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Known mineral occurrences in northern Vancouver Island are typically hosted in volcanic units of the Bonanza Group. At a local scale, the mineralization is associated with advanced argillic bedrock alteration and is often intimately related to porphyry intrusions. On a larger scale, faults are thought to exert the most significant control on the distribution of mineralized host rocks. Poor exposures and a complex glacial history limit the use of traditional methods of geological mapping and mineral exploration in this region and to date geophysical methods have been under-utilized. Here we present findings from four standard geophysical (gravity, magnetics, electromagnetics and seismic refraction) methods, recently deployed here to elucidate the subsurface geology, as well as to identify new targets for base metal exploration. Results at two different sites show that the integrated interpretation of geophysical data, constrained by physical rock property measurements, yields detailed images of the subsurface at a fraction of the cost of drilling. At one site, east of Rupert Inlet, the final subsurface model shows that the Bonanza Group is not nearly as extensive as previously presumed. An extension of the Holberg Fault is identified some 50 km east of the visibly mapped outcrop and an extensive zone of alteration around the fault is recognized. Furthermore, a number of the methods provide support for the existence of a porphyry dike at this site. At the second site, north of Rupert Inlet, magnetic and electromagnetic data prove effective at mapping alteration and locating shear zones beneath a relatively thin drift cover. Together, these results help outline a strategy for exploration in drift-covered terrains and show that a redirection of exploration effort is warranted in the case of northern Vancouver Island.  相似文献   

Mineral magnetic analysis of B‐horizons of soils developing upon the surfaces of alluvial fans was undertaken in order to: (i) differentiate and rank discrete fan surfaces by order of formation; (ii) establish whether fan surfaces formed simultaneously in adjacent fan systems; and (iii) deduce probable patterns of fan development. The results of the analysis indicate that the greatest concentration of ferrimagnetic and anti‐ferromagnetic minerals occurs within soils which have developed upon the proximal fan surfaces with a progressive reduction in magnetic minerals in soils associated with medial and distal surfaces. The build‐up of magnetic minerals in the proximal fan soils suggests that these surfaces formed first followed by the medial and distal surfaces. With the exception of the Kalivia Sokas fan, the majority of depositional events responsible for fan surface formation occurred simultaneously, suggesting that adjacent fan systems share broadly similar depositional histories. Although the precise timing of depositional events is uncertain, it is probable that by the end of the late Pleistocene, small, largely undissected fans comprising two to three surfaces had formed. At the start of the Holocene, fan systems experienced significant fanhead incision. A net distal extension of the fan trench coupled with a progressive basinward shift of the locus of deposition during the middle and late Holocene resulted in formation of medial and distal fan surfaces. Changes in climate are deemed to be the major control of fanhead incision, fan trenching and fan surface formation. However, the likely effects of long‐term tectonic activity and approximately five thousand years of human occupation upon fan development in the Sparta Basin remain unclear. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Gas accumulation in magma may be aided by coalescence of bubbles because large coalesced bubbles rise faster than small bubbles. The observed size distribution of gas bubbles (vesicles) in lava flows supports the concept of post-eruptive coalescence. A numerical model predicts the effects of rise and coalescence consistent with observed features. The model uses given values for flow thickness, viscosity, volume percentage of gas bubbles, and an initial size distribution of bubbles together with a gravitational collection kernel to numerically integrate the stochastic collection equation and thereby compute a new size spectrum of bubbles after each time increment of conductive cooling of the flow. Bubbles rise and coalesce within a fluid interior sandwiched between fronts of solidification that advance inward with time from top and bottom. Bubbles that are overtaken by the solidification fronts cease to migrate. The model predicts the formation of upper and lower vesicle-rich zones separated by a vesicle-poor interior. The upper zone is broader, more vesicular, and has larger bubbles than the lower zone. Basaltic lava flows in northern California exhibit the predicted zonation of vesicularity and size distribution of vesicles as determined by an impregnation technique. In particular, the size distribution at the tops and bottoms of flows is essentially the same as the initial distribution, reflecting the rapid initial solidification at the bases and tops of the flows. Many large vesicles are present in the upper vesicular zones, consistent with expected formation as a result of bubble coalescence during solidification of the lava flows. Both the rocks and model show a bimodal or trimodal size distribution for the upper vesicular zone. This polymodality is explained by preferential coalescence of larger bubbles with subequal sizes. Vesicularity and vesicle size distribution are sensitive to atmospheric pressure because bubbles expand as they decompress during rise through the flow. The ratio of vesicularity in the upper to that in the lower part of a flow therefore depends not only on bubble rise and coalescence, but also on flow thickness and atmospheric pressure. Application of simple theory to the natural basalts suggests solidification of the basalts at 1.0±0.2 atm, consistent with the present atmospheric pressure. Paleobathymetry and paleoaltimetry are possible in view of the sensitivity of vesicle size distributions to atmospheric pressure. Thus, vesicular lava flows can be used to crudely estimate ancient elevations and/or sea level air pressure.  相似文献   

The Latera field (Vulsini volcanic complex, Latium, Italy) is one of the geothermal areas of the peri-Tyrrhenian belt along which a regional, high thermal anomaly has been detected. So far nine deep wells have been drilled within the Latera caldera and four of them have been productive. The geothermal reservoir is located within the fractured carbonatic rocks of the Tuscan nappe; the overlying volcanic units, sealed by hydrothermal minerals (mainly calcite and anhydrite), act as an impervious cover.The fluid produced by the wells comes from a deep aquifer (about 1000–1500 m depth) which at present is not connected with the shallow aquifer in the volcanoclastic units. Fluid temperatures range between 200 and 230°C; in-hole temperatures as high as 343°C at 2775 m depth have been measured in dry wells.The study of the newly formed mineral assemblages from both volcanic and sedimentary units as sampled from the geothermal wells can be used to reconstruct the thermal evolution of the geothermal field. The intrusion of a syenitic melt, up to a depth of about 2000 m, dated 0.86 Ma, represents the major thermal event for the units in the area and is assumed to represent the first step in the geothermal evolution of the Latera system.The above mentioned newly formed mineral assemblages can be divided into three groups: (a) “contact-metasomatic”: calcite, anhydrite, diopsidic pyroxene, grossularitic garnet, phlogopite, wollastonite or monticellite; (b) “high-temperature hydrothermal”: calcite, anhydrite, K-feldspar, vesuvianite, melanitic garnet, tourmaline, amphibole, epidote, sulphides; (c) “low-temperature hydrothermal”: calcite, anhydrite, K-feldspar, clay minerals, sulphides. Group (a) minerals are now relics. Part of (b) and all of (c) group are still in equilibrium with the existing conditions in different parts of the geothermal system.Thermodynamic calculations on the observed mineral assemblages permitted estimates of the P, T conditions and gas fugacities.  相似文献   


The water-centric community has continuously made efforts to identify, assess and implement rigorous uncertainty analyses for routine hydrological measurements. This paper reviews some of the most relevant efforts and subsequently demonstrates that the Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM) is a good candidate for estimation of uncertainty intervals for hydrometry. The demonstration is made by implementing the GUM to typical hydrometric applications and comparing the analysis results with those obtained using the Monte Carlo method. The results show that hydrological measurements would benefit from the adoption of the GUM as the working standard, because of its soundness, the availability of software for practical implementation and potential for extending the GUM to hydrological/hydraulic numerical simulations.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Muste, M., Lee, K. and Bertrand-Krajewski, J.-L., 2012. Standardized uncertainty analysis for hydrometry: a review of relevant approaches and implementation examples. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (4), 643–667.  相似文献   




Atwater and Macdonald have suggested that oblique spreading occurs at mid-ocean ridges which spread slowly (half rate less than 3 cm/yr), while the spreading is perpendicular at faster-spreading ridges. This paper explores this relation using the ratio of the power dissipated at ridges to that on transform faults to find the angle of oblique spreading (θ). The dependence of the energy dissipation rate on spreading rate is included in simple models of a ridge and transform. These arguments suggest that θ is related to the half spreading rate approximately by sin θ ~ V?1.  相似文献   

We present Titan2D simulations of two well-characterized block-and-ash flow (BAF) events of the 2006 eruption of Merapi (Java, Indonesia) that affected the Gendol valley on the volcano’s southern flank and adjacent, densely populated interfluve (non-valley) areas: (1) a single dome-collapse event to the south that generated one of the smaller, post-June 14 flows and (2) a sustained, multiple dome-collapse event, also directed to the south, that produced the largest flows of the 2006 eruption emplaced in the afternoon of June 14. Using spatially varying bed friction angles, Titan2D is capable of reproducing the paths, velocities, runout distance, areas covered and deposited volumes of these flows over highly complex topography. The model results provide the basis for estimating the areas and levels of hazards associated with BAFs generated during relatively short as well as prolonged dome-collapse periods and guidance during future eruptive crises at Merapi.  相似文献   

Chinese cities are plagued by the rise in resource and energy input and output over the last decade. At the same time, the scale and pace of economic development sweeping across Chinese cities have revived the debate about urban metabolisms, which could be simply seen as the ratio of output to resource and energy input in urban systems. In this study, an emergy (meaning the equivalent solar energy) accounting, sustainable indices of urban metabolisms, and an urban metabolic system dynamics model, are developed in support of the research task on Chinese cities ‘metabolisms and their related policies. The dynamic simulation model used in the paper is capable of synthesizing component-level knowledge into system behavior simulation at an integrated level, which is directly useful for simulating and evaluating a variety of decision actions and their dynamic consequences. For the study case, interactions among a number of Beijing’s urban emergy components within a time frame of 20 years (from 2010 to 2030) are examined dynamically. Six alternative policy scenarios are implemented into the system simulation. Our results indicate that Beijing’s current model of urban metabolism—tertiary industry oriented development mode—would deliver prosperity to the city. However, the analysis also shows that this mode of urban metabolism would weaken urban self-support capacity due primarily to the large share of imported and exported emergy in the urban metabolic system. The keys of improving the efficiency of urban metabolism include the priority on the renewable resource and energy, increase in environmental investment and encouragement on innovative technologies of resource and energy utilization, et al.  相似文献   

As mineral exploration seeks deeper targets, there will be a greater reliance on geophysical data and a better understanding of the geological meaning of the responses will be required, and this must be achieved with less geological control from drilling. Also, exploring based on the mineral system concept requires particular understanding of geophysical responses associated with altered rocks. Where petrophysical datasets of adequate sample size and measurement quality are available, physical properties show complex variations, reflecting the combined effects of various geological processes. Large datasets, analysed as populations, are required to understand the variations. We recommend the display of petrophysical data as frequency histograms because the nature of the data distribution is easily seen with this form of display. A petrophysical dataset commonly contains a combination of overlapping sub-populations, influenced by different geological factors. To understand the geological controls on physical properties in hard rock environments, it is necessary to analyse the petrophysical data not only in terms of the properties of different rock types. It is also necessary to consider the effects of processes such as alteration, weathering, metamorphism and strain, and variables such as porosity and stratigraphy. To address this complexity requires that much more supporting geological information be acquired than in current practice. The widespread availability of field portable instruments means quantitative geochemical and mineralogical data can now be readily acquired, making it unnecessary to rely primarily on categorical rock classification schemes. The petrophysical data can be combined with geochemical, petrological and mineralogical data to derive explanations for observed physical property variations based not only on rigorous rock classification methods, but also in combination with quantitative estimates of alteration and weathering. To understand how geological processes will affect different physical properties, it is useful to define three end-member forms of behaviour. Bulk behaviour depends on the physical properties of the dominant mineral components. Density and, to a lesser extent, seismic velocity show such behaviour. Grain and texture behaviour occur when minor components of the rock are the dominate controls on its physical properties. Grain size and shape control grain properties, and for texture properties the relative positions of these grains are also important. Magnetic and electrical properties behave in this fashion. Thinking in terms of how geological processes change the key characteristics of the major and minor mineralogical components allows the resulting changes in physical properties to be understood and anticipated.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments are used to illustrate how steady convective flows, while efficient at stirring an initial heterogeneity within a single cell, do not produce dispersal of heterogeneous material over scales large compared to the depth. Long-range dispersal requires that the flow be time dependent on a time scale comparable to the overturn time. Convection in an internally heated layer has this property and numerical solutions are used to study the way in which it disperses a set of neutrally buoyant particles that were initially confined to a small space. The horizontal dispersal of these particles is reasonably well represented by an effective diffusivity of 0.3 cm2/s for a Rayleigh number of 106. The concept of an effective diffusivity is then applied to the isotopic evolution of the Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr systems with spatial variations generated by horizontal variations in degree of melting 1.8×109 years ago. The present-day average ε value one would measure in such a system depends on the average degree of melting, the amplitude and length scale of variations in partial melt, and the effective diffusivity assumed. Especially in the case of Nd the differences in average ε value between a uniform and a spatially variable (but with the same average) melting case can be significant. The range of ε values about the average is controlled by the competing effects of generation by the differences in enrichment factor and decay due to the effective diffusivity.  相似文献   

在松辽盆地深层发现了含气火成岩储层。由于火成岩矿物组成复杂和含量的变化,使得选择用于测井评价的解释参数很困难。基于IUGS提出的QAPF分类方案,本文提出了采用遗传算法,利用测井数据确定火成岩矿物含量的方法。根据QAPF分类方案,将火成岩中的矿物分为五类:Q-石英;A-碱性长石;P-斜长石和方柱石;F-副长石(研究区未出现);M-铁镁矿物。本文提出用包括孔隙度在内的QAPM模型对储层进行分析。建立密度、视中子孔隙度、声波时差、自然伽玛和体积光电吸收截面指数的测井响应方程,各矿物参数从斯伦贝谢的矿物参数手册中得到。用遗传算法计算骨架中四种矿物的体积,根据四种矿物的体积含量,依据QAPF分类对火成岩命名。基于解释参数计算的孔隙度可与岩心分析的孔隙度相比,本文给出的火成岩命名与岩心化学分析的命名相一致。  相似文献   

Computer simulations are used to calculate the elastic properties of model cemented sandstones composed of two or more mineral phases. Two idealized models are considered – a grain‐overlap clay/quartz mix and a pore‐lining clay/quartz mix. Unlike experimental data, the numerical data exhibit little noise yet cover a wide range of quartz/cement ratios and porosities. The results of the computations are in good agreement with experimental data for clay‐bearing consolidated sandstones. The effective modulus of solid mineral mixtures is found to be relatively insensitive to microstructural detail. It is shown that the Hashin–Shtrikman average is a good estimate for the modulus of the solid mineral mixtures. The distribution of the cement phase is found to have little effect on the computed modulus–porosity relationships. Numerical data for dry and saturated states confirm that Gassmann's equations remain valid for porous materials composed of multiple solid constituents. As noted previously, the Krief relationship successfully describes the porosity dependence of the dry shear modulus, and a recent empirical relationship provides a good estimate for the dry‐rock Poisson's ratio. From the numerical computations, a new empirical model, which requires only a knowledge of system mineralogy, is proposed for the modulus–porosity relationship of isotropic dry or fluid‐saturated porous materials composed of multiple solid constituents. Comparisons with experimental data for clean and shaly sandstones and computations for more complex, three‐mineral (quartz/dolomite/clay) systems show good agreement with the proposed model over a very wide range of porosities.  相似文献   

This paper deals with ground-hugging, gas–pyroclast currents from explosive volcanic eruptions and their deposits. Key field observations and laboratory determinations are proposed to relate specific deposit types with flow regimes and particle concentration in the transport and depositional systems. Three relevant flow scenarios and corresponding deposit types have been recognized from a survey of pyroclastic successions of the Vulsini Volcanic District (central Italy): (1) dilute, turbulent, pyroclastic currents producing normally or multiply graded beds by direct suspension sedimentation; (2) concentrated bedload regions beneath suspension currents, depositing inversely graded beds by traction carpet sedimentation; (3) self-sustained, high particle concentration, laminar, mass flows developing massive, poorly sorted bodies, with opposite grading of coarse lithic and pumice clasts, overlying fine-grained, inversely graded, basal layers. Main distinguishing criteria include the occurrence and pattern of clast grading, clast–thickness relationships, grain size, ash matrix componentry and pyroclast size–density relationships. Downcurrent and temporal transitions among identified flow scenarios are likely to occur for changing energy conditions and gas–pyroclast ratio both on regional and local scales. The nature and efficiency of magma fragmentation, volatile content, conduit geometry (which determine the characteristics of the erupted mixture and possible lateral blast component at the vent), and the angle of incidence of the column collapse, are suggested as the main factors controlling the generation of one type over the other at flow inception. Dilute, fine-grained, overpressured eruption clouds are thought to favor the formation of low particle concentration turbulent currents. Column collapse over slightly inclined volcano slopes, causing a high degree of compression of the collapsing mixture and of gas expulsion, would favor the generation of high particle concentration pyroclastic currents.  相似文献   

Earthquake loss estimation is now becoming an important tool in mitigation planning, where the loss modeling usually is based on a parameterized mathematical representation of the damage problem. In parallel with the development and improvement of such models, the question of sensitivity to parameters that carry uncertainties becomes increasingly important. We have to this end applied the capacity spectrum method (CSM) as described in FEMA HAZUS-MH. Multi-hazard Loss Estimation Methodology, Earthquake Model, Advanced Engineering Building Module. Federal Emergency Management Agency, United States (2003), and investigated the effects of selected parameters. The results demonstrate that loss scenarios may easily vary by as much as a factor of two because of simple parameter variations. Of particular importance for the uncertainty is the construction quality of the structure. These results represent a warning against simple acceptance of unbounded damage scenarios and strongly support the development of computational methods in which parameter uncertainties are propagated through the computations to facilitate confidence bounds for the damage scenarios.  相似文献   

A mathematical model and approximate analysis using finite elements are developed to simulate the transport of moisture from a soil medium through a small seedling or plant to the atmosphere. An intrinsic part of the mathematical model is analysis of the characteristic diffusion rates of different components in the soil-plant system. This leads to consideration of the non-linear coupling of the component soil and plant regimes and effective numerical solution of the problem using a Galerkin semi-discrete finite element method: Details concerning the mathematical model and approximate analysis are described. Numerical experiments are conducted to examine the performance of the model. Relaxation and iterative acceleration techniques and an adaptive timestepping strategy are devised to improve the solution algorithms. Comparisons of model predictions with results of laboratory and field experiments indicate that the model provides useful information on plant-water relations.  相似文献   

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