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有机质在大厂锑矿成矿中的作用王华云,施继锡(贵州省地矿局地质科学研究所.贵阳550004)(中国科学院地球化学研究所.贵阳550002)关键词有机质,锑矿,成矿作用大厂锑矿是黔西南金、锑、汞矿带中的一个重要成矿单元。该矿带明显受盆地和盆缘构造演化的控...  相似文献   

稳定同位素交换反应动力学储雪蕾(中国科学院地质研究所100029)关键词稳定同位素地球化学,同位素交换反应,化学反应动力学稳定同位素(如氢、碳、氧和硫等)被广泛用于地学研究中,它们或作为示踪剂指示物质来源,或作为温度计用来讨论地质体形成温度或地质作用...  相似文献   

于津生男 1933年12月 1956年北京地质学院矿产地质及勘探系毕业中国科学院地球化学研究所副研究员同位素地球化学。叶连俊男 1913年7月 1937年北京大学地质系毕业中国科学院地质研究所研究员中国科学院学部委员沉积学。  相似文献   

地球的化学不均一性及其起源和演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地球的化学不均一性及其起源和演化欧阳自远,张福勤(中国科学院地球化学研究所.贵阳550002)关键词地球化学不均一性,星子堆积,小行星带随着地球化学资料的大量积累,在诸多领域(同位素、微量元素等)建立了一系列的地球化学模式,并以这些一般的模式推断地质...  相似文献   

李璞(1911年7月~1968年4月),男,汉族,中共党员,岩石矿床学家与同位素地球化学家.1951年率领中央文委西藏工作队随军进藏进行首次综合科学考察,1954年起主要从事基性-超基性岩石学及其相关国家急缺矿产研究,1956起领导创建了中国首个同位素地质实验室和同位素地球化学学科.历任中国科学院副院长李四光的秘书,中国科学院地质研究所研究员、岩石矿床研究室副主任、同位素地质研究室主任,中国科学院地球化学研究所副所长兼同位素地球化学研究室主任,全国登山协会顾问,《地质学报》编委和中国地质学会副秘书长等职.  相似文献   

《地球化学》是中国科学院广州地球化学研究所和中国矿物岩石地球化学学会主办的学术性期刊,为学报。其办刊方针是:发表高水平的科研成果,开展学术争鸣,促进出成果出人才,为加速现代化建设服务。本刊以广大的地质、地球化学生产人员、科研人员以及大专院校地质、地球化学专业师生和有关人员为主要读者对象。本刊主要报道近代地球化学,特别是其主要分支学科,如同位素地球化学、同位素地质年代学、矿床地球化学、有机地球化学、元素地球化学、环境地球化学、宇宙化学、海洋地球化学、实验地球化学、第四纪地球化学、构造地球化学及岩矿测试等…  相似文献   

为了探索硫同位素组成变化的地质意义及其用于矽卡岩铜矿找矿工作的可能性,本所与中国科学院贵阳地球化学研究所合作,在最近两年中研究了二十多个矽卡岩矿床数目不等的标本.目前工作尚在继续进行,但已发现了一些有意义的线索.这里根据已有资料,就硫同位素组成变异的地质意义和找矿前景作一概略介绍.表1列举了21个矿区近40O个硫同位素组成测定的整理结果,其分析误差为O.05%.一、矽卡岩铜、铁矿床中硫同位素组成的基本情况在所研究过的标本中,硫化物的硫同位素组成变化有一个极为显著的特点,即S~(32)/S~(34)与硫化物的生成时期有关.硫化物  相似文献   

《地球化学》是中国科学院广州地球化学研究所和中国矿物岩石地球化学学会主办的学术性期刊,为学报。其办刊方针是:发表高水平的科研成果,开展学术争鸣,促进出成果出人才,为加速现代化建设服务。本刊以广大的地质、地球化学生产人员、科研人员以及大专院校地质、地球化学专业师生和有关人员为主要读者对象。本刊主要报道近代地球化学,特别是其主要分支学科,如同位素地球化学、同位素地质年代学、矿床地球化学、有机地球化学、元素地球化学、环境地球化学、宇宙化学、海洋地球化学、实验地球化学、第四纪地球化学、构造地球化学及岩矿测试等…  相似文献   

由贵州大学资源与环境工程学院、贵州省地质学会主办,中国科学院地球化学研究所、贵州省地矿局、贵州省有色金属和核工业地质勘查局、贵州省煤田地质局协办的《贵州省第八届地质矿产发展战略研讨会暨贵州省地质学会2011年学术年会》于2012年4月27日在贵阳花溪召开。  相似文献   

由贵州大学资源与环境工程学院、贵州省地质学会主办,中国科学院地球化学研究所、贵州省地矿局、贵州省有色金属和核工业地质勘查局、贵州省煤田地质局协办的《贵州省第八届地质矿产发展战略研讨会暨贵州省地质学会2011年学术年会》于2012年4月27日在贵阳花溪召开。  相似文献   

The Droimchogaidh sill, south-central Mayo, is sheeted at high-level in the Ordovician sedimentary pile of the South Mayo Trough. This association now lies raised on the eastern fringe of the Connemara-Murrisk Tertiary uplift. The sill is basin-shaped with a maximum thickness of about 100 m. It is composed of isotropic or weakly layered olivine gabbro, and subordinate, locally-developed picritic cumulates and syenitic differentiates. The chemistry of the gabbro reveals the effects of post-emplacement hydrothermal circulation, but the magma that supplied the sill was probably similar in composition to that of the analcime-olivine dolerite dikes further west. The 40Ar/30Ar dating gives an age of 55 ± 1 Ma for the sill, consistent with a younger set of ages from the Irish/British Tertiary province.  相似文献   

The Precambrian–Cambrian boundary is iconic, marking the first appearance of shelly fauna in the fossil record, and opening the Phanerozoic Eon. In England and Wales, the transition from predominantly Precambrian igneous rocks to Cambrian sedimentary strata is generally unconformable. An exceptional exposure of this transition can be observed in the Ercall Quarries in Shropshire, a classic locality in all senses of the word.  相似文献   

The Isle of Portland is one of the jewels in the crown of the ‘Jurassic Coast’ of Dorset, southern England. Thomas Hardy aptly described this limestone peninsula as the ‘Gibraltar of Wessex’, and used its stone quarries as the backdrop for one of his novels (The Well‐Beloved). Quarries then, as now, work the world‐famous Portland Stone—a Jurassic oolitic limestone—from which St Paul's Cathedral and many other well‐known buildings are constructed. Rocks exposed in the numerous disused quarries scattered across the isle, together with exposures in spectacular sea‐cliffs, paint a vivid picture of life and environments, ~150 million years ago. In addition to Jurassic patch‐reefs, coastal sabhkas, fossil forests and dinosaur footprints found in the bedrock, more recent geological phenomena include two Quaternary raised beaches, solution caves filled with vertebrates, and massive coastal landslips. The aim of this article is to provide a field guide for those wishing to explore the geology of this little‐known region for themselves.  相似文献   

The large jacupirangite dyke at Kodal was first found by W.C. Brögger (1933) who published one chemical analysis of the rock. Recent investigations of the dyke as a potential ore body, including diamond-drilling operations, have shown that it is about 20 m wide and 2 km long. It strikes approximately E–W and has a general dip of 80 °S, cutting through larvikite and nordmarkite of the Oslo Permian Igneous Province. The jacupirangite has an average modal composition (volume percent): apatite 24, magnetite 37, ilmenite 9, pyroxene 25, amphibole and biotite 5. The iron-titanium oxides and apatite cement the pyroxene in a typical igneous texture. The Kodal dyke and other jacupirangites in adjoining areas of the Oslo Igneous Province all show a eutectic mixture of iron-titanium oxides and apatite which is assumed to form an immiscible liquid with silicate melts of monzonitic composition. This is assumed to be a possible explanation for the formation of the jacupirangites in the Oslo region.
Zusammenfassung Der große Jacupirangit-Gang in Kodal wurde erstmals von C. W. Brögger (1933) gefunden, der eine chemische Analyse von diesem Gestein publiziert hat. Neuere Untersuchungen an diesem Gang im Hinblick auf eine potentielle Erzlagerstätte, bei denen auch Diamant-Bohrungen eingesetzt worden sind, haben ergeben, daß der Gang etwa 20 m mächtig und 2 km lang ist. Er streicht bei einem durchschnittlichen Fallen von 80 °S annähernd O–W, wobei er Larvikite und Nordmarkite der permischen Oslo-Eruptivprovinz durch-schneidet. Die durchschnittliche modale Zusammensetzung des Jacupirangites besteht (in Volumenprozent) aus: Apatit 24%, Magnetit 37%, Ilmenit 9%, Pyroxen 25%, Amphibol und Biotit 5%. Die Eisen-Titan-Oxide und der Apatit verkitten die Pyroxene unter Bildung einer typischen Eruptivstruktur. Der Kodal-Gang und die anderen Jacupirangite der angrenzenden Oslo-Eruptivprovinz lassen alle ein eutektisches Gemenge von Eisen-Titan-Oxiden und Apatit erkennen, von dem wir annehmen, daß es eine unlösliche Schmelze neben Silikatschmelzen monzonitischer Zusammensetzung bildete. Aus dieser Annahme ergibt sich eine Deutungsmöglichkeit für das Auftreten der Jacupirangite im Oslo Gebiet.

The Pemali tin deposit is located in a Triassic granite pluton the magmatic evolution of which is characterized by a decrease of compatible Ca, Mg, Ti, P and Zr in the sequence: medium- to coarse-grained biotite granite, megacrystic medium-grained biotite granite, two-mica granite/muscovite granite. The tin mineralization is confined to the two-mica granite and consists of disseminated cassiterite as well as greisen-bordered veins. The highly evolved muscovite granite is tin-barren and is distinguished from the two-mica granite by its low mica content and low loss-on-ignition values. The fluid inclusions in quartz and fluorite of the two-mica granite and of the greisen homogenize in the 115–410 °C temperature range; the salinities are in the range of 0.4–23 equiv wt% NaCl and the CO2 concentrations are < 2 mole%.  相似文献   

Gabbros at Purimetla occur in close association with the alkaline pluton. Petrography and petrochemistry of these gabbros indicate their tholeiitic nature. Chemical variation of these tholeiites suggests that an initial undersaturated tholeiitic magma yielded oversaturated fractions in the final stages of differentiation. Their regional distribution suggests that basic magmatism preceded the emplacement of the alkaline rocks in the Prakasam alkaline province.  相似文献   

Wilga is one of several Au-bearing volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits localized within Silurian felsic volcanics of the Lachlan Fold Belt of NE Victoria. Exploration has delineated a resource of 3.7 Mt averaging 3.4% Cu, 5.5% Zn, 0.4% Pb, 31 g/t Ag and 0.5 g/t Au within a lensoid-shaped sulphide body which strikes NE, dips NW and occurs at a depth of 50–160 m below surface. This body has maximum dimensions of 470 m strike, 350 m down-dip and 37 m true width delineated by 59 surface diamond drill holes and an exploration adit with 40 underground diamond drill holes. There are two main types of mineralization: Stratiform massive sulphides , (mainly pyrite, low-Fe sphalerite, variable chalcopyrite and minor galena with very minor silica/dolomite gangue) and Stratiform chloritic sulphides (mainly chalcopyrite, with subordinate pyrite and sphalerite, in a gangue of chlorite and minor dolomite). The deposit is layered with at least 6 distinct stratigraphic horizons/cycles of mineralization each characterized by a Cu-rich base and Pb-(Zn)-Au-As-rich top. Facies variations are locally rapid. Economically the deposit consists of 3 sub-lenses of roughly equal tonnage: a Cu-rich central lens of Chloritic Sulphides (av. 5.9% Cu, 3.6% Zn, 0.3% Pb, 32 g/t Ag and 0.2 g/t Au) between upper and lower lenses of Zn-rich Massive Sulphides (av. 1.8% Cu, 6.7% Zn, 0.5% Pb, 31 g/t Ag and 0.7 g/t Au). Gold mineralization, locally up to 7 g/t over 6 m, shows a strong spatial association with Pb, (Zn) and As in pyritic massive sulphides.  相似文献   

研究区雾迷山组的层状藻叠层白云岩中存在一种属原地风暴成因的砾屑透镜体?砾屑体的底部为略下切的侵蚀面,顶为上凸形?砾屑呈放射状或叠瓦状排列,无磨圆作用?其形成过程是:在风暴初期,风暴浪对海底沉积物冲击?掀起?破碎,而后迅速原地堆积而成?风暴衰减后,正常沉积顺应砾屑体的顶面形态?  相似文献   

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