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海滩侵蚀的数值分析模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了有关海滩侵蚀造成海岸演变问题的数学分析模型。根据海岸线演化和海滩断面的沉积物迁移理论建立一种顺岸方向和垂直岸线方向海岸形状变化的耦合模型。将海滩沉积物被海浪迁移的机理看作由于海水在海滩介质孔隙内渗流侵蚀和海浪对海滩介质冲刷所致的海滩介质的孔隙损伤变化。这种结合数值和解析分析的综合方法可用于模拟海岸演变问题中海岸线 (沿岸方向 )和海滩断面 (垂直海岸线方向 )的变迁情况  相似文献   

This paper derives local formulae to estimate bed roughness and suspended transport and present a method to calculate net sediment transport at tidal inlet systems, combining field data and a range of well established empirical formulations. To accomplish this, measurements spanning a spring-tidal cycle of mean water levels, waves, near-bed flow turbulence and bed forms were obtained from the Ancão Inlet, Ria Formosa lagoon system, Portugal. High-resolution hydrodynamic data were gathered using acoustic equipments and by measuring sediment properties (grain-size diameter and bed form dimensions) under fair-weather conditions. The results compared favourably with available direct and indirect field observations of sediment transport rates. The approach appears to be robust and widely applicable and so can be applied to the same conditions in any tidal inlet system. This is of particular importance when attempting to understand sediment transport at inlet mouths, and has practical applications in a range of coastal engineering and coastal management areas concerned with navigation safety, coastal erosion, ecosystem health and water quality. The study discusses the applicability of the method on evaluating system flushing capacity, giving important insights on multiple inlet evolution, particularly with regard to their persistence through time. The methodological framework can be applied to assess the long-term stability of single- and multiple-inlet systems, provided that estimates of sediment storage at ebb-tidal deltas are available and sediment transport estimates during storm events are statistically considered.  相似文献   

在河口海岸二维悬沙数学模型中,半潮或全潮平均的潮流挟沙能力并不能完全反映其逐时的实际情况,为此进行了分析研究。研究结果表明:1)应用半潮或全潮平均的潮流挟沙力公式进行悬沙数值模拟时,应引入一个修正系数;2)该修正系数与公式中的指数成反比,与相对水深成正比,且与相位角也存在一定联系;3)该修正系数理论正确、实用方便、验证成果良好,实例计算表明能够较好地复演天然悬沙场分布。  相似文献   

长江口北槽口外悬沙浓度垂线分布的数学模拟   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
时钟  周洪强 《海洋工程》2000,18(3):57-62
利用垂向一维悬沙运动模型,对长江口北槽口外大、小潮悬沙浓度垂线分布进行模拟,模拟结果同“六点法”实测值拟合较好,表明影响悬沙浓度垂线分布的主要因素为悬沙垂向扩散及絮凝沉降作用。  相似文献   

杭州湾口南汇咀近岸水域水沙特征与通量   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈沈良 《海洋科学》2004,28(3):18-22
南汇咀近岸水域是长江口与杭州湾交汇以及近岸水沙交换的重要地带。根据杭州湾口北部南汇咀-崎岖列岛断面上6个测站1999年1~2月大、中、小潮海流与悬沙含量的现场同步观测资料,阐述了该断面上潮流和悬沙浓度的分布变化特征,并通过断面进出潮通量和悬沙通量的计算,得出该断面以出水出沙为主要特征,与余流方向一致。分析表明,长江口与杭州湾的水沙交换是复杂的,而间接交换是其主要的方式。  相似文献   

东碇倾倒区疏浚泥悬沙输移和海床冲淤数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用区域海洋模型ROMS(Regional Ocean Modeling System)在东碇倾倒区建立三维水动力与泥沙输移数值模型,在水动力验证的基础上模拟预测了在冬、夏季节不同背景潮流和风场作用下的疏浚泥悬沙输移规律及海床沖淤变化。结果表明:在纯潮流作用下,悬沙扩散以抛泥点为中心,呈圆对称分布,且冬季泥沙输移扩散范围比夏季大;加入风场驱动后,悬沙扩散呈下风面拖拽的椭圆形,同时水体混合加强更有利于高浓度悬沙的扩散,但对悬沙输移的作用不明显;抛泥点位置从倾倒区中心变为西北角后,其作用主要体现在冬季较高浓度区面积的减小和由于局地水槽引导而形成的向北延伸的浓度舌;在海床冲淤方面,潮流和风场的作用主要是改变地形增量较大的面积,而更改抛泥点位置则会导致地形增量最大值出现较大的差异。  相似文献   

巴达棱湾悬沙分布特征及动力机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用2007年4月和7月在巴达棱湾进行的旱季和雨季水位、流速、悬沙浓度的全潮观测资料,结合2007年5月~2008年4月周年风、波浪资料,分析该海域悬沙分布特征和运移趋势,并利用机制分解法分析悬沙输运机制。结果表明,研究海域的水体含沙量存在旱季低、雨季高的季节变化,以及大潮高、小潮低的潮期变化;在平面上表现出东西两侧大、中间小,近岸高、远海低的分布特征。单宽输沙量方向与余流方向一致,表现为旱季冲刷、雨季淤积,即旱季指向外海,雨季指向湾内。通量机制分析结果表明,欧拉余流是悬沙输运的主要控制因素,其方向和大小决定了泥沙输移方向和输移量,在水深较深海域,垂向重力环流是相对次要的,而在水深较浅的海域相对次要的是悬沙潮泵输运项。  相似文献   

长江河口波-流共同作用下的全沙数值模拟   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
针对长江河口地形、水文、泥沙运动等复杂的特点,建立了波-流共同作用下的二维全沙及河床演变模型.在合理计算研究区域流场等的基础上,利用切应力概念确定悬沙扩散方程中的源函数;通过系列数值试验和实测资料的统计分析,在经典的泥沙临界起动速度中引入反映河床底质结构及固结程度的局地系数;选用由流速、盐度、含沙量浓度确定的泥沙颗粒絮凝沉降速度,从而提高长江口悬沙场数值模拟精度.在底沙输运计算中,提出一种较为合理确定有关参数的方法.通过洪、枯季大、中、小潮水文、泥沙资料和典型台风引起航槽冲淤变化的实测资料验证,表明该文提出的模型能较合理地反映长江河口流场、泥沙场及地形的演变.  相似文献   

Sediment transport in the Hangzhou Bay is extremely complicated due to its bathymetry and hydrodynamic conditions. The ECOMSED model is employed to simulate three-dimensional (3-D) cohesive sediment transport in Hangzhou Bay. Dynamical factors such as Coriolis force, tides, salinity, river discharges, and waves are considered in the model. The wave parameters, including the significant wave height, period, and direction, are calculated with the SWAN model. The Grant-Madsen model is introduced for the bed shear stress due to the combined effect of waves and currents. The formulation of bed shear stress used to calculate the sink/source terms is modified based on previous research that sufficiently validated the formulation with measurement data. The integrated model of the above-mentioned models is applied to simulate sediment transport in Hangzhou Bay. The results of the simulation agree well with field observations concerning the distribution of suspended sediment, indicating that the sediments are remarkably suspended in Hangzhou Bay under the action of waves and currents.  相似文献   

本研究旨在讨论天津滨海新区的围垦对其附近水域水动力和悬沙输运所造成的影响,并进行定量评估。在天津港南部、北部海域分别选取4个站位进行了全潮水文观测,获取了流速剖面、悬沙浓度剖面数据,并据此计算了底切应力、潮不对称性以及余流。结果表明,底部悬沙浓度与流速、底切应力存在相位一致性,绝大部分站位的沉积物都呈现向岸净输运的趋势,悬沙通量分解显示潮汐捕捉项是该区域悬沙输运的主要贡献项;围垦愈增的2009~2015年,天津港北部潮不对称性增强,向陆的单宽悬沙输运率由20.15 g/(m·s)变至24.92 g/(m·s),而南部海域潮不对称性减弱,向陆的单宽悬沙输运率从37.75 g/(m·s)减小至6.37 g/(m·s)。综上,持续地围垦可能导致天津港附近海域的水动力条件改变,推测北部潮滩淤涨可能加快,而南部淤涨速率减小。  相似文献   

Three Landsat TM imageries (taken on 18 May 1987, 4 August 1998 and 28 July 2007) were used as the data source to identify the spatial and temporal variations of the suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in surface waters of the Changjiang Estuary. Atmospheric correction was carried out to determine the water-leaving reflectance using the FLAASH module. A regression equation between surveyed SSC and suspended sediment index was chosen to retrieve the SSC from the Landsat TM images. In addition, tidal harmonic analysis was performed to calculate tidal conditions corresponding to the acquisition time of satellite images. The results show that the SSC spatial patterns are similar to the in situ observation results, which show the highest SSC in the region of turbidity maximum zone in the Changjiang Estuary. For the period of 1987 to 2007, the SSC pattern is controlled mainly by tidal dynamic conditions and wind speeds, rather than sediment discharges from the river.  相似文献   

潮汐余流对中国东部海域物质输运过程起着重要作用。通过对中国东部海域的三维数值模拟,计算了潮汐余流并从潮余涡量角度分析了其形成机制。中国东部海域的欧拉余流在水深较浅的朝鲜半岛沿岸、苏北浅滩、长江浅滩、闽浙沿岸,以及冲绳海槽附近海域,流速量级较大,以余流涡旋的形式呈现,其机制为局部地形差异和潮汐水位高度波动下,科氏效应或摩擦效应导致潮周期内存在净涡量。斯托克斯漂流量级在浅水区较大,而在深水海域则远小于欧拉余流。拉格朗日余流在深水区域与欧拉余流相似,在浅水区域由欧拉余流和斯托克斯漂流共同决定。输运余流和拉格朗日余流分布特征更接近,特别是在近岸海域,但两者的物理意义并不相同。潮汐余流由于常年稳定存在,且在许多海域的流动方向同已知的沿岸流系的方向基本一致,是中国东部海域沿岸流的重要组成部分。估算出了输运余流对沿岸流的贡献率或抑制率,输运余流对近岸陆源沉积物输运和沉积物分布具有不可忽略的作用。  相似文献   

洋山港海域水体和悬沙输运机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
英晓明  丁平兴 《海洋通报》2011,30(2):135-141
对洋山港海域水体和悬沙长期输运速度分离,并进行机制分解,分析各种物理过程对水体和悬沙长期输运速度所起的作用.结果表明,水体和悬沙输运存在明显差异,直接描述悬沙净输运更准确合理;欧拉余流在水体长期输运中占主导地位,平流输运和潮泵输运是洋山港海域悬沙输运的主要动力因素,由于潮动力混合较强,垂向输运作用很小.  相似文献   

选用2004—2017年不同时期的Landsat ETM+/OLI影像,利用2014年海阳核电站附近实测数据建立该区域表层悬浮泥沙质量浓度的多组反演模型,对比分析悬浮泥沙的时空分布特点。结果表明,研究区内悬浮泥沙质量浓度冬季高于夏季,其分布受河流输沙和海洋动力条件的双重影响,丁字河口为悬浮泥沙的重要供应来源。研究区内高质量浓度悬浮泥沙占比在海岸工程施工时期有升高现象。海岸工程建设对邻近海域悬浮泥沙的分布会产生影响,利用遥感技术反演海阳市邻近海域悬浮泥沙质量浓度可以反映人类海岸工程活动的影响。遥感技术监测悬浮泥沙的时空分布特点可以揭示环境的变迁,为众多海岸工程的建设提供数据支持和相关分析。  相似文献   

Australia's largest river, the River Murray, discharges to the southern ocean through a coastal lagoon and river-dominated tidal inlet. Increased water extractions upstream for irrigation have led to significantly reduced flows at the mouth and, as a result, the area is undergoing rapid change, particularly with regard to the rate at which sediment is being transported into the lagoon. Based on detailed and accurate bathymetric surveys it has been possible to estimate that the rate of lagoon in-filling is of the order of 100,000 m3 per year for the period June 2000 to May 2003, although the actual rate shows significant year to year variability. Dredging of the lagoon commenced in 2000 in an attempt to reverse the trend.In an effort to understand the behaviour of the inlet a one-dimensional numerical model of the inlet has been developed. The model extends the original of van de Kreeke by including a dynamic inlet throat area based on predicted river flows and a sediment transport module to predict the resulting net sediment transport. Comparisons with water level data collected on both the ocean and lagoon sides of the mouth have shown that the model is able to predict the attenuation and lag of the tidal signal reasonably well. The sediment transport model was based on predicted sediment concentrations in the surf zone and was found to predict the rate of sediment in-filling to an acceptable level of accuracy. It is envisaged that the model will be a useful management tool, especially since it is possible to manipulate river discharges to the mouth.  相似文献   

The river Varde Å discharges into the bay of Ho Bugt on the western coast of Jutland forming a small, bar-built estuary. This paper deals with tidal fluxes of water and sediment in the Varde Å estuary.The inflowing water at flood tide is part of a turbidity maximum in the northern part of the bay. At high tide slack water the suspended material deposits inside the estuary. During ebb-tide it is resuspended, and the estuary bottom is washed clean coinciding with the influx of relatively pure freshwater from the drainage area.From one station in the estuary mouth, current velocities and concentrations of suspended material have been measured during 10 tidal periods covering all four seasons. It is shown how these data can be used in a quantitative calculation of the transport of water and suspended material through the cross-section of study.A model has been formulated which—based on half-tidal periods—quantifies the transport of water and suspended material through the estuary mouth.The model is calibrated on the basis of measurements made during the above-mentioned 10 tidal periods. The rather small number of measurements is to some extent compensated for by a carefully pre-arranged selection of tidal periods.The model is discussed in relation to the prediction of net suspended transport through the estuary mouth in different weather and tidal situations.  相似文献   

潘冬子  李颖  潘存鸿 《海洋工程》2023,41(2):169-181
涌潮是潮波传播过程中产生的一种自然现象,是潮波非线性畸变的结果。涌潮有波状和破碎形态之分,波状涌潮是一系列平行向前传播的涌波构成的波列,破碎涌潮则是前锋陡立向前推进的水滚。基于国内外涌潮水沙动力过程现场观测的主要成果,从形成机理出发,归纳涌潮生成的必要条件,剖析潮波运动非线性和摩擦效应对涌潮生成的影响;针对典型的波状和破碎涌潮,总结潮头的自由表面特征参数、流动结构和传播演化特征;回顾涌潮局部湍流和混合过程、泥沙输运和沉积的研究进展,评述涌潮脉冲过程对河口生态环境的影响。涌潮的周期性传播引起自然系统的大规模混合,对潮汐河口区域的生态环境平衡具有重要意义。涌潮现象的研究推动潮汐学的发展,现场观测是涌潮研究的基础。随着仪器设备和分析手段的进步,涌潮多尺度生成与演化机制、涌潮多物理过程耦合作用机理和涌潮脉冲过程的生态效应定量评价是今后需要深入研究的问题。  相似文献   

为探讨长江口南港的水动力结构及悬沙侧向输运特征,本文从解析解的角度构建了潮汐河口水沙输运数学模型,并将其应用到长江口南港某横断面上。南港水动力主控于半日潮流,余流主要由陆相径流及本地非线性对流项驱动,悬沙分布上北侧副槽远大于南侧主槽,水沙分布的计算结果与实测结果在结构上基本一致。通过输沙函数进一步分析表明,潮流输沙和余流输沙是南港侧向输沙函数的两个主要部分。南港中强劲径流削弱了涨潮流,增强了落潮流,使得向河槽南侧的涨潮流输沙小于向河槽北侧的落潮流输沙,潮流输沙指向河槽北侧。径流驱动的南港侧向余流在涨潮流方向上为一逆时针环流结构,余流输沙指向河槽北侧。扩散输沙指向南侧主槽,因其总是指向悬沙浓度梯度的负方向。在各输沙因子的综合作用下,南港中大量悬沙捕集于河槽北侧,使得河槽北部底层潮平均含沙量值达到最大值。  相似文献   

2015年12月在辽东湾中部西岸浅水海域进行了8个站、连续半个月的坐底ADCP海流剖面观测,通过对分层潮流和余流分析,得到该海域的海流特征如下:1)实测海流以潮流特征占主导,潮流特征为规则半日潮流,优势分潮为M2;M2椭圆长轴大小为25~50 cm/s、方向多为NE-SW向,具有显著的往复流特征。2)观测期间的平均余流为1~10 cm/s,方向多为SW向,平均余流在水平和垂向上的空间差异明显,日均余流波动剧烈;表层余流方向与局地风向具有很好的同步一致性,且距岸较近站位的表层余流受风影响更大;中、底层余流与风的相关性较差。本文得到的余流方向不支持冬季辽东湾北部的边界顺时针环流的存在。  相似文献   

为丰富山东半岛近岸海洋牧场海域水动力环境研究,本文利用2019年12月3日至2020年1月1日在山东半岛东北部4个海洋牧场获取的海流资料,应用功率谱分析、调和分析、余流主轴分析和相关分析,探讨冬季各海洋牧场的潮流、余流特征及其影响机制.结果表明:(1)各海洋牧场潮流由M2分潮潮流主导,受地形边界限制,各主要分潮潮流均为...  相似文献   

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