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Using multiple geochemical proxies including specific biomarkers (dinosterol, phytol, stigmasterol and β‐sitosterol) measured in a high‐sedimentation rate core collected from the inner shelf (depth ~45 m) off Goa (India), we reconstruct surface productivity, which is mainly controlled by the monsoon upwelling in this region, during the last ca. 700 a. Surface productivity appears to have varied in tandem with the Konkan–Goa rainfall and sunspot activity during the instrumental period (last 250 a). The productivity proxies also covary with the total solar irradiance reconstructed for the period beyond the instrumental era, within the considerable uncertainty of the age model. This suggests that solar forcing may control coastal upwelling intensity and biological productivity in the eastern Arabian Sea on decadal to centennial timescales. During the late Anthropocene (last ca. 50 a), steep increases in all four biomarkers indicate greatly enhanced productivity in response to high solar irradiance as well as anthropogenic inputs of nutrients. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Impact of sea breeze on wind-seas off Goa, west coast of India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
After withdrawal of the Indian Summer Monsoon and until onset of the next monsoon, i.e., roughly during November–May, winds in the coastal regions of India are dominated by sea breeze. It has an impact on the daily cycle of the sea state near the coast. The impact is quite significant when large scale winds are weak. During one such event, 1–15 April 1997, a Datawell directional waverider buoy was deployed in 23 m water depth off Goa, west coast of India. Twenty-minute averaged spectra, collected once every three hours, show that the spectrum of sea-breeze-related ‘wind-seas’ peaked at 0.23 ±0.05 Hz. These wind-seas were well separated from swells of frequencies less than 0.15 Hz. The TMA spectrum (Bouwset al 1985) matched the observed seas spectra very well when the sea-breeze was active and the fetch corresponding to equilibrium spectrum was found to be 77±43 km during such occasions. We emphasize on the diurnal cycle of sea-breeze-related sea off the coast of Goa and write an equation for the energy of the seas as a function of the local wind  相似文献   

The temperature field in the coastal region off south-west India exhibits a wellmarked annual cycle. Around March the isotherms develop an upward tilt near the coast. The magnitude of the tilt increases continuously till August, then decreases and vanishes in November. To check the hypothesis that this feature is in response to the local wind, we have used the resultant wind data to determine the annual march of the wind stress. It is found that though weak during November–March, the monthly-mean longshore component of the wind stress is always conducive to coastal upwelling and follows a pattern similar to that of the isotherm tilt. We interpret this result to indicate that coastal processes in the area during April–October are controlled by the longshore component of the local wind stress in accordance with the classical model for a coastal upwelling system. During November–March, when the wind stress is weak, it appears that the influence of the longshore density gradient, which persists at the surface during this period, dominates over the effect of the wind.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the characteristic features of the coastal atmospheric boundary layer (CABL) along the west coast of India during the south-west monsoon (SWM) 2002. Extensive surface and upper-air findings were obtained during the same period from the Arabian Sea Monsoon Experiment (ARMEX; 15th June to 15th August 2002) 2002. The operational general circulation model (GCM) of the National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF) was used in this study to see the spatial variation of the CABL during two specific convective episodes that led to heavy rainfall along the west coast of India. The impact of a non-local closure (NLC) scheme employed in the NCMRWF GCM was carried out in simulating the CABL. The same episodes were also simulated using a similar parameterization scheme employed in the high resolution mesoscale modelling system (MM5). The diurnal variation of CABL is better represented from MM5 simulation. Comparing the MM5 simulation with that of the coarser grid NCMRWF GCM, we observed that the NCMRWF GCM underestimates the values of both latent heat flux (LHF) and the coastal atmospheric boundary layer height (CABLH). Results from MM5 therefore indicate that the best way to move forward in addressing the short-comings of coarse grid-scale GCMs is to provide a parameterization of the diurnal effects associated with convection processes.  相似文献   

High resolution shallow seismic data was acquired from inner continental shelf of Goa,west coast of India to map underlying stratigraphic and buried geomorphic features of shelf strata.Seismic data revealed characteristic channel incisions beneath 4-15 m thick sediment layer and corresponds to multi cycle incisions.Stratigraphic analysis of these incision signatures reveals three prominent subaerial unconformities S6,S7 and S9.These unconformities were exposed during the last glacial,penultimate glacial(MIS-6)and prior to penultimate glacial(MIS-8)periods.On the basis of interpreted age of subaerial unconformities and differences in their morphological features,observed channel incisions have been divided grossly into three phases of incision.Phase-1 incisions are older than ~330 kyr BP,whereas,incisions of Phase-2 and Phase-3 correspond to ~320-125 kyr BP and ~115-10 kyr BP respectively.Plan form of these incisions varied from a straight channel type to ingrown meander and then to anastomosing channel types.These channels meet at the confluence of present-day Mandovi and Zuari rivers.The confluence point has varied in due course of time because of cyclic incision and burial with repeated sea level fluctuations.The preserved main channel width varies from ~100 m to 1000 m.and maximum channel depth reaches up to ~35 m.Comparison of quantitative and qualitative morphologic results of different phases of incisions suggest that Phase-2 channels had ~33% more mean bank full discharge than that of the Phase-3 channels.Phase-2 incisions had been carved in higher hydraulic energy condition as compared to Phase-3 incisions implying that the Indian summer monsoon was better during formative stages of Phase-2 incisions.  相似文献   

The dynamics and thermodynamics of the surface layer of the Arabian Sea, north of about 10N, are dominated by the monsoon-related annual cycle of air-sea fluxes of momentum and heat. The currents in open-sea regime of this layer can be largely accounted for by Ekman drift and the thermal field is dominated by local heat fluxes. The geostrophic currents in open-sea subsurface regime also show a seasonal cycle and there is some evidence that signatures of this cycle appear as deep as 1000 m. The forcing due to Ekman suction is an important mechanism for the geostrophic currents in the central and western parts of the Sea. Recent studies suggest that the eastern part is strongly influenced by the Rossby waves radiated by the Kelvin waves propagating along the west coast of India. The circulation in the coastal region off Oman is driven mainly by local winds and there is no remotely driven western boundary current. Local wind-driving is also important to the coastal circulation off western India during the southwest monsoon but not during the northeast monsoon when a strong (approximately 7 × 106m3/sec) current moves poleward against weak winds. This current is driven by a pressure gradient which forms along this coast during the northeast monsoon due to either thermohaline-forcing or due to the arrival of Kelvin waves from the Bay of Bengal. The present speculation about flow of bottom water (deeper than about 3500 m) in the Arabian Sea is that it moves northward and upwells into the layer of North Indian Deep Water (approximately 1500–3500m). It is further speculated that the flow in this layer consists of a poleward western boundary current and a weak equatorward flow in the interior. It is not known if there is an annual cycle associated with the deep and the bottom water circulation.  相似文献   

The wave-induced nearshore circulation model suggested by Noda has been modified and applied for three small segments along the coast of Goa. The present model incorporates the prevailing bottom topography and considers its variation along with the radiation stress as the driving force for the circulation. We find that the flow pattern is strongly dependent on bottom topography. While normal incidence of waves results in a cellular pattern of flow, meandering flows prevail for oblique incidence along the coast. The shoreward flows are always located over shoals while the rip currents prevail over channels. The onshore/offshore flows show magnitudes as high as 3·1 m/s, while those alongshore reach a maximum of 1·1 m/s. When compared with field observations these values are slightly higher.  相似文献   

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