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In the type sections of the Riphean within the Bashkirian mega-anticlinorium (Southern Urals), the Mashak Formation represents a basal unit of the Middle Riphean erathem. The formation comprises throughout its area of distribution the alternation of volcanic, volcano-sedimentary, and sedimentary sequences and is divided into the lower, middle, and upper subformations. The volcanic rocks containing zircons (four samples, rhyodacite and rhyolite collected at Mashak, Berezyak, and Bolshoi Shatak ranges) are largely confined to the lower subformation. Analyses were performed using a SHRIMP II methodology, with special attention to the mineralogical characteristics of zircons, including their habit, morphology, preservation, and inclusions. All zircons show similarities in their mineral chemistry and geochemistry, which are indicative of the geochemical affinity of the volcanic rocks. At the same time, all zircon grains are characterized by specific typological parameters, which may equally reflect the parameters involved in the development of such volcanic rocks under different conditions. The integrated U-Pb age of zircons (SHRIMP II, VSEGEI, St. Petersbrug) from the four samples is 1383 ± 3 Ma. On the basis of the age of the Berdyaush gabbro-granitoid intrusion (up to 1410 Ma), the most likely age of this boundary is 1400 Ma, which is equated to the Calymmian and Ectasian of the International Stratigraphic Scale.  相似文献   

New data on the geology and petrochemistry of rocks from the Klyuchevskoi massif located in the central part of the Aramil’sko-Sukhtelinskaya zone of the South Urals are reported in this paper. According to some geological, petrographic, and geochemical characteristics, rocks of the Kukushkinskii Complex, including the Klyuchevskoi massif, are very different from gabbroids of other formation types of the South Urals, but demonstrate significant similarity to rocks of the gabbro-granite formation of the Magnitogorsk Megazone. The relationship of the Klyuchevskoi massif to the gabbro-granite formation allowed us to combine the South Uralian and Middle Uralian segments of the Early Carboniferous rift into a general submeridional structure.  相似文献   

The results of the structural study of the Nizhny Tagil platiniferous massif in the Central Urals are presented. This is a classic massif of the Ural-Alaskan-type zonal dunite-clinopyroxenite complexes. The massif is characterized by a nearly concentric vertical planar internal structure conformable to petrographic zoning (layering). The primary ultramafic rocks are distinguished by adcumulative protogranular structure with relict euhedral olivine protocrysts and distinct linear orientation of minerals, which was formed as a result of magmatic flow. The deformational linear and planar structures conformable to the early structural elements were formed in the process of subsequent coaxal high-temperature ductile flow. At this stage, dynamometamorphic zoning is formed, expressed in the change of the protogranular microstructure typical of the inner portion of the massif by porphyroclastic and mosaic microstructures in its marginal part. The country rocks underwent conjugate high-temperature metamorphism with the formation of hornfels and kytlymite. The structure of the massif is considered to be a result of dynamic differentiation in the course of magmatic flow followed by high-temperature coaxal flow during intrusive and diapiric ascent of rocks to the crustal level.  相似文献   

This paper presents new zircon U–Pb data and interpretations for the gneissic rocks in the Yunkai massif in order to constrain the timing and evolution of the Caledonian tectonothermal event in the South China Block (SCB). Magmatic and inherited zircons from the orthogneiss in the region, previously thought to be of Precambrian origin, yielded 206Pb/238U apparent ages of 421–441 Ma and 513–1343 Ma, respectively. Also a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 236.0 ± 3.1 Ma was obtained, interpreted as the metamorphic resetting age during the Indosinian tectonic event. Our analyses show that the paragneiss in the region, previously regarded as Proterozoic sedimentary rocks, contains detrital zircons of the Archaean to Paleozoic origin, of which the youngest zircons yielded the U–Pb age of  423 Ma. These data indicate that (1) the Proterozoic and Archaean components may exist beneath the Yunkai massif; (2) most of the metaigneous rocks are actually the Caledonian anatectic granites possibly overprinted by Indosinian ( 236 Ma) reactivation; (3) some paragneiss might have originally deposited during the Devonian time; and (4) a subsequently rapid uplifting took place after the emplacement of the Caledonian granites, revealed by the observation that the Devonian clastic strata uncomfortably overlie the Caledonian granites. In combination with other geochronological data and geological observations throughout the SCB, we propose that the Caledonian tectonothermal event around Silurian ( 450–400 Ma) might be a result from an intracontinental collision between the Yangtze and Cathaysian blocks in response to the subduction/collision between the North China block and SCB.  相似文献   

佳木斯地块中部桦南隆起区广泛发育古生代-中生代岩浆岩,这些岩石的成因对深入探讨中亚造山带的形成演化具有重要的指示意义。LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年和地球化学测试分析结果表明,研究区广泛分布的片麻状花岗闪长岩形成于中二叠世(267±2Ma),具有I型花岗岩的地球化学特征,表明其岩浆起源可能和俯冲板片产生的熔体有关,形成于岛弧构造环境。而正长花岗岩形成于中三叠世(244±2Ma),地球化学揭示其岩浆起源于下部陆壳物质的部分熔融,具有同碰撞花岗岩的地球化学特点。上述特征表明,研究区在中二叠世处于大陆边缘的构造背景,与古亚洲洋板块俯冲于佳木斯板块之下的构造作用相关,而中三叠世处于同碰撞的构造环境,俯冲此时已经消失,古亚洲洋已经最终闭合,因此三叠纪应该为中亚造山带重要的地质转折期。  相似文献   

位于中国东北佳木斯地块中部的永清花岗闪长岩曾被认为是早古生代麻山群的一部分,LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Th-Pb同位素分析表明其形成时代为265±1 Ma(MSWD=2.1),相当于中二叠世。该岩体主要由半自形到自形的斜长石(30%~35%)、它形的石英(25%~30%)、它形的钾长石(20%~25%)和半自形的黑云母(10~15%)组成。在地球化学上,永清花岗闪长岩是高钾钙碱性到钙碱性系列的过铝质岩石,Sm/Dy值与Dy含量、Sr/Y值与Y含量以及Ce/Sm值与δEu均呈显著的线性相关,暗示在岩体侵位形成过程中同化混染作用有明显表现。考虑同化混染作用的影响,永清花岗闪长岩的母岩浆具有较高的Sr/Y和Sm/Dy值等特征可能反映源区中存在石榴子石,指示源区深度可能大于25 km。这与佳木斯地块南缘和张广才岭地区同期侵入岩的源区深度相对较浅形成鲜明的对照。结合区域研究资料,认为永清花岗闪长岩可能形成于佳木斯地块和松嫩地块及兴凯地块碰撞中或者碰撞后的环境。  相似文献   

采用锆石U-Pb定年方法,精确测定了西南天山木扎尔特群花岗片麻岩的结晶锆石年龄为(707±13)Ma(MSWD=0.33)。元素地球化学特征和低的ε  相似文献   

The granitoids of the Neroysk-Patok massif exhibit autometasomatic zones in which potassium enrichment is followed by that of sodium, and later, by acid leaching. Such processes affected the country rocks, as well, and are attributed to the action of postmagmatic solutions. The concentration of rare nietal minerals is closely related to the activity of such solutions. —R.C. Epis  相似文献   

Zircons in serpentinites from Nyashevo massif of the Ilmenogorskii complex were dated for the first time by means of the SHRIMP technique. The maximum date of 1892 ± 23 Ma for the zircons accounts for the minimum age of their mantle substrate probably constituting the restite residue. The date is comparable to those for metamorphic rocks of the Selyankino group, as well as of fenite–sand amphibolites of the Ilmenogorskii complex. The Upper Ordovician age limit of 443 ± 12 Ma is adequate for formation of the massif and conforms to the age of the Buldym massif and miaskites. The Early Permian dates of zircons (275.8 ± 2.1 Ma) represent late shear processes in the Ilmenogorskii complex.  相似文献   

The mineralized area (fig. 1) lies inside a large dunitic body. The sulfides are small phenocrysts of pentlandite (with chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite); chromite is generally present and metasomatic magnetite is locally abundant, as replacer of the sulfides. A genetic connection of the sulfides with the dunites is indicated. There is no evidence of any epigenetic segregation of the ore minerals and hence no reason to expect presence of economic ores in this particular part of the massif. — V.P. Sokoloff  相似文献   

The results of melt inclusion study are reported for chromites of the Klyuchevsky ultramafic massif, which is the most representative of all Ural ultramafic massifs localized beyond the Main Ural Fault Zone. The massif is composed of a dunite-harzburgite complex (tectonized mantle peridotite) and a dunite-wehrlite-clinopyroxenite-gabbro complex (layered portion of the ophiolitic section). The studied Kozlovsky chromite deposit is located in the southeastern part of the Klyuchevsky massif and hosted in serpentinized dunite as a series of lenticular bodies and layers up to 7–8 m thick largely composed of disseminated and locally developed massive ore. Melt inclusions have been detected in chromites of both ore types. The heated and then quenched into glass melt inclusions and host minerals were analyzed on a Camebax-Micro microprobe. The glasses of melt inclusions contain up to 1.06 wt % Na2O + K2O and correspond to melts of normal alkalinity. In SiO2 content (49–56 wt %), they fit basalt and basaltic andesite. The melt inclusions are compared with those from chromites of the Nurali massif in the southern Urals and the Karashat massif in southern Tuva. The physicochemical parameters of magmatic systems related to the formation of disseminated and massive chromite ores of the Klyuchevsky massif are different. The former are characterized by a wider temperature interval (1185–1120°C) in comparison with massive chromite ore (1160–1140°C).  相似文献   

Dating of zircon (SHRIMP) from dunite and harzburgite of the Karabash massif was carried out for the first time. Relics of ancient crystals (1940 ± 30 Ma in harzburgite, 1860 ± 16 Ma in dunite) provide evidence for the Paleoproterozoic age of the protolith. The morphological peculiarities of zircon crystals allow us to assume differentiation of the magmatic source 1720 m. y. ago. The major variety of zircons indicates stages of metamorphic evolution in the Neoproterozoic (530–560 Ma) and Early–Late Ordovician (440–480 Ma).  相似文献   

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