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The elementary properties of internal Rossby waves in a horizontally infinite two-layer ocean with a uniform east-west current, apparently not previously reported in the literature, are documented.  相似文献   

Transmission and reflection coefficients are calculated for Rossby waves incident on a bottom topography with constant slope in a continuously stratified ocean. The characteristics of the coefficients are interpreted in terms of the quasigeostrophic waves on the slope. In the parameter range where only the barotropic Rossby waves can propagate in the region outside the slope, the bottom trapped wave plays the same role as the topographic Rossby wave in a homogeneous ocean, and hence the transmission is weak unless phase matching takes place. When both of the barotropic and baroclinic Rossby waves can propagate outside the slope, the total transmission can be strong. The bottom trapped wave affects the transmission and reflection, and it leads to the possibility that the Rossby wave is transmitted as a mode different from the incident mode. When the number of the wavy modes on the slope is smaller than that of the Rossby wave modes outside the slope, strong reflection occurs.The results for an ocean with linear distribution of the squared Brunt-Väisälä frequency are compared to those in a uniformly stratified ocean. The weakening of the stratification near the bottom is almost equivalent to reducing the effect of the slope.  相似文献   

Transmission and reflection problems when kissing≓ occurs among planetary and topographic Rossby waves in a two-layer ocean are studied. The slope parameterS(=dh 2/dx, whereh 2is the thickness of the lower layer) is assumed to have constant values in the regionsx 0 andxL and to vary linearly with the increase ofx in the region0xL (refer to Fig. 2 in the text). Furthermore, a wave is entered fromx=– and kissing is assumed to occur in the region (0<)x axxb(<L).It is found that a wave of the same type as the incident wave is mainly transmitted when the width of the region in which kissing occurs,L kiss(=tx b–xa), is smaller than kiss=2/K¦+ y/2), whereK is a representative wavenumber in the regionx ab, y is they-component of , and is the frequency. WhenL kiss is larger than kiss, on the other hand, the main wave transmitted is of a different type to the incident wave. As an application, transmission and reflection problems of planetary Rossby waves are considered, and it is shown that when an external (internal) planetary Rossby wave is entered, an internal (external) one can be transmitted due to the effect of kissing.  相似文献   

The results of an aircraft-ship experiment on the spatial variability of parameters of two-dimensional spectra of wind waves are discussed. The observed fields of wave parameters are compared with equations for wave refraction in the currents.Translated by Mikhail M. Trufanov.  相似文献   

This paper discusses, in terms of the geometrical optics approximation, how large-scale bottom irregularities influence the propagation of Rossby waves in the ocean. To describe the major peculiarities of the phenomenon, a two-layer model is applied, with the depth of the upper layer being considerably smaller than that of the lower layer. However, even with the bottom topography being allowed for, the wave motion is described by two Rossby wave modes, namely, a barotropic mode and a baroclinic mode. It is demonstrated that barotropic mode transformation caused by large irregularities of the sea-floor may lead to wave interaction, resulting in their anomalous distribution. Translated by Vladimir A. Puchkin.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the modeling of the propagation of three-dimensional gravitational perturbations of small but finite amplitudes in shallow two-layered water in basins with a gently sloping bottom. A single integral-differential evolution equation is derived that takes into account the long-wave contributions of the inertia of liquid layers and surface tension and the weak nonlinearity of the disturbances, as well as the nonstationary water shear srtess at the bottom. A numerical implementation of the model equation that allows us to adequately describe the processes considered is suggested. The transformations of spatial solitary perturbations in the pycnocline of basins with different bottom topographies are presented.  相似文献   

Observations of topographic Rossby waves (TRW), using moored current meters, bottom pressure gauges, and Lagrangian RAFOS floats, are investigated for the deep basin of the Gulf of Mexico. Recent extensive measurement programs in many parts of the deep gulf, which were inspired by oil and gas industry explorations into ever deeper water, allow more comprehensive analyses of the propagation and dissipation of these deep planetary waves. The Gulf of Mexico circulation can be divided into two layers with the ∼800-1200 m upper layer being dominated by the Loop Current (LC) pulsations and shedding of large (diameters ∼300-400 km) anticyclonic eddies in the east, and the translation of these LC eddies across the basin to the west. These processes spawn smaller eddies of both signs through instabilities, and interactions with topography and other eddies to produce energetic surface layer flows that have a rich spectrum of orbit periods and diameters. In contrast, current variability below 1000 m often has the characteristics of TRWs, with periods ranging from ∼10-100 days and wavelengths of ∼50-200 km, showing almost depth-independent or slightly bottom intensified currents through the weakly stratified lower water column. These fluctuations are largely uncorrelated with simultaneous upper-layer eddy flows. TRWs must be generated through energy transfer from the upper-layer eddies to the lower layer by potential vorticity adjustments to changing depths of the bottom and the interface between the layers. Therefore, the LC and LC eddies are prime candidates as has been suggested by some model studies. Model simulations have also indicated that deep lower-layer eddies may be generated by the LC and LC eddy shedding processes.In the eastern gulf, the highest observed lower-layer kinetic energy was north of the Campeche Bank under the LC in a region that models have identified as having strong baroclinic instabilities. Part of the 60-day TRW signal propagates towards the Sigsbee Escarpment (a steep slope at the base of the northern continental slope), and the rest into the southern part of the eastern basin. Higher energy is observed along the escarpment between 89°W and 92°W than either under the northern part of the LC or further south in the deep basin, because of radiating TRWs from the western side of the LC. In the northern part of the LC, evidence was found in the observations that 20-30-day TRWs were connected with the upper layer through coherent signals of relative vorticity. The ∼90° phase lead of the lower over the upper-layer relative vorticity was consistent with baroclinic instability. Along the Sigsbee Escarpment, the TRWs are refracted and reflected so that little energy reaches the lower continental slope and a substantial mean flow is generated above the steepest part of the escarpment. RAFOS float tracks show that this mean flow continues along the escarpment to the west and into Mexican waters. This seems to be a principal pathway for deepwater parcels to be transported westward. Away from the slope RAFOS floats tend to oscillate in the same general area as if primarily responding to the deep wave field. Little evidence of westward translating lower-layer eddies was found in both the float tracks and the moored currents. In the western gulf, the highest deep energy levels are much less than in the central gulf, and are found seaward of the base of the slope. Otherwise, the situation is similar with TRWs propagating towards the slope, probably generated by the local upper-layer complex eddy field, being reflected and forcing a southward mean flow along the base of the Mexican slope. Amplitudes of the lower-layer fluctuations decay from the northwest corner towards the south.  相似文献   

The present paper reports on a study of the interaction of a current-free monochromatic surface wave field with a wave-free uniform current field in a three-dimensional flow frame. The wave and the current fields are not necessarily collinear with each other. The formulation of the wave-current field is done under the assumption of irrotational and inviscid flow. We have developed the three dimensional expressions describing the characteristics of the combined flow in terms of mass, momentum and energy transport conservation. These equations are found efficient to describe the sought-for combined wave-current field. The parameters describing the wave-current field after the interaction are the surface disturbance amplitude and length, mean water depth, mean current-like parameter and direction of the combined flow, which would be calculated from a set of equations that satisfy conservation of mean mass, momentum and energy flux and a dispersion relation on the free surface before and after the interaction. The results are shown in terms of relative changes in wave heights and lengths, current-like parameters and final directions obtained for the combined wave-current field with respect to current-free wave and wave-free current pre-interaction parameters.  相似文献   

A theory of Rossby waves makes a number of predictions about motions below the thermocline at Site D (39°10'N, 70°W). An experiment was made to test these predictions. Kinetic energy spectra show most of the energy is associated with periods of a week to a few months. The Reynolds' stress is negative for these periods. There is high coherence and on phase shift between 1000 m and 2000 m depths. Most of the wave-number estimates point to the south-west quadrant, consistent with westward propagation and with momentum flux into the Gulf Stream and energy flux out of it. There is enough consistency between statistics based on successive 8-month records to conclude that statistics based on a single 8-month record near Site D are meaningful. In an 8-month array of twenty-six current meters, for periods of a week to a month, the divergence is small compared to the vorticity, and the motion is transverse. The energy increases toward the bottom. The observed wave-numbers and frequencies fit the theoretical dispersion relationship satisfactorily. The kinetic energy of the fluctuations is much larger near the Gulf Stream than farther upslope. The vorticity is in quadrature with the upslope velocity. I conclude there is strong evidence that topographic Rossby wave mechanics are dominant below the thermocline on the continental rise north of the Gulf Stream.  相似文献   

Environmental data, particularly wave and current data, are of vital importance in offshore engineering. The needs for such data are discussed with reference to the influence of various environmental parameters on the loads of offshore structures. Data collected until now from the Norwegian continental shelf are reviewed. Furthermore, a planned data collection program is presented and discussed with respect to experience with instrumentation techniques, data recovery, and representativity, as well as interpretation and analysis gained from the present activity in this field.  相似文献   

Ocean surface currents can be estimated, over a large coastal area, by utilizing the backscatter of high frequency (HF) radar waves from ocean gravity waves. Although the overall backscatter mechanism is complicated, the surface current information is contained within the spectral characteristics of two dominant Bragg components. The accuracy of the current estimate, following the usual FFT-based spectral estimate, is limited by the frequency resolution of the FFT and the time-varying characteristics of the Bragg components. This paper describes a high resolution parametric estimation of the ocean currents based on a recently proposed technique for analyzing time-varying signals. This technique, together with a time-domain ocean clutter model, allows all the Bragg signal information to be extracted from the two dominant eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix constructed from the radar data. Using signals from an operational coastal surveillance radar, current estimates made using this technique are compared with those estimated by the conventional FFT-based method  相似文献   

《Progress in Oceanography》1987,19(2):177-220
Effects of continental shelf bends, converging depth contours and changing depth profiles are discussed. Some analysis is carried out for previously unstudied cases. Separate oceanic interior and shelf flow problems are formulated for a sufficiently narrow shelf. The ocean interior ‘sees’ only an integrated shelf effect, typically increasing shelf-edge amplitudes, retarding longshore Kelvin-wave propagation and increasing natural mode periods by 0 (10%). On the local shelf, the flow matches to the ocean interior and is nondivergent. Effects on shelf waves and slope currents depend subtly on the nature of the longshore variations. Curvature and contour convergence do not per se imply scaterring or generation of shelf waves. Indeed, any depth h(ξ) where ▽2 ξ(x,y) = 0 (a condition approximating longshelf uniformity in the topography's convexity) supports essentially the same shelf waves as do straight depth contours (DAVIS, 1983), and slope currents follow depth contours. Scattering results rather from breaks in analyticity of the depth profile. Hence calculations for small isolated features (necessarily highly convex or concave) may overestimate scattering, and superposition for realistic topography may lead to much self-cancellation among scattered waves. Otherwise, examples show a strong preference for scattering into adjacent mode numbers and into any shelf wave mode near to its maximum frequency. A shelf sector, where the maximum shelf wave frequency maxω is less than the frequency ω of an incident shelf wave, causes substantial scattering unless maxω and ω are very close. Adjustment of slope currents to changed conditions takes place through (and over the decay distance of) scattered shelf waves.  相似文献   

The interaction between current-free higher-order water waves with a wave-free uniform current normal to the wave crests is considered. The combined wave-current motion resulting from the interaction is assumed stable and irrotational. The velocity potential, dispersion relation, the particle kinematics and pressure distribution up to the third order in wave amplitude are developed. The conservation of mean mass, momentum and energy, together with the dispersion relation on the free surface are used to derive a set of four nonlinear equations, through which the relationship between wave-free current, current-free wave and the combined wave-current parameters is established. Numerical results for a range of current values are also presented.  相似文献   

A theory of the coastal Kelvin wave is presented in which the pressure is assumed not to be hydrostatic. The results show that the non-hydrostatic Kelvin wave is dispersive and that the e–1 decay distance of the wave amplitude from the coast decreases as the wave length becomes shorter. Similar conclusions can be drawn on the equatorial Kelvin wave.  相似文献   

Over the past decade there has been a rapid growth of interest in wave propagation through ice covers. This paper summarizes the author’s observation of the modeling efforts on this topic. Models can be theory-based, data-driven, or a combination of the two. A pure data-driven model relies on a large amount of observations and is only becoming available recently. Theory-based models on the other hand have a long history. They are always a simplified version of the reality. As our knowledge grows, theories become more complicated. A theory for waves-in-ice that captures all possible processes does not exist. However, when integrated with observation through calibration, these combined theory + data-based models may be used with some confidence. In this paper, different models, their basic concepts, their calibration and validation are discussed. The present theory-based models do not have the correct spectral attenuation trend as observed from field or laboratory experiments. Hence, through calibration they may fit different parts of the wave spectra but not all. Pure data-driven models can reproduce the correct trend, but its dependability outside the situation where the data are collected is uncertain. In addition to offering tools to forecast waves-in-ice, these model building and validating efforts point to missing mechanisms that should be carefully studied. Despite the many challenges towards building a satisfactory general waves-in-ice model, significant progress has been made for models that work reasonably well in the marginal ice zone. We anticipate much more data will become available in the coming years to help us improve the existing models.  相似文献   

A general set of 3-D dynamic field equations for a cable segment is derived based on the classical Euler-Kirchhoff theory of an elastica. The model includes flexural stiffness to remove the potential singularity when cable tension vanishes and can be reduced to the equations for a perfectly flexible cable. A hybrid model and a solution scheme by direct integration are then proposed to solve the oceanic cable/body system with a localized low-tension region. Numerical examples demonstrate the capability and validity of the formulation and the numerical algorithm.  相似文献   

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