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A case study of using external DEM in InSAR DEM generation 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
ZHOUChunxia GELinlin EDongchen CHANGHsingchung 《地球空间信息科学学报》2005,8(1):14-18
Synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR) has been used as an innovative technique for digital elevation model (DEM) and topographic map generation. In this paper, external DEMs are used for InSAR DEM generation to reduce the errors in data processing. The DEMs generated from repeat-pass InSAR are compared. For steep slopes and severe changes in topography, phase unwrapping quality can be improved by subtracting the phase calculated from an external DEM. It is affirmative that the absolute height accuracy of the InSAR DEM is improved by using external DEM. The data processing was undertaken without the use of ground control points and other manual operation. 相似文献
This study provides an assessment of changes in the terrain topography due to opencast coal mining in the Patratu region of Jharkhand state during the period of 1962–2007. It demonstrated the potential of digital elevation model (DEM) differencing technique using Cartosat-I satellite (2007) derived DEM with reference to DEM derived from contours obtained from Survey of India topographical map (1962). The topographical changes through DEM differencing revealed positive relief changes (up to 49 m) due to coal-mining overburden dumps. The dumping of overburden near the banks of perennial Damodar River also caused positive topographic changes (up to 20 m) indicating adverse effects on its hydrological regime. Negative relief changes are represents by deep depressions (up to 66 m) created within coal mines due to the extraction of coal. These depression areas within the abundant mines generally become the zones of water accumulation causing wastage of surface and ground water resources. 相似文献
Abstract Tepetates, altered indurated and sterile volcanic tuffs, are located among the neo‐volcanic belt in central Mexico. They are divided into three classes according to the erosion level: outcrop tepetates, discontinuous tepetates (in process of erosion), and underlying tepetates (related to fragile areas with high erosion risk). For local communities and peasants, the existence of tepetates is a heavy constraint, with the impossibility to cultivate the land as it is. In order to know the localization and extension of tepetates, we experimented with various classification techniques of a Landsat Thematic Mapper satellite image. Masking techniques were used, assisted both by a DEM and photo interpretation, in addition to radiometric segmentation to obtain a map of tepetates in a study area. The resulting map showed the location of outcrop tepetates well, in agreement with existing soil maps, but underestimated underlying tepetates and high‐risk erosion localities, due mainly to the heterogeneity of the classes at the scale used (30 m pixel). 相似文献
Void filling and anomaly replacement in conjunction with auxiliary sources of data have been widely used to improve the quality of existing problematic high-resolution digital elevation models. However, the traditional interpolation methods used for this purpose have always failed to eliminate the discrepancies between different data-sets. In this paper, an improved ANUDEM method is presented for DEM interpolation, which incorporates the idea of topographic correction using high correlation of topological structure between contour lines (CLs) from multi-scale digital elevation models (DEM). Firstly, the terrain topological structure is extracted from the CLs of a low-resolution DEM. The topographic surface correction is then undertaken based on the extracted structure, which recovers the topographic information of the sharp depressions and eminences to fit the high-resolution representation. Finally, the breaklines of the terrain surface are distilled and integrated into the denser DEM generation. The experiments undertaken confirmed the superiority of the proposed method over the other DEM interpolation methods. It is shown that the proposed method can provide results with a higher accuracy, as well as a better visual quality. 相似文献
最佳DEM分辨率的确定及其验证分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在玛尔挡地区格网DEM的数据上选择实验样区,以不同分辨率情况下DEM数据对地表模拟表达的逼近程度为研究对象,最优逼近时的栅格单元大小的临界值就是所求的最佳分辨率。在分析坡度中误差法和公式法等常见方法的基础上,借鉴坡度中误差的思想,选取区域地形粗糙度K、剖面线长度SL两个定量指标来综合分析确定该地区格网DEM的最佳分辨率。在ArcGIS平台上对方法进行了实验验证,得出分别以2m和8m作为玛尔挡地区1∶10 000和1∶50 000 DEM生产时是最佳分辨率的结论。研究表明这种解决办法不仅可以克服GIS空间分析中DEM分辨率确定的盲目性和随意性,而且能确保基于DEM的各种空间分析的精度,为相关研究提供重要的参考价值。 相似文献
在山区获取地面控制点比较困难,运用模拟SAR进行配准、校正,具有较大的优势。本文在分析SAR成像几何结构及ALOS PALSAR卫星轨道参数特征的基础上,运用RD定位模型对DEM的每个网格点进行雷达成像点的位置计算,模拟SAR图像,并提取当地入射角、投影角及规则化因子等;模拟出的SAR图像与真实SAR图像纹理吻合,有利于控制点的自动配准。在此基础上对ALOS PALSAR进行编码,构建基于规则化因子及入射角的地形辐射校正模型,消除面积效应及地形起伏造成的畸变问题,从结果中分析,校正后的图像明暗差异明显减少,这对雷达定量反演研究具有一定的现实意义。 相似文献
针对SAR图像模拟方法进行了深入研究,提出了一种新的SAR图像模拟方法。该方法引入并改进信号模拟中经常使用的小面单元模型,并对SAR图像的阴影特征进行了分析;给出了一种高效判断阴影区域的算法。使用该方法对某一山地区域的DEM数据进行了SAR图像的模拟实验。实验结果表明:模拟的SAR图像和真实SAR图像纹理一致,很好地反映了起伏地区SAR图像的几何特征,取得了理想的效果。 相似文献
联合使用位模型和地形信息的陆区航空重力向下延拓方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了规避传统逆Poisson积分向下延拓解算过程的不适定性问题,借鉴导航定位中的"差分"概念,利用超高阶位模型直接计算海域航空重力测量向下延拓改正数的方法。本文在此基础上提出联合使用重力位模型和地形高数据,计算陆部航空重力向下延拓总改正数的改进方案,以飞行高度面与地面对应点的位模型差分信息表征总改正数的中长波分量,以相对应的局部地形改正差分修正量表征总改正数的中高频成分,从而实现航空重力数据点对点向地面的全频段延拓。在地形变化不同区域,联合使用EGM2008位模型、地面实测重力和高分辨率高程数据进行了实际数值计算和精度评估,验证了该方法的有效性。 相似文献
Digital elevation models (DEMs) are essential to various applications in topography, geomorphology, hydrology, and ecology. The Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) DEM data set is one of the most complete and most widely used DEM data sets; it provides accurate information on elevations over bare land areas. However, the accuracy of SRTM data over vegetated mountain areas is relatively low as a result of the high relief and the penetration limitation of the C-band used for obtaining global DEM products. The objective of this study is to assess the performance of SRTM DEMs and correct them over vegetated mountain areas with small-footprint airborne Light Detection and Ranging (Lidar) data, which can develop elevation products and vegetation products [e.g., vegetation height, Leaf Area Index (LAI)] of high accuracy. The assessing results show that SRTM elevations are systematically higher than those of the actual land surfaces over vegetated mountain areas. The mean difference between SRTM DEM and Lidar DEM increases with vegetation height, whereas the standard deviation of the difference increases with slope. To improve the accuracy of SRTM DEM over vegetated mountain areas, a regression model between the SRTM elevation bias and vegetation height, LAI, and slope was developed based on one control site. Without changing any coefficients, this model was proved to be applicable in all the nine study sites, which have various topography and vegetation conditions. The mean bias of the corrected SRTM DEM at the nine study sites using this model (absolute value) is 89% smaller than that of the original SRTM DEM, and the standard deviation of the corrected SRTM elevation bias is 11% smaller. 相似文献
为满足在坡度陡、高差大的复杂地形地区高精度DEM制图的需要,在传统的雷达干涉测量技术的基础上,通过引入外部DEM,建立外部DEM模拟相位和干涉解缠相位的对应关系,构建多维线性模型,进行线性回归分析,去除误差相位趋势;同时根据引入的外部DEM估计高程的误差范围,进行高程点的滤波,达到精化DEM的目的,形成最终的DEM产品。该方法已经应用于高分辨雷达影像(COSMO数据)在云南德钦地区DEM地形图的制作,通过GPS数据的验证,其精度达到了国家1∶50 000 DEM制图要求。 相似文献
刘宝玲 《测绘与空间地理信息》2000,23(4):43
总结了1:50 000DEM生产实践中,在技术、管理上取得的一些经验,对生产中各环节的实际问题提出一些建议,目的为以后各种比例尺的DEM生产提供参考. 相似文献
基于小波多尺度分析的DEM数据综合研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
在同一地区,随着数字高程模型(DEM)分辨率的降低,或者地形图比例尺的缩小,DEM或地形图所描述的地形表面的细节部分不断舍弃而表现出宏观的骨架特征。本文将小波多尺度分析方法和方根模型结合模拟这一过程,由基于1:1万比例尺地形图建立的DEM生成了两种新的较小比例尺DEM,对比不同比例尺等高线可知,较小比例尺保持了较大比例尺的山体轮廓、山脊、谷地走向等地貌形态的塑造。采用坡度和剖面曲率两个参数及信息论的方法,分别对原始DEM和新生成的DEM进行分析和验证,结果表明,DEM经过数据综合,不但地形表面的轮廓越来越平缓,而且地形表面的细节也越来越平滑。利用方根模型作为小波高频系数阈值选取的依据更贴近于传统制图综合方法,能够将比例尺的改变与综合程度结合起来,实现任意比例尺DEM的自动综合。 相似文献
围绕基于DEM数据的地貌要素提取,对DEM的精度评价方法,基于DEM数据的地形特征提取原理及典型算法进行了研究,总结了基于DEM数据生产数字线划图的技术特点,设计了作业流程,并进行了生产试验。试验表明,在采用高分辨率DEM数据的情况下,基于DEM的数字线划图生产可满足基本等高距大于2 m、比例尺小于1∶2000的数字线划图生产,可以作为摄影测量的一种补充技术。 相似文献
王小蓝 《测绘与空间地理信息》2011,34(3):258-259,262
数字高程模型DEM(Digital Elevation Mode1)是描述地表起伏变化的一种数字表达,是重要的一类基础地理信息产品,具有广泛的应用效果.目前,DEM研究成果丰富,且随着新的空间测高技术的出现,DEM原始数据采集的精度和密度在不断提高,它的精度直接影响着DOM的成图质量.在DEM的生产过程中,同时把握好D... 相似文献
随着计算机技术及测绘产品的不断发展,数字高程模型(DEM)已成为地理信息空间系统和"数字地球"的重要组成部分。在测绘技术蓬勃发展的今天,数字高程模型(DEM)的生产已成为各生产部门较关注的问题之一,特别是近年来数字龙江地理空间框架建设一期工程对数字高程模型(DEM)产品成果的要求有很大提高,数字高程模型(DEM)成果的裁切也显得尤为重要,本文从工作中遇到的DEM成果裁切问题入手,结合笔者多年的测绘生产经验,研讨DEM成果裁切问题。 相似文献