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对发表在A&ApSupplement Series上365个旋涡星系的一些参数(如表示旋臂缠卷松紧程度的参数Λ、切向角u、盘的扁度H/D25以及厚度等)随Hubble序列变化的关系进行了统计研究。首次得到这些参量的平均值;并且从统计结果可以明显地看到Hubble对旋涡星系的分类只是一种定性的、只有统计意义上的分类;另外,从我们的统计结果看,密度波理论的色散关系对大多数旋涡星系是成立的,即大多数旋涡  相似文献   

对发表在A&Ap Supplement Series上的365个旋涡星系的一些参数(如表示旋臂缠卷松紧程度的参数A、切向角μ、盘的扁度H/D25以及厚度等)随Hubble序列变化的关系进行了统计研究.首次得到这些参量的平均值;并且从统计结果可以明显地看到Hubble对旋涡星系的分类只是一种定性的、只有统计意义上的分类;另外,从我们的统计结果看,密度波理论的色散关系对大多数旋涡星系是成立的,即大多数旋涡星系的旋臂满足紧卷螺旋波的要求.  相似文献   

We investigate the consequences of the hypothesis of the secular evolution (growth of the bulge from disc material via a bar and temporal evolution of the Hubble sequence) on the chemical evolution of a galaxy. We present the first dynamical and chemical results of our 3D tree-SPH simulations. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Using a spherically symmetric model of the Virgo flow the global Hubble parameter has been estimated from the observed radial velocities and the photometrically measured distances of nearby galaxies. Adopting the observed recession velocity of the Virgo Cluster to about 1000 km s−1 and the infall velocity of the Local Group to 350 km s−1 the global Hubble constant results to 73 ± 10 km s−1 Mpc−1. This value corresponds with the distance of the Virgo Cluster of 18 ± 2 Mpc. The cosmic dispersion of the galaxies around the Hubble relation is of order of 35 km s−1.  相似文献   

On the basis of Poisson's equation for the logarithmic perturbation of matter density, we provide improved estimates of scale heights and spiral structures for non-edge-on spiral galaxies by subtracting the surface brightness distributions from observed images. As examples, the non-edge-on spiral galaxies PGC 24996, which is face-on, and M31, which is inclined, are studied. The scale height, pitch angle and inclination angle of M31, our nearest neighbor, that are presented in this work, agree well with previous research.  相似文献   

The frequency of barred spiral galaxies as a function of redshift contains important information on the gravitational influence of stellar discs in their dark matter haloes and may also distinguish between contemporary theories for the origin of galactic bulges. In this paper we present a new quantitative method for determining the strength of barred spiral structure, and verify its robustness to redshift-dependent effects. By combining galaxy samples from the Hubble Deep Field North with newly available data from the Hubble Deep Field South, we are able to define a statistical sample of 46 low-inclination spiral systems with I 814 W<23.2 mag. Analysing the proportion of barred spiral galaxies seen as a function of redshift, we find a significant decline in the fraction of barred spirals with redshift. The redshift distribution of 22 barred and 24 non-barred spirals with suitable inclinations is inconsistent with their being drawn from the same distribution at the 99 per cent confidence level. The physical significance of this effect remains unclear, but several possibilities include dynamically hotter (or increasingly dark-matter-dominated) high-redshift discs, or an enhanced efficiency in bar destruction at high redshifts. By investigating the formation of the 'orthogonal' axis of Hubble's classification tuning fork, our result complements studies of evolution in the early–late sequence, and pushes to later epochs the redshift at which the Hubble classification sequence is observed to be in place.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the radio emission properties of spiral galaxies, if the other conditions are the same, are determined rather by the presence of the close neighbours than by space density of galaxies around them. The rate of occurence of radio sources and their radio luminosities among the spiral members of groups of galaxies depend on the projected seperation between them and their nearest neighbour. The shorter this seperation the higher the probability of radio emission.  相似文献   

We report on two fully self-consistent hydrodynamical simulations run, in the context of a ΛCDM cosmological model, with the DEVA code. Galaxy-like-objects of different morphologies form. The assembly patterns identified in these simulations give support to the ab initio scenario to explain morphological differentiation, even if violent events at lower z could also have played a role. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We investigate a model of disc galaxies whereby viscous evolution of the gaseous disc drives material inwards to form a protobulge. We start from the standard picture of disc formation through the settling of gas into a dark halo potential well, with the disc initially coming into centrifugal equilibrium with detailed conservation of angular momentum. We derive generic analytic solutions for the disc–halo system after adiabatic compression of the dark halo, with free choice of the input virialized dark halo density profile and of the specific angular momentum distribution. We derive limits on the final density profile of the halo in the central regions. Subsequent viscous evolution of the disc is modelled by a variation of the specific angular momentum distribution of the disc, providing analytic solutions to the final disc structure. The assumption that the viscous evolution time-scale and the star formation time-scale are similar leads to predictions of the properties of the stellar components. Focusing on small 'exponential' bulges, i.e., ones that may be formed through a disc instability, we investigate the relationship between the assumed initial conditions, such as halo 'formation', or assembly, redshift z f, spin parameter λ , baryonic fraction F , and final disc properties such as global star formation time-scale, gas fraction, and bulge-to-disc ratio. We find that the present properties of discs, such as the scalelength, are compatible with a higher initial formation redshift if the redistribution by viscous evolution is included than if it is ignored. We also quantify the dependence of final disc properties on the ratio F λ , thus including the possibility that the baryonic fraction varies from galaxy to galaxy, as perhaps may be inferred from the observations.  相似文献   

Brosche (1970) has proposed a theory in which the energy loss due to collisions among gas clouds contained in a galaxy constitutes the driving mechanism for its evolution, through virial equilibrium states which, from an initial spherical shape, makes it to contract towards an elongated form; moreover, the value of the total angular momentum, assumed as given by uniform rotation, is assumed to determine the galaxy type on the Hubble sequence and to strongly influence the contraction time from the initial spherical to the final flat configuration.We have modified Brosche's scheme by assuming as models the rotating polytropes of Chandrasekhar and Lebovitz with variable density from centre to border. As a consequence of this change, centrifugal shedding of matter is attained at the equator of the contracting ellipsoid for a configuration with an axial ratio different from zero, so that, hereafter, a flat disk is formed surrounding the internal bulge, with a decreasing overall eccentricity; the rotation curve assumes then an aspect qualitatively similar to the one observed for spiral galaxies.We have further considered the feedback of star formation which, by exhausting the material of the gas clouds, is able to stop the driving mechanism of evolution before the final flat stage is attained at several positions according to the value of the angular momentum.Numerical calculations seem to indicate that one can obtain in this way, by varying the angular momentum and the initial number of clouds, different galaxy types (elliptical, lenticular, spiral) resembling those of the Hubble sequence.  相似文献   

Scattering of starlight by dust, molecules and electrons in spiral galaxies will produce a modification of the direct intensity and a polarization in the observed light. We treat the case where the distribution of scatterers can be considered to be optically thin, and derive semi-analytic expressions for the resolved intensity and polarized intensity for Thomson, Rayleigh, and more general scattering mechanisms. These expressions are applied to a parametric model for spiral galaxies. It is further shown that in the case of Thomson and Rayleigh scattering, and when scatterers and stars are distributed with rotational symmetry, the total polarized flux depends on the inclination, i , of the galactic axis to the line of sight according to a simple sin2  i law. This generalizes the well-known result for point-like and spherical light sources. By using a method based on spherical harmonics, we generalize this law for more general mechanisms, and show that to good approximation, the sin2  i law still holds for the class of models considered.  相似文献   

Galaxy discs are characterized by star formation histories that vary systematically along the Hubble sequence. We study global star formation, incorporating supernova feedback, gas accretion and enriched outflows in discs modelled by a multiphase interstellar medium in a fixed gravitational potential. The star formation histories, gas distributions and chemical evolution can be explained in a simple sequence of models which are primarily regulated by the cold gas accretion history.  相似文献   

We have imaged a sample of 45 face-on spiral galaxies in the K band, to determine the morphology of the old stellar population, which dominates the mass in the disc. The K -band images of the spiral galaxies have been used to calculate different characteristics of the underlying density perturbation such as arm strengths, profiles and cross-sections, and spiral pitch angles. Contrary to expectations, no correlation was found between arm pitch angle and Hubble type, and combined with previous results this leads us to conclude that the morphology of the old stellar population bears little resemblance to the optical morphology used to classify galaxies. The arm properties of our galaxies seem inconsistent with predictions from the simplest density wave theories, and some observations, such as variations in pitch angle within galaxies, seem hard to reconcile even with more complex modal theories. Bars have no detectable effect on arm strengths for the present sample. We have also obtained B -band images of three of the galaxies. For these galaxies we have measured arm cross-sections and strengths, to investigate the effects of disc density perturbations on star formation in spiral discs. We find that B -band arms lead K -band arms and are narrower than K -band arms, apparently supporting predictions made by the large-scale shock scenario, although the effects of dust on B -band images may contribute towards these results.  相似文献   

We have constructed a family of simple models for spiral galaxy evolution to allow us to investigate observational trends in star formation history with galaxy parameters. The models are used to generate broad-band colours from which ages and metallicities are derived in the same way as the data. We generate a grid of model galaxies and select only those that lie in regions of parameter space covered by the sample. The data are consistent with the proposition that the star formation history of a region within a galaxy depends primarily on the local surface density of the gas but that one or two additional ingredients are required to explain the observational data fully. The observed age gradients appear steeper than those produced by the density dependent star formation law, indicating that the star formation law or infall history must vary with galactocentric radius. Furthermore, the metallicity–magnitude and age–magnitude correlations are not reproduced by a local density dependence alone. These correlations require one or both of the following: (i) a combination of mass dependent infall and metal enriched outflow, or (ii) a mass dependent galaxy formation epoch. Distinguishing these possibilities on the basis of current data is extremely difficult.  相似文献   

We study the chemical and spectrophotometric evolution of galactic discs with detailed models calibrated on the Milky Way and using simple scaling relations, based on currently popular semi-analytic models of galaxy formation. We compare our results with a large body of observational data on present-day galactic discs, including disc sizes and central surface brightness, Tully–Fisher relations in various wavelength bands, colour–colour and colour–magnitude relations, gas fractions versus magnitudes and colours and abundances versus local and integrated properties, as well as spectra for different galactic rotational velocities. Despite the extremely simple nature of our models, we find satisfactory agreement with all those observables, provided that the time-scale for star formation in low-mass discs is longer than for more massive ones. This assumption is apparently in contradiction with the standard picture of hierarchical cosmology. We find, however, that it is extremely successful in reproducing major features of present-day discs, like the change in the slope of the Tully–Fisher relation with wavelength, the fact that more massive galaxies are on average 'redder' than low-mass ones (a generic problem of standard hierarchical models) and the metallicity–luminosity relation for spirals. It is concluded that, on a purely empirical basis, this new picture is at least as successful as the standard one. Observations at high redshifts could help to distinguish between the two possibilities.  相似文献   

We derive the disc masses of 18 spiral galaxies of different luminosity and Hubble type, both by mass modelling their rotation curves and by fitting their spectral energy distribution with spectrophotometric models. The good agreement of the estimates obtained from these two different methods allows us to quantify the reliability of their performance and to derive very accurate stellar mass-to-light ratio versus colour (and stellar mass) relationships.  相似文献   

We have investigated the stellar light distribution and the rotation curves of high‐luminosity spiral galaxies in the local Universe. The sample contains 30 high‐quality extended Hα and H I rotation curves. The stellar disk scale‐length of these objects was measured or taken from the literature. We find that in the outermost parts of the stellar disks of these massive objects, the rotation curves agree with the Universal Rotation Curve (Salucci et al. 2007), however a few rotation curves of the sample show a divergence (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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