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The Merensky Reef and the underlying Upper Group 2 chromitite layer, in the Critical Zone of the Bushveld Complex, host much of the world’s platinum-group element (PGE) mineralization. The genesis is still debated. A number of features of the Merensky Reef are not consistent with the hypotheses involving mixing of magmas. Uniform mixing between two magmas over an area of 150 by 300 km and a thickness of 3–30 km seems implausible. The Merensky Reef occurs at the interval where Main Zone magma is added, but the relative proportions of the PGE in the Merensky Reef are comparable to those of the Critical Zone magma. Mineral and isotopic evidence in certain profiles through the Merensky Unit suggest either mixing of minerals, not magmas, and in one case, the lack of any chemical evidence for the presence of the second magma. The absence of cumulus sulphides immediately above the Merensky Reef is not predicted by this model. An alternative model is proposed here that depends upon pressure changes, not chemical processes, to produce the mineralization in chromite-rich and sulphide-rich reefs. Magma was added at these levels, but did not mix. This addition caused a temporary increase in the pressure in the extant Critical Zone magma. Immiscible sulphide liquid and/or chromite formed. Sinking sulphide liquid and/or chromite scavenged PGE (as clusters, nanoparticles or platinum-group minerals) from the magma and accumulated at the floor. Rupturing of the roof resulted in a pressure decrease and a return to sulphur-undersaturation of the magma.  相似文献   

A suite of 30 samples was collected from the Burgersfort bulge area of the eastern Bushveld Complex for a detailed quantitative textural study. The studied section represents a stratigraphic column approximately 1,000 m thick, of mainly orthopyroxenites from the lower zone (LZ) and lower critical zone. Crystal size distribution (CSD) plots and quantitative fabric analyses reveal a history of crystal aging and compaction, as evident from the loss of smaller-sized crystals and the development of foliation with little evidence of mineral lineation. Compared with the thicker section from Jagdlust (~80 km north), the LZ orthopyroxenites at Burgersfort are consistently finer grained. Foliation is equally well developed at both locations and is consistent with a relatively thin compaction zone at the top of the mush column. Grain size is largely a function of local cooling history with a grain size growth exponent estimated to be between 2.0 and 3.4.  相似文献   

Connectivity between the western and eastern limbs of the Bushveld Complex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mafic layered rocks of the Bushveld Complex are 6–8 km thick and crop out over an area of 65,000 km2. Previous interpretations of the Bouguer gravity anomalies suggested that the intrusion consisted of two totally separate bodies. However, the mafic sequences in these arcuate western and eastern limbs are remarkably similar, with at least six petrologically distinctive layers and sequences being recognisable in both limbs. Such similarity of sequences in two totally discrete bodies 200–300 km apart is petrologically implausible, and it is suggested that they formed within a single lopolithic intrusion.

All previous Bouguer gravity models failed to consider the isostatic response of the crust to emplacement of this huge mass of mafic magma. Isostatic adjustment as a result of this intrusion would have caused the base of the crust to be depressed by as much as 6 km. With this revised whole crustal model, it becomes possible to construct a gravity model, consistent with observed data, which includes a 6 km-thick sequence of mafic rocks connecting the western and eastern limbs of the Bushveld Complex. The exact depth at which the mafic rocks of the Bushveld Complex lie in the centre of the structure cannot be constrained by the gravity data.

Such a first-order model is an approximation, because there have been subsequent deformation and structural readjustments in the crust, some of them probably related to the emplacement of the Bushveld Complex. Specifically, the observed geometry of the rocks around the Crocodile River, Dennilton, Marble Hall and Malope Domes suggests that major upwarping of the crust occurred on a variety of scales, triggered by emplacement of the Bushveld Complex.  相似文献   

南非布什维尔德岩浆型Cu-Ni-PGE硫化物矿床成因探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
南非布什维尔德杂岩体(BIC)是世界上最大的镁铁质层状侵入体(东西长450km,南北宽250km),也是世界上单个蕴藏铂族金属( PGE)、铬铁矿和钒钛磁铁矿的最重要矿床,其中PGE储量为65 473 t,含有全球75%的PGE,是全球最大的PGE矿床.沿着Rustenburg镁铁质-超镁铁质层状岩套(RLS,厚度7~...  相似文献   

Low‐pressure and high‐temperature (LP–HT) metamorphism of basaltic rocks, which occurs globally and throughout geological time, is rarely constrained by forward phase equilibrium modelling, yet such calculations provide valuable supplementary thermometric information and constraints on anatexis that are not possible to obtain from conventional thermometry. Metabasalts along the southern margin of the Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC) record evidence of high‐grade contact metamorphism involving partial melting and melt segregation. Peak metamorphic temperatures reached at least ~925°C at ~1–3 kbar near the SIC contact. Preservation of the peak mineral assemblage indicates that most of the generated melt escaped from these rocks leaving a residuum characterized by a plagioclase–orthopyroxene–clinopyroxene–ilmenite‐magnetite±melt assemblage. Peak temperatures reached ~875°C up to 500 m from the SIC lower contact, which marks the transition to metabasalts that only experienced incipient partial melting without melt loss. Metabasalts ~500 to 750 m from the SIC contact are characterized by a similar two‐pyroxene mineral assemblage, but typically contain abundant hornblende that overgrew clino‐ and orthopyroxene along an isobaric cooling path. Metabasalts ~750 to 1,000 m from the SIC contact are characterized by a hornblende–plagioclase–quartz–ilmenite assemblage indicating temperatures up to ~680°C. Mass balance and phase equilibria calculations indicate that anatexis resulted in 10–20% melt generation in the inner ~500 m of the aureole, with even higher degrees of melting towards the contact. Comparison of multiple models, experiments, and natural samples indicates that modelling in the Na2O–CaO–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–O2 (NCFMASHTO) system results in the most reliable predictions for the temperature of the solidus. Incorporation of K2O in the most recent amphibole solution model now successfully predicts dehydration melting by the coexistence of high‐Ca amphibole and silicate melt at relatively low pressures (~1.5 kbar). However, inclusion of K2O as a system component results in prediction of the solidus at too low a temperature. Although there are discrepancies between modelling predictions and experimental results, this study demonstrates that the pseudosection approach to mafic rocks is an invaluable tool to constrain metamorphic processes at LP–HT conditions.  相似文献   

Thirty separates of plagioclase, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene from the lower Main Zone of the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex were analysed for their mercury contents using combustion atomic absorption spectroscopy with gold amalgamation pre-concentration. The average mercury contents of plagioclase, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene were found to be 0.9 ppb, 1.2 ppb and 1.1 ppb, respectively. Mercury within the separates does not vary systematically with any of the major element oxides present in the minerals. Based on a positive 1:1 correlation between mercury in orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene, we estimate DOpxHg ≈ DCpxHg, and on this basis, can exclude the presence of significant Hg2+ within the melts from which these minerals crystallised. The lack of correlation between mercury in plagioclase and that in the mafic silicates may suggest diffusional loss of the element from the former during slow cooling under magmatic conditions and better retention of mercury by the mafic silicates under the same conditions. Alternatively and more likely, this lack of correlation may support earlier arguments based on distinct Sr-isotopic disequilibrium between co-existing plagioclase and mafic silicates, that plagioclase and the mafic silicates in the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex may have crystallised from different melts within a variably contaminated, sub-Bushveld staging chamber.  相似文献   

The northern lobe of the Bushveld Complex is currently a highly active area for platinum-group element (PGE) exploration. This lobe hosts the Platreef, a 10–300-m thick package of PGE-rich pyroxenites and gabbros, that crops out along the base of the lobe to the north of Mokopane (formerly Potgietersrus) and is amenable to large-scale open pit mining along some portions of its strike. An early account of the geology of the deposit was produced by Percy Wagner where he suggested that the Platreef was an equivalent PGE-rich layer to the Merensky Reef that had already been traced throughout the eastern and western lobes of the Bushveld Complex. Wagner’s opinion remains widely held and is central to current orthodoxy on the stratigraphy of the northern lobe. This correlates the Platreef and an associated cumulate sequence that includes a chromitite layer—known as the Grasvally norite-pyroxenite-anorthosite (GNPA) member—directly with the sequence between the UG2 chromitite and the Merensky Reef as it is developed in the Upper Critical Zone of the eastern and western Bushveld. Implicit in this view of the magmatic stratigraphy is that similar Critical Zone magma was present in all three lobes prior to the development of the Merensky Reef and the Platreef. However, when this assumed correlation is examined in detail, it is obvious that there are significant differences in lithologies, mineral textures and chemistries (Mg# of orthopyroxene and olivine) and the geochemistry of both rare earth elements (REE) and PGE between the two sequences. This suggests that the prevailing interpretation of the stratigraphy of the northern lobe is not correct. The “Critical Zone” of the northern lobe cannot be correlated with the Critical Zone in the rest of the complex and the simplest explanation is that the GNPA-Platreef sequence formed from a separate magma, or mixture of magmas. Chilled margins of the GNPA member match the estimated initial composition of tholeiitic (Main Zone-type) magma rather than a Critical Zone magma composition. Where the GNPA member is developed over the ultramafic Lower Zone, hybrid rocks preserve evidence for mixing between new tholeiitic magma and existing ultramafic liquid. This style of interaction and the resulting rock sequences are unique to the northern lobe. The GNPA member contains at least seven sulphide-rich horizons with elevated PGE concentrations. Some of these are hosted by pyroxenites with similar mineralogy, crystallisation sequences and Pd-rich PGE signatures to the Platreef. Chill zones are preserved in the lowest Main Zone rocks above the GNPA member and the Platreef and this suggests that both units were terminated by a new influx of Main Zone magma. This opens the possibility that the Platreef and GNPA member merge laterally into one another and that both formed in a series of mixing/quenching events involving tholeiitic and ultramafic magmas, prior to the main influx of tholeiitic magma that formed the Main Zone.  相似文献   

总结南非布什维尔德杂岩体中Merensky Reef(简称MR矿层)和Platreef(简称PR接触带)两类铂族元素矿床的矿床地质、矿化特征以及铂族元素的赋存状态。MR矿床是典型的层状铂族元素(PGE)矿床,在杂岩体东部和西部发育,PGE总含量稳定,赋存在堆晶间隙硫化物中,常以PGE硫化物的形式产出。PR接触带型矿化集中在杂岩体北段,整体上不连续,各个矿床的具体特征由于底盘岩性的多变而不同,PGE主要赋存在碲化物和砷化物等半金属化合物中,可以脱离硫化物产在硅酸盐矿物中。相关的实验研究显示,PGE在岩浆结晶过程中发生分异,Pd/Ir比值体现了硫化物的分异程度;Pd比Pt更容易被氧化以及在热液中迁移,Pt/Pd比值体现了混染和热液的作用,这些因素造成了PR接触带与MR矿层中PGE赋存状态的差异。岩浆可能在侵入之前已经达到了硫饱和,岩浆房的压力变化和岩浆通道对于PGE的富集有重要意义,热液流体可以对已经形成的PGE矿化进行改造。  相似文献   

Syn-magmatic removal of the cumulate pile during the formation of the Bushveld Complex resulted in “potholes”. Erosion progressed downward in the cumulate pile, resulting in a series of steep, transgressive contacts between locally conformable potholed reefs in the regional pothole sub-facies of the Swartklip Facies in the western limb of the Bushveld Complex. The deepest of these potholes, “third-order” or “FWP2” potholing, occurs where the base of the Merensky Cyclic Unit transgresses the Upper Pseudo-Reef Chromitite marker horizon. The base of a FWP2 pothole on Northam Platinum Mine consists of an unconformable stringer Merensky Chromitite overlain by a medium-grained, poikilitic orthopyroxenite and underlain by either a pegmatitic harzburgite or the medium-grained Lower Pseudo-Reef Anorthosite. Detailed shape and distribution analysis of FWP2 potholes reveals underlying patterns in their shape and distribution which, in turn, suggest a structural control. The ratio between pothole short vs long axes is 0.624 (N=1,385), although the ratio increases from 0.48 to 0.61 in the long axis range 10 to 60 m, then decreases from 0.61 to 0.57 from 61 to 100 m, increasing again from 0.57 to 0.61 from 101 to 400 m, suggesting that there is not a simple relationship between pothole shape and size. Shape (circularity, eccentricity, and dendricity) analysis of a subset of 638 potholes indicates that potholes with long axes <100 m have an elliptical, average normalized shape, elongate on a 120–150° orientation. Potholes with long axis lengths >100 m have an average normalized shape that is bilobate and elongate on a 120° orientation. The average aspect ratio (short axis length divided by long axis length) of potholes is highest for potholes with long axis lengths >100 m and lowest for potholes with long axis lengths between 35 and 60 m. The most common long axis orientation for potholes with long axis lengths <100 m is 150° but 120° for long axis lengths >100 m. Fractal analysis indicates that the distribution of pothole centers is controlled neither by a single nor several interacting fractal dimensions. Autocorrelation (Fry) analysis of the distribution of pothole centers shows recurring pothole distribution trends at 038, 070, and 110° for potholes over the full range of long axis lengths, while the trends of 008 and 152° occur in potholes with long axes lengths between 60 and 100 m. Chi-squared (X 2) analysis of the locations of pothole centers suggests that the distribution of small potholes is highly non-uniform but becomes exponentially more uniform with increasing pothole size. The model which best fits the observed shape and distribution analysis is a combination of protracted independent growth and “nearest neighbor” merging along specific orientations. For instance, the clustered distribution of original pothole centers resulted in merged potholes with long axes lengths of up to 60 m, exhibiting short vs long axes ratios of 0.61, preferred orientations of 150°, and alignment along 010 and 150° trends. Further independent growth allowed for merging of similar-sized (and smaller) neighboring potholes, generating potholes with long axes of up to 100 m in length, a preferred long axis orientation of 150°, and alignment along 010, 040, 075, and 150°. Subsequent preferential merging occurred along a 120° trend, thereby preserving a bilobate form. This implies that while pothole initiation and enlargement may be driven by a “top-down” (i.e., possibly thermomechanical) process, an underlying linear or structural catalyst/control is revealed in changes in pothole shape during enlargement and, furthermore, in the preferred trends along which potholes merged over a considerable period, possibly concomitant with adjustment of major structures in the footwall to the Bushveld Complex and pulses into the magma chamber.  相似文献   

The Merensky pegmatoid (normal reef) in the western Bushveld Complex is commonly characterized as a pyroxene-rich pegmatoidal unit with a base that is enriched in chromite and platinum-group element-bearing sulfides overlying a leuconorite footwall. Models for its formation have ranged from those that view it as entirely a magmatic cumulate succession to those that have suggested that it is a zone of volatile-induced remelting. The consequences of the latter interpretation are investigated using the numerical modeling program IRIDIUM, which links diffusive and advective mass and heat transport with a phase equilibration routine based on the MELTS program. The initial system consists of a simple stratigraphic succession of a partially molten leuconorite overlain by a partially molten pyroxenite, both initially at 1,190°C and 2 kbar. 2 wt% of a volatile fluid composed of 75 mol% H2O, 20 mol% COand 5 mol% H2S is then added to the lower 20 cm of the pyroxenite. The system is then allowed to evolve under conditions of chemical diffusion in the liquid. The addition of the volatile components results in a modest increase in the amount of melt in the pyroxenite. However, chemical diffusion across the leuconorite–pyroxenite boundary leads to more extensive melting at and below the boundary with preferential loss of opx from the underlying leuconorite, preferential re-precipitation of sulfide and chromite and concentration of the PGE at this boundary. These results mimic actual mineral and compositional profiles across the Merensky pegmatoid and illustrate that long-term diffusion process can effectively produce mineralogical and compositional layering not present in the original assemblage.  相似文献   

The Platreef, the putative local analogue of the Merensky Reef, forms the floor to the mafic succession in the northern limb of the Bushveld Complex. We define the Platreef as ‘the lithologically variable unit, dominated by pyroxenite, which is irregularly mineralised with PGE, Cu and Ni, between the Transvaal metasedimentary footwall or Archaean basement and the overlying Main Zone gabbronorite’. We define the mineralisation around calcsilicate xenoliths within the Main Zone in the far north of the limb as a ‘Platreef-style‘ mineralisation. The Platreef (ss) has a strike extent of ∼30 km, whereas Platreef-style mineralisation occurs over a strike length of 110 km. The Platreef varies from 400 m thick in the S to <50 m in the N. The overall strike is NW or N, with dips 40–45°W at surface, shallowing down dip, The overall geometry of the southern Platreef appears to have been controlled by irregular floor topography. The maximum thickness of the southern Platreef occurs in two sub-basins on the farms Macalacaskop and Turfspuit. Lithologically, the southern Platreef is heterogeneous and more variable than sectors further north and, although predominantly pyroxenitic, includes dunites, peridotites and norite cycles with anorthosite in the mid to upper portion. Zones of intense serpentinisation may occur throughout the package. Faults offset the strike of the Platreef: a N–S, steeply dipping set is predominant with secondary ENE and ESE sets dipping 50–70°S. The fault architecture was pre-Bushveld and also locally controlled thickening and thinning of the succession. Country rock xenoliths, <1500 m long, are common. On Macalacaskop, these are typically quartzites and hornfelsed banded ironstones, shales, mudstones and siltstones whereas on Turfspruit dolomitic or calcsilicate xenoliths also occur. Sulphides may reach >30 modal% in some intersections. These are dominated by pyrrhotite, with lesser pentlandite and chalcopyrite, minor pyrite and traces of a wide compositional range of sulphides. In the southern sector, mineralised zones have Cu grades of 0.1–0.25% and Ni 0.15–0.36%. Massive sulphides are localised, commonly, but not exclusively towards the contact with footwall metasedimentary rocks. Magmatic sulphides are disseminated or net-textured ranging from a few microns to 2 cm grains of pyrrhotite and pentlandite with chalcopyrite and minor pyrite. Much of the sulphide is associated with intergranular plagioclase, or quartz-feldspar symplectites, along the margins of rounded cumulus orthopyroxenes. The PGEs in the southern sector occur as tellurides, bismuthides, arsenides, antimonides, bismuthoantimonides and complex bismuthotellurides. PGM are rarely included in the sulphides but occur as micron-sized satellite grains around interstitial sulphides and within alteration assemblages in serpentinised zones. The Pt:Pd ratio ∼1 and PGE grade may be decoupled from S and base metal abundance.  相似文献   

The Platreef unit of the northern Bushveld Complex comprises a diverse package of pyroxenites, peridotites and mafic lithologies with associated Ni–Cu–platinum-group element (PGE) mineralisation. Base metal sulphides (BMS) are generally more abundant in the Platreef than in other Bushveld PGE deposits, such as the Merensky Reef and the UG2 chromitite, but the Platreef, though thicker, has lower overall PGE grades. Despite a commonly held belief that PGEs are closely associated with sulphide mineralisation, a detailed study by laser ablation ICP-MS (LA-ICP-MS) on a core through the Platreef at Turfspruit suggests that this is not strictly the case. While a significant proportion of the Pd, Os and Ir were found to be hosted by BMS, Pt, irrespective of its whole-rock concentration, was not. Only at the top of the Platreef is Pt directly associated with sulphide minerals where Pt–Pd–(±Sb)–Te–Bi-bearing inclusions were detected in the chalcopyrite portions of large composite sulphides. In contrast, Pd, Os, and Ir occur in solid solution and as discrete inclusions within the BMS throughout the core. For Os and Ir, this is usually in the form of Os–Ir alloys, whereas Pd forms a range of Pd–Te–Bi–(Sb) phases. Scanning electron microscope observations on samples from the top of the core revealed the presence of ≤0.2-mm-long (PtPd)2(Sb,Te,Bi)2 michenerite–maslovite laths within the chalcopyrite portions of large composite sulphides. Additional Pt-bearing minerals, including sperrylite and geversite, and a number of Pd(–Te–Bi–Sb) minerals were observed in, or close to, the alteration rims of these sulphides. This textural association was observed throughout the core. Similar platinum-group minerals (PGMs) were observed within the felsic assemblages composed of quartz, plagioclase, alkali feldspar and clinopyroxene produced by late-stage felsic melts that permeated the Platreef. Many of these PGMs occur a significant distance away from any sulphide minerals. We believe these features can all be linked to the introduction of As, Sb, Te and Bi into the magmatic system through assimilation of sedimentary footwall rocks and xenoliths. Where the degree of contamination was high, all of the Pt and some of the Pd formed As- and Sb-bearing PGM that were expelled to the edges of the sulphide droplets. Many of these were redistributed where they came into contact with late-stage felsic melts. Where no felsic melt interactions occurred, the expelled Pt- and Pd-arsenides and antimonides remained along the margins of the sulphides. At the top of the Platreef, where the effects of contamination were relatively low, some of the Pt remained within the sulphide liquids. On cooling, this formed the micro-inclusions and blade-like laths of Pt–Pd–(Sb)–Bi–Te in the chalcopyrite.  相似文献   

Xenoliths of quartz‐absent Fe‐rich aluminous metapelite are common within the platinum group element‐rich mafic/ultramafic magmatic rocks of the Platreef. Relative to well‐characterized protoliths, the xenoliths are strongly depleted in K2O and H2O, and have lost a substantial amount of melt (>50 vol.%). Mineral equilibria calculations in the NCKFMASHTO system yield results that are consistent with observations in natural samples. Lower‐grade rocks that lack staurolite constrain peak pressures to ~2.5 kbar in the southern Platreef. Smaller xenoliths and the margins of larger xenoliths comprise micro‐diatexite rich in coarse acicular corundum and spinel, which record evidence for the metastable persistence of lower‐grade hydrous phases and rapid melting consequent on a temperature overstep of several hundred degrees following their incorporation in the mafic/ultramafic magmas. In the cores of larger xenoliths, temperatures increased more slowly enabling progressive metamorphism by continuous prograde equilibration and the loss of H2O by subsolidus dehydration; the H2O migrated to xenolith margins where it may have promoted increased melting. According to variations in the original compositional layering, layers became aluminosilicate‐ and/or cordierite‐rich, commonly with spinel but only rarely with corundum. The differing mineralogical and microstructural evolution of the xenoliths depends on heating rates (governed by their size and, therefore, proximity to the Platreef magmas) and the pre‐intrusive metamorphic grade of the protoliths. The presence or absence of certain phases, particularly corundum, is strongly influenced by the degree of metastable retention of lower‐grade hydrates in otherwise identical protolith bulk compositions. The preservation of fine‐scale compositional layering that is inferred to be relict bedding in xenolith cores implies that melt loss by compaction was extremely efficient.  相似文献   

The Betulia Igneous Complex (BIC) is a group of Late-Miocene (11.8 ± 0.2 Ma) hypabyssal intrusions of intermediate to felsic composition located in the SW of the Colombian Andes. These bodies have a calc-alkaline tendency and are related to the subduction of the Nazca plate under the South American plate. Diorites, quartz diorites and tonalities have porphyritic and phaneritic textures and are composed of plagioclase, amphibole, quartz, biotite, and orthoclase. Plagioclase is mainly of andesine-type and the amphiboles were classified mainly as magnesiohornblendes, actinolites, and tschermakites.BIC rocks have a narrow range of SiO2 content (59–67wt%) and exhibit an enrichment of LILE and LREE relative to HFSE and HREE, respectively. These features are attributed to enrichment of LILE from the source and retention of HFSE (mainly Nb, Ta, and Ti) by refractory phases within the same source. The depletion of HREE is explained by fractionation of mineral phases that have a high partition coefficients for these elements, especially amphiboles, the major mafic phase in the rocks. Nevertheless, the fractionation of garnet in early stages of crystallization is not unlikely. Probably all BIC units were generated by the same magma chamber or at least by the same petrologic mechanism as shown by the similar patterns in spider and REE diagrams; fractional crystallization and differentiation processes controlled the final composition of the rocks, and crystallization stages determined the texture.Isotopic compositions of BIC rocks (87Sr/86Sr: 0.70435–0.70511; 143Nd/144Nd: 0.51258–0.51280; 206Pb/204Pb: 19.13–19.31; 207Pb/204Pb: 15.67–15.76; 208Pb/204Pb: 38.93–39.20) indicate a source derived from the mantle with crustal contamination. The model proposed for the BIC consists of fluids from the dehydration of the subducted slab (Nazca plate) and subducted sediments that generated partial melting of the mantle wedge. These basaltic melts ascended to the mantle–crust boundary where they were retained due to density differences and began to produce processes of melting, assimilation, storage, and homogenization (MASH zone). At this depth (∼40–45 km), fractional crystallization and differentiation processes began to produce more felsic magmas that were able to ascend through the crust and be emplaced at shallow depths.  相似文献   

Andalusite–staurolite–biotite hornfels metamorphosed beneath the mafic layered rocks of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa, preserves a detailed record of the relative timing of porphyroblast growth and metamorphic reactions. The sequence inferred from microstructures shows considerable overlap of the period of growth of porphyroblasts of staurolite, cordierite, biotite and andalusite, and the persistence over a similar interval of the reactant porphyroblastic phase chloritoid. This is inconsistent with calculations of equilibrium phase relations, and implies that disequilibrium processes controlled the prograde reaction sequence, despite the slow heating rates involved (1 °C per 10 000 yr). The early appearance of cordierite by a metastable reaction and its subsequent disappearance indicates that delayed nucleation of porphyroblastic phases, rather than simply sluggish reaction, is required to account for the sequence of growth. The predicted reactions for the first appearance of andalusite and staurolite have low entropy of reaction, and do not occur until they have been overtaken in terms of reaction affinity by high‐entropy devolatilisation reactions involving the breakdown of chlorite. Once the porphyroblasts have nucleated, metastable chloritoid‐breakdown reactions also contribute to their growth. The implied magnitude of the critical overstepping for andalusite nucleation is around 5 kJ mole?1 (equivalent to 40 °C for the chlorite‐breakdown reaction), and that for other phases is expected to decrease in the order andalusite>staurolite>cordierite. Coupling between nucleation rate, crystal growth rates and the resulting grain size distribution suggests that the rate constants of natural reactions are at least an order of magnitude lower than those measured in the laboratory. Pseudomorphs after chloritoid and cordierite conserve volume but not Al or other species of low mobility, suggesting a breakdown mechanism controlled by an interface process such as the slow dissolution of the refractory porphyroblast phase, rather than by a transport step.  相似文献   

The Bushveld Complex and other layered intrusions show significant initial isotopic heterogeneity, both between and within co-existing cumulate minerals. Various processes have been proposed to account for this, including (i) intrusion of variably contaminated crystal mushes from deeper staging chambers, (ii) blending of semi-consolidated crystal mushes as a result of subsidence during cooling, (iii) variable infiltration of contaminants into a partially solidified crystal mush, (iv) density-driven mixing of minerals from isotopically distinct magma pulses, (v) contamination of crystals at the roof of the intrusion and mechanical incorporation of such contaminated crystals into the lower crystallisation front as a result of gravitational instability at the upper crystallisation front, and (vi) late-stage metasomatic processes. In order to assess the likely process(es) responsible for initial isotopic heterogeneities within the Bushveld Complex, we analysed core and rim domains of 12 plagioclase crystals from the Main and Upper zones of the Bushveld Complex for their Sr-isotopic compositions. The data show the presence of multiple, isotopically heterogeneous populations of plagioclase occurring within the same rocks. The data presented here are best explained through the intrusion of variably contaminated crystal mushes derived from a sub-compartmentalized, sub-Bushveld staging chamber that underwent different degrees of contamination with crustal rocks of the Kaapvaal craton.  相似文献   

We have determined the S, Se, Cu and La contents through a complete stratigraphic section of the Bushveld Complex. The principle aim was to determine which phases controlled these elements. S, Se and Cu show positive correlations, but these elements do not correlate with La. In most cases, the concentration of S, Se and Cu in rocks containing greater than 800 ppm S can be modeled by segregation of a Fe–Ni–Cu sulfide liquid from a fractionating magma. As the magma evolved, Se and Cu were depleted by the continual segregation of sulfide liquid and the S/Se and S/Cu of the rocks increased. The Se/Cu ratio is higher in the more evolved rocks, which suggests that Se has a slightly lower partition coefficient than Cu into sulfide liquid (1,200 versus 1,700). The Lower and lower Critical Zone of the complex contains on average only 99 ppm S. The low S content of these rocks has led some authors to suggest that these rocks do not contain cumulate sulfides, despite the fact that they are moderately enriched in PGE. These samples fall along the same trend as the S-rich samples on the S-versus-Se plot and the S/La and Se/La ratios are greater than the initial magmas suggesting that despite the low S contents cumulate sulfides are present. Three models may be suggested in order to explain the low S content in the Lower and Critical Zone rocks: (a) the sulfides that were present have migrated away from the cumulate pile into the footwall or center of the intrusion; (b) the magma was saturated in sulfides at depth and during transport some sulfides lagged in embayments; (c) the rocks have lost both S and Se at high temperature. The first two models have important implications for exploration.  相似文献   

R. Grant Cawthorn   《Lithos》2007,95(3-4):381-398
Large layered intrusions are almost certainly periodically replenished during their protracted cooling and crystallization. The exact composition(s) of the replenishing magma(s) in the case of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa, has been debated, mainly on the basis of major element composition and likely crystallization sequences. The intrusion is dominated by orthopyroxene and plagioclase, and so their Cr and Sr contents, and likely partition coefficient values, can be used to re-investigate the appropriateness of the various proposed parental magmas. One magma type, with about 12% MgO, 1000 ppm Cr and 180 ppm Sr, can explain the genesis of the entire Lower and Critical Zones. A number of other magma compositions proposed to produce the Critical Zone fail to match these trace-element constraints by being too poor in Cr. A fundamentally different magma type was added at the base of the Main Zone, but none of the proposed compositions is consistent with the trace-element requirements. Specifically, the Cr contents are higher than predicted from pyroxene compositions. A further geological constraint is demonstrated from a consideration of the Cr budget at this level. There is an abrupt decrease from about 0.4% to 0.1% Cr2O3 in orthopyroxene across this Critical Zone–Main Zone transition. No realistic proportions of mixing between the residual magma at the top of the Critical Zone and any proposed added magma composition can have produced a composition that could have crystallized these low-Cr orthopyroxenes. Instead, it is suggested that the resident magma from the Upper Critical Zone was expelled from the chamber, possibly as sills into the country rocks, during influx of a dense, differentiated magma. Near the level of the Pyroxenite Marker in the Main Zone, there is further addition of a ferrobasaltic magma, with 6% MgO, 111 ppm Cr and 350 ppm Sr, that is consistent with the geochemical requirements.  相似文献   

In the present study, we document the nature of contact-style platinum-group element (PGE) mineralization along >100 km of strike in the northern lobe of the Bushveld Complex. New data from the farm Rooipoort are compared to existing data from the farms Townlands, Drenthe, and Nonnenwerth. The data indicate that the nature of the contact-style mineralization shows considerable variation along strike. In the southernmost portion of the northern Bushveld, on Rooipoort and adjoining farms, the mineralized sequence reaches a thickness of 700 m. Varied-textured gabbronorites are the most common rock type. Anorthosites and pyroxenites are less common. Chromitite stringers and xenoliths of calcsilicate and shale are largely confined to the lower part of the sequence. Layering is locally prominent and shows considerable lateral continuity. Disseminated sulfides may reach ca. 3 modal % and tend to be concentrated in chromitites and melanorites. Geochemistry indicates that the rocks can be correlated with the Upper Critical Zone. This model is supported by the fact that, in a down-dip direction, the mineralized rocks transform into the UG2-Merensky Reef interval. Between Townlands and Drenthe, the contact-mineralized sequence is thinner (up to ca. 400 m) than in the South. Chromitite stringers occur only sporadically, but ultramafic rocks (pyroxenites, serpentinites, and peridotites) are common. Xenoliths of calcsilicate, shale, and iron formation are abundant indicating significant assimilation of the floor rocks. Sulfides may locally form decimeter- to meter-sized massive lenses. PGE grades tend to be higher than elsewhere in the northern Bushveld. The compositions of the rocks show both Upper Critical Zone and Main Zone characteristics. At Nonnenwerth, the mineralized interval is up to ca. 400 m thick. It consists largely of varied-textured gabbronorites, with minor amounts of igneous ultramafic rocks and locally abundant and large xenoliths of calcsilicate. Layering is mostly weakly defined and discontinuous. Disseminated sulfides (<ca. 3 modal %) occur throughout much of the sequence. Geochemistry indicates that the rocks crystallized mainly from tholeiitic magma and thus have a Main Zone signature. The implication of our findings is that contact-style PGE mineralization in the northern lobe of the Bushveld Complex cannot be correlated with specific stratigraphic units or magma types, but that it formed in response to several different processes. At all localities, the magmas were contaminated with the floor rocks. Contamination with shale led to the addition of external sulfur to the magma, whereas contamination with dolomite may have oxidized the magma and lowered its sulfur solubility. In addition to contamination, some of the magmas, notably those of Upper Critical Zone lineage present at the south-central localities, contained entrained sulfides, which precipitated during cooling and crystallization.  相似文献   

采用ICP-MS方法分析了布什维尔德杂岩体Platreef矿床含矿岩石的主量及微量元素含量,并与金川铜镍硫化矿床进行对比研究.Platreef矿床含矿岩石与金川二辉橄榄岩的∑REE接近,球粒陨石标准化后的稀土元素(REE)均表现为轻稀土元素(LREE)富集、重稀土元素(HREE)平坦的右倾型配分曲线,但Platreef含矿岩石总体表现为正Eu异常,金川二辉橄榄岩与矿石样品则大部分表现为较强的负Eu异常,二者的差异实质上反映了成岩矿物斜长石与斜方辉石比率细微的变动.Platreef矿床岩(矿)石富集和高度分异不相容元素,Nb、Ta亏损,显示地幔柱岩浆受到地壳混染后,产生与弧苦橄岩相似的微量元素地球化学特征.金川含矿岩石富集Fe和Ti以及强不相容亲石元素,显示铁质玄武岩微量元素分布特征,虽然也可能受到地壳物质混染,但总体表现出含矿岩体母岩浆则可能来自EMI型富集地幔源区.Platreef矿层原始地幔标准化后Pt、Pd、Ru富集,Ir、Rh相对亏损的PGE配分型式以及Cs、Rb、Th、U、LREE等不相容元素和亲铜元素Cu、Ni的富集.暗示布什维尔德杂岩体岩浆源区残留地幔橄榄岩遭受含高度不相容元素的富矿流体的渗透混染即地幔交代,导致幔源岩浆发生PGE分异.  相似文献   

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