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文章对桂西地区堆积型铝土矿中伴生三水铝石的综合利用途径及其经济价值进行了初步的分析和评述,并对该类伴生三水铝土矿的勘探工作方法及评价指标提出了意见和建议。桂西地区堆积铝土矿中伴生的三水铝石资源具有巨大的综合利用价值,政府矿政管理部门、矿产勘查和开发单位应予以高度重视。  相似文献   

文章总结归纳了桂西堆积型铝土矿中共生的三水铝石的赋存状态及其特征,并对其远景储量进行了估算,认为其开发潜力大,具有很大的综合利用价值.  相似文献   

文章对桂西堆积型铝土矿的成因特点及影响矿石质量的因素进行分析探讨,并在此基础上提出今后对堆积铝土矿勘探技术的改进建议。  相似文献   

文章对桂西岩溶堆积型铝土矿床不同的勘查网度进行了对比、分析,认为目前的勘查网度对铝土矿勘查较为适合,但对一些特别的情况应作具体分析和调整,灵活布设.  相似文献   

周方 《南方国土资源》2009,(11):33-34,38
文章介绍了桂西堆积型铝土矿矿石粒级的分布规律及其质量的变化情况,指出堆积型铝土矿矿石粒级分布与原生铝土矿的距离和其所处的岩溶洼地、谷地或缓坡地貌有密切的关系,一般受原生铝土矿和岩溶地貌形态的双重控制。矿石的粒度大小不一,多呈棱角一次棱角状。矿体内部结构较为简单,不同粒级的矿石质量有所差异,矿石粒度多在30-300mm之间,且该粒级范围的矿石质量相对较好。  相似文献   

广西宾阳三水铝土矿床地质特征、成矿条件及成矿机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广西宾阳三水铝土矿床属我国发现的一种新型铝土矿床,是继福建漳浦、海南蓬莱和台湾大屯山发现的三水铝土矿床之后的第四种类型三水铝土矿床——钙红土型三水铝土矿床,其源岩主要为碳酸盐岩。文章通过分析该矿床的地质特征、成矿地质条件及其成矿机理。指出红土化作用是钙红土型三水铝土矿床的主导成矿作用。  相似文献   

文章结合构造演化、成矿过程及控矿因素,分析了广西崇左地区堆积型铝土矿特殊的分布特征及成因。  相似文献   

广西平果铝土矿是典型的岩溶型铝土矿,其储量非常丰富,有很多值得研究的地方,本文主要从矿石品位分布方面入手来研究它.本文通过野外调查,通过品位数据及分布的特征,对广西平果铝那豆矿区堆积型铝土矿的品位分布的规律作了大致的总结.  相似文献   

李梅 《南方国土资源》2012,(7):23-25,29
文章阐述了广西靖西县新圩岩溶堆积型铝土矿含矿岩系、矿体特征及矿体空间分布特征的控制因素,分析了其形成机制,提出了第四纪发生的多次地壳周期性运动使成矿具有明显的多期性。  相似文献   

岩溶堆积型铝土矿是我国华南特有的一种铝土矿工业类型.文章对平果岩溶堆积型铝土矿矿床的含矿岩系、矿体特征、矿石特征及其开采技术条件等进行了总结和分析,并对矿床成因进行了探讨分析.  相似文献   

桂西铝多金属矿床地质地球化学特征与成矿机理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对桂西地区铝土矿及其围岩系统取样,进行了微量元素分析。结果表明,原生铝土矿的成矿母岩主要为下二叠统茅口灰岩,其次有少量古陆风化物的加入;区内原生铝土矿形成于海相的沉积环境,堆积型铝土矿由原生沉积型铝土矿风化淋滤而成。  相似文献   

山东省BIF型铁矿分布较为广泛,其中鲁南地区苍峄铁矿带是全省重要的BIF型铁矿带之一,该含矿建造赋存于新太古代泰山岩群山草峪组中。本文在对苍峄铁矿带中典型矿床进行剖析的基础上,对铁矿带西延隐伏区进行了分析研究,认为该隐伏区BIF型铁矿成矿地质条件优越,且该区高磁异常较为明显。通过对该类型铁矿矿床成因及找矿预测模型研究,并综合该区地质特征、物探异常特征和铁矿成矿规律等要素共圈定6个铁矿找矿靶区,即B类找矿靶区为涝坡南找矿靶区、马头西找矿靶区、山湾东找矿靶区、东凫山北找矿靶区、胡埠找矿靶区;C类找矿靶区为张庄找矿靶区;本次研究工作为该区今后铁矿勘查工作提供了依据。  相似文献   

以广西资源县某萤石矿山为例,重点介绍矿山地质灾害危险性评估的分析思路及基本方法,并提出有效的防控对策。在了解矿山基本情况和查明矿山地质环境背景的基础上,综合采矿场地形及工程活动特征,对矿山地质灾害进行现状评估和预测评估,并提出了相应的防治对策。  相似文献   

西江流域生态脆弱性时空分异及其驱动机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流域作为人口、资源、资本都相对集中的水文单元,其生态系统结构的稳定性是区域社会经济发展的基础。流域在生态系统演变及人类频繁活动的共同胁迫下,生境敏感性增强,脆弱易损。本文以广西西江流域为例,通过对其生态脆弱性成因机制分析,依循“敏感性-压力度-恢复力”评估框架,选取11个指标构建完成流域生态脆弱性评价指标体系,以GIS技术为支撑,采用空间主成分分析法和差值法对生态脆弱性指数进行计算与分析,探究2000-2010年广西西江流域生态脆弱性时空变化特征。基于地理探测器的因子探测和交互探测模块分析各影响因子对流域生态脆弱性结果的解释力及因子交互作用对流域生境脆弱性变化的驱动机制。结果表明:① 2000-2010年,广西西江流域生态脆弱性指数多年平均值为0.69,整体处于中度脆弱状态。空间上,流域生态脆弱性表现为中部高于四周,由城市核心区往外逐步减弱的格局特征,研究时段内流域生态脆弱性综合指数多年平均值最大的为贵港市(3.40),最小的为百色市(2.23);时间上,10年间,流域整体生态脆弱性呈现轻微恶化的趋势,2005年流域中部及东部地区受高温影响,导致2005年流域生态脆弱性指数整体高于其他两年;② 6个因子对流域生态脆弱性的解释力强度为生物丰度指数(0.475)>高温季节温度(0.340)>植被覆盖度(0.211)>NPP(0.183)>降雨侵蚀力(0.098)>汛期降雨量(0.030),因子交互协同作用后对结果解释力增强。  相似文献   

In the Middle Jurassic,a large-scale tectonic-magmatic activities and hydrothermal mineralization occurred in the eastern Jilin province.The deposit types consist of the orogenic gold deposit,porphyry molybdenum deposit and skarn gold deposit,etc.,which constitute regional hydrothermal metallogenic series.The magmatic bodies related to mineralization belong to calc-alkaline series,which are characterized by active continental margins.The above-mentioned different types of deposits formed in a uniform tectonic setting,which resulted from the combined processes between the subduction of Pacific plate under the Eurasia plate and the persistent post-collisional convergent forces between the North China plate and the Siberian plate.The mineralizations were happening in the deceleration period,after which Paleo-Pacific plate was strongly subducted under the Eurasia continental block,i.e.transition period from compression to extension.  相似文献   

As a quasi-conservative tracer, measures of total alkalinity (TA) can be utilized to trace the relative fractions of freshwater and seawater. In this study, based on the TA and related data collected during the third Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition (JulySeptember 2008, 3rd CHINARE-Arctic) and the fourth Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition (JulySeptember 2010, 4th CH1NARE-Arctic), fractions of sea-ice meltwater, river runoff, and seawater within the surface water of the western Arctic Ocean were determined using salinil~~ and TA relationships. The largest fraction of seeL-ice meltwater was found around 75~N within the Canada Basin during both surveys, which is located at the ice edge. Generally, it was found that the frac- tion of river runoff was less than that of sea-ice meltwater. The river runoff, composed mainly of contributions from the Yukon River carried by Bering inflow water and the Mackenzie River, was influenced by the currents, leading to two peak areas of its fraction. Our results show that the dilution effect of freshwater carried by Bering inflow water during the 3rd CH1NARE-Arctic in 2008 expedition period may be stronger than that during the 4th CH1NARE-Arctic in 2010 expedition period. The peak area of sea-ice meltwater fraction during the 4th CH1NARE-Arctic was different from that of the 3rd CHINAR-E-Arctic, corresponding to their sea-ice condition.  相似文献   

Based on the study of LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb geochronology and whole-rock geochemistry for the Luojiazhuang diorite porphyries in Menying,western Shandong,the analyzed zircons exhibit oscillatory growth zoning in the cathodoluminescence images and have high Th / U ratios( 0. 15--1. 53),indicating a magmatic origin. In addition,most of the zircons have narrow metamorphic edges,suggesting that late metamorphic events may exist. The youngest group of magmatic zircon207 Pb /206 Pb ages ranging from 2 384 Ma to 2234 Ma,yielding a weighted mean age of 2353 ± 14 Ma,which represents the forming age of the diorite porphyries,as the Early Paleoproterozoic. Geochemically,the samples are characterized by low SiO_2( 54. 54% and 55. 47%),high MgO( 5. 22% and 5. 49%) and Mg~#values( 58 and 59). Moreover,they show enrichment of light rare earth elements and large ion lithophile elements( Rb,Ba and K),depletion of heavy rare earth elements and high field strength elements( Nb,Ta,Zr and Hf),positive anomaly of Pb,and negative anomaly of Ti. The fact implies that the Luojiazhuang diorite porphyries might derive from partial melting of enriched lithospheric mantle and mixed with an amount of continental crust material. In summary,they may form in the compression tectonic setting that stretching along the east-west direction at the North China Craton in the Early Paleoproterozoic.  相似文献   

为揭示生态环境脆弱性的时空分异和驱动因子,本研究在山江海视角下,以桂西南喀斯特-北部湾海岸带为典型研究区,运用空间主成分分析法,地理探测器模型,结合生态环境脆弱性综合指数,系统分析桂西南喀斯特-北部湾海岸带生态环境脆弱性的时空分异特征及驱动机制.结果 表明:①研究区2008、2013、2018年脆弱性指数分别为0.54...  相似文献   

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