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The abundances of very light elements D,3He,4He and7Li in low-mass stars and their cosmological implications are discussed.  相似文献   

New, precise abundance data for a large number of elements in a growing sample of extremely metal-poor stars are accumulating from the new 8-m telescopes. Combined with theoretical models, these results advance our understanding of the first generations of stars, whose nucleosynthesis products are fossilised in the oldest stars we see today and thus give clues to the earliest phases of evolution in the Galaxy. In particular, the heaviest elements give us insight into the different neutron capture mechanisms and the stellar sites where such elements could be produced. They also afford an independent way to determine the age of the Galaxy, by radioactive chronology. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The chemical evolution of galaxies is discussed with reference to elemental abundances in low- and intermediate-mass stars.  相似文献   

Summary This paper traces the evolution of the biogenic elements H, C, N, O, P and S from their creation by cosmic nucleosynthesis to their inclusion in living systems on the surface of the Earth. Evidence for the presence of significant prebiotic molecules in interstellar clouds and in primitive meteorites is reviewed. The possible relevance of this discovery to the origin of life on Earth is assessed in the light of evidence suggesting that such molecules could not easily be synthesized in a primitive CO2-dominated terrestrial atmosphere.  相似文献   

We present high-resolution Utrecht Echelle Spectrograph spectra of the quasar PHL 957, obtained in order to study the foreground damped Lyα (DLA) galaxy at z =2.309. Measurements of absorption lines lead to accurate abundance determinations of Fe, S and N which complement measurements of Zn, Cr and Ni already available for this system. We find [Fe/H]=−2.0±0.1, [S/H]=−1.54±0.06 and [N/H]=−2.76±0.07. The ratio [Fe/Zn]=−0.44 provides evidence that ≈74 per cent of iron and ≈28 per cent of zinc are locked into dust grains with a dust-to-gas ratio of ≈3 per cent of the Galactic one. The total iron content in both gas and dust in the DLA system is [Fe/H]=−1.4. This confirms a rather low metallicity in the galaxy, which is in the early stages of its chemical evolution. The detection of S ii allows us to measure the S ii /Zn ii ratio, which is a unique diagnostic tool for tracing back its chemical history, since it is not affected by the presence of dust. Surprisingly, the resulting relative abundance is [S/Zn]=0.0±0.1, at variance with the overabundance found in the Galactic halo stars with similar metallicity. We emphasize that the [S/Zn] ratio is solar in all the three DLA absorbers with extant data. Upper limits are also found for Mn, Mg, O and P and, once the dust depletion is accounted for, we obtain [Mg/Fe]c<+0.2, [O/Fe]c<+0.4, [Mn/Fe]c<+0.0 and [P/Fe]c<−0.7. The [α/Fe] values do not support Galactic halo-like abundances, implying that the chemical evolution of this young galaxy is not reproducing the evolution of our own Galaxy.  相似文献   

We investigate the manifestation of the spiral structure in the distribution of high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs) over the host galaxy. We construct the simplest kinematic model. It shows that the HMXBs should be displaced relative to the spiral structure observed in such traditional star formation rate indicators as the Hα and far-infrared emissions because of their finite lifetimes. Using Chandra observations of M51, we have studied the distribution of X-ray sources relative to the spiral arms of this galaxy observed in Hα. Based on K-band data and background source number counts, we have separated the contributions from high-mass and low-mass X-ray binaries and active galactic nuclei. In agreement with model predictions, the distribution of HMXBs is wider than that of bright H II regions concentrated in the region of ongoing star formation. However, the statistical significance of this result is low, as is the significance of the concentration of the total population of X-ray sources to the spiral arms. We also predict the distribution of HMXBs in our Galaxy in Galactic longitude. The distribution depends on the mean HMXB age and can differ significantly from the distributions of such young objects as ultracompact H II regions.  相似文献   

The abundances of heavy elements in EMP stars are not well explained by the simple view of an initial basic “rapid” process. In a careful and homogeneous analysis of the “First Stars” sample (eighty per cent of the stars have a metallicity [Fe/H] ≃ –3.1 ± 0.4), it has been shown that at this metallicity [Eu/Ba] is constant, and therefore the europium‐rich stars (generally called “r‐rich”) are also Ba‐rich. The very large variation of [Ba/Fe] (existence of “r‐poor” and “r‐rich” stars) induces that the early matter was not perfectly mixed. On the other hand, the distribution of the values of [Sr/Ba] vs. [Ba/Fe] appears with well defined upper and lower envelopes. No star was found with [Sr/Ba] < –0.5 and the scatter of [Sr/Ba] increases regularly when [Ba/Fe] decreases. To explain this behavior, we suggest that an early “additional” process forming mainly first peak elements would affect the initial composition of the matter. For a same quantity of accreted matter, this additional Sr production would barely affect the r‐rich matter (which already contains an important quantity of Sr) but would change significantly the composition of the r‐poor matter. The abundances found in the CEMP‐r+s stars reflect the transfer of heavy elements from a defunct AGB companion. But the abundances of the heavy elements in CEMP‐no stars present the same characteristics as the the abundances in the EMP stars. Direct stellar ages may be found from radioactive elements, the precision is limited by the precision in the measurements of abundances from faint lines in faint stars, and the uncertainty in the initial abundances of the radioactive elements. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The observed Be and B relationships with metallicity clearly support the idea that both elements have a primary origin and that they are produced by the same class of objects. Spallation by particles accelerated during gravitational supernova events (SNII, SNIb/c) seems to be a likely origin. We show, in the context of a model of chemical evolution, that it is possible to solve the Li, Be and B abundance puzzle with the yields recently proposed by Ramaty et al., provided that SNII are unable to accelerate helium nuclei significantly and that different mechanisms are allowed to act simultaneously.  相似文献   

Photoelectric and photographic photometry of twenty-nine stars was done in the field of the open cluster Collinder 97 ≡ OC1 506. Of these stars, a total of twenty-four have been found to be possible members. There is apparently no interstellar extinction in the direction of this cluster which is in the constellation of Monoceros: itsE(B-V) = 0.0 mag. This cluster is situated at a distance of 0.63 ± 0.01 kpc, which is well within the local arm of our Galaxy. The age of this cluster is in the range of 1 × 108 to 5.9 × l08 yr, which puts it in an older age group. Thus, it cannot be specifically considered as a spiral-arm tracer in the study of our Galaxy.  相似文献   

Different stellar sources may have contributed to the 7Li enrichmentof the Galaxy: type-II supernovae, novae, and AGB stars. In the latter case, the interplay between the Hot Bottom Burning (HBB) process (via the Cameron-Fowler mechanism) and a very high mass-loss rate before the evolution off the AGB (the so-called ‘superwind’ phase), can lead to a significant production of 7Li from low- and intermediate-mass AGB stars (Travaglio et al., 2001). We have now undertaken an observational campaign aimed at constraining our stellar and Galactic models, with a twofold goal: (i) to assemble a compilation of high-resolution spectra of Galactic, unevolved (i.e. dwarfs), warm(spectral type F) stars, in a selected metallicity range (-1.0 ≤>[Fe/H] ≤ -0.3), using the ESO 1.5m telescope and the FEROS spectrograph; (ii) to carry out a Li survey among a sample of selected AGB stars, to investigate the possible correlation between7Li abundance (when detected) and mass-loss rate. This revised version was published online in September 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The conditions for the source functions of a multiplet to be equal are studied for plasmas with and without magnetic fields. It is found that source function equality holds—in addition to the case of collisional predominance—only when the redistribution functions are all identical and no interlocking with other lines occurs. When magnetic fields are present, the assumption of source function equality leads to a violation of the invariance conditions of the scattering matrix and should therefore not be made.  相似文献   

An analysis of the available photoelectric times of minima of KO Aql, TV Cas and Z Her, which are suspected to be in pre-main sequence phase of evolution, reveals that KO Aql shows a secular increase in its orbital period at the rate of 4·34 × 10−8 day per cycle while the period of TV Cas has been decreasing at the rate of 4·08 × 10−9 day per cycle. Z Her does not show any period change at all. The orbital period of any binary system which is in the pre-main sequence phase will be systematically affected because of ′ shrinking′ dimensions of the components. A simple formula for the characteristic period change, defined by (P/P), is derived from a consideration of the conservation of total energy and total angular momentum for a binary system whose components are still in the process of contraction or expansion. The derived formula is applied to the above systems to see whether theoretical characteristic period changes agree with the observed values. The systems are assumed to evolve independently in the pre-main sequence phase in accordance with the model calculations of Iben (1965). It is found that there is no agreement between theoretical and observed characteristic period changes. This suggests that KO Aql and TV Cas may not be in the pre-main sequence phase. We do not have sufficient data for Z Her to judge its evolutionary status by the present procedure; this is also true of TT Hya. We suspect that the period changes observed in KO Aql and TV Cas may be due to light-time effect.  相似文献   

The chemical enrichment law Y ( Z ) is studied by using detached double-lined eclipsing binaries with accurate absolute dimensions and effective temperatures. A sample of 50 suitable systems was collected from the literature, and their effective temperatures were carefully re-determined. The chemical composition of each of the systems was obtained by comparison with stellar evolutionary models, under the assumption that they should fit an isochrone to the observed properties of the components. Evolutionary models covering a wide grid in Z and Y were adopted for our study. An algorithm was developed for searching the best-fitting chemical composition (and the age) for the systems, based on the minimization of a χ 2 function. The errors (and biases) of these parameters were estimated by means of Monte Carlo simulations, with special care put on the correlations existing between the errors of both components. In order to check the physical consistency of the results, we compared our metallicity values with empirical determinations, obtaining excellent coherence. The independently derived Z and Y values yielded a determination of the chemical enrichment law via weighted linear least-squares fit. Our value of the slope, Δ Y /Δ Z =2.2±0.8, is in good agreement with recent results, but it has a smaller formal error and it is free of systematic effects. Linear extrapolation of the enrichment law to zero metals leads to an estimation of the primordial helium abundance of Y p=0.225±0.013, possibly affected by systematics in the effective temperature determination.  相似文献   

Chemical evolution of the Magellanic Clouds: analytical models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have extended our analytical chemical evolution modelling ideas for the Galaxy to the Magellanic Clouds. Unlike previous authors (Russell &38; Dopita, Tsujimoto et al. and Pilyugin), we assume neither a steepened initial mass function nor selective galactic winds, since among the α-particle elements only oxygen shows a large deficit relative to iron and a similar deficit is also found in Galactic supergiants. Thus we assume yields and time delays identical to those that we previously assumed for the solar neighbourhood. We include inflow and non-selective galactic winds and consider both smooth and bursting star formation rates, the latter giving a better fit to the age–metallicity relations. We predict essentially solar abundance ratios for primary elements and these seem to fit most of the data within their substantial scatter. Our model for the Large Magellanic Cloud also gives a remarkably good fit to the anomalous Galactic halo stars discovered by Nissen &38; Schuster.   Our models predict current ratios of Type Ia supernova to core-collapse supernova rates enhanced by 50 and 25 per cent respectively relative to the solar neighbourhood, in fair agreement with ratios found by Cappellaro et al. for Sdm–Im relative to Sbc galaxies, but these ratios are sensitive to detailed assumptions about the bursts and a still higher enhancement in the Large Magellanic Cloud has been deduced from X-ray studies of remnants by Hughes et al. The corresponding ratios integrated over time up to the present are slightly below 1, but they exceed 1 if one compares the Magellanic Clouds with the Galaxy at times when it had the corresponding metallicities.  相似文献   

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