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Based on integration of seismic reflection and well data analysis this study examines two major contourite systems that developed during the late Cretaceous in the southern Baltic Sea. The evolution of these Chalk Sea contourite systems between the Kattegat and the southern Baltic Sea started when Turonian to Campanian inversion tectonics overprinted the rather flat sea floor of the epeiric Chalk Sea. The Tornquist Zone and adjacent smaller blocks were uplifted and formed elongated obstacles that influenced the bottom currents. As a consequence of the inversion, the sea floor west of the Tornquist Zone tilted towards the north‐east, creating an asymmetrical sub‐basin with a steep marginal slope in the north‐east and a gentle dipping slope in the south‐west. A south‐east directed contour current emerged in the Coniacian or Santonian along the south‐western basin margin, creating contourite channels and drifts. The previously studied contourite system offshore Stevns Klint is part of this system. A second, deeper and north‐west directed counter‐flow emerged along and parallel to the Tornquist Zone in the later Campanian, but was strongest in the Maastrichtian. This bottom current moderated the evolution of a drift‐moat system adjacent to the elevated Tornquist Zone. The near surface Alnarp Valley in Scania represents the Danian palaeo‐moat that linked the Pomeranian Bay with the Kattegat. The previously studied contourite system in the Kattegat represents the north‐western prolongation of this system. This study links previous observations from the Kattegat and offshore Stevns Klint to the here inferred two currents, a more shallow, south‐east directed and a deeper, north‐west directed flow.  相似文献   

The Zagros fold-and-thrust belt of SW-Iran is among the youngest continental collision zones on Earth. Collision is thought to have occurred in the late Oligocene–early Miocene, followed by continental shortening. The High Zagros Belt (HZB) presents a Neogene imbricate structure that has affected the thick sedimentary cover of the former Arabian continental passive margin. The HZB of interior Fars marks the innermost part of SE-Zagros, trending NW–SE, that is characterised by higher elevation, lack of seismicity, and no evident active crustal shortening with respect to the outer (SW) parts. This study examines the brittle structures that developed during the mountain building process to decipher the history of polyphase deformation and variations in compressive tectonic fields since the onset of collision. Analytic inversion techniques enabled us to determine and separate different brittle tectonic regimes in terms of stress tensors. Various strike–slip, compressional, and tensional stress regimes are thus identified with different stress fields. Brittle tectonic analyses were carried out to reconstruct possible geometrical relationships between different structures and to establish relative chronologies of corresponding stress fields, considering the folding process. Results indicate that in the studied area, the main fold and thrust structure developed in a general compressional stress regime with an average N032° direction of σ1 stress axis during the Miocene. Strike–slip structures were generated under three successive strike–slip stress regimes with different σ1 directions in the early Miocene (N053°), late Miocene–early Pliocene (N026°), and post-Pliocene (N002°), evolving from pre-fold to post-fold faulting. Tensional structures also developed as a function of the evolving stress regimes. Our reconstruction of stress fields suggests an anticlockwise reorientation of the horizontal σ1 axis since the onset of collision and a significant change in vertical stress from σ3 to σ2 since the late stage of folding and thrusting. A late right-lateral reactivation was also observed on some pre-existing belt-parallel brittle structures, especially along the reverse fault systems, consistent with the recent N–S plate convergence. However, this feature was not reflected by large structures in the HZB of interior Fars. The results should not be extrapolated to the entire Zagros belt, where the deformation front has propagated from inner to outer zones during the younger events.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地东南部中生界地层节理发育特征与古应力场   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鄂尔多斯盆地东南部中生代地层中发育有六组节理(E-W、N-S、ENE-WSW、NNW-SSE、WNW-ESE、NNE-SSW),并且构成三期的正交节理系统(E-W与N-S、ENE-WSW与NNW-SSE、WNW-ESE与NNE-SSW).三期正交节理系统形成的先后期次为:E-W向和N-S向两组节理最早形成,WNW-ESE向和NNE-SSW向两组节理为第二期形成,ENE-WSW向和NNW-SSE向两组节理则最晚形成.E-W向、N-S向和ENE-WSW向三组节理的节理间距指数(FSI)分析结果表明,节理间距的发育程度除了受岩层厚度控制外,还受区域应力场的控制.E-W向、N-S向和ENE-WSW向三组节理的节理间距率(FSR)值分布范围指示不同组节理在区域上发育程度具有差异性.此外,E-W向的优势节理组的FSR值有超过间距与层厚比值的临界值,而非优势组的SN向节理的FSR值则全部小于临界值,表明E-W向和N-S向两组节理组成最早一期的正交节理系统.盆内中生代地层中的三期正交节理系统,所对应的古应力场分别为:(1)晚侏罗世盆地处在近E-W向的挤压环境下,形成了第一期正交节理系统,为E-W向和N-S向两组节理;应力来源于古太平洋板块向欧亚板块俯冲所产生的NW-SE向的挤压分量.(2)晚白垩世时,来自于古太平洋板块俯冲产生的NW-SE向挤压应力形成了第二期正交节理系统的WNW-ESE向和NNE-SSW向两组节理.(3)晚白垩世末至新生代,印度板块向欧亚板块下的俯冲产生NE-SW向的远程挤压应力,形成第三期正交节理系统的ENE-WSW向和NNW-SSE向两组节理.  相似文献   

This work is a part of the TOR1 project (1996–1997) and is devoted to determining the lithospheric structure across the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone in Northern Europe. For the first time in Europe, a very dense seismic broadband array has offered the possibility of determining very sharp lateral variations in the structure of the lithosphere at small scales using surface wave analysis. We measure phase velocities for Rayleigh waves with periods ranging between 10 and 100 s, both within arrays with apertures of 40–50 km (small compared to the wavelength), and along long profiles of at least 100 km. Dispersion curves are then inverted and shear-wave velocity models down to the depth of 200 km are proposed. We show that the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone is a major tectonic feature within the whole lithosphere. North–east of this feature, in Sweden beneath the Baltic Shield, no lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary is observed to exist to depths of 200 km. South–west of the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone, beneath Denmark, we find a lithospheric thickness of 120±20 km. The transition across the Sorgenfrei–Tornquist Zone is sharp and determined to be very steeply dipping to the south–west. We also demonstrate the existence of a sharp discontinuity between the lithospheres beneath Denmark (120±20 km thick) and beneath Germany (characterized by thicknesses of 50±10 km in the northernmost part and 100±20 km in the southwest). This discontinuity is most likely related to the Trans-European Fault at the surface.  相似文献   

中国大陆科学钻探主孔2000米以上脆性变形构造应力场   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:6  
在主孔2000米之内,存在复杂的脆性破裂系统和构造应力场。根据其充填物的特征,可划分为由石英、方解石和绿泥石等矿物充填的微破裂,发育石英、方解石等矿物薄膜或擦痕线理的微破裂和既无矿物充填、也无矿物薄膜的微破裂等3种不同类型的脆性应变现象,它们依次代表早、中、晚和深、中、浅3个不同构造层次的脆性变形。初步分析表明脆性变形阶段存在有以南东东-北西西向为主导的挤压作用、北东-南西向的区域挤压作用、南北向挤压作用和垂向伸展作用等4期构造应力场。郯庐断裂东侧的现代构造应力场在区域上具有极大的稳定性。在脆性和脆-韧性转换带,制约苏鲁高压-超高压变质带侵位的主导应力作用方式为自南东东往北西西方向的挤压,它在时间和空间上具有一定的稳定性。  相似文献   

Three subsequent Tertiary paleostress fields that are deduced from fault-slip data for the eastern part of the Tajo Basin are analyzed by finite-element studies. The modelling results show that maximum horizontal stresses (SHmax) are mainly controlled by the geometry of the model limits and the boundary conditions applied. The models are used to test two hypotheses on the origin of the Altomira Range. A local stress field responsible for its formation (‘Altomira') can be modelled successfully by superposition in time and place of two major paleostress fields (‘Iberian' and ‘Guadarrama'). Stress trajectories have been modelled with respect to a homogeneous cover and heterogeneous basement to investigate the role of rheological contrasts between different basement blocks on the orientation of the stress field. Results of this kind of modelling suggest a mechanical decoupling between the cover and the basement, especially for the ‘Altomira' paleostress field.  相似文献   

依据二维、三维地震资料,精细分析位于柴达木盆地西南部的阿拉尔断裂的几何学特征、水平缩短量及活动时间等,并探讨了其整个新生代的运动学特征、形成机制和油气地质意义。结果表明,阿拉尔断裂平面上可分为NWW走向的西段和近SN走向的东段,两段近于垂直;剖面上,其西段倾向南,倾角相对较小,而东段倾向西,断面近乎直立。阿拉尔断裂自新生代初期开始活动,西段以逆冲为主,水平缩短量和竖直抬升量均达到3 km以上,走滑量约为1 km;东段以右旋走滑为主,水平缩短量和竖直抬升量为1 km左右,走滑量达到3 km。阿拉尔断裂的形成和活动受南侧祁漫塔格造山带向北挤压和西侧阿尔金左旋走滑断裂的共同影响,柴西南地区断裂活动与油气形成具有良好的时空匹配关系,对形成油气藏具有重要意义。  相似文献   




青藏高原东北缘构造变形研究是认识整个青藏高原隆升过程、机制以及印欧板块碰撞远程效应的重要途径。受控于昆仑山断裂、阿尔金断裂、祁连山断裂的柴达木盆地,新生代地层发育,较完整地记录了高原东北缘的构造变形信息。尤其柴达木盆地西部地区,构造变形强烈,晚新生代地层出露完整,是研究其晚新生代构造变形历史及驱动机制的理想地区。文中应用平衡剖面和古地磁构造旋转方法,结合最新的磁性地层年代,定量恢复该地区的构造变形历史。结果表明,在挤压应力的控制下该地区自22 Ma以来,构造变形主要表现为地层缩短与构造旋转,且其强度呈阶段性增长,具体又可划分为3个阶段:22~9.1 Ma构造活动平静期、9.1~2.65 Ma构造变形相对加强期、2.65 Ma以来构造变形顶峰期。研究表明,造成柴西地区地层持续缩短和顺时针旋转的关键推动力是印欧板块晚新生代的持续向北推挤、昆仑山-祁曼塔格山向柴达木盆地强烈挤压推覆以及阿尔金左旋走滑断裂大规模的复活。  相似文献   

Striated and pitted pebbles provide scarce structures that preserve information on the stresses that their host rocks have undergone. This information can be obtained by the measurement of a large number of microfaults with striae and solution marks within a small rock volume. For non-rotational deformation, the statistical procedures for microfault analysis provide a valid tool for determining the overprinting of successive stress ellipsoids, including their axial ratios and the orientations of the main axes. The trends of compressions obtained from striae can be compared with the determinations from the pole of pebble solution pits. However, in complex tectonics settings, the solution pits of several deformation phases are mixed and only striae analysis allows overprinted paleostresses to be accurately distinguished. The analysis of several pebbles from the same outcrop, including five from moderately complex settings, allows determination of the homogeneity of the paleostresses at outcrop scale, the detection of redeposited pebbles, and supports the results of microtectonic analysis for large areas. Solution mark distributions on pebbles depend on the burial and tectonic stresses. Conglomerates from shallow levels, such as those from Quaternary fluvial terraces, only record horizontal compressional solution marks because the minimum vertical stress needed to develop these structures are not reached by burial.In the central Betic Cordillera, striated and pitted pebbles are composed of carbonate surrounded by a matrix containing siliciclastic elements. The study of several outcrops located across a transect of the Cordillera shows a change in the recent stress field. While conglomerates near the Internal–External zone boundary show extensional stresses that may be related to the uplift of the Cordillera since Tortonian times, the outcrops located in the External Zone and up to the mountain front indicate the existence of horizontal NW–SE and NE–SW compressions related to prolate ellipsoids. These two compression directions, which affect conglomerates up to the Quaternary in the same outcrop, may be produced by a local permutation of stress axes, which in general indicates NW–SE compression related to the Eurasia–Africa plate boundary convergence, but which locally may switch to an orthogonal compression.  相似文献   


青藏高原东北缘作为现今高原向北东方向最新扩展生长的前缘部分,包括了南部高海拔、低起伏的东昆仑高原以及北部盆山相间的祁连山高原及其邻近地区。有关该区晚新生代构造变形及地貌演化研究,有助于揭示青藏高原生长过程的动力学机制。文章选择青藏高原东北缘共和羊曲、茶卡大水桥等新近纪沉积剖面,通过总结磁性地层学、沉积学资料,综合厘定了共和-茶卡盆地及邻区约20 Ma以来的盆地消亡及地貌演化过程;在现有盆地沉积、构造热年代学以及夷平面变形等研究结果基础上,获得青海南山和共和南山及其前陆的构造缩短量分别为0.8~2.2 km和5.1~6.9 km;并以约6~10 Ma和约7~10 Ma的生成地层记录的变形时间为约束,得到晚中新世以来的缩短速率分为0.1~0.2 mm/a和0.8~1.0 mm/a,这与断裂陡坎揭示的断裂逆冲速率及现今GPS观测相符合,表明10 Ma以来构造变形速率的相对稳定性和连续性;共和-茶卡盆地及祁连山南缘广泛发育低起伏地貌面,后期被不断抬升至现今高度塑造高原地貌形态。上述认识为理解晚新生代以来青藏高原东北缘的形成过程提供了基础资料。


The large-scale CELEBRATION 2000 seismic experiment investigated the velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle between western portion of the East European Craton (EEC) and the eastern Alps. This area comprises: the Trans-European Suture Zone, the Carpathian Mountains, the Pannonian Basin and the Bohemian Massif. This experiment included 147 chemical shots recorded by 1230 seismic stations during two deployments. Good quality data along 16 main and a few additional profiles were recorded. One of them, profile CEL03, was located in southeastern Poland and was laid out as a prolongation of the TTZ profile performed in 1993. This paper focuses on the joint interpretation of seismic data along the NW–SE trending TTZ–CEL03 transect, located in the central portion of the Trans-European Suture Zone. First arrivals and later phases of waves reflected/refracted in the crust and upper mantle were interpreted using two-dimensional tomographic inversion and ray-tracing techniques. This modelling established a 2-D (quasi 3-D) P-wave velocity lithospheric model. Four crustal units were identified along the transect. From northwest to southeast, thickness of the crust varies from 35 km in the Pomeranian Unit (NW) to 40 km in the Kuiavian Unit, to 50 km in the Radom–Łysogóry Unit and again to 43 km in the Narol Unit (SE). The first two units are thought to be proximal terranes detached from the EEC farther to the southeast and re-accreted to the edge of the EEC during the Early Palaeozoic. The origin of the remaining two units is a matter of dispute: they are either portions of the EEC or other proximal terranes. In the area of the Polish Basin (first two units), the P-wave velocity is very low (Vp < 6.1 km/s) down to depths of 15–20 km indicating that a very thick sedimentary and possibly volcanic rock sequence, whose lower portion may be metamorphosed, is present. The velocity beneath the Moho was found to be rather high, being 8.25 km/s in the northwestern portion of the transect, 8.4 km/s in the central sector, and 8.1 km/s in the southeastern sector.  相似文献   

The Villalcampo shear system is a regional dextral strike-slip fault zone that affects Late Variscan granites and their metamorphic country rocks over an area of about 150 km2. The detailed geometry of this subvertical north-west—south-east shear zone is outlined. The system forms an extensional fan to the northwest and extends to the south-east as a broad extensional duplex. Particular attention is focused on the distribution of fault rocks and associated veins in its north-west splay. A structural study of the shear bands (encompassing both geometric and kinematic criteria) and a microscopic study of the fault rocks has led to the interpretation of the system as a brittle—ductile shear zone. Calculations give a shear strain value of = 1.5 and a minimum displacement of s = 3700 m. The localization of gold mineralization in mylonite-filled subvertical extensional veins is a product of the formation of the Villalcampo shear system. The subvertical faults and veins underwent a process of cyclical sealing and reopening. As such they acted as valves controlled by fluid pressure regulating fluid—rock interactions and gold deposition. Conditions favouring these processes occur near the base of the seismogenic zone in the vicinity of the frictional—quasi-plastic transition at mid-greenschist metamorphic conditions (T = 350°C and 10–15 km depth).  相似文献   

牛首山-罗山断裂带分隔了青藏高原东北缘和鄂尔多斯地块两大构造单元,是青藏高原东北缘最外缘的一条断裂带。通过断裂带内详细的构造变形测量,结合区域构造分析与筛分,获得新生代4期构造应力场。通过年代学的初步研究,提出牛首山-罗山断裂带新生代构造演化序列,即:始新世末-渐新世近N S向挤压逆冲变形、中新世晚期-上新世NWSE向挤压与左行走滑活动、上新世末-中更新世NNESSW向挤压与右行走滑活动、晚更新世以来近E W向挤压与伸展构造。其中强烈的构造变形起始于中新世晚期,表明青藏高原东北缘的边界扩展在中新世晚期已经到达该断裂带。研究结果表明,牛首山-罗山断裂带在不同阶段的构造演化过程与印度欧亚大陆碰撞及青藏高原隆升过程密切相关,同时记录了青藏高原东北缘向外侧扩展和鄂尔多斯地块新生代构造转换的构造过程。  相似文献   

The stress evolution of the central-eastern Iberian Chain during the Tertiary compression has been a matter of discussion during the last decades. In particular, there is not a complete agreement on whether the tectonic evolution is controlled by different external stress fields or it is essentially related to a single stress field with multiple stress perturbations. A systematic procedure to discriminate between these two hypotheses is proposed. The procedure involves statistical computing of local compression directions, identifying and ‘filtering’ stress deviations on outcrop to map scale, and timing of paleostresses. The latter has been interpreted from both analysis of cross-cut relationships of structures and consideration of the palaeostress record through the sequence of syntectonic sedimentary units. The results suggest that a single stress field with multiple perturbations cannot explain the ensemble of compression directions inferred in the region. The final proposed model includes three different, partially superposed Intraplate Stress Fields ISF (NE–SW, ESE–WNW to SSE–NNW, and NNE–SSW ISFs), driven by genetically independent far-field tectonic forces related with the active Iberia plate margins, and showing both local and regional deflection of stress trajectories.  相似文献   


榍石作为副矿物在哀牢山-红河剪切带新生代富碱侵入岩中广泛存在。原位获取榍石矿物内部微量元素、U-Pb年龄和Sm-Nd同位素的空间变化对获取矿物和岩石的成因演化信息具有重要意义。本文使用四级杆/多接收电感耦合等离子体质谱(Quadrupole/Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry,Q/MC-ICP-MS)与激光剥蚀系统(Laser Ablation,LA)联用,对哀牢山-红河剪切带5个富碱侵入岩体(桃花岩体、宁蒗-永胜岩体、哈播岩体、铜厂岩体和十里村岩体)中榍石开展了微区原位微量元素、U-Pb年代学和Sm-Nd同位素研究。微量元素分析结果表明,三江富碱侵入岩中榍石为岩浆成因,亏损Rb、Ba、Pb、Sr等大离子亲石元素,富集Th、U、Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf等高场强元素。榍石的稀土配分图均表现为明显右倾,不具有或具有弱的Eu负异常。与云南北衙、马厂箐矽卡岩矿床中的热液榍石相比,本文榍石在稀土元素组成上,具有较高的稀土元素总量、较高的Th/U、LREE/HREE和Ce/Ce*比值,具有较低的Eu/Eu*、Nb/Ta、Zr/Hf比值。微区原位LA-Q-ICP-MS U-Pb定年结果表明,研究区富碱岩体中榍石结晶年龄在32.5~37.9Ma之间,代表了岩体形成时代,与三江地区哀牢山-红河剪切带及其附近新生代富碱岩浆活动高峰期(~35Ma)一致,属于青藏高原晚碰撞期岩浆作用的产物。榍石微区原位LA-MC-ICP-MS Sm-Nd同位素分析结果显示,榍石颗粒的Nd同位素组成均一,表明榍石结晶过程中寄主岩浆的Nd同位素组成没有发生明显变化。各个富碱岩体之间的榍石Nd同位素组成变化范围在-6.8~-2.1之间,与全岩的同位素特征一致,表明榍石的原位微区Sm-Nd同位素可以作为富碱侵入岩研究中有效的示踪手段之一。


The Malanjkhand Cu–Mo–Au deposit, located near the northwest margin of the Malanjkhand batholith (terrane), is a strategic and significant porphyry-style deposit that experienced a protracted 50 m.y. deformational history shortly after its formation at 2,490±8 Ma (Stein et al. 2004). In a recent study, Panigrahi et al. (2004) averaged U–Pb SHRIMP zircon data from a pooled set of samples from the Malanjkhand batholith to advocate a meaningless intermediate age of ~2,476 Ma for the Malanjkhand granitoid and its Cu–Mo–Au deposit. In the northwest part of the Malanjkhand batholith, Re–Os dating of occurrence-specific molybdenite captures not only the age of porphyry-style mineralization and associated magmatism, but also elucidates a complex deformational history that extends to ~2,450 Ma. In the central part of the Malanjkhand batholith, Re–Os dating of delicate spindles of accessory molybdenite occurring with pristine muscovite in miarolitic cavities within the undeformed microgranitoid at the Devgaon Mo prospect unequivocally shows that deformation ceased at this location no later than 2,470–2,465 Ma. The deformational history recorded at the Malanjkhand deposit in the northwest most likely reflects prolonged transpressive convergence and docking of the Malanjkhand terrane with units in the poorly understood (proto) Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ) along its southern margin, the Central Indian shear zone. The timing for this convergence is Late Archean–Early Paleoproterozoic.Comment on “Age of granitic activity associated with copper–molybdenum mineralization at Malanjkhand, Central India” by Panigrahi MK et al. (Mineralium Deposita 39:670–677)  相似文献   

The effects of high-strain deformation and fluid infiltration during Alpine eclogite facies metamorphism have been studied across ductile shear zones in relatively undeformed metagranitoids at Monte Mucrone (Sesia Zone, Western Alps, Italy). Microfabrics together with bulk rock and stable isotope data indicate that the mineralogical and chemical variations are related to the degree of deformation, rather than to changes in P-T conditions or tectonic position. Transformation of meta-quartz diorite to recrystallized eclogitic mylonites involved the breakdown of biotite and plagioclase and required the influx of H2O. Bulk-rock geochemical data show that ductile deformation to form eclogitic mylonites involved an increase in volume with a weight percent gain in H2O and Si and variable loss of K, Na, Ca and Al. δ18O changes systematically across ductile shear zones into the undeformed country rocks. Constant values in shear zone centres indicate advection parallel to the shear zone and within 10 cm of the mylonites. A dominant component of diffusive oxygen exchange perpendicular to the shear zones produced isotopic fronts, evident from a gradual increase in δ18O values to the reference values of the country rocks. The degree of isotopic shift within the shear zones reflects increasing deformation and degree of reaction progress. Multiple phases of Alpine deformation and mineral growth are recognized in the Monte Mucrone metagranitoids, and in some cases, eclogite facies shear zones were reactivated under greenschist facies conditions. The results of this study suggest that high-strain deformation provided pathways for both synkinematic and post-kinematic metamorphic fluids which were necessary for complete reactions. Relict igneous fabrics, as well as the presence of corona textures around biotite and pseudomorphs after primary igneous plagioclase in the least deformed rocks, indicate a paucity of hydrous fluids and support the conclusion that fluid movement was channelled rather than pervasive.  相似文献   

谢锦龙  黄冲  向峰云 《地质科学》2008,43(1):133-153
南海西部海域构造复杂,主要发育有北东—北东东向、北西向和近南北向3组深大断裂。其中,北西向断裂与板块汇聚、碰撞有关,多具走滑性质;北东—北东东向断裂具有与中国东部裂谷盆地相似的发育特点,呈张扭性质;近南北向断裂可能是南海在扩张活动期间于洋、陆壳过渡部位形成的走滑调节断裂,是洋盆扩张的西部边界。新生代里,南海经历了4次成盆事件与3期扩张活动,盆地经历了古新世—中始新世陆缘断陷、渐新世—早中新世扩展与中中新世以来的热沉降3个演化阶段。陆缘断陷阶段的充填系列主要是北东—北东东向与北西向的河流—冲积扇、湖泊沼泽等陆相沉积及火山岩等;盆地扩展阶段表现为中-小型断陷、断-坳陷逐渐复合与联合为大-中型坳陷,古地理格局逐渐由河流与湖沼陆相环境演变为滨海至浅海相的沉积环境;热沉降阶段的成盆活动逐渐减弱以至停止,地层表现超覆,盆地出现联合迹象。结合以往勘探与油气资源调查成果分析,认为南海西部海域陆架陆坡区发育的大-中型沉积盆地石油地质条件良好,蕴藏着丰富的油气资源,勘探潜力巨大。  相似文献   

In this work we analyse and check the results of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) by means of a comparison with palaeostress orientations obtained from the analysis of brittle mesostructures in the Cabuérniga Cretaceous basin, located in the western end of the Basque–Cantabrian basin, North Spain. The AMS data refer to 23 sites including Triassic red beds, Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous limestones, sandstones and shales. These deposits are weakly deformed, and represent the syn-rift sequence linked to basins formed during the Mesozoic and later inverted during the Pyrenean compression. The observed magnetic fabrics are typical of early stages of deformation, and show oblate, triaxial and prolate magnetic ellipsoids. The magnetic fabric seems to be related to a tectonic overprint of an original, compaction, sedimentary fabric. Most sites display a NE–SW magnetic lineation that is interpreted to represent the stretching direction of the Early Cretaceous extensional stage of the basin, without recording of the Tertiary compressional events, except for sites with compression-related cleavage.Brittle mesostructures include normal faults, calcite and quartz tension gashes and joints, related to the extensional stage. The results obtained from joints and tension gashes show a dominant N–S to NE–SW, and secondary NW–SE, extension direction. Paleostresses obtained from fault analysis (Right Dihedra and stress inversion methods) indicate NW–SE to E–W, and N–S extension direction. The results obtained from brittle mesostructures show a complex pattern resulting from the superposition of several tectonic processes during the Mesozoic, linked to the tectonic activity related to the opening of the Bay of Biscay during the Early Cretaceous. This work shows the potential in using AMS analysis in inverted basins to unravel its previous extensional history when the magnetic fabric is not expected to be modified by subsequent deformational events. Brittle mesostructure analysis seems to be more sensitive to far-field stress conditions and record longer time spans, whereas AMS records deformation on the near distance, during shorter intervals of time.  相似文献   

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