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Deep saline aquifers are considered as the most promising option for geologic disposal of CO2. One of the main concerns, however, is the integrity of the caprocks between and above the storage formations. Here, a hydrogeochemical and isotopic investigation is presented, using ionic chemistry, stable isotopes (δ18O, δ2H and 87Sr/86Sr) and radiocarbon dating, on five saline aquifers on a regional scale, namely: Neogene Minghuazhen, Guantao, Ordivician, Cambrian and Precambrian, all found in the Bohai Bay Basin (BBB) in North China. Groundwater recharge, flow pattern, age and mixing processes in the saline aquifers show that the Neogene Guantao Formation (Ng) in the Jizhong and Huanghua Depressions on both of the west and east sides of the Cangxian Uplift is a prospective reservoir for CO2 sequestration, with a well confined regional seal above, which is the clayey layers in the Neogene Minghuazhen Formation (Nm). However, this is not the case in the Cangxian Uplift, where the Ng is missing where structural high and fault zones are developed, creating strong hydraulic connections and trans-formational flow to the Nm aquifer. Comparing storage capacity and long-term security between the various hydrogeologic units, the depressions are better candidate sites for CO2 sequestration in the BBB.  相似文献   

Different assumptions for the thermo-mechanical properties of the lithosphere strongly affect predictions inferred from quantitative sedimentary basin modeling. Examples from various basins, selected as natural laboratories, illustrate the importance of incorporating a finite strength of the extending lithosphere in forward stratigraphic modeling of large-scale basin stratigraphy. Current models can effectively couple erosion at uplifted rift shoulders of extensional basins with the basin fill architecture of the subsiding basin compartments. Modeling of the synrift strata integrates spatial scales characteristic for subbasins, such as the Oseberg field in the North Sea, with large-scale lithospheric properties characterizing the bulk strength of extending lithosphere. Modeling of compressional basins in foreland fold-and-thrust-belt settings can effectively link lithospheric flexure with surface processes. Scales pertinent to short-term spatial and temporal variations in basin fill and basin deformation can now be addressed, allowing the quantitative investigation of consequences of different modes of thrusting for basin fill geometry and facies characteristics.  相似文献   

The development of a qualifying system for reflectance analysis has been the scope of a working group within the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP) since 1999, when J. Koch presented a system to qualify vitrinite particles according to their size, proximity to bright components and homogeneity of the surface. After some years of work aimed at improving the classification system using photomicrographs, it was decided to run a round robin exercise on microscopy samples. The classification system tested consists of three qualifiers ranging from excellent to low quality vitrinites with an additional option for unsuitable vitrinites. This paper reports on the results obtained by 22 analysts who were asked to measure random reflectance readings on vitrinite particles assigning to each reading a qualifier. Four samples containing different organic matter types and a variety of vitrinite occurrences have been analysed. Results indicated that the reflectance of particles classified as excellent, good or poor compared to the total average reflectance did not show trends to be systematically lower or higher for the four samples analysed. The differences in reflectance between the qualifiers for any given sample were lower than the scatter of vitrinite reflectance among participants. Overall, satisfactory results were obtained in determining the reflectance of vitrinite in the four samples analysed. This was so for samples having abundant and easy to identify vitrinites (higher plant-derived organic matter) as well as for samples with scarce and difficult to identify particles (samples with dominant marine-derived organic matter). The highest discrepancies were found for the organic-rich oil shales where the selection of the vitrinite population to measure proved to be particularly difficult. Special instructions should be provided for the analysis of this sort of samples. The certainty of identification of the vitrinite associated with the vitrinite reflectance values reported has been assessed through a reliability index which takes into account the number of readings and the coefficient of variation. The same statistical approach as that followed in the ICCP vitrinite reflectance accreditation program for single seam coals has been used for data evaluation. The results indicated low to medium dispersion for 17 out of 22 participants. This, combined with data from other sets of comparative analyses over a long period, is considered an encouraging result for the establishment of an accreditation program on vitrinite reflectance measurements in dispersed organic matter.  相似文献   

The basement beneath the Junggar basin has been interpreted either as a micro-continent of Precambrian age or as a fragment of Paleozoic oceanic crust. Elemental and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions and zircon Pb–Pb ages of volcanic rocks from drill cores through the paleo-weathered crust show that the basement is composed mainly of late Paleozoic volcanic rock with minor shale and tuff. The volcanic rocks are mostly subalkaline with some minor low-K rocks in the western Kexia area. Some alkaline lavas occur in the central Luliang uplift and northeastern Wulungu depression. The lavas range in composition from basalts to rhyolites and fractional crystallization played an important role in magma evolution. Except for a few samples from Kexia, the basalts have low La/Nb (<1.4), typical for oceanic crust derived from asthenospheric melts. Zircon Pb–Pb ages indicate that the Kexia andesite, with a volcanic arc affinity, formed in the early Carboniferous (345 Ma), whereas the Luliang rhyolite and the Wucaiwan dacite, with syn-collisional to within-plate affinities, formed in the early Devonian (395 and 405 Ma, respectively). Positive εNd(t) values (up to +7.4) and low initial 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios of the intermediate-silicic rocks suggest that the entire Junggar terrain may be underlain by oceanic crust, an interpretation consistent with the juvenile isotopic signatures of many granitoid plutons in other parts of the Central Asia Orogenic Belt. Variation in zircon ages for the silicic rocks, different Ba, P, Ti, Nb or Th anomalies in the mafic rocks, and variable Nb/Y and La/Nb ratios across the basin, suggest that the basement is compositionally heterogeneous. The heterogeneity is believed to reflect amalgamation of different oceanic blocks representing either different evolution stages within a single terrane or possibly derivation from different terranes.  相似文献   

盆地的热体制研究对盆地构造演化与油气勘探意义重大。岩石放射性生热率是岩石重要的热物性参数,是研究盆地热体制的基础数据之一。不同于传统的分析测试方法,自然伽马(GR)—生热率(A)换算只需要GR测井就可以计算生热率。笔者利用塔里木盆地不同地区20口主要钻井的GR测井数据计算了沉积层共6094个生热率数据,建立了代表性钻井岩性测井—生热率对比图、塔里木盆地地层生热率柱,估算了盆地沉积层放射性生热对地表热流的贡献及对深部地层的增温效应。结果表明,塔里木盆地沉积层的平均生热率为1.17±0.336μW/m3,岩性是地层生热率的主控因素,泥岩生热率最高,为1.96±0.318μW/m3,砂岩次之,为0.99±0.264μW/m3,白云岩和灰岩生热率较低,分别为0.44±0.362μW/m3和0.36±0.408μW/m3。根据地层生热率,估算沉积层生热贡献的热流为9.36mW/m2,约占地表总热流的21%,沉积层生热对地温梯度的贡献约为3.3℃/km,放射性生热对属...  相似文献   

In Togo, the hydrogeology of the sedimentary coastal aquifers along the Gulf of Guinea has been studied for the last three decades to define the recharge processes and the origin and evolution of the salinity. Isotope hydrology and fluid geochemistry suggest that the current recharge of all aquifers, both confined and unconfined, occurs through the crystalline basement and the Plio-Quaternary deposits. Two main groundwater mineralization processes are observed: the first one, in recharge areas, is due to farming, village and city life and concerns unconfined aquifers (crystalline basement, Continental Terminal and Quaternary sediments); the second one is a mixing process between recent freshwater and fossil saline water still present in the deep confined aquifers inland, several kilometers away from the coast. Brackish water was trapped in low-permeability lenses of confined aquifers (Eo-Palaeocene and Maastrichtian) during the Quaternary, in periods of low recharge, notably during the last glacial maximum (LGM), and has not yet been flushed out. Hydrodynamic simulations indicate that, at that time, the aquifers experienced a maximum seawater intrusion as far as 20–22 km inland, depending on the palaeo-recharge value at the outcrops.  相似文献   

The Canadian portion of the Williston Basin is used as an example of how > 15,000 ‘standard’ formation water analyses in about 15 aquifers can be evaluated rapidly using easily available culling and data distribution display software. Techniques and software used include a program for culling erroneous and missing data in ‘standard’ formation water analyses, electronic grids of stratigraphic surfaces and unit boundaries from the new Geological Atlas of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, grid manipulation software, and a geochemical modelling program (SOLMINEQ.88).Intra- and inter-basinal hydrochemical continuity at the regional scale was matched visually by comparing salinity maps on the Canadian side of the basin with salinity maps from the American side, and with the adjacent Alberta Basin. Inter-aquifer continuity to identify aquifer systems and the relative strength of aquitards was determined using a combination of. (1) salinity distribution maps; (2) maps showing salinity differences between aquifers and across intervening aquitards; and (3) the relation among SO4 in formation waters, the distribution of anhydrite, and the saturation of the formation waters with respect to anhydrite. Evaporites strongly influence the composition of adjacent formation waters, even to the extent that in one aquifer the normal increase of salinity with depth is reversed. The process of freshwater influx into the western part of the basin is demonstrated by a series of salinity maps; they suggest that the process is current and has included removal of halite from the major basinal aquitard. This regional-scale evaluation required an elapsed time of only about 10 working days, hence a fairly rapid study.  相似文献   

The development of watershed basins to increase groundwater recharge potential is becoming a major issue in India due to an acute shortage of groundwater resources, resulting from the marked expansion of land-use activities and the explosive growth in population. It is necessary to study the regional characteristics in order to identify potential artificial groundwater recharge zones. A combination of morphometric analysis coupled with hydrogeological information is used to prepare a generalized scenario for watershed development plans. A numerical scheme is, thus, proposed for the relative evaluation of surface rock-permeability in relation to morphometry (stream order, stream length, drainage density, channel maintenance, overland flow, basin shape, etc.). An attempt is made, from the morphometrical studies of the Varaha watershed of the Precambrian Eastern Ghats basement terrain in Eastern India, to illustrate how the numerical scheme is helpful as a tool in watershed development planning programs. This method involves the designation of various recharge-related measures, based upon the relative ranking of surface-material permeability after comparison with the hydrogeological conditions of sub-basins of the river basin. The scheme can also help to pin-point areas of study on a local scale, and thus facilitate developmental programs to augment groundwater recharge.  相似文献   

The lithosphere is subject to fluctuations in temperature and pressure during the formation of sedimentary basins. These fluctuations cause metamorphic reactions that change the density of the lithosphere, which, in turn, influences basin subsidence. This contribution develops a model for sedimentary basin formation to assess the importance of this coupling. The model shows that basin subsidence is significantly affected by metamorphic densification. Compared to results obtained with cruder density models, metamorphic densification accelerates subsidence in the initial post-rifting stages as garnet becomes stable over an increasing depth interval within the mantle, an effect that amplifies the crust–mantle density contrast. For models with an extraordinarily cold lithosphere, uplift is generated as a late stage of basin evolution. In general, subsidence is not smooth but occurs instead in small steps reflecting periods of accelerated/decelerated subsidence. For typical crustal thicknesses, subsidence is controlled largely by reactions in the mantle, and particularly those determining garnet stability.  相似文献   

Stratabound epigenetic dolomite occurs in carbonate facies of the Barrandian basin (Silurian and Devonian), Czech Republic. The most intense dolomitization is developed in bioclastic calcarenites within the transition between micritic limestone and shaledominated Přídolí and Lochkov formations deposited on a carbonate slope. Medium-crystalline (100–400 μm), inclusion-rich, xenotopic matrix dolomite (δ 18O=−4.64 to −3.40‰ PDB;δ 13C=+1.05 to +1.85‰ PDB) which selectively replaced most of the bioclastic precursor is volumetrically the most important dolomite type. Coarse crystalline saddle dolomite (δ 18O=−8.04 to −5.14‰ PDB;δ 18C=+0.49 to +1.49 PDB) which precipitated in fractures and vugs within the matrix dolomite represents a later diagenetic dolomitization event. In some vugs, saddle dolomite coprecipitated with petroleum inclusion-rich authigenic quartz crystals and minor sulfides which, in turn, were post-dated by semisolid asphaltic bitumen. The interpretation of the dolomitization remains equivocal. Massive xenotopic dolomite, although generally characteristic of a deeper burial setting, may have been formed by a recrystallization of an earlier, possibly shallow burial dolomite. Deeper burial recrystallization by reactive basinal pore fluids that presumably migrated through the more permeable upper portion of the Přídolí sequence appears as a viable explanation for this dolomitization overprint. Saddle dolomite cement of the matrix dolomite is interpreted as the last dolomitization event that occurred during deep burial at the depth of the oil window zone. The presence of saddle dolomite, the fluid inclusion composition of associated quartz crystals, and vitrinite paleogeothermometry of adjacent sediments imply diagenetic burial temperatures as high as 160°C. Although high geothermal gradients in the past or the involvement of hydrothermally influenced basinal fluids can account for these elevated temperatures, burial heating beneath approximately 3-km-thick sedimentary overburden of presumably post-Givetian strata, no longer preserved in the basin, appears to be the most likely interpretation. This interpretaion may imply that the magnitude of post-Variscan erosion in the Barrandian area was substantially greater than previously thought.  相似文献   

羌塘盆地是我国陆域面积最大的中生代海相沉积盆地,该盆地基底属性和深部构造特征尚未形成统一认识.最新获取的高精度航空重、磁资料发现北羌塘整体表现为"磁力高、重力低",南羌塘与之相反,并且北羌塘基底磁性明显强于南羌塘;基于航磁数据计算的基底深度显示出南、北羌塘具有明显差异,北羌塘基底深度普遍在7.0~15.0 km,凹陷中心多达6个;南羌塘基底深度稍浅,多在5.0~13.0 km,凹陷中心只有3个.南、北羌塘截然不同的重磁场特征表明羌塘盆地并不存在统一的前寒武系变质基底,南、北羌塘是两个完全不同的构造单元.E—W向的"中央隆起带"将羌塘盆地一分为二,使其整体呈现"两坳夹一隆"的构造格局,并可以进一步划分为31个凸起区和9个凹陷区.  相似文献   

Here we present the first set of metal-silicate partitioning data for Cs, which we use to examine whether the primitive mantle depletion of Cs can be attributed to core segregation. Our experiments independently varied pressure from 5 to 15 GPa, temperature from 1900 to 2400 °C, metallic sulfur content from pure Fe to pure FeS, silicate melt polymerization, expressed as a ratio of non-bridging oxygens to tetrahedrally coordinated cations (nbo/t) from 1.26 to 3.1, and fO2 from two to four log units below the iron-wüstite buffer. The most important controls on the partitioning behavior of alkalis were the metallic sulfur content, expressed as XS, and the nbo/t of the silicate liquid. Normalization of XS to 0.5 yielded the following expressions for D-values as a function of nbo/t: log DNa = −2.0 + 0.44 × (nbo/t), log DK = −2.4 + 0.67 × ( nbo/t), and log DCs = −3.2 + 1.17 × (nbo/t). Normalization of nbo/t to 2.7 resulted in the following equations for D-values as a function of S content: log DNa = −4.1 + 6.4 × XS, log DK = −7.7 + 13.9 × XS, and log DCs = −12.1 + 23.3 × XS.There appears to be a negative pressure effect up to 15 GPa, but it should be noted that this trend was not present before normalization, and is based on only two measurements. There is a positive trend in cesium’s metal-silicate partition coefficient with increasing temperature. DCs exhibits the largest change and increased by a factor of three over 500 °C. The effect of oxygen fugacity has not been precisely determined but in general, lowering fO2 by two log units resulted in a rise in all D-values of approximately an order of magnitude. In general, the sensitivity of partition coefficients to changing parameters increased with atomic number.The highest D-value for Cs observed in this study is 0.345, which was obtained at nbo/t of 2.7 and a metal phase of pure FeS. This metallic composition has far more S than has been suggested for any credible core-forming metal. We therefore conclude that the depletion of Cs in Earth’s mantle is either caused by radically different behavior of Cs at pressures higher than 15 GPa or is not related to core formation. Even so, we have shown that a planet with a sufficient S inventory may incorporate significant amounts of alkali elements into its core.  相似文献   

Structural traps like anticline structures are preferred for carbon dioxide sequestration as they limit lateral spreading of CO2 and thus provide localized storage. This study, therefore, assesses strategies for maximizing storage of CO2 using as hypothetical but realistic storage site a typical anticline structure in the North German sedimentary basin. Scenario simulations are performed to investigate the effects of well number, location, spacing and alignment, using fracture pressure and containment of CO2 within the anticline as constraining factors. Scenarios are ranked by stored CO2 mass, pressure increase due to injection and CO2 immobilized by dissolution or residual trapping. It is found that pressure overlap from different injectors influences CO2 migration considerably, limiting the storable amount to about 150 Mt, which represents half of the static capacity estimate.  相似文献   

Asuka 881394 is a unique basaltic meteorite that originated in the crust of a differentiated planetesimal in the early Solar System. We present high precision Pb, Mg, and Cr isotopic compositions of bulk samples and mineral separates from this achondrite. A 207Pb-206Pb internal isochron obtained from the radiogenic pyroxene and whole-rock fractions of Asuka 881394 yields an absolute age of 4566.5 ± 0.2 Ma, which we consider to be the best estimate for the crystallization age of this basaltic achondrite. The 26Al-26Mg systematics show some evidence of disturbance, but 5 of the 6 analyzed whole-rock and mineral fractions define an isochron corresponding to a 27Al/26Al ratio of (1.28 ± 0.07) × 10−6. Comparison with the 26Al-26Mg and Pb-Pb systematics in the D’Orbigny achondrite translates to a 26Al-26Mg age of 4565.4 ± 0.2 Ma for Asuka 881394. The 53Mn-53Cr systematics in whole-rock, silicate and chromite fractions correspond to a 53Mn/55Mn ratio of (3.85 ± 0.23) × 10−6. Compared to the most precise 53Mn-53Cr and Pb-Pb systematics available for the D’Orbigny angrite, this translates to a 53Mn-53Cr age of 4565.3 ± 0.4 Ma; similarly, a comparison with the NWA 4801 angrite yields a 53Mn-53Cr age of 4565.5 ± 0.4 Ma, in agreement with the age obtained relative to D’Orbigny. While the 26Al-26Mg and 53Mn-53Cr ages appear to be concordant in Asuka 881394, these ages are ∼1 Ma younger than its 207Pb-206Pb age. This discordance might have been caused by one or more of several reasons, including differences in the closure temperatures for Pb versus Cr and Mg diffusion in their host minerals combined with slow cooling of the parent body as well as differential resetting of isotopic systems by a process other than volume diffusion, e.g., shock metamorphism. The ancient age of Asuka 881394 suggests that basaltic volcanism on its parent planetesimal occurred within ∼3 Ma of the formation of earliest solids in the Solar System, essentially contemporaneously with chondrule formation. This requires that the Asuka 881394 parent body was fully accreted within ∼500,000 yrs of Solar System formation.  相似文献   

We propose to explain the origin of the double trend in seismicity of the Macas swarm in the Subandean Cordillera of Cutucú (Ecuador) and characterize the corresponding active deformation of that region. For that purpose, seismological and geological data have been used, with the deployment of a temporary seismological array, with geological field observations and image processing. We found that some earthquakes are aligned on a well known NNE–SSW trend corresponding to the orientation of the nodal planes of the reverse focal mechanism of the Mw=7.0 1995 Macas earthquake as for its aftershocks. Nevertheless, many smaller events are aligned on an unexpected NNW–SSE trend inside the Cutucú Cordillera. We interpret these two orientations of the Macas swarm as linked to Subandean basement thrusts inherited from the inversion tectonics of a NNE–SSW trending Triassic–Jurassic rift, which has been uplifted and partly extruded in the Cutucú Cordillera. The present partitioning of this part of the Subandean deformation is controlled by pre-existing NNE–SSW to NNW–SSE Triassic–Jurassic normal faults that have been subsequently compressed–transpressed and reactivated into reverse faults. Major boundary faults of the rift were NNE–SSW oriented and correspond now to some main Subandean thrusts as confirms the focal mechanism of the 1995 main shock located on the eastern border (Morona frontal thrust) and the orientation of its aftershocks. In the Cutucú Cordillera, the double orientation of present swarm can be interpreted as the result of accommodation of deformation along NNW–SSE pre-existing faults inside the inverted rift system, linked to the motion of the Morona frontal NNE–SSW thrust.  相似文献   

A groundwater sampling campaign was carried out in the summer of 2013 in a low-temperature geothermal system located in Juventino Rosas (JR) municipality, Guanajuato State, Mexico. This groundwater presents high concentrations of As and F? and high Rn counts, mainly in wells with relatively higher temperature. The chemistry of major elements was interpreted with different methods, like Piper and D’Amore diagrams. These diagrams allowed for classification of four groundwater types located in three hydrogeological environments. The aquifers are hosted mainly in alluvial-lacustrine sediments and volcanic rocks in interaction with fault and fracture systems. The subsidence, faults and fractures observed in the study area can act as preferential channels for recharge and also for the transport of deep fluids to the surface, especially in the basin plain. The formation of a piezometric dome and the observed hydrochemical behavior of groundwater suggest a possible origin of the As and F?. Geochemical processes occurring during water–rock interaction are related to high concentrations of As and F?. High temperatures and alteration processes (like rock weathering) induce dissolution of As and F?-bearing minerals, increasing the content of these elements in groundwater.  相似文献   

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