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InternalDynamicsoftheGenerationofAtmosphericTeleconnectionPatternsLiZhijin(李志锦)andJiLiren(纪立人)(InstituteofAtmosphericPhysics,...  相似文献   

In this study, a statistical model is developed to predict the frequency of tropical cyclones (TCs) that influence Taiwan in boreal summer. Predictors are derived from large-scale environments from February to May in six regions, including four atmospheric circulation predictors over the western sea and eastern sea of Australia, the subtropical western North Pacific (SWNP), and the eastern sea of North America, and two sea surface temperature predictors in the Southeast Indian Ocean and the North Atlantic. The statistical model is verified based on statistical cross-validation tests and by contrasting the differences in the large-scale environments between high and low TC frequency years hindcasted by the model. The results show the relationships of two atmospheric circulation predictors and one SST predictor around Australia with Antarctic Oscillation (AAO) pattern, as well as the relationships of those in the SWNP and around eastern sea of North America with Pacific/North American teleconnection (PNA) pattern. When the anomalous anticyclone around Australia (positive AAO pattern) and the one over the region from eastern sea of North America and the Aleutian Islands to the SWNP (negative PNA pattern) are both strengthened from February, the trade wind in the equatorial Pacific is intensified and consequently plays an important role in steering TCs towards Taiwan during boreal summer.  相似文献   

北京地区短时强降水过程的多尺度环流特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
为了探讨不同天气尺度背景下,北京地区短时强降水过程的基本特征,利用2007-2014年6-8月北京地区自动气象站观测数据和ECMWF ERA-Interim(0.5°×0.5°)全球再分析数据,在对北京地区短时强降水日的大尺度环流特征进行分型的基础上,基于分型合成场和距平场分析了北京地区短时强降水天气过程的基本环流背景及相应的中尺度环流特征。结果表明:(1)造成北京地区出现短时强降水过程的天气系统,依据其出现的频次,大体可分为副热带高压(副高)与西来槽相互作用型、西风小槽型、东北冷涡型和黄淮低涡倒槽型等4类;从低层水汽来看,除东北冷涡型主要来自于渤海、黄海外,其他3型短时强降水过程的水汽主要来自中国南海或东海。(2)不同天气系统主导下的短时强降水时空分布存在较大差异:在空间分布上,黄淮低涡倒槽型短时强降水带分布从北京东南平原穿过城区至西北山前成东南-西北走向,其余3型大体上沿北京地形成西南-东北走向,其中,西南山前、城区和东北山前地区是3个短时强降水事件的多发中心;在时间分布上,东北低涡型造成的短时强降水过程主要发生在午后,副高与西来槽相互作用型主要集中在傍晚至前半夜,而西风小槽型和黄淮低涡倒槽型短时强降水表现出较强的夜雨特征。(3)从中尺度环流特征上看,副高与西来槽相互作用型短时强降水过程主要是低层冷空气从北京西部、北部进入,首先触发山区对流,与之对应的雷暴高压逐渐组织化,外侧辐散气流(冷池出流)和山前的偏南风暖湿气流辐合造成对流过程加强;西风小槽型主要是边界层内较强东南风在北京西北部山前受地形阻挡,向两边绕流,西南支气流在西部形成气旋性环流,造成城区西部的对流性天气,东北支气流在东北部山前形成地形辐合线,夜间随着东南气流中偏南分量显著加强,东北部山前地区的辐合上升运动加强,造成东北部山前对流性天气,因此在短时强降水落区上表现为两个分离的多发中心且具有夜发性;东北冷涡型主要是系统性的冷空气从北京北部或西部南下,在山前与低空偏东风形成辐合切变线,触发午后对流性天气;黄淮低涡倒槽型主要是黄淮低涡顶部的低层偏东气流在北京西部山前辐合抬升,触发对流,并逐步演变为中尺度气旋性环流,形成相对组织化的短时强降水。  相似文献   

利用2006—2014年4—9月湖南117例强降雨天气过程高空、地面观测资料,依据湖南省暴雨预报经验和方法,将强降雨天气过程分为低涡冷槽型、地面暖倒槽锋生型、副高边缘型、台风型、梅雨锋切变型和华南准静止锋型6种类型。在此基础上,以同期222个暴雨日当天08时20°—35°N、105°—120°E范围内500 h Pa高度场和850 h Pa径向风为参数,采用K-均值聚类法,通过反复迭代得到6类暴雨日客观天气型。结果表明:第1、2、6类暴雨日天气形势场特征和强降雨落区分别有60%以上与台风型、低涡冷槽型、地面暖倒槽锋生型强降雨过程的特征吻合;第3、4、5类暴雨日分别出现在2种或以上强降雨天气过程期间,其天气形势场和强降雨特点对应强降雨过程的不同阶段;6类聚类结果较为客观地反映了湖南省汛期暴雨的天气形势和降雨特点,分型结果可作为湖南汛期暴雨预报客观分型的参考依据。  相似文献   

By using a surface air temperature index (SATI) averaged over the eastern Tibetan Plateau (TP), investigation is conducted on the short-term climate variation associated with the interannual air warming (or cooling) over the TP in each summer month. Evidence suggests that the SATI is associated with a consistent teleconnection pattern extending from the TP to central-western Asia and southeastern Europe. Associated rainfall changes include, for a warming case, a drought in northern India in May and June, and a stronger mei-yu front in June. The latter is due to an intensified upper-level northeasterly in eastern China and a wetter and warmer condition over the eastern TP. In the East Asian regions, the time-space distributions of the correlation patterns between SATI and rainfall are more complex and exhibit large differences from month to month. Some studies have revealed a close relationship between the anomalous heating over the TP and the rainfall anomaly along the Yangtze River valley appearing in the summer on a seasonal mean time-scale, whereas in the present study, this relationship only appears in June and the signal's significance becomes weaker after the long-term trend in the data was excluded. Close correlations between SATI and the convection activity and SST also occur in the western Pacific in July and August: A zonally-elongated warm tone in the SST in the northwestern Pacific seems to be a passive response of the associated circulation related to a warm SATI. The SATI-associated teleconnection pattern provides a scenario consistently linking the broad summer rainfall anomalies in Europe, central-western Asia, India, and East Asia.  相似文献   

夏季亚洲-太平洋遥相关季节演变与大气环流和降水   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
章颖  赵平 《气象学报》2012,70(5):1055-1063
利用1981-2007年逐日大气再分析资料和降水资料以及统计分析方法,研究了夏季(5-9月)亚洲与太平洋区域的大气遥相关,并分析了其季节演变与夏季亚洲-太平洋大气环流和亚洲季风区降水的联系.结果表明:在5-9月逐日对流层上层扰动温度场上,亚洲与北太平洋中纬度存在着类似于亚洲太平洋涛动的遥相关现象,即在季节尺度上,当亚洲大陆中纬度对流层上层偏暖时,北太平洋中纬度对流层上层偏冷,反之亦然;亚洲与太平洋对流层上层温度的反位相变化特征也出现在对流层中下层和平流层低层.亚洲-太平洋涛动指数不仅可以指示夏季亚洲与太平洋中纬度纬向热力差异的变化特征,也可以较好地指示亚洲与热带印度洋经向热力差异的变化特征.亚洲-太平洋涛动指数最大值常出现在7月中旬到8月初,并且从1981年到2007年该最大值出现时间有偏早趋势.当夏季亚洲太平洋涛动指数偏高(低)时,亚洲大陆上空的南亚高压和其下方的亚洲大陆低压系统偏强(弱),太平洋副热带高压偏强(弱)并偏北(南),亚洲-非洲上空的热带东风急流和低层的西南风偏强(弱),从印度到中国华南的广大地区、中国华北以及东北亚等地降水偏多(少).  相似文献   

In this paper, the anomaly of disturbance height field over Northern Hemisphere due to SST anomaly in the tropical Atlantic Ocean is simulated by using the general circulation model of IAP. A quasi-geostrophic, 34-level spherical coordinate model is also used to compute the distribution of atmospheric circulation anomaly when there is an anomaly of heat source over the tropical Atlantic. The computed results show that, owing to the heat source anomaly over the tropical Atlantic, the EU-pattern anomaly in the winter circulation may be caused. Namely, a ridge will be enhanced over the northwest Europe, a trough will be deepened over Siberia, but a positive anomaly of disturbance height field will be formed over the northeast China, Japan and other areas of East Asia. Moreover, the numerically simulated results show that the above-mentioned EU-pattern anomalies of circulation are due to the propagations of planetary wave train. About 15 days after an anomaly of the heat source over the tropical Atlantic is injected, the EU-pattern anomaly of atmospheric circulation is formed. This is in good agreement with the results analysed theoretically. On the leave from Geophysical Institute, Faculty of Science in Tokyo University, Japan.  相似文献   

The equatorial response to subtropical Pacific forcing was studied in a coupled climate model.The forcings in the western,central and eastern subtropical Pacific all caused a significant response in the equatorial thermocline,with comparable magnitudes.This work highlights the key role of air-sea coupling in the subtropical impact on the equatorial thermocline,instead of only the role of the "oceanic tunnel".The suggested mechanism is that the cyclonic (anticyclonic) circulation in the atmosphere caused by the subtropical surface warming (cooling) can generate an anomalous upwelling (downwelling) in the interior region.At the same time,an anomalous downwelling (upwelling) occurs at the equatorward flank of the forcing,which produces anomalous thermocline warming (cooling),propagating equatorward and resulting in warming (cooling) in the equatorial thermocline.This is an indirect process that is much faster than the "oceanic tunnel" mechanism in the subtropical impact on the equator.  相似文献   


We analyzed the relationship between an index of Great Lakes winter severity (winters 1950–1998) and atmospheric circulation characteristics. Classification and Regression Tree analysis methods allowed us to develop a simple characterization of warm, normal and cold winters in terms of teleconnection indices and their combinations. Results are presented in the form of decision trees. The single most important classifier for warm winters was the Polar/Eurasian index (POL). A majority of warm winters (12 out of 15) occurred when this index was substantially positive (POL > 0.23). There were no cold winters when this condition was in place. Warm winters are associated with a positive phase of the Western Pacific pattern and El Niño events in the equatorial Pacific. The association between cold winters and La Niña events was much weaker. Thus, the effect of the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on severity of winters in the Great Lakes basin is not symmetric. The structure of the relationship between the index of winter severity and teleconnection indices is more complex for cold winters than for warm winters. It takes two or more indices to successfully classify cold winters. In general, warm winters are characterized by a predominantly zonal type of atmospheric circulation over the Northern Hemisphere (type W1). Within this type of circulation it is possible to distinguish two sub‐types, W2 and W3. Sub‐type W2 is characterized by a high‐pressure cell over North America, which is accompanied by enhanced cyclonic activity over the eastern North Pacific. Due to a broad southerly “anomalous” flow, surface air temperatures (SATs) are above normal almost everywhere over the continent. During the W3 sub‐type, the polar jet stream over North America, instead of forming a typical ridge‐trough pattern, is almost entirely zonal, thus effectively blocking an advection of cold Arctic air to the south. Cold winters tend to occur when the atmospheric circulation is more meridional (type C1). As with warm winters, there are two sub‐types of circulation, C2 and C3. In the case of C2, the jet stream loops southward over the western part of North America, but its northern excursion over the eastern part is suppressed. In this situation, the probability of a cold winter is higher for Lake Superior than for the lower Great Lakes. Sub‐type C3 is characterized by an amplification of the climatological ridge over the Rockies and the trough over the East Coast. The strongest negative SAT anomalies are located south of the Great Lakes basin, so that the probability of a cold winter is higher for the lower Great Lakes than for Lake Superior.  相似文献   

Instead of conventional East Asian winter monsoon indices(EAWMIs), we simply use two large-scale teleconnection patterns to represent long-term variations in the EAWM. First, the Urals blocking pattern index(UBI) is closely related to cold air advection from the high latitudes towards western Siberia, such that it shows an implicit linkage with the Siberian high intensity and the surface air temperature(SAT) variations north of 40?N in the EAWM region. Second, the well-known western Pacific teleconnection index(WPI) is connected with the meridional displacement of the East Asian jet stream and the East Asian trough. This is strongly related to the SAT variations in the coastal area south of 40?N in the EAWM region.The temperature variation in the EAWM region is also represented by the two dominant temperature modes, which are called the northern temperature mode(NTM) and the southern temperature mode(STM). Compared to 19 existing EAWMIs and other well-known teleconnection patterns, the UBI shows the strongest correlation with the NTM, while the WPI shows an equally strong correlation with the STM as four EAWMIs. The UBI–NTM and WPI–STM relationships are robust when the correlation analysis is repeated by(1) the 31-year running correlation and(2) the 8-year high-pass and low-pass filter. Hence,these results are useful for analyzing the large-scale teleconnections of the EAWM and for evaluating this issue in climate models. In particular, more studies should focus on the teleconnection patterns over extratropical Eurasia.  相似文献   

This study has developed a multiple linear regression model for the seasonal prediction of the summer tropical cyclone genesis frequency (TCGF) in the western North Pacific using the three teleconnection patterns. These patterns are representative of the Siberian High Oscillation (SHO) in the East Asian continent, the North Pacific Oscillation in the North Pacific, and Antarctic Oscillation (AAO) near the Australia during the boreal spring (April–May). This statistical model is verified through the two analyses: (a) statistical method of cross validation and (b) differences between the high TCGF years and low TCGF years that is hindcasted by the statistical model. The high TCGF years are characterized by the following anomalous features: Three anomalous teleconnection patterns such as anticyclonic circulation (positive SHO phase) in the East Asian continent, pressure pattern like “north-high and south-low” in the North Pacific, and cyclonic circulation (negative AAO phase) near the Australia were strengthened during the period from boreal spring to boreal summer. Thus, anomalous trade winds in the tropical western Pacific (TWP) were weakened by anomalous cyclonic circulations that located in the subtropical western Pacific (SWP) in both hemispheres. In consequence, this spatial distribution of anomalous pressure pattern suppressed convection in the TWP but strengthened convection in the SWP.  相似文献   

The present study investigates meteorological conditions for the day-to-day changes of particulate matter (PM) concentration in Beijing city during the period 2008–2015. The local relationship of PM concentration to surface air temperature, pressure, wind speed, and relative humidity displays seasonal changes and year-to-year variations. The average correlation coefficient with PM10 in spring, summer, fall, and winter is 0.45, 0.40, 0.38, and 0.30 for air temperature; –0.45, –0.05, –0.40, and –0.45 for pressure; 0.13, 0.04, 0.53, and 0.50 for relative humidity; and –0.18, –0.11, –0.45, and –0.33 for wind speed. A higher correlation with wind speed is obtained when wind speed leads by half a day. The heavily polluted and clean days, which are defined as the top and bottom 10% of the PM values, show obvious differences in the regional distribution of air temperature, pressure, and wind. Polluted days correspond to higher air temperature in all the four seasons, lower sea level pressure and anomalous southerly winds to the south and east of Beijing in spring, fall, and winter, and a northwest–southeast contrast in the pressure anomaly and anomalous southerly winds in summer. Higher relative humidity is observed on polluted days in fall and winter. The polluted days are preceded by an anomalous cyclone moving from the northwest, accompanied by lower pressure and higher air temperature, in all four seasons. This feature indicates the impacts of moving weather systems on local meteorological conditions for day-to-day air quality changes in Beijing.  相似文献   

《Atmospheric Research》2010,95(4):663-674
The Siberian Anticyclone (SA) is one of the dominant cold season synoptic systems of the northern hemisphere. The effects of the SA on the areas over which it appears to reside on synoptic maps are well established. This study examines the impacts that the SA has on local climate in areas far beyond the area of its domination. The existence of any teleconnection patterns derived from the SA sea level pressure (SLP) characteristics and their relation to precipitation over Cyprus are examined. Four indices were created describing the characteristics (behavior) of the SA (strength and geographical displacement). In an attempt to identify possible relations between precipitation, on the one hand, and the SA indices, on the other hand, a network of 32 rain gauge stations in Cyprus, both coastal and inland, was carefully selected to cover the whole island. The pressure field of the SA was found to affect the precipitation of each month differently. The results are consistent for each case and it was found that the geographical location of each station plays an important role. All four indices were found to be related to precipitation.  相似文献   

The Siberian high(SH)experienced a decline from the 1970s to 1990s and a recovery in recent years.The evolution of the SH under global warming is unclear.In this study,41 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5(CMIP5)climate models are evaluated in terms of their ability to simulate the temporal evolution of the SH in the 19th and 20th centuries and the spatial pattern of the SH during 1981–2005.The results show that 12models can capture the temporal evolution of the SH center intensity(SHCI)for 1872–2005.The linear correlation coefficient between the SHCI from the Twentieth Century Reanalysis and the simulated SHCI from the multi-model ensemble(MME)of the 12 models is 0.3 on annual and inter-annual scales(above the 99%confidence level).On decadal and multi-decadal time scales,the MME also captures the pronounced reduction(between 1981–2000and 1881–1900 period)and the recovery(during1991–2005)of the SH intensity.Finally,the future evolution of the SH is investigated using the MME of the 12models under the+4.5 and+8.5 W m-2 Representative Concentration Pathway(RCP)scenarios(RCP4.5 and RCP8.5).It is shown that the SHCI,similar to the SHCI in the 20th century,has no significant long-term trend in the 21st century under global warming(RCP8.5 scenario).At the end of 21st century(2081–2100),the SH shows stronger interannual variability than the SH at the end of20th century(1981–2000).The increased interannual variability likely favors the increased interannual variability in winter air temperature over midlatitude Eurasia at the end of 21st century.  相似文献   

Wang  Wenyu  Yang  Peng  Xia  Jun  Zhang  Shengqing  Cai  Wei 《Theoretical and Applied Climatology》2022,148(3-4):1513-1527
Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Changes in surface runoff and its coupling relationship with atmospheric circulation have been an ongoing focus of climate change research. In this study, the...  相似文献   

Yuyun Liu  Lin Wang  Wen Zhou  Wen Chen 《Climate Dynamics》2014,42(11-12):2817-2839
The Eurasian (EU) pattern is a distinct teleconnection pattern observed in boreal winter. Since the EU pattern was first identified, three types have been reported in the literature: the conventional EU pattern; the type 1 EU pattern, or Scandinavian (SCAND) pattern; and the type 2 EU pattern, or East Atlantic/West Russia (EATL/WRUS) pattern. Based on several reanalysis and observational datasets, the three EU patterns are extracted using the rotated empirical orthogonal function method. In order to provide a further distinction and understanding of the three EU patterns, a comprehensive side-by-side comparison is performed among them including their temporal variability, horizontal and vertical structure, related stationary Rossby wave activity, impact on climate, and possible driving factors associated with external forcing. The results reveal that all three EU patterns are characterised by a clear quasi-barotropic wave-train structure, but each has a distinct source and centre of action. Accordingly, their impacts on the precipitation and surface air temperature also differ from one other. Further evidence suggests that the conventional EU pattern is likely driven by anomalous sea surface temperatures (SST) over the North Atlantic, in which process the transient eddies are actively involved. The SCAND pattern is partly maintained by the vorticity source over Western Europe, which arises from the anomalous convergence/divergence over the Mediterranean and is efficiently driven by the tropical and southern Indian Ocean SST via divergent circulation. The EATL/WRUS pattern shows some linkage to the North American snow cover, and the involved process remains unclear and needs further investigation.  相似文献   

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