、刚度、强度软化及塑性变形累积等特征。针对等压固结 和偏压固结 的饱和高岭黏土的不排水三轴试验进行模拟,采用不同的应变增量步长进行计算,并与试验数据对比,结果表明,修正隐式回映算法应用于该类边界面模型的合理性、积分格式的精确性和稳定性;另外,结合有限元软件自动时间步长的增量迭代解法,对饱和黏土应力控制的不排水动三轴试验进行预测,结果表明,修正的适用于该边界面的塑性模型隐式回映算法可以得到比较合理的数值分析结果,能够反映饱和黏土的循环刚度的退化和强度的弱化等动力特性。  相似文献   

A constitutive relation is derived for describing the mechanical response of chalk. The approach is based on a phenomenological framework which employs chemo‐plasticity. The properties of the material are assumed to be affected by the physico‐chemical processes that occur through the interaction between the skeleton and the pore fluid. The underlying mechanism is discussed by invoking a micromechanical analysis. The performance of the framework is illustrated by examining the evolution of mechanical characteristics in the presence of different pore fluids. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rainfall weakens an earth slope and triggers mass movement. Relevant triggering mechanisms are complex and include reduction of capillary pressure due to increased saturation and frictional drag on the sediment induced by fluid flow. Physics‐based continuum models utilizing modern computational tools are useful for understanding the mechanisms of deformation in partially saturated slopes; however, they do not provide a scalar indicator called ‘factor of safety’ that measures the potential of a given slope for mass movement. In the present work, we employ sequential calculations consisting of a physics‐based finite element model that couples solid deformation with fluid flow to quantify the stress and deformation fields in a steep hillside slope subjected to rainfall infiltration. This is followed by a limit‐equilibrium calculation based on the method of slices that evaluates the desired factor of safety. The field condition investigated is similar to the steep experimental catchment CB1 near Coos Bay, Oregon, which failed as a large debris flow from heavy rainfall. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a fully coupled finite element formulation for partially saturated soil as a triphasic porous material, which has been developed for the simulation of shield tunnelling with heading face support using compressed air. While for many numerical simulations in geotechnics use of a two‐phase soil model is sufficient, the simulation of compressed air support demands the use of a three‐phase model with the consideration of air as a separate phase. A multiphase model for soft soils is developed, in which the individual constituents of the soil—the soil skeleton, the fluid and the gaseous phase—and their interactions are considered. The triphasic model is formulated within the framework of the theory of porous media, based upon balance equations and constitutive relations for the soil constituents and their mixture. An elasto‐plastic, cam–clay type model is extended to partially saturated soil conditions by incorporating capillary pressure according to the Barcelona basic model. The hydraulic properties of the soil are described via DARCY 's law and the soil–water characteristic curve after VAN GENUCHTEN . Water is modelled as an incompressible and air as a compressible phase. The model is validated by means of selected benchmark problems. The applicability of the model to geotechnical problems is demonstrated by results from the simulation of a compressed air intervention in shield tunnelling. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Effective capabilities of combined chemo‐elasto‐plastic and unsaturated soil models to simulate chemo‐hydro‐mechanical (CHM) behaviour of clays are examined in numerical simulations through selected boundary value problems. The objective is to investigate the feasibility of approaching such complex material behaviour numerically by combining two existing models. The chemo‐mechanical effects are described using the concept of chemical softening consisting of reduction of the pre‐consolidation pressure proposed originally by Hueckel (Can. Geotech. J. 1992; 29 :1071–1086; Int. J. Numer. Anal. Methods Geomech. 1997; 21 :43–72). An additional chemical softening mechanism is considered, consisting in a decrease of cohesion with an increase in contaminant concentration. The influence of partial saturation on the constitutive behaviour is modelled following Barcelona basic model (BBM) formulation (Géotech. 1990; 40 (3):405–430; Can. Geotech. J. 1992; 29 :1013–1032). The equilibrium equations combined with the CHM constitutive relations, and the governing equations for flow of fluids and contaminant transport, are solved numerically using finite element. The emphasis is laid on understanding the role that the individual chemical effects such as chemo‐elastic swelling, or chemo‐plastic consolidation, or finally, chemical loss of cohesion have in the overall response of the soil mass. The numerical problems analysed concern the chemical effects in response to wetting of a clay specimen with an organic liquid in rigid wall consolidometer, during biaxial loading up to failure, and in response to fresh water influx during tunnel excavation in swelling clay. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil models based on kinematic hardening together with elements of bounding surface plasticity, provide a means of introducing some memory of recent history and stiffness variation in the predicted response of soils. Such models provide an improvement on simple elasto‐plastic models in describing soil behaviour under non‐monotonic loading. Routine use of such models requires robust numerical integration schemes. Explicit integration of highly non‐linear models requires extremely small steps in order to guarantee convergence. Here, a fully implicit scheme is presented for a simple kinematic hardening extension of the Cam clay soil model. The algorithm is based on the operator split methodology and the implicit Euler backward integration scheme is proposed to integrate the rate form of the constitutive relations. This algorithm maintains a quadratic rate of asymptotic convergence when used with a Newton–Raphson iterative procedure. Various strain‐driven axisymmetric triaxial paths are simulated in order to demonstrate the efficiency and good performance of the proposed algorithm. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pietruszczak and coworkers (Internat. J. Numer. Anal. Methods Geomech. 1994; 18 (2):93–105; Comput. Geotech. 1991; 12 ( ):55–71) have presented a continuum‐based model for predicting the dynamic mechanical response of partially saturated granular media with viscous interstitial liquids. In their model they assume that the gas phase is distributed uniformly throughout the medium as discrete spherical air bubbles occupying the voids between the particles. However, their derivation of the air pressure inside these gas bubbles is inconsistent with their stated assumptions. In addition the resultant dependence of gas pressure on liquid saturation lies outside of the plausible range of possible values for discrete air bubbles. This results in an over‐prediction of the average bulk modulus of the void phase. Corrected equations are presented. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

非饱和土水-力本构模型及其隐式积分算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘艳  韦昌富  房倩 《岩土力学》2014,299(2):365-370
在已有工作基础上建立了水力-力学耦合的非饱和土本构模型,在硬化方程中考虑饱和度的影响,同时在土水特征曲线中考虑了塑性体变的影响,从而使模型可以反映非饱和土中的毛细现象与土中弹塑性变形现象的耦合行为。采用隐式积分方法,建立了非饱和土耦合模型的数值模型,并推导了得到了水力-力学耦合的非饱和土的一致切线模量。利用该算法编制了本构模型计算的子程序,使其能向外输出切线刚度矩阵,用于有限元计算。为了验证该算法和程序的正确性,用所编制程序对不同路径下的土体行为进行了预测。通过预测结果与试验结果相对比,表明程序预测结果与试验数据相吻合,模型可以较好地模拟土体的水力-力学耦合行为特性。  相似文献   

The paper analyses the interaction between two internal length scales during dynamic strain localization in multiphase porous materials. The first internal length is introduced in the mathematical model by the gradient‐dependent plasticity for the solid skeleton, while the second one is naturally contained in the multiphase model and is due to the seepage process of the water via Darcy's law, which induces a rate‐dependent behaviour of the solid skeleton. Numerical results of a one‐dimensional example of water saturated porous medium demonstrate the competing effect between these two length scales. The porous medium is here treated as a multiphase continuum, with the pores filled by water and air, the last one at constant atmospheric pressure. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As is well known, granular soils under cyclic loading dissipate a large amount of energy and accumulate large irreversible strains. Usually, with time, this second effect reduces and the accumulation rate decreases with the number of cycles until obtaining a sort of ideal stationary cyclic state at which ratcheting disappears. In this paper, only this ideal state is taken into consideration and simulated by means of a multi‐mechanism constitutive model for plastic adaptation. For this purpose, the concept of cycle is discussed, many different categories of cyclic stress/strain paths are considered and some theoretical issues concerning both the flow and the strain‐hardening rules are tackled. Even though the paper focuses on soil behaviour, the conclusions can be extended to all materials exhibiting ratcheting due to volumetric behaviour.Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Compaction and associated fluid flow are fundamental processes in sedimentary basin deformation. Purely mechanical compaction originates mainly from pore fluid expulsion and rearrangement of solid particles during burial, while chemo‐mechanical compaction results from Intergranular Pressure‐Solution (IPS) and represents a major mechanism of deformation in sedimentary basins during diagenesis. The aim of the present contribution is to provide a comprehensive 3D framework for constitutive and numerical modeling of purely mechanical and chemo‐mechanical compaction in sedimentary basins. Extending the concepts that have been previously proposed for the modeling of purely mechanical compaction in finite poroplasticity, deformation by IPS is addressed herein by means of additional viscoplastic terms in the state equations of the porous material. The finite element model integrates the poroplastic and poroviscoplastic components of deformation at large strains. The corresponding implementation allows for numerical simulation of sediments accretion/erosion periods by progressive activation/deactivation of the gravity forces within a fictitious closed material system. Validation of the numerical approach is assessed by means of comparison with closed‐form solutions derived in the context of a simplified compaction model. The last part of the paper presents the results of numerical basin simulation performed in one dimensional setting, demonstrating the ability of the modeling to capture the main features in elastoplastic and viscoplastic compaction. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

钦亚洲  孙钧 《岩土力学》2012,33(1):307-313
基于Wheeler土体各向异性旋转硬化法则,结合边界面理论,构造一个能够反映土体初始各向异性及加载后应力诱发各向异性的边界面本构模型,并借助ABAQUS软件提供的UMAT子程序接口,采用隐式积分算法--图形返回算法实现。通过对正常固结状态下(OCR=1)高岭土试样三轴不排水剪切试验进行模拟,并将模拟结果与ABAQUS自带的修正剑桥模型模拟结果进行了比较分析,表明本模型的模拟结果能够反映土体在偏压加载过程中产生的各向异性现象。在此基础上,采用本模型对中等超固结(OCR=4)高岭土试样三轴不排水剪切试验进行模拟,并再次与ABAQUS自带的修正剑桥模型模拟结果进行比较,表明本模型能够较好地反映中等超固结土在小应变情况下的非线性特性。相比于经典弹塑性模型,如修正剑桥模型,本模型的模拟结果更符合中等超固结土的变形特性。  相似文献   

A Fokker‐Planck‐Kolmogorov (FPK) equation approach has recently been developed to probabilistically solve any elastic‐plastic constitutive equation with uncertain material parameters by transforming the nonlinear, stochastic constitutive rate equation into a linear, deterministic partial differential equation (PDE) and thereby simplifying the numerical solution process. For an uniaxial problem, conventional numerical techniques, such as the finite difference or finite element methods, may be used to solve the resulting univariate FPK PDE. However, for a multiaxial problem, an efficient algorithm is necessary for tractability of the numerical solution of the multivariate FPK PDE. In this paper, computationally efficient algorithms, based on a Fourier spectral approach, are presented for solving FPK PDEs in (stress) space and (pseudo) time, having space‐independent but time‐dependent coefficients and both space‐ and time‐dependent coefficients, that commonly arise in probabilistic elasto‐plasticity. The algorithms are illustrated by probabilistically simulating 2 common laboratory constitutive experiments in geotechnical engineering, namely, the unconfined compression test and the unconsolidated undrained triaxial compression test.  相似文献   

In this paper, an implementation of fractional plastic flow rule in the framework of implicit and explicit procedures is under consideration. The fractional plastic flow rule is obtained from a generalisation of the classical plastic flow rule utilising fractional calculus. The key feature of this new concept is that in general, the non‐associative flow is obtained without necessity of additional potential assumption. If needed, the model can cover the anisotropy induced by plastic deformation. Illustrative examples showing the unusual flexibility of this model are also presented. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The mechanical behaviour of bonded geomaterials is described by means of an elastoplastic strain‐hardening model. The internal variables, taking into account the ‘history’ of the material, depend on the plastic strains experienced and on a conveniently defined scalar measure of damage induced by weathering and/or chemical degradation. For the sake of simplicity, it is assumed that only internal variables are affected by mechanical and chemical history of the material. Despite this simplifying assumption, it can be shown that many interesting phenomena exhibited by weathered bonded geomaterials can be successfully described. For instance, (i) the transition from brittle to ductile behaviour with increasing pressure of a calcarenite with collapsing internal structure, (ii) the complex behaviour of chalk and other calcareous materials in oedometric tests, (iii) the chemically induced variation of the stress and strain state of such kind of materials, are all phenomena that can be qualitatively reproduced. Several comparisons with experimental data show that the model can capture the observed behaviour also quantitatively. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A hierarchical mathematical model for analyses of coupled chemo‐thermo‐hygro‐mechanical behaviour in concretes at high temperature is presented. The concretes are modelled as unsaturated deforming reactive porous media filled with two immiscible pore fluids, i.e. the gas mixture and the liquid mixture, in immiscible–miscible levels. The thermo‐induced desalination process is particularly integrated into the model. The chemical effects of both the desalination and the dehydration processes on the material damage and the degradation of the material strength are taken into account. The mathematical model consists of a set of coupled, partial differential equations governing the mass balance of the dry air, the mass balance of the water species, the mass balance of the matrix components dissolved in the liquid phases, the enthalpy (energy) balance and momentum balance of the whole medium mixture. The governing equations, the state equations for the model and the constitutive laws used in the model are given. A mixed weak form for the finite element solution procedure is formulated for the numerical simulation of chemo‐thermo‐hygro‐mechanical behaviours. Special considerations are given to spatial discretization of hyperbolic equation with non‐self‐adjoint operator nature. Numerical results demonstrate the performance and the effectiveness of the proposed model and its numerical procedure in reproducing coupled chemo‐thermo‐hygro‐mechanical behaviour in concretes subjected to fire and thermal radiation. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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