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中天观测数据在建立太阳系高精度行星历表时具有重要作用.在处理由JPL(Jet Propulsion Laboratory)以及IMCCE(Institut De Mecanique Celeste Et De Calcul Des Ephemerides)提供的中天数据时发现,有若干组数据的参考星表没有被明确指出。对于这些信息不完整的数据,无从改正数据由参考星表而引起的系统差。课题研究的主要目的是利用DE421历表确定存在缺陷的这类观测数据的参考星表。通过DE421给出行星在GCRS(Geocentric Celestial Reference System)中的相应位置,并把此位置转换到参考假定的参考星表时行星的理论视位置。通过引入的两个统计量分析原始数据与理论位置的差异显著性,检验假定的数据参考星表是否恰当.结果显示,此方法能够有效区分数据的参考星表,能够确定信息不完整的数据组缺少的参考星表。最后,所有中天数据被转换到GCRS坐标系,以便在历表研制中使用。  相似文献   

大行星位置的测量是天体测量学中的一项长期而重要的任务,如何在当前形势下高精度测定行星的位置是本文研究方向的最终目标,鉴于太阳系内行星和木星都有新技术进行高精度的位置观测,作者探讨了如何用光学手段高精度测量外行星(土星,天王星和海王星)的位置。提出了长焦距望远镜CCD观测行星卫星和用中天望远镜CCD观测暗恒星相配合的思路,因此,对长焦距望远镜CCD观测外行星卫星和中天望远镜CCD相对观测恒星进行了系  相似文献   

大行星位置的测量是天体测量学中的一项长期而重要的任务。如何在当前形势下高精度测定行星的位置是本文研究方向的最终目标。鉴于太阳系内行星和木星都有新技术进行高精度的位置观测,作者探讨了如何用光学手段高精度测定外行星(土星,天王星和海王星)的位置,提出了用长焦距望远镜CCD观测行星卫星和用中天望远镜CCD观测暗恒星相配合的思路。因此,对长焦距望远镜CCD观测外行星卫星和中天望远镜CCD相对观测恒星进行了系统调研,同时也对外行星卫星的理论从观测验证的角度进行了介绍。本文重点介绍了在长焦距望远镜上相对于天王星卫星高精度测定暗恒星的位置。结果表明,相对于天王星卫星确实可以精确测定同一CCD视场中暗恒星的位置,位置测量的精度和国外最好的天王星卫星位置测量的精度相当或更高。还介绍了与观测资料的归算有关的天王星和卫星的位置历算。最后,分析了我国从事高精度大行星位置测量的可行性  相似文献   

暗弱天然卫星与主带小行星相比,具有亮度低、速度变化快的特点.在观测这类天体时,不能简单地延长曝光时间来提高其信噪比.尝试观测多幅短曝光的CCD (chargecoupled device)图像,采用移位堆叠(shift-and-add)方法,希望提高目标成像的信噪比,获得暗弱天然卫星的精确测量结果.使用2018年4月9—12日夜间,中国科学院云南天文台1 m望远镜(1 m望远镜)拍摄的木星5颗暗卫星的229幅CCD图像,实施了移位堆叠试验.为了验证结果的正确性,与相近日期中国科学院云南天文台2.4 m望远镜(2.4 m望远镜)观测的相同木卫图像的测量结果进行了比较和分析.位置归算采用了JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)历表.结果表明,对CCD图像使用移位堆叠方法,通过叠加约10幅曝光时间100 s的图像, 1 m望远镜能观测暗至19等星的不规则天然卫星,而且测量的准确度与2.4 m望远镜的测量结果有良好的一致性.  相似文献   

使用紫金山天文台姚安观测站80 cm望远镜在2022年2月至4月对矮行星Haumea进行了两轮观测。对所有的观测图像使用干涉条纹剔除技术,并利用相对测光导出了Haumea的仪器星等,最后对两轮光度测量结果进行归一化处理以便联合分析。通过相位弥散最小化(Phase Dispersion Minimization, PDM)方法以及Lomb-Scargle周期图法分别求得了Haumea的自转周期。两种方法求得的自转周期结果仅相差0.072 s,这表明所求周期具有良好的一致性。Haumea光度测量结果显示明显的双峰自转光变曲线,自转周期为3.915 4±0.000 2 h,峰峰值幅度为0.26±0.01 mag。通过导出的自转光变曲线,最终估计了Haumea由于自转产生的光度变化对位置测量的影响最大为-9~9 mas。这一测光观测对后续高精度天体位置测量具有基础意义。  相似文献   

类地行星(月球)自转监测望远镜的科学目标是在行星(月球)表面现场测量行星(月球)自转并研究其内部结构和物理性质.为了验证全新的观测原理和资料处理方法,项目团队设计制造了一套原理样机,在一台商用天文望远镜的光路前端增加3面反射镜组,使其具有同时观测3个视场的能力.自2017年起在地面上开展了观测实验,获得了混合有3视场星象的图像.通过计算星象在前后图像上的位移实现了归属视场识别,使得观测效果与分视场独立观测等同,证明了用一台设备同时观测多视场的可行性.处理图像并通过3个视场中心的指向变化归算地球自转轴的空间指向,与理论值比较偏差平均约1′′,证明了观测原理和数据处理方法有效.对各种观测误差来源进行了分析,包含大气折射、仪器热稳定性和光学分辨能力的影响等,指出采用更长焦距的望远镜可以提高空间分辨率,优化形变控制可以提高观测稳定性.改进多视场同时观测中的光学设计也有助于精度的提高.  相似文献   

我们的太阳系内,恒星太阳位于中心,是最主要的天体。在它的周围有八颗大行星、许多矮行星和小行星,还有许多彗星和流星体。其中六颗大行星拥有自己的卫星。这些天体在太阳系内有规律地运动着,构成了丰富多姿的太阳系家族。也正是这些天体的有规律运动,形成了太阳系内天体的各种天文现象,如日食(日全食、日环食和日偏食),月食(月全食和月偏食),  相似文献   

目前已发现了285颗围绕太阳系八大行星公转的卫星, 它们的轨道和物理性质呈现了丰富多样性. 目前为止, 几乎所有的卫星研究工作都基于单个卫星系统或者卫星群, 似乎缺少统一的研究. 提出了一个新的与行星性质无关、只与恒星半径有关的轨道参数n, 定义为以太阳半径为单位的轨道半长轴的自然对数. 不同行星的卫星的n值都存在双极分布, 绝大部分卫星在$n\gtrsim2$区间, 其次在$n\lesssim-1$区间, 位于中间区域的行星则很少. 从卫星物理参数和轨道参数与n的关系中发现, 分属六大行星的卫星有明显的共同特征. 首先, 轨道偏心率和轨道倾角偏大的卫星的n值都在3.5左右, 它们都是巨行星的不规则卫星. 其次, n值在-1和1之间的卫星绝大部分体积大、质量大、反照率高、自转速度慢. 从文献中找到11颗系外卫星候选体, 获得了它们轨道n值和卫星质量, 发现后者也是在-1< n< 1区间最大,其他区间偏小.这些统一的 规律暗示,太阳系内不同行星的卫星形成机制以及太阳系外卫星的形成机制可能一样或类似.  相似文献   

CCD图像数字定心算法的比较   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
从CCD采集的数字图像中提取天体的位置和光度信息对于天文研究具有基础意义.其中,恒星星像中心像素位置的精确测量对于天体测量至关重要.针对国际上常用的三种位置测量算法:修正矩方法、Gauss拟合法和中值法,利用实测的CCD图像进行了试验研究.具体地,采用云南天文台1m望远镜观测的CCD图像同时使用这些算法进行了实际测量,根据每幅图像中测得的像素位置,对这三类定心算法进行了比较和精度分析.可视化方法被用于不同阈值的选取和设定比较.实验数据表明,无阈值的二维Gauss拟合方法是一种精度相对较高的定心算法.  相似文献   

大气视宁度是衡量台址大气光学品质的重要指标。差分像运动视宁度监测仪(Differential Image Motion Monitor,DIMM)被广泛应用于国内外天文选址的视宁度测量作业。介绍了一种优良的视宁度测量方法——差分像运动视宁度优化监测(Improved to Differential Image Motion Monitor,I-DIMM)法。首先对I-DIMM的结构设计和视宁度计算方法进行了详细描述;随后通过设置0. 36 m和0. 12 m两种口径望远镜进行视宁度的模拟测量,将I-DIMM测量结果与传统的DIMM测量的结果进行对比,均证明I-DIMM视宁度计算方法比DIMM更为精确;最后对模拟结果进行了分析,证明了I-DIMM相比于DIMM的优势。  相似文献   

We consider the application of interferometry to measuring the sizes and shapes of small bodies in the Solar System that cannot be spatially resolved by today’s single-dish telescopes. Assuming ellipsoidal shapes, we provide a formalism to derive the shape parameters from visibility measurements along three different baseline orientations. Our results indicate that interferometers can measure the size of an object to better than 15% uncertainty if the limb-darkening is unknown. Assuming a Minnaert scattering model, one can theoretically derive the limb-darkening parameters from simultaneous measurements of visibilities at several different projected baseline lengths to improve the size and shape determination to an accuracy of a few percent. The best size measurement can be reached when one axis of the object’s projected disk is aligned with one baseline orientation, and the measurement of cross-sectional area is independent of baseline orientation. We construct a 3-D shape model for the dwarf planet Haumea and use it to synthesize interferometric data sets. Using the Haumea model, we demonstrate that when photometric light curve, visibility light curve, and visibility phase center displacement are combined, the rotational period and sense of rotation can all be derived, and the rotational pole can be estimated. Because of its elongated shape and the dark red spot, the rotation of Haumea causes its optical photocenter to move in a loop on the sky. Our simulations show that this loop has an extend of about 80 μas without the dark red spot, and about 200 μas with it. Such movements are easily detectable by space-based astrometric interferometer designed e.g. for planet detection. As an example, we consider the possible contributions to the study of small bodies in the Solar System by the Space Interferometry Mission. We show that such a mission could make substantial contributions in characterizing the fundamental physical properties of the brightest Kuiper Belt Objects and Centaurs as well as a large number of main belt asteroids. We compile a list of Kuiper Belt Objects and Centaurs that are potentially scientifically interesting and observable by such missions.  相似文献   

The Hill stability criterion is applied to analyse the stability of a planet in the binary star system of HD 41004 AB, with the primary and secondary separated by 22 AU, and masses of 0.7 M and 0.4 M, respectively. The primary hosts one planet in an S‐type orbit, and the secondary hosts a brown dwarf (18.64 MJ) on a relatively close orbit, 0.0177 AU, thereby forming another binary pair within this binary system. This star‐brown dwarf pair (HD 41004 B+Bb) is considered a single body during our numerical calculations, while the dynamics of the planet around the primary, HD 41004 Ab, is studied in different phase‐spaces. HD 41004 Ab is a 2.6 MJ planet orbiting at the distance of 1.7 AU with orbital eccentricity 0.39. For the purpose of this study, the system is reduced to a three‐body problem and is solved numerically as the elliptic restricted three‐body problem (ERTBP). The Hill stability function is used as a chaos indicator to configure and analyse the orbital stability of the planet, HD 41004 Ab. The indicator has been effective in measuring the planet's orbital perturbation due to the secondary star during its periastron passage. The calculated Hill stability time series of the planet for the coplanar case shows the stable and quasi‐periodic orbits for at least ten million years. For the reduced ERTBP the stability of the system is also studied for different values of planet's orbital inclination with the binary plane. Also, by recording the planet's ejection time from the system or collision time with a star during the integration period, stability of the system is analysed in a bigger phase‐space of the planet's orbital inclination, ≤ 90°, and its semimajor axis, 1.65–1.75 AU. Based on our analysis it is found that the system can maintain a stable configuration for the planet's orbital inclination as high as 65° relative to the binary plane. The results from the Hill stability criterion and the planet's dynamical lifetime map are found to be consistent with each other. (© 2016 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

杨峰  赵刚  任德清 《天文学报》2019,60(6):49-59
先进多孔径视宁度廓线仪(A-MASP)由两台小望远镜组成,通过望远镜观测太阳表面的米粒结构进行日间湍流廓线测量.两台望远镜之间的相对指向误差可以通过改进的湍流廓线测量公式消除.数值仿真研究表明,使用消除抖动的湍流廓线计算公式后,发现A-MASP对地表附近的湍流不敏感.当两台望远镜距离为0.4 m时,无法测量400 m以下的湍流.在A-MASP中,采样高度的不均匀分布会造成测量结果的失真,可通过等效采样高度的计算方法,对该失真进行修正.通过100层相位屏对大气湍流的仿真,结果表明当望远镜距离不同时,湍流廓线测量的结果各有侧重.当距离较近时(0.4 m),A-MASP对0.4–5 km的湍流廓线测量精度较高.当距离为1.2 m和2.0 m时,对5 km以上的湍流廓线测量较准确.  相似文献   

The space telescope Search for Terrestrial Exo-Planets (STEP) employed a method of sub-pixel technology which ensures that the astrometric accuracy of the telescope on the focal plane is at the order of 1 μas. This kind of astrometric precision is promising to detect the earth-like planets beyond the solar system. In this paper, we analyze the influence of some key factors, including the errors in the stellar proper motion, parallax, the optical center of the system, and the velocity and position of the satellite, on the detection of exoplanets. We propose a relative angular distance method to evaluate the non-linear terms in the variation of star-pair's angular distance caused by the possibly existing exoplanet. This method could avoid the direct influence of measuring errors of the position and proper motion of the reference stars. Supposing that there are eight reference stars and a target star with a planet system in the same field of view, we simulate their five-year observational data, and use the least square method to get the parameters of the planet orbit. Our results show that the method is robust to detect terrestrial planets based on the 1 μas precision of STEP.  相似文献   

The Monitor project is a photometric monitoring survey of nine young (1–200 Myr) clusters in the solar neighbourhood to search for eclipses by very low mass stars and brown dwarfs and for planetary transits in the light curves of cluster members. It began in the autumn of 2004 and uses several 2- to 4-m telescopes worldwide. We aim to calibrate the relation between age, mass, radius and where possible luminosity, from the K dwarf to the planet regime, in an age range where constraints on evolutionary models are currently very scarce. Any detection of an exoplanet in one of our youngest targets (≲10 Myr) would also provide important constraints on planet formation and migration time-scales and their relation to protoplanetary disc lifetimes. Finally, we will use the light curves of cluster members to study rotation and flaring in low-mass pre-main-sequence stars.
The present paper details the motivation, science goals and observing strategy of the survey. We present a method to estimate the sensitivity and number of detections expected in each cluster, using a simple semi-analytic approach which takes into account the characteristics of the cluster and photometric observations, using (tunable) best-guess assumptions for the incidence and parameter distribution of putative companions, and we incorporate the limits imposed by radial velocity follow-up from medium and large telescopes. We use these calculations to show that the survey as a whole can be expected to detect over 100 young low and very low mass eclipsing binaries, and ∼3 transiting planets with radial velocity signatures detectable with currently available facilities.  相似文献   

We examine the possibility of detecting signatures of surviving Uranus/Neptune-like planets inside planetary nebulae. Planets that are not too close to the stars (orbital separation larger than ∼5 au) are likely to survive the entire evolution of the star. As the star turns into a planetary nebula, it has a fast wind and strong ionizing radiation. The interaction of the radiation and wind with a planet may lead to the formation of a compact condensation or tail inside the planetary nebula, which emits strongly in H α , but not in [O  iii ]. The position of the condensation (or tail) will change over a time-scale of ∼10 yr. Such condensations might be detected with currently existing telescopes.  相似文献   

The technique of gravitational microlensing is currently unique in its ability to provide a sample of terrestrial exoplanets around both Galactic disk and bulge stars, allowing to measure their abundance and determine their distribution with respect to mass and orbital separation. Thus, valuable information for testing models of planet formation and orbital migration is gathered, constituting an important piece in the puzzle for the existence of life forms throughout the Universe. In order to achieve these goals in reasonable time, a well‐coordinated effort involving a network of either 2m or 4×1m telescopes at each site is required. It could lead to the first detection of an Earth‐mass planet outside the Solar system, and even planets less massive than Earth could be discovered. From April 2008, ARTEMiS (Automated Robotic Terrestrial Exoplanet Microlensing Search) is planned to provide a platform for a three‐step strategy of survey, follow‐up, and anomaly monitoring. As an expert system embedded in eSTAR (e‐Science Telescopes for Astronomical Research), ARTEMiS will give advice for follow‐up based on a priority algorithm that selects targets to be observed in order to maximize the expected number of planet detections, and will also alert on deviations from ordinary microlensing light curves by means of the SIGNALMEN anomaly detector. While the use of the VOEvent (Virtual Observatory Event) protocol allows a direct interaction with the telescopes that are part of the HTN (Heterogeneous Telescope Networks) consortium, additional interfaces provide means of communication with all existing microlensing campaigns that rely on human observers. The success of discovering a planet by microlensing critically depends on the availability of a telescope in a suitable location at the right time, which can mean within 10 min. To encourage follow‐up observations, microlensing campaigns are therefore releasing photometric data in real time. On ongoing planetary anomalies, world‐wide efforts are being undertaken to make sure that sufficient data are obtained, since there is no second chance. Real‐time modelling offers the opportunity of live discovery of extra‐solar planets, thereby providing “Science live to your home”. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

This paper outlines the progress in development of the numerical planet ephemerides EPM—Ephemerides of Planets and the Moon. EPM was first created in the 1970s in support of Russian space flight missions and constantly improved at IAA RAS. Comparison between various available EPM ephemerides (EPM2004, EPM2008, EPM2011) is shown. The first results of the updated EPM2013 version which takes into account the two-dimensional annulus of small asteroids are presented. Currently two main factors drive the progress of planet ephemerides: dynamical models of planet motion and observational data, with the crucial role of spacecraft ranging. EPM ephemerides are the basis for the Russian Astronomical and Nautical Astronomical Yearbooks, are planned to use in the GLONASS and LUNA-RESOURCE programs, and are being used for determination of physical parameters: masses of asteroids, planet rotation parameters and topography, the \(GM_\odot \) and its secular variation, the PPN parameters, and the upper limit on the mass of dark matter in the Solar System. The files containing polynomial approximation for EPM ephemerides (EPM2004, EPM2008, EPM2011) along with TTTDB and ephemerides of Ceres, Pallas, Vesta, Eris, Haumea, Makemake, and Sedna are available from ftp://quasar.ipa.nw.ru/incoming/EPM/. Files are provided in IAA’s binary and ASCII formats, as well as in the SPK format.  相似文献   

地基光学天文望远镜是人类探索与研究宇宙的重要手段, 对已有地基光学台址的光学观测环境进行监测分析, 可以为后期设备针对性改造以及观测者调整观测策略提供参考依据, 对提升地基光学设备的观测效能具有重要的意义. 吉林天文观测基地(简称``基地'')隶属于中国科学院国家天文台长春人造卫星观测站, 位于吉林省吉林市大绥河镇小绥河村南沟约5 km处(东经126.3\circ, 北纬43.8\circ, 海拔高度313m). 基地大气视宁度均值范围约为1.3$''$--1.4$''$、天顶附近V波段的天光背景亮度为20.64magcdotarcsec-2、年晴夜数最高可达270余天, 具有良好的天文观测条件. 吉林天文观测基地于2016年投入运行, 现有1.2m光电望远镜、迷你光电阵列望远镜、大视场光电望远镜阵列、新型多功能阵列结构光电探测平台等多台(套)光电望远镜设备. 利用上述设备, 主要围绕空间目标探测与识别、精密轨道确定、光电探测新方法以及变源天体的多色测光等开展相关研究工作, 与多家国内高校及科研院所保持着良好的合作关系.  相似文献   

指向精度是大型射电望远镜天线具有挑战性的关键技术指标.在望远镜运行中,方位俯仰角的变化、重力以及日照等对副面撑杆的综合影响会引起望远镜的副面位姿改变从而引起指向误差的增加和天线效率的降低.基于天马65 m射电望远镜,使用位置传感器装置(PSD)法构建了副面位置偏移量测定系统,可以实时采集副面的3维位移数据,构建重力模型,将测试结果与射电法构建的现有副面模型进行对比,有较好的一致性.此外,该系统可以分析日照(引起撑腿局部温度效应)引起的副面位移情况,也可以监视风载和瞬时启停对副面位姿的影响.  相似文献   

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