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研究近地小天体的探测机会搜索问题.针对交会型探测任务,通过结合变分理论和状态转移矩阵推导了性能指标关于可调参数的解析偏导数,然后在搜索空间中随机生成初始点,并从这些初始点出发利用解析偏导数寻优,从而得到搜索空间内对应潜在发射机会的全部局部极小值点.此方法既在一定程度上保持了传统搜索方法全局搜索的特点,又克服了传统搜索方法的盲目性,因此计算速度获得很大提高.此外该方法可以对探测机会的搜索精度进行有效地控制.  相似文献   

动力学过程和恒星演化及二者的互相影响都会对球状星团的演化产生重要影响.由于金属丰度会影响恒星的演化轨迹,与之相伴随的恒星质量损失率的变化也会对球状星团的动力学过程造成影响.通过一系列N体模拟研究金属丰度对球状星团的质量损失率、半径等的影响,并分析其原因,同时研究了大质量恒星以及星团初始数密度分布的影响.模拟中采用的球状星团模型初始成员星数目N=50000,运行于类银河系的引力势中并考虑成员星的演化.结果显示,由于低金属丰度恒星拥有较快的演化时标,所以贫金属球状星团在早期会拥有较高的质量损失,但与此同时它们的核塌缩时间会比后者显著推迟,因此在核塌缩之后其质量损失会被富金属星团反超.另外由于大质量恒星演化导致的质量损失较大,所以大质量星的存在会使金属丰度更加显著地影响球状星团早期的扩张以及随后的核塌缩过程,同时星团的初始数密度分布也对该效应有着不可忽视的影响.  相似文献   

经典的初轨确定方法包括Laplace方法和Gauss方法以及它们的各种变化形式. 除这些经典方法之外, 基于当今光学观测数据的特点, 学者们也陆续提出了一些其他的初轨确定方法, 包括双r (目标距离观测者的距离)方法和可行域方法. 双r方法的一种实现方式是通过猜测某两个时刻(通常是定轨弧段的首、末时刻)目标离观测者的距离, 结合观测者在空间中的位置矢量, 即可求解相应的Lambert弧段作为目标轨道的初始猜测. 进一步, 以其他观测时刻的RMS (Root Mean Square)为优化变量可以改进初始猜测从而确定初轨. 可行域方法则是针对一组初始观测参数(包括赤经、赤纬及其变率), 根据一些初始假设将目标(离观测者的)距离及其变率约束在可行域内, 并通过三角划分逐步逼近的方式寻找到使观测RMS最小的猜测解. 针对一系列模拟观测数据以及实测数据, 将智能优化算法(粒子群算法)应用于这两种初轨方法, 并将结果与改进的Laplace算法的结果进行比较. 由于双r方法不仅可以用于短弧定轨还可用于长弧关联, 所以进一步给出了针对长弧段数据的关联结果.  相似文献   

刘灿  赵玉晖  季江徽 《天文学报》2023,64(1):11-125
彗星是太阳系遗留的原始星子,研究彗星彗核的演化对理解太阳系其他天体的形成和演化历史具有重要意义.在太阳的辐射作用下,彗星携带的挥发性成分会发生升华,并带动尘埃运动,造成彗核物质的损失.因此,彗核的升华活动对其表面形貌甚至整体形状演化都会产生影响.从IAU (International Astronomical Union) MPC (Minor Planet Center)获取轨道数据,并考虑了彗核的自转以及进动,利用MONET (Mass lossdriven shape evolution model)形状演化模型对短周期彗星做数值模拟,计算得到了短周期彗星1P/Halley、9P/Tempel 1、 19P/Borrelly、 67P/C-G (Churyumov-Gerasimenko)、 81P/Wild 2和103P/Hartley 2在一个轨道周期内的太阳辐射能量以及表面侵蚀深度的分布,结合其动力学参数讨论了自转、进动和公转等特性对其表面水冰升华分布的影响以及造成南北侵蚀差异的可能性.  相似文献   

给出了一种基于变比冲核电推进载人飞船探测小行星的轨道优化设计方法.首先基于双脉冲单圈Lambert轨道转移,对地球出发段和返回段进行搜索剪枝,再从两个可行区域中优选最佳飞行路径.设定"推进-滑行-推进"的分段飞行策略,以工质消耗最少为指标,利用混合法优化核电推进飞行轨迹,最后以分段优化参数为初值,基于整体任务约束将全飞行过程转化为非线性优化问题,将各飞行段进行拼接,获得整体参数优化解,并给出了数值和图形结果.  相似文献   

以ASTROD I (Astrodynamical Space Test of Relativity using Optical Devices I,单航天器天文激光动力学)为例介绍无拖曳卫星的结构及其工作原理.推导了其动力学方程,并在此基础上建立了卫星的动力学数值仿真器.将H2最优控制理论运用于以噪声压制为主要目的的无拖曳卫星控制系统的设计,通过传递函数法及数值法双重分析表明所设计的控制器能符合卫星的控制要求,同时表明在控制器设计过程中采用的线性化假设是适当的.  相似文献   

YORP (Yarkovsky-O''Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack)效应是小行星长期动力学演化的机制之一. 与碰撞、引力摄动等因素相比, YORP效应作用量级小, 短时标观测效应不明显, 这给直接测量YORP效应带来了很大的困难. 利用小行星光变数据库中已知的小行星数据, 统计了小行星的自转速率分布, 使用核密度估计以及Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验分别分析了近地小行星和主带小行星自转速率的分布特性, 分别给出了在近地小行星和主带小行星中寻找受YORP效应影响减速自转的最佳样本群; 基于7颗已被探测到YORP旋转加速度的近地小行星, 利用YORP强度估计方法和光变探测条件建立了筛选模型, 给出了未来可直接通过光变数据探测\lk YORP效应的10颗近地小行星.  相似文献   

通过结合理论分析和数值模拟方法,可以对热海王星系统HD 106315轨道迁移中的近2:1平运动共振捕获机制以及潮汐作用下的演化过程进行研究.在轨道迁移阶段,初始轨道半长径、初始偏心率以及行星c的偏心率衰减系数K会对系统轨道构型产生影响.数值模拟结果显示当初始轨道半长径分别为ab~0.4 au、ac~0.8 au,偏心率eb和ec均小于0.03时, HD 106315b和HD 106315c在中央恒星的引力作用以及原行星盘粘滞作用下向内迁移, 65000 yr左右两颗行星均可迁移至当前观测位置附近并形成近2:1平运动共振捕获.此外,中央恒星的潮汐效应也可能会对行星系统共振构型产生影响,理论分析表明当行星潮汐耗散系数Q=100时,潮汐效应造成的轨道半长径衰减使系统轨道周期比发生的变化可能是系统脱离共振构型的原因.数值模拟结果显示, HD 106315系统内两颗行星Q103时,来自中央恒星的潮汐效应并不会使行星系统产生明显的偏心率和轨道半长径衰减,不足以使HD 106315行星系统在剩余寿命内脱离2:1平运动共振轨道构型.  相似文献   

针对地基光学监测系统对近地小行星在近太阳方向的监测存在盲区的问题,提出了远距离逆行轨道(Distant Retrograde Orbit,DRO)天基光学平台对近地小行星进行跟踪定轨的方法.通过可视性分析,筛选仿真观测数据,利用美国宇航局喷气推进实验室(Jet Propulsion Laboratory,JPL)公布的小行星初始轨道信息对不同轨道类型的目标天体进行轨道确定,将计算结果与参考轨道对比分析.仿真结果表明:在测量精度2角秒,定轨弧长3年的情况下,DRO平台对仿真算例中所选择的近地小行星的定轨精度可以达到几十公里量级,其中Atira型轨道精度可达10公里以内.由此可见,DRO天基平台对近地小行星具有较好的监测能力,定轨精度能实现对目标小行星的精确跟踪,并对其进行轨道预报.  相似文献   

刘林  季江徽 《天文学报》2001,42(1):75-80
主要阐述近年来在近地小行星轨道演化研究工作中所获得的一些基本结果,即合理的力学模型和相应的有效算法,并以实际预报算例(近地小行星与地球的交会状态)与有关权威性的结果作了比较,证实这些研究结果确实是可信的。在给出的力学模型中,考虑了所有可能影响近地小行星运动的力学因素,包括各大天体和较大的主带小行星的引力作用、有关天体的扁率影响以及源于太阳引力的后牛顿效应。而在计算方法中,合理地处理了变步长问题和月球位置量这种相对而言的快变化问题,使得数值求解一个高维方程组时,对各天体而言,可采用同一步长进行 积分,避免了求解过程中的复杂性。  相似文献   

Asteroid orbits using phase-space volumes of variation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present a statistical orbit computation technique for asteroids with transitional observational data, that is, a moderate number of data points spanning a moderate observational time interval. With the help of local least-squares solutions in the phase space of the orbital elements, we map the volume of variation as a function of one or more of the elements. We sample the resulting volume using a Monte Carlo technique and, with proper weights for the sample orbital elements, characterize the six-dimensional orbital-element probability density function. The volume-of-variation (VOV) technique complements the statistical ranging technique for asteroids with exiguous observational data (short time intervals and/or small numbers of observations) and the least-squares technique for extensive observational data. We show that, asymptotically, results using the new technique agree closely with those from ranging and least squares. We apply the technique to the near-Earth object 2004 HA39, the main-belt object 2004 QR and the transneptunian object 2002 CX224 recently observed at the Nordic Optical Telescope on La Palma, illustrating the potential of the technique in ephemeris prediction. The VOV technique helps us assess the phase transition in orbital-element probability densities, that is, the non-linear collapse of wide orbital-element distributions to narrow localized ones. For the three objects above, the transition takes place for observational time intervals of the order of 10 h, 5 d and 10 months, respectively, emphasizing the significance of the orbital-arc fraction covered by the observations.  相似文献   

The problem of search of opportunity for the exploration of near-earth minor objects is investigated. For rendezvous missions, the analytical gradients of the performance index with respect to the free parameters are derived using the variational calculus and the theory of state-transition matrix. After generating randomly some initial guesses in the search space, the performance index is optimized, guided by the analytical gradients, leading to the local minimum points representing the potential launch opportunities. This method not only keeps the global-search property of the traditional method, but also avoids the blindness in the latter, thereby increasing greatly the computing speed. Furthermore, with this method, the searching precision could be controlled effectively.  相似文献   

In order to obtain the substantial information about the surface physics and thermal property of the target asteroid (162173) 1999 JU3, which will be visited by Hayabusa 2 in a sample return mission, with the Advanced Thermal Physical Model (ATPM) we estimate the possible thermal inertia distribution over its surface, and infer the major material composition of its surface materials. In addition, the effective diameter and geometric albedo are derived to be Deff = 1.13 ± 0.03 km, pv = 0.042 ± 0.003, respectively, and the average thermal inertia is estimated to be about (300 ± 50) J m-2 s-0.5 K-1 According to the derived thermal inertia distribution, we infer that the major area on the surface of the target asteroid may be covered by loose materials, such as rock debris, sands, and so on, but few bare rocks may exist in a very small region. In this sense, the sample return mission of Hayabusa 2 is feasible, when it is performed successfully, it will certainly bring significant scientific information to the research of asteroids.  相似文献   

311P/PANSTARRS是一颗活动小行星, 具有小行星和彗星的双重特征, 是中国``天问二号''的探测目标之一. 311P/PANSTARRS直径较小, 约为400 m, 非引力效应可能会对其长期动力学演化产生较大的影响. 通过假定不同表面组分, 研究了Yarkovsky效应对311P/PANSTARRS轨道演化的影响, 讨论了密近交汇、 非破坏性碰撞和YORP (Yarkovsky-O''Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack)效应等非引力效应, 计算了小行星与大行星密近交汇及碰撞概率, 估计了311P/PANSTARRS达到自转周期分裂极限的时标. 模拟结果显示与纯引力模型相比, Yarkovsky效应可能会加快311P/PANSTARRS离开当前共振区域, 大约在10Myr以后311P/PANSTARRS会离开当前所在共振带, 在表面覆盖风化层的情况下有机会通过v6长期共振成为越火小行星; 在考虑YORP效应的情况下, 311P/PANSTARRS在2 Myr时标内可达到自转周期分裂极限; 在考虑Yarkovsky效应及YORP效应等因素的情况下, 311P/PANSTARRS在10 Myr时标内仍可保持其动力学稳定性, 且YORP效应不会显著影响其半长径偏移量.  相似文献   

Planetary impact craters have a high degree of radial symmetry. This hampers efforts to identify the azimuthal impact direction for most craters – the radially symmetric component of an impact crater swamps any asymmetries that may be present. We demonstrate how the asymmetric component can be isolated and the direction of the asymmetries quantified using a two-dimensional eigenfunction expansion over a circular domain. The complex coefficients of expansion describe the magnitude and phase (angular alignment) of each term. From the analysis of hypervelocity impact craters formed in the laboratory, with impact angles ranging from 0° to 50° from the surface normal, we show that asymmetries which reveal the impact direction are still present at just 10° from the surface normal, and that the phase of one complex coefficient of expansion, c 11, indicates the impact direction. Analysis of the lunar crater Hadley shows bilateral symmetry in the radially asymmetric component, which may be due to oblique impact. The 31-km lunar ray crater Kepler has morphological features that indicate the azimuthal impact direction. Coefficient c 11 gives an azimuthal impact direction similar to that expected from the morphology, although post-impact gravitational collapse and slumping obscure the result to some degree. Ray craters may provide a means of testing the method for smaller 'simple' craters when data are available.  相似文献   

The PLANCK mission, originally devised for cosmological studies, offers the opportunity to observe Solar System objects at millimetric and submillimetric wavelengths. In this paper we concentrate on the asteroids of the Main Belt, a large class of minor bodies in the Solar System. At present, more that 40 000 of these asteroids have been discovered and their detection rate is rapidly increasing. We intend to estimate the number of asteroids that can be detected during the mission and to evaluate the strength of their signal. We have rescaled the instrument sensitivities, calculated by the LFI and HFI teams for sources fixed in the sky, introducing some degradation factors to properly account for moving objects. In this way a detection threshold is derived for asteroidal detection that is related to the diameter of the asteroid and its geocentric distance. We have developed a numerical code that models the detection of asteroids in the LFI and HFI channels during the mission. This code performs a detailed integration of the orbits of the asteroids in the timespan of the mission and identifies those bodies that fall in the beams of PLANCK and their signal strength. According to our simulations, a total of 397 objects will be observed by PLANCK and an asteroidal body will be detected in some beam in 30% of the total sky scan-circles. A significant fraction (in the range from 50 to 100 objects) of the 397 asteroids will be observed with a high S/N ratio. Flux measurements of a large sample of asteroids in the submillimeter and millimeter range are relevant since they allow to analyze the thermal emission and its relation to the surface and regolith properties. Furthermore, it will be possible to check on a wider base, the two standard thermal models, based on a nonrotating or rapidly rotating sphere. Our method can also be used to separate Solar System sources from cosmological sources in the survey. This work is based on PLANCK LFI activities.  相似文献   

小行星族作为灾变碰撞的残留物,其基础物理性质提供了其母体以及后续演化信息.其中轨道以及自转特性分别反映了Yarkovsky效应以及Yarkovsky-O’Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack效应(YORP效应)对于小行星族演化的影响.基于小行星光变数据库(Asteroid Lightcurve Database),通过对Flora小行星族自转速率分布进行研究,发现随着直径减小,族成员自转速率倾向于主要集中在3–5 d-1的范围内.同时,可以注意到Flora小行星族整体表现出更倾向于顺行自转状态的现象,但对于轨道半长轴小于2.2au的成员来说,其顺行自转与逆行自转状态成员数目比接近于近地小行星中顺逆行自转状态源1:3的比例;此外,对于轨道半长轴大于2.2 au且具有顺行自转状态的部分族成员,在轨道半长轴-绝对星等分布中表现出聚集现象,并在聚集区域中有9颗成员展现出类似Slivan状态特征.  相似文献   

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