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体积分方程法模拟复电阻率三维体电磁响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用体积分方程法计算了均匀半空间中复电阻率(激电)效应和电磁效应同时存在时的三维体响应。在计算中,对于需要计算三重积分的张量格林函数电荷项一次部分,应用一种差分近似的方法求解,这种方法在保证计算精度的同时更加便于计算机实现;采用二次剖分的算法解决了计算张量格林函数时的奇异值问题;计算含有贝塞尔函数的积分项时,利用一种结合连分式展开的高斯求积代替常规的快速汉克尔变换方法。验证了计算结果并分析了三维体复电阻率模型(Cole-Cole)参数对正演结果的影响,为三维体复电阻率及其参数反演提供了正演依据。  相似文献   

波动方程显式短算子三维正演模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对三维波动方程的显式差分法的研究,并对模小于1.0的稳定性约束作线性化处理时引入加权因子,提出了一个基于二次规划方法的一维显式短算子设计方法.与以往的显式算子设计方法的不同之处,在于对传播区内算子的模也引入了最大值限制,这样可更严格地保证深层波场延拓的稳定性.同时,给出了基于一维显式算子及McClellan变换的三维波场深度延拓方法,大大减少了计算量,提高了计算速度,并能更好地处理介质横向非均匀性.  相似文献   

地震勘探广泛应用于油气、煤田勘探。地震波场数值模拟是整个地震勘探数据处理技术的基石。将径向基函数(RBF)引入地震声波波场数值模拟中,在空间上用径向基函数无网格法来构造二阶导数,而在时间上采用简单的二阶差分公式,并重点讨论了形状参数c对该方法精度的影响,总结c经验取值范围为2~4倍平均数据点间距。设计不同模型,利用径向基函数无网格法进行声波波场模拟,并与空间四阶时间二阶的有限差分计算结果进行对比,结果表明:同样精度下,径向基函数每个波长所取的数据点数远小于空间四阶矩形网格有限差分每个波长所取的网格点数,即径向基函数的空间采样率更低,这表明径向基函数具有更小的数值频散。  相似文献   

What may be called a ‘Continuum’ method of finite element analysis is used in this paper to predict the behaviour of a pile during driving. In this both the pile and the soil are treated as two distinct parts of the same solid continuum, but with different properties. The behaviour of the soil medium, assumed to be semi-infinite and nonlinear, is represented by the hyperbolic stress-strain relationship. Discretizing the pile-soil system in turn by conventional axi-symmetric and mapped finite elements, the problem is solved in the time-domain using the central difference scheme.

The example considered is that of a fully embedded steel pipe pile for which both field test data and Wave Equation solution are available. Results show that: the Continuum Method is capable of a greater degree of accuracy than the conventional Wave Equation Method, but it is far more expensive than the latter in terms of computational effort needed; the effects of radiation damping and wave dispersion in the soil are found to be small; and the mapped finite elements give significantly better results than conventional elements.  相似文献   

An inverse solution to the 1D wave equation is obtained using the spectral Laguerre transform to find the distribution of wave velocities at some point of the medium. The problem is solved as optimization in which the function of Laguerre harmonics is minimized by the conjugate gradient or Newton’s algorithms.Reported are velocities of a wave defined by a stepwise constant function. The accuracy of the inverse solution for the Laguerre harmonics is investigated against the approximation accuracy in the boundary problem. The accuracy and efficiency of the Laguerre method are compared to those in the Fourier method.  相似文献   

FLAC3D非常适合于模拟大变形问题,尤其在材料的弹塑性分析、大变形分析以及模拟施工过程等领域有其独到的优点,但是FLAC3D非完全可视化的建模方式和网格划分方法大大限制了FLAC3D的通用性。通过编写MATLAB接口程序生成FISH脚本程序,完成了复杂地质体的建模,并以天子庙隧道为例说明建模的可行性与高效性。  相似文献   

Acta Geotechnica - The critical state theory has been widely implemented in many models to predict the constitutive behavior of clayey soil. However, the notion of a unique critical state locus for...  相似文献   

横向各向同性(TI)介质是岩石地球物理中常见的一种现象,研究其井孔声场传播特征对声波测井理论以及为声波测井解释提供依据具有重要意义。针对具有垂直对称轴的横向各向同性(VTI)介质,根据柱坐标系条件下的弹性波波动方程,推导了速度-应力交错有限差分公式,采用时间二阶、空间十阶的交错有限差分算法对VTI介质中的井孔声场进行数值模拟。给出了在均匀介质中井孔声场不同时刻的波场快照,以及不同各向异性系数的VTI介质中的波场快照,计算了井轴上声源激发出的声波全波列波形。结果表明,在其他条件不变的条件下,VTI地层的各向异性系数的增大对横波的传播影响不大,但会使得纵波在纵向上的传播速度相对变小,径向上变化不大。各向异性系数的增大会使声波测井全波列首波信号时差变大,声波幅度略变小。  相似文献   

The diffusive wave approximation of the Saint-Venant equations is commonly used in hydrological models to describe surface flow processes. Numerous numerical approaches can be used to solve this highly nonlinear equation. Nonlinear time integration schemes—also called methods of lines (MOL)—were proven very efficient to solve other nonlinear problems in geosciences but were never considered to deal with surface flow modeling with the diffusive wave equation. In this paper, we study the relative performance of different time and space integration schemes by comparing the results obtained with classical approaches and with nonlinear time integration approaches. The results show that (i) the integration method with a higher order in space shows high accuracy regarding an integrated indicator such as the global mass balance error but is less accurate regarding local indicators, and (ii) nonlinear time integration techniques perform better than classical ones. Overall, it seems that integration techniques combining nonlinear time integration and a low spatial order need to be considered when developing hydrological modeling tools owing to their simplicity of implementation and very good performance.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose to: 1. Establish most of the properties conjectured in [2] about the higher order finite difference approximation of the 1D Laplace operator. 2. Generalize to any order the fourth-order accurate scheme in space and time of Shubin and Bell [20] and Cohen [6]. For this new family of 2m–2m schemes, we establish, via elementary mathematics, various stability and dispersion results that are helpful to compare these schemes to the 2–2m schemes of Anné et al. [2]. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Efficient solution of the heat equation is one of the recursive topics in computational physics. Over the years, different software solutions have been proposed, taking advantage of today’s impressive computing power of parallel machines. In this work, we consider a hybrid software–hardware approach making use of a field-programmable gate array platform as a heat equation solver that can be easily attached to a PC using a PCI bus with the goal of obtaining a portable system to be used during field experiments. The system has been successfully used for the non-destructive inspection of soils in mine detection applications based on infrared thermography techniques.  相似文献   

积分方程法三维模拟井地电法并行算法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在积分方程法模拟三维电磁响应原理的基础上,对井地电法三维正演模拟并行算法做了研究。同时,还利用Fortran 6.5和消息传递接口(MPI)开发了井地电法三维正演模拟并行计算程序。在求解大型线性方程组时,采用的是稳定的双共轭梯度(BICGSTAB)算法,单机正演程序与并行正演程序的计算结果有着很好的一致性,这说明了并行算法的正确性,为进一步开发井地电法三维反演并行程序奠定了基础,也为井地电法三维正、反演程序实用化提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

利用定位原理进行三维叠前正演,仅靠单程声波方程的延拓即可形成复杂地质条件下的正演记录,运算效率高无多次反射出现。但速度模型中对于过大或过小的速度常使波场在延拓时有频率和波数成分的损失,这种损失引起波场畸变并严重影响正演记录的质量。本文采用波场替换技术,在每次延拓时用零相位子波形成一个同时保留了原波场的动力学特征与空间位置信息的新波场,然后用新波场取代原畸变波场并参与正演记录合成。在频率域单程方程三维叠前正演中特别适合做波场替换,因为震源脉冲与接收响应(均可视为点脉冲)的延拓波场在形态上相似,而且在延拓波场中每道记录之振幅包络只有一个极值点。理论试算结果表明,采用波场替换技术后最终正演记录质量比替换前有了很大改善。  相似文献   

Rockfall is the most frequent major hazard in mountainous areas. For hazard assessment and further countermeasure design, realistic and accurate prediction of rockfall trajectory is an important requirement. Thus, a modeling method to represent both geometrical parameters of slope and falling rock mass is required. This study, suggests taking the advantages of discontinues deformation analysis (DDA) and geographical information system (GIS). In this study, after developing a three dimensional (3D) DDA program, firstly a special element named contact face element (CFE) was introduced into 3D DDA; secondly, effectively modeling tools with GIS support were developed. The implementation of CFE also improves the efficiency of both the contact searching and solution process. Then a simple impact model was devised to compare the 3D DDA implemented directly with a sliding model with theoretical analysis to verify the reliability of the modified 3D DDA program and investigate the parameter settings. Finally, simulations concerning rock shapes and multi-rocks were carried out to show the applicable functions and advantages of the newly developed rockfall analysis code. It has been shown that the newly developed 3D DDA program with GIS support is applicable and effective.  相似文献   

大量观测资料表明,地下介质的物性普遍存在非各向同性现象,只有建立非各向同性模型才能真实地反应地下介质情况.在分析前人研究成果的基础上,从实际地质情况出发,以层状介质的电学性质为基础引入非各向同性系数到对称非各向同性体的研究当中,推导出对称非各向同性体二维大地电磁场的变分方程,实现了模拟对称非各向同性体的有限单元法.将计算结果与Pek的有限差分法的计算结果进行对比验证了程序的正确性.通过固定非各向同性系数在不同倾角下的模型,说明倾角对非各向同性效应的影响;通过固定倾角在不同非各向同性系数下的模型,说明非各向同性系数对非各向同性效应的影响;通过不同倾角和不同非各向同性系数模型的正演拟断面图,更加形象地展示两者与非各向同性效应之间的关系.  相似文献   

采用PFC等离散元方法研究岩土材料的颗粒破碎已经成为热点。采用考虑局部应力集中的点荷载破碎准则,利用阿波罗填充和膨胀法保证破碎前、后颗粒之间的种群平衡,并引入尺寸因子来表征不同粒径的颗粒强度。在此基础上,开展了石英砂、钙质砂和萨克拉门托河砂3种不同破碎难易程度材料的数值试验,并与室内试验结果进行对比。结果表明:建立的三维颗粒破碎模型能够很好地描述破碎难易程度不同的颗粒材料的压缩特性;考虑应力集中效应的点荷载破碎准则比基于平均应力Mohr-Coulomb理论的颗粒破碎准则更能真实地反应颗粒材料的破碎现象。同时,所建立的模型能够揭示破碎对颗粒材料各向异性消散和级配曲线演化的影响规律。  相似文献   

By using a complete set of poroelastodynamic spherical wave potentials (SWPs) representing a fast compressional wave PI, a slow compressional wave PII, and a shear wave S with 3 vectorial potentials (not all are independent), a solution scheme based on the method of fundamental solution (MFS) is devised to solve 3‐D wave scattering and dynamic stress concentration problems due to inhomogeneous inclusions and cavities embedded in an infinite poroelastic domain. The method is verified by comparing the result with the elastic analytical solution, which is a degenerated case, as well as with poroelastic solution obtained using other numerical methods. The accuracy and stability of the SWP‐MFS are also demonstrated. The displacement, hoop stress, and fluid pore pressure around spherical cavity and poroelastic inclusion with permeable and impermeable boundary are investigated for incident plane PI and SV waves. The scattering characteristics are examined for a range of material properties, such as porosity and shear modulus contrast, over a range of frequency. Compared with other boundary‐based numerical strategy, such as the boundary element method and the indirect boundary integral equation method, the current SWP‐MFS is a meshless method that does not need elements to approximate the geometry and is free from the treatment of singularities. The SWP‐MFS is a highly accurate and efficient solution methodology for wave scattering problems of arbitrary geometry, particularly when a part of the domain extends to infinity.  相似文献   

In this work, we present a new numerical framework for the efficient solution of the time-harmonic elastic wave equation at multiple frequencies. We show that multiple frequencies (and multiple right-hand sides) can be incorporated when the discretized problem is written as a matrix equation. This matrix equation can be solved efficiently using the preconditioned IDR(s) method. We present an efficient and robust way to apply a single preconditioner using MSSS matrix computations. For 3D problems, we present a memory-efficient implementation that exploits the solution of a sequence of 2D problems. Realistic examples in two and three spatial dimensions demonstrate the performance of the new algorithm.  相似文献   

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