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10参数正形变换法在江门市坐标转换中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
从现有江门独立坐标系及坐标转换公式着手,分析了江门独立坐标系与54北京坐标系的相互转换,提出了10参数正形变换方法,并进行了转换计算结果验证及精度分析.  相似文献   


Introduction.—Although much has been written on the various branches of surveying, few text-books do more than give the problem of Map Maintenance a passing mention. It is true that probably the major problem of the surveyor, when considering the world as a whole, is the urgent need of any sort of accurate map for most of its surface, yet at the same time quite considerable areas have already been surveyed, and the maintenance of these areas forms a very formidable problem in itself. Moreover, it is not generally realized that problems of maintenance necessitate a complete reorientation of technical outlook in comparison with questions of an initial survey. Clearly, when maps are being made in the first instance, the primary requirement is an adequate framework, whose main essentials are accuracy; rigidity and permanence. The filling in of the topographical detail and the final reproduction are matters of necessarily secondary importance. Furthermore, as the time required for the field work is large in comparison with the office stages, there is little actual or apparent gain in reducing the time taken on drawing and reproduction. In these circumstances the problem of an initial survey is essentially mathematical in its technique, little attention being required for the final stages of drawing and reproduction, which can be carried out, by craftsmen, at the unhurried pace which it has been their privilege to maintain in the past.  相似文献   

电子地图多尺度表达中动态鹰眼技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种根据电子地图尺度变化相应变化的动态鹰眼技术,阐述了其基本原理,实现了鹰眼地图随着电子地图的尺度变化的自适应更新.  相似文献   

提出了以数字化成果为地理信息系统提供基础数据源的一种有效方法,采用了基于AutoCAD Map2000i平台的数据处理与转换技术,解决了基于dwg格式的各种数字化成果的要素识别、重建与转换,实现了数字化成果向地理信息系统空间数据库的转换。  相似文献   

This paper describes the application of projective transformations to single photograph map revision. The technique, which does not require knowledge of the camera principal distance. provides a rigorous determination of the plan coordinates of new or changed detail. A desk top microcomputer system with digitising tablet and graphics plotter will give a relatively low cost, accurate and portable map revision capability.  相似文献   

A method for the compilation of 1:3,000,000-scale maps of natural nival-glacial phenomena is proposed for an area of the High Pamir Range in Soviet Central Asia. Such maps depict the distribution, frequency and intensity/magnitude, and potential impacts of such natural hazards as avalanches, mudslides, “dirty snow” avalanches (combined avalanches-mudslides in late spring), icings (naledy), and glacier pulsations, and are used in the planning of construction and the maintenance of roads and other transportation corridors during winter and spring. Hypothetical examples of the use of the maps are provided. Translated from: Materialy glyatsiologicheskikh issledovanly, USSR Geophysical Committee Publication No. 55. Moscow: Mezhduvedomstvenniy geofizicheskiy komitet, 1986, pp. 213–219.  相似文献   

介绍一种综合利用高分辨率遥感数据、土地利用现状数据、各种调查数据和GPS采集等多源数据进行土地利用现状数据更新的方法。  相似文献   

介绍了一种用三次插值样条对公开出版的旅游图进行纠正,制作汽车导航电子地图的方法,分析了其中存在的问题,提出了解决的办法。  相似文献   

计算机图形技术的发展,对传统地图设计的设计技术提出了挑战。本文从屏幕地图的特点出发,结合传统的制图学理论,通过设计河南省政区显示系统的初步实践,归纳和总结了屏幕地图在地图符号设计应用中的几个方面,并说明了屏幕地图在制图领域中的应用前景。  相似文献   


I Have read with interest Mr. L. P. Lee's remarkably well-informed article in the January number (vii, 51, 190) on “The Nomenclature and Classification of Map Projections”. I agree with much of what Mr. Lee says, but I cannot think that he has always been happy in his choice of names.  相似文献   

鉴于绢云母(和白云母)类粘土矿物对于研究与矿化紧密相关的中低温热液蚀变机制、与温压有关的地质成因过程等的重要意义,开展了绢云母的岩矿光谱特征变异分析和成像光谱矿物识别,并对岩石、矿物的试验室光谱和影像光谱所反映的地质成因信息的提取进行探讨。  相似文献   

地表形变D-InSAR监测方法及关键问题分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结和分析了地表形变D-InSAR监测的主要方法和当前所面临的主要问题。针对常规D-InSAR技术中大气相位和低相干区域相 位解缠,分别介绍了基于Delaunay三角网的不规则格网解缠方法、累积干涉纹图处理方法(Stacking Interferograms)、永久性 散射体(PS)技术以及角反射器干涉测量(CR-InSAR)方法,分析了各自的适用条件和优缺点。此外,对有限数据量条件下低相干 区域大气相位校正、相干目标识别等问题进行了重点讨论。立足于工程应用需要,分别对D-InSAR测量地表形变的参数选择、测量 结果的精度验证、D-InSAR测量值与形变的关系、大区域处理以及形变场时空演变等问题进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

G. T. M. 《测量评论》2013,45(41):160-166

About sixteen years ago an apparent need of the time led the writer to consider the construction of a small-scale map of the British Empire. It was immediately obvious that such a sheet, prepared in a manner to reduce the errors of scale and bearing to figures approaching the minimum, would have to extend from the Yukon and across the Eastern Hemisphere to New Zealand_ Accordingly, it would involve an oblique projection, cutting the Equator at some angle to be investigated. Moreover, the depth of the map would necessarily be the least possible in order to conform with the desiderata above.  相似文献   


Map Projections.—A matter that should have been mentioned in the original article under this title (E.S.R., vii, 51, 190) is the definition of a map projection. In the list of carefully worded “Definitions of Terms used in Surveying and Mapping” prepared by the American Society of Photogrammetry (Photogrammetrie Engineering, vol. 8,1942, pp. 247–283), a map projection is defined as “a systematic drawing of lines on a plane surface to represent the parallels of latitude and the meridians of longitude of the earth or a section of the earth”, and most other published works in which a definition appears employ a somewhat similar wording. This, however, is an unnecessary limitation of the term. Many projections are (and all projections can be) plotted from rectangular grid co-ordinates, and meridians and parallels need not be drawn at all; but a map is still on a projection even when a graticule is not shown. Objection could be raised also to the limitation to “plane surface”, since we may speak of the projection of the spheroid upon a sphere, or of the sphere upon a hemisphere. Hence, it is suggested that “any systematic method of representing the whole or a part of the curved surface of the Earth upon another (usually plane) surface” is an adequate definition of a map projection.  相似文献   

刘国强 《四川测绘》2001,24(4):184-185
本文分析了地图市场的现状及存在的主要问题,对地图市场的管理措施和办法进行了探讨,提出了一些可行性建议。  相似文献   


Most books on the technique of map compilation omit a detailed consideration of projections on the grounds that this subject is adequately treated at length elsewhere. Texts on map projections, however, are largely theoretical and rarely consider the practical problem of the proper choice and use of the graticules which are otherwise so ably described. An investigation of this little explored field has produced the following picture which it is thought may be of wider interest. A study of the fundamental properties which influence the choice of map projections is followed by a survey of projections in use, considered in relation to the fundamental properties.  相似文献   

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