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In this work the collapsing process of a spherically symmetric star, made of dust cloud, in the background of dark energy is studied for two different gravity theories separately, i.e., DGP Brane gravity and Loop Quantum gravity. Two types of dark energy fluids, namely, Modified Chaplygin gas and Generalised Cosmic Chaplygin gas are considered for each model. Graphs are drawn to characterize the nature and the probable outcome of gravitational collapse. A comparative study is done between the collapsing process in the two different gravity theories. It is found that in case of dark matter, there is a great possibility of collapse and consequent formation of Black hole. In case of dark energy possibility of collapse is far lesser compared to the other cases, due to the large negative pressure of dark energy component. There is an increase in mass of the cloud in case of dark matter collapse due to matter accumulation. The mass decreases considerably in case of dark energy due to dark energy accretion on the cloud. In case of collapse with a combination of dark energy and dark matter, it is found that in the absence of interaction there is a far better possibility of formation of black hole in DGP brane model compared to Loop quantum cosmology model.  相似文献   

本文讨论了共轴、纯转动、force-free的脉冲星系统,在Burman理论基础上建立了一个非共转模型(其中含待定参量,共转情况是它的特例)。利用系统稳定的近似条件——系统能量最小确定特定参量,得到一个与G-J模型类似的共转模型。由于考虑了惯性效应,不存在星风,是稳定态,但没有辐射。在转轴与磁矩有小偏角时,利用非平衡系统更普遍的稳定条件——熵产生最小,确定本模型的参量,得到的辐射能量在量级上与观测值相符合。  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to study the effects of electromagnetic on the collapse and expansion of anisotropic gravitating source. For this purpose, we have evaluated the generating solutions of Einstein–Maxwell field equations with spherically symmetric anisotropic gravitating source. We found that a single function generates the various anisotropic solutions. In this case every generating function involves an arbitrary function of time which can be chosen to fit several astrophysical time profiles. Two physical phenomenon occur, one is gravitational collapse and other is the cosmological expanding solution. In both cases electromagnetic field effects the anisotropy of the model. For collapse the anisotropy is increased while for expansion it deceases from maximum value to finite positive value. In case of collapse there exits two horizons like in case of Reissner–Nordström metric.  相似文献   

The simplest model of a resonant problem of second order is the planar and circular case. Simplification like this is very old and for 3/1 resonance, several authors have studied this problem with different purposes. In this work, we test this model for the available asteroids, by applying Hori's perturbation method. Explicit solutions of the intermediate orbit are obtained. In the plane of two constants of the problem, all types of motion are described. By testing the model, it is shown that, in general, one can confirm results of numerical integrations indicating libration for a few number of asteroids and circulation for most of them. However, agreement in numerical values for amplitude and period of librations seems to be not possible mainly if Jupiter's eccentricity is neglected. On the other hand, even though there might be some physical reasons determining that only asteroids with high eccentricity may librate, it is shown that, from mathematical point of view, libration may occur even in the case of small eccentricities provided that some relations are satisfied.  相似文献   

Numerical studies with a spherical dynamo model have shown two remarkable phenomena. The model consists of a spherical body of an electrically conducting incompressible uid surrounded by free space. In addition to a rotation of the body an inner motion due to a given forcing is considered which satisfies a no–slip condition at the boundary. The full interaction of magnetic field and motion is taken into account. Starting from a fluid motion capable of dynamo action and a very weak magnetic field it was observed that the growing magnetic field destroys the dynamo property of the motion and then decays, and that the system ends up in a state with another motion incapable of dynamo action and zero magnetic field. In another case with a motion unable to prevent small magnetic fields from decay it proved to be possible that stronger magnetic fields deform it so that a dynamo starts to work which enables the system to approach a steady state with a finite magnetic field.  相似文献   

The matter-gravity system is examined in a path integral approach for the case of conformal matter coupled to a Friedman-Robertson-Walker space time. In particular the case of gravitational potentials of interest in cosmology for which the universe tunnels from a small radius is examined. It is observed that in the presence of such gravitational horizons the universe evolves in a complex time and it is shown how a classical time and temperature emerge. Correspondingly, one will have compensating quantum and thermal fluctuations for the matter and gravity system and it is noted that the unstable mode of gravity corresponding to the universe tunneling into existence will be compensated by an analogous mode for matter corresponding to its creation. This last point is examined in a simple De Sitter model with conformal matter and a relation is found between the cosmological constant, the number of matter fields and the self coupling of matter responsable for its instability.  相似文献   

A simple non-linear, non-axisymmetric mean field dynamo model is applied to a differentially rotating spherical shell. Two approximations are used for the angular velocity, to represent what is now believed to be the solar rotation law. In each case, stable solutions are found which possess a small non-axisymmetric field component. Although the model has a number of obvious shortcomings, it may be relevant to the problem of the solar active longitudes.  相似文献   

Four- and five-dimensional Bianchi type-III cosmological model in Rosen (1980) bimetric theory of gravitation is considered. Restricting to a particular type of background metric, it is observed that the Bianchi type-III cosmological model does not exist in case of both meson field and mesonic perfect fluid. Hence only vacuum model can be obtained.  相似文献   

Broadband afterglow observations provide a probe of the density structure of the circumburst medium. In the spreading jet model, prompt and intense X-ray/UV radiation from the reverse shock may destroy and clear the dust in the circumburst cloud out to about 30 pc within the initial solid angle of the jet. Asthe jet expands significantly, optical radiation from the high-latitude part of the jet may suffer extinction by dust outside the initial solid angle, while radiation from the part within the initial solid angle can be observed without extinction. In previous studies, it is usually assumed that the extinction is complete. We calculate the extinction effect by taking the optical depth into account. Our numerical results showthat a break appears in the light curve of optical afterglow but it extends over a factor of ~ 80 in time rather than a factor of ~ 10 in time for the case of strong dust extinction and a factor of ~ 60 in time for the case without dust extinction. These results may provide a way to judge how large the number density of the circumburst cloud is. Finally, we carry out a detailed modeling for the afterglow of GRB 000926. Our model can provide a good fit to the multi-color observations of this event.  相似文献   

Fundamental models are the simplest, one degree of freedom Hamiltonians that serve as a tool to understand the qualitative effects of various resonances. A new, extended fundamental model (EFM) is proposed in order to improve the classical, Andoyer type, second fundamental model (SFM). The EFM Hamiltonian differs from the SFM by the addition of a term with the third power of momentum; it depends on two free parameters. The new model is studied for the case of a first-order resonance, where up to five critical points can be present. Similarly, to the respective SFM, it admits only the saddle-node bifurcations of critical points, but its advantage lies in the capability of generating the separatrix bifurcations, known also as saddle connections. The reduction of parameters for the EFM has been performed in a way that allows the use of the model in the case of the so-called abnormal resonance.  相似文献   

A simple way to couple an interface dynamo model to a fast tachocline model is presented, under the assumption that the dynamo saturation is due to a quadratic process and that the effect of finite shear layer thickness on the dynamo wave frequency is analogous to the effect of finite water depth on surface gravity waves. The model contains one free parameter which is fixed by the requirement that a solution should reproduce the helioseismically determined thickness of the tachocline. In this case it is found that, in addition to this solution, another steady solution exists, characterized by a four times thicker tachocline and 4–5 times weaker magnetic fields. It is tempting to relate the existence of this second solution to the occurrence of grand minima in solar activity. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

In this paper we constructed five dimensional axially symmetric cosmological model generated by a cloud of strings with particles attached to them in Lyra manifold. Out of the two different cases obtained one case leads to the five dimensional vacuum universe in general theory of relativity while the other case yields a string cosmological model in Lyra manifold. In the cosmic string model we observed that the sum of tension density and rest energy density of strings vanishes and this model is also inflationary.  相似文献   

We show how the excursion set moving barrier model for halo abundances may be generalized to the local non-Gaussian f nl model. Our estimate assumes that the distribution of step sizes depends on f nl, but that they are otherwise uncorrelated. Our analysis is consistent with previous results for the case of a constant barrier, and highlights some implicit assumptions. It also clarifies the basis of an approximate analytic solution to the moving barrier problem in the Gaussian case, and shows how it might be improved.  相似文献   

This research is an extension of the author’s works, in which conformally invariant generalization of string theory was suggested to higher-dimensional objects. Special cases of the proposed theory are Einstein’s theory of gravity and string theory. This work is devoted to the formation of self-consistent equations of the theory of induced gravity in the presence of matter in the form of a perfect fluid that interacts with scalar fields. The study is done to solve these equations for the case of the cosmological model. In this model time-evolving gravitational and cosmological “constants” take place which are determined by the square of scalar fields. The values of which can be matched with the observational data. The equations that describe the theory have solutions that can both match with the solutions of the standard theory of gravity as well as it can differ from it. This is due to the fact that the fundamental “constants” of the theory, such as gravitational and cosmological, can evolve over time and also depend of the coordinates. Thus, in a rather general case the theory describes the two systems (stages): Einstein and “evolving”. This process is similar to the phenomenon of phase transition, where the different phases (Einstein gravity system, but with different constants) transit into each other.  相似文献   

This is a sequel to the paper by Eyni and Kaufman (1971) in which the coordinate systems with respect to the magnetic direction and solar radial-direction were assumed coincident. In the present account, it is shown that the theoretical expression for the proton cooling derived in that paper is still applicable in the case of the spiral magnetic-field provided the appropriate transformation of kinetic temperature from the magnetic direction to the radial direction as derived here is used. A detailed comparison is made between the present model and other models based on the spiral form of the magnetic field; the agreement is satisfactory.  相似文献   

In this article in a generalization of our previous work (Farajollahi and Milani in Mod. Phys. Lett. A 25:2349–2362, 2010), we investigate the dynamics of the non-local F(R) gravity after casting it into local form. The non-singular bouncing behavior and quintom model of dark energy are achieved without involving negative kinetic energy fields. Two cosmological tests are performed to constrain the model parameters. In case of phantom crossing the distance modulus predicted by the model best-fits the observational data. In comparison with the CPL parametrization for drift velocity, the model in some redshift intervals is in good agreement with the data.  相似文献   

Third and fourth order mean motion resonances are studied in the model of the restricted three-body problem by numerical methods for mass parameters corresponding approximately to the Sun?CJupiter and Sun?CNeptune systems. In the case of inner resonances, it is shown that there are two regions of libration in the 8:5 and 7:4 resonances, one at low, the other at high eccentricities. In the 9:5 and 7:3 resonances libration can exist only in one region at high eccentricities. The 5:2 and 4:1 resonances are very regular, with one librational zone existing for all eccentricities. There is no visible region of libration at any eccentricities in the 5:1 resonance, the transition between the regions of direct and retrograde circulation is very sharp. In the case of outer resonances, the 8:5 and 7:4 resonances have also two regions of libration, but the 9:5 resonance has three, the 7:3 resonance two librational zones. The 5:2 resonance is again very regular, but it is parted for two regions of libration at high eccentricities. Libration is possible in the 4:1 resonance only at high eccentricities. The 5:1 resonance is very symmetric. In the case of outer resonances, a comparison is made with trans-Neptunian objects (TNO) in higher order mean motion resonances. Several new librating TNOs are identified.  相似文献   

We have studied a model of relativistic fireworks. In this model it is assumed that a series of explosions occur. In each explosion the fragments fly apart in arbitrary directions with a given velocity which is a parameter in the model.We have succeeded in obtaining an exact expression for the distribution of fragments in velocity space aftern explosions.We present an exact solution also in the limiting case of small velocity steps where the process turns into a diffusion in velocity space.The development in configuration space has been obtained through Monte-Carlo numerical simulations.The model has been applied to metagalactic cosmology. Although single explosions cannot reach the highest redshifts observed in the Hubble expansion the fireworks model offers a possibility to reach thesez-values in a few explosions.The model gives a density inhomogeneity of 20% over a tenth of the Hubble distance as seen from a typical position. Observations show a considerably greater irregular variation.The model gives a local velocity dispersion which is too great to comply with observations. A development of the model is suggested.  相似文献   

Thanks to its fitting triumph, the ΛCDM paradigm is assumed to be the most powerful model, for describing the Universe dynamics, over much the myriad of cosmological models. Unfortunately, the quest of a self-consistent model remains not well explained, because it is not clear how to solve the problems of fine-tuning and coincidence, afflicting the ΛCDM framework; as a matter of fact, these theoretical drawbacks do not allow to consider the ΛCDM model, as the final picture of the modern cosmological scenario. Here, we show that the simplest model, which provides a constant equation of state for the pressure, leads to a generalization of ΛCDM, reducing to it in a particular case. Moreover, we highlight the physical mechanisms of this model, describing the thermodynamical reasons why a constant pressure should be negative in an expanding Universe. In addition, we fit the free parameters of our model by minimizing the chi square through the age differential method, involving a direct measurement of H.  相似文献   

The Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model is known for its simplicity and capacity to reproduce some of the basic characteristics of the quantum chromodynamics phase diagram. However, since it is a nonrenormalizable model, there are regularization issues that should be treated conveniently. This is the case when considering the quark anomalous magnetic moment (AMM) when external constant magnetic fields are present. Regularization procedures based on entangled functions between the magnetic field and the cutoff of the model can predict first-order phase transitions for chiral symmetry restoration at finite values of magnetic fields and inverse magnetic catalysis. The strengths of magnetic fields explored in NJL model and lattice QCD do not show first-order phase transition. In the present work, we show that some of the previous results are regularization-dependent effects and how to handle the divergences using the vacuum magnetic regularization scheme.  相似文献   

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