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Abstract The Western Baja terrane (WBt) of west-central Baja California is an uplifted subduction complex that is divided into smaller 'subterranes'on the basis of bounding faults and petrological differences. Each subterrane contains coherent Early Jurassic to Early Cretaceous sedimentary and mafic volcanic rocks (not melange) that have been metamorphosed under blueschist facies conditions. Key phases in metabasites and metaturbidites include jadeitic to acmitic clinopyroxene, sodic amphibole, lawsonite, aragonite, chlorite, titanite and white mica. Pressure indicators include the jadeite content of clinopyroxene and the presence of aragonite. Temperature indicators include the presence of lawsonite, the absence of greenschist facies minerals and results from vitrinite reflectance studies. Conditions at the peak of metamorphism were >8 kbar, 225–325°C for subterrane 1, 7–8 kbar, 170–220°C for subterrane 2, and 5–6 kbar, 175–200°C for subterrane 3; these correspond to cold geothermal gradients (6–9/km). Vein assemblages that include aegerine–jadeite and aegerine, albite, aragonite, lawsonite and sodic amphibole indicate uplift during continued cold conditions, probably during steady-state subduction.  相似文献   

齐诚  刘璐惜 《地学前缘》2008,15(1):232-241
与地震初动震相相比,后续震相包含有更为丰富的地球内部信息,因此逐渐地在地震层析成像研究中得到重视。文中以赵大鹏等最近的层析成像研究为例,介绍了通过增加后续震相到时信息得到的新的层析成像研究成果,包括通过使用反射波,仅用两个地震台站就可以进行地壳成像研究;深度震相到时的增加,拓宽了区域成像范围,成功实现了台网外部层析成像;随着国际地震中心(ISC)提供的更丰富的各种后续震相到时,对后续震相的认识和使用促进了全球体波走时成像的发展和对地球深部结构及动力学过程的认识。另一方面,地震学相关领域的进步,使得更多的后续震相能够被拾取并被应用到成像研究中,这将大大提高对地震波形信息的挖掘,提高对研究地区下三维结构的认识,极大地促进地震层析成像学的发展。  相似文献   

The main effect of magma–carbonate interaction on magma differentiation is the formation of a silica-undersaturated, alkali-rich residual melt. Such a desilication process was explained as the progressive dissolution of CaCO3 in melt by consumption of SiO2 and MgO to form diopside sensu stricto. Magma chambers emplaced in carbonate substrata, however, are generally associated with magmatic skarns containing clinopyroxene with a high Ca-Tschermak activity in their paragenesis. Data are presented from magma–carbonate interaction experiments, demonstrating that carbonate assimilation is a complex process involving more components than so far assumed. Experimental results show that, during carbonate assimilation, a diopside–hedenbergite–Ca-Tschermak clinopyroxene solid solution is formed and that Ca-Tschermak/diopside and hedenbergite/diopside ratios increase as a function of the progressive carbonate assimilation. Accordingly, carbonate assimilation reaction should be written as follows, taking into account all the involved magmatic components:CaCO3solid + SiO2melt + MgOmelt + FeOmelt + Al2O3melt  (Di–Hd–CaTs)sssolid + CO2fluidThe texture of experimental products demonstrates that carbonate assimilation produces three-phases (solid, melt, and fluid) whose main products are: i) diopside–hedenbergite–Ca-Tschermak clinopyroxene solid solution; ii) silica-undersaturated CaO-rich melt; and iii) C–O–H fluid phase. The silica undersaturation of the melt and, more importantly, the occurrence of a CO2-rich fluid phase, must be taken into account as they significantly affect partition coefficients and the redox state of carbonated systems, respectively.  相似文献   

初至波地震层析技术及其在四川复杂地区的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈爱萍  梁波  邹文  何光明  李亚林  李志荣 《世界地质》2006,25(4):440-444,449
近地表速度场的重建是获得准确静校正量的关键。根据实际地震数据的初至波时间建立初始速度模型;采用改进的最短路径射线追踪算法进行正演;利用改进的约束带阻尼联合迭代重建技术(CDSIRT)求解大型、稀疏的方程组来反演近地表的速度场。理论模型和实际资料的反演结果表明,该方法能稳定、快速、准确地重建复杂地区的近地表速度场,建立准确的近地表速度场,从而可计算准确的静校正量,保证复杂地区的构造成像。  相似文献   

We use field and microstructural observations, coupled to previously published P-T-time histories, to track the rheological evolution of an intracontinental subduction complex exposed in the Betic Cordillera in the western Mediterranean region. The body of rock we focus on, known as the Nevado-Filabride Complex (NFC), was originally part of the upper crust of the Iberian margin. It was subducted into hot asthenospheric mantle, then exhumed back toward the surface in two stages: an early stage of fast exhumation along the top of the subducting slab in a subduction channel, and a late stage of slower exhumation resulting from capture by a low-angle detachment fault rooted at the brittle-ductile transition. Each stage of deformation in the NFC was punctuated by changes in the dominant deformation mechanism. Deformation during initial subduction of the complex was accommodated by pressure-solution creep in the presence of a fluid phase – the grain sizes, stress magnitudes, and estimated strain rates for this stage are most consistent with a thin-film model for pressure solution in which the diffusion length scale is controlled by the grain size. During the early stages of exhumation within the subduction channel, deformation transitioned from pressure solution to dislocation creep due to increases in temperature, which resulted in increases in both water fugacity and grain size, each of which favor the dislocation creep mechanism. Differential stress magnitudes for this stage were ∼10 MPa, and are consistent with simple models of buoyancy-driven channel flow. With continuing subduction-channel exhumation, deformation remained within the dislocation creep field because sequestration of free water into hydrous, retrogressive minerals suppressed the pressure-solution mechanism. Differential stresses progressively increased to ∼100 MPa near the mouth of the channel during cooling as the rocks moved into mid-crustal levels. During the final, core-complex stage of exhumation, deformation was progressively concentrated into a narrow zone of highly localized strain beneath a mid-crustal detachment fault. Localization was promoted by a transition from dislocation creep to dislocation-creep-accommodated grain boundary sliding at temperatures of ∼350–380 °C, grain sizes of ∼4 μm and differential stress magnitudes of ∼200 MPa. Peak differential stress magnitudes of ∼200 MPa recorded just below the brittle-ductile transition are consistent with Byerlee's law in the upper crust assuming a vertical maximum principal stress and near-hydrostatic pore fluid pressures. Overall, the distribution of stress with temperature, coupled to independent constraints on strain rate from field observations and geochronology, indicate that the naturally calibrated Hirth et al. (2001) flow law for wet quartzite accurately predicts the rheological behavior of mid-crustal rocks deforming by dislocation creep.  相似文献   

Models are presented which illustrate the various methods used for the determination of the thickness and nature of deep seismic boundaries according to the observed amplitude and frequency of subcritical reflected waves. From this study it becomes clear that the model which most nearly satisfies the observational requirements is one in which the boundaries are represented by a zone of thin diverse lamellae which produce localized velocity inversion.  相似文献   

The nature of chemical and modal closed and open compositional data for igneous petrology is reviewed. Chemical analyses of Ben Nevis (Ontario) Archaean volcanic rocks support earlier assertions that major- and trace-element g/100 cc igneous-rock data usually comprise open compositional variables which, unlike traditional closed constant-sum weight percentages, are not constrained by closure.  相似文献   

Conventional wave-equation-based migration of deep seismic reflection data can produce severe artifacts, which appear as broad circular arcs or “smiles”, due to the existence of apparent truncations of reflections on the stack section arising from poor signal penetration, changes in orientation of the acquisition profile, and the existence of strong overlying lateral velocity variations. These artifacts limit the interpretation of deep seismic profiles, because they obscure weak reflections and reflection truncations that may, e.g., indicate the presence of subsurface faults. Here I present a new migration algorithm, in which each sample of the stack is migrated to a short linear segment whose position and dip are determined by its original position on the stack, an estimate of the local apparent dip at that point, and a user-specified migration velocity. No subjective interpretation of reflections on the stack section is required, and the algorithm produces no arc-like migration artifacts. The degree of lateral smearing can be easily controlled, allowing reflection truncations to be revealed. In practice, the algorithm is most effectively applied to data that have been coherency-filtered to remove low amplitude noise, which would otherwise be preserved.  相似文献   

针对海量地震数据逆时偏移所面临的问题和挑战,解决逆时偏移海量计算和海量存储需求在CPU/GPU异构集群平台上实现时的技术瓶颈,重点介绍了基于GPU?RDMA直接通信技术和GPU?Stream流技术的并行算法,形成适合于GPU集群的大规模分布式并行计算,即高密度采集地震数据的三维叠前逆时偏移计算技术;应用高密度实际地震数据测试,计算效率可提升15~40倍。  相似文献   

王兴宇 《地质与勘探》2020,56(4):766-773
宽线地震采集原始数据相比二维数据具有更丰富的信息。为充分挖掘宽线数据本身的优势和潜力,提升宽线数据处理效果,本文根据宽线数据和二维及三维数据的异同,借鉴了目前"两宽一高"三维地震数据处理流程,主要研究了宽线有源噪音压制及浅海拖缆宽线大羽角数据共中心点离散处理技术,提出了观测系统定义方式需要根据不同处理模块的要求进行实时变换的建议,总结完善了针对复杂区宽线处理技术策略,提升了宽线的处理成果剖面质量,为复杂区宽线地震资料处理总结了一些经验。  相似文献   

We present a probabilistic analysis of seismic travel-time equations using the Bayesian Method. The assessment of models and data is crucial in 3D seismic travel-time tomography, and a method quantitatively assess the quality of both the data and the model is necessary in order to attain the most realistic results. The Bayesian method that we propose here is more effective than the frequentist approach, both in analysis time and uncertainty minimization, when processing large sets of tomographic data.  相似文献   

介绍了适合于处理高频GPS数据的精密单点定位(PPP)和单点测速(PVD)两种算法,并通过静态模拟实验对其估值精度进行评估。精密单点定位算法解算的动态NEU三维坐标分量RMS分别为4.2、4.7和7.3mm;单点测速算法得到的NEU三维速度分量RMS分别为2.2、1.8和4.3mm/s。针对2010年4月4日墨西哥Baja California MS7.2级地震,选取震中距为60km的观测台站。采用精密单点定位和单点测速算法,分别解算高频GPS观测站的位移和速度的时间序列,其结果与并址的强震仪加速度积分得到的位移和速度的时间序列相比具有较好的一致性。实验结果表明:高频GPS能够有效提取地震波信号,且在强震中不易受仪器倾斜等因素影响,不存在积分偏差,是监测地震等地壳运动的重要手段。两种算法在地震监测应用中各有特点,精密单点定位可获得观测台站的永久变形量,单点测速可实时探测到高精度的地震波信号。  相似文献   

王晗  韩立国 《世界地质》2019,(2):470-477
采用多级中值滤波分离混采数据,可以很好地保持单炮的有效信息;对分离后的单炮数据,采用双曲Radon变换进行地震数据道重建,可以在Radon域获得极高的分辨率从而准确地重建地震数据。单炮道重建时,通过稀疏约束控制Radon变换来提高地震数据的重建精度。双曲Radon变换计算耗时较长,在算子求解时,本文采用快速迭代收缩阈值算法(FISTA),明显加快收敛速度,提高计算效率。模拟数据和实际数据表明,采用多级中值滤波和双曲Radon变换的方法重建混采地震数据可以获得较高的重建精度。  相似文献   

李瑞  刘建忠  庞润连  朱丹  鞠东阳  杜蔚 《岩石学报》2022,38(4):1043-1062
由于缺少直接来自月球深部的岩石样品,实验和计算模拟是认识早期月球演化过程的有效方法和手段。20世纪70年代以来,陆续开展了大量的实验岩石学和实验地球化学工作对月球岩浆洋(lunar magma ocean,LMO)演化模型进行验证和修正。但是,学界对LMO模型中的两个关键性参数,即初始物质组成和熔融深度,仍然存在不同的认识。根据月震和重力探测数据推测的平均月壳厚度的差异、月球样品含水量的研究以及新的遥感数据解译发现月表广泛分布富镁铝尖晶石(Cr#<5)等等,直接影响我们对月球初始物质组成和LMO深度以及月球深部高压矿物相的评估。本文通过整理高温高压实验岩石学和实验地球化学在研究LMO演化方面的一系列研究成果,主要聚焦以下几个科学问题:(1)月球初始物质组成中的难熔元素和挥发分含量,以及LMO深度对月壳厚度、结晶矿物的种类及含量有着决定性的影响;(2)高压矿物相石榴子石在月球深部稳定存在的可能性及其对残余岩浆中微量元素的分配行为的制约;(3)特殊类型的月球样品(包括火山玻璃、镁质岩套等)的成因机制对月球深部物质组成具有指示意义;(4)月核的不同物质组成对LMO模型的初始成分含量,特别是微量元素的限定作用。我们以最新的观测数据和月球样品的分析结果为依据,对已有的LMO演化模型进行重新评估,提出月球深部含有石榴子石的LMO演化模型的可能性,并对该方向亟需开展的工作进行探讨。  相似文献   

利用野外测量的露头资料,结合邻区钻测井数据,制作模拟地震合成记录,对穿过Garmsar区块Kuh—e—Gugird背斜的地震资料进行地震层位标定,从而建立地质与地震之间的纽带。通过反复实践,并将所得结果与邻区利用常规方法,即测井资料获得的合成记录标定的情况进行对比与验证,结果表明,二者能较好地吻合起来,该方法对缺少钻测井资料的新区地震资料解释具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

快速而准确的人员死亡评估结果是震后应急救援工作的基础,而在通常情况下建筑物的破坏是造成人员伤亡的主要原因之一,众多历史地震数据表明,在建筑物破坏比接近的情况下,人员死亡率却可能出现较大的差别,即不同类型的建筑物在破坏后具有不同的致死性水平。本文基于52次历史地震的人员死亡率、建筑物破坏比等参数构建区域致死性水平计算模型,在获得区域致死性水平的前提下,通过构建建筑物致死性水平模型,获得了各个类型建筑的致死性水平,结果发现,土坯结构的致死性水平在85%~100%之间,土木结构在70%~95%之间,砖木结构在60%~90%之间,砖混结构在25%~70%之间,木结构在20%~40%之间,框架结构在10%~30%之间,不同类型的建筑物致死性水平分布区间是比较确定的一个非等分区间,彼此之间存在重叠区域,建筑物致死性水平区间范围为实地调查中各个类型建筑物致死性水平的确定提供了理论依据,也能够为震后的人员伤亡快速评估、震前的风险区划和风险评估提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

叠前时间偏移可以实现地质构造的精细成像,同时为岩性储层预测提供高保真的高分辨率成像剖面.为了使叠前时间偏移技术能够有效应用于煤田地震资料处理,从煤田地震资料的特点出发,研究了一系列针对性的叠前预处理技术,引入了利用初至波和反射波联合层析反演建立精细偏移速度场的方法,探索建立叠前时间偏移用于实际资料的技术流程和处理措施.实际资料成像结果表明,相比叠后偏移方法,叠前时间偏移在成像精度和中深层保幅性等方面都有较大的改善,有利于煤田地震资料的精细构造解释和岩性反演.  相似文献   

Summary The platinum group minerals (PGM) in chromite ores of the Kempirsai ophiolite massif, located south of the Ural Mountains, are extremely varied in composition and represented predominantly by alloys, sulfides, arsenides, and sulfosalts of the iridium-group PGE (IPGE). The earlier Ir-Os-Ru alloys prevail over the later Cu-Os-Ru, Cu-Ir, Ni-Ir, Ni-Os-Ir-Ru, and Ni-Ru-Os-Fe alloys rich in base metals (BM). The earlier Ru-Os disulfides crystallize coevally with Ir-Os-Ru alloys, whereas the later sulfides are represented by compounds with a variable stoichiometry and a wide miscibility of Ni, Cu, Ir, Rh, Os, and Fe. Phase relations of PGE alloys with PGE-BM alloys, sulfides and sulfoarsenides confirm that deposition of these minerals was defined by a general evolution of PGE fractionation in the mineral-forming system but not by a super-imposed process. The leading mechanism of PGM crystallization is thought to be their dendritic growth during gas-transport reactions from low-density gaseous fluid enriched in PGE. The representative technological sampling of 0.5 million tons of an ore showed that the average PGE content in chromite ore is 0.71 ppm which leads to an evaluation of the PGE resources to be no less than 250 tons. Hence, the Kempirsai deposit is not only a giant chromium deposit, but also a giant deposit of IPGE: Ir, Ru, and Os. The size parameters of PGM and their aggregates suggests that the PGE may be recoverable in separate concentrates. Author’s address: Vadim Vadimovich Distler, Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Mineralogy, Petrography and Geochemistry Russian Academy of Sciences (IGEM RAS), Staromonetny 35, 119017 Moscow, Russia  相似文献   

基于地震数据构造曲率属性预测裂缝   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了有效预测岩层裂缝发育与分布,利用新疆准噶尔盆地南缘霍尔果斯背斜在纵弯变形作用下地震数据构造曲率属性进行了分析,并在此基础上进行了裂缝预测。具体方法是:利用petrel软件分析研究区的地震数据,追踪主要层面和断层并提取目标层面曲率和建立构造模型;考虑层面曲率对裂缝预测的局限性,通过“蚂蚁追踪”进一步提取目标层三维曲率属性而提取裂缝分布规律,将提取的裂缝与构造模型相结合。实例表明,上述方法可以简单、高效、全面地预测裂缝发育与分布,因此具有较强的实用性。  相似文献   

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