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岩石节理粗糙度系数的分形特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
岩石节理粗糙度系数JRC是估算节理抗剪强度和变形指标最重要的参数。通过对简易纵剖面仪获取的节理表面轮廓曲线的分形研究,讨论了节理表面轮廓曲线的自相似性和JRC的自相似性,并根据实测统计资料的分析,指出了分形理论研究JRC的适用条件和有效的使用方法。由实测统计资料的JRC尺寸效应自相似性分析,认为JRC尺寸效应具分形结构。本文介绍了一种确定JRC尺寸效应分维数D的方法,由此确定的分维数D具有明确的物理意义。  相似文献   

经历剪切变形历史的岩石节理表面粗糙特性分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
李庆松  杜守继 《岩土力学》2004,25(6):850-855
基于两类岩石节理剪切试验,采用非接触式激光测距仪,实测了剪切前后节理表面粗糙数据,统计分析了岩石节理表面粗糙特性的三维粗糙参数的物理含义,并将这些参数与相应的二维参数进行了充分比较。结果表明,三维参数与二维参数间存在的近似线性关系,而多个三维参数相对比单一的二维参数更全面有效地描述了节理表面粗糙特性。  相似文献   

粗糙度是影响节理岩体强度与变形特性的重要因素之一。首先使用3D 打印机制作模具,并浇筑形成不同粗糙度(节理粗糙度系数JRC=2、7、12、17、22)的节理岩石试样。采用GCTS高温高压动静岩石三轴试验系统,对含有不同粗糙度节理岩石试样进行了三轴压缩试验,获得了不同粗糙度节理岩石试样的三轴应力–应变曲线,分析了JRC对岩石三轴强度和变形特性的影响规律,在三轴加载过程中采用声发射测试系统,分析了不同粗糙度节理岩石试样的声发射特性。运用数字三维视频显微系统观察节理面形态,讨论了不同围压下节理岩石试样峰值强度与JRC之间的关系。研究结果表明,节理面的存在直接导致节理岩石试样强度的大幅度降低,JRC对岩石破坏裂纹的形态、数量和空间分布特征亦有很大的影响,随着JRC值的增大,岩石节理面的抗剪强度增大,岩石试样的三轴抗压强度也会增大,岩石试样由脆性破坏转变为延性破坏。  相似文献   

岩体结构面粗糙度系数JRC的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岩体结构面粗糙度系数JRC是描述岩体结构面粗糙起伏状态的力学参数,对于无填充或少填充的硬性结构面而言是关键性指标。本文介绍了岩体结构面粗糙度系数JRC估算方法的理论及应用研究现状,并探讨了JRC研究中存在的几个问题。  相似文献   

岩体节理表面几何特性描述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岩体节理表面几何特征对岩体变形、刚度、剪切强度和水渗导性有重要影响,一般用节理粗糙度系数(JRC)、节理吻合系数(JMC)来描述。本文用节理表面分维(JSF)来描述节理表面形态的复杂性,为节理表面几何特征描述提供了一个新的方法。  相似文献   

Natural rock joint roughness quantification through fractal techniques   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Accurate quantification of roughness is important in modeling hydro-mechanical behavior of rock joints. A highly refined variogram technique was used to investigate possible existence of anisotropy in natural rock joint roughness. Investigated natural rock joints showed randomly varying roughness anisotropy with the direction. A scale dependant fractal parameter, K v, seems to play a prominent role than the fractal dimension, D r1d, with respect to quantification of roughness of natural rock joints. Because the roughness varies randomly, it is impossible to predict the roughness variation of rock joint surfaces from measurements made in only two perpendicular directions on a particular sample. The parameter D r1d × K v seems to capture the overall roughness characteristics of natural rock joints well. The one-dimensional modified divider technique was extended to two dimensions to quantify the two-dimensional roughness of rock joints. The developed technique was validated by applying to a generated fractional Brownian surface with fractal dimension equal to 2.5. It was found that the calculated fractal parameters quantify the rock joint roughness well. A new technique is introduced to study the effect of scale on two-dimensional roughness variability and anisotropy. The roughness anisotropy and variability reduced with increasing scale.  相似文献   

利用3D打印技术制作出30个含10级粗糙度(JRC=1~20)、3种厚度(1.5、3.0、5.0mm)的裂隙插片,通过模具浇筑成贯通充填裂隙类岩石试件,并对所制备的试件开展渗透性试验,研究在不同围压水平下不同粗糙度、不同隙宽贯通充填裂隙的渗流特性。试验结果表明:(1)不同粗糙度和隙宽贯通充填裂隙渗透率均随围压增加而减小,且在围压加载初期,裂隙渗透率的降低速度明显要高于围压加载中后期,最大渗透率降差达到78%。(2)围压加载初期,隙宽较小时,裂隙渗透率有随粗糙度增加而减小的趋势,且离散性较大;随着围压和隙宽的增加,粗糙度对裂隙渗透性的影响迅速减小。(3)对于10级不同粗糙度贯通充填裂隙,围压加载过程中,均有隙宽越大,裂隙渗透率越大的规律;且在围压较小时,粗糙度越大,不同隙宽贯通充填裂隙渗透率的差值越大,但随着围压的升高,这种影响逐渐被消除。(4)围压对贯通充填裂隙渗透率的影响处于主导地位,两者之间的关系可用幂函数进行描述。  相似文献   

一种新的岩石节理面三维粗糙度分形描述方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙辅庭  佘成学  蒋庆仁 《岩土力学》2013,34(8):2238-2242
研究并提出一种新的岩石节理面三维粗糙度分形描述方法。首先,基于激光扫描数据将节理表面离散成三角网,并建立与剪切方向相关的三维均方根抵抗角的计算方法。其次,运用分形数学理论,提出一种新的基于三维均方根抵抗角的节理面粗糙度分形描述方法。最后,采用新方法对天然玄武岩节理和花岗岩张拉型节理的粗糙特性进行分析。研究结果表明,提出的新方法能够较全面地反映节理面的三维几何形貌信息,并能描述节理粗糙度的各向异性特性。研究成果为进一步建立岩石节理面的三维剪切强度公式和剪切本构理论奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Rock discontinuities play a crucial and critical role on the deformational and failure behavior of the rock mass. In most investigations, both the surfaces of the rock joints are considered to have same roughness. But, in nature, the walls of a fresh joint is only expected to be complimentary and to have same roughness. Weathered and water percolating rock joint is most likely to develop different surface roughness on the two opposite walls. So, the shear strength and frictional response behavior derived from the single joint roughness coefficient (JRC) assumption cannot be used in such a condition. To address this shortcoming, we have prepared sandstone blocks with different surface roughness and conducted experiments in a tribometer. The static friction, shear stiffness and coefficient-of-friction of the joint surfaces were calculated and their changes with increasing normal load were noted. One of the major findings of this paper is that, shear strength of the joints may not have a direct correlation with the increasing JRC value of the individual joint walls. Hence, some of the joint walls having higher cumulative JRCs were found to show lower shear strength than those with lowers roughness. This is because, the opposing walls of such joints are not anymore complementary and the frictional resistance is completely controlled by the height and contact area of the asperites.  相似文献   

The friction and deformation behaviour of rock joints   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
SummaryThe Friction and Deformation Behaviour of Rock Joints The present investigation deals with the influence of joint roughness and material strength on the friction and deformation behaviour of rough indented joints. Besides the analytical determination of the joint roughness by the dilatation behaviour of the joint, friction tests on models with natural joint morphology and rock samples have been conducted.A material law is developed, describing the friction resistance and the dilatation behaviour at large deformations in their dependence on normal stress and material strength.
ZusammenfassungDas Reibungs- und Verformungsverhalten von Klüften Die vorliegende Untersuchung war dem Einfluß der Kluftflächenunebenheit und der Materialfestigkeit auf das Reibungs- und Verformungsverhalten rauher, verzahnter Kluftflächen gewidmet.Neben der analytischen Bestimmung der Kluftflächenunebenheit anhand des Dilatationsverhaltens der Kluftfuge wurden Reibungsversuche an Modellkörpern mit natürlicher Kluftmorphologie und an Gesteinen durchgeführt. Es wird ein Stoffgesetz entwickelt, mit welchem der Reibungswiderstand und das Dilatationsverhalten in Abhängigkeit von der Normalspannung und der Materialfestigkeit bei längeren Gleitwegen beschrieben werden kann.

RésuméLe comportement des fissures au frottement et aux déformations La présente étude traite de l'influence de la rugosité d'une diaclase et de la résistance de la roche sur le comportement au frottement et aux déformations d'une fissure âpre et endentée. La rugosité de la fissure a été déterminée d'après la dilatation maximale. Des éssais de frottement ont été exécutés à l'aide de modèles ayant une surface de fissure naturelle et à l'aide d'échantillons de roche. Une loi a été développée qui décrit la resistancé au frottement et le comportement à la dilatation de la fissure pour de grandes déformations en fonction de la contrainte normale et de la résistance des matériaux.

List of Symbols h dilatation - i deviation angle, dilatation angle - s shear deformation - residual friction angle - normal stress - F tensile strength - shear stress With 15 Figures  相似文献   

杜时贵  王小翠 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):1202-1204
研制了一种智能JRC测量仪,该仪器可直接测量岩体结构面的粗糙度系数JRC值,适用于野外任意产状的岩体结构面,可以沿任意方向测量岩体结构面粗糙度系数,具有重量轻、体积小、携带方便、操作简单、测量速度快等特点。  相似文献   

The shear strength of rock joints in theory and practice   总被引:62,自引:10,他引:62  
SummaryThe Shear Strength of Rock Joints in Theory and Practice The paper describes an empirical law of friction for rock joints which can be used both for extrapolating and predicting shear strength data. The equation is based on three index parameters; the joint roughness coefficientJRC, the joint wall compressive strengthJCS, and the residual friction angle r . All these index values can be measured in the laboratory. They can also be measured in the field. Index tests and subsequent shear box tests on more than 100 joint samples have demonstrated that r can be estimated to within ± 1° for any one of the eight rock types investigated. The mean value of the peak shear strength angle (arctan/ n ) for the same 100 joints was estimated to within 1/2°. The exceptionally close prediction of peak strength is made possible by performing self-weight (low stress) sliding tests on blocks with throughgoing joints. The total friction angle (arctan/ n ) at which sliding occurs provides an estimate of the joint roughness coefficientJRC. The latter is constant over a range of effective normal stress of at least four orders of magnitude. However, it is found that bothJRC andJCS reduce with increasing joint length. Increasing the length of joint therefore reduces not only the peak shear strength, but also the peak dilation angle and the peak shear stiffness. These important scale effects can be predicted at a fraction of the cost of performing large scale in situ direct shear tests.With 20 Figures  相似文献   

为进一步提高结构面粗糙特征描述的精确性和可靠性,更全面地体现出细微形貌的影响,将轮廓线凹凸起伏分解为幅值、倾角和曲率3个特征,分别代表轮廓线的高度变化、角度变化和弯曲程度变化。以Barton建议的10条标准轮廓线为例,计算其幅度、角度和弯曲度的特征曲线,获得了三者的分布规律。利用可表征微细观形貌的功率谱密度函数研究了3种特征曲线的频谱特征,然后从功率谱密度对数曲线中提取了可以描述形貌特征的分形参数Dj(斜率相关)和粗糙度参数Aj(截距相关),在此基础上研究了DjAj与节理粗糙度系数(joint roughness coefficient,简称JRC)的关系。同时,将该指标推广到了三维形貌的表征形式,并计算了大理岩剪切面的三维粗糙度。结果表明:新指标评估精确度高,可反映结构面各向异性特征,能有效表征结构面粗糙特征,对研究结构面剪切力学性质有重要意义。  相似文献   

We present an analytical model for the shear behaviour of rock joints with progressive degradation of two-order asperities including waviness and unevenness. Critical waviness and critical unevenness are used to respectively represent the mechanical involvements of waviness and unevenness during shear. The degradation process of two-order asperities are predicted by considering the stepwise relationship among dilation angle, sheared and unsheared asperity areas, and plastic tangential work. The dilation angle of each asperity decreases as plastic tangential work accumulates. The progressive degradation transiting from critical unevenness to critical waviness is realised through examining the dilation angle and the unsheared area of critical unevenness. The model's predictions are compared with the experimental data from direct shear tests on both regular- and irregular-shaped joints. Good agreement between analytical and experimental curves demonstrate the credence of the proposed model. Therefore, the model, after implemented in finite and discrete element codes, is practicable for the stability assessment of rock-engineering structures.  相似文献   

罗战友  杜时贵  黄曼 《岩土力学》2015,36(12):3381-3386
粗糙度系数是结构面抗剪强度的主要影响因素,然而由于结构面表面形态的复杂性,粗糙度系数尺寸效应研究并未获得较大进展。总结了结构面粗糙度系数的3种获取手段:标准剖面对比法、理论公式法、试验反分析法。在此基础上分析了3种方法在研究粗糙度系数尺寸效应方面存在的问题和困难。为了研究结构面粗糙度系数与试样尺寸的相关度,对中砂、硅粉、水泥、非引气型萘系减水剂等原材料的配比进行了研究,获得了与天然钙质板岩物理力学特性相类似的岩石模型材料,然后采用研发的结构面制作模具及其制备工艺制作了8组共176对具有不同尺寸和表面起伏粗糙程度的结构面,并利用改进的高精度岩石结构面推拉仪对结构面粗糙度系数进行了推拉试验研究和数据统计分析,结果表明:模型结构面粗糙度系数的统计均值随试样尺寸的增加而降低,但特定结构面粗糙度系数的尺寸效应规律需要根据结构面的具体表面形貌进行测试;Barton理论公式计算的结构面粗糙度系数尺寸效应变化规律与推拉试验测试规律总体上一致,但试验值与理论值有差异,且结构面试样尺寸越小,二者的差异就越大;具有特定表面形貌的模型结构面粗糙度系数也有差异,工程大尺寸岩体结构面粗糙度系数需要根据表面形貌和分布特征进行综合判定。  相似文献   

由于结构面粗糙度具有各质异性、各向异性、非均一性和尺寸效应等特征,结构面粗糙度系数(JRC)取值具有不确定性,工程中广泛采用统计方法来分析结构面粗糙度性质,然而以往研究往往忽略样本数不足对统计结果的影响。针对结构面粗糙度统计测量时无法确定合理样本数的问题,分别提出基于变异系数级比分析及简单随机抽样原理的最小样本数确定方法。以实际工程岩体结构面表面数据为研究对象,对比分析两种方法在系列尺寸下确定的统计测量最小样本数。实例分析表明:小尺寸样本的变异系数(CV)值明显大于大尺寸样本,且CV值随取样尺寸的增大而减小,取样尺寸为10~50cm的CV值基本稳定在0.31~0.47之间,取样尺寸为60~100cm的CV值基本稳定在0.21~0.31之间;最小样本数与取样尺寸基本满足幂函数关系,且最小样本数随取样尺寸的增大而减少;系列尺寸下级比分析方法在允许误差为±2%时确定的最小样本数与简单随机抽样原理在最大允许误差为10%、置信度为95%时计算的最小样本数是一致的,相似度大于0.997。该研究方法可为工程岩体中定量获取结构面粗糙度统计测量最小样本数提供依据,保证了JRC(结构面粗糙度系数)统计测量...  相似文献   

在干热岩储层中开采地热能,往往需要对储层进行人工水力压裂以形成贯穿的换热通道。然而,热储中的对流换热对干热岩的采热率有重要影响,经过人工刺激的储层会形成几何形态各异的裂隙面,而裂隙粗糙程度的不同则会引起换热性能的显著差异。因此,选取4条Barton的经典岩石裂隙粗糙度曲线,在试验室条件下建立一个单裂隙对流换热模型。详细分析了花岗岩粗糙裂隙中热工质的换热特性。结果表明:局部对流换热系数沿着裂隙长度方向逐渐降低;节理粗糙系数JRC值越大,平均对流换热系数就越大,表明换热性能越好;局部对流换热系数的分布与JRC曲线的几何轮廓形态有很好的相关性,波峰波谷的变化趋势相一致;相对于温度而言,高流速对局部对流换热系数具有放大效应,流速越大,局部对流换热系数波动越大。  相似文献   

The paper provides a comprehensive review on rock joint roughness measurement and quantification procedures. Superiority of fractal based methods over JRC, statistical parameters and statistical functions in quantifying roughness is discussed in the paper. Two of the best fractal based methodologies available in the literature, the modified 2-D divider and variogram methods, are used to quantify natural rock joint roughness in 3-D and 2-D, respectively. The capability of these two methods in accurate quantification of natural rock joint roughness is shown in the paper by applying the procedures to four natural rock joints. A good comparison has been obtained from the values obtained through the two methods. Both these methodologies have two parameters to capture the stationary roughness. The fractal dimension captures the spatial auto correlation of roughness; the other parameter captures the amplitude of roughness. Anisotropic roughness has been studied by applying two other methodologies: (a) a triangular plate methodology and (b) a light source methodology to the same four natural rock joints. A reasonably good comparison has been obtained through the results of these two methodologies. All four roughness quantification methodologies can be applied to any size of sample covering from laboratory to field scales. The results of the triangular plate and light source methodologies provided possible sliding direction values (under the gravitational loading) close to that reported in the literature for the rough discontinuity planes used in the study.  相似文献   

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