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西北干旱区生态农业建设与农村经济的可持续发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国西部大开发战略的实施将使西北干旱区的开发进入一个新时期西北干旱区是资源大区、农业大区,更是一个生态高度敏感区,经济发展和生态环境保护间的冲突尤为突出。为谋求西北地区社会经济的可持续发展,农业与农村经济的可持续发展是一个根本保障。中国生态农业的理论与实践充分表明,西北干旱区生态农业的实践模式集市场农业建设、农村产业结构调整、农业产业化发展、农村经济综合发展于一身,是干旱区农业与农村经济实现可持续  相似文献   

农村的小城镇建设和农业的产业化发展,是我国农村经济两大发展方向。小城镇是农村中农业经济要素最活跃的场所它的发展必然会影响农业产业化的进程。文章通过分析辽宁省小城镇建设的现状和农业产业化发展的特点,剖析了城镇化进程对农业产业化的影响,并研究在农村应当着重发展乡镇企业和专业化经营市场,以此带动农村经济全面发展的战略。  相似文献   

国外城市化进程中乡村发展与建设实践及其启示   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
英美等发达国家在城市化进程中注重中小城镇建设、协调城乡发展,日韩等工业后发国家在工业化和城市化进程中加强对农业与农村扶持、积极推动农村现代化.从美、英、日、韩等国家的成功经验看,加快城市化尤其是农村城市化进程、重构城乡空间、改造传统农业,是我国解决“三农”问题、实现城乡一体化、加快农业和农村现代化进程的必由之路.美英日韩等国城市化进程中乡村建设实践对我国当前解决“三农”问题、促进乡村发展的启示主要有:①“城市反哺农村、工业反哺农业”是城市化发展到一定阶段的客观要求;②我国农村城市化正处于加速阶段,迫切需要重构乡村空间结构、实现城乡统筹发展,乡村建设与规划势在必行;③在乡村建设与规划中,要加大对农业和农村的扶持力度,注重农村居民点体系的合理布局、基础设施和公共服务实施完善与配套;④城市化和乡村建设规划是一项系统工程,受多种因素制约,需要处理好城镇和农村、农业与非农业、政府与居民等各方面的关系.  相似文献   

农业产业化地域模式初步研究——以江苏省为例   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
曾尊固  熊宁  范文国 《地理研究》2002,21(1):115-124
农业产业化地域模式为适应于不同农业地域主导产品优势、市场指向、农村经济发展水平与农民组织化程度的主要农业产业化模式。江苏省内农业与农村经济的区域差异显,对不同地区农业产业化地域模式的形成与选择有重要影响。苏南地区宜以加工企业带动型、专业市场辐射型、主导产品依托型为主;苏北地区宜以中介组织服务型、多元参与型为主,在大城市郊区和出口农产品基地区也要着力发展加工企业带动型模式。  相似文献   

在新技术革命的推动下,世界农业正步入知识农业时代,而在我国,知识农业还刚刚起步,因此,当前我国必须通过深化农村经济管理体制改革,加大农业科技体制改革力度、建立2科技示范园区,加强农村基础教育、扶持与知识农业有关的学科和技术的发展等手段,加快农业的现代化进程,促进农业科研成果的转化,以推动我国知识农业的发展。  相似文献   

农村人口非农化与中国城镇化问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在传统农业社会向现代工业社会转变的工业化和现代化过程中,农村劳动力大规模的转移、农业劳动力占社会总劳动力份额大幅度的下降是世界各国经济发展的趋势.改革开放30年来,我国的城镇化水平已由1978年的18.6%提升到2008年的45%左右.其中很重要的因素就是有1.5亿的农民工进城务工,约有一半的农民工已转化为城镇的暂住人口,这是我国城市化成长发展的主流形式.从农村人口非农化过程推动我国有特色的城市化、城镇化发展的动力机制以及城乡统筹与城镇化的策略等方面探索农村人口非农化与我国城市化的相互关系,并用科学发展观指导我国城市化可持续发展的进程.  相似文献   

推进农业农村现代化是全面建设社会主义现代化强国的重大任务。通过构建评价指标体系测度2010—2020年中国30个省(市、区)的农业农村现代化发展水平并分析其时空特征,引入耦合协调度模型分析农业现代化与农村现代化协调性并探索其空间相关性,通过判断相对滞后类型发现农业农村现代化发展的短板。结果显示:(1)2010—2020年中国农业农村现代化、农村现代化和农业现代化发展水平均为波动上升趋势;农业农村现代化中高和高水平等级小范围集聚在沿海地区,其余地区则均为中低和低水平等级;农业现代化发展水平和农村现代化发展水平空间分布差异较大。(2)农业现代化与农村现代化耦合协调度不断提高,但高值与低值集聚区对立趋势增强。(3)耦合协调等级优劣与农业农村现代化发展水平等级高低呈同向相关。初级协调及以上类型中上海、天津、北京表现为农业现代化发展水平相对滞后,山东、浙江、福建表现为农村现代化发展水平相对滞后,江苏、广东则较均衡发展;其他地区属于勉强协调及以下类型,表现为农村现代化发展水平相对滞后或农业现代化发展水平和农村现代化发展水平“双低”且失调。  相似文献   

创新与河西走廊农村经济可持续发展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
赵雪雁  张志良 《中国沙漠》2002,22(2):192-196
通过对河西绿洲农业与农村发展现状的分析.认为制约河西走廊农村经济可持续发展的障碍主要有;①然环境障碍;②人力资源素质障碍;③技术障碍;④观念障碍;⑤组织制度障碍;⑤市场障碍。指出要实现河西走农村经济可持续发展,必须建立河西走廊创新体系:①技术创新,建立节水型、日光型农业体系;③经营管理创新调整农业产业结构,发展绿洲特色农业;③组织制度创新,发展农业产业化生产;④加快乡镇企业发展,推进农村乡镇化建设,开拓农村市场。  相似文献   

国际都市农业发展的经验及其借鉴   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
蔡建明  杨振山 《地理研究》2008,27(2):362-374
都市农业是跳出农业、农村框架,从城乡统筹发展观看农业的新型理念。本文对美国、欧洲、日本、韩国和新加坡,以及拉美和非洲一些国家都市农业发展的历程和经验进行了总结;对其不同的发展特征、组织形式、生产特点、营销与物流、功能作用和扶植政策进行了梳理。从城市进程和社会发展角度,认为都市农业是我国当前和未来社会主义新农村建设的重要内容和实施方式。结合我国发展现状,都市农业的着力点在大城市地区和粮食主产区要有所不同;功能体现城市近、中、远郊区的需要;建设中需要鼓励发展都市农业企业和农业协会;加深产业现代化和专业化;疏通物流渠道;在城市规划、土地制度、产权制度、经营形式和科技推广等政策上需要给予支持和规范。  相似文献   

<正> 目前,全市农业和农村经济发展已进入一个新的阶段,农业发展的主要制约因素已从以往单纯的资源约束转向以需求约束为主,全市经济生活已基本上实现了由卖方市场向买方市场的转变。作为大农业的重要组成部分的林业同样面临着调整结构,提高质量,增加效益和保持农村社会稳定的重大任务。为了更好地完成这一阶段性任务,推动全市经济和社会持续发展,特提出我市林业生产结构调整意见:  相似文献   

This article unpacks the problematic relationship between emerging climate change adaptation norms and changes underway in agricultural extension. It is increasingly recognised that in order to apply new knowledge about climate change in rural development practice a more institutional perspective is needed, but there is no clear consensus on what this implies. This article looks at agricultural extension as an example of a meso-level institution that is frequently assumed to be a major potential “implementing partner” in climate adaptation efforts, at the same time as it is also often portrayed as a worst-case example of the obstacles encountered in changing the focus of a path dependent bureaucracy. This article contrasts the perspectives of normative climate adaptation frameworks (exemplified by the 2011 World Resources Report) with what is known about prevailing extension trends and realities. It is suggested that long lists of recommended climate adaptation tasks and technologies may distract from an understanding of the institutional change processes underway within meso-level institutions, wherein the climate agenda would need to be merged with other agendas related to pluralistic, pragmatic, accountable, sustainable and market-oriented rural development.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the Quarternary geology of the Australian sector of Antarctica is very incomplete. Scattered observations of glacial deposits in that area, made during the ANARE 6 expedition in 1987, indicate that the inland ice had formerly a considerably wider extension than today. The ice was more than 200 m thicker, probably of the order 1, 000m. This maximum stage cannot yet be dated, but conditions seem to favour a late Wisconsin-Weichselian maximum age. However, a much higher age cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Summary. The Western Approaches Margin (WAM) profile was shot to test the hypothesis that the reflectivity observed in the lower crust is related to extensional processes. The preliminary results of the experiment show that the reflectivity in the lower crust appears to become weaker on the continental shelf near the slope break. Detailed examination of the data however, show a significant increase in noise in the region where the layering appears to fade. The noise may be of sufficient amplitude to obscure any coherent lower crustal events present. Therefore, the only conclusion that can presently be drawn from the dataset is that the layering does not become more pronounced in the region of maximum extension.  相似文献   

可拓工程方法在自然地理界线划分中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
晏路明 《地理研究》1999,18(1):53-58
应用可拓工程方法和主成分分析方法,对福建省境内南亚热带北界最佳位置的确定建立了识别对象的物元模型,模型输出的结果获得满意的自然地理意义解释。  相似文献   

When classical rough set (CRS) theory is used to analyze spatial data, there is an underlying assumption that objects in the universe are completely randomly distributed over space. However, this assumption conflicts with the actual situation of spatial data. Generally, spatial heterogeneity and spatial autocorrelation are two important characteristics of spatial data. These two characteristics are important information sources for improving the modeling accuracy of spatial data. This paper extends CRS theory by introducing spatial heterogeneity and spatial autocorrelation. This new extension adds spatial adjacency information into the information table. Many fundamental concepts in CRS theory, such as the indiscernibility relation, equivalent classes, and lower and upper approximations, are improved by adding spatial adjacency information into these concepts. Based on these fundamental concepts, a new reduct and an improved rule matching method are proposed. The new reduct incorporates spatial heterogeneity in selecting the feature subset which can preserve the local discriminant power of all features, and the new rule matching method uses spatial autocorrelation to improve the classification ability of rough set-based classifiers. Experimental results show that the proposed extension significantly increased classification or segmentation accuracy, and the spatial reduct required much less time than classical reduct.  相似文献   

基于可拓层次分析法的区域泥石流灾害评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决传统方法在泥石流沟评价方案重要性赋值时只考虑两种极端情况的限制问题,以甘肃省天祝藏族自治县境内的13条泥石流沟作为研究对象,将可拓集合理论和方法应用到区域(流域)多条泥石流沟的实际评价问题中,为区域(流域)多条泥石流沟的综合评价和排序以及区域泥石流综合治理提供了新的思路。结果表明:(1)通过本方法研究得到13条泥石流沟中处于中度危险的有1条,其余12条处于轻度危险,与其他研究成果较为一致。说明本方法在区域(流域)多条泥石流沟的综合评价和排序方面的理论是合理的。(2)本方法同时考虑了以往泥石流沟危险性评价使用模糊AHP方法不考虑判断矩阵一致性方面的缺欠,将求解符合一致性要求的判断矩阵权重向量的方法有机地融合到EAHP方法中,使决策结果更贴近客观实际。(3)研究进一步指出,泥石流沟危险性评价的核心问题是判断指标的选择,应根据不同的区域的实际情况选取。虽然指标选择困难较大,但对于同一区域而言,某些指标对于各泥石流沟的影响是基本一致的(比如降水、下垫面、区域地质等因素),因此,利用该方法可以避免过多的指标参与到评价模式之中,使评价过程更为简单。  相似文献   

Crustal extension during and following continental collision is well documented in the Arctic Caledonian fold belt. However, models for the post-collisional extension of the Caledonides are mainly based on geoscientific data from Scandinavia. For a more complete understanding of the evolution of the Caledonides, knowledge of the crustal structure of East Greenland is vital. Seismic and gravity studies have revealed a pronounced Moho topography and a west-dipping lower crustal reflector beneath the fjord region of East Greenland. These deep crustal structures are related to Late Caledonian extensional structures at the surface. The observations can be satisfactorily explained by applying simple shear or eduction models proposed for upper crustal extension in Scandinavia to the complementing lower crustal structures in East Greenland. However, exhumation of the Caledonian Northeast Greenland eclogite province cannot be accomplished by these models. Instead, a synthesis of geoscientific data has shown marked differences in the crustal structure of East Greenland north and south of about 76°N, indicating a different crustal evolution of the northern and southern parts of the East Greenland Caledonides.  相似文献   

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