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上海洋山建港后港域夏季水文泥沙状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对2007年9月17-26日在上海洋山港海域固定观测点(平均水深13 m)观测得到的水文泥沙要素,以及悬沙和底质样品分析.分析结果为:1)港域有效波高0.21-1.37 m(风速0.6~14.0 m/s),平均0.61 m(平均风速5.5 m/s).平静天气(平均风速小于5.0 m/s)下,波高随水深变化,两者的相关系数为0.899;而在强风天气下,波高受风况控制.2)最大表层流速超过2.00 m/s.大潮涨潮流占优势,小潮时落潮流占优势;与北岛链汉道封堵前相比,大潮涨、落潮平均流速分别减小15%和30%,小潮涨、落潮平均流速均减小30%~40%.各层余流均为西北方向,与涨潮流方向一致;垂向平均余流速0.11 cm/s,表层达0.25 m/s.3)离底高程1.35 m层和0.35m层最大悬沙浓度均大于3 kg/m3,两层平均悬沙浓度分别为0.89和0.95 kg/m3.无论大潮还是小潮涨潮悬沙浓度均大于落潮,这种现象在大潮时更为显著,潮周期中最大悬沙浓度出现在涨急.与工程前相比悬沙浓度明显降低,大、小潮降低均达20%.4)港区底质平均粒径9.0μm,工程后有变细的趋势.  相似文献   

This paper presents an investigation of the long-term consolidation and strength behavior with fly ash as an additive in improving soft marine clay in Wando, Korea. 0%, 5%, 10%, 20% and 25% of the soil was replaced with fly ash. Consolidation tests were performed as incremental loaded tests. In addition, unconfined compressive strength were determined after 1, 14, 28 and 90 days. A series of forty-two long-term consolidation tests that lasted for 60 days under the constant loading were also conducted. Creep settlements of the blends decreased significantly with an increase in fly ash content. The shear strength properties increased with an increase in fly ash content. Statistical evaluation reveals an excellent correlation between the measured and predicted undrained shear strengths.  相似文献   

混凝土在海洋暴露过程中的氯离子渗透研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将矿粉掺量0%~65%、粉煤灰掺量0%~30%混凝土置于海洋大气区、潮汐区2年,研究海洋不同区域、矿粉掺量、粉煤灰掺量对混凝土中氯离子渗透规律的影响。结果表明:混凝土在海洋环境下暴露2年,氯离子质量分数随着渗透深度的增加而减小,最后趋于稳定;海洋潮汐区腐蚀混凝土氯离子传输受扩散机制控制,而大气区腐蚀混凝土受到扩散和毛细吸附双重机制控制。随着腐蚀龄期的增加,混凝土中氯离子侵蚀深度增加,表面层氯离子浓度线性增加。潮汐区腐蚀混凝土的氯离子浓度高于大气区腐蚀混凝土,但其表观氯离子扩散系数小于大气区腐蚀混凝土。粉煤灰和矿粉掺量对于混凝土的抗氯离子渗透能力而言,其最优值分别为15%、30%。  相似文献   

针对海洋环境条件,重点研究了粉煤灰混凝土的抗冻性和氯离子渗透性能的相互关系.试验分别研究了水胶比、粉煤灰等量取代水泥掺量大小、引气剂掺量等因素对抗冻性和抗氯离子渗透性能的影响,并与普通混凝土进行了对比.结果表明,粉煤灰不增加混凝土的抗海水冻融耐久性;粉煤灰增加混凝土的抗氯离子渗透性能,但是掺量超过30%,抗氯离子渗透性能下降;粉煤灰对混凝土抗冻性和抗氯离子渗透性的耦合影响在30%左右存在一个最佳掺量.为评估混凝土的抗冻性和氯离子扩散性的耦合性能,提出了新的评价方法--冻渗比(R值方法),并进行了试验验证.SEM和MIP微观分析与R值方法评价的结果是吻合的.  相似文献   

在青岛娄山河污水处理厂使用强夯法对粉煤灰地基进行处理,通过定量计算分析强夯前后土工试验、原位测试结果,评价粉煤灰物理力学性质的改善状况;分析原位测试试验成果之间的内在联系,对强夯法加固粉煤灰地基的效果评价进行了初步研究。结果显示,强夯有效加固深度内的粉煤灰层物理力学性质发生了明显改善,但其孔隙比仍大于1.0;点夯过程宜及时排水,以提高夯实效率。本文研究结论对粉煤灰地区的加固具有一定的指导和参考意义。  相似文献   

倪国荣 《海岸工程》2006,25(3):60-67
氯化物是钢筋混凝土结构在使用寿命期内可能遇到的一种最危险的侵蚀介质,混凝土中钢筋表面的氯离子浓度超过一定的限值,钢筋就可能会发生锈蚀,锈蚀的钢筋会导致混凝土构件的承载力下降.通过分析国内外研究者所做的大量工作,讨论了氯离子侵入引起的锈蚀钢筋混凝土构件的抗力计算方法,为氯化物环境条件下混凝土结构的耐久性评估提供参考.  相似文献   

The process of adsorption of metal ions by immobilized marine algae with the existence of clay was investigated. It can be noted from the results that, after mixing with clay, the adsorption rate increases rapidly with the increasing amount of the marine algae. When pH=5, the best ratio between the clay and the marine algae is 1:4 for Pb^2+. The result of in situ handling of the waste water containing heavy metals shows that the average adsorption rates of heavy metal irons Cu^2+, Cd^2+, Pb^2+ and Ni^2+ are all over 70 %.  相似文献   

In the present research, effect of silica fume as an additive and oil polluted sands as aggregates on compressive strength of concrete were investigated experimentally. The amount of oil in the designed mixtures was assumed to be constant and equal to 2% of the sand weight. Silica fume accounting for 10%, 15% and 20% of the weight is added to the designed mixture. After preparation and curing, concrete specimens were placed into the three different conditions: fresh, brackish and saltwater environments (submerged in fresh water, alternation of exposed in air & submerged in sea water and submerged in sea water). The result of compressive strength tests shows that the compressive strength of the specimens consisting of silica fume increases significantly in comparison with the control specimens in all three environments. The compressive strength of the concrete with 15% silica fume content was about 30% to 50% higher than that of control specimens in all tested environments under the condition of using polluted aggregates in the designed mixture.  相似文献   

A probabilistic framework for durability assessment of concrete structures in marine environments was proposed in terms of reliability and sensitivity analysis, which takes into account the uncertainties under the environmental, material, structural and executional conditions. A time-dependent probabilistic model of chloride ingress was established first to consider the variations in various governing parameters, such as the chloride concentration, chloride diffusion coefficient, and age factor. Then the Nataf transformation was adopted to transform the non-normal random variables from the original physical space into the independent standard Normal space. After that the durability limit state function and its gradient vector with respect to the original physical parameters were derived analytically, based on which the first-order reliability method was adopted to analyze the time-dependent reliability and parametric sensitivity of concrete structures in marine environments. The accuracy of the proposed method was verified by comparing with the second-order reliability method and the Monte Carlo simulation. Finally, the influences of environmental conditions, material properties, structural parameters and execution conditions on the time-dependent reliability of concrete structures in marine environments were also investigated. The proposed probabilistic framework can be implemented in the decision-making algorithm for the maintenance and repair of deteriorating concrete structures in marine environments.  相似文献   

采用自然扩散法研究了珊瑚混凝土在海水环境中的氯离子扩散特性,探讨了养护龄期、暴露时间和环境差异性对珊瑚混凝土表观氯离子扩散系数的影响。结果表明:随着暴露时间的延长,珊瑚混凝土的表观氯离子扩散系数呈幂指数衰减规律;且延长养护龄期可降低珊瑚混凝土的表观氯离子扩散系数;随着强度等级增加,混凝土的表观氯离子扩散系数降低。我国实际海洋工程中珊瑚混凝土结构的表观氯离子扩散系数比实验室条件要提高3个数量级。因此,适当延长养护时间、提高强度等级有助于延长珊瑚混凝土结构在海洋环境的服役寿命。  相似文献   

在模拟生态环境条件下研究了铜(Cu2+)、镉(Cd2+)和锌(Zn2+)3种重金属离子对2种海洋饵料微藻(青岛大扁藻(Platymonas helgolandica)和等鞭金藻8701(Isochrysis galbana 8701))的急性毒性效应,分析其对种群增长的影响,并利用透射电镜对微藻亚显微结构的变化进行分析。在实验浓度范围内,2种微藻的种群增长对3种重金属离子的急性胁迫表现出类似的变化趋势,随着胁迫浓度的增加,微藻的相对增长率均呈现出不断下降的趋势;通过比较2种微藻的48hEC50和96h-EC50发现:3种重金属离子的毒性程度为Cu2+Cd2+Zn2+,等鞭金藻8701对重金属胁迫的敏感性高于青岛大扁藻。2种微藻的亚显微结构观察显示,二者的膜结构及细胞核对Cu2+胁迫并不太敏感;与对照组相比等鞭金藻8701的色素体及贮能物质受影响较严重,而青岛大扁藻的叶绿体及淀粉粒受影响较大。  相似文献   

针对国内现有的氯离子侵蚀寿命预测模型存在的问题,提出了基于广义扩散方程(GDF)的海洋环境下混凝土结构耐久寿命预测的概率方法.以某海上混凝土工程原位取粉测试及室内快速试验为手段,获得不同环境分区的时变模型参数统计值.采用随机抽样方法,实现结构各部位混凝土使用寿命的概率预测.通过对模型参数的敏感性分析讨论了该模型的优点.最后,提出了周期性检测,不断更新模型参数的动态寿命评估思路.  相似文献   

对服役12年的华南某跨海大桥典型构件开展碳化性能、氯离子扩散性能等指标的耐久性检测,评估了海水环境下掺粉煤灰的高性能混凝土长期耐久性。研究表明:随高程的增加混凝土碳化深度逐渐增大,其中大气区浪溅区水位变动区,碳化作用对粉煤灰混凝土结构耐久性的影响较小;粉煤灰可显著提升实体结构混凝土抗氯离子侵蚀性能,粉煤灰高性能混凝土的氯离子扩散系数不大于0.40×10-12m2/s,比普通混凝土氯离子扩散系数降低了约6倍;利用规范计算了引桥承台混凝土中氯离子含量计算值,其计算值与实测值吻合较好,可用于实体工程混凝土结构的耐久性评估,评估结果显示采用粉煤灰高性能的桥梁典型构件满足100年设计使用寿命的要求。  相似文献   

表面氯离子含量(C_s)是研究海洋环境条件下混凝土结构耐久性和服役寿命的氯离子扩散方程的边界条件,是海洋混凝土结构耐久性分析和定量设计的重要参数。依据国内外大量自然暴露试验与工程实测数据,通过采用Excel、Origin等数据分析软件进行数据统计和回归分析,确定了海洋混凝土结构表面自由氯离子含量(C_(sf))与表面总氯离子含量(C_(st))之间的相互关系,探讨了海洋混凝土结构的C_(sf)时变规律,建立了C_(sf)与暴露时间之间的关系表达式及其取值范围,并运用可靠度理论和修正氯离子扩散理论分析了C_(sf)时变性对海洋混凝土结构寿命的影响。结果表明:C_(sf)与C_(st)线性相关,且C_(sf)随着暴露时间的延长呈指数或者幂函数的增长关系;采用不同的C_(sf)时变性规律,对海洋混凝土结构寿命具有重大的影响。  相似文献   

海洋重力测量动态环境效应分析与补偿   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对使用小型测量船搭载摆杆型海洋重力仪获取数据质量不高的问题,在深入分析海洋环境动态效应误差特性基础上,提出了一种基于互相关分析的交叉耦合效应修正法,对高动态海洋重力测量数据实施综合误差补偿和精细处理。使用典型恶劣海况条件下的观测数据对该方法的有效性进行了验证,结果显示,重力测线成果内符合精度从原先的±9.35×10-5m/s2大幅提升到±1.43×10-5m/s2,同时使用卫星测高反演重力对精细处理结果的可靠性进行了外部检核,外符合精度也从原先的±7.73×10-5m/s2提高到±5.63×10-5m/s2。  相似文献   

本文研究了声波对某些海洋生物的影响与作用。实验表明,适当的声波剂量对海洋生物的作用所产生的声学生物效应是积极的,可促使生物体向有利的方向产生变异,而强度过大的声波对海洋生物有效伤甚至致死的效应。  相似文献   

海洋环境中温湿度变化对混凝土氯离子传输研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
氯离子渗透到混凝土内部诱发钢筋锈蚀是海洋钢筋混凝土面临的耐久性关键问题。构建考虑骨料、浆体集料界面区的混凝土模型,建立了环境温度、湿度影响的氯离子传输模型,基于COMSOL数值模拟软件分析了材料、环境对混凝土氯离子传输的影响规律,并通过试验进行了验证。结果表明:模拟结果和试验数据具有较高的吻合度;随着温度的升高,氯离子扩散加快,而混凝土中氯离子的渗透深度随着内部湿度的增大而呈现减小趋势。混凝土中高致密骨料存在阻碍了氯离子传输,但界面区存在使得氯离子沿界面区传输并在骨料背后形成传输前锋。  相似文献   

Coal ash producing is an increasing trend because of its high energy demand worldwide. For transportation, disposal, and reuse of the industrial waste materials, geotextile tube’s dewatering technology has been widely used over the last three decades, which helps to decrease the volume of the dewatered slurry. In this study, effect of usage of polymer and fibers on dewatering characteristic of fly ash slurries was investigated. For the experimental investigation, an anionic polymer and short nylon fibers were used. As a new concept, centrifuge test is introduced as an alternative for the widely used pressure filtration test (PFT). Centrifuge test was used to evaluate final solid content of the retained sediments and change in slurry volume of fly ash. Tests were conducted on unconditioned and anionic polyacrylamide and/or fiber conditioned fly ash slurries. Centrifuge test results were compared with PFT results with respect to final solid content. It was found that fiber and/or polymer usage has remarkable effect on the dewatering rate of fly ash slurry. It was also found that final solid content of fly ash slurries was decreased by inclusion of fibers and polymer, which indicates that fiber and/or polymer usage can create more permeable soil body.  相似文献   

运用可持续发展理论 ,在改进了国内著名学者潘家华所提出的模型基础上 ,构造了海洋经济可持续发展理论模型。新模型的构造与应用得到了一些有意义的结果 ,为制定海洋开发利用政策提供了更充分的理论依据。  相似文献   


Rapid industrial growth and increasing population has resulted in the discharge of wastes into the ocean, wastes which ultimately reach the seabed and contaminate the marine sediments. The soil-contaminants interaction, and their associated physico chemical properties with sediments control the behavior of marine clays. Marine clay deposits of low strength and high compressibility are located in many coastal and offshore areas. There are several foundation problems encountered in these weak marine clays. In this study, experimental work was carried out in the laboratory to stabilize soft marine clays using the lime column technique. Also the lime-induced effects on the physical and engineering behavior of marine clays in sulfate-contaminated marine environment was investigated. Consolidation tests indicate that compressibility of the lime-treated samples was reduced to 1/2–1/3 of the virgin soil after 45 days treatment. The test results also suggest that the lime column technique can be conveniently used to improve the behavior of contaminated marine clay deposits.  相似文献   

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